Interspace..: The British Space Modelling Association
Interspace..: The British Space Modelling Association
Interspace..: The British Space Modelling Association
The Journal of
The British Space Modelling Association
Editor Stuart Lodge ~ 25 Huntingdon Drive ______________________________________________
Castle Donington ~ Derby ~ DE74 2SR ~ UK Capitol Cup 2011 ~ 17-18
Volume No. 2011/6 Issue No. 76 Winter 2011 September – Great Meadow
Plains, VA – USA by Srdjan Pelagic
Editorial Another season draws to a WELL DONE, Tony Reynolds and his Team for
close…and what a season! We’ve seen yet another super World Cup on the North
World Cups from all over, many featuring American continent. But for sure, we need more
than one World Cup event in the USA, for 2012 and
the biggest entries ever, plus the 13th later?!? Big questions and crucially we need…
European Space Modelling Championships, Answers – Actions, not words, from Tony, Pat, Taras
hosted by Romania. We’ve had a novel and their associates. How can we increase foreign
World Cup, from a novel country…the 1st entrants too?!? Podiums:
Fenix Cup, based in Vincovci, Croatia; 10 S4A-Boost Glider World Cup (10 starters)
1 Rod SCHAFER USA 69 77 75 = 221s
nations and a spectacular success. Then 2 Chris FLANIGAN USA 0 77 113 = 190s
there was GREECE…for the very first time! 3 Dmitri AVRAMOV BUL 51 48 - = 99s
Naturally enough, this issue rounds off S6A-Streamer Duration World Cup (11 starters)
the 2011 World Cup season. Featured are 1 Pat BUTLER USA 68 71 67 = 206s
2 Steve KRISTAL USA 59 58 73 = 190s
the Capitol Cup ~ from Virginia, USA; 3 Emma KRISTAL USA 69 36 63 = 168s
Baikonur Cup and the Cup of Korkyt Ata ~ S9A-Gyrocopter D’tion World Cup (10 starters)
from Kosmodrom Baikonur. And a titchy 1 Rod SCHAFER USA 134 97 126 = 375s
one from that little place called 2 Kathleen HUMPHREY USA 111 0 149 = 260s
3 Trip BARBER USA 94 82 56 = 232s
Slovenia…can’t remember its name!?!
S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider World Cup (7 starters)
We are coming to the time when solid 1 John LANGFORD USA
proposals need to be put in place for 952 1000 1000 + 860 = 3812pts
discussions at FAI. Once more I repeat the 2 Scott BAIRD USA
1000 816 882 + 1000 = 3743pts
diktat that if WE do not take control of our 3 Kevin JOHNSON USA
destiny, others will and it will surely be 1000 896 749 + 904 = 3549pts
worse. We are once again grateful to Geoff The FAI Jury comprised Taras Tataryn (CAN), Ed
Seabrook and Jason Wentworth for Pearson (USA) and John Langford, with the RSO’s
contributions within. Both are related to the duties being competently serviced by Jonathan
Rains [remember him from Florida in ‟92?!? – Ed]. The
S7-Scale issue that is maturing nicely.
whole World Cup was very professionally organised
..And yes, we’ve interspace.. Space by Sports Director, Tony Reynolds and Secretary,
Modeller of the Year too.. Chris Kidwell.
FAI Space Modelling
The Journal of
The British Space Modelling Association
___________________________________________ BRILLIANT!! ..that’s the standard of flying and the
ambient conditions...just SUPER. The Organisers,
Baikonur Cup 2011 ~ 20-23 International Space School of Baikonur and
September – Коcmoдрom.. RUS- Federation of Russian Space Modelling Sports did a
wonderful job on such an auspicious occasion. Well
KAZ done, CD Evgeniy Proshaligin (KAZ) and Secretary
Larisa Ivanova. FAI Jury comprised, Alexei
ICONIC this one: 12th April 1961 saw the Oxenenko (KAZ), Alexei Koriapin (RUS) &
legendary Yuri Gagarin mount his Vostok and Aleksandr LIPAI (BLR). S7-Scale Judges were Olga
embark of the first ride into Space…50 YEARS Ibramimova, Aleksandr Levich (knows a bit about
AGO! interspace.. covered this and now reports Soyuz..) and Sergei Parakine. Awesome event and
the World Cup event that took place on the same an awesome anniversary too.
venue. Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan ___________________________________________
and Belarus were the focal nations in what was a
super World Cup.
Cup of Korkyt Ata 2011 ~ 27-
S4A-Boost Glider World Cup (18 starters) 30 September – Коcmoдрom..
1 Aleksandr LIPAI BLR 180 180 180 = 540s
2 Igor SHMATOV RUS 180 157 140 = 477s RUS-KAZ
3 Kiril EGOROV RUS 102 180 180 = 462s
S6A-Streamer Duration World Cup (22 starters) ANOTHER World Cup from the Steppes!
1 Konstantin BALAHONIKOV UZB 180 180 82 = 442s …another World Cup featuring stunning flying
2 Dmitri KOROTIN RUS 180 180 61 = 421s standards. Organisers included…Association of
3 Vladimirs KHOKHLOV RUS 119 180 83 = 382s Light Aircraft of Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
S7-Scale World Cup (5 starters)
1 Vladimir MENSHIKOV RUS Soyuz TM-12
Aeromodelling Club, Agency of Tourism & Sports
687 + 128 = 815pts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the
2 Maksym LAVYRENKO UKR Trailblazer-11 International Space School Baikonur (ISS). Had
534 + 183 = 717pts just a chance of being good then! Many of the
3 Aleksandr LIPAI BLR Soyuz personnel mimicked Baikonur – the two events
573 + 70 = 643pts of the same patch…at least by the standards of
S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider World Cup (8 starters)
the region! Into the podiums we go.
