United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,910,434 B2: Lundgren (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 28, 2005
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,910,434 B2: Lundgren (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 28, 2005
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,910,434 B2: Lundgren (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 28, 2005
(54) CONTROL DEVICE FOR STEERING KITE 6,732,670 B2 * 5/2004 Rayner .................... 114/39.21
ONA BOAT 2003/0140835 A1 * 7/2003 Wrage ..................... 114/102.1
(76) Inventor: Edwin Lundgren, Dorfstrasse 9,
DE-23684 Scharbeutz (DE) DE 29 33 OSO A1 2/1981
DE 35 18 131 A1 11/1986
* Y Not
Otice: Subj
ubject to anyy disclaimer,
disclai h term off thi
the this DE 19928 166 A1 2/2000
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 DE 19928166 A1 2/2000 ............ B63H/9/04
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. FR 2 690 129 A1 10/1993
GB 2 098 951 A 12/1982
(21) Appl. No.: 10/362,679 GB 2130971. A 6/1984 ............ B63H/9/04
(22) PCT Filed: Aug. 30, 2001 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(86) PCT No.: PCT/EPO1/10002 One page English Abstract from espG-cenet for DE
19928166 A1, Feb. 2000.
S371 (c)(1), One page English Abstract from espG-cenet for FR 2690129
(2), (4) Date: Jun. 23, 2003 A1, Oct. 1993.
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO02/18202 One page English Abstract from espG-cenet for DE 3518131
A1, Nov. 1986.
PCT Pub. Date: Mar. 7, 2002 “Selbstitatige Fock: So funktioniertsie richtig", Yacht Maga
(65) Prior Publication Data zine, vol. 12, p. 102, Jun. 1991.
“Selbermachen: Abnehmbarer Traveller', Yacht Magazine,
US 2004/0035345 A1 Feb. 26, 2004 vol. 13, p. 94, Jun. 1994.
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data * cited by examiner
Aug. 31, 2000 (DE) ......................................... 100 43 138 Primary Examiner S. Joseph Morano
Sep. 29, 2000 (DE) ..................................... 200 16988 U Assistant Examiner Ajay Vasudeva
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Howson and Howson
(51) Int. Cl. .............................. B63H 9/04; B63H 9/06
(52) U.S. Cl. ................................. 114/102.1; 114/39.21; (57) ABSTRACT
114/39.29; 114/102.16 A control device for a steering kite on a boat. The Steering
(58) Field of Search ........................... 114/39.29, 39.12, kite can be Steered by a steering device and at least two or
114/39.13, 39.16, 39.18, 39.21, 102.1, 102.16, three, preferably at least four or five, Suspension lines. The
102.17, 102.18, 102.21; 24.4/153 R, 155 R, control device comprises at least one force introduction rail
that extends horizontally over the water line and on which a
(56) References Cited deviation device for the Suspension lines is positioned in
such a way that it can move back and forth. The rail is fixed
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS to the boat between the Steering kite and the Steering device
2,126,665 A 8/1938 Rowland ................. 114/39.29
in Such a way that the traction force of the Steering kite
4,127.247 A 11/1978 Strasilla ...................... 244/152 produces torque about the longitudinal axis and/or the
4,497.272 A 2/1985 Veazey ....................... 114/103 transverse axis of the boat in the water, by means of which
5,056,447 A * 10/1991 Labrador ................. 114/39.26 the leeward side of the boat is lifted upwards.
5,642.683 A 7/1997 Bedford ...................... 114/103
6,003,457 A * 12/1999 Chatelain ................. 114/39.11 17 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets
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US 6,910,434 B2
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CONTROL DEVICE FOR STEERING KTE configuration here is chosen in Such a way that the rotating
ONA BOAT arm is linked to the boat essentially at a position in which the
conventional vertical mast would be positioned. Means are
FIELD OF THE INVENTION provided to Swing the rotating arm around a horizontal axis,
so that the outer end with the flight lines holds a relative
The invention concerns a control device for a steering kite position to the boat in which the wind-averted side of the
of a vehicle, which Steering kite is dirigible by at least two boat is lifted from the water. The use of Such a rotating arm
or three, preferably by at least four or five, flight lines by has the disadvantage that it needs Sufficient movement-area
means of a steering device. The invention particularly con on the boat-deck due to its turning Stiff construction. Also,
cerns a control device for a steering kite on a boat, So that the rotatable and pivotable bearing of the rotating arm at the
in the following, a boat is mainly mentioned without con linking point is extremely complicated and exposed to very
necting any limitation there with. high forces. Furthermore, the equipment for the rising or
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION lowering of the rotating arm needs an extended Space.
