United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,384,360 B2: Ploetz Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 10, 2008
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,384,360 B2: Ploetz Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 10, 2008
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,384,360 B2: Ploetz Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 10, 2008
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U.S. Patent Jun. 10, 2008 Sheet 3 of 4 US 7,384,360 B2
I- Fig. 3
US 7,384,360 B2
1. 2
THRUST WASHER FOR A PLANETARY For these thrust washers, it is disadvantageous that for
GEARBOX axial contact of the planet gear on the thrust washer, under
unfavorable conditions, the lubricant film at the contact
BACKGROUND points can break down or be interrupted. The result is
5 inadequate lubrication and premature wear at the contact
The invention relates to a thrust washer for planet gears of points, which in the extreme case can lead to loss of the
a planetary gearbox. The thrust washers are arranged with entire planetary gearbox. It is further disadvantageous that
their positioning bore hole on the planet gear pins that are Such thrust washers are relatively complicated and conse
fixed in a planet carrier and contact both sides of the planet quently are also expensive to manufacture.
gears, which are supported rotatably by a rolling bearing on 10
the planet gear pin. For lubricant Supply, the planet gear pin SUMMARY
is provided with an axial lubricant through hole and a radial
lubricant through hole branching off from the axial hole and Therefore, the objective of the invention is to provide a
the thrust washer is provided with axial through holes. thrust washer for a planetary gearbox, with whose use the
Thrust washers of this type are already known in a wide 15 lubricant film at the contact points between the end of the
variety of embodiments. They are used for the axial stop of planet gear and the stopping Surface of the thrust washer is
the planet gear and for protecting the non-hardened planet not broken or cut off. In addition, the thrust washer should
carrier and also the planet gear from wear. Here, with a flat be able to be manufactured economically using simple
end Surface, the planet gear contacts a similarly flat stopping means and methods.
surface of the thrust washer. The planet gear is provided with According to the invention, this objective is met accord
a continuous bore hole, with which it is held rotatably on the ing to the characterizing portion of claim 1 in connection
planet gear pin with the help of a bearing. This bearing can with its preamble, such that the thrust washer is made from
be formed, for example, by a needle collar or also by a a tempered cold-rolled strip with a flatness of s ().03 mm and
cageless needle set. Therefore, according to the type of exhibits a hardness from 370 to 580 HV.
bearing, either the bearing cage or the ends of the bearing 25 The decisive advantage of the thrust washers according to
needles contact the thrust washers. The thrust washers are the invention lies in the fact that these can be produced in a
usually stamped from sheet metal. The surface of the thrust simple way through stamping from the tempered cold-rolled
washers is either ground or coated. The selection of the strip. This tempered cold-rolled strip already features a
material for the washers and their Surface quality, as well as hardness in the range from 370 to 580 HV and a flatness
their Surface hardness, is essentially dependent on the 30 s0.03 mm, so that costly post processing steps according to
known friction relationships. the prior state of the art are unnecessary. Subsequent grind
However, very often the lubricating relationships at the ing for producing the flatness or subsequent hardening of the
contact points between the thrust washers and the end thrust washers is thus eliminated. The unnecessary harden
Surfaces of the planet gears are unsatisfactory. In this case, ing is especially important, because a hardened thrust
bronze washers are also used as thrust washers. Now and 35 washer is Subjected to hardening deformation and also
then, two thrust washers made from different materials, one warping. With this warping, that is, with a non-existent
next to the other, are also used or multiple-layer thrust flatness, according to the prior state of the art, grinding is
washers, for example, plated metal plates, are used. Here, necessary for producing any sort of flatness. In turn, this
the materials steel and bronze are combined with one grinding, which generates stress marks on the flat Surfaces of
another. This arrangement takes into account the different 40 the thrust washer, has a negative effect on the bearing
stopping and friction relationships between the planet gear portion of the thrust washers. The necessary hardness values
and the thrust washer on one hand and the thrust washer and in the range from 370 to 580 HV satisfy all of the applica
the planet carrier on the other hand. tions and caused absolutely no defects, as extensive tests
Also, through a corresponding configuration of the thrust have shown.
washers, the lubricant circulation within the planetary gear 45 Additional advantageous configurations of the thrust
box and especially at the bearing of the planet gear is washer are described in the subordinate claims 2 to 6.
