Car M Notes
Car M Notes
Car M Notes
Car M notes
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Dgca is compentent authority. oversight of the continuing airworthiness of individual aircraft and the issue of airworthiness review certificates. Oversight of maintenance organization. Oversight of continuous airworthiness management organization.(CAMO) Maintanenance programmes approval for indian reg a/c a/c -comme trans by indian opera if agreed by state of registry. a/c-not comm trans but managed by CAMO.
M.2 Objective
common technical requirements and administrative procedures-a/c & comp -cont a/w. (a) registered in India; or (b) registered in a foreign country and used by an Indian operator for which India ensures oversight of operations.
M.3 Definitions
Aircraft, Certifying staff, maintenance, large aircraft, organization, preflight inspection. continuing airworthiness means all of the processes ensuring that, at any time in its operating life, the aircraft complies with the airworthiness requirements in force and is in a condition for safe operation.
M.4 Continuing Airworthiness Requirements. M.5 Entry into force.31 july 2010.
a/w rev is optnl. 2. The regulatory monitoring is exercised through the operators M.A. Subpart G. Approval. 3. oper resp and accnt.. for cont a/w irrespective of maint cont to AMO. 4. .CAR M does not provide for organisations to be independently approved to perform continuing airworthiness management tasks on behalf of commercial air transport operators.Such activity is vested in AOC.
M.A.302 Aircraft Maintenance Programme a) maint maint prog. b) maint prog and amnd apvd by dgca. c) cont a/w CAMO a/c maint prog and amnd indirect apprv proc Provided submitted to DGCA local office at least 15 days before their affectivity and pro doc. 1. CAMO CAM Expo apvd by dgca. 2. CAMO indirect apprvl proc when not under oversight of state of registry d) air maint prog compliance with Dgca, TC holder or TSO CAR 21/EASA 21/FAR 21 e) a/c maint prog details and freq of maint. (f) For large aircraft, when the maintenance programme is based on maintenance steering group logic or on condition monitoring, the aircraft maintenance programme shall include a reliability programme. (g) The aircraft maintenance programme shall be subject to periodic reviews and amended accordingly when necessary.
1. Rel Prog should be dev when based on MSG/cond mont items or do not contain overhaul -- sign comp.
M.A.303 Airworthiness directives Any applicable airworthiness directive must be carried out within the requirements of that airworthiness directive, unless otherwise specified by DGCA. M.A.304 Data for modifications and repairs Damage shall be assessed and modifications and repairs carried out using data approved by DGCA or by an approved CAR -21/ EASA Part 21/ FAA Part 21 design organization. M.A.305 Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system a) after maint CRS cont a/w rec atleast within 30 days. b) cont a/w records 1. A/C, eng Log books, eng module log cards, propeller log book and log book for any ser life lim comp. 2. Comm air trans tech log. c) a/c type, reg marks, flt time/cycles etc a/c logbook. d) The aircraft continuing airworthiness records shall contain the current: 1. status of airworthiness directives and measures mandated by the DGCA in immediate reaction to a safety problem; 2. status of modifications and repairs; 3.status of compliance with maintenance programme; 4. status of service life limited components; 5. mass and balance report; 6. list of deferred maintenance.
AMC M.A.304 Data for modifications and repairs Dam or reprs if beyond limits TC holder /FAR21/EASA21/CAR21 orgn. And dgca for apprvl. AMC M.A.305 (d) Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system Where an AD is generally applicable to the aircraft or component type but is not applicable to the particular aircraft or component, then this should be identified. When owners and operators wish to take advantage of the modular design, then total time in service and maintenance records for each module is to be Maintained. AMC M.A.305 (h) Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system Owner/oper cont maint still resp for retn of rec. Or trnsf to new owner. Computer systems should have at least one backup system, which should be updated at least within 24 hours of any maintenance.
AMC M.A.305 (h) 6- Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system component vital to flight safety means a component that includes certified life limited parts or is subject to airworthiness limitations or a major component such as, undercarriage or flight controls.
AMC M.A.306 (a) Operators technical log system aircraft technical log is a system for recording defects and malfunctions during the aircraft operation and for recording details of all maintenance carried out on an aircraft between scheduled base maintenance visits. Cabin or galley def & mal func safe oper of a/c cons part of tech log. A/c tech log simple single sect/ complex muti sect. Foll info SEC 1. should contain details of the registered name and address of the operator the aircraft type and the complete international registration marks of the aircraft. SEC 2. info next sch main is due. Curr CRS. SEC 3. All info flight safety. NOTE 1: Where Section 3 is of the multi-sector part removable type then such part removable sections should contain all of the foregoing information where appropriate. NOTE 2: Section 3 should be designed such that one copy of each page required to be completed after flight and what is required to be completed in preparation for the next flight.
