Ec sp2
Ec sp2
Ec sp2
Sample Papers 02
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
1. It is common knowledge that school children are under great pressure to perform well in
all fields, study ten subjects, play games and develop an impressive image. How do they
manage? The skills, techniques and principles which they pickup while still young help
them cope.
2. Two of twentieth century’s finest minds have lamented that schools are not teaching the
basics of personal excellence or the science of success. Edward De Bono : "Almost all of
what a child learns at school after the age often is totally irrelevant to his need in later
life. Most schools do not teach thinking at all.” The serious thesis of this article is that
management must be taught as a school subject. The weightiest argument is that children
arc managers.
3. Many of children are called upon to play directly three of the interpersonal roles:
“Figurehead”, “Leader" and “Liaison Officer". They do this while assisting teachers as
monitors or class representatives or group leaders during educational tours and field
work; while captaining teams on playgrounds; and while leading teams in quiz, debating
and other competitions. Many more play these roles as surrogates.
4. The decision role of “Entrepreneur and “Resource Allocator” may only occasionally be
assigned to children. However, it is worth noting that, according to a recent survey in
Delhi, a monthly allocation of up to Rs. 1000 is available as pocket money to school
children. Therefore, school children too need to have control over money and to develop
a sense of budget. If we add to these financial resources, the resources of time,
information and intellect available to children, the first two decision roles are not
irrelevant to them.
5. Children play the other two decision roles: “Disturbance Handler” and “Negotiator more
often. True, the international roles of “monitor, “disseminator and “spokesman” are not
so frequently and formally engaged in by children as by CEOs, MDs, Vice Presidents and
other adult managers.
6. If you cannot see children as managers, they arc managers in the making: Many of the
management habits (e.g., using a to-do list), management skills (e.g. Sensitive listening),
management attitudes and values are formed early in life. Personality theorists believe
that it is extremely difficult to change personality traits, styles of thinking and habits of
behavior once they are formed.
7. As in language learning, where basic aspects of language like pronunciation and rhythm
are extremely resistant to learning after puberty, good management habits, attitudes and
values are difficult to acquire in adulthood. In the fifties, even in the educationally
advanced countries such as the U.S. Algebra was thought to be too abstract to be taught
even in senior schools. Now it is taught from upper primary classes onwards in both
educationally progressive and developing countries. Computer skills, lateral thinking and
swimming, often felt to be forbidden by adults are easily learnt by children. In fact, both
research evidence and specialists beliefs strongly support the view that children's ability
to learn skills like swimming and creative thinking is much more developed than adults.
Equally important, complex organisms (a) learn what is necessary or pleasurable and (b)
adapt themselves in ways that will serve their needs and interests with amazing
enthusiasm, ease and effectiveness.
1. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions by
choosing the correct option given below:
i. The reason of pressure on children is:
a. Common knowledge
b. Absence of skills
c. Choice between studies and games
d. Performance demand in all fields
ii. What according to few educationists, is lacking in school teaching?
a. Basics of personal excellence
b. Science of success
c. Thinking
d. All of the above
iii. The sense of budget among children is an indication towards their capability of
a. Interpersonal role
b. Decision role
c. Leading role
d. Informational role
iv. The article advocates teaching .......... as a subject in school.
a. Management
b. Creative Thinking
c. Computer skills
d. Swimming
v. Which word in Para 7 is opposite in meaning of “concrete"?
a. Algebra
b. Acquire
c. Resistant
d. Abstract
vi. The terms used for a detailed critical inspection study in Para 4 is:
a. Intellect
b. Resource Allocator
c. Survey
d. Budget
2. Answer the following questions briefly:
i. How the interpersonal roles are performed by students? (Any One)
ii. What are the attributes of good management?
iii. Why is it difficult to acquire good management habits in adulthood?
iv. Which roles according to the author are occasionally performed by the students?
v. Which word in the above passage means the same as-Regretted (Para 2)
vi. Which word in the above passage means the same as-officially (Para 5)
Section-B: WRITING
3. You are Raman/Ramnya the head boy girl of R.P.V.V. Lajpat Nagar. Your school has
decided to celebrate the coming Wednesday as Green Day. It will be a no garbage
generation day and junk food will not be allowed in the tiffin box. To promote the
awareness a painting competition will be organised in the school auditorium. Write a
notice informing the students about it.
Ajay Arora wishes to let out a portion of his newly built house. Draft an advertisement for
publication in To Let' column of HT, giving all the necessary details.
