Bulletin 1 - 0: 2022 Fai F2 World Championships For Control Line Model Aircraft
Bulletin 1 - 0: 2022 Fai F2 World Championships For Control Line Model Aircraft
Bulletin 1 - 0: 2022 Fai F2 World Championships For Control Line Model Aircraft
Website: www.cl-f2abcd-wchs2020.pl
2022 FAI F2 World Championships for Control Line Model Aircraft Wloclawek POLAND page 2 from 12
Name of Organizers
Fédération Aéronautique Internationale
Aero Club of Polish
Aero Club of Wloclawek
Name of event
From August 8th (Opening Ceremony) – August 13h (Closing Ceremony), 2022
Place KRUSZYN Lotnisko /Airfield/
Address 87-853 KRUSZYN Lotnisko /Airfield/
Elevation ~62 m AMSL
Model flying facility
F2A 1 circle (asphalt) with fencing compliant with FAI CIAM rules
F2B 2 circles (cut and good quality well cut grass) at airfield and place for practice (cut grass) at
F2B Option 2 circles (plastic football grass) at OSiR in Wloclawek and place for practice (cut grass) at airfield.
Mo information on this optio will be published at official website.
F2C 1 start circle (asphalt) and 1 practice circle (asphalt) with fencing compliant with FAI CIAM rules
F2D 2 circles (cut grass) and place for practice with temporary fencing compliant with FAI CIAM rules
Important notes:
• Organizers allows for a practice in the officially designated places only.
• Airfield aviation activities will be stopped during the World Championships (acc. to the Official
Flying day
From 08:00 to 19:00
Standard weather conditions in July/August
Temperature average: 20- 24 ºC
Sunrise: approx. 05:00
Sunset: approx. 20:00
Classes F2A Seniors & Juniors
Classes F2B Seniors & Juniors
Classes F2C Seniors & Juniors
Classes F2D Seniors & Juniors
The championship(s) will be run according to:
• FAI Sporting Code Section 4 Aeromodelling CIAM General Rules Volume 2022 Edition.
• FAI Sporting Code Section 4 Aeromodelling Control Line Model Aircraft Volume F2 2022 Edition.
• FAI General Section and FAI Code of Ethics.
Anti-Doping Statement
If a competitor has to take, for a medical condition, any of the substances listed on the WADA Prohibited List, he
must have a valid Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) from the FAI.
FAI Sporting Licence
Each competitor, team manager, team manager assistant, F2D mechanic, F2A helper must possess a FAI
Sporting Licence valid for the year of the championship. This licence must be registered in the FAI licences
The holder of a FAI Sporting Licence may be required to produce an official document bearing his photograph
and signature as proof of identity.
Any protest must be presented in writing to the Contest Director and must be accompanied by the deposit of a
fee of 50 Euros. The deposit is returned only if the protest is upheld.
Official contest languages: English and Polish
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Massimo SEMOLI SUI Jury President
Narve JENSEN NOR Jury Member
Rob Olijve NED Jury Member
Andreas REE HUN Jury Reserve 1
Kevin DODD AUS Jury Reserve 2
Zoran PELAGIC SVK Jury Reserve 3
F2D Class
Piero INCANI ITA F2D Contest Director
Vernon HUNT GBR F2D Circle Marshall
Ingemar LARSSON SWE F2D Head Judge
Piero INCANI ITA F2D Reserve Judge
Arlene PYLES USA F2D Reserve Judge
Volodymyr SOSNOVSKY UKR F2A, F2B, F2C, F2D Models Supervisor
NAC Officials
Jerzy MAKULA President of Aero Club of Poland
Piotr CZARNECKI Secretary General of Aero Club of Poland
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Paweł BUDZISZEWSKI Event Host President of Aero Club of Wloclawek
Marek KOZINSKI Event Director Director of Aero Club of Wloclawek
Tomasz LANGNEROWICZ Event Director Deputy
Sylwia PRZYŁUCKA Event Director Deputy
Marek DOMINIAK Contest Director
Bogdan WIERZBA Office Chief
Jerzy BONIECKI Technical Chief
Wojciech LESIUK Technical Chief Deputy
TBA Office Staff
TBA Office Staff
TBA Office Staff
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These data are available on the "Documents" section of the CIAM website (http://www.fai.org/ciamdocuments).