influenced in a positive way. The lubricant circulation in the Thus, according to claim 2, the thrust washer is produced
bearing of the planet gear and the lubrication of the stopping from an unalloyed specialty steel with the designation C75S
surfaces of the thrust washers in the contact area with the (corresponds to AISI/SAE 1074). This type of steel is
planet gear is achieved through oil grooves formed in a 50 Suitable, in particular, for the provided purpose and features
targeted way in the Surface of the thrust washers or through the chemical composition below:
axial through holes. O.70 to O.80% C
Such a thrust washer is previously known, for example, O.15 to 0.35% S1
from DE 35 02 076 C1. This thrust washer has two ends O60 to 0.90% Mn
formed as flat stopping Surfaces and is provided with an 55
max. 0.025% P
angular opening, through which lubricant is to be fed to the max. 0.025% S
bearing. Another thrust bearing is previously known from max. 0.40% Cr
DE 198 04734A1. It is embodied as a flat steel ring, whose max. 0.10% Mo
ends are provided with impressions and whose positioning
bore hole is provided with through holes. Such thrust 60 max. 0.04.0% Ni
washers are also previously described in DE 44 18 693 C1. According to another feature of the invention from claim
Finally, in DE 4009 968 A1, a composite thrust washer is 3, the thrust washer exhibits a thickness is 1 mm. This is
presented, which comprises a steel and a copper washer. The particularly advantageous, because prior thrust washers
inner steel thrust washer exhibits a hardness of 700 to 1500 made from Steel featured a larger axial thickness. Reducing
HV (diamond penetrator hardness number), while the outer 65 the thickness of the thrust washer achieves a weight reduc
copper thrust washer should have a hardness of 200 to 350 tion, even if a small one, lower material costs, and also a
HV. slight shortening of the installation space.
US 7,384,360 B2
3 4
According to another feature of the invention from claim gears 6 are mounted rotatably on the planet gear pin 10 using
4, the thrust washer is made from the tempered cold-rolled a needle collar 11 comprising bearing needles 11.1 and cage
strip through stamping and is subjected to a Subsequent 11.2.
vibrational grinding process. The vibrational grinding pro As further shown in FIGS. 2, 3, and 4, the thrust washer
cess is known to someone skilled in the art as a mechanical 5 9 features inner through holes 9.2, which are connected to
workpiece machining operation in a moving bulk mass of the positioning bore hole 9.1 via narrowed sections 9.2.1, at
grinding bodies (chips), which is supported chemically by three peripheral points spaced apart from each other uni
the addition of liquid (compound). In the present case, formly. As the figures show further, the inner axial through
through the vibrational grinding, the functional effect of the holes 9.2, viewed in the radial direction, are located in the
thrust washer is improved, because an improved lubrication 10 region of the needle collar 11. Lubricant is first led via the
of the planetary gearbox is possible due to the resulting axial lubricant through hole 10.1 and the radial lubricant
rounding of the edges. through hole 10.2 of the planet gear pin 10 into the sliding
According to another feature from claim 5, the thrust raceway area of the bearing needles 11. From there, it is
washer should be provided on its positioning bore hole with accelerated outwards by radial forces and first fills the inner
through holes spaced apart from each other uniformly in the 15 axial through holes 9.2, which thus act as lubricant reser
peripheral direction. These through holes expand outwards voirs. Then the lubricant is led outwards in the radial
in the radial direction. Through this shape of the through direction if there is a gap between the planet gear 6 and the
holes, on one hand it is guaranteed that the thrust washer is thrust washer 9 or if there is a gap between the thrust washer
placed with the largest possible inner peripheral surface of 9 and the side wall 2, 3. In this way, a continuous flow of
the positioning bore hole on the planet gear pins and that, on lubricant through the bearing arrangement can be guaran
the other hand, an improved lubricating effect is enabled due teed, so that the interacting friction partners are always
to the through holes enlarged on the outside. separated from each other by a lubricant film.
Finally, according to claim 6, the thrust washer has an As can also be seen in FIGS. 2 and 4, the thrust washer
outer diameter, which lies below a root circle of teeth of the 9 features a radial edge, which lies slightly below a root
planet gear. This arrangement guarantees that an optimal 25 circle 7.1 of the teeth 7 of the planet gear 6. In the sense of
lubrication is possible between the thrust washer and planet the invention, root circle 7.1 means the radial distance from
gear or between the thrust washer and the planet carrier. the center point of the planet gear 6 to the lowest point of the
teeth 7. In this way, on one hand a relatively large contact
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Surface between the interacting friction partners is realized
30 and on the other hand lubricant is preferably prevented from
The invention is explained in more detail using the reaching the teeth 7.