1000 1000 1000 + 1000 = 4000 pts
2 Yuri FILCHUKOV KAZ S4A-Boost Glider World Cup (19 starters)
1000 1000 542 + 582 = 3126pts 1 Kiril EGOROV RUS 180 180 83 = 442s
3 Eduard YURK KAZ 2 Aleksandr LIPAI BLR 128 180 112 = 420+111s
610 DQ 1000 + 975 = 2596pts 3 Vlada IVANOVA RUS 60 180 180 = 420+ 0s
S9A-Gyrocopter D’tion World Cup (21 starters) S6A-Streamer Duration World Cup (23 starters)
1 Igor IBRAGIMOV UZB 180 180 139 = 499s 1 Konstantin BALAHONIKOV UZB 81 180 180 = 441s
2 Igor SHMATOV RUS 180 128 132 = 440s 2 Irina LOBANOVA KAZ 97 136 180 = 413s
3 Vladimir KHOKHLOV RUS 180 92 148 = 420s 3 Olga IBRAGIMOV UZB 84 171 96 = 351s
FAI Space Modelling
The Journal of
The British Space Modelling Association
S7-Scale World Cup (11 starters) riguer…c’est magnifique! Ljubljana reposes near
1 Vladimir MENSHIKOV RUS Soyuz TM-12 the source of the River Sava and the watercourse
672 + 1131 = 803pts that passes through the city – the Ljubljanica – is a
2 Aleksandr LIPAI BLR Soyuz forked tributary that joins the longest river in the
576 + 114 = 690pts former-Yugoslavia. More geography, Bulgaria,
3 Maksim LAVRYNENKO UZB Trailblazer-11 Croatia, Czech Republic, United Kingdom,
523 + 164 = 687pts
Germany, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia,
S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider World Cup (8 starters)
Switzerland, Slovakia and Slovenia descended on
951 1000 1000 + 1000 = 3951pts the event headquarters at Terme Snovik, confident
2 Elena SHPAK KAZ in their ability to catalyse a dynamic World Cup
1000 895 957 + 897 = 3749pts finale.
3 Sergei PARAKHINE KAZ Naturally, the legendary Astronavksko Raketarski
830 967 983 + 955 = 3735pts Klub, Vladimir M Komarov, under the stewardship
S9A-Gyrocopter D’tion World Cup (25 starters) of Joze Cuden and Tone Sijanec, would be running
1 Igor IBRAGIMOV UZB 155 180 172 = 507s the show. Naturally, the weather was expected to be
2 Vladimir MINKEVICH BLR 140 168 166 = 474s magic…except that Friday afternoon was 6 degrees
3 Aleksandr LIPAI BLR 180 92 113 = 473s Celsius and driving rain - S3A-Parachute Duration
Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and was rescheduled for Sunday pm! Naturally,
Belarus were the nations in what was a marvelous Saturday and Sunday were blessed with warm sun
event. Sports Director. Dmitri Shatalov and and very light winds. Your reporter once more
Secretary, Larisa Ivanova can reflect with pride on carded to judge S7-Scale models and hoping for a
what was a super event. He was aided and abetted World Class entry and World Class flying too. Time
by the FAI Jury of Alexei Koriapin (RUS), Alexei for some podiums..
Oxenenko (KAZ) and Igor Volkanov (UKR). Scale S4A-Boost Glider World Cup
judges in a hall dotted with diversity were, Olga Gennady Poltavets (RUS); Martina Prekopova, Denis
Ibragimov (UZB), Aleksandr ‘Mr Soyuz..’ Levikh Javoric (both-SVK); Jaromir Chalupa, Marek Pavka,
(RUS) and Sergei Parakhine (KAZ)...super. Jan Sebesta, Alexander Kozlov (all-CZE) and Boris,
________________________________________________ Uros & Marjan Jenko, Alja Makuc (all-SLO). These just
a few of the ingredients in the mixer to ensure a World
Sava River Tour part 3 Class event to round off 2011. Conditions were near-
perfect on Saturday morning and the scoring utterly
~ Ljubljana.. stunning. Plenty of hard luck stories along the
way…drop below a big three-figure number and drop
33rd Ljubljana Cup ~ Kamnik – out of the top-10. Great Podium, well done Ceska!
1 Marek PAVKA CZE 180 180 180 = 540s
SLO. 7-9 October 2011 2 Zoran KATANIC SRB 176 180 180 = 536s
3 Jaromir CHALUPA CZE 130 180 162 = 472s
by the Editor S6A-Streamer Duration World Cup
TOP OF THE TREE = 33 ..Ljubljana Cups ~ You don‟t see startlists of less than fifty in S6A-
Streamer at the Ljubljana Cup and this one no
BINGO!! The latest followed the standard that is de exception! There were more Big Players in the list
FAI Space Modelling
The Journal of
The British Space Modelling Association
than also rans, with the flyers on form looking like, overall World Cup! Once more, several were looking at
Przemyslaw Zacharias, Antoni Biernacki, Jakub Jaros the podium, but it took a super two-stage flight by
& Tadeus Kaprzycky (all-POL); Drago Perc, Simon junior, Miodrag Cipcic (SRB) to set the standard for the
Urbas and the Jenko Mafia (all-SLO); Jan Sebesta & rest. He was „leader in the clubhouse‟ until compatriot
Jaromir Chalupa (both-CZE); Peter Matuska, Milan Zika Josipovic fired a marginally straighter boost and
Javorik & Jozef Prekop (all-SVK) and Michael Helmert one point better…Golden Dragon! Hard luck stories
& Jonas Buechl (both-GER). Scoring was massive and aplenty and young Jan Sebesta just might have been a
the standard across the spectrum was superb…very bit unlucky with a DQ‟d „qualification‟ flight.
