United States Patent: (10) Patent No.: US 6,168,383 B1
United States Patent: (10) Patent No.: US 6,168,383 B1
United States Patent: (10) Patent No.: US 6,168,383 B1
V s
vs. CN CO
S. - - -
U.S. Patent Jan. 2, 2001 Sheet 2 of 11 US 6,168,383 B1
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ROTOR BLADE FOR ROTARY-WING art rotor blade, the Sweepback angle reduces air Velocity
AIRCRAFT toward the tip to reduce the load on the tip and the intensity
of tip trailing edge Vortices which are generated during
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION hovering, and the taper reduces chord length toward the tip
1. Field of the Invention of the rotor blade. As a result, the chord length decreases
The present invention relates to a rotor blade for a from the root toward the tip of the rotor blade so that the
rotary-wing aircraft, designed to Suppress BVI (Blade Vor chord length of the tip is about half that of the root to reduce
tex Interaction) noise which is generated by an interaction of the area of a tip part of the rotor blade for the further
a Succeeding rotor blade with tip vortices generated by the reduction of the load on the tip and the intensity of tip
tip of a preceding rotor blade. trailing edge Vortices during hovering. Thus, the anhedral
2. Description of the Related Art angle warps down a tip part of a length corresponding to 4%
of the radius of the rotary wing to shift the tip trailing edge
When a rotary-wing aircraft, Such as a helicopter, lands, Vortices generated by the preceding rotor blade to a position
a Succeeding rotor blade of a rotary wing interacts with tip apart from the Succeeding rotor blade.
Vortices generated by the tip of a preceding rotor blade to 15
generate a BVI noise. It is known that the intensity of the A rotor blade disclosed in JP 3-66198B has a tip part in
BVI noise generated by the rotary-wing aircraft is dependent which the respective Sweepback angles of the leading edge
on the plane shape of a tip part of the rotor blade that and the trailing edge are determined So that the leading edge
generates the tip vortices. and the trailing edge of the tip part extend outward at
different angles, respectively, to reduce the intensity of
Referring to FIG. 16, a rotary wing 20 included in a impulse waves due to the compression of air and to reduce
rotary-wing aircraft comprises a plurality of rotor blades 21 the HSI noise during the forward flight of the rotary-wing
each having a Substantially rectangular shape, and rotates aircraft.
about a rotational axis. When the rotary wing 20 of the
rotary-wing aircraft rotates in the direction of the arrow D A rotor blade disclosed in JP 64-16498A has a tip part
while the rotary-wing aircraft is advancing in the direction 25
inclined at a dihedral angle, and a part adjacent to the tip part
of the arrow F, tip trailing edge Vortices 22 are generated by inclined at an anhedral angle to improve the hovering
the preceding rotor blade 21a. When the rotary-wing aircraft performance of the rotary-wing aircraft and to Suppress the
descends for landing, the tip trailing edge Vortices 22 torsional distortion of the rotor blade during high-speed
generated by the preceding rotor blade 21a descend with a forward flight.
delay. Therefore, the Succeeding rotor blade 21b interacts A rotor blade disclosed in JP 64-22693A, similarly to that
with the tip trailing edge Vortices 22 to generate BVI noise. disclosed in JP 3-66198B, has a tip part in which the
Since tip trailing edge Vortices 22 generated by the rotor respective Sweepback angles of the leading edge and the
blades do not start descending at the instant the vortices are trailing edge are determined So that the leading edge and the
generated, the rotor blades are affected by the downwash of trailing edge of the tip part extend outward at different
the vortices caused by themselves or the downwash of the 35
angles, respectively, to improve the flight performance of the
Vortices caused by the preceding rotor blade 21a when the rotary-wing aircraft.
