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Geuself Module 3 Solo PDF March 2024

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Made 100% by this human student: Surname, First Name, Middle Name GEUSELF - Section

ID Number Term 2, 2023-2024 Submitted to: Dr Manauat

Narrative Knowing and Personal Flourishing Plan:

I would like for you to CREATE your own SUBTITLE, insert Here

Part One: Narrative Knowing Output

For part one, use the NARRATIVE APPROACH in “deconstructing the self” – make sure you ANSWER ALL
ITEMS in the sequence (number 1 to 7) below. For example. item 1. Requires you to answer letters a., b.i,
b.ii, b.iii and so on. The word requirements are set to MINIMUM. There is no maximum limit.

1. My lift-off point in narrating is the assignment of the Prof as we were made to watch Black Mirror
a. Here are my honest thoughts and feelings about the episode (100 words).
b. Also describe your digital self. How much time do you spend online per device per week?
Take the test here and use them as points for reflection: Digital Wellbeing through
technology | Google . For example, I have 3 devices. Track your usage starting today for ALL
your devices, up to the day that you submit this. Insert screen shots as necessary.
i. My desktop – what I use for work during online classes, academic research, and
office hours approximately 6 to 8 hours daily on weekdays.
ii. My smartphone synced with my tablet This account as my everyday carry that
Digital Well-being tracks, Samsung shows a daily total of 2 hours 57 minutes today
broken down by categories of video (1,34), audio (28 mins), games (26 mins). Attach
photos here as evidence.
iii. My laptop as my personal streaming device for watching leisure content. I use this
only on days off like Wed and weekends, from 3 to 6PM.
c. Discuss how your online self is an extension of your offline self (100 words, see Russell W.
Belk, Extended Self in a Digital World)
d. Do we construct our digital selves or does the internet construct us? (100 words)
e. Discuss how are the various dimensions of your “self” expressed online (for example your
sex, gender, orientation, race, class, nationality, religion, etc. 100 words)

2. In class we had an activity where we “showed and told” our life experiences according to Erikson’s
stages, so share your insights here for your DEVELOPMENTAL SELF juxtaposed with our
NARRATIVE IDENTITY (see McAdams and McLean).
a. What are the highlights of this activity for you as a storyteller? Insert your screenshot of the
yellow paper you used and filled out here.
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i. What life experiences are important to you?

ii. Who were your main influences across the life stages that you have gone through?
b. How about as a listener? What did you learn from your activity partners? Do you have any
fresh insights about common experiences of your peers, fellow Generation Z humans?
c. Insert your Jung typology result here and reflect on your MBTI and your conversation styles
as both speaker and listener. In your view, are there “types” that are more or less
approachable, personable, a better match for your mbti, etc?
d. What are your thoughts on Authenticity? Reflect on your results (insert here) of the
Authenticity scale in relation to how authentic you were in sharing your life stories during
the class activity
e. (AS IT APPLIES) If you were absent during this date then just say so. Do not invent an
imaginary partner.

3. The PHYSICAL embodied self is a concept that is linked to materiality as BEING or BECOMING, as
well as perceptions of attractiveness, self-confidence, and self-esteem. What are your insights
about this category of the self especially when we reflect on how we are “being-in-the-world”
(Heidegger) versus being chronically online?
a. Based on your answers on (1.b) reflect on your interactions with family members, friends
and classmates ONLINE versus offline in terms of quantity and quantity (100 words)
b. Refer to Factual conversation (dimensions of dialogue). Jan Švankmajer (youtube.com) and
reflect on how you engage verbally offline. Is this video clip relatable? How? (100 words)
c. Refer to (PDF) The Sartorial Self: William James's Philosophy of Dress. (researchgate.net)
and reflect on your own conscious or unconscious sartorial choices. Do you judge others
based on how they dress? Do you dress according to a particular code? Discuss (100
d. What does a (stereo)typical Filipino Lasallian from Taft campus look like? What does a
Lasallian who come from your college look like? Who or what decides on the “accepted”
manner of dressing for this demographic? What does an attractive Lasallian look like? How
do we compare the DLSU look with other Lasallian campuses in the Philippines, in other
countries, in other time periods? Discuss with examples, attach photos as necessary (100