few Zero scores, although the one that caught 1 Ziva JOSIPOVIC SRB Bumper WAC-B7
Gennady Poltavets (RUS) was very expensive! But a 687 + 121 = 808pt
real shock at the end, Mitja Zgajner (SLO) showed he 2 Miodrag CIPCIC SRB Bumper WAC-B7
can do more than twiddle the sticks on an RC 687 + 120 = 807pt
transmitter and nailed an amazing Golden Dragon! 3 Wojciech KRZYWINSKI POL Ariane 3
This was a fantastic World Cup finale. 696 + 80 = 776pt
1 Mitja ZGAJNER SLO 178 119 110 = 407s S9A-Gyrocopter Duration World Cup
2 Vladimir CIPCIC SRB 139 124 132 = 395s John Jacomb (GBR) wasn‟t going to fly S9A-
3 Przemyslaw ZACHARIAS POL 135 122 120 = 377s Gyrocopter at Ljubljana.. The startlist just as
S7-Scale World Cup intimidating as S6A-Streamer had been, earlier in the
A really good mix in the hall, ranging from Arianes, day. Always the hardest to pick, as flight failures are all
Bumper WACs, sounding rockets in the shape of too common, favourites looked like Radojica Katanic
Meteor-1 & Sonda 1-2, Nike Apache, plus a magic (SRB); Tomislava Cvitic, Maja Juric, Ivana
Maxus 6. Nikola Cvjeticanin (SRB), Matevz Dular and Miskovic…Croatia‟s good ladies! ..backed up by Jozo
Stuart Lodge had their work cut out. But this one Ivancic, Romano Suti & Tomislav Cvitic (all-CRO too..).
needed to be good, as the seemingly World Class halls Michael Helmert & Jonas Buechl (both-GER), unlikely
your scribe had judged in 2011 had failed to come up to do badly. The scoring was mega, with a flyoff
to standard in the qualification flights. The top set was needed for first and second. Oh yes, John Jacomb was
very tight, Arianes by Krzysztof Przybytek, Wojciech glad he bothered!?!
Krzywinski (both-POL) and Vladimir „chirpy‟ Cipcic 1 Jaromir CHALUPA CZE 177 180 111 = 500+148s
were only separated by some 30 points. Close?!? 2 Marek PAVKA CZE 108 180 180 = 500+122s
..Bumper WAC-B7s of Zika Josipovic and Miodrag 3 John JACOMB GBR 96 180 152 = 428s
Cipcic (both-SRB) managed an identical 687 points in S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider Spot Landing World Cup
static.. Other interesting birds were the Sonda 1-2 of 2011 deserved a good S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider World
Jan Sebesta (CZE), though this one was let down by Cup, it‟d been pretty mediocre thus far…apart from
inadequate documentation and Martina Prekopova‟s one protagonist. Mitja Zgajner (SLO) came to the
(SVK) Meteor-1, the latter very accurate and realistic, World Cup finale leading the rankings by a country
scoring surprisingly highly, in static. The Maxus 6 of mile, even „Chirpy‟ Cipcic (SRB) always having to give
Michal Borrowski (POL), flattered to deceive, but once best. But others too, determined to spoil the party, Turi
more, the flights would make or mar it. Hunziker, Martin Eichenberger, Daniel Studiger &
Wojciech Krzywinski damaged his Ariane 3 with the Michael Lehmann (all-SUI) had the kit to do damage.
electronic control system, at the 1st Fenix Cup, in Eduard „Wow-wow‟ Wowry, Pawel Janisiewicz,
Croatia a few weeks earlier and flew its more basic Przemyslaw Zacharias & Szymon Byrtek (all-POL)
predecessor…to yet another first round DQ! It later did very competent and the renaissant Bulgarians,
enough for the Bronze Dragon and…=1st in the 2011 Konstantin Ranov & Kancho Kanev looked to impress.
FAI Space Modelling
The Journal of
The British Space Modelling Association
The flying was brilliant, with the backdrop of snowy ________________________________________________
Julijana Alps stunning…the best World Cup of 2011
and the podium very predictable and well done, Mitja
FAI Awards ~ 12th
1000 1000 1000 + 998 = 3998pt
October 2011...