rotary-wing aircraft hovers. The dynamic pressure of air A rotor blade disclosed in JP 2-60898A has a swept-back
acting on the rotor blade reaches a maximum value at the tip tip part capable of reducing or removing aerodynamic
of the rotor blade, and the hovering performance of the pitching moment. This rotor blade has a root part attached to
rotary-wing aircraft is dependent on the plane Shape of a tip 40 a rotor head, a main part extending from the root part and
part of the rotor blade. having a blade profile of a predetermined chord length, a
A SuperSonic flow region is created around the leading Swept-back tip part determining blade width and extending
edge of the rotor blade in a forward turning motion due to from the Outer end of the main part, and a droop for changing
the Sum of the tangential Velocity of the rotor blade and a the distribution of bound vortices of air currents in the
component of the velocity of the forward motion of the 45 direction of the width of the blade over the edge of the tip
rotary-wing aircraft in a direction tangent to the path of the part to reduce the aerodynamic pitching moment of the rotor
rotor blade while the rotary-wing aircraft is in high-speed blade.
forward flight. Consequently, power loSS at the tip of the A rotary wing employed in a rotary-wing aircraft dis
rotor blade increases to a maximum and a large aerodynamic closed in JP 4-176795A reduces resistance and improves
pitching moment is produced at the tip of the rotor blade. 50 flight efficiency by the effect of Sweepback angle, Suppresses
Therefore, the performance of the rotary-wing aircraft and separation by the double delta effect of two swept-back
the aerodynamic balance of the rotor blade are dependent on parts, delays the Stalling of a rotor blade in backward turning
the plane shape of the tip part of the rotor blade. Moreover, motion for the further stabilization of high-speed flight.
impulsive HSI (High Speed Impulsive) noise is generated A rotor blade disclosed in JP4-262994A has a mean chord
due to the compression of air particularly by a tip part of the 55 length greater than 50% of the chord length of its main part,
rotor blade in a forward turning motion while the rotary and is provided with a tip blade of a span length greater than
wing aircraft is in high-speed forward flight. Thus, the 50% of the chord length of the main part to generate two tip
intensity of the HSI noise generated by the rotary-wing Vortices of Substantially the same intensity to SuppreSS
aircraft is dependent on the plane shape of the tip part of the acoustic shocks and BVI noise. FIG. 17 shows an end part
rotor blades. Many Studies of the plane shape of the tip part 60 30 of this rotor blade in a plan view. The end part 30 of this
of rotor blades have been made to design a rotor blade rotor blade has a tip part 32 having a leading edge 31 and a
capable of exhibiting high performance, of reducing noise trailing edge 33 determining the chord length of the tip part
and of Securing appropriate aerodynamic balance. 32 perpendicular to a reference axis, and a tip blade 34
A rotor blade for a rotary wing disclosed in JP extending from the tip part 32. As shown in FIG. 18, vortices
56-167599A has a tip part having a Sweepback angle, a taper 65 generated by this rotor blade is divided into vortices 34a
and an anhedral angle Selectively determined to improve the shed from the tip blade 34 and vortices 35a shed from the tip
performance of the rotor blade during hovering. In this prior 35 of the tip part 32 and, consequently, BVI noise is
US 6,168,383 B1
3 4
suppressed. Thus tip blade 34 of the rotor blade disclosed in be formed in a forward conveX curve. Thus the propagation
JP 4-262994A has a span length greater than 50% of the of separation toward the tip of the rotor blade while the
chord length of the main part of the rotor blade to generate rotary-wing aircraft is in high-speed forward flight with the
the two Vortices of Substantially the same intensity So that rotary wing thereof rotating at a low rotating Speed to reduce
the two Vortices remain Separated from each other for the noise can be prevented.
longest possible distance as indicated in FIG. 19. Therefore, In this rotor blade, the front tip blade may be connected
the tip blade has an elongate shape and hence contrivance is to the main blade So as to be able to pitch about an axis
necessary to Strengthen the joint of the root of the tip blade extending in the direction of the Span, and the front tip blade
34 and the tip of the main part 32 particularly. may be driven for pitching by a driving means. Thus, the
blade incidence angle of the front tip blade can be positively
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION controlled by a front tip blade operating mechanism accord
ing to the azimuth of the rotor blade. Thus the intensity of
The present invention has been made in view of that tip vortices can be further efficiently reduced.