4. SOGIE self: the categories of sex, gender, and sexual orientation

a. Insert the results of your OSRI test here and reflect on the results. Was this surprising or
affirming? How self-aware are you about these matters? (100 words)
b. What are typical expectations and roles of males and females in our society today? Is this a
huge change from the generation of our parents or grandparents? What about in other
countries—imagine a country you want to move to, are the expectations different?
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c. What are your current views about LGBTQIA+ given that the US Gallup poll reports 1 in 5
Gen Z adults identifies as such (Axios Poll, 2022) and in the Philippines survey shows an
NPR Survey that there is a growing support for gays and lesbians (NPR, 2023)
d. Survey also shows that more people are postponing marriage at a later age or prefer to live
as single (unmarried) people. Reflect on this reading juxtaposed with Erikson’s Stage 6 of
intimacy vs isolation. Is couple hood/marriage, having n children a lifegoal for you? Discuss
(100 words)

5. ECONOMIC SELF requires that we reflect on materiality as HAVING, hence issues of wealth,
acquisition, accumulation, merging, hoarding, etc. Reflect on the following points from here and
discuss (300 words total).
a. If there are 3 possessions that you will not dispose of, what are these? Why? Do they
spark joy (Marie Kondo) or do they make you feel important?
b. Mention one material possession that tells a lot about who you are. Why did you choose
this? What does it say about yourself?
c. How do you consider a material possession to be significant to you? How do you
describe possessions of “sentimental value”?
d. What do your material possessions say about yourself and identity? Would you keep
something even if it is not cool or trendy?
e. Imagine that your parents get bankrupt and you have to sell all your valuables, how
survivable is your daily life without these things?

6. The POLITICAL SELF. Insert the results of the political compass test here. (300 words total)
a. Reflect on the axes left and right, authoritarian and libertarian. Where are you in the grid
and discuss your positions based on the item questions. How do you fare compared to your
parents, for example? Do you talk about politics and similar issues at home? Amongst your
friends, on social media?
b. Where do you get your information about world affairs and current events of political
import? Since a Lasallian achiever is expected to be oriented for God and country, how are
you doing in terms of fulfilling your duties as a citizen (as the case applies).
c. What activities do you consider as political and how do these activities manifest in your
everyday living?

7. The SPRITUAL SELF: See the Spiritual Intelligence Inventory in the Assignments page and reflect
on your results. (200 words total)
a. Read this article and discuss the difference between religious v. spiritual. There's a trend
nowadays stating, "spiritual but not religious". What can you say about it? Do you also
consider yourself as such?
b. Going back to the basics, how is religion different from spirituality? Which one is more
important in relation to yourself and identity?
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Part Two: Personal Flourishing Plan

The integrative (essay) output must have a minimum of 500 words, there is no maximum limit. It
will follow the order below make sure you answer the following items and include them in your PFP

(1) The student writing about how the theory / concepts (related concepts like the PERMA model,
positive psychology, eudaimonia, security, stress, anxiety, flourishing) apply to her own life experiences.

(2) The student must be SELF aware in examining their current conditions that would lead for her
to flourish. For example, find problem areas to IMPROVE on—if you are chronically late to appointments
(including class), you have difficulty following directions, or have bad sleep hygiene how will you “solve”
these very real problems that affect you and the learning community in DLSU? Some examples

(a) tracking your daily habits: jot down your arrival time, etc. MUST OWN A time-
telling device.

(b) making an effort to sleep and then wake up on time via alarm systems. Have
more than one (not just your phone) take naps throughout the day to get your mind to rest more.

(c) use info regarding your digital wellbeing on Part 1.1 to help you commit to
lessening your screen time to devote to proper sleep hygiene.

(d) your nutrition and diet also matters. Do not rely on substances (coffee, uppers)
when it is near bedtime, keep screen away from the bed at bed time.

(e) do more exercise, meditate and get lots of positive emotion.

All these would have to be guided by the lens of the theories / concepts covered in class.

(3) Look at our class Canvas under tab> Pages and Module 3> Learning Materials numbers 1 and 2
as well as ALL the Exercises on Module 3. (Life Events for Students, Values in Action Survey, Character
Strengths Processing Form). Do all of these and then write your reflections here about it. There is no need
to submit results as assignments but instead, write your reflections here.

Include your signed STATEMENT of COMMITMENT here too.

o You are required to include a visual representation of your map/plan to become happier.
Here is one such example. You may use Canva or other apps then include the visual in your
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I got this image off the internet when I used the search word “happiness
life map” you don’t need to copy it, figure out your own style.