M.A.307 Transfer of aircraft continuing airworthiness records a) trans rec incl a/c tech log. b) cont a/w rec trans to orgn if contr to CAMO. c) time per for retn.
AMC M.A.307 (a) Transfer of aircraft continuing airworthiness records A permanent transfer does not generally include the dry lease-out of an aircraft when the duration of the lease agreement is less than 6 months.
be considered when inspecting aircraft control systems that have been disturbed. 4.7 that have undergone maintenance the person AMC M.A.402 (b) Performance of maintenance All tools requiring calibration should be traceable to an acceptable standard. AMC M.A.402 (d) Performance of maintenance. The working environment should be appropriate for the maintenance task. AMC M.A.402 (e) Performance of maintenance Facilities should be provided appropriate for all planned maintenance M.A.403 Aircraft defects a) Ser def rec before flt. b) only auth cert staff which defect rectification can be deferred.exc 1.MEL apvd by dgca 2. def defined acpt to dgca. (c) Any aircraft defect that would not hazard seriously the flight safety shall be rectified as soon as practicable maint data d) def not rect a/c maint rec sys or a/c tech log AMC M.A.403 (b) Aircraft defects An assessment of both the cause and any potentially hazardous effect. AMC M.A.403 (d) Aircraft defects All deferred defects should be made known to the pilot/flight crew, whenever possible, prior to their arrival at the aircraft.
storage. AMC M.A.504 (c) - Control of unserviceable components unsalvageable components a) components with non-repairable defects, whether visible or not to the naked eye; b) components that do not meet design specifications, and cannot be brought into conformity with such specifications; c) components subjected to unacceptable modification or rework that is irreversible; d) certified life-limited parts that have reached or exceeded their certified life limits, or have missing or incomplete records; e) components that cannot be returned to airworthy condition due to exposure to extreme forces, heat or adverse environment; f) components for which conformity with an applicable airworthiness directive cannot be accomplished; g) components for which continuing airworthiness records and/or traceability to the manufacturer can not be retrieved. 2.Caution should be exercised to ensure that unsalvageable components are disposed of in a manner that does not allow them to be returned to service. AMC M.A.504 (d) 2 - Control of unserviceable components 1) Mutilation should be accomplished in such a manner that the components become permanently unusable for their original intended use. 2) Mutilation proc. 3) unsuccessful 2 proc.
M.A.604 Maintenance organisation manual a) 1. Statement signed by accountable manager. 2. scope of work. 3. Title and names of persons. 4. orgn chart chain of resp. 5. List of cert staff with scope of apprvl. 6. List of locations and faci. 7. proc spec maint orgn comp with CAR. 8. mom amnd proc. b) MOM amnd apvd by dgca. c) ind aprvl proc- MOM atleast 15 days before effictivity.
AMC M.A.608 (a) Components, equipment and tools 1. 2. clearly identified and listed in a control register. 3.
AMC M.A.609 Maintenance Data customer provided maintenance data, the scope of approval indicated in the MOM should be limited to the individual aircraft.
M.A.617 Changes to the approved maintenance organisation approved maintenance organisation shall notify it of any proposal to carryout changes to persons accnt mang. Tools and equip. Name and location. M.A.618 Continued validity of approval a) Rem valid for max one year Orgn comp with CAR, dgca granted access, appr not sus or revoked. M.A.619 Findings (a) A level 1 finding is any significant non-compliances CAR M
AMC M.A.712 (a) Quality system 1. proc ref best practices. 2. veri and vali before use. 3. feedback sys who rect and time scales. 4. indp qual audit repo rel depa for corre and rect time. 5. The accountable manager should hold regular meetings with staff to check progress on rectification. For large orgn qual mang day to day basis and accnt mang twice a year. AMC M.A.712 (b) Quality System 1. obj ensure comp CAR. 2. essntl elem of qual sys is indp audit.
M.A.714 Record-keeping b) where privi a copy of a/w rev cert it has exte. c) until two years after the aircraft has been permanently withdrawn. f) when CAM is trans all rec trans. g) where terminates rec trans to owner. M.A.715 Continued validity of approval a) maximum period of one year unless spec . Valid orgn remaining in comp CAR, DGCA granted access, appr not susp or revoked,