respects and it is therefore an object of the present invention The above and other objects, features and advantages of
to provide a rotor blade for a rotary-wing aircraft, based on 15 the present invention will become more apparent from the
a new principle and incorporating new contrivance to reduce following description taken in connection with the accom
noise resulting from the interaction of the rotor blade with panying drawings.
tip vortices by reducing the intensity of tip vortices. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
According to one aspect of the present invention, a rotor FIG. 1 is a schematic plan view of a rotor blade in a first
blade for a rotary-wing aircraft comprises a main blade embodiment according to the present invention for a rotary
having a Substantially fixed chord length, a front tip blade wing aircraft;
having a chord length Smaller than that of the main blade and FIG. 2 is an enlarged plan view of an end portion of the
connected to the main blade So that the front edge thereof is rotor blade of FIG. 1;
continuous with the front edge of the main blade, and a rear FIG. 3 is an end view of the rotor blade of FIG. 1;
tip blade having a chord length greater than that of the front 25 FIG. 4 is a rear view of the rotor blade of FIG. 1;
tip blade and connected to the main blade So that the trailing FIG. 5 is a view showing tip vortices generated by a front
edge thereof is continuous with the trailing edge of the main tip blade included in the rotor blade of FIG. 1;
blade. Tip vortices generated by the front tip blade interferes FIG. 6 is a sectional view taken on line 6-6 in FIG. 5;
with tip vortices generated by the rear tip blade and Still FIG. 7 is a schematic plan view of a rotor blade in a
bound on the surface of the rear tip blade to suppress BVI Second embodiment according to the present invention for a
noise by reducing the intensity of the tip vortices generated rotary-wing aircraft;
by the rear tip blade by the tip vortices generated by the front FIG. 8 is a perspective View explaining the propagation of
tip blade. Separation toward the tip of the rotor blade;
In this rotor blade, the difference in span length between FIG. 9 is a perspective view explaining Vortices arresting
the front tip blade and the back tip blade may be 40% or less 35 the propagation of Separation;
of the substantially fixed chord length of the main blade. FIG. 10 is a plan view of a rotor blade in Example 1 of
Thus the tip vortices generated by the front tip blade can be the present invention;
made to interfere with tip vortices generated by the rear tip FIG. 11 is a plan view of a rotor blade in Example 2 of the
blade and still bound on the Surface of the rear tip blade to present invention;
reduce the intensity of the tip Vortices. 40
In this rotor blade, at least one of the front tip blade and FIG. 12 is a plan view of a rotor blade in Example 3 of
the rear tip blade may be Swept-back at a Sweepback angle the present invention;
of 60 or below to suppress HSI noise. FIG. 13 is a plan view of a rotor blade in Example 4 of
the present invention;
In this rotor blade, the front tip blade may be tapered in FIG. 14 is a view of a rotor blade in a modification of a
a taper less than 0.7, and the rear tip blade may be tapered 45
in a taper less than 0.7 to reduce the intensity of the tip rotor blade according to the present invention;
vortices and to suppress HSI noise further effectively. FIG. 15 is a schematic view of an operating device for
operating the rotor blade of FIG. 14;
In this rotor blade, at least one of the front tip blade and FIG. 16 is a pictorial view for assistance in explaining a
the rear tip blade may be attached to the main blade and a 50 principle of generation of BVI noise by the interaction of a
blade incidence angle in the range of -5 to +5. Thus, the Succeeding rotor blade with tip Vortices generated by the tip
intensity of tip vortices can be further efficiently reduced. of a preceding rotor blade;
In this rotor blade, at least one of the front tip blade and FIG. 17 is a plan view of an end part of a conventional
the rear tip blade may be twisted with respect to a direction rotor blade for a rotary-wing aircraft;
along the length So as to form a washout angle in the range 55 FIG. 18 is a perspective view of an end part of the
of -5 to +5. Thus the intensity of tip vortices can be further conventional rotor blade of FIG. 17 for assistance in explain
efficiently reduced. ing the BVI noise Suppressing effect of an end part of the
In this rotor blade, the anhedral angle of the rear tip blade rotor blade of FIG. 17; and
may be 10 or below. Thus the intensity of tip vortices can FIG. 19 is a view explanatory of the separation of two tip
be further efficiently reduced. 60 Vortices,
In this rotor blade, the 25%-chord line of the front tip FIG. 20 is an end view of the end portion of FIG. 2,
blade may be on the front side of the 25%-chord line of the showing the washout angles of the tip blades.
