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Aircraft Rules and Regulations Full Notes

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UNIT - 1

Responsibility of operators/owners of aircraft and supervision of their

airworthiness standards by airworthiness directorate:
Every Indian registered aircraft is required to possess a current and valid
Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A) before it is flown, unless it is flown for the purpose
of test for renewal of C of A in the vicinity of departing aerodrome.


It is the responsibility of the owner/operator of an aircraft to ensure that his
aircraft has a current (C of A) and the same is kept valid by maintaining and operating it
as stipulated by DGCA and the manufacturer of the aircraft.
In case the owner and the operator of an aircraft are not the same party and the
owner has leased his aircraft to an operator, then it shall be the responsibility of the
operator to ensure that the aircraft possesses a current and valid(C of A) before it is
flown, unless a general/specific permission to the contrary has been obtained from


It shall be necessary to subject the aircraft and its Components to:

(i) Periodical inspections as approved by DGCA

(ii) Replace lifed components at intervals approved by the DGCA

(iii) Carry out repair/modifications as required by DGCA.

The frequency, scope and content of periodical inspections shall not be altered,
except in the manner as approved by DGCA.

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(i) Require his pilots (flight crew) to operate the aircraft as per operating
limitations specified by the manufacturer of the aircraft or DGCA.
(ii) Report all defects encountered in flight or during routine maintenance to
Airworthiness Directorate and record such defects, as per the procedure specified in CAR
Series 'C'.
(iii) Extend co-operation to authorized officers of Airworthiness Directorate in
supervising the engineering activities and other activities associated with the safe
operation of the aircraft.


Technical Officers of Airworthiness Directorate will monitor the airworthiness

standards (stipulated by DGCA), observed by owners/operators, and through the medium
of spot checks and investigation of defects reported to them.

Technical officers of Airworthiness Directorate may require

Owners/operators to submit their aircraft/aircraft components and/or associated
documents for inspection at a pre-determined stage to ensure compliance with prescribed
airworthiness standards.

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1.1. The Airworthiness Directorate issues "Civil Aviation Requirements (Section 2-

Airworthiness)" under the authority of the Aircraft Rules, which specify various
airworthiness requirements/ standards for civil aircraft registered in India.

1.2. This Series describes the procedure of issue of Civil Aviation Requirements (Section
2- Airworthiness), its revisions and its circulation to the various operators.

1.3. This CAR is issued under the provision of Rule 133 A of the Aircraft Rules, 1937.


2.1. The Civil Aviation Requirements are promoted under the authority of Aircraft Rules,
1937 and specify the detailed requirements for compliance.

2.2. The promotion and implementation of Civil Aviation Requirements is to meet:

a) The duties and obligations of a Contracting State under the Chicago Convention.
b) Harmonization of requirements with the rules and regulations of other regulatory
authorities such as FAA/JAA etc.

Note: The above would facilitate exchange of products, services or persons.


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3.1. Civil Aviation Requirements (Section 2 Airworthiness)" is issued bearing

different series identification alphabetical letters and under the same "Series" various
parts are issued, such as Part I, II, III, etc.

3.2. DGCA may also issue comprehensive and detailed requirements having numbers in
line with that issued by the Joint Airworthiness Authority(JAA), Europe and/or the
Federal Aviation Administration(FAA), USA in the form of "Civil Aviation
Requirements (CARs).

(PROMULGATION*)---1: to make (as a doctrine) known by open declaration

(Proclaim) a: to make known or public the terms of (a proposed law)
b: to put (a law) into action or force declare


4.1. When a CAR is issued, the first page indicates the date of issue along with the date
of its effectivity. Subsequent pages will indicate the date of issue.

4.2. Whenever a change is effected to the relevant CAR, it will be termed as revision. The
revision number along with date of revision and effective date of revised CAR will be
indicated on the first page of the CAR and on such pages, which are affected by the
revision. Pages which are not affected by the revision will contain initial date of issue
only. All revisions to the CAR will be indicated by a sideline on the left side of the
affected pages indicating the change/ revision to the CAR.

Note: The earlier issues of the CAR, which include amendment, shall be read as

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4.3. Major changes to the CAR shall also be treated as revision.

4.4. Whenever a new CAR or significant revision to the existing CAR is proposed to be
issued, the draft CAR/proposed revision may be circulated to the concerned
operators/regional offices for their comments/suggestions. Upon receiving of comments,
they will be analyzed and if found suitable will be added in the proposed CAR before
promotion. If required, DGCA may arrange meetings with the operators for discussions
on the draft CAR before finalization.

