(54) VALVE UNIT FOR FILLING MACHINES 5,217,043 A * 6/1993 Novakovic ................ .. 137/460
5,678,595 A * 10/1997 Iwabuchi .................. .. 137/341
(75) Inventor: Francesco Zanga, Parma (IT) 5,788,127 A 8/1998 Hanmer
5,915,410 A * 6/1999 Zajac ....................... .. 137/341
(73) Assigneei simonalli S-P-A, Parma (IT) 6,082,418 A * 7/2000 Naecker et al. ........... .. 141/145
PCT Pub. Date: May 15, 2003 Primary Examineril. Casimer Jacyna
(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiHogan & Hartson LLP
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2005/0001184 A1 Jan. 6, 2005
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data The present invention relates to a valve unit for container
?lling machines, particularly for bottle ?llers. More particu
Nov. 9, 2001 (EP) ................................ .. 01830693
larly, the present invention relates to a valve unit (1),
(51) Int. Cl.
particularly for machines for ?lling containers (8), compris
F16K 31/143 (2006.01)
ing a holloW body (2) in Which a plug (3) is slidably housed
and a guide means (14) for the said plug (3), a passage (9)
(52) US. Cl. .................... .. 222/504; 222/168; 222/559; being formed in the said holloW (2) for a ?uid (7) for ?lling
141/146; 251/63; 251/63.4; 251/63.5; 251/324 the said container (8), characterized in that the said passage
(58) Field of Classi?cation Search ....... .. 251/62*63.5, (9) for the said ?lling ?uid (7) is separated from the said
251/324; 222/168, 504, 559; 141/144*146 guide means (14) and from the said plug (3) by an isolating
See application ?le for complete search history. and sealing membrane (32), the said membrane being open
(56) References Cited at the bottom in such a Way as to alloW a tip (30) of the to
protrude doWnWards.
3,219,056 A * 11/1965 Dyson ................... .. 137/5147 18 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Jan. 2, 2007 Sheet 1 of3 US 7,156,267 B2
2 18
33 16 2
FIG_2 32
US 7,156,267 B2
1 2
VALVE UNIT FOR FILLING MACHINES The connecting portion 11 betWeen the cylindrical body of
greater diameter and the outlet aperture 6 has an in?ected
The present invention relates to a valve unit for container shape in section, so that it terminates in a cylindrical portion
?lling machines, particularly for bottle ?llers. of smaller diameter 12 in Which is formed the said outlet
In the ?eld of equipment for bottling beverages, there is aperture 6 for the ?lling ?uid 7.
a known need for ensuring the maximum asepsis of all parts The valve unit 1 also comprises guide means 14 for the
of the machine Which come into contact With the beverage plug 3. These guide means 14 comprise a pierced plate 15
and for ensuring that the ?oW of the beverage from appro ?xed to the upper edge 13 of the holloW body 2. The loWer
priate reservoirs cannot come into contact With external surface of the pierced plate 15 has, in section, a double step
contaminants during its passage to the supply noZZle. It is shape, having tWo annular doWnWard-facing shoulders. The,
this noZZle that is generally subject to the greatest risk of upper shoulder 15a is designed to engage With the upper
contamination, both because it has supply apertureiand edge 13 of the holloW body 2, Which in turn has a stepped
therefore exposure to the external airiand because its shape, in such a Way as to provide accurate centring of the
structure comprises mechanisms and moving parts that are plug 3 With respect to the holloW body 2. On the other hand,
di?icult to clean and air vents Which can also act as a carrier the loWer shoulder 15b forms a recess betWeen the shoulder
of external contaminants. formed by the step of the edge 13 of the holloW body 2 and
Consequently, the design of What are called “aseptic” the pierced plate 15. AholloW stem 16, designed to house the
valves has naturally been Widely investigated. A valve has plug 3 in a slidable Way, extends doWnWards from the loWer
been proposed in Which the plug is enclosed by an elastic surface of the pierced plate 15, but not as far as the vicinity
membrane of plastic material Which isolates the channel in 20 of the outlet aperture 6.