main blade having a Substantially fixed chord at the joint of
the front tip blade and the main blade. Thus the appropriate DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
aerodynamic balance can be Secured. 65 EMBODIMENTS
In this rotor blade, part of the front edge of the main blade FIG. 1 shows one of a plurality of rotor blades 1 in a first
near the joint of the front tip blade and the main blade may embodiment according to the present invention for a rotary
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wing aircraft. The plurality of rotor blades 1 are attached to at its tip, and the Sweepback angle of the rear tip blade 4 at
a rotor hub not shown to constitute a rotary wing. The rotor a 25%-chord position P 2 on the chord of the chord length
blade 1 has a main blade 2 having a substantially fixed chord C 2 is p2. According to published experimental data, the
length C, a front tip blade 3 having a front edge 3a radius of tip vortices, in general, is about 20% of the chord
continuous with a front edge 2a of the main blade 2, and a length of the rotor blade. Therefore, the length difference
rear tip blade 4 having a rear edge 4a continuous with a rear (R2-R1) between the front tip blade 3 and the rear tip blade
edge 2b of the main blade 2. The distance between a 4, i.e., the difference between the length R2 of the rear tip
rotational center O of the rotary wing and the tip of the rotor blade 4 and the length R 1 of the front tip blade 3, is 40%,
blade 1, i.e., the radius of the rotary wing, is a radial distance that is, 20% (front tip blade tip vortices) +20% (rear tip blade
L, the distance between the rotational center O of the rotary tip vortices) of the chord length C of the main blade 2 at the
wing and the outer end of the main blade 2 is a radial largest to make the tip Vortices generated by the front tip
distance L 1, and the distance between the center O and the blade 3 and those generated by the rear tip blade 4 cancel
tip of the front tip blade 3 is a radial distance L 2. The radial each other; that is, the length difference (R2-R1) between
distance L 1 between the center O and the outer end of the the rear tip blade 4 and the front tip blade 3 is in the range
main blade 2 is in the range of 80% to 100% of the radial 15 of 0% to 40% of the chord length C of the main blade 2.
distance L equal to the radius of the rotary wing. The rear tip blade 4 is Swept back at the Sweepback angle
As shown in FIG. 2 the front tip blade 3 has a length (p2 to reduce the air compressing effect of the rear tip blade
R1=(L2-L1). The Sweepback angle at a 25%-chord position 4. Pitching moment in a head-down direction about the
P 1 on the chord having the chord length C 1 is (p1. The extension of the 25%-chord line increases if the Sweepback
chord length L 1.Of the front tip blade 3 is shorter than the angle (p2 is excessively large and Mach number at the tip of
chord length C of the main blade 2. The front tip blade 3 is the rotor blade in a forward turning motion is on the order
Swept back at the Sweepback angle (p1 to reduce the air
compressing effect of the front tip blade 3. Pitching moment of 1. Therefore, the Sweepback angle (p2 of the rear tip blade
in a head-down direction about the extension of the 25%- 4 is 60 or below from the viewpoint of Suppressing the air
chord line increases if the Sweepback angle (p1 is excessively compressing effect of the rear tip blade 4. The tip Vortices
large and Mach number at the tip of the rotor blade in a 25 can be reduced to the least possible extent by uniformly
forward turning motion is therefore on the order of 1. In tapering the rotor blade from the root toward the tip of the
consideration of this, the Sweepback angle (p1 of the front tip Same at a taper ratio. Tapering the rotor blade further reduces
blade 3 is 60 or below from the viewpoint of Suppressing HSI noise as well as tip vortices. In view of the foregoing
the air compressing effect of the front tip blade 3. fact, the taper ratio C2/C2 of the rear tip blade 4 is in the
If the pitching moment in the head-down direction about range of 0 to 0.7.