Other Trophies
Organizers will provide their own awards and trophies.
2022 FAI F2 WARSAW World Cup
04-08-2022 Thursday
Arrival of Participants, FAI Jury & Judges – Registration
05-08-2022 Friday
F2A, F2B, F2C and F2D Rounds
F2A, F2B, F2C and F2D Rounds
06-08-2022 Saturday
07-08-2022 Sunday Reserve Day
Obligatory Entry Fees
F2 Team Manager 200 €
F2 Team Manager Assistant 100 €
F2A class Senior Competitor 330 €
F2B Senior Competitor 350 €
F2C class Senior Competitor / Mechanic or Pilot/ 330 € (each)
F2D class Senior Competitor 330 €
F2A, F2B, F2D class Junior Competitor 100 €
F2C class Junior Competitor /Mechanic or Pilot/ 100 € (each)
F2D class Mechanic 80 €
Competitor Female 100 €
Supporter, Guest 50 €
Official Press 0€
Next class each second or additional classes are 50% discount of
the entry fee.
Entry fee components
The entry fee consists of participator cards, gifts and souvenirs.
Important Notes:
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All fees must be received by the Organisers May 15th, 2022. This also includes payment for
camping, banquet etc. (acc. to Final Entry Form).
For entry fees received later than May 15th, 2022 participants can pay an additional fee of 10%. The entry fee
paid at the contest site can be increased by 20%.
All fees must be paid in cash or by major credit card to the contest office.
Preliminary Entry Form
The Preliminary Entry Form signed and stamp by NAC must be sent to the Organizers by e-mail no later
than February 28th, 2022.
Final Entry Form
The Final Entry Form typed or written in block letters, signed and stamped by NAC must be sent to the
Organizers by e-mail no later than May 15th, 2022.
Team Managers are requested to send via official email to the organizers no later than May 31, 2022:
• Passport size photographs of all team members;
• Each competitor’s photographs with his model/s/. (option)
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Bank information:
Beneficiary name: Aeroklub Wlocławski -Local Organizer
Beneficiary address: Lotnisko Kruszyn 87-853 Kruszyn
Bank name: Kujawsko-Dobrzynski Bank Spoldzielczy I Oddzial we Wloclawku
Bank address: Zabia 6 87-800 Wloclawek
IBAN: PL 42 9550 0003 2001 0071 0185 0002
BIC /Swift Code/: GBWCPLPP
Payments name: “f2 wchs 2022”
The Organiser will provide a limited third-party insurance covering all participants for model accidents involving
injury to others or damage to property.
It is recommended that individual health and travel insurance is purchased before travelling.
For championships held in within the European Union state:
• For EU citizens, health care is covered under Social Health Care on presentation of an EU 11 form available
in the country of residence.
• Citizens from outside of EU should provide their own health insurance to cover illness and travel insurance.
Concerning F2D Mechanics:
• Each pilot may name a designated mechanic and his name will be put in the result list as well.
These names will be collected on the processing day.
• To make it easier for incomplete teams (teams with 1 or 2 pilots) to take part these teams can
now share mechanics. Mechanics for incomplete teams can register in a “Mechanics pool” and
be used by the incomplete teams. Pilots in incomplete teams cannot register in the pool. The
same goes for mechanics working for complete teams. They cannot register in the pool.
Mechanics (of any nationality and not registered for a complete team) may write to the organiser
and register for the mechanics pool. To be able to do this they must possess a valid Sporting
If you have questions about these rules please contact the organiser or the judges.
