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Car M notes

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Car M notes


Continuing Airworthiness Requirements

Initial Issue (Revision 0) 2nd March, 2010.
This CAR M provides common technical standards and guidelines for continued airworthiness of an aircraft and its components with an effective date of 31st July 2010. FOREWORD Rule 50A of the Aircraft Rules 1937 stipulates the conditions necessary for a Certificate of Airworthiness to remaining in force CAR-M specifies certain technical requirements to be complied by organisations and personnel involved in the maintenance of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances Requirements in order to demonstrate the capability and means of discharging the obligations and associated privileges thereof. The CAR-M also specifies conditions of issuing, maintaining, amending, suspending or revoking certificates attesting such compliance. Car m requirements which are harmonized with EASA Part M regulation The CAR M is applicable to all operators of Indian registered aircraft irrespective of whether such aircraft are maintained by their own organization or by other approved maintenance organization. Rule 133B of the Aircraft Rules 1937 stipulates that organizations engaged in the maintenance of aircraft and aircraft components shall be approved. is issued under the provisions of Rule 133A of the Aircraft Rules 1937

Dgca is compentent authority. oversight of the continuing airworthiness of individual aircraft and the issue of airworthiness review certificates. Oversight of maintenance organization. Oversight of continuous airworthiness management organization.(CAMO) Maintanenance programmes approval for indian reg a/c a/c -comme trans by indian opera if agreed by state of registry. a/c-not comm trans but managed by CAMO.

M.2 Objective
common technical requirements and administrative procedures-a/c & comp -cont a/w. (a) registered in India; or (b) registered in a foreign country and used by an Indian operator for which India ensures oversight of operations.

M.3 Definitions
Aircraft, Certifying staff, maintenance, large aircraft, organization, preflight inspection. continuing airworthiness means all of the processes ensuring that, at any time in its operating life, the aircraft complies with the airworthiness requirements in force and is in a condition for safe operation.

M.4 Continuing Airworthiness Requirements. M.5 Entry into force.31 july 2010.


Car M notes


M.A.101 Scope Requirements and conditions for continuing airworthiness SUBPART B ACCOUNTABILITY M.A.201 Responsibilities a) Owner is responsible. 1. a/c -a/w 2. operational and emer equip correc installed & Serv or ident u/s. 3. the airworthiness certificate remains valid, and; 4. the maintenance of the aircraft is performed in accordance with the approved maintenance programme. b) where leased lessee=owner for resp when stipulated in 1.Reg doc /2. leasing contract. c) person/orgn -resp maint. d) PIC or oper for comm -resp PFI. e) 1. owner- cont.. CAMO then CAMO is resp for tasks. 2.owner own a/w limited contract CAMO for maint prog development and appr.. --resp CAMO. f) large a/c Owner- cont.. appr CAMO then CAMO is resp for tasks. g) large a/c and Comm a/c CAR 145 AMO. h) comm a/c tran opera resp for cont a/w of a/c. 1. Be apvd as part of AOC/AOP issued by dgca as per Car-m Sec A Subpart-G. 2. Be apve in accordance of CAR-145 or cont such. Ensure para a is satisfied.

Acceptable Means of Compliance to CAR- M

Section A Subpart A General Subpart B Accountability AMC M.A.201 (h) Responsibilities 1. a/c includes comp fitted or intended. 2. gnd de-icing and anti-icing CAR-145 Appr not req. 3. requirement means oper is resp for what, when, whom and standard of maintenance for cont a/w. 4. oper adq knwldg of AD's modifications, design standards etc. 5. oper resp for coor between operations and maintenance. 6. oper resp for a/w of a/c and ensure all cond are met before flight. 7. oper is resp even if he contracts to CAR-145 orgn. AMC M.A.201 (h) 1- Responsibilities.
1. oper only needs appr for cont a/w mang for a/c in AOC. Appr for

a/w rev is optnl. 2. The regulatory monitoring is exercised through the operators M.A. Subpart G. Approval. 3. oper resp and accnt.. for cont a/w irrespective of maint cont to AMO. 4. .CAR M does not provide for organisations to be independently approved to perform continuing airworthiness management tasks on behalf of commercial air transport operators.Such activity is vested in AOC.


Car M notes i)when oper is req to hold a certificate for commercial operations, other than for commercial air transport. 1. be apvd in accordance with subpart G CAMO 2. be apvd in accordance with subpart F Maintenance organization or CAR-145 or contr such. 3. Ensure owner resp as in a. j) owner/oper grant access dgca for compliance 5.Sub-cont orgn is considered integral part of oper CAM sys.irrespective of any appr held by sub-cont including subpart G appr. oper should satis sub-cont meet standards req by subpart G. 6. In order to retain ultimate responsibility the operator should limit subcontracted task. 7. oper manag controls wrt sub-cont CAM tasks written contract and in accordance with policy and procedures CAM expo.. When such tasks are sub-contracted the operator's continuing airworthiness management system is considered to be extended to the subcontracted organisation. 8. cont limited to one organisation per aircraft type for any combination of the activities except ENG and APU. Where more than one should demonstrate adq co-ordn controls. 9. Contracts should not authorize the sub-contracted organisation to subcontract to other organisations elements of the continuing airworthiness management tasks. 10. oper -dgca findings of sub-cont = clsd to satis of dgca and incl in cont. 11. sub-cont --notify any changes affect cont. Failure will invalidate dgca acpt of cont. 12. 13. oper should only sub-cont to orgn specified in AOC or CA14. AMC M.A.201 (h) 2- Responsibilities 1. The requirement is intended. a) oper to be apvd CAR-145 for maint b) oper to be apvd CAR-145 for some maint c) oper not apvd CAR-145 for maint. 2. An operator or prospective operator may apply for any one of these options but it will be for DGCA to determine 2.1 To make this determination DGCA will apply the primary criteria of relevant operator experience if carrying out some or all maintenance on comparable aircraft.


Car M notes 2.2 similar to 2.1 excpt exp is for some maint. 2.3 2.4 experience means staff who have proven evidence that they were directly involved with at least line maintenance of similar aircraft types for not less than 12 months. M.A.202 Occurrence reporting a) person/orgn rep dgca/state of registry condition which endangers flt safety. b) Rep manner dgca and all info. c) where maint orgn is contr maint orgn rep to owner/oper/CAMO. d) Rep within 72 hrs of ident. AMC M.A.202 (a) Occurrence reporting Accnt Mana/orgn TC holder rec occurence rep. Suitably qua person for occurence rep and investigation. In respect of maintenance, reporting a condition that could seriously hazard the aircraft is normally limited to: - serious cracks, permanent deformation, burning or serious corrosion of structure found during scheduled maintenance of the aircraft or component. - failure of any emergency system during scheduled testing. AMC M.A.202 (b) Occurrence reporting Rep elect, by post or fascimile. Following information. Reporter name with approval ref no. Information-- a/c/equip date time etc interms of life /overhaul hours/cycles/ldgs etc. Details of occurence.