the extension of the 25%-chord line increases, a dynamically The intensity of tip vortices generated by the front tip
unstable phenomenon, Such as flutter or divergence, occurs blade 3 and that of tip vortices generate by the rear tip blade
in the rotor blade 1. It is effective in reducing the pitching 4 must be adjusted properly to make those tip vortices cancel
moment in the head-down direction that the front tip blade each other efficiently. The blade incidence angle 02 is
3 is on the frontside of the 25%-chord line of the rotor blade 35 determined So that the tip vortices generated by the rear tip
1. Therefore, the front tip blade 3 is formed so that the blade 4 have an appropriate intensity relative to that of the
25%-chord point P1 of the front tip blade is on the front side tip Vortices generated by the front tip blade 3. An exces
of an extension 1 of the 25%-chord line of the main blade 2 Sively large blade incidence angle 02 increases drag. AS
having the Substantially fixed chord. shown in FIG. 3, the rear tip blade 4 is connected to the tip
The tip vortices can be reduced to the least possible extent 40 of the main blade 2 at the blade incidence angle 02 in the
by uniformly tapering the rotor blade from the root toward range of -5 (leading edge down) and +5 (leading edge up).
the tip of the same at a taper ratio. Tapering the rotor blade Similarly, the front tip blade 3 and the rear tip blade 4 are
further reduces the HSI noise as well as tip vortices. Taper twisted at washout angles to make the tip vortices generated
ratio is the ratio of the chord length of the tip of the rotor by the front tip blade 3 and the rear tip blade 4 cancel each
blade to that of the root of the same. In view of the foregoing 45 other efficiently. Excessive twisting increases drag. The
fact, the taper ratio C1/C1 of the front tip blade 3 is in the washout angle 82 of the rear tip blade 4 is in the range of -5
range of 0 to 0.7. (leading edge down) to +5 (leading edge up).
The intensity of tip vortices generated by the front tip The position of the rear tip blade 4 relative to the position
blade 3 and that of tip vortices generate by the rear tip blade of tip vortices generated by the front tip blade 3 must be
4 must be adjusted properly to make those tip Vortices cancel 50 determined properly to make the Vortices generated by the
each other efficiently. The blade incidence angle (p1 (FIG. 3) front tip blade 3 and the rear tip blade 4 cancel each other
is determined So that the tip vortices generated by the front efficiently. The rear tip blade 4 is inclined at an anhedral
tip blade 3 have an appropriate intensity relative to that of angle m (FIG. 4). If the anhedral angle m is excessively large,
the tip vortices generated by the rear tip blade 4. An vibrations will be excited during forward flight. Therefore,
excessively large blade incidence angle (p1 increases drag. 55 the anhedral angle m of the rear tip blade 4 is in the range of
As shown in FIG. 3, the front tip blade 3 is connected to the 0 to -10° (downward inclination).
