Government of India Technical Centre, Opp Safdurjung Airport, New Delhi
Government of India Technical Centre, Opp Safdurjung Airport, New Delhi
Government of India Technical Centre, Opp Safdurjung Airport, New Delhi
F. No. 11-690/Sec-2/C-I/2002-AI(2)
1 Introduction :
1.1 Rule 60 of Aircraft Rules 1937 lays the Maintenance and Certification standards
required in respect of civil registered aircraft. Sub rule 5 of the said rule states that
no aircraft shall commence any flight, if subsequent to the issue of a certificate in
pursuance of this rule, it has suffered any damage or revealed any defect, other
than items covered in the approved list of deficiencies, which would render the
aircraft unsafe for flight and which would not, in accordance with the ordinary
aeronautical practice, be remedied by the pilot or crew.
1.2 Rule 59 of Aircraft Rules 1937 requires that a Major Defect in or Major Damage to
an aircraft registered in India shall be reported in the manner specified by DGCA.
1.3 This Civil Aviation Requirements specifies the manner in which defects/ service
difficulties in aircraft and aircraft components are to be recorded, reported,
investigated and analyzed for the purpose of taking timely corrective/preventive
action. This CAR is issued under the provisions of Aircraft Rule 133A of the Aircraft
Rules 1937.
2.1 Aircraft component: means any part, the soundness and correct functioning of
which, when fitted on an aircraft, is essential to the continued airworthiness or
safety of the aircraft, and includes any item of equipment.
2.2 Defect: means a condition existing in an aircraft (including its systems) or aircraft
component arising from any cause other than damage, which would preclude it
or another aircraft component from performing their intended functions or would
reduce the expected service life of the aircraft or aircraft component.
2.2.1 Major Defect: means a defect of such nature that reduces the safety of the
aircraft or its occupants and includes defects discovered as a result of the
occurrence of any emergency or in the course of normal operation of
2.2.2 Repetitive Defect: means a defect in an aircraft (including its components and
systems) which recurs, in spite of rectification attempt, on the same aircraft.
Note :- All Scheduled, Non Scheduled , State Government / BSF aircraft , Private
aircraft operator and any other organization or person engaged in aircraft
operation fall under the scope of this definition .
2.5.1 Scheduled Operator: means an aircraft operator which operates its fleet,
whole or part of it, as per a published schedule.
2.7 Aircraft Fleet:- Minimum three aircraft of a particular type/ model shall
constitute a fleet for the purpose of this CAR.
3. Applicability:
Note:- All Scheduled, Non Scheduled, Aerial work aircraft, State Government / BSF
aircraft and private aircraft operators, flying clubs and Approved Maintenance
Organisations (AMOs) shall therefore be covered under the purview of this CAR.
For easy stipulation and understanding, the requirements in this part of the CAR
have been classified as applicable to Scheduled Operators and Operators
Other Than Scheduled Operators.
4.1 All aircraft operators, and maintenance organizations shall have a system in
their organization to ensure that all defects, minor or others, whether reported
by Flight Crew or observed by Maintenance Crew (including those occurred due
to improper maintenance practices) are recorded and investigated for taking
appropriate rectification action.
4.2 The rectification action taken in respect of each defect shall be recorded
alongside of the snag reported.
4.4 Where an Operator / Organisation has contracted the maintenance of its aircraft
to an Approved Maintenance Organisation (AMO) , it shall be the responsibility
of the operator to comply with this CAR and report such defects observed on its
(Operator‘s) aircraft during maintenance at the AMO facilities. Further both
Operators / Organisation and the AMO shall evolve a system between
themselves in such a manner so as to comply with all the requirements of this
CAR. The system so established shall be included in the Continuing
Airworthiness Management Exposition / Maintenance Organisation Exposition
(CAME / MOE / MOM) (as the case may be) of both the Organisations. The AMO
shall also maintain record of all the defects observed on the aircraft, of an
operator, in respect of which the maintenance has been contracted to it. The
AMO will produce such records for scrutiny by DGCA officers when required.
A sample format for reporting defect(s) prescribed at Appendix ‘II’, however operator/
AMO may develop an equivalent format and document in their exposition for reporting
of major defect / occurrences.
4.6 All defects, whether major or not and including repetitive ones, shall be
taken into account for computing statistics for determining components/
systems reliability indices in case of scheduled operators and each repetition
of the defect shall be considered as "a defect" for the purpose of computation
of reliability index provided rectification was attempted.
4.7.1 Scheduled Operators: Scheduled Operators shall carry out “Daily Review “of
the defects reported on the aircraft of the fleet.
4.7.3 The Regional Airworthiness Officers may associate themselves with this
review and ask for any additional information, or performance of such additional
work considered necessary to rectify the defect and to render the aircraft
4.8.2 For investigation of defects as per para 4.1, including defects causing delay a
senior Technical Person of the operator, shall be nominated by the organization
for supervising the compliance of the system and shall form a part of the
Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO). The system
shall also be included in the operator's approved CAME. The CAMO shall have
adequate number of technical persons, approved by the Continuing
4.8.4 The investigation of all defects and particularly of Major Defects and Mechanical
Delays (referred in para 4.8 above), shall be completed expeditiously, so as to
take preventive/ corrective action at the earliest possible. In case the
completion of investigation of a major defect is likely to take longer than one
month, then investigation progress reports must be rendered to concerned
Regional Airworthiness Office every month till the finalization of the report. All
efforts must be made by an operator to complete the investigation of every
major defect within 3 months of its occurrence.