Car M notes SUBPART C CONTINUING AIRWORTHINESS M.A.301 Continuing Airworthiness Tasks cont a/w and ser of oper equip and emer equip. 1. PFI 2. Rect of defects and damages(MEL & CDL). 3. Maint Maint Prog. 4. Comm a/c -- analysis of maint prog. 5. Accom of AD'S, oper direct, cont a/w req and measures (dgca). 6. Mods and repairs. 7. Embodiment policy for larger/comm a/c for non-mand mods/insp. 8. Maint Check flights. Sub Part C Continuing Airworthiness AMC M.A.301 -1- Continuing airworthiness tasks 1. PFI includes actions a/c is fit for intended flight. Walkaround insp, insp of cont a/w record sys/oper tech log etc. 2. Tasks such as oil and hydraulic fluid uplift and tyre inflation may be considered as part of the pre-flight inspection. 3. task guidance for PFI tasks. trng stnd CAM expo AMC M.A.301 - 2- Continuing airworthiness tasks MEL/CDL defects should be rect within limits. Large a/c/comm a/c sys for analysis of CAMO defect control sys. include Significant incidents and def. Reptitive incidents and def . Deffered and carried fwd def. Unschld rem and sys performance. Deferred defects are defined as those defects reported in operational service which is deferred for later rectification. Carried forward defects are defined as those defects arising during maintenance and carried fwd. AMC M.A.301 - 3- Continuing airworthiness tasks Owner or CAMO ensure that all aircraft maintenance checks are performed within the limits prescribed by the approved aircraft maintenance programme. postpon proc acpt to dgca. AMC M.A.301 - 4- Continuing airworthiness tasks Oper/contr CAMO system to analyse the effectiveness of the maintenance programme.


Car M notes AMC M.A.301 -5- Continuing Airworthiness Tasks Oper direc with cont a/w impact included ETOPS/LROPS, RVSM, MNPS, AWOPS, RNAV AND CMR etc. AMC M.A.301 - 7- Continuing airworthiness tasks Oper / contr CAMO dev and work a policy non-mand info. AMC M.A.302 Maintenance Programme 1. The term maintenance programme is intended for scheduled tasks. The term maintenance schedule is intended to embrace the scheduled maintenance tasks alone. 2. The aircraft should only be maintained to one approved maintenance programme at a time. 3. The maintenance programme details should be reviewed at least annually. 4. a/c maint prog preface contents, insp stnd, variations to task freq. 5. AMP mand reg req TC holder to com CAR 21/ EASA Part 21/ FAA Part 21 requirement. 6. repetitive maint tasks mods and reprs --- AMP. AMC M.A.302(c) Maintenance programme compliance 1. owner/oper AMP based on MRB, MPD OR AMM if appble. 2. 3. 4. if MRB cont Reliabity then its cons part of AMP. 5.AMP crossref to MRB rep is based. 6. AMC M.A.302 programmes. (d) Maintenance programme reliability

M.A.302 Aircraft Maintenance Programme a) maint maint prog. b) maint prog and amnd apvd by dgca. c) cont a/w CAMO a/c maint prog and amnd indirect apprv proc Provided submitted to DGCA local office at least 15 days before their affectivity and pro doc. 1. CAMO CAM Expo apvd by dgca. 2. CAMO indirect apprvl proc when not under oversight of state of registry d) air maint prog compliance with Dgca, TC holder or TSO CAR 21/EASA 21/FAR 21 e) a/c maint prog details and freq of maint. (f) For large aircraft, when the maintenance programme is based on maintenance steering group logic or on condition monitoring, the aircraft maintenance programme shall include a reliability programme. (g) The aircraft maintenance programme shall be subject to periodic reviews and amended accordingly when necessary.

1. Rel Prog should be dev when based on MSG/cond mont items or do not contain overhaul -- sign comp.


Car M notes 2. Rel prog not req for not hvy a/c or contain ovhl all sig comp. 3. The purpose of a reliability programme is to ensure that the AMP tasks are effective and their periodicity is adequate. 4. Rel prog esc/del of a task or vice versa. 5. Rel prog --- eff of AMP. 6.

M.A.303 Airworthiness directives Any applicable airworthiness directive must be carried out within the requirements of that airworthiness directive, unless otherwise specified by DGCA. M.A.304 Data for modifications and repairs Damage shall be assessed and modifications and repairs carried out using data approved by DGCA or by an approved CAR -21/ EASA Part 21/ FAA Part 21 design organization. M.A.305 Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system a) after maint CRS cont a/w rec atleast within 30 days. b) cont a/w records 1. A/C, eng Log books, eng module log cards, propeller log book and log book for any ser life lim comp. 2. Comm air trans tech log. c) a/c type, reg marks, flt time/cycles etc a/c logbook. d) The aircraft continuing airworthiness records shall contain the current: 1. status of airworthiness directives and measures mandated by the DGCA in immediate reaction to a safety problem; 2. status of modifications and repairs; 3.status of compliance with maintenance programme; 4. status of service life limited components; 5. mass and balance report; 6. list of deferred maintenance.

AMC M.A.304 Data for modifications and repairs Dam or reprs if beyond limits TC holder /FAR21/EASA21/CAR21 orgn. And dgca for apprvl. AMC M.A.305 (d) Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system Where an AD is generally applicable to the aircraft or component type but is not applicable to the particular aircraft or component, then this should be identified. When owners and operators wish to take advantage of the modular design, then total time in service and maintenance records for each module is to be Maintained. AMC M.A.305 (h) Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system Owner/oper cont maint still resp for retn of rec. Or trnsf to new owner. Computer systems should have at least one backup system, which should be updated at least within 24 hours of any maintenance.


Car M notes e) In addition to the authorised release document, CA Form 1/ EASA Form1/FAA 8130 or equivalent, the information relevant to any component installed shall be entered in the appropriate engine or propeller logbook, engine module or service life limited component log card. f) Person resp for cont a/w should control rec. g) All entries clear and accurate. h) foll rec for periods specified. 1. detailed maint rec a/c & life lim comp. 24 m from withdrawal. 2. Total time & flight cycles 12 m from withdrawal. 3. Time & flight cycles from last sch maint unless superseeded. 4. Curr status of compliance. 5. Curr status of AD's & 12 m from withdrawal. 6. Curr mods and reprs & 12 m from withdrawal. M.A.306 Operator's technical log system a) comm air trans tech log. 1. info nece for each flt. 2. Current CRS. 3. Current maint status. 4. all outstanding deferred defects rectifications. 5. Any necc. Guidance on maint support arng. b) apvd by dgca. c) tech log 36 m from last entry.