tip of the main blade 2 at the blade incidence angle (p1 in the FIG. 5 is a plan view of the rotor blade typically showing
range of -5 (leading edge down) and +5 (leading edge up). the flow of air behind the front tip blade 3 visualized by wind
Similarly, the front tip blade 3 and the rear tip blade 4 are tunnel test. As is obvious from FIG. 5, tip vortices generated
twisted at washout angles to make the tip vortices generated 60 by the front tip blade 3 during a landing motion of the
by the front tip blade 3 and the rear tip blade 4 cancel each rotary-wing aircraft interact with the rear tip blade 4 to
other efficiently. Excessive twisting increases drag. AS reduce the intensity of tip vortices generated by the rear tip
shown in FIG. 20, the washout angle 61 of the front tip blade blade 4. As shown in FIG. 6, flows A among rising currents
3 is in the range of -5 (leading edge down) to +5 (leading A caused by the tip vortices generated by the front tip blade
edge up). 65 3 flow along the upper surface 4 of the rear tip blade 4
As shown in FIG. 2, the rear tip blade 4 has a length toward the edge of the rear tip blade 4 to Sweep tip Vortices
R2=L-L2, a chord length C 2 at its root, a chord length C2 being generated by the rear tip blade 4 outward and,
US 6,168,383 B1
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consequently, the intensity of the tip vortices generated by rotational center O of the rotor blade and the radial distance
the rear tip blade 4 is reduced. Tip vortices of small radii are L of the tip of a rear tip blade 4, namely, the tip of the rotor
generated around the tip of the rear tip blade 4 if the flows blade 1, from the center O of the rotor blade 1 is 25% of the
A do not flow along the upper surface 4 of the rear tip blade substantially fixed chord length of a main blade 2. The tip of
4, and tip vortices of large radii are generated around the tip the front tip blade 3 is on the radially inner side at a distance
of the rear tip blade 4 if the flows A' flow along the upper (L-L2) from the tip of the rear tip blade 4. The Sweepback
surface 4 of the rear tip blade 4. Thus, the radii of the tip angle (p1 of the front tip blade 3 is 50 and the Sweepback
Vortices generated by the rear tip blade 4 are increased by the angle (p2 of the rear tip blade 4 is 45. The taper ratio of the
Sweeping action of the flows A and, consequently, the front tip blade 3 is 0.20 and that of the rear tip blade 4 is
tangential Speed of the Vortices is reduced to reduce the 0.25. The 25%-chord point P1 on the root of the front tip
intensity of the tip vortices generated by the rear tip blade 4. blade 3 is on the front side of a 25%-chord line passing the
FIG. 7 is a schematic plan view of a rotor blade 10 in a 25%-chord point on the root of the rotor blade 1. The
Second embodiment according to the present invention for a respective blade incidence angles of the front tip blade 3 and
rotary-wing aircraft. The rotor blade 10 shown in FIG. 7 is 15 the rear tip blade 4 relative to the main blade 2 are about 0.
Substantially the same in shape as the rotor blade 1 shown in The respective washout angles between the root and the tip
FIG. 1, except that a main blade 2 of the former rotor blade of the front tip blade 3 and the rear tip blade 4 are about 0.
10 has a forward convex part 11. The forward convex part The anhedral angle of the rear tip blade 4 relative to the front
11 of the main blade 10 starts protruding from the leading tip blade 3 is about 0.
edge 2a of the main blade 2 at a position on the leading edge Referring to FIG. 12, in a rotor blade 1 according to the
2a at a distance from the rotational center O of the rotor present invention in Example 3, the difference between the
blade 10 in the range of 70% to 100% of the distance radial distance L 2 of the tip of a front tip blade 3 from the
between the rotational center O of turning of the rotor blade rotational center O of the rotor blade and the radial distance
10 and the tip of the rotor 10. The maximum height of the L of the tip of a rear tip blade 4, namely, the tip of the rotor
forward convex part 11 is in the range of 0% to 50% of the 25
blade 1, from the center O of the rotor blade 1 is 25% of the
chord length C of the main blade 2. The leading edge 11a of substantially fixed chord length of a main blade 2. The tip of
the forward convex part 11 merges into the leading edge 2a the front tip blade 3 is on the radially inner side at a distance
of the main blade 2 and the leading edge 3a of a front tip (L-L2) from the tip of the rear tip blade 4. The Sweepback
blade 3.