Such Steering kites, which can for example be styled as 15 OBJECT OF THE INVENTION
So-called tube kites or Soft kites, are generally known. The
tube kites get their aerodynamic form by inflation of form It is an object of the invention to work out a control device
giving elements. Soft kites get the intended aerodynamic for a Steering kite of a boat of the above-mentioned type
shape by picking up air during the first flight minutes. Such that on the one hand the Strong wind-forces can be
Normally, the Steering kites are controlled and Steered into picked up safely. On the other hand, it should be achieved
the intended direction by two or four flight lines and a that the wind-averted side of the boat is always lifted out of
corresponding Steering device to which the flight lines are the water due to the wind-forces. Nevertheless, the control
attached. Frequently, the arrangement is made Such that the device should be produced with Simple means and easily
Steering kite is attached in a relatively firm way to the body operated.
by two force lines of the four flight lines via a tie-bar. The 25 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
Steering kite is Steered by the two other flight lines, the
Steering lines. An additional third or fifth line is used as According to the invention, the object is Solved by a
Security line or as Start line. Such a steering kite can catch control device that comprises at least one force input rail on
very Strong wind forces, and it is known to use these for the which a deflection device for the flight lines is to and fro
propulsion of a vehicle, for example a beach buggy or a movable attached and which extends essentially horizontally
Surfboard. above the waterline and is attached to the boat in Such a way
The propulsion of a boat by means of wind force takes that the deflection device is aligned between the Steering kite
place in the classical manner by a Sail that is attached to a and the Steering device So that a torque is generated by the
Vertically aligned mast. Optimal wind exploitation should be pull force of the Steering kite around the longitudinal axis
caused by a multiplicity of Sails. However according to the 35 and/or croSS axis of the boat in the water, which torque lifts
alignment of the Sail at the mast, the boat is inclined by the up the side of the boat averted to the wind. In particular, this
wild to the wind-averted Side. A force-component is gener is achieved by the fact that the deflection device is kept on
ated downwards as a consequence of this inclination the force input rail in any position at a distance to the
whereby the boat is pressed more deeply into the water and rotation axis and/or longitudinal axis and/or croSS axis of the
therefore the displacement resistance will be increased. 40 boat, around which axes the boat would incline itself or turn
Moreover, the effective wind capturing area of the Sail itself in the water in case of an effect of a force. With that,
decreases in the driving direction. Thus, Speed keeps within the side of the boat averted from the wind is always lifted up
limits. independent of the alignment of the Steering kite relative to
From U.S. Pat. No. 4,497,272 and DE 35 18 131A1 it is the boat. An immersion of the lee-side and consequently a
known to drive boats with the help of so called floating sails. 45
danger of capsize is thus reliably avoided.
Here, the Sails are only attached over Support cables to the On principle, the configuration of the force input rail is at
boat and are held up with a balloon. Generally, a force will. It can be provided that the force input rail is essentially
component of the wind force can also be generated with Such Straight-lined and positioned in the fore area of the boat
floating-Sails in Such a way, that the wind-averted Side of the crosswise to the boat. It will here be achieved by simple
boat immerses more deeply into the water. This has a 50 means that the Steering kite is positioned on either the one
consequence that a capsize of the boat is inevitable with too or the other side of the boat in dependence of the wind
Strong wind forces, Since a floating-Sail always offers the direction and boat driving direction and that the deflection
Same wind-capturing area despite the increasing inclination device moves to the corresponding Side while the Steering
of the boat in contrast to conventional Sails. device remains freely controllable behind the force input
From document DE 1 99 28 166 A1 a boat is known 55 rail.