AMC M.A.305 (h) 6- Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system component vital to flight safety means a component that includes certified life limited parts or is subject to airworthiness limitations or a major component such as, undercarriage or flight controls.

AMC M.A.306 (a) Operators technical log system aircraft technical log is a system for recording defects and malfunctions during the aircraft operation and for recording details of all maintenance carried out on an aircraft between scheduled base maintenance visits. Cabin or galley def & mal func safe oper of a/c cons part of tech log. A/c tech log simple single sect/ complex muti sect. Foll info SEC 1. should contain details of the registered name and address of the operator the aircraft type and the complete international registration marks of the aircraft. SEC 2. info next sch main is due. Curr CRS. SEC 3. All info flight safety. NOTE 1: Where Section 3 is of the multi-sector part removable type then such part removable sections should contain all of the foregoing information where appropriate. NOTE 2: Section 3 should be designed such that one copy of each page required to be completed after flight and what is required to be completed in preparation for the next flight.


Car M notes SEC 4. all deferred defects that affect or may affect the safe operation with cross ref to sect 3 def. SEC 5. all maint supp info. AMC M.A.306 (b) Operators technical log system

M.A.307 Transfer of aircraft continuing airworthiness records a) trans rec incl a/c tech log. b) cont a/w rec trans to orgn if contr to CAMO. c) time per for retn.

AMC M.A.307 (a) Transfer of aircraft continuing airworthiness records A permanent transfer does not generally include the dry lease-out of an aircraft when the duration of the lease agreement is less than 6 months.



Car M notes SUBPART D MAINTENANCE STANDARDS M.A.401 Maintenance data a) app curr and main data b) MAIN DATA Appl data req or AD'S or data TC holder. c) orgn shall ensure that all applicable maintenance data is current and readily available for use. Sub Part D Maintenance Standards AMC M.A.401 (b) Maintenance data 1. orgn Maint should have access to and use: a) CAR'S & asso AMC'S. b) all appl maint data & dgca notices. c) all appl AD'S. d) all appr sect of AMP, AMM, SB, SIL, SSID, CPCP etc.In addn to abv 2. vendor main and reprs man SB's, SIL's etc and TC holder data. AMC M.A.401(c) Maintenance data 1. Main data readily avbl. 2. suff no. Of comp sys. 3. lengthy maint task -- supplementary work cards or worksheets to indicate what was actually accomplished by each individual person. 4. maint data updated. M.A.402 Performance of maintenance a) all maint work Maint data. Unless spec CAR-145. b) tools and equip Maint data. Unless spec CAR-145. c) area organised and clean. d) all main in environmetal lim. e) proper facilites. f) gen verification after comp of maint. AMC M.A.402 (a) Performance of maintenance 1. support staff/ personnel under super vis of cert pers. 2. pilot owner maint --- appr trng and exp as acpt to dgca. 3. maint and insp stnds type design(maint man) or a/w stnds by dgca. 4. Independent Insp. 4.1 Man inst when Ind Insp is needed. 4.2 In abs of abv maintenance tasks that involve the assembly or any disturbance of a control system that, if errors occurred, could result in a failure, malfunction, or defect endangering the safe operation of the aircrat.- Ind Insp. 4.3 Ind insp 2 persons, a tech rec sign of both. 1 first person-- resp & CRS. 2. Sec person no cert prev but suff qual. 4.4 When AMO pers hav been trained and gained exp.


Car M notes
4.5 When work done cert by ind AME lice holder then he should

assess the second persons knowledge and exp.

4.6 In summary the following maintenance tasks should primarily

be considered when inspecting aircraft control systems that have been disturbed. 4.7 that have undergone maintenance the person AMC M.A.402 (b) Performance of maintenance All tools requiring calibration should be traceable to an acceptable standard. AMC M.A.402 (d) Performance of maintenance. The working environment should be appropriate for the maintenance task. AMC M.A.402 (e) Performance of maintenance Facilities should be provided appropriate for all planned maintenance M.A.403 Aircraft defects a) Ser def rec before flt. b) only auth cert staff which defect rectification can be deferred.exc 1.MEL apvd by dgca 2. def defined acpt to dgca. (c) Any aircraft defect that would not hazard seriously the flight safety shall be rectified as soon as practicable maint data d) def not rect a/c maint rec sys or a/c tech log AMC M.A.403 (b) Aircraft defects An assessment of both the cause and any potentially hazardous effect. AMC M.A.403 (d) Aircraft defects All deferred defects should be made known to the pilot/flight crew, whenever possible, prior to their arrival at the aircraft.



Car M notes SUBPART E COMPONENTS M.A.501 Installation (a) No component may be fitted unless it is in a satisfactory condition, CA FORM 1. (b) prior to fitment comp is eligible. (c) Standard parts shall only be fitted to an aircraft/comp maint data, accom by evidence. d) Material being either raw material or consumable material maint data/CAR-145. Sub Part E Components AMC M.A.501 (a) Installation 1. to ensure comp satis inst, perf checks and verification. 2. and before comp is inst. 3. list checks to be perf. 4. CA FORM 1 is to release components after manufacture and to release maintenance work carried out on such components under the approval of a DGCA and to allow components removed from one aircraft/component to be fitted to another aircraft/ component. 5. equivalent to a CA Form 1. EASA Form ONE - FAA Form 8130-3 - Any other form acceptable to DGCA. 6. Any item in storage without a CA Form 1 or equivalent cannot be installed unless CA FORM 1. AMC M.A.501 (b) Installation 1. Form 1 identifies the airworthiness and eligibility status of an aircraft component. Block 13 "Remarks" on the CA Form 1 in some cases contains vital airworthiness related information 2. fitment/replacement person M.A. 801 comp meets req stnds. 3. comp appr stnd ( AD) etc. AMC M.A.501(c) Installation 1. stnd parts 2. stnd part manl 3. Documentation accompanying standard parts should clearly relate to the particular parts and contain a conformity statement plus both the manufacturing and supplier source. 4. CA FORM 1 is not normally issued