4. The government has banned the use of loudspeakers, but this nuisance continues and
disturbs you in your studies. Make a complaint to the SHO of local police station?
Terrorism is no more a local issue. It has spread globally and is a universal concern now.
Write a letter to the Editor of a leading national newspaper voicing your concern and the
need to combat terrorism globally and suggesting remedial measures also
5. As the student reporter of your school magazine, write a report in about 150-200 words
on the Institution Day Celebrations that took place in your school recently
Your School is organising Senior Citizen Day to make people aware about the importance
and contribution of the elderly people to society and Nation. Write a speech to be
delivered in your morning assembly showing your concern on the issue of Care of our
Section: C (Literature)
Text Books and Long Reading Texts
9. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
And forever, by day and night, give back life to my own origin, And make pure and
beautify it;
a. 'I' stands for......... ?
b. What does 'origin' refer to ?
c. What do you mean by beautify it?
Silence surrounds us. I would have Him prodigal, returning to his father's house,
a. “us’ refers to......... ?
b. What does the word prodigal mean here?
c. Where has the son gone?
10. Answer any three of the following questions in about 30 to 40 words:
a. Explain 'Terribly transient fiet.”
b. How did Sue try to lighten the gloomy atmosphere?
c. Why did Egyptians resent Carter's investigations?
d. How did melon become the ruler?
e. Why did the narrator want to forget the Address finally?
11. Every one onboard did contribute to save Wavewalker. Justify.
Crocker Harris does not appear in the scene, yet we know much of him. Explain.
12. Attempt any one of the following questions in about 120-150 words.
a. Give a character sketch of Lord Canterville.
b. Washington says that getting an honorary degree from Harvard University was “the
greatest surprise that ever came to mc.” What docs it show about his character'?
13. Answer the following questions in about 120-150 words.
a. Do you think that Canterville Chase is in fact a story of love and compassion rather
than a horror story? Why or why not?
i. d) - Performance demand in all fields
ii. d) - All of the above
iii. b) - Decision role
iv. a) - Management
v. d) - Abstract
vi. c) - Survey
i. The interpersonal roles performed by students can be (any two of the options) as a
figurehead, a leader and a liaison officer. Also by being the monitor, a class
representative and a group leader.
ii. The attributes of good management are management habits, skills, attitudes and
iii. It is difficult to acquire good management habits in adulthood once they are
formed because it is difficult to change personality traits, styles of thinking and
behaviour habits,
iv. The roles occasionally performed by the students are informational roles of
monitor, disseminator and spokesperson,
v. Lamented
vi. Formally
Title -Avoid getting intimidated
1. Right approach
1.1 sit.n-someone better
1.2 no Set quality or std.
1.3 more money/ intelligence
1.4 prospective matters
1.5 complete indiv. - no intimidation
2. Understand
2.1 own worth
2.2 sense of self
2.3 others views
2.4 futility of comparison
2.5 your comfort
3. Learn to
3.1 fearless
1.1 keep ego away
3.3 benefit/ credit self
1.2 respect ppl.
3.4 Avail opportunities
3.1 (a) strengths
3.1 (b) virtues
2. 1.
a. Accept
2.1 determination
2.2 limitations
4.1 own strength
4.2 struggle
One should not get intimidated by smarter people. The people who are better than us
in some way or other are not themselves intimidating but its just because of our
approach. Let us know our worth and bc comfortable in our own skin. Company of
such people gives us an opportunity to learn from their strengths and virtues. We
need to accept our limitations and focus on our strengths. Learning to say no is
important for something that makes us uncomfortable. We must start giving our self
the credit for our strength and success.
Available on rent, a newly constructed first floor, 3 BHK flat in Amar Colony,
Alaknanda. Excellent location, spacious rooms, attached bathrooms, individual parking,
round the clock security and power back up. In the vicinity of Shopping complex,
reputed schools, metro station, central parks etc. Expected rent 40,000- per month.
Desirous may contact: Ajay Arora (Mob.999998765).
77 Vandan Apartments
Kashmiri Gate
New Delhi
17th May 20XX
The Editor
Times of India
New Delhi-110001
Subject: Combat Terrorism
Through the columns of your esteemed paper, I wish to draw the attention of all towards
the ever increasing menace of terrorism.
The world today is in the grip of terror more than ever before. No Continent except
Antarctica can boast of being free from terrorist violence. Terrorism, whatever its brand
and ideology, leaves a trail of death and destruction behind. The life and peace of people
all over the world is disturbed and threatened.