which is driven by a Steering kite, in which the point of In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the inven
application of force of the force line or force lines should lie tion it is provided that the force input rail is designed at least
at the same height or below the form centre of gravity or partially in form of a curve. Due to the design in form of a
centre of buoyancy. For this, a guiding rail is provided which bow and especially due to a conveX design of the force input
moves the linking point of the force lines over the hull 60 rail in reference to the boat and its vertical rotating axis, the
downward in direction of the keel. Therefore, the kite is position of the deflection device can be optimised relative to
positioned on the one or the other Side of the boat and at least the wind direction and the driving direction of the boat or
one force line of the kite runs below the waterline. It is can align itself well due to the position of the Steering kite
obvious that Such a construction of an attaching-device for relative to the boat, respectively.
the Steering kite entails considerable problems. 65 On principle, it is also possible that the force input rail is
Document EP 0 853 576 B1 discloses a boat, to which a adapted to the contour of the fore area of the boat. Hereby,
kite-Sail is attached by a rotating arm. In particular, the an optically appealing appearance is formed and the neces
US 6,910,434 B2
3 4
sary torque to lift up the side of the boat averted from the FIG. 2 the side view of a conventional sail ship,
wind is simultaneously generated. FIG. 3 a boat which is propulsable by a control device
According to another embodiment of the invention, it is with a steering kite according to the invention,
provided that the force input rail is designed at least partially FIG. 4 a boat which is propulsable by a steering kite
circular. In an advantageous manner the force input rail attached to force input rail positioned in a wrong way,
forms a closed circular ring. Hereby, any position of the
Steering kite relative to the boat can be achieved. FIG. 5 the top view on a boat with a force input rail
Furthermore, a perfect movement of the deflection device on according to a first embodiment of the invention,
the force input rail is caused when aligning the Steering kite FIG. 6 the top view on a boat with a force input rail
relative to the boat. according to a Second embodiment of the invention,
It is useful that there is space in the area restricted by the FIG. 7 the top view on a multihull-boat with a force input
force input rail for at least one perSon to operate the kite rail according to a third embodiment of the invention,
Steering device. This is especially useful with one-man FIG. 8 the top view on a multihull-boat with a force input
boats in which the person not only Steers the boat, but also rail according to a fourth embodiment of the invention,
operates the Steering device. 15
It is furthermore useful that the deflection device each FIG. 9 the stem view of a multihull-boat with an improp
comprises at least one deflection pulley for at least the erly disposed force input rail,
steering lines and force lines of the flight lines. With that, it FIG. 10 the stem view of a multihull-boat with a control
is achieved that the flight lines can also perfectly be guided device according to the invention,
in the deflection device under high forces. For example, the FIG. 11 the perspective view of a multihull-boat with a
deflection pulleys can be ball-bearing mounted. control device according to the invention, and
Furthermore, it can be useful here that the deflection device FIG. 12 a cut view through the force input rail with the
comprises guiding means which hold the flight lines on the deflection device according to the invention.
deflection pulley. These guiding means can for example be
formed as eyelets or bows that prevent the flight lines from 25 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
coming off the deflection pulley. Roll-blocks conventionally PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS
used in navigation can also be used for guiding the lines.
This is especially useful with a fast change of the alignment In FIGS. 1 and 2 there are schematically represented the
of the boat relative to the Steering kite. horizontal wind force FWIH and vertical wind force FWIV
On principle, it is favourable if the deflection device is effecting on a sailboat and the inclination of the boat 11
lockable on the force input rail. Hereby, a stable point of resulting therefrom. Due to the wind force, the sail 12
attached in usual manner to a vertical mast 13 will incline
application of force is formed so that steady propulsion of
the boat is possible. The deflection device, for example, can the boat 11 at the wind averted side downwards. Therefore,
be locked by a brake to the force input rail. it is always necessary to keep the boat essentially in the
On principle, it can be furthermore provided, that the 35
horizontal position in order to get a wind capturing area as
deflection device is actively moveable on the force input rail, big as possible. With too strong wind, this will not be
for example by set wheels and/or motor driven. Hereby, the possible even with greater counterbalances on the wind
point of application of force can be firmly defined, for facing Side, So that capsize becomes inevitable or a reduction
example when Starting the boat. However, the deflection of the Sail area becomes necessary. AS long as the wind
device will in principle automatically be adjusted on the 40
comes from the back, there will also be generated an
force input rail depending to the wind direction and the unfavourable torque MS for the propulsion of the boat 11
driving direction of the boat. This will especially be the case around its croSS axis, as represented Schematically in FIG. 2.