2 Vladimir CIPCIC SRB
1000 991 978 + 1000 = 3969pt Belgrade, Serbia
3 Peter MATUSKA SVK FAI Communications Manager... Faustine Carrera
985 987 1000 + 882 = 3854pt
S3A-Parachute Duration AVIATION Personalities were honoured at the
Re-carded from Friday and sure to be good…‟til the 2011 FAI Awards Ceremony, held in Belgrade,
wind freshened, that is…recovery teams on steroids! Serbia, as part of the Opening Ceremony of the
The Jenko Mafia, Rok Spandl, Miha Rupnik, Rok 105th FAI General Conference. Coming from all
Zunik, Simon Urbas and Drago Perc, looked good for round the world, more than 20 recipients of FAI
the hosts; Jozo Ivancic, Ivana Miskovic, Romano Suti
diplomas and medals were presented with their
and Maja Juric (all-CRO); the Pavkas, Jan Sebesta &
Alexander Kozlov (all-CZE), all looked capable. But awards, by FAI President John Grubbström.
who could tell, the wind deprived so many of kit to fly in
round 3. The result was utterly brilliant for Jan Sebesta Honorary Group Diploma
– a perfect score - after his disappointments in S7- This diploma is awarded to groups of people that have
Scale. Jozo Ivancic and Rok Zunic on the sidesteps. contributed significantly to the progress of Aeronautics or
1 Jan SEBESTA CZE 300 300 300 = 900s
2 Jozo IVANCIC CRO 262 300 300 = 862s Civil Aviation Directorate of the Republic of Serbia;
3 Rok ZUNIC SLO 300 300 242 = 842s Baló Club Mediterrani; Aeroklub Memorial Air
Show Models…Oddrocs beware! Show Roudnice nad Labem; Ballonsportgruppe
No one was betting on anyone else except John Stuttgart e.V.; Polish Air Navigation Services
Jacomb. JJ‟s „scale model‟ of Westminster’s Big Ben, Agency – PANSA.
just astonishing. The use of an Serb Ultra E44-5 motor
was inspired; the „building‟ flew superbly and Paul Tissandier Diploma
recovered perfectly. Golden Dragon! This diploma is awarded to those who have served the
1 John JACOMB Westminster’s Big Ben cause of aviation in general and sporting aviation in
2 Uros JENKO 5th November on water.. particular, by their work or devotion.
Ljubljana Love Affair… Garry Georkov Nikola Cvjeticanin
Magic! ..but Ljubljana always is. Well done ARK Pedro Cabañero Marimón José María Lladó Costa
Komarov, Contest Director Tone Sijanec; RSOs Beat Neuenschwander Erdogan Menekse
Marjan Cuden and Matevz Dular…fantastic. The Tahsin Tekin David Pilkington
FAI Jury comprised Srdjan Pelagic (SRB), Vera Jack Krine Stanisa Petrovic
Pavkova (CZE) and Joze Cuden (SLO) and had Antonio Dentini Kjell Thore Olsen
little to do. Your Editor honoured to judge S7-Scale
with Nikola Cvjeticanin and Matevz Dular. Gold Rotorcraft Medal
Ljubljana is what Space Modelling is all about. This medal rewards a particularly remarkable achievement
in rotorcraft including use as a sporting vehicle, or eminent
FAI Space Modelling
The Journal of
The British Space Modelling Association
services to the development of rotorcraft over an extended ____________________________________________
period of time.
Irina Grushina Body Tubes for S7-Scale
Lilienthal Gliding Medal
models... Geoff Seabrook gets
The diploma is awarded for a particularly remarkable gliding
performance, or eminent services to gliding, to a currently
Reiner Rose
active glider pilot.
BODY TUBES are a key element of any Scale
model and if Estes’ catalogue doesn’t have the
Nile Gold Medal diameter you need, well,…you need to do some
This Medal, established in 1972, is donated annually by the work. Enough of me, let’s go to Geoff..
Aero Club of Egypt to the FAI. It is awarded to a person, “I've been making a Scud C using plans from..
group of persons or organization to reward distinguished
work in the field of aerospace education, particularly during “...the first couple of attempts to roll the body tubes were not
the year preceding the award. successful so I decided to try the process in his instructions:”
Edgardo Rezzonico "...Personally, I recommend the „mandrel-heat‟ method by
obtaining a pipe, such as PVC, or a dowel that is under
40mm in diameter, as that is the outer diameter of the SCUD
Santos-Dumont Gold Airship Medal
model, and building it up, using cardstock, and regular paper
This Medal, established in 1994, honours Alberto Santos-
to get the exact fit. Test wrap one of the sections around the
Dumont for his contributions to the developments and to the
Form/Mandrel. Do not worry about where the inner part of
sport of flying airships, culminating in his historic flight
the wrap is, just worry about matching up the outside
around the Eiffel Tower in Paris, on October 19, 1901, thus
marks. You will see that the end is left green, whereas the
winning the Deutsch Prize. 100 medals are contributed by
inside has a darker line. The green end should cover this,
the Virgin Islands Aero Club.
except where there is also a dark line on the end, and the
Leonid Tyukhtyaev inside, then they should match up on top of each other.”
“Pay close attention to where the hatches and other
V. M. Komarov Diploma marks are, as you want as close a fit as possible for a good
This Diploma was established by the FAI in 1970 to appearance, and especially so that they can be properly
honour the memory of Soviet Cosmonaut Komarov who joined together. Remember, the more solid, tighter and
participated in the world record space flight of Voskhod 1 in smoother your mandrel is, the better the
1964, and who lost his life while serving on a cosmic flight. It completed tube section will look".
may be awarded annually to astronauts, members of multi- “So you put heat activated glue on the inside section and
seater crews, for outstanding achievements in the field of let it dry. Wrap around the mandrel and then use an hot iron
exploration of outer space in the previous year. The to activate the glue and create the tube. I've been pleasantly
maximum number of crews to be recognized annually shall pleased by the quality of my early experiments and with
be three. practice I know even a ham fisted person like me can
Crew of STS-Mission 130; ISS Ass’bly Mission 20A produce a decent model. I plan to modify the Black Knight to
use the same process for the main body tubes.”