4.5. Every revision will be accompanied by a Revision Notice which would indicate the
pages affected, and the reason for the revision. This Revision Notice should be filed
along with the affected CAR in the folder.

4.6. Whenever there is a major change/ revision, the Revision Notice will indicate that
the CAR is revised in its entirety and all the pages of the CAR issued earlier shall be

5. The operators/owners/organizations shall be provided with the checklist to the CAR

whenever any new CAR/revision to the CAR is issued. It shall be the responsibility of the
owner/operator/organization to procure the copy of the CAR/revision from the publisher
and ensure compliance with the requirements contained therein.

(a) The CARs and their revisions may be obtained from The English Book Store, 17-L,
Connaught Circus, New Delhi- 110001 (India).
(b) The CARs may also be accessed on DGCA web site (http://dgca.nic.in).

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It is an unintentional landing and effected on account of failure/malfunction of an aircraft
component or system.


"Hard-Time" maintenance is the primary maintenance process requiring assembly,
inspection of aircraft and aircraft components at fixed periods.


"On-condition" maintenance is the accomplishment of repetitive (1) visual inspections, or
(2) physical measurement, or (3) Instrument/Bench test, etc. to determine the continued
serviceability of aircraft and aircraft components Without having to dismantle them
completely and before such components reach a critical stage in their operation.


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"Condition Monitoring" is the maintenance process for locating and resolving problem
areas through analytical study of "malfunctions or "Failure", not affecting safety of


It constitutes work performed at pre-determined intervals to maintain an aircraft, aircraft
components or aircraft systems in an airworthy condition.

4.3. Keeping the target "achieving maximum measure of safety through observance of
highest possible maintenance standards" in view, all operators (including private
operators) are required to submit the following information periodically to the concerned
Regional or Sub-regional
Airworthiness Office:-
(a) Number of emergency landings effected during the period Under review.
(b) Total number of hours flown on each type of aircraft in the fleet during the period.

Note: - (a) and (b) would provide a parameter called" emergency landings per 1000 hrs."
for comparison.(c) Number of notifiable accidents (vide Aircraft Rule 68) encountered
during the period.
Note :-( b) and (c) would provide a parameter called "Accidents per 1000 hrs."

(d) Total number of engine hours flown for each type of engine in the fleet (number of
engine hours = No. of airframe hours x number of engines installed on that type of
aircraft) during the period.(e) Total number of "In flight shut down" (IFSD) of engines
experienced in respect of each type of engine in the fleet.

Note :-( d) and (e) would provide a parameter called IFSD rate (IFSD/1000hrs.)

(f) Number of services scheduled during the period; and

(g) Number of services which were delayed for more than 15minutes on account of
engineering defects (including cancelled flights) during the period.

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Note :-( f) and (g) when worked out on percentage basis would provide a parameter
called "Dispatch Reliability".

4.4 All operators are required to report all major defects as and when encountered, vide
CAR Series 'C' Part I. The parameter "Number of major defects/1000 hrs." for the period
can be worked out from this information and that available from 4.3(b).

4.5 The above information in a consolidated manner (information

Concerning individual major defect/incident/accident shall continue to be furnished to
DGCA as required elsewhere) shall be furnished by the under mentioned type of
operators at the frequency shown against each type of operator:-

(a) Private operators would only furnish information called at 4.3 (a) to (e) every 6
(b) Non-Scheduled operators, aerial work operators, training aircraft operators would
furnish information only called at 4.3 (a) to (e) every 3 months.
(c) Scheduled operators would furnish information called at
4.3(a) to (g) every month.

Note: - Even if the information is 'NIL' the same shall be intimated.

5. The concerned Regional and Sub-regional Airworthiness Offices will record the
parameters (obtained vide paras 4.3and 4.4 above) in a graphical form and compare the
data period-wise, either with the previous period's data of the same operator or with the
similar data of other operatorsAnd would investigate all significant variations and furnish
promptly a report to Headquarters periodically (commensurate with periods mentioned in
para 4.5 above) along with the recommendations to check adverse "trends" if observed.
The Airworthiness Offices would also similarly investigate the Data/statistics prepared by
scheduled operators in pursuance of the requirements contained in CAR Series 'C' Part V
(maintenance control by reliability methods).