Which the beverage ?oWs from the mechanisms connected to A sliding guide 1711 of the open ring type, designed to
the plug. HoWever, this valve also has certain problems, such interact With the surface of the plug 3, is located in a suitable
as a lack of versatility, in terms of adaptation to the various seat on the inner surface of the said holloW stem 16, in the
?lling systems, and a high degree of Wear of the elastic proximity of its loWer end.
membrane, particularly at the point at Which, When the valve 25 A second sliding guide 17b, also of the open ring type, is
is closed, it comes into contact With the edge of the supply located in the proximity of the opposite end, on the inner
aperture of the valve unit to shut off the aperture. surface of the hole in the plate 15. A seal 18, for example a
The problem Which the present invention is designed to, V-ring, is located in a suitable seat on the same surface,
tackle is therefore that of providing a valve unit for ?lling above the said sliding guide 17b. Additionally, an annular
machines Which overcomes the problems inherent in the 30
cavity 19, communicating With an air vent duct 20 Which
valves according to the prior art. opens on the outside of the valve unit 1, is formed beloW the
This problem is resolved by a valve unit as speci?ed in the sliding guide 17b.
attached claims. The sliding guides 17a, 17b are generally made from
Further characteristics and advantages of the valve unit suitable plastic material.
for ?lling machines according to the present invention Will 35
A head 21 Which closes the top of the valve unit 1 is ?xed
be made clearer by the description of a preferred embodi
above the pierced plate 15. The head 21 is holloW and houses
ment, provided beloW for guidance and Without restrictive
intent, With reference to the folloWing ?gures, in Which: Within it the upper portion of the, plug 3 Which, as stated,
FIG. 1 shoWs a sectional side vieW of the valve unit
extends doWnWards from this point, being housed coaxially
Within the central hole of the guide means 14, until it reaches
according to the invention, in the closed state; 40
the outlet aperture 6 of the holloW body 2.
FIG. 2 shoWs a sectional vieW in the direction AiA in
FIG. 1; More particularly, the plug 3 is of solid cylindrical shape
FIG. 3 shoWs the vieW of FIG. 1, but With the valve in the and has a diameter slightly smaller than the internal diameter
of the holloW stem 16, so that a clearance is created betWeen
open state and during supply.
With reference to the ?gures, the valve unit according to 45
the tWo surfaces. The plug 3 is ?xed at its top to a piston 22
the invention, indicated as a Whole by the number 1, housed slidably in the cavity of the head 21. Above the
comprises a holloW body 2 in Which a plug 3 is slidably piston 22 are located travel limiting means 23, Which in this
housed. speci?c example are a cylinder With a diameter smaller than
FIG. 4 shoWs a sectional side vieW of a further embodi the internal diameter of the cavity of the head 21 and With
ment of the valve unit of the invention; 50
a height smaller than the space, measured When the valve is
The body 2 is ?xed to the frame of the ?lling machine by closed, betWeen the upper surface of the piston 22 and the
suitable attachment means 4, such as struts or other con
internal end surface 24 of the head 21, the resulting empty
necting elements. space determining the travel of the piston 22. A spring 25,
The holloW body 2 comprises an inlet aperture 5 and an Wrapped around the cylinder 23, presses on the said upper
outlet aperture 6 for the ?uid 7 With Which the container 8 55
surface of the piston and on the internal end surface 24.
is to be ?lled. The said inlet aperture 5 is located in the upper A seal 18', of the V-ring type for example, is housed in a
portion of the lateral surface of the holloW body 2, While the suitable seat on the outer surface of the piston 22.
outlet aperture 6 is formed on the loWer surface of the A pressurization chamber 26, formed under the piston 22,
holloW body 2, in alignment With the plug 3. Thus a passage communicates With a pressurization duct 27 for the intro
9 for the ?lling ?uid 7 is formed inside the said holloW body 60 duction of compressed air, Which, in conjunction With the
2, this passage being of essentially annular shape because piston 22, forms the means of actuating the plug 3.
the cavity is occupied coaxially by the plug 3. Known ?xing means, for example a screW and nut system,
A line 10 for supplying the ?lling ?uid 7 is connected to are used to ?x the cylinder 23 to the piston 22 and to ?x the
the inlet aperture 5. piston 22 to the plug 3.