4.8.5 The major defect, (including those requiring “major repair") will be investigated
by the operator in association with the concerned Regional or Sub-Regional
Airworthiness Offices. Airworthiness Officer(s) may require the operator or the
owner of the organization, to submit components, work sheets, documents and
information connected with the defect, for such investigation.
4.8.6 The investigation reports on major defects shall be sent by the operator/
organisation, in duplicate, to concerned Regional Airworthiness Office soon
after finalisation. The final report shall contain at least the following information,
in addition to these forwarded vide para 4.5 (above):
One copy of the report on major defects shall be forwarded to DGCA (attention
DAW) by Regional Airworthiness Office along with its comments.
5 Defect monitoring:
5.2 The Regional Airworthiness Offices shall ensure that CAMO of all operators and
Quality Department of Aircraft Maintenance Organisations (AMOs) are
adequately staffed to discharge the duties and responsibilities prescribed in
paras 4.1 to 4.8 The Regional Airworthiness offices may also carry out spot
checks on the records of operators to ascertain if the system spelt out in
preceding paragraphs, and particularly the classification of defects, as called for
in para 4.3 above, is being followed.
5.3 The operator shall intimate the corrective action(s) taken on the
recommendation(s) made in the investigation report (finalised in accordance with
para 4.8.5 above) along with a copy of the investigation report to the Regional
Airworthiness Office. A copy of the report shall also be forwarded to DGCA
(Headquarters - Attention DAW).
5.4.1An operator/ AMO shall periodically, at least once in three months , analyse the
investigation results of all the defects, whether major or not, collectively to
determine, weakness, if any , in the basic design of a component or in the lay
out of a system or in the maintenance technique adopted to perform the work
involved , exists. If weaknesses are detected, then necessary corrective action
shall be taken by the operator / AMO under intimation to Regional Airworthiness
Office. All faults, malfunctions, defects and other occurrences which cause or
may cause service difficulties or any adverse effects on the continuing
airworthiness of the aircraft shall be reported by all operators / approved
maintenance organizations, to the manufacturers/ type design organisation of
the aircraft/engine/propeller/system/ components at the earliest but not later than
three days of the occurrence , for a continuous assessment of the design
features of the aircraft. The type of information which the operator should
provide to the manufacturer / type design organisation for assessing the
(b) The telephone or report should follow the format of the SDR and, being of
an alert nature, should contain the following information when available and
5.5 The Regional or Sub-Regional Airworthiness Office, may require any operator,
notwithstanding the requirements stipulated in this CAR, in the interest of
safety of aircraft, to submit:-
The said components shall not be disposed off in any manner without
the prior approval of the concerned Regional/ Sub-Regional
Airworthiness Office.
(d) Number of "take-offs’ per delay (of 15 minutes’ duration or more, including the
cancelled flights)
6.2 Operators Other Than Scheduled Operators shall forward the fleet
performance report quarterly.
6.3 A copy of the “Fleet performance and engineering statistics" report shall be
forwarded each to Regional Airworthiness Office and to DGCA (Headquarters,
attention DAW).
7.1 The records, associated with the defects and their rectification actions, shall
be preserved for a period of one year and may be required for consultation at
the time of issue / extension of ARC of an aircraft.
7.2 The components, associated with the major defects shall be preserved for a
period of two weeks from the date of intimation of the defect, unless required
(in writing), by the concerned Regional and Sub-Regional Airworthiness Office,
to be preserved longer.
(B. S. Bhullar)
Director General of Civil Aviation
Appendix – I
Given below is a list of Major defects. The list is only a guideline and is not exhaustive.
Each operator shall report the occurrence or detection of each failure, malfunction or
defect concerning at least the following:
a. fires during flight, and whether or not a fire warning system was installed and
functioned properly;
b. false fire warnings during flight;
c. an engine exhaust system that causes damage during flight to the engine, adjacent
structure, equipment or components;
d) an aircraft component that causes accumulation or circulation of smoke, vapour, or
toxic or noxious fumes in the crew compartment or passenger cabin during flight;
e) engine shutdown during flight because of flameout;
f) engine shutdown during flight when external damage to the engine or aircraft
structure occurs;
g) engine shutdown during flight due to foreign object ingestion or icing;
h) shutdown during flight of more than one engine;
i) a propeller feathering system or ability of the system to control over-speed during
j) a fuel or fuel dumping system that affects fuel flow or causes hazardous leakage
during flight;
k) a landing gear extension or retraction, or opening or closing of landing gear doors
during flight;
l) brake system components that result in loss of brake actuating force when the
aircraft is in motion on the ground;
m) aircraft structure that requires significant repair;
n) cracks, permanent deformation, or corrosion of aircraft structure, if more than the
maximum acceptable to the manufacturer or the CAA;
o) aircraft components or systems that result in taking emergency actions during flight
(except action to shut down an engine);
p) each interruption to a flight, unscheduled change of aircraft en route, or
unscheduled stop or diversion from a route, caused by known or suspected
mechanical difficulties or malfunctions;
q) the number of engines removed prematurely because of malfunction, failure or
defect, listed by make and model and the aircraft type in which it was installed; and
r) the number of propeller featherings in flight, listed by type of propeller and engine
and aircraft on which it was installed.
In addition to the reports required above, each operator should report any other
failure, malfunction or defect in an aircraft that occurs or is detected at any time, if in
its opinion, the failure, malfunction or defect has endangered or may endanger the
safe operation of the aircraft.
Appendix - II
6. Whether difficulty resulted in any adverse effect on other parts of the aircraft