Terrorism, today is not a local phenomenon. It is a global concern and therefore, needs
global action. All the countries irrespective of their blocs and alignments, must join hands
to eradicate the tyranny of terror groups constructively. All countries should focus on the
root causes and take effective and lasting measures to combat this fast spreading menace
which has posed a serious threat to mankind.
Thank you
Yours truly
Chris Harris
July 18, 20xx was a great day in the annals of the R.P.V.V.Nand Nagri, Delhi. It was a
matter of pride and joy for all because it was the Golden Jubilee Celebration of school's
To express the deep sentiments and true gratitude, students zealously celebrated the
Institution Day. The school was colourfully decorated with flowers, exhibits and
traditional rangoli. Variety of programmes and competitions marked the day.
Dr. Vaishali Singh, an eminent surgeon and alumnus of the school was the Chief Guest.
She was extended a warm welcome by the school. In her address. Dr. Vaishali recalled
her association with the school and its everlasting impact on her career and personality.
On this occasion achiever students were felicitated with certificates and momentos. The
students of class VI presented a skit which highlighted a few key issues and their effective
resolution. The chief guest and other dignitaries appreciated the creativity of these
budding artists. The celebration got over with vote of thanks followed by a get-together.
The day was filled with lots of fun, action and celebration.
Good Morning
Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends. I, Ankit Tomar, stand here to share my
opinion with you about the importance of taking care of our elders.
With the rise of nuclear families and working mothers, the issue of taking care of elders
is becoming, more and more pertinent. Every day on some platform or the other we are
debating whether it is ethically right to send the elderly to old age homes. But let me ask
you a question, “who are these elderly, we are referring to? I think that most of the times
we forget that these are our mothers, fathers, grandparents, and friends. They are
revered members of our families and keepers of our values, customs and traditions, We
should care for them and look after their
basic needs at such a time when they are old, weak, lonely and sick,
Can we leave our past behind? Can we ever hope to progress without respecting our
legacy? We should respect the wisdom and gifts of our elders and help them age wisely
and well,
I personally believe that it is insane to debate whether the elderly should be allowed to
stay at homes surrounded by their grandchildren
Our elders are our pride. As a society we need to be more thoughtful and careful of their
needs and choices if we want to progress. Otherwise the day is not far when we will be
suffering, staying alone or in old age homes. Lctus join hands and address this complex
social issue with liberal and ethical attitude.
Thank you.
a. The children of age below eighteen years must not drive.
b. The boys are revising the lesson in their room.
c. The musicians along with their director will leave tomorrow for the USA.
d. Today the Principal of our school received a complaint from one of the parents.
7. excels, faced, finds, loved
(c) An a
(g) Or and
a. 'It' stands for rain.
b. Origin refers to various water bodies and land on earth.
c. Rain washes all dirt and impurities of earth and replenishes water bodies with fresh
Crocker Harris is the central character of the play Browning Version, though he does not
make a physical entry throughout the play. The author has used the method of indirect
presentation so perfectly that we get a crystal clear picture of (Crocker Harris. A young
teacher Frank and Taplow get into an interaction in which Frank wil fully tries to elicit all
details about Crocker Harris. Taplow. on the other hand gives an accurate details of
Crocker Harris and states that his teacher is a class by himself and completely different
from the other teachers. To the surprise of Frank, Taplow says that Crocker Harris is a
man of principles and sticks to rules without getting emotional, angry and prejudiced. He
further clarifies that Crocker Harris is not sadist and does not punish students physically,
yet students are respectfully afraid of him.Through this technique of reported
presentation we come to know that Crocker Harris is a middle aged teacher who is cool,
calm, conscious and morally high placed person.
With this presentation, the characterstic traits of Frank and Millie are also flashed,
a. Character sketch of Lord Canterville-
Lord Canterville is the character whom we meet at the outset and at the end of the
story. He is the respectable descendent of the Canterville family and the owner of the
Canterville Chase. As his family has not been living in the Chase, he sold it to Mr.
Hiram B. Otis, an American Minister.
When Mr. Otis comes to finalize the deal of purchasing the Chase, Lord Canterville
mentioned the fact that it was a haunted place. He said, “It has been known for three
centuries, since 1584 in fact, and always makes its appearance before the death of any
member of our family. The Minister didn't believe in ghosts. Therefore, the Lord said
to Mr. Otis." If you don't mind a ghost in the house, it is alright. Only you must
remember I warned you.”