when using an essentially circular force input rail. This torque causes an immersion of the wind averted fore
On principle, the Steering device for the Steering kite is Side, that is the bow Side, Such that with too strong winds the
operated manually. With bigger boats or when using Several 45
deck will be flushed over. Here also, a capsize can be the
Steering kites, it can be provided that the Steering device for FIG. 3 shows Schematically the linkage of a steering kite
the Steering kite each comprises Servomotors for at least the 20 to a boat 21. The steering kite 20 is steered and operated
Steering lines and force lines of the flight lines. Thus, an in usual manner by four flight lines 22 with a kite Steering
automatic and optimised control of the Steering kite is
possible. 50 device 25 not shown in details. This kite steering device 25
On principle, it is arbitrary which type of boat is driven by includes attachment means for four flight lines of the kite by
Such a control device with a steering kite. For example, the which flight lines an individual alignment of the Steering kite
boat can be a monohull-boat. Of course, it is also possible 20 can be enabled by relative movements of the lines against
that the boat is a multihull-boat and, especially, a catamaran each other and/or by changes of the lengths of Single lines.
with two hulls. In this case it can be provided in an 55 Such Steering devices are generally known and thus do not
advantageous manner that the force input rail and its fas need any more explanation.
tenings means connect the hulls with each other. In that way, For the attachment of the steering kite 20 to the boat 21
a stable but light construction is formed. Since the boat there exists a force input rail 23 on which a deflection device
always lifts itself upwards on the wind-averted side and thus for the flight lines 24 is attached and movable to and fro. The
out of the water independent of the wind force, high Speeds 60 force input rail 23 is for example connected over pillars and
can be achieved without danger of capsize. Supports to the boat. Here, the fastening means allows free
movement of the deflection device on the force input rail.
Such a force input rail and its fastening elements can be
AS Set below, the invention is explained in more details designed very stable So that a Safe force reception and force
with the help of the schematic drawing. It is shown in: 65 application to the boat can be effected.
FIG. 1 the stern view of a conventional sail ship with the The position of the force input rail relative to the boat is
force components generated by the wind force, chosen Such that the force application to the boat by the
US 6,910,434 B2
S 6
deflection device generates a torque around the croSS axis or crossbeam 35. Therefore, in this embodiment shown in the
longitudinal axis 26, 27, respectively which torque lifts the drawing, the deflection device 24 can move on the force
wind averted side of the boat out of the water. With wind input rail 33 about approximately 240 around the centre and
exclusively coming from the back, this concerns the bow of consequently around the rotation point of the boat.
the ship, with lateral wind attack, for example when FIG. 8 shows another embodiment of a multihull-boat, in
cruising, this concerns the left or the right Side of the boat. which the force input rail 36 is designed completely circular.
However, it is always achieved that the side in driving It can be provided that this force input rail 36 extends
direction, that is the wind-averted side of the boat, is lifted concentric to the rotation axis 37 of the multihull-boat. Here
out of the water. Thus, a gliding of the boat and a low also, the force input rail 36 Simultaneously Serves as a
resistance of the boat on the water are possible. The result is connective element of the two hulls 38. It is obvious that this
a higher achievable Speed even when cruising against the construction, especially in accordance with FIG. 8, is simply
wind. built and allows an optimal alignment of the Steering kite 20
The rotation axis, croSS axis and longitudinal axis around relative to the boat.
which the boat will turn and tilt in case of an application of With a multihull-boat, attention must also be kept on the
force are dependent on the respective construction and the 15
right location of the circular force input rail 33, 36. FIG. 9
depth of immersion of the boat. Therefore, it must be noted shows a wrong dimensioning of the Spacing of the individual
that the point of application of force, which is defined by the hulls 38 with respect to the force input rail 39. Due to the
position of the deflection device 24 on the force input rail 23, wind force FWI at the steering kite 20, a wind force FWIH
is chosen Such that a positive torque, that is a torque lifting is generated effecting on the boat which force lies above the
the wind-averted side of the boat out of the water, is longitudinal axis 27. The reaction force of the boat in the
generated independently from the depth of immersion. This water RWA acts below said axis. In total, a torque M is
also applies to a land vehicle in which the tilt axis is defined generated which will press the wind-averted side 40 of the
by the contact Surfaces of the wheels or runners on the boat into the water.