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The recommendations may be in the form of:-

(i). Suggesting additional preventive maintenance.
(ii). Proposing varying the frequency of existing preventive maintenance.
(iii). Proposing varying the process of maintenance, i.e. from On Condition" to "Hard
Time" or from "Condition Monitoring" to "On Condition/Hard Time".
(iv). Suggesting incorporation of modifications on mandatory basis
(v). Suggesting review of qualifications and experience requirements of certification
(vi). Increasing the frequency of monitoring checks by Airworthiness officers.





1. All maintenance work on aircraft engaged in public transport operations shall be

performed by approved organizations. All work performed by an approved
organization shall be regulated by its Quality Control Organization which shall be
headed by an approved Quality Control Manager. The approved organizations
shall ensure that aircraft are maintained in accordance with the specified approved
procedures and the maintenance work is done by licensed or approved persons.

2.Various statutory/regulatory documents, namely the Aircraft Act 1934, the Aircraft
Rules 1937, Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), Civil Aviation Requirements
(CAR), Aeronautical Information Circular(AIC), stipulate the safety and airworthiness
requirements applicable to different type of operations and maintenance activities, which
shall be complied with by the concerned organization


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3.1. Rule 155A of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 requires that an operator shall have access to
an adequate organization for maintenance of aircraft. Rule 133B specifies the conditions
for approval of an organization. Besides requirement of maintenance organization, in
accordance with Rule 134 of the Aircraft Rules, no person shall operate any air transport
service in India without obtaining the necessary permit for operating such services. The
operating permit shall be maintained current and valid and the operations shall be
conducted within the scope and provisions of the permit.
3.2 The organization shall demonstrate, before grant of the
Approval/permit their capability to satisfactorily maintain the aircraft and safely operate
the air transport services sought to be operated. It is the responsibility of the operator to
satisfy the DGCA that their maintenance support arrangements are to a satisfactory
standard. The operator may have his own maintenance organization approved by the
DGCA in accordance with Rule 133B or may contract his maintenance work to another
DGCA approved organization. The approved organization shall have to have his own
approved maintenance programme, quality control and safety oversight setup. It shall be
ensured that the manpower, infrastructure, facilities, systems and maintenance operating
capability does not degrade below the required level at any time and is enhanced
continuously commensurate with expansion of activities.

3.3 In accordance with Rule 140 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 all operators shall comply
with the stipulated engineering, inspection manual and safety requirements to ensure that
the passenger and the aircraft are protected at an adequate level of safety throughout the

3.5.1 In Accordance with Rule 15 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937, no aircraft registered in
India shall be flown unless it has a current and valid C of A issued/revalidated in
accordance with Rule 50 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 unless it is flown for the purpose of
flight test for C of A renewal in the

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Close vicinity of the departing aerodrome. The procedure for issue and revalidation of C
of A is detailed in CAR Section 2, Series 'F' Part III & IV.

3.5.2 All aircraft shall be maintained in a continuous state of airworthiness and meet the
applicable airworthiness requirements including those relating to identification,
equipment, mandatory modification, applicable maintenance schedules, replacement of
components when due, failing whichthe C of A shall stand suspended or deemed to be
suspended in accordance with Rule 55 the Aircraft Rules, 1937 CAR Section 2 Series 'F'
Part V.

3.5.3 It shall be ensured by the operator that all instruments, systems, equipment and
accessories on board the aircraft are serviceable unless these are covered under an
approved Minimum Equipment/Configuration Deviation List (MEL/CDL).The
MEL/CDL shall be prepared by the operator based on the Master Minimum Equipment
List and got approved by the DGCA in accordance with CAR Section 2, Series 'B' Part I.

3.5.4 Maintenance support arrangements shall only be provided by the organizations

approved by the DGCA for the specific type of work in accordance with CAR Section 2,
Series 'E'. Such arrangements shall be reflected in the Quality Control manual of the

3.5.5 The approved organization shall provide, for the use and guidance of its personnel,
Engineering Organization manual Quality Control Manual, Maintenance System Manual,
which shall contain details of information concerning policies, procedures, practices and
quality control method relating to activities of the operator and containing such further
information as may be specified by the DGCA.