In total, 85 aviation personalities and groups have Editor’s note.. Super...and innovative too.
received an FAI award this year. There is more to Space Models’ construction
Editor’s note.. CONGRATULATIONS to all than cardboard tubes, or even bodies moulded
recipients! from contemporary composites.
FAI Space Modelling
The Journal of
The British Space Modelling Association
________________________________________________ vehicle) also makes it a good scale subject for a
cardstock flying model rocket. The only missing
Honest guv...Honest information is the color data, although I'm pretty sure
that the vehicles were red with yellow lettering (can
John as it should be... any of your interspace.. readers confirm or correct
Jason Wentworth becomes an “In the spirit of Peter Alway's book "Scale Bash"
(which contained scale data, fin patterns, and body
Honest Broker?!? tube lengths for scale model rockets that could be built
from various non-scale Estes kits), below are links to
MORE on the S7-Scale debate...yet more from scale data on the French ONERA TACITE ("Tacitus" in
Alaska’s Jason Wentworth! The Editor has Latin and English) sounding rocket. This single-stage,
built a couple of Honest Johns in his time and solid propellant vehicle could send a 200 kg payload to
an altitude of 200 km. A scale model of it could use
had a problem of two accumulating sufficient the BT-50 size 3:1 tangent ogive plastic nose cone that
data to improve on Estes’ fine kit. Over to is found in the Estes Alpha kit, or (for a larger-scale
Jason.. TACITE model) the BT-60 size 3:1 tangent ogive
“I found photographs of two "new" (and very colourful) plastic nose cone in Estes‟ StormCaster kit could be
paint schemes for the M50 Honest John. See: used.” Also: “The TACITE photographs on the several below-
ost129700 linked web pages show vehicles fitted with biconical
...the main source page--with photos and specifications nose cones, but the vehicles could also use 3:1
for many different missiles and rockets, is here: tangent ogive nose cones (from the related TITUS sounding rocket”, see:
.. which could be incorporated into the new Estes Mini
Honest John scale model rocket kit. See: bin/ “..The biconical nose cone-equipped TACITE rounds
“One of the two paint schemes is very easy to would make good cardstock models (their faceted
create using only simple masking. The M31 Honest "wedge-section" clipped delta fins with blunt, square-
John (in the other photographs on that web page) also cut trailing edges also lend themselves to cardstock
used the simple two-colour (red and white) paint construction). Below are seven links to material on the
scheme that is shown on an M50 Honest John in the TACITE sounding rocket”:
left - most attached photograph - in my above-linked [1]
„Ye Olde Rocket Forum’ posting. That basic but doc/DOC89593_s1.pdf (has fin and payload details)
attractive paint job could be an "entry-level" masked [2]
paint scheme for beginning scale competitors”. bin/§ion=.&offset=
More stuff to on a something completely 20
different..the French Onera Tactite rocket..” [3]
“Below is scale data on a French sounding rocket [4]
that would make a good beginners' scale model rocket.
Its lack of compound curves (several of them flew with [5] (English translation of [4]):
biconical nose cones, although the vehicle could also
use a 3:1 tangent ogive nose cone from a related p://
FAI Space Modelling
The Journal of
The British Space Modelling Association
Wp2OTrBY4uSxAq7s6YkB&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=res other test vehicles). I am working on getting
ult&resnum=6&ved=0CEEQ7gEwBTgK&prev=/search dimensioned drawings of the RX-200, RX-320, and
%3Fq%3DONERA%2BTacite%2Brocket%26start%3D RX-420 from LAPAN, but even if such scale data is not
10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D792%26bih forthcoming, models of these rockets could be scaled
%3D377%26prmd%3Dimvns directly from the photographs since the RX-320's and
[6] the RX-420's lengths as well as their diameters are known. (I have given them below--they are from
%20-%201898.html "Indomil's Blog". see:
[7] “..which is in English.) [The RX-200's length could be
%20-%200171.html determined from the photograph in this article: "LAPAN
More Geography! Indonesia! Sukses Uji Terbangkan Muatan Satelit LAPAN-
“Below is information on the Indonesian RX-200, ORARI," see: http://nias-
RX-320, and RX-420 sounding rockets. "RX" stands
for "Rocket eXperimental, and the number following terbangkan-muatan.html
the "RX" prefix denotes the rocket's diameter in “...Below the rockets' dimensions are links to other
millimeters; thus, the RX-320 is 320 millimeters in photographs of them and information on them. Scaling
diameter. I have also included information on scaling from photographs works as follows (this information is
models from photographs; the information is from "The from "The Art of Scale Model Rocketry" by Peter
Art of Scale Model Rocketry" by Peter Alway”. Alway):
“The tsunami that swept across the Pacific a few "The first step in working from such pictures is to
years ago inspired Indonesia's amateur radio establish a scaling factor. It may be wise to try two
organization ORARI and LAPAN (Indonesia's space scales, horizontal and vertical. This corrects for
agency) to develop "suborbital communications foreshortening in photos and copying distortions in
satellites" that can relay signals from 2 meter band drawings."
(145 MHz) hand-held amateur radio transceivers in "Fortunately, overall length and maximum diameter
order to direct search & rescue personnel and aid are easy to look up for most rockets...From this you
workers to disaster-affected areas. Their tests utilized can determine an overall length and diameter for your
small RX-200 sounding rockets (see page 6 of this model. To find the picture scaling factors, measure
LAPAN document ["PENGEBANGAN ROKET diameter and length from the photo. For the vertical
PENGORBIT SATELIT (RPS)]," ...see: factor, divide the model length by the length on the picture. For the horizontal factor, divide the model
“.. and this article ["LAPAN Sukses Uji Terbangkan diameter by the photo diameter."