Here his integrity and honesty is beyond doubt. At the end Mr. Otis tries to return
jewels to Lord Canterville, which were gifted to Virginia by the ghost, as they
belonged to Lord's family. Lord Canterville did not accept those jewels and showed his
gratitude that he and his family were indebted to Virginia's courage and compassion
for the salvation of the haunted spirit of Sir Simon De Canterville. He insisted Mr. Otis
to keep the jewels by saying that Sir Simon “would be out of his grave in fortnight,
leading me the devil ofa life." He told Mr. Otis that he had bought the Chase along
with “taw furniture and the ghost at a valuation. So anything that belonged to the
ghost belonged to Mr. Otis.
These cpisodes show honesty, integrity, justice, rationality, gratitudeness and
gratefulness of Lord Canterville. His vital role gives a beginning, middle and
conclusion to the fiction.
Once before getting honorary degree when Washington was asked what was the
greatest surprise that ever came to him, he could not reply but after a couple of days,
one Sunday morning when Washington was sitting on the veranda of his house at
Tuskegee surrounded by his wife and three children, he received a letter from
Harvard University which desired to confer on him an honorary degree, tears came in
his eyes.
This was a recognition that had never in the slightest manner entered into his mind
and it was hard for him to realize that he was to be honored by a degree from the
oldest and the most renowned university in America.
His reaction to thc conferment of this honorary degree reveals his selflessness, his
selfless social service, self forgetting and self sacrificing attitude. It shows that he
believed in “do good and cast into a river. He never cared for what the world calls
fame. He looked upon fame as something to be used in accomplishing good. He had
often shared with his friends that he can use whatever fame may have come to him as
an instrument with which to do good, he was content to have it. He cared for it only as
a means to be used for doing well, just as wealth may be used. His motto was to uplift
the suppressed and downgraded and serve the humanity irrespective of white and
a. Superficially we find, Canterville Chase, a story of a ghost which has been tormenting
the inhabitants of an English country house for three centuries but a lot of clements
are different from a traditional ghost story. The new residents of the haunted house
are lion hearted, rational, undismayed and venturesome. Their practical modern
ways to deal with the haunted spirit fetch bright colours of humor to the story and on
the contrary, leave the ghost distressed and depressed. Then stealthily it becomes a
story of crime and retribution when Virginia encounters the ghost and he repents and
confidcs in her. She is the innocent girl of the family, appropriately called Virginia,
prays for the ghost and endures terrifying and unnatural experiences to release the
ghost. So eventually and ultimately it takes shape of a tale of redemption through
power of love and compassion. The ghost exposed his vulnerability and requests
Virginia to scnd him to the Garden of Death and pray to the angel of death to save his
soul. Not only Virginia sheds tears for him but all other members of Otis family
arrange a funeral ceremony of Sir Simon. The Ghost's descendent Lord Canterville
and Mrs. Umney, Caretaker of the chase joined the funeral ceremony. The skeleton of
Sir Simon was buried in the graveyard. The sight of a hauntcd spirit giving a box of
jewels to Virginia is a token of love and gratitude. Therefore, the Canterville Chase is a
story of love and compassion involving natural and supernatural people from two
different cultures,
The years from 1867 to 1878 is referred as the period of Reconstruction. The Union
victory in the civil war in 1865 gave some 4 million slaves their freedom but, thc
process of rebuilding the South during the Reconstruction Period introduced a new
set of challenges.
When the task of rehabilitating the newly liberated slaves was taking place, two ideas
were constantly agitating the minds of the colored people: One was the craze for
Greek and Latin learning and the other was a desire to get a job. Booker spent this
period as a student at Hampton and as a teacher in West Virginia. Booker writes that
in general, the Negros had no idea of education yet somehow they felt that it would
free them from manual labour. Most of the Negros became teachers or preachers just
after having some little education. Only a few of them really deserved the position
they had occupied. As the Federal Government had granted them freedom so they
looked to the government for everything. Washington also felt that the government
should have made some provisions for Negros’ education.
But the Reconstruction Policy which was introduced was artificial and forced. In
many cases the ignorance of thc Negros as used as a ploy to help the white men into
the office. On the other hand, there was also an element in the North who wanted to
punish the Southern Whites by forcing the Negros over their heads. The great harm
that this policy was doing to the Blacks was that it was diverting their attention from
perfecting themselves in the industries. They were attracted to the politics also.
Washington suggested that the law of the right to franchise should be amended and
be applied equally to both the races.