Car M notes AMC M.A.501 (d) Installation 1. Consumable material is any material which is only used once, such as lubricants, cements, compounds, paints, chemicals dyes and sealants etc. 2. Raw material is any material that requires further work to make it into a component part of the aircraft such as metals, plastics, wood, fabric etc. 3. must meet specs 4. material confirmity statement + manu and supplier source. 5. NO CA FORM 1. 6. Items purchased in batches (fasteners etc.) should be supplied intact in the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) package M.A.502 Component maintenance a. maint of comp SEC A subpart F / CAR-145. b. abv maint of a/c main data or comp maint data can be done by 'A' rated orgn whilst comp are fitted on a/c.Component maintenance performed in accordance with this paragraph is not eligible for the issuance of a CA Form 1 only a/c release. c. same as 2 but ENG/APU and by 'B'. d. maint of comp installed/removed for light a/c other than comm air trans. 1. overhaul of components other than engines and propellers, and; 2. overhaul of engines and propellers for aircraft other than CS-VLA, CS22 and LSA. No CA FORM 1 only aircraft release req. M.A.503 Service life limited components Ser life lim comp > apvd life lim AMP/AD. M.A.504 Control of unserviceable components a. comp = u/s AMC M.A.504 (a) - Control of unserviceable components


Car M notes expi of ser life AMP. Non comp AD & cont a/w req -dgca. Abs of info a/w. Evidence of def/malfunc. Accident/incident serviceability. b. u/s comp stored secure loctn. A/c -non comm comp trfs to owner and rev in a/c logbook or eng log or comp log. c. Components which have reached their certified life limit or contain a non-repairable defect shall be classified as unsalvageable. d. per res retain such comp as abv or mutilate it. e. may trnfs to training or research dep.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

AMC M.A.504 (b) - Control of unserviceable components

1. cert staff ident of u/s comp. 2. Clearly dec on a tag with comp ident data and nec info. 3. Cert staff agree of owner/oper u/s comp to maint orgn for

storage. AMC M.A.504 (c) - Control of unserviceable components unsalvageable components a) components with non-repairable defects, whether visible or not to the naked eye; b) components that do not meet design specifications, and cannot be brought into conformity with such specifications; c) components subjected to unacceptable modification or rework that is irreversible; d) certified life-limited parts that have reached or exceeded their certified life limits, or have missing or incomplete records; e) components that cannot be returned to airworthy condition due to exposure to extreme forces, heat or adverse environment; f) components for which conformity with an applicable airworthiness directive cannot be accomplished; g) components for which continuing airworthiness records and/or traceability to the manufacturer can not be retrieved. 2.Caution should be exercised to ensure that unsalvageable components are disposed of in a manner that does not allow them to be returned to service. AMC M.A.504 (d) 2 - Control of unserviceable components 1) Mutilation should be accomplished in such a manner that the components become permanently unusable for their original intended use. 2) Mutilation proc. 3) unsuccessful 2 proc.


Car M notes 4) data plate and/or serial number and final disposition of the component to manufacturer. AMC M.A.504 (e) - Control of unserviceable components release an unsalvageable component for legitimate non-flight uses, such as for training.



Car M notes SUBPART F MAINTENANCE ORGANISATION M.A.601 Scope Req for a/c that r not large /comm a/c. M.A.602 Application Appli Issue/variation of appr CA FORM 2F M.A.603 Extent of approval a) cert of appr -CA FORM 3. maintenance organisation's manualScope. May fabricate in conformity -maint data & ment in Maint orgn man. Sub Part F Maintenance Organization AMC M.A.601 Scope AMC M.A.602 Application AMC M.A.603 (a) Extent of Approval AMC M.A.603 (b) Extent of approval 1) Fabrication process maint orgn manual agreed by dgca. 2) 3) fab data apvd by dgca or TC holder. 4) fab for own facility only. 5) not for onward supply or sale. Adequate records should be maintained of all such fabrication processes including heat treatment and the final inspections. AMC M.A.604 Maintenance organisation manual 1. man= det proc. 2. CAR-145 format acpt for MOM for large orgn.

M.A.604 Maintenance organisation manual a) 1. Statement signed by accountable manager. 2. scope of work. 3. Title and names of persons. 4. orgn chart chain of resp. 5. List of cert staff with scope of apprvl. 6. List of locations and faci. 7. proc spec maint orgn comp with CAR. 8. mom amnd proc. b) MOM amnd apvd by dgca. c) ind aprvl proc- MOM atleast 15 days before effictivity.



Car M notes M.A.605 Facilities a) facilities. b) office accom. c)storage facilities. AMC M.A.605 (a) Facilities 1. Where a hangar is not owned by the M.A. Subpart F organisation, it may be necessary to establish proof of tenancy. 2. Protection from the weather elements. 3. Aircraft maintenance staff should be provided with an area where they may study maintenance instructions and complete continuing airworthiness records. AMC M.A.605 (b) Facilities 1. can comb off accom one off suff room . AMC M.A.605 (c) Facilities 1. Storage facilities for serviceable aircraft components clean well vent. 2. Adequate storage racks should be provided and strong enough. 3. All aircraft components, wherever practicable, should remain packaged in their protective material. 4. Segregation means storing u/s and ser items sep. 5. Segregation and management u/s comp. 6. decision process. 7. Unsalvagable comp secure areas in which to segregate such items and to prevent unauthorised access. And final disp. M.A.606 Personnel requirements a) accnt man. b) person- orgn comp under acnt man. c) abv person rel know and exp. d) temp sub-cont staff acpt when more work cannot CRS. e) qual of maint per demo and rec. f) Personnel - specialised tasks such as welding, NDT testing/inspection other than colour contrast shall hold relevant certificate of competency. AMC M.A.606 (a) Personnel requirements Accnt mang normally CEO and can be for more than one orgn. Accnt mang direct access to CEO for maint funding. AMC M.A.606 (b) Personnel requirements; 1. 2.dependent upon the extent of approval, an aircraft maintenance manager, a workshop manager rep to accnt mang.


Car M notes g) suff staff CRS h) excp of g for comm oper (orgn manl) 1.repetitive pre-flight airworthiness directive- flt crew such AD commander practical trng. 2. operating away from a supported location commander lim cert staff auth after pract trng 3. The aircraft maintenance manager is responsible for ensuring that all maintenance required to be carried out, and def rect maint stnds. 4. Workshop mang comp AMC M.A.606(c) Personnel requirements 1. appr qual and exp. 2. all nominated persons 2.1 practical experience and expertise in the application of aviation safety standards and safe maintenance practices; 2.2 comprehensive knowledge of: a) CAR M and any associated requirements and procedures; b) the maintenance organisation manual; 2.3 five years aviation experience of which at least three years should be practical maintenance experience; 2.4 knowledge of the relevant type(s) of aircraft or components maintained; 2.5. knowledge of maintenance standards. AMC M.A.606 (d) Personnel requirements 1. all staff compliance orgn proce -MOM. 2. To have sufficient staff means directly. 3. Temp sub cont employed by another orgn and contracted by this. AMC M.A.606(e) Personnel requirements 1. per maint on the job evaluation. 2. Adequate initial and recurrent training AMC M.A.606 (f) Personnel requirements 1. cont a/w NDT means -spec by TC holder. 2. level 1,2, 3 stnd dgca. 3. 4.