ground. In FIG. 10, a correct dimensioning of the spacing of the
A correct design of the force input rail is Schematically individual hulls 38 and a correct position of the force input
represented in FIG. 3. The position of the force input rail 23 rail 33, 36 are represented. Due to the wind force FWI at the
is located relative far await from the croSS axis 26 So that a Steering kite 20 which force acts on the boat under the angle
positive torque MD is generated with respect to the hull and C. and due to the big distance of the force input rail to the
the wind-averted side 28 of the boat is lifted out of the water longitudinal axis or croSS axis 27, the horizontal component
by the Steering kite. A wrong positioning of the guiding rail of the wind force FWIH will act below these axes at a
23' is shown in FIG. 4. Here, a negative torque MF is distance “a” too. Thus, always a torque M is generated
generated around the croSS axis 26 by the wind force which around the longitudinal axis 27 or around the croSS axis 26,
effects on the steering kite 20. An immersion of the wind which torque lifts the wind-averted side 41 out of the water.
averted Side 28 and thus, the danger of capsize of the boat, 35 It must further be noted that a low flying kite under a very
would be the consequence. Small angle C. will tend to generate a negative torque or no
In FIG. 5 a simple embodiment of the control device in torque on the boat. This must especially be taken into
accordance with the invention is shown. The force input rail account at the dimensioning of the Spacing of the deflection
23 is designed in a Straight line proceeding horizontally and device to the respective rotation axes and tilt axes. However,
extends croSSwise over the boat at its fore Side region. 40 due to the aerodynamic requirements and for the exact
Depending on the wind direction, the deflection device 24 Steering of the Steering kite, the angle C. will lie in the range
will be located at the right or left side of the boat 21 as between 10 and 30 during normal operation. With that, a
represented in the drawing. However, in any case, a torque capsize of the boat is reliably avoided.
is generated which lifts the wind-averted Side, that is the The at least partially circular force input rails restrict an
bow 28 or the left side 29 with respect to the drawing, is 45 area, in which is Space for the Steering device 25.
lifted out of the water. It can be provided that the deflection Additionally, the area is dimensioned Such that a person can
device 24 is lockable on the guide rail 23 in order to enable staff therein for the operation of the steering device. Further
a point of application of force, for example, in the middle of the steering wheel for the rudder blades of the boat can be
the force input rail when the wind comes only from the back. positioned therein So that a one-man-operation is possible.
In the embodiment in accordance with FIG. 6, the force 50 FIG. 11 shows in detail a perspective view of a multihull
input rail is designed at least partially curved and is adapted boat with a circular force input rail 36. Two lateral hulls 38
to the contour of the bow 28 of the boat 21. It is obvious that are recognizable and are connected to each other by the force
an optimised alignment of the deflection device 24 relative input rail 36. As shown in FIG. 12, the force input rail 36 can
to the boat 21 can be achieved. In this case it is Sufficient also be designed as an inside opened C-shaped profile. This
for cruising against the wind that the deflection device can 55 C-shaped profile forms a counter bearing for an arrangement
only move about approximately 150 relative to the rotation of rolls 42 of the deflection device 24. Rollers 43 that are
axis 31 of the boat 21. This corresponds to the preferred rotatable around a radial axis and rollers 44 that are rotatable
alignment of the Steering kite relative to the driving direction around a tangential axis are provided. The rollerS Support the
32 of the boat. deflection device 24 both in direction of pull and upwards or
In FIG. 7, a multihull-boat is represented which comprises 60 downwards within the C-shaped profile.
two individual hulls 38. Particularly, the arrangement is The deflection device 24 is a component of an inner ring
chosen Such that the force input rail 33 is used as a 45 which rotates inside the outer ring formed by the force
connection element of the two hulls 38. As shown in FIG. 7, input rail 36. Of course, this inner ring is provided with
the force input rail is designed circular at least with respect bearing rolls at Several positions along its perimeter. Instead
to the forward movement 34 of the boat. The steering device 65 of a ring, a Star-shaped Structure, for example with three Star
25 is positioned approximately in the centre of this circular arms, may also be Sufficient. At the inner ring 45 or at the
ring. At the back, the force input rail is limited by a simple Star-shaped Structure, respectively, a plate 46 is attached, on
US 6,910,434 B2
7 8
which a person finds place for operating the kite Steering cross axis of the boat in the water by which torque a side (28,
device 25. In this represented embodiment, the Steering 29) of the boat averted to the wind is lifted up.