The holloW body 2 of the valve unit 1 is essentially 65 The loWer end of the plug 3 is beloW the holloW stem 16
cylindrical in shape, and has a diameter, in cross section, of the guide means 14, and this loWer end is ?xed to a
Which is greater than the diameter of the outlet aperture 6. support element 28. The support element 28 comprises an
US 7,156,267 B2
3 4
upper portion With a larger external diameter, connected to contained in it to be vented upWards through the clearance
the loWer portion by a shoulder 29. betWeen the plug 3 and the holloW stem 16 and, at the
The support element 28 has a central through hole, coaxial position of the sliding guide 1711, through the space left by
With the plug 3 and housing the loWer end of the plug. A tip the open ring. The air is then eliminated through the vent
30 is ?xed removably, by a screW ?tting for example, to the duct 20, thus preventing the occurrence of What is knoWn as
end part of the plug 3 Which extends beloW the support the “pump effect” of air compression Within the gap 31,
element 28. This tip 30 is essentially arroW-shaped; in other Which Would hinder the operation of the plug 3.
Words, it has a cylindrical portion 30a for joining to the plug On completion of the supply of the ?lling ?uid 7, the
3, an essentially conical pointed portion 30b and an upWard introduction of compressed air through the pressurization
facing connecting shoulder 30c. The pointed portion 30b can duct 27 is halted, and the spring 25 is released, causing the
be of ogival shape, in other Words With an external convex plug 3 to close the outlet 6 of the holloW body 2.
ity, or, as shoWn in the ?gure, can have a concave pro?le in The compressed air is introduced into the valve unit 1
cross section, such that the ?oW of ?lling ?uid 7 is directed through a solenoid valve (not shoWn) operated by a control
and guided toWards the mouth of the container 8. In all unit. The quantity of ?uid supplied is monitored by knoWn
cases, the tip 30 is interchangeable, according to the require ?oW measuring means.
ments of the type of ?lling and the type of container and/or In the embodiment of the valve shoWn in FIG. 4, the
beverage. membrane 32 is ?xed to the support element 28 in an
An annular gap 31 is formed betWeen the upper edge of advantageous Way by providing an L-section ?ange 29' on
the support element 28 and the loWer edge of the holloW the outer surface of this support element 28, beloW the
stem 16. 20 shoulder 29. This ?ange 29' is positioned in a complemen
A membrane 32 of essentially cylindrical shape, open at tary seat formed in the thickened part of the membrane 32,
both ends, is placed outside the guide means 14, and forming hooked gripping means betWeen the membrane and
encloses the holloW stem 16 like a jacket. The membrane 32 the plug 3.
is ?xed at its top betWeen the edge of the holloW body 2 and The advantages of the valve unit to Which the present
the pierced plate 15 of the guide means 14, the upper ?ap of 25 invention relates are immediately evident from the above
the membrane being housed in the recess formed by the description.
loWer shoulder 15b of the pierced plate 15. The loWer In the ?rst place, the membrane 32 enables the internal
portion 32a of the membrane 32 is thickened and comprises mechanisms of the valve to be completely isolated from the
an inner ?ange 32b Which is retained betWeen the shoulder passage 9 of the ?lling ?uid 7, Which can therefore be
29 of the support element 28 and the connecting shoulder 30 supplied in totally aseptic conditions.