Car M notes 5. NDT means FPI, MPI, EDDY CURR , ULTRA-SON AND RAD incl X-ray and gamma ray. 6. new NDT Thermography and Shearography. 7. qual proc for NDT AMO. 8. Boroscoping and other techniques such as delamination coin tapping are non-destructive inspections rather than non-destructive testing. 9. ref stnds- MOM. 10. M.A.607 Certifying staff a) cert staff can exer their privileges. 1. demo meet req dgca AME lic. 2. Adq understanding of a/c or comp . b) where an aircraft is grounded at a location other than the main base where no appropriate certifying staff is available, contr MO one off auth - exposition. 1. to one of its employees holding type qualifications on aircraft of similar technology, construction and systems; or 2. to any person with not less than three years maintenance experience and holding a valid ICAO aircraft maintenance licence rated for the aircraft type requiring certification provided there is no organisation appropriately approved under this CAR at that location and the contracted organisation obtains and holds on file evidence of the experience and the licence of that person. reported to DGCA within seven days of the M.A.608 Components, equipment and tools a) orgn shall. 1. equip and tools maint data or equiv MOM. 2. demo access to other tools used occasionally. b) tools controlled and calib. AMC M.A.607 Certifying staff 1. Adequate understanding = rec trng and maint exp. 2. cert staff assesed -competence, qualification and capability. 3. orgn copies qual and exp of pers. 4. Rel maint exp = privileges of the certification authorisation and/or has actually carried out maintenance. AMC M.A.607 (c) Certifying staff Min info to be kept.

AMC M.A.608 (a) Components, equipment and tools 1. 2. clearly identified and listed in a control register. 3.


Car M notes AMC M.A.608 (b) Components, equipment and tools 1. procedure to inspect/service A clear system of labelling all tooling, equipment and test equipment is therefore necessary giving information on when the next inspection or service or calibration is due. 2. Inspection, service or calibration equip manu instr. M.A.609 Maintenance data 1. orgn app and curr maint data. M.A.610 Maintenance work orders written work order shall be agreed between the organisation and the organisation requesting maintenance. M.A.611 Maintenance standards All maint CAR-M subpart D. M.A.612 Aircraft certificate of release to service Comp of maint of a/c CRS subpart H. M.A.613 Component certificate of release to service Comp of comp maint CRS CA form 1 excp for stnd part and consumable part AMC M.A.613 Component certificate of release to service 1. A/C comp maintained off the aircraft requires the issue of a certificate of release to service for such maintenance and another CRS to service in regard to being installed properly on the aircraft. 2. components in storage prior to CAR145, CAR M and CAR 21 and not released on a CA Form 1 or equivalent in accordance with M.A.501(a) or removed serviceable from active aircraft which have been withdrawn from service CA FORM 1 issued. -Which has been released without a CA Form 1 or equivalent -Used on an aircraft and removed in a serviceable condition. Examples

AMC M.A.609 Maintenance Data customer provided maintenance data, the scope of approval indicated in the MOM should be limited to the individual aircraft.


Car M notes include leased and loaned aircraft components. - Removed from aircraft which have been withdrawn from service, or from aircraft which have been involved in abnormal occurrences such as accidents, incidents, heavy landings or lightning strikes. - Components maintained by an unapproved organisation. 2.2 An appropriately rated M.A. Subpart F maintenance organisation-CA FORM 1. 2.3 appropriately rated means an organization with an approval class rating for the type of component or for the product in which it may be installed. 2.4 issued by signing in block 20 and stating "Inspected" in block 12. Block 13 when maint is carr, when manu, list of AD'S reprs and mods, Life used ser life lim parts, ref to history records and details. 2.5 New/unused comp. 2.5.1 CA FORM 1 MOM. Note: maint release is not production release. a) accp test report or statement. b) insp for comp with manu instr and lim. c) storage life established. 2.5.2 if not possible dissassembled and inspected/tested. 2.6 Used aircraft components removed from a serviceable aircraft. a) comp was rem by appr qual person. b) deemed serviceable if the last flight operation with the component fitted revealed no faults. c) insp. d) researce for any unusual event- servi. e) history rec f) comp of mods and rprs. g) flight hours/cycles/landings of any ser life lim comp -established. h) comp with Ad's. i) block 13 info.


Car M notes 2.6.2 CA FORM 1 non dgca reg a/c leased/loaned by M.A Subpart F orgn 2.7 Used aircraft components removed from an aircraft withdrawn from service. a) disman accomplished under the control of an organisation approved under M.A. Subpart F, b) following a satis assess. c) satis components were removed and stored are compatible with the standards required by M.A. Subpart F. d) Structured plan for dismant cert staff. f) rec def should be rev. g) Dedicated control documentation disassembly plan. h) suitable removal and storage cond. 2.8. Used aircraft components maintained by organisations not approved in accordance with M.A. Subpart F. CAR 145 should establish satisfactory Dismantling, replacing ser life lim parts, reassem, and comp cert req, 3. A certificate should not be issued for any component when it is known that the component is unserviceable except in the case of an component undergoing a series of maintenance processes-- block 13. M.A.614 Maintenance records a) all details/rec prove all requirements have been met. (b) The approved maintenance organisation shall provide a copy of each certificate of release to service to the aircraft owner, with appr mod data. c) copy of all maint rec 3 yrs from a/c was released. 1. 2. 3. 2 yrs record dist last owner incase termination. AMC M.A.614 (a) Maintenance records 1. Properly executed and retained records. AMC M.A.614 (c) Maintenance records Only mods and rpr data. AMM CMM etc no retn but should ind revision status.


Car M notes M.A.615 Privileges of the organisation Maint orgn CAR M SEC A Subpart F. (a) maintain any aircraft and/or component aprvl cert. b) specialized services under the control of the maintenance organisation at another organisation appropriately qualified- MOM apvd by Dgca. c) a but at any loc MOM . M.A.616 Organisational review Orgn rev AMO cont CAR REQ AMC M.A.616 Organisational review 1. AMO can deliver safe product. 2. The approved maintenance organisation should identify: 2.1. The person responsible for the organisational review, and; 2.2. The frequency of the reviews, and; 2.3. The scope and content of the reviews, and;2.4. The persons accomplishing the reviews, and; 2.5. The procedure for planning, performing and processing review findings. 2.6. The procedure for ensuring corrective actions are carried out in the appropriate time frame. 3. Quality Sys CAR-145 is acptl sys. For orgn < 10. AMC M.A.617 Changes to the approved maintenance organization Without this paragraph the approval would automatically be suspended in all cases.