3.5.6 The approved Maintenance Organizations shall maintain their

Capability at or above the standard based on which initial approval was accorded by the
DGCA. To ensure that the operator has continued capability to conduct engineering
functions commensurate with the scope of approval, the Quality Control Division of the

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organization shall carry out detailed audit frequently and submit report to the concerned
office of the DGCA.
The DGCA officers shall also conduct frequent surveillance checks. Discrepancies
detected must be rectified forthwith, failing which approval of the firm may be revoked.

3.5.7 The operator shall submit the following information while applying for
A). Continued compliance of applicable Aircraft Rules, CARs and AICs (Aeronautical
Information Circulars).

B). In-house safety audit team reports highlighting the discrepancies of the operator along
with the action taken report carried out within 60 days prior to expiry of the validity of

3.5.8) The operator shall maintain his aircraft in a continued state of airworthiness and
shall ensure that all maintenance is being performed according to the approved
maintenance programme, methods, standards and techniques specified in the
Maintenance/Quality Control Manual.

3.5.9 The approved organization shall have the maintenance programme of the aircraft
approved prior to commencement of operations. The operator can base his programme on
the manufacturers' Maintenance Planning Document (MPD) or any DGCA approved
programme and shall have adequate facilities. In terms of trained manpower, adequate
Reliability monitoring system, shop facilities etc. The Maintenance programme once
approved shall be updated based on DGCA/Manufacturers instructions, SBS, in service
Experience etc.

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3.6.1 The approved organization shall have a full-fledged Quality Control Department
headed by a Quality Control Manager assisted by Deputy Quality Control Manager(s)
and adequate number of trained technical officers.

3.6.2 The Quality Control department shall have dedicated cells

A). Delay, defect and engineering incident investigation
B). Reliability Analysis, engine performance monitoring and Component life control
C). Compliance of service bulletins and modifications, maintenance of technical records,
schedules, issue of technical circulars and distribution of technical data.

3.6.3 The Quality Control cell shall have a proper system of maintaining the records of
each AME/approved authorized person (including foreign AMEs, if employed) in order
to ensure that:

A). The licenses are maintained current/valid.

B). The licenses are endorsed for the type of aircraft;
C). Authorsation/approvals are current/valid. For this purpose a fool proof system of
record keeping in proper formats, preferably a computer based system, shall be
established and followed.

3.6.4 The operator shall ensure compliance of all applicable mandatory SBs/Mods and
Airworthiness Directives and proper Record be maintained to show current status, repeat
and terminating actions.

3.6.5 The QC department shall ensure that all certifications are executed by appropriately
licensed/approved persons and according to procedures specified in the approved Quality
Control Manuals.

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3.6.6 The QC department shall ensure that carried forward defects and deferred
maintenance are properly attended in time.

3.6.7 QC department shall ensure that vendors hold DGCA approval.

3.6.9 The QC cell shall associate with Flight Safety Department to investigate
engineering incidents & take such corrective measures promptly as called for.

3.6.11 Negative trends in the maintenance/inspection programme noted during routine

surveillance or by continuing surveillance programme shall be immediately arrested and
action taken to reverse the trend. Examples of situations indicating negative trends
include increase in the

- Aircraft delays
- Premature removal rates
- Number of engine shut down rates,
- Number of short term escalations,
- Deferred maintenance (MEL) items and length of time they remain deferred.
- Repeat Pilot Reports etc.

3.6.12. The operator shall have a sound airworthiness performance monitoring system.
This function provides for collecting and analyzing operational and airworthiness data.
This monitoring is done through:-
a. Emergency responding which includes identifying critical situations like in Flight Shut
Down (IFSD), uncontained engine failure, depressurization etc.
b. Day to Day Monitoring: Scheduled operators shall conduct daily meeting to discuss
morning launch delays and activities of the previous day. Other operators may conduct
these meetings at less frequent intervals.

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c. Long term monitoring: This system shall include appropriate means of reporting and
accounting operational and airworthiness data at specified intervals to reveal trend related
information and take corrective action.

Typical example of the data used to monitor airworthiness

Performances are:-
- Pilot reports complied ATA code wise.
- Inspection findings complied ATA code wise, Failure rates complied ATA code
- Tear down/strip reports
- Pre-mature removal rate (Including engine)
- Engine shut down rate
- Deferred items (MEL)
- Mechanical Defect summaries.
- Mechanical Reliability Reports.