Muatan Satelit LAPAN-ORARI," see: http://nias- "Now you can measure the details directly from the illustration, multiply by the appropriate scaling factor,
terbangkan-muatan.html and have the correct model dimension of the detail."
“..which carried 2 meter band repeater payloads that “Below are the RX-320 and RX-420 overall length
descended slowly under parachutes.” and diameter, and at the bottom are links to more
“The same RPS report from LAPAN, Indonesia's material on both vehicles”:
space agency. see: RX-320 Length: 4736 mm Diameter: 320 mm
“..contains good close-up photographs of their RX-320
and RX-420 sounding rockets (as well as pictures of RX-420 Length: 6200 mm
FAI Space Modelling
The Journal of
The British Space Modelling Association
Diameter: 420 mm 2. In addition to sportsmen from the organising
“Here are links to more material on the RX-320 and countries, there were also entrants from: CAN, GER,
the RX-420: ITA, LIT, EST, MKD and...GREECE! 3. All events on the FAI SM Contest Calendar were
s.htm successfully run as planned, with no cancellations!
http://space-tourism- Only classes S7 and S8E/P in CZE, were not held because of bad weather conditions.
from-lapan.html 4. Some of the events were enriched with some SM non-WCup classes, as Open Internationals. These
autics_and_Space were S1B and S3A, plus Show Flights. 5. There was disproportionate participation, between
rocket-institute-successfully-launched-rx-420-rocket- duration and the more sophisticated classes S7-Scale
this-morning-july-02-2009/ and S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider. This needs examination. 6. There was also a big difference in participation between events held in Central Europe and in some other parts of the world. The range is ~4:1!! We must
ace_999.html do our best to ensure much better participation in some events. Key focus... we need ALL EVENTS, IN
“I reckon that‟s enough for this issue”. ALL CLASSES, IN ALL COUNTRIES!!!
________________________________________________ 7. There are ties for the first time, after adding together
the three best events - the fourth result was decisive in
2011 World Cup final all classes, except S7. I marked three best results in
different colours in the tables, for competitors holding
rankings... Srdjan Pelagic first 10 places and the fourth result is marked Red. If
this is repeated next year, we may need to think about
lines them up. a better method of points‟ allocation.
8. There was also a big difference in participation of
SUPER World Cup season and I take the sportsmen from different countries - from 2 in GBR to
11 in 33rd Ljubljana Cup (Slovenia) [Fenix fielded 10...not
opportunity to thank all organisers, officials bad for a first attempt!?! –Ed]. the latter with ~60 sportsmen.
and competitors around the World. First of This made the event a mini-European Space Modelling
all, there are several notes on this Championships! Should we think about awarding
competition season.. points also for the number of participating countries -
not just for the number of participants? Let‟s hear from
1.There were 22 events in 16 countries, across 3
Let‟s go to the Big Players‟ rankings..
continents: Europe, Asia and America. Organisers
POL, ROM, RUS, SLO, SRB, SVK, USA, UKR. S4A-Boost Glider
Six countries have organized two World Cups. 1 Zivan JOSIPOVIC SRB 335pts
Welcome to Croatia who organised a World Cup for 2 Radojica KATANIC SRB 318pts
the first time in history! 3 Aleksandr LIPAI BLR 318pts
4 Jaromir CHALUPA CZE 299pts
5 Marjan JENKO SLO 280pts
FAI Space Modelling
The Journal of
The British Space Modelling Association
S6A-Streamer Duration after the 33rd Ljubljana Cup by myself, to FAIR
1 Radojica KATANIC SRB 337pts Chairman, Mike Francies..
2 Zivan JOSIPOVIC SRB 322pts
3 Plamen JORDANOV BUL 314pts Dear Mike,
4 Vladimir CIPCIC SRB 313pts SUPER meeting you and the rest of Team GB at the 33rd
5 Marjan JENKO SLO 313pts Ljubljana Cup, this weekend. We enjoyed some very
S7-Scale positive discussions regarding my status, since you
1= Wojciech KRZYWINSKI POL 331pts deleted me from BMFA’s CIAM Experts/Judges’ list. As
1= Miroslav STANCEVIC SRB 331pts you are aware, Slovenia adopted me into their fold and i
3 Vladimir MENSHIKOV RUS 326pts
have judges at World Cups during 2011.
4 Bedrich PAVKA CZE 307pts
5 Zika JOSIPOVIC SRB 300pts Naturally, this position is untenable in the long-term
and I would like to join the FAIR group forthwith. You are
S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider
1 Mitija ZGAJNER SLO 335pts aware that I wish a reduced commitment to Space
2 Alexei KORIAPIN RUS 324pts Modelling at the present time and do not wish a committee
3 Vladimir CIPCIC SRB 318pts post of any kind. However, I look forward to making a
4 Gregoriy SERGEYNKO RUS 312pts positive contribution for the benefit of Space Modelling.
5 Wojciech BOBROWSKI POL 301pts I would like you to consider replacing my name on the
S9A-Gyrocopter Duration FAI-CIAM Experts/Judges’ list from 2012 onwards.