angle (p1 of the front tip blade 3 is 20 and the Sweepback
Separation propagates toward the tip of the rotor blade 10 angle (p2 of the rear tip blade 4 is 30. The taper ratio of the
as shown in FIG. 8 while the rotary-wing aircraft is in front tip blade 3 is 0.15 and that of the rear tip blade 4 is
high-speed forward flight with the rotary wing thereof 0.55. The 25%-chord point P 1 on the root of the front tip
rotating at a low rotational speed to reduce noise. The blade 3 is on the front side of a 25%-chord line passing the
forward convex part 11 of the rotor blade 10 generates 35 25%-chord point on the root of the rotor blade 1. A forward
Vortices for preventing the propagation of Separation in a convex part 11 formed in a main blade 2 starts protruding
direction along the chord of the rotor blade 10 as shown in from the leading edge of the main blade 2 at a position on
FIG. 9, so that the occurrence of stall advancing from the the leading edge at a radial distance from the rotational
root toward the tip of the rotor blade 10 in backward turning center O of the rotor blade 10 equal to 75% of the radial
motion is prevented by the tip of the rotor blade 10. 40
distance L between the center O of the rotor blade 10 and the
Examples of the rotor blades of the present invention will tip of the rotor 10. The maximum height of the forward
be described hereinafter. convex part 11 is equal to 40% of the substantially fixed
chord length C of the main blade 2. The respective blade
Referring to FIG. 10, in a rotor blade 1 according to the incidence angles of the front tip blade 3 and the rear tip blade
present invention in Example 1, the difference between the 45 4 relative to the main blade 2 are about 0. The respective
radial distance L 2 of the tip of a front tip blade 3 from the washout angles between the root and the tip of the front tip
rotational center O of the rotor blade and the radial distance blade 3 and the rear tip blade 4 are about 0. The anhedral
L of the tip of a rear tip blade 4, namely, the tip of the rotor angle of the rear tip blade 4 relative to the front tip blade 3
blade 1, from the center O of the rotor blade 1 is 25% of the is about 0.
substantially fixed chord length of a main blade 2. The tip of 50 Referring to FIG. 13, in a rotor blade 1 according to the
the front tip blade 3 is on the radially inner side at a distance present invention in Example 4, the difference between the
(L-L2) from the tip of the rear tip blade 4. The Sweepback radial distance L 2 of the tip of a front tip blade 3 from the
angle (p1 of the front tip blade 3 is 20 and the Sweepback rotational center O of the rotor blade and the radial distance
angle (p2 of the rear tip blade 4 is 30. The taper ratio of the L of the tip of a rear tip blade 4, namely, the tip of the rotor
front tip blade 3 is 0.15 and that of the rear tip blade 4 is 55 blade 1, from the center O of the rotor blade 1 is 25% of the
0.55. The 25%-chord point P1 on the root of the front tip substantially fixed chord length of a main blade 2. The tip of
blade 3 is on the front side of a 25%-chord line passing the the front tip blade 3 is on the radially inner side at a distance
25%-chord point on the root of the rotor blade 1. The (L-L2) from the tip of the rear tip blade 4. The Sweepback
respective blade incidence angles of the front tip blade 3 and angle (p1 of the front tip blade 3 is 50 and the Sweepback
the rear tip blade 4 relative to the main blade 2 are about 0. 60 angle (p2 of the rear tip blade 4 is 45. The taper ratio of the
The respective washout angles between the root and the tip front tip blade 3 is 0.20 and that of the rear tip blade 4 is
of the front tip blade 3 and the rear tip blade 4 are about 0. 0.25. The 25%-chord point P1 on the root of the front tip
The anhedral angle of the rear tip blade 4 relative to the front blade 3 is on the front side of a 25%-chord line passing the
tip blade 3 is about 0. 25%-chord point on the root of the rotor blade. A forward
Referring to FIG. 11, in a rotor blade 1 according to the 65 convex part 11 formed in a main blade 2 starts protruding
present invention in Example 2, the difference between the from the leading edge of the main blade 2 at a position on
radial distance L 2 of the tip of a front tip blade 3 from the the leading edge at a radial distance from the rotational
US 6,168,383 B1
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center O of the rotor blade 10 equal to 75% of the radial What is claimed is:
distance L between the rotational center O of the rotor blade 1. A rotor blade for a rotary-wing aircraft comprising:
10 and the tip of the rotor blade 10. The maximum height of a main blade having a Substantially fixed chord length;
the forward convex part 11 is equal to 40% of the substan a front tip blade having a first chord length Smaller than
tially fixed chord length C of the main blade 2. The respec that of the main blade and connected to the main blade
tive blade incidence angles of the front tip blade 3 and the So that a front edge thereof is continuous with a front
rear tip blade 4 relative to the main blade 2 are about 0. The leading edge of the main blade; and
respective washout angles between the root and the tip of the a rear tip blade having a Second chord length greater than
front tip blade 3 and the rear tip blade 4 are about 0. The that of the front tip blade and connected to the main
anhedral angle of the rear tip blade 4 relative to the front tip blade So that a trailing edge thereof is continuous with
blade 3 is about 0.
a trailing edge of the main blade.