M.A.617 Changes to the approved maintenance organisation approved maintenance organisation shall notify it of any proposal to carryout changes to persons accnt mang. Tools and equip. Name and location. M.A.618 Continued validity of approval a) Rem valid for max one year Orgn comp with CAR, dgca granted access, appr not sus or revoked. M.A.619 Findings (a) A level 1 finding is any significant non-compliances CAR M



Car M notes Lower safety stnds and hazard flt safety. (b) A level 2 finding is any non-compliance with the CAR-M requirements which could lower. demonstrate corrective action to the satisfaction of DGCA within a period of 7 days and 30 days for level 1 & level 2 findings respectively.



Car M notes SUBPART G CAMO M.A.701 Scope Requirements to qualify for the issue or continuation of an approval for CONT A/W MANG M.A.702 Application Issue or Variation - CA FORM 2 F M.A.703 Extent of approval a) appendix VI CA Form 14 CAMO Appro Cert and Appr Schedule. b) Comm a/c opera CAMO Appr part of AOC/AOP issued by dgca. c) scope CAM exposition M.A.704 Continuing airworthiness management exposition a) Information. 1. Statement signed by Accnt Manager- all work -CAR & Expo. 2. The orgn scope of work. 3. names of personnel. 4. Organization Chart Chains of resp. 5. List of A/W review staff. 6. A gen desc and loc of facilities. 7. Procedures CAMO compliance with CAR-M. 8. CAM expo ammnd proc. 9. List of a/c Maint prog for non-comm generic and base.line maint prog. b) CAM expo -apprv by Dgca. c) minor ammend- indirect approval, 15 days before effectivity & proc documented. AMC M.A.704 Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition 1. Compliance with its contents will assure compliance with CAR M requirements. 2. A continuing airworthiness management exposition should comprise: Part 0 General organisation Part 1 Continuing airworthiness procedures Part 2 Quality system or organisational review (as applicable) Part 3 Contracted maintenance (for operators) management of maintenance (liaison with maintenance organisations in the case of non commercial air transport) Part 4 Airworthiness review procedures (if applicable) 3.example for a combined CAR -145 and M.A. Subpart G organisation: CAR -145 Exposition Part 1 Management Part 2 Maintenance Procedures



Car M notes Part L-2 Additional line maintenance procedures Part 3 Quality system and/or organisational review (as applicable). It should also cover the functions specified by M.A.712 quality system. Part 4 Contracts with owners/operators. It should also cover contracted maintenance (for operators) Management of maintenance (liaison with maintenance organisations in the case of non commercial air transport) Part 5 Appendices (sample of documents) Part 7 Other Regulatory supplement (if applicable) Part 8 Reserved Additional parts should be introduced covering the following: Part 0 General organisation Part 6 Continuing airworthiness procedures Part 9 Airworthiness review procedures (if applicable). 4. pers familiar expo. 5. Per resp for amnd -expo. 6. the person responsible for the management of the quality system or for the organisational review should be responsible for monitoring and amending -expo; unless agreed by dgca. Amnd contr section of expo class of amnd prior consent of dgca. 7. EDP . 8. Part 0 statement of acnt mang. 9. abv statement. 10. change of acnt mang new acnt mang should sign abv statment. M.A.705 Facilities Suitable offfice accom. M.A.706 Personnel requirements a) Acct Man Corporate authority CAM activities can be financed and carried out CAR-M. b) For comm a/c oper Acct Man activi as per AOC/AOP. AMC M.A.705 Facilities can be in office subj suff room. AMC M.A.706 Personnel requirements 1. The person or group of persons cont a/w mang structure. Individual mang or combined. quality system is in place it should be independent from the other functions.


Car M notes c) group of persons. d) Post holder under 'c'. e) The nominated post holder referred to in paragraph (d) shall not be employed by a CAR -145 approved organisation under contract to the operator. f) Sufficient approp qualified Staff. g) All paragraph (c) and (d) persons shall be able to show relevant knowledge, background and appropriate experience related to aircraft continuing airworthiness. h) qualification of all perso shall be recorded. i) orgn exten ARC nominate person acceptable to dgca. j) names of perso a, c, d & i updated in CAMO Expo. 2. abv task, size and complexity. 3. analysis of the tasks to be performed. No of persons and qual. 4. Nomn pers 4.1 practical exp. 4.2Knwldg of oper req and proc. AOC oper holder specs. Oper manl of AOC holder. 4.3. knowledge of quality systems; 4.4. five years relevant work experience of which at least two years- aero indus -appr pstn. 4.5 rel engg degree. 4.6 knwldg CAM expo. 4.7 a/c type. 4.8 maint mehods AMC M.A.706 (e) Personnel requirements 1. nominated post holder be employed by the organisation approved under CAR 145- only person avbl. 2. only applies to contracted maintenance M.A.707 Airworthiness review staff a) appro a/w rev staff- issue a/w rev. Cert for approval. 1.comm air trans staff for a/c> 2730 MTOW except balloons shall have. a) atleast 5 yrs cont a/w exp. b) appr AME Licence or aeronautical degree or equivalent. c) formal aero maint training. d) A postn in orgn -appr resp. e) 'b' may be replaced by additional 5 yrs exp. 2. comm air trans staff for a/c < 2730 MTOW except balloons. a) atleast 3 yrs cont a/w exp. b) appr AME LIC or aero degree or equivalent c) appro aero maint training. AMC M.A.707 (a) Airworthiness review staff 1. A/W rev privileges 2. 3. An appropriate Rule 61 licence. It is not necessary to satisfy the experience requirements of Rule 61 at the time of the review. 4. pstn means pstn as overall auth or indp from a/w mang proc.



Car M notes d) postn in orgn with appr resp. e) b may be replace by addi cont a/w 4 yrs exp in. b) a/w rev staff shall be given authorization when formally acpt by dgca after comp of a/w rev under supervision. c) orgn a/w rev staff demonstrate CAM exp. d) orgn record of a/w rev staff for atleast 2 yrs from termination. M.A.708 Continuing airworthiness management a) cont a/w mang carried out CAR-M Section A subpart C. b) for every a/c managed should have 1. devl and control maint programme for a/c man. As well as reliability prog.if any. 2. Present maint prog to dgca for appro. or ammnd. Except for indirect appro. And provide a copy to owner not involved in comm air trans. 3. Mana the appr of modi and repairs. 4. Maint carried out and CRS issued thereof as per CAR-M Sect A subpart H. 5. AD's and oper directives are carried out. 6. Def discovered during scheduled maint are rep and corrected by appr AMO. 7. A/c AMO when neccessary. 8. coordinate scheduled maintenance, the application of AD'S, the replacement of service life limited parts, and component inspection 9. to ensure the work is carried out properly. 10. manage and archive all continuing airworthiness records and/or operator's technical log. ensure that the mass and balance statement reflects the current status of the aircraft. c) incase of comm oper- not CAR 145 appr then written maint contract with CAR-145 for maint., AD's oper direc, etc. All contra shall be appr by dgca. AMC M.A.708 (c) Continuing airworthiness management 1. same as M.A. 708 c 2. Both the specification of work and the assignment of responsibilities should be clear, unambiguous and sufficiently detailed. -- a/w is affect. 3. Special attention should be paid to procedures and responsibilities. 4. For line maintenance, the actual layout of the contract the IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement may be used as a basis. 5. contract another operator that is not directly approved under CAR -145 CAM expo such proc and list of CAR 145 contr. 6. does not absolve the operator- cont a/w resp. 7. all maint CAR-145 does not preclude a primary maintenance arrangement with an operator that is not such an organisation, when it proves that such an arrangement is in the interest of the operator by simplifying the management. AMC M.A.708 (c) (1) Continuing airworthiness management unscheduled maintenance maint contr are not neces rel maint act work orders.