▪ This INTEGRATIVE Essay should be around 500 minimum words/ no maximum.

▪ The essay must go with a VISUAL (see sample above). You will not get full marks without it.

Rubrics for Narrative Knowing Output – 65 POINTS

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Personal reflection

(E=Exemplar; C=Competent; A=Approaching competence;
D=Developing; N=Not met)

Overall E - Clearly discussed and critiqued all identity categories of the self and
responsiveness to implications for identity de/construction, intersectionality beyond
Module 2 expectation
C - Critiqued own framework of the self and presented implications for
(30 points)
human diversity but NOT all items were discussed thoroughly
A - Addressed the basic requirement but inadequate or slightly went off-
D - There is an obvious confusion on what to reflect on or neglected
important points for reflection
N - Manifested an inability to comprehend the requirement or to respond

Clarity and E - Explored issues about the self, showing interdisciplinary as well as
content of thought intersectional understanding; went beyond the obvious or class
(20 points )
C - Showed some depth and complexity of thought
A - Might have treated the subject simplistically or repetitively; Did not
demonstrate sufficient interdisciplinarity or intersectionality
D - Lacked focus, demonstrated confused or simplistic thinking, or failed
to communicate ideas, strong evidence of cramming
N - Unfocused, illogical, incoherent or disorganized

Word count and E - Met the agreed upon word count limit with zero to minimal grammatical
technical writing errors. Submitted on time.
and Promptness C - Met the agreed upon word count limit with some grammatical errors.
Submitted a day late.
(10 Points )
A - Did not abide by the word count limit with some grammatical errors.
Submitted 2 days late.
D - Met the agreed upon word count limit with problematic grammar.
Submitted 3 days late.
N - Did not abide by the word count limit with problematic grammar
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Rubric for PFP – 35 Points

Personal Flourishing Plan

1 2 3 4
Criteria Total
Developing Competent Superior Excellent

Limited core
Several core
Core concepts concepts and
Proper use of concepts and
and theories theories were
theory/subject Core concepts theories were
were mentioned mentioned and
knowledge (10) and theories mentioned and
and appropriately appropriately
were mentioned. appropriately
chosen and chosen, discussed
chosen, discussed
explained. and explained
and explained.

Student achieves Student achieves

Student achieves
superior insights excellent and
novel insights and
and deeper very clear insights
understanding of and deeper
Student did not explicitly aware
self-based on understanding of
demonstrate of assumption,
analysis. Student self-based on
understanding of values and
was able to apply analysis. Student
self-based on reasoning behind
the theories and was able to apply
analysis. Student the analysis.
concepts the theories and
was not able to Student was able
effectively in concepts
apply the to apply the
analyzing key effectively in
theories and theories and
Critical analysis events. analyzing key
concepts concepts
leading to events.
effectively in effectively in The student
insights analyzing key analyzing key presents The student
(10) events. events. arguments that presents
exhibit arguments that
The student did The student
appreciation of exhibit a
not present presents
the contribution synthesis and
arguments that arguments that
and role of integration of the
exhibit a exhibit
different different
synthesis and appreciation of
disciplines. disciplines. There
integration of the the contribution
is a thorough and
role of the and role of The work detailed
different different presents a explanation of
disciplines. disciplines but synthesis and how the different
the work lacks integration of the disciplines merge
synthesis and different fields and come
integration. but ideas are not together.
fleshed out and
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Gives few quality,
several quality,
concrete and
concrete and
very appropriate
Student did not very appropriate
Gives limited recommendations
give quality, recommendations
quality, concrete for appropriate
Appropriateness concrete and for appropriate
and appropriate action in relation
of appropriate action in relation
recommendations to their
recommendations recommendations to their
for appropriate insights. Limited
(10) for appropriate insights. Several
action in relation concrete
action in relation concrete
to their insights. experiences and
to their insights. experiences and
plans of actions
plans of actions
were also
were also

Student was able

Student was able
to present clear,
to present clear,
logical and
Student was not Student was able logical and
Organization and concise
able to present to present clear, concise
Presentation of ideas. The
clear, logical and logical and ideas. These
Ideas (5) student was able
concise ideas. concise ideas. ideas were
summarize and
summarized and
integrate ideas


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