wheel 47 for the rudders 48 at the end of each hull 38 runs 2. A control device according to claim 1, wherein Said
through the rotation axis 37. With that, the inner ring 45 and force input rail (23) is Substantially Straight-lined and posi
the plate with the person remain freely turnable relative to tioned in the fore area of the boat crosswise to the boat.
the boat independent of the Steering wheel and the rudder 3. A control device according to claim 1, wherein Said
position. The brake 49 for locking the deflection device is force input rail (30,33,36) is at least partially in a form of
arranged on the force input rail 36 at the Side of the inner 4. A control device according to claim 1, wherein Said
ring opposite to the deflection device 24. force input rail (33, 36) is circular.
The deflection device 25 comprises a crosspiece 50 which 5. A control device according to claim 1, wherein an area
extends radially outwards of the force input rail 36. At the restricted by Said force input rail provides a Space for at least
outer end, deflection pulleys 51 are located for the individual one person to operate Said steering device (25).
flight lines. With that, the point of application of force can 6. A control device according to claim 1, wherein Said
be positioned outward relatively. Nevertheless, the construc flight lines (22) include Steering lines and force lines, and
tion remains compact. 15
wherein said deflection device (25) has at least one deflec
The kite steering device 25 for the flight lines of the tion pulley for at least Said Steering lines and Said force lines
Steering kite is anchored on the plate 46. The Steering kite is of said flight lines (22).
Steered as well as the pull forces are transferred to the boat 7. A control device according to claim 6, wherein Said
for the forward movement by the kite steering device. The deflection device (24) has a guiding means that holds said
deflection device 24 displaces the point of application of flight lines on Said deflection pulley.
force via force input rail in Such a way that a positive torque 8. A control device according to claim 1, wherein Said
is generated around the longitudinal axis and/or croSS axis deflection device (24) is lockable on said force input rail (23,
which torque lifts the boat on its wind-averted side out of the 30, 33,36).
Water. 9. A control device according to claim 1, wherein Said
Even here, the flight lines of the Steering kite can also be
25 Steering device (25) for said steering kite is anchored to the
distinguished in force lines and Steering lines of the Steering 10. A control device according to claim 1, wherein the
kite. In order to control Sudden and vehement gusts, it is boat is a multihull-boat, Such as a catamaran with two hulls
useful to build in a damper 52 between the steering device (38).
and the Steering kite for at least two flight lines of the total 11. Control device according to claim 10, wherein said
of four flight lines. For example, a damper commonly acts
for the two force lines. However, one damper can also be force input rail (33, 36) connects the hulls to each other.
provided for each flight line. This damper can be a Spring or 12. A control device according to claim 1, wherein said
a rubber-elastic element which is positioned in the flight line deflection device is positionable on Said force input rail So
in question or by which the flight line or flight lines are that Said torque is generated around Said longitudinal axis of
35 Said boat.
attached to the steering device. With too strong forces by 13. A control device according to claim 1, wherein Said
wind gusts, the damper Slackens whereby an extension of the deflection device is positionable on Said force input rail So
lines in question takes place. With that, the Steering kite that Said torque is generated around Said longitudinal axis
pours itself into the wind whereby a reduction of the and Said croSS axis of Said boat.
effective Surface is caused among other things. Then, the 40 14. A control device according to claim 1, wherein Said
force effecting on the boat becomes Smaller So that the gust force input rail (30) is adapted to a contour of a fore area (28)
is damped. of the boat.
What is claimed is:
1. Control device for a steering kite of a vehicle, espe 15. A control device according to claim 1, wherein Said
cially a boat, which steering kite (20) is steerable by at least flight lines (22) include Steering lines and force lines, and
two flight lines (22) by means of a steering device (25), said
45 wherein Said force lines and at least two flight lines are
control device comprising at least one force input rail (22, attached by at least one damper to Said Steering device.