Car M notes Unscheduled line maint and comp maint shall be in individual work orders to CAR-145 AMO. M.A.709 Documentation a) appr CAMO shall hold and use applicable current maint data. Data -owner insuch case CAMO keep such data for duration of contract. b) for a/c not comm air tran may dev generic and baseline maint prog for initial appr and this does not preclude need for A/c maint prog. M.A.710 Airworthiness review Full documented review of a/c records. 1. airframe, engine and propeller flying hours and associated flight cycles have been properly recorded, and; 2. the flight manual is applicable to the aircraft configuration and reflects the latest revision status, and; 3. all the maintenance due on the aircraft according to the approved maintenance programme has been carried out, and; 4. all known defects have been corrected or, when applicable, carried forward in a controlled manner, and; 5. all applicable airworthiness directives have been applied and properly registered, 6. all modifications and repairs applied to the aircraft have been registered and are approved according to CAR 21 or equipment, and; 7. all service life limited components installed on the aircraft are properly identified, registered and have not exceeded their approved service life limit, and; 8. all maintenance has been released in accordance with this Part of CAR , and; 9. the current mass and balance statement reflects the configuration of the aircraft and is valid, and; 10. the aircraft complies with the latest revision of its type design approved/ accepted by the DGCA. AMC M.A.710 (a) Airworthiness review 1. A full documented review is. 2. develop procedures for the airworthiness review staff to produce a compliance report that confirms comp rev and comp of CAR- M. AMC M.A.710 (b) and (c) Airworthiness review 1. Phy survey maint. 2. - verf in flt. 3. 4. sample checks. AMC M.A.710 (e) Airworthiness review a copy of comp rep and phy sur dgca along with recom.



Car M notes b) CAMO a/w rev staff- physical survey. c) phy survey. d) the airworthiness review can be anticipated by a maximum period of 90 days without loss of continuity of the airworthiness review pattern, to allow the physical review to take place during a maintenance check. e) airworthiness review certificate (CA Form 15b) when a/w rev comp satis. f) a copy state of regis within 10 days g) cannot sub contr. h) inconcl dgca infor. M.A.711 Privileges of the organization a) CAMO 1.manage cont a/w of non comm appr cert. 2. comm AOC. 3. arng contr lim cont a/w tasks under its quality sys appr cert. 4. ext A/W RC. M.A.712 Quality system a) Quality sys Quality Mang to mont compliance. b) -- mont all acti, mont contr maint. Mont comp with CAR. c) rec stored atleast two yrs. d) CAMO appr another CAR quality another CAR. e) In case of commercial air transport the M.A. Subpart G quality system shall be an integrated part of the operator's quality system. f) small orgn qual sys = orgn rev. AMC M.A.711 (b) Privileges of the organisation When cont a/w rev it shall every year.

AMC M.A.712 (a) Quality system 1. proc ref best practices. 2. veri and vali before use. 3. feedback sys who rect and time scales. 4. indp qual audit repo rel depa for corre and rect time. 5. The accountable manager should hold regular meetings with staff to check progress on rectification. For large orgn qual mang day to day basis and accnt mang twice a year. AMC M.A.712 (b) Quality System 1. obj ensure comp CAR. 2. essntl elem of qual sys is indp audit.


Car M notes 3. indp audit -routine sample checks of all aspects of orgn capability 4. 5. complete single exercise or subdivided over the year period in accordance with a scheduled plan. not require each procedure to be checked against each product line- proc common to lines.the audit time periods specified in this AMC may be increased by up to 100%- dgca. 6. more than 1 loc- sys how these r intg and audit every loc every yr. 7. rep should be raised. 8. carried out by personnel not responsible for the function, procedure. 9. quality plan orgn acpt to dgca. AMC M.A.712 (f) Quality system small orgn<10 per mang large a/c < 50% M.A.713 Changes to the approved continuing airworthiness organisation notify proposal to carr changes to dgca. Name, location, addt loc, accnt mang, persons and facilities AMC M.A.713 Changes to the approved continuing airworthiness organization The primary purpose of this paragraph is to enable the continuing airworthiness organisation to remain approved if agreed by the DGCA during negotiations about any of the specified changes. Without this appr auto suspended. AMC M.A.714 Record-keeping 1.The M.A. Subpart G organisation should ensure that it always receives a complete CRS- retn. 2.When orgn arng retain copies of the continuing airworthiness records on its behalf it will resp.

M.A.714 Record-keeping b) where privi a copy of a/w rev cert it has exte. c) until two years after the aircraft has been permanently withdrawn. f) when CAM is trans all rec trans. g) where terminates rec trans to owner. M.A.715 Continued validity of approval a) maximum period of one year unless spec . Valid orgn remaining in comp CAR, DGCA granted access, appr not susp or revoked,



Car M notes upon surre returned to dgca. M.A.716 Findings (a) A level 1 finding is any significant non-compliance with CAR-Mlowers. (b) A level 2 finding is any non-compliance with the CAR-M which could lower safety stnds and haz flt safety. CAMO appr corr action plan and demonstrate corrective action to the satisfaction of the DGCA within a period of 7 days and 30 days for level 1 & level 2 findings.