1 Boris LEKOV BUL 332pts Playing a key role on FAI Juries and as a Scale Judge has
2 Vasil PAVLJUK SVK 324pts proven to be a very satisfying experience and would like it
3 Jaroslav CHMELIK CZE 312pts to continue.
4 Zoran KATANIC SRB 310pts Certainly, should any of the above require
5 Bedrich PAVKA CZE 283pts clarification, please contact me and we can thrash out the
___________________________________________ key issues. I apologise for any traumas I may have caused
Editor’s note.. FAIR enough, the you in the last couple of years. Our objectives are now as
one...Best wishes.
Kingdom is re-United Yours etc...
READERS may be aware that there have been
differences between the Editor and the Subsequent domestic communications between
FAIRocketry Group (FAIR), which coordinates FAIR and the Editor have been both positive
FAI Space Modelling within the British Model and constructive. One point in the letter above
Flying Association (BMFA), here in the UK. does need clarification - the Editor has now
Some fairly robust, but ultimately very positive, been reinstated on UK’s FAI-CIAM
discussions took place at the 33rd Ljubljana Experts/Judges’ list for 2012 and not suffering
Cup. The outcome is that the Editor is now a in the stressful limbo in which he found himself
member of FAIR and we are in a position to in 2011. This should conclude any conflict that
take Space Modelling forward in the UK and has resulted. We go United...Onwards and
beyond. Please see the letter written the day Upwards.
FAI Space Modelling
The Journal of
The British Space Modelling Association
________________________________________________ International Rocketry Challenge for students. We
think that its attraction for FAI may be that it is a
2012...already!! precision-performance event (like S8E/P), which uses
large, loud and crowd-appealing motors, coupled with
International Rocketry original airframes. The combination of airframe and
motors used, to achieve the precise performance
Challenge ~ Farnborough required, is entirely at the discretion of the contestant.”
Srdjan Pelagic says...” I have received a very
International Airshow, 13th July ‘12 interesting proposal for a new FAI event by NAR
by the Editor President, Trip Barber, on behalf of USA
Spacemodellers. It is called ‘Class S2/P - Precision
INTERNATIONAL Rocketry Challenge (IRC) Fragile Payload Competition’. It is based on the Egg
...Team America Rocketry Challenge Lofting competitions, well-known and popular in the
(TARC)...Farnborough International Airshow... USA for decades”. Let‟s check it out...
what’s it all about then?!? The Editor has been “What is different in comparison to our standard FAI
competitions? In S2/P there is a target altitude of 300
offered the chance to assist in the running of the metres and the target flight time of 60 seconds. You
IRC at Farnborough, on 13th July 2012, with load a fragile payload of ~45mm in diameter, weighing
accomplished American TARC legend, John ~60g and launch it three times with one single-staged
Hochheimer. model, to try to achieve an altitude as close as
NAR’s Trip Barber chips in...”TARC and IRC have possible to 300 metres and to make your flight in 60
nothing to do with FAI Space Modelling, but are a seconds; payload..eggs, must be unbroken!”
completely different form of rocketry contest. The “Scoring is simple - difference between your
International Rocketry Challenge uses similar flight recorded flight and 300 metres (always positive) plus 3
rules, but with only one flight and with a presentation times difference between duration of your flight and 60
competition factored into the final score. This is our seconds (always positive). The lowest total sum is the
tenth year of operating this challenge in the US. We winner!”
typically have about 700 teams enter and we take the “Everything else is FREE and UNRESTRICTED,
top 100 at our national finals for a head-to-head flyoff, allowing your imagination to design the model and to
which will be in May 2012. See the event website.. use any combination of engines. If accepted, this class will introduce completely new designs and open new
..for greater details and more resources”. horizons. Specifics - to be sure that only safe models
“John Hochheimer runs the awards ceremony at the are flown, they will be inspected before the first flight
US finals - I am the overall event director - and is the and marked/registered and contestants will be obliged
NAR expert designated to assist AIA and manage the to submit technical data on their model about the flight
rocketry part of the international finals. He can better performance in relation with the SC4 Volume SM
inform you concerning which international participants paragraph 2.4.5”.
may be expected and how the event has been run “What do we get with this class? New designs;
previously in the UK and in France.” different models in ONE class; fast action competitions
“Thanks Stuart, for being involved in this IRC event. and easy-to-understand rules, such that spectators
We plan to propose a variant of it to Mr Srdjan Pelagic may actively participate in this event. Let‟s hear your
as a future FAI competition event, but we do not see comments very soon”
the need of having FAI take a role in running our
FAI Space Modelling
The Journal of
The British Space Modelling Association
___________________________________________. in the United States. Remember, TARC is a tried and
tested competition event now. But would it work at an
Tomorrow... and no time for FAI World Cup event, with ~50 coming to the rampa?!?
It would need good contest management to
antidisestablishmentarianism! supply/monitor the eggs, but timekeeping probably less
of a challenge than now. Payloads – naturally, we are
THINK... What if there was no Space Modelling?!? considering 2 chickens‟ eggs and boosting under a
What if rocketry propellants and simple kits fairly „meaty‟ specific impulse to ~300m.