F2A Fuel
The following F2D Fuel will be used at the Championships:
80% methanol
20% castor oil
F2D Fuel
The following F2D Fuel will be used at the Championships:
80% methanol
5% nitromethane
8% synthetic oil (E.D.L. or Klotz)
7% castor oil
Fuel for models
Competitors can order to the Organizers fuel for practice and contest purposes.
Fuel Order Form (FOF) can be available to download from the official championships’ website.
Fuel for F2B and F2C models can be shipped to the Organizers.
The responsibility for on time delivery of fuel to the contest site lies on contestants.
The Organizers are responsible for arranging safe storage for this fuel.
Bulletin 2
Bulletin 2 (also next if needed) will be published after 28-02-2022.
Model Aircraft Specification Certificates
All models must be processed by the competitor's NAC in accordance with CIAM General Rules C.12. Model
aircraft not properly processed by their NAC, with FAI certificates and stickers, will be processed by the organiser
at a cost of 8 Euro for each model (refer CIAM General Rules C.12 b).
Flying model facility
Flying Model Facility for competitors’ disposal will be available from the August 04th, to August
13th, 2022, from 08:00 – to 19:00.
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Registration of the national teams
Registration of teams will take place in the Event Office according to the Official Schedule.
The Team-Manager needs to bring the following to registration:
• Copy of banking payment receipts.
• Two national flag (approx. 1 m x 1.5 m).
• CD with the national anthem.
• A list of the team member's with FAI ID licences.
The Model Aircraft Specification Certificates will be required for processing.
The Team Manager will receive at the registration: ID Cards, souvenirs, meal and banquet tickets, posters,
vehicles passes ...
Tour (option)
Location: Torun or Gdańsk
Date and time: to be decided
Guiding: English
Cost: approx. 25€. Costs includes guiding and transportation only
Note minimum 30 participants needed
Visa requirements
Local Organizer provides assistance to obtain visas to enter Poland for those participants who are officially
nominated by their NACs only. (listed in a Final Entry Form FEF) signed by the NAC’s Authorities.
To get the VISA you need the Official Invitation from the Local Organizer (Aero Club of Wloclawek).
An applicant pays all Organizers expenditure (approx. 25 Euros per one) to help getting a Visa.
Team Manager is liable for the compliance of the personal data of each national team member.
For more information visit: http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/travel_to_poland/visa .
For more information on countries which are not required to have a Polish VISA for entering Poland use:
http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/travel_to_poland/entering_poland/visa_free/visa_free_countries .
Spectators & Medias
The Organizers provide convenient access to the spectators & the media a watching the competition. For
promotional purposes of these championships special information campaigns will be prepare in media.
During the championships the results will be published daily at the official website.
By air
Warsaw Okęcie Airport (WAW)
Warsaw Modlin Airport (MOD)
Gdansk Rebiechowo Airport (GDN)
By car
Driving from South
Recommended via Lodz the route A1 /E75/
Driving from West
Recommended via Poznan the route A2 /E30/
Driving from North
Recommended via Torun the route A1 /E75/
Driving from East
Recommended via Warsaw the route A1 /E30/
Organizers can arrange a paid special transportation from and/or to airports for models from
Kruszyn Airfield to Warsaw Airports if needed.
Car rental
Most major car rental companies are present in the arrival hall. For more information visit the Official Organizers
All the National Teams rent the cars individually and bear the relevant costs.
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COVID-19 Safety Information
Bulletin – 2 and all the following documentation will include all the necessary information and the protocols that
the organizers and the participants will have to follow in order to participate based on the national regulations
and the FAI recommendations. Always the national regulations prevail at all times over FAI recommendations.
From time to time please visit the FAI web site COVID19 section for any updates. Our web site will
also be updated for this matter when so needed.
COVID-19 Deadline
As it happened last year with all World or Continental Championships, as organizers we will be in direct contact
with CIAM Bureau in order to evaluate together the situation and decide accordingly. As always public health is
and will be our top priority. If it will be required to cancel or postpone the event this will be announced
to you not later than (60 days before the beginning day or a specific date).
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