FIG. 14 shows a modification of the rotor blade according 2. The rotor blade according to claim 1, wherein:
to the present invention. This rotor blade has a main blade the front tip blade and the rear tip blade have a difference
2, a front tip blade 3 connected to the main blade 2 so that 15 in span length therebetween which is 40% or less of the
its blade incidence angle is variable, and a rear tip blade 4. Substantially fixed chord length of the main blade.
As shown in FIG. 15, the front tip blade 3 is attached to a 3. The rotor blade according to claim 1, wherein:
blade incidence angle control shaft 12. The blade incidence at least one of the front tip blade and the rear tip blade is
angle control shaft 12 is turned by an operating mechanism Swept back at a Sweepback angle (p1, gp2) of 60 or
13 including an electric motor or a hydraulic actuator to vary below.
the blade incidence angle of the front tip blade 3 according 4. The rotor blade according to claim 1, wherein:
to the azimuth of the rotor blade. When a rotary-wing
aircraft provided with a rotary wing including rotor blades the front tip blade is tapered in a taper less than 0.7, and
like this rotor blade is in a landing motion, the blade the rear tip blade is tapered in a taper less than 0.7.
incidence angle of the front tip blade 3 relative to the main 5. The rotor blade according to claim 1, wherein:
blade 2 is varied to make tip vortices generated by the front 25 at least one of the front tip blade and the rear tip blade is
tip blade 3 and the rear tip blade 4 cancel each other attached to the main blade at a blade incidence angle
efficiently. (p1, gp2) in the range of -5 to +5.
The blade profile, the washout and the plane shape of the 6. The rotor blade according to claim 1, wherein:
rotor blade affecting the downwash of the rotary wing are at least one of the front tip blade and the rear tip blade is
primary factors, and the forward flight Speed and the angle twisted with respect to a direction along the length So
of descent are Secondary factors dominating an azimuth of as to form a washout angle in the range of -5 to +5.
the Succeeding rotor blade at which the Succeeding rotor 7. The rotor blade according to claim 1, wherein:
blade interacts with tip vortices generated by the preceding the rear tip blade is declined outward at an anhedral angle
rotor blade to generate BVI noise and a corresponding 35
(m) of 10° or below.
azimuth of the preceding rotor blade. The blade profile, the 8. The rotor blade according to claim 1, wherein:
washout and the plane shape of the rotor blade are designed a 25%-chord line of the front tip blade is on the front side
So that intensity of tip vortices can be most efficiently of a 25%-chord line of the main blade having a sub
reduced, and the disposition, the plane shape, the incidence stantially fixed chord at the joint of the front tip blade
angle, the washout angle and the anhedral angle of the front 40
and the main blade.
tip blade and the rear tip blade are adjusted So that the 9. The rotor blade according to claim 1, wherein:
intensity of tip vortices generated under various conditions a a part of Said front leading edge of the main blade near
determined by combinations of various forward flying the joint portion of the front tip blade and the main
Speeds and various angles of descent can be reduced at a blade is formed in a forward convex curve.
high efficiency on the average. 45 10. The rotor blade according to claim 1, wherein:
While the presently preferred embodiments of the present the front tip blade is connected to the main blade So as to
invention have been shown and described, it is to be be able to turn about an axis extending in a direction of
understood that these disclosures are for the purpose of a Span, and driving means is provided to pitch the front
illustration and that various changes and modifications may tip blade about the axis.
be made without departing from the Scope of the invention
as Set forth in the appended claims. k k k k k