300 of the tip 30. The greater thickness of the loWer portion Furthermore, the thickening of the loWer portion 32a of
32a of the membrane permits satisfactory deformation of the the membrane 32, in other Words of the portion more subject
material When the valve is closed, in other Words When this to mechanical stress, prolongs the service life of the mem
loWer portion 32a interferes With the inner surface of the brane and alloWs the material to be deformed su?iciently to
connecting portion 11 of the holloW body 2 to ensure the 35 ensure a perfect valve seal.
tightness of the valve. At the same time, the Wear of the The presence of the ?ns 33 on the outer surface of the
material is limited and consequently the durability of the membrane 32 prevents torsional motion of the ?uid during
membrane is increased. supply, this being a particularly important requirement When
On the outer surface of the membrane 32 there is a the valve is ?tted to rotary machines in Which such torsional
plurality of ?ns 33, extending radially essentially until they 40
motion is more signi?cant.
come into contact With the inner Wall of the holloW body 2.
The provision of an interchangeable tip 30, a character
Preferably, these ?ns 33, Which have the function of stabi
istic resulting from the fact the membrane 32 is open at the
lizing the ?oW of liquid and impeding torsional motion
bottom, enables the performance of the valve to be matched
thereof, are positioned on the loWer part of the membrane
to the characteristics of the container (for example, the
32, essentially on the loWer portion 32a. 45
mouth size, the capacity of the bottle, etc.) and to those of
The membrane 32 is made from a suitable elastomer, such
as natural or synthetic rubber. Preferably, the membrane 32
the beverage, simply by changing the type and shape of the
tip 30, but Without any need for changes to the membrane 32
and the ?ns 33 are made in one piece.
The operation of the valve unit according to the invention (Which Would entail very great additional costs).
Will noW be described, again With reference to the ?gures. 50
The provision of the sliding guides 17a, 17b at a consid
erable axial distance from each other on the inner surface of
In the closed state, the valve unit 1 appears as shoWn in
FIG. 1. In this state, the tip 30 and the loWer portion 32a of the guide means 14 ensures that the plug 3 is perfectly
the membrane 32 interact to form a seal With the inner coaxial With the holloW body 2, resulting in high precision
surface of the connecting portion 11 of the holloW body 2. of supply.
The valve is opened by introducing compressed air, 55 Clearly, only a particular embodiment of the valve unit to
through the pressurization duct 27, into the pressurization Which the present invention relates has been described here,
chamber 26. Under the action of the compressed air, the but a person skilled in the art Will be able to make any
piston 22 rises, thus moving the plug 3 Which is integral With necessary modi?cations to the invention to adapt it to
it. The spring 25 is compressed until the cylinder 23 abuts particular applications, Without departing from the scope of
the inner surface 24 of the head 21, thus stopping the upWard 60 protection of the present invention.
travel of the plug 3. Thus the valve is opened, alloWing the For example, it is possible to provide more than tWo
?lling ?uid 7 to be supplied into the container 8, as shoWn sliding guides 17a, 17b.
in FIG. 3. The actuating means of the plug 3, Which in the present
When the plug 3 is raised, the support element 28 Which example are of the compressed air type, can be replaced by
is integral With it also slides upWards, advancing toWards the 65 other knoWn means, for example cam means.
loWer edge of the holloW stem 16 Which is ?xed. The volume The in?ected shape of the connecting portion 11 of the
of the annular gap 31 is thus reduced, causing the air holloW body 2 can be varied to meet speci?c requirements.
US 7,156,267 B2
5 6
The invention claimed is: 11. Valve unit according to claim 10, in Which the said tip
1. Valve unit, particularly for machines for ?lling con comprises an essentially conical pointed portion, having a
tainers, comprising a hollow body in Which a plug is slidably concave pro?le in cross section.