became available tomorrow?!? The World is a A variation might be to substitute Golf balls for the
different place, with much more going on. Would G. eggs!?! Wot...available worldwide with a tightly
Harry Stine have dreamed up an array even controlled specification:
resembling the ‘S-classes’ we take for granted?!? - Diameter 1.68" (42.67mm)
First up...I think we would have Altitude as a class, or - Weight 1.62oz (45.93g)
classes. Anything to do with Rockets always gets people OK...not a „fragile payload‟, but might make life just a
asking, “..How high do they go?” Naturally, there is no little easier for organisers. Just be assured that these
guarantee that we would end up with anything like S1 and words are meant as no criticism whatsoever of the
S5. We might go for Target Altitude and score by brilliant NAR proposals. And just maybe...why TWO
percentage error. Scale models – it‟s likely we would Eggs, or Golf balls?!? If we didn‟t want to go that big,
wish to have an elite scale models event - always popular ONE of each could be flown happily enough, under
with spectators. Whether it would be as historically less motor impulse. A small „downer‟ with egg lofting is
academic as contemporary S7-Scale is a matter for the opportunity of switching damaged eggs, before
debate. Duration events – even more debate! Would we returning to the rangehead for checking – cheating!.
even think of copying F2-Free Flight Aeromodelling and Another, on windy days, is for a perfect flight and
conceive duration classes for parachutes, streamers and parachute recovery to occur, with a gentle landing. But
gyrocopters, supporting small and very light rockets?!? then, the rocket and egg is dragged ~100m downwind
..or might we go for „Target Times’ instead. Gliders – and regally scrambled!
just possible that the Space Shuttle might inspire some We‟re trying to make Space Modelling more
form of Glider class, definitely radio controlled and with spectator-friendly, more understandable and more
tasking objectives in the scoring. However, it‟s likely that relevant to the present world. Just be aware
we‟d be thinking bigger rockets, under greater specific much do spectators contribute to us?
impulses, across the spectrum. much do they tell their friends? many of
Who says we can‟t be original and re-invent the
wheel?!? In fact, the American „Egg Loft‟ proposal sketched
them will join us? Not a lot really!?! Remember too, if
above, is not the only proposal coming to life from global changes we choose to make reduce the numbers we
sources viz.. CANADA - Liviu Faciu; CZECH REPUBLIC - expect to see at Major Champs and World Cups, then
Vera & Bedrich Pavka; GERMANY - Gerhard Woebbeking & we have got it wrong. Also, do we think the Aero
Jonas Buechl; FRANCE - Guy Revel; POLAND - Leszek Modelling community in CIAM is taking steps as
Szwed; ROMANIA - Ion Guzu & Gabi Constantinescu; fundamental as we are considering? Big issues.
RUSSIA - Vladimir Minakov; SLOVENIA - Marian Jenko; But keep those ideas flowing in...remember,
SLOVAKIA - Miodrag & Zoran Pelagic + Peter Matuska; antidisestablishmentarianism* is not an option!
SERBIA - Miodrag & Vladimir Cipcic; UNITED KINGDOM - *Definition as follows: it was originally based on
Mike Francies + UK team and obviously, USA - Trip Barber, opposition to the dis-establishment of the Church of
Tony Reynolds & Chris Flanigan. Positively swamped!! England, in the 19th Century. It is popularly cited as
In more detail, the TARC & IRC event, is essentially the longest word in the English language. Oh yes,
sophisticated Egg Lofting, which remains very popular now something you’ve all been waiting for...
FAI Space Modelling
The Journal of
The British Space Modelling Association
______________________________________ ..Mitja is a member of the well-known ARK Vega Club,,
which is a veritable hotbed of Slovenia‟s Space
interspace.. Space Modelling talent. In addition to flying S8E/P-RC Rocket
Gliders, he is a fully qualified, full-size glider pilot!
Modeller of the Year Other interests include classes F5J & F3K.
Mitja often shares airspace with brother Matjan,
..2011 and all that! by the Editor with father Miran frequently driving the ‘taxi’ to
events and acting as manager to ekipu Žgajner.
THIS was really tough! In fact, it gets tougher Once more, congratulations on a magic 2011…let’s
every year! I even lost a bit of sleep thinking about hope you’ve inspired plenty of others to give you
this award, because there are so many in the mixer some competition!
– just check out the World Cup top-5s – for this one. ___________________________________________
S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider has endured a mediocre
season, on the back of a stellar 2010. The reasons are
unclear, but one thing is beyond doubt, there has been
Tailgate... that’s all mate!
one mega performer who starred wherever he has THAT signs off 2011! 2012 will be with us all
travelled, I will list his 2011 World Cup results below: too soon and I for one can’t predict what it will
7th Catalunya Cup 1st S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider
be like. The first interspace.. of next year will
11th Sirmium Cup 1st S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider contain the new season’s FAI Space Modelling
5 Vega Cup 2nd S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider Calendar, which is likely to be at least as
Zielona Gora Cup 1st S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider impressive as this years has been. Will there be
Liepaja Cup 1st S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider
European Space Modelling Champs new events in the list? ...soon see!
Team Bronze S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider STOP PRESS...
1st Fenix Cup 1st S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider
33 Ljubljana Cup 1st S8E/P-RC Rocket Glider Space Day at Droitwich Library – UK
FAI Space Modelling
The Journal of
The British Space Modelling Association
3. Black Knights
HAPPY CHRISTMAS and a Prosperous
4. Space Modelling - Stuart Lodge [wot...who?!? - Ed] New Year to all readers!!
I look forward to seeing so
5. Bromsgrove Astronomy Society many of you, during 2012.
6. Midland Spaceflight Society ooooooooooOoooooooooo
7. Gurbir Singh promoting his book, "Yuri Gagarin in
London and Manchester"
8. Spaceguard Centre
9. Rocket Workshops Ltd
10. Astro Info Service
11. Spaceflight UK
12. Space Boosters
13. Summerfield Old Boys 60th Anniversary
Will provide a write up..
14. The British Interplanetary Society
15. Delta Vee Ltd