following embodiment. Unalloyed specialty steel with the designation C75S
Shown are:
AISI/SAE 1074) is cold rolled into a strip with the thickness
0.5 mm. This cold-rolled strip is then tempered, that is,
FIG. 1 a longitudinal section through a planet carrier 35 hardened and annealed until a hardness value of approxi
according to the known state of the art, mately 450 HV is set. The cold-rolled strip has a flatness of
FIG. 2 alongitudinal section through a planet gear bearing 0.03 mm. This is understood to mean that the tolerance
according to the invention, surface of the cold-rolled strip must lie between two parallel
FIG. 3 a plan view of a thrust washer according to the planes with a spacing of only 0.03 mm. In other words, the
invention, and 40 cold-rolled Strip features an excellent rolling quality and
FIG. 4 a perspective view of a planet gear with thrust thus an excellent Surface quality.
washer set according to the invention. Now through material-saving nesting of the forms, which
is possible simultaneously, a plurality of thrust washers 9 are
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE stamped from this cold-rolled strip. These washers are
45 exposed to a Subsequent vibrational grinding process only
for rounding the edges. The advantage of these thrust
washers 9 according to the invention lies especially in the
The planet carrier 1 shown in FIG. 1 according to the state fact that their later, desired properties already exist in the
of the art features two side walls 2, 3, in which planet gear preliminary material, that is, in the cold-rolled strip. In this
pins 4 are fixed. On these pins, planet gears 6 are mounted 50 way, an especially cost-effective production is possible.
rotatably via bearing arrangements 5. The teeth 7 of these
planet gears mesh, on one side, with a not-shown ring gear REFERENCE SYMBOLS
and, on the other side, with a similarly not-shown Sun gear.
Thrust washers 8, which typically are formed of a material 1 Planet carrier
with good sliding properties. Such as, e.g., sheet-metal 55 2 Side wall
plated with bronze, and which should thus prevent friction 3 Side wall
between the planet gears 6 and the planet carrier on one side 4 Planet gear pin
and between the bearing 5 and the planet carrier 1 on the 5 Bearing
other side, are arranged on both sides of the planet gears 6 6 Planet gear
on the planet gear pins 4. 60 7 Teeth
The thrust washer 9 according to the invention and shown 7.1 Root circle
in FIGS. 2, 3, and 4 is placed on the planet gear pin 10 on 8 Thrust washer
both sides of the planet gears 6 with its positioning bore hole 9 Thrust washer
9.1. The pin 10 has an axial lubricant through hole 10.1 and 9.1 Positioning bore hole
a radial lubricant through hole 10.2 branching off from this 65 9.2 Axial through holes
axial hole. The planet gear pin 10 is, in turn, anchored in the 9.2.1 Narrowed section
side walls 2 and 3 of the planet gear carrier 1. The planet 10 Planet gear pin
US 7,384,360 B2
5 6
10.1 Axial lubricant through hole tioning bore hole is provided connected with the axial
10.2 Radial lubricant through hole through holes which are uniformly spaced apart from each
11 Needle collar other in a peripheral direction and which expand circumfer
11.1 Bearing needle entially from narrowed sections as they extend outwardly in
11.2 Cage a radial direction.
The invention claimed is: 2. Thrust washer according to claim 1, wherein the thrust
1. Thrust washer for planet gears of a planetary gearbox, washer is produced from an unalloyed specialty steel with
with the thrust washer being adapted to be arranged with a the designation C75S.
positioning bore hole on planet gear pins fixed in a planet 3. Thrust washer according to claim 1, wherein the thrust
carrier so that thrust washers contact both sides of the planet 10 washer has a thickness of S 1 mm.
gears, which are mounted rotatably on the planet gear pins 4. Thrust washer according to claim 1, wherein the thrust
via a rolling bearing, wherein for Supplying lubricant the washer is stamped from a tempered cold-rolled Strip and
planet gear pin is provided with an axial lubricant through Subjected to a Subsequent vibrational grinding process.
hole and a radial lubricant through hole branching off from 5. Thrust washer according to claim 1, wherein the thrust
this axial hole and the thrust washer is provided with axial 15 washer has an outer diameter that lies below a root circle of
through holes, the thrust washer is produced from a tem teeth of the planet gear.
pered, cold-rolled strip with a flatness of s O.03 mm and
exhibits a hardness of 370-580 HV, the thrust washer posi k k k k k