Car M notes SUBPART H CERTIFICATE OF RELEASE TO SERVICE CRS M.A.801 Aircraft certificate of release to service a) excp for orgn CAR-145. CRS issued accor this part. b) cert staff CAR-M SEC A subpart- F DGCA AME lic excp for complex maint tasks. Pilot owner c) for light comm a/c AME Lic complex maint tasks. d)unforeseen situations authorise any person, with not less than three years of appropriate maintenance experience and holding prop qual. owner 1. keep in a/c rec details of work and qual of person. 2. Maint rechecked & rele by appr auth pers within 7 days. 3. Notify CAMO or Dgca(no contr) within 7 days. (f) A certificate of release to service shall contain as a minimum: 1. basic details of the maintenance carried out; and 2. the date such maintenance was completed; and 3. the identity of the organisation and/or person issuing the release to service, the appr ref of orgn and cert staff if pilot or Ame lic holder CRS licence no. 4. a/w lim /oper lim. g) when the maintenance prescribed cannot be completed, a certificate of release to service may be issued within the approved aircraft limitations. h) CRS not iss when non comp or flt safety endng. Subpart H-CERTIFICATE OF RELEASE TO SERVICE AMC M.A. 801 (b) Aircraft certificate of release to service A certificate of release to service is necessary before flight, at the completion of any defect rectification, whilst the aircraft operates a flight between scheduled maintenance checks. AMC M.A.801 (d) Aircraft certificate of release to service 1.CRS statement 2. CRS -crss ref to AMP or manu inst/oper inst. 3. date and life as appr. 4. ext maint crss ref to work pack 5. per sign normal sign or electronical means acpt to dgca. 6. clear, concise, legible record of the work. 7. AME Lic per should retain records req have been met. AMC M.A.801 (e) Aircraft certificate of release to service 1. una to esta comp maint not comp avbl a/c maint downtime is less. 2. The aircraft owner or M.A. Subpart G organisation is responsible for ensuring that all required maintenance has been carried out before flight. 3. If a certificate of release to service is issued with incomplete maintenance a record should be kept stating act mech/engi to bring this to notice of owner/subpart G orgn. AMC M.A.801 (f) Aircraft certificate of release to service Hazard seriously the flight safety means any instance where safe operation could not be assured or which could lead to an unsafe condition. M.A.802 Component certificate of release to service 1. CRS comp of a/c maint. 2. auth rel cert CA Form 1 comp of maint on comp. Excp m.a.502 b & d. AMC M.A.802 Component certificate of release to service CA Form 1 not neces for inte rels proc. But all info CRS.


Car M notes M.A.803 Pilot-owner authorization a) pilot- owner maint. 1. valid pilot licence for the type or class rating. 2. own the aircraft, either as sole or joint owner. b) priv oper non-complex motor powered a/c <2730MTOW or sailplane, or seaplane pilot-owner CRS after limited pilot-owner maint. c) scope of pilot-owner maint -AMP. (d) CRS - logbooks and contain basic details of the maintenance carried out, the maintenance data used, the date on which that maintenance was completed and the identity, the signature and pilot licence number of the Pilot-owner issuing such a certificate. AMC M.A.803 Pilot-owner authorization same as M.A.803



Car M notes SUBPART I AIRWORTHINESS REVIEW CERTIFICATE M.A.901 Aircraft Airworthiness Review a) CA Form 15a DGCA or b M.A. Subpart G after comp of a/w rev. b) cont environment. i) last 12 mnts CAMO. ii) Last 12 mnts AMO subpart f or CAR-145. c) a/c comm air trans > 2730kg excp balloons MTOW cont a/w mang by CAMO in cont envi. -- issue ARC -- ARC it issued extend twice the validity of the airworthiness review certificate for a period of one year each time; d) abv a/c not in cont envir or cont a/w mang by CAMO(with ARC priv). Dgca ARC based on recomm from approved CAMO. e) a/c non comm <2730Kg MTOM & balloons same as c f) g) a/c not comm and comm air trans dgca ARC based on a recommendation made by certifying staff formally approved by DGCA and complying with DGCA Aircraft Maintenance License requirements. h) Potential safety threat DGCA carryout a/w rev and ARC itself. i) DGCA a/w rev and ARC a/c not comm air trans and cont a/w mang by CAMO outside india. for all balloons and any other aircraft of 2730 kg MTOM and below requested -owner. j) the owner or operator shall provide DGCA with, for a/w rev. k) ARC not iss/exd if a/c is not a/w. Subpart I-AIRWORTHINESS REVIEW CERTIFICATE AMC M.A.901 (a) Aircraft airworthiness review AMC M.A.901 (b) Aircraft airworthiness review 1) if cont a/w of a/c is not mang as per CAR-M. A/c is not in controlled envi. 2. pilot owner maint- a/c is in cont envi. If cont orgn subpart G is informed AMC M.A.901 (c) 2 Aircraft airworthiness review When the aircraft has remained within a controlled environment, the extension of the validity of the airworthiness review certificate does not require an airworthiness review but only a verification of the continuous compliance. AMC M.A.901 (d) Aircraft airworthiness review info: (a) General information. (b) Aircraft information. ( c) Documents accompanying the recommendation. (d) Aircraft status. (e) Aircraft survey. (f) Findings. Statement A statement signed by the airworthiness review staff recommending the issue of an airworthiness review certificate. AMC M.A.901 (e) Aircraft airworthiness review suitable accomodation: a) suitable office. b) A hangar phy survey. Rule 61 pers for support when a/w staff is not appr qual.


Car M notes M.A.902 Validity of the airworthiness review certificate (a) An airworthiness review certificate becomes invalid if: 1. suspended or revoked; or 2. the airworthiness certificate is suspended or revoked; or 3. the aircraft is not on the aircraft register of DGCA; or 4. the type certificate under which the airworthiness certificate was issued is suspeded or revoked. M.A.903 Transfer of aircraft registration within India. a) 1. inform DGCA; 2. apply to DGCA for the amendment of the Certificate of Registration in accordance with CAR Section-2, Series F, Part I. b) notwithstanding the former airworthiness review certificate shall remain valid until its expiry date. M.A.904 Airworthiness review of aircraft imported into India a) importing a/c into india applicant- apply C OF A, for used a/c ARC and all maint AMP b) CAMO doc recomm to dgca for ARC d) new C OF A dgca. e) ARC valid for one year unless dgca less. AMC M.A.903 (a) - 1 Transfer of aircraft registration within India. Notify dgca for proper trnsf AMC M.A.903 (b) Transfer of aircraft registration within India: owner/oper verify that DGCA has entered the new aircraft registration, if any, on the existing airworthiness review certificate and validated the change. AMC M.A.904 (a)-1 Airworthiness reviews of aircraft imported into India inform dgca 10 working days in adv time and loc of rev. AMC M.A.904 (a)-2 Airworthiness reviews of aircraft imported into India when no CAMO avbl DGCA a/w rev. Req with 30 days notice. AMC M.A.904 (b) Airworthiness review of aircraft imported into India The recommendation sent to DGCA should contain at least (a) General information. (b) Aircraft information.


Car M notes ( c) Documents accompanying the recommendation. (d) Aircraft status. (e) Aircraft survey. (f) Findings. M.A.905 FINDINGS. Maint and Aircraft check flight


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