30, 33, 36) on which a deflection device (24) for the flight 16. Control device according to claim 15, wherein said
lines is attached and movable to and fro and which extends damper is one of a Spring and a rubber-elastic intermediate
essentially horizontally above a waterline Such that Said 50 17. A control device according to claim 1, wherein Said
deflection device (24) is kept on said force input rail (23) in flight lines (22) include Steering lines and force lines, and
any position at a distance from at least one of a longitudinal wherein Said Steering device has servomotorS for Said Steer
axis (27), a cross axis (26), and a rotation axis (31,37) of the ing lines and force lines of Said Steering kite.
boat, So that a torque is generated by a pull force of the
Steering kite around at least one of the longitudinal axis and k k k k k
It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is
hereby corrected as shown below:
Column 1
Line 37, “wild to the Should read -- Wind to the --.
Column 5
Line 27, “far await from' should read -- far away from --.
Line 47, “staff therein for” should read -- stay therein for --.
Column 7
Lines 44-55, Should read:
1. Control device for a steering kite of a boat, comprising a steering kite (20) steerable
by at least two flight lines (22) by means of a steering device (25) to which the flight
lines are connected, and at least one force input rail (22, 30, 33, 36) on which a
deflection device (24) for the flight lines is attached and movable to and fro and
which extends essentially horizontally above a waterline Such that said deflection
device (24) is kept on said force input rail (23) in any position at a distance from at
least one of a longitudinal axis (27), a cross axis (26), and a rotation axis (31, 37) of
the boat, So that a torque is generated by a pull force of the Steering kite around at
least one of the longitudinal axis and cross axis of the boat in the water by which
torque a side (28, 29) of the boat averted to the wind is lifted up for all steering kite
positions relative to the boat during normal operations thereof.
Column 8
Lines 14-18, Should read:
6. A control device according to claim 1, wherein said flight lines (22) include steering
lines and force lines, and wherein said deflection device (24) has at least one deflection
pulley for at least said steering lines and said force lines of said flight lines (22).
Lines 40-42, Should read:
14. A control device for a steering kite of a vehicle, which steering kite (20) is steerable
by at least two flight lines (22) by means of a steering device (25), said control device
comprising at least one force input rail (22, 30, 33, 36) on which a deflection device (24)
for the flight lines is attached and movable to and fro and which extends essentially
horizontally above a waterline such that said deflection device (24) is kept on said force
input rail (23) in any position at a distance from at least one of a longitudinal axis (27), a
croSS axis (26), and a rotation axis (31.37) of the boat, So that a torque is generated by a
pull force of the Steering kite around at least one of the longitudinal axis and croSS axis
of the boat in the water by which torque a side (28, 29) of the boat averted to the wind is
lifted up, said force input rail (30) is adapted to a contour of a fore area (28) of the boat.
Lines 43-46, Should read:
15. A control device for a steering kite of a vehicle, which steering kite (20) is steerable
by at least two light lines (22) by means of a steering device (25), said control device
comprising at least one force input rail (22, 30, 33, 36) on which a deflection device (24)
It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is
hereby corrected as shown below:
Column 8, (Cont'd),
for the flight lines is attached and movable to and fro and which extends essentially
horizontally above a waterline such that said deflection device (24) is kept on said force
input rail (23) in any position at a distance from at least one of a longitudinal axis (27), a
croSS axis (26), and a rotation axis (31, 37) of the boat, So that a torque is generated by a
pull force of the Steering kite around at least one of the longitudinal axis and croSS axis
of the boat in the water by which torque a side (28, 29) of the boat averted to the wind is
lifted up, said flight lines (22) include steering lines and force lines, and wherein said
force lines and at least two flight lines are attached by at least one damper to said
Steering device.
Lines 50-53, Should read:
17. A control device for a steering kite of a vehicle, which steering kite (20) is steerable
by at least two flight lines (22) by means of a steering device (25), said control device
comprising at least one force input rail (22, 30, 33, 36) on which a deflection device (24)
for the flight lines is attached and movable to and fro and which extends essentially
horizontally above a waterline such that said deflection device (24) is kept on said force
input rail (23) in any position at a distance from at least one of a longitudinal axis (27), a
croSS axis (26), and a rotation axis (31, 37) of the boat, So that a torque is generated by a
pull force of the Steering kite around at least one of the longitudinal axis and croSS axis
of the boat in the water by which torque a side (28, 29) of the boat averted to the wind is
lifted up, said flight lines (22) include steering lines and force lines, and wherein said
Steering device has ServomotorS for Said Steering lines and force lines of Said Steering
Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office