housed and a guide means for the said plug, a passage being 12. Valve unit, particularly for machines for ?lling con
formed in the said holloW body for a ?uid for ?lling the said 5
tainers, comprising a holloW body in Which a plug is slidably
container, Wherein the said passage for the said ?lling ?uid housed and a guide means for the said plug, a passage being
is separated from the said guide means and from the said
formed in the said holloW body for a ?uid for ?lling the said
plug by an isolating and sealing membrane, the said mem
brane being open at the bottom in such a Way as to alloW a container, Wherein in that the said passage for the said ?lling
tip of the said plug to protrude doWnWards, Wherein the said 10
?uid is separated from the said guide means and from the
tip is detachably coupled to the said plug, the bottom of the said plug by an isolating and sealing membrane, the said
said membrane having an inner ?ange Which is retained membrane being open at the bottom in such a Way as to
betWeen the said plug and the said tip. alloW a tip of the said plug to protrude doWnWards, in Which
2. Valve unit according to claim 1, in Which the said means of actuating the said plug are provided, Wherein the
membrane comprises a loWer portion of greater thickness. said tip is detachably coupled to the said plug, the bottom of
3. Valve unit according to claim 1, in Which the said the said membrane having an inner ?ange Which is retained
membrane comprises a plurality of ?ns for stabiliZing the betWeen the said plug and the said tip.
?oW of the said ?lling ?uid. 13. Valve unit according to claim 12, in Which the said
4. Valve unit according to claim 1, in Which the said means of actuating the plug comprise a piston Which is
holloW body comprises an inlet aperture and an outlet 20 integral With the upper end of the said plug and a pressur
aperture for the said ?uid, the said outlet aperture being iZation chamber associated for operation With the said
positioned beloW and in alignment With the said plug, the piston, the said pressurization chamber communicating With
cylindrical portion of the said holloW body and the said a pressurization duct for the introduction of compressed air
outlet aperture being connected by a connecting portion at a su?icient pressure to raise the said piston.
having an in?ected shape in cross section. 25 14. Valve unit according to claim 13, the said piston also
5. Valve unit, particularly for machines for ?lling con being associated With an opposing spring and travel limiting
tainers, comprising a holloW body in Which a plug is slidably means for the said piston.
housed and a guide means for the said plug, in Which the said 15. Valve unit according to claim 12, in Which the said
guide means are located outside the said plug, a passage plug comprises a support element positioned above the said
being formed in the said holloW body for a ?uid for ?lling 30 tip and interacting With the said tip to retain the loWer ?ap
the said container, Wherein the said passage for the said of the said membrane.
?lling ?uid is separated from the said guide means and from 16. Valve unit according to claim 15, in Which the said
the said plug by an isolating and sealing membrane, the said support element comprises hooked gripping means of the
membrane being open at the bottom in such a Way as to said membrane to the said support element.
alloW a tip of the said plug to protrude doWnWards, Wherein 35
the said tip is detachably coupled to the said plug, the bottom 17. Filling machine, the improvement comprising one or
of the said membrane having an inner ?ange Which is move valve units, each of the said one or more valve units
retained betWeen the said plug and the said tip. comprising a holloW body in Which a plug is slidably housed
6. Valve unit according to claim 1, in Which the said guide and a guide means for the said plug, a passage being formed
means are located outside the said plug and comprise a 40
in the said holloW body for a ?uid for ?lling the said
pierced plate from Which there extends doWnWards a holloW container, Wherein the said passage for the said ?lling ?uid
stem designed to house the said plug coaxially and slidably. is separated from the said guide means and from the said
7. Valve unit according to claim 5, in Which the said guide plug by an isolating and sealing membrane, the said mem
brane being open at the bottom in such a Way as to alloW a
means comprise at least tWo sliding guides spaced apart
from each other in such a Way as to ensure that the said plug 45
tip of the said plug to protrude doWnWards, Wherein the said
is coaxial and in alignment With the said outlet aperture. tip is detachably coupled to the said plug, the bottom of the
8. Valve unit according to claim 7, in Which the said said membrane having an inner ?ange Which is retained
sliding guides are of the open ring type. betWeen the said plug and the said tip.
9. Valve unit according to claim 1, in Which the said guide 18. Filling machine according to claim 17, in Which the
means comprise an air vent duct. 50 said machine is of the rotary type.
10. Valve unit according to claim 1, in Which the said tip
of the said plug is essentially arroW-shaped in cross section.