3.7.1. In accordance with Rule 54 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937, all

manufacturing/maintenance work performed on civil registered aircraft shall be carried
out and certified by appropriately licensed AMEs and/or authorized/approved persons.
The operator shall have sufficient number of AMEs holding licenses issued by DGCA in
various categories in accordance with Rule 61 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 and CAR
Section 2 Series 'L' Part I. The engineers should be supported by sufficient number of
trained experienced technicians in each trade. However, DGCA may allow Appropriately
qualified/licensed foreign engineers to carry out and certify maintenance work of Indian
registered aircraft to enable engineers of the operator to acquire necessary maintenance
experience and license.

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3.7.2 An operator employing any FOREIGN AME shall obtain for him the required
security clearance through DGCA before the AME is scheduled for maintenance work.
The AME should also be given thorough familiarization about Indian rules, regulations,
CARs, operators' control manual and facilities available at bases and enroute stations.
After the Quality Control Manager is satisfied with and has certified, the foreign AME
has to pass an oral check by a DGCA board in accordance with AIC 17 of 1994 and then
only the AME will be authorized to certify the aircraft.

3.7.3 An operator employing appropriately licensed AME from any Other domestic
airlines shall familiarize him with differences in the aircraft in their fleet if any, and the
QC Manual/ Procedure. The AME shall be deputed for Inspection/ certification work
only after he has passed an oral check conducted by DGCA board as per AIC 17 of 1994.

3.7.4 Where the AMEs is required to be trained on a particular type of aircraft, the
operator shall get the training programme approved along with the names of AMEs.


In accordance with Rule 61 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937, any license, authorization,
approval or Certificate of Competency may be cancelled, suspended or endorsed, if the
holder has not performed the work in a careful and competent manner or the holder has
signed for work not licensed to deal with or it is undesirable that the holder should
continue to exercise his privileges granted under this rule.


3.8.1 The Q.C Manual maintenance System Manual, Maintenance/Overhaul/Structural

Manuals, Illustrated Parts Catalog, Wiring Manual, Service Bulletins, Airworthiness
Directives and related guidance materials shall be kept and amended to keep them up to
date by the Q.C. department.

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3.8.2 A master folder of each type of regulatory/policy document viz. CARs, AICs,
Airworthiness Advisory Circulars, and SBs etc. shall be maintained by the QC Office for
reference of QC personnel and AMEs. All publications, documents, maintenance
schedules, forms shall be frequently screened for completeness.

3.9. A master copy of approved maintenance schedules/Special Inspection schedules shall

be kept in the QC Department. Whenever a new inspection item or routine functional
check of any component is introduced, it should be immediately included in the relevant
maintenance schedule so that it could be carried out at the required periodicity. There
shall be a check for completed inspection schedules to ensure that all items of inspection
are duly certified and carried out.

3.10 The QC department shall maintain up to date Mandatory Modification list in respect
of each type of aircraft, engine, and system operated along with the applicability and
compliance status.

3.11 Major repairs/Modification shall be accomplished with approved drawing and by

approved persons as envisaged in Rule 52 the Aircraft rules, 1937.


3.12.1 The operator shall have his own facilities for replay of Cockpit Voice Recorder.
For readout of FDR/DFDR he should have his own facilities or make approved
arrangement acceptable to DGCA.

3.12.2 The operator shall have necessary technical literature tools, special tools,
appropriately licensed AMEs, battery cart/GPU, trestles, jacks, trained manpower etc. for
carrying out the required maintenance.

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3.12.3 The operator shall have facilities and approved persons or satisfactory
arrangements with DGCA approved firm to carry out additional structural inspection of
aging aircraft to keep them in a continued state of airworthiness.

3.12.4 The operator engaged in operations with twin engine aircraft shall ensure
compliance of the requirement relating to etop operations.

3.12.5 Before commencing operations to a new station or establishing a night halt station,
the Q.C. Manager shall carry out and ensure that all facilities as mentioned in CAR
Section 3, Series 'E' Part I and Section 2, Series 'E' Part IX are available. A certificate to
that effect shall be forwarded to the concerned Regional Airworthiness Office by the
Q.C. Manager.

3.12.6 The operator shall have a system of frequent exchange of information between
Operations and Engineering Department to improve co-ordination and understanding of
operational and airworthiness matters. A record of such discussions shall be maintained.

3.13 The DGCA issues Airworthiness Advisory Circulars, Air Safety

Circulars Bulletins to the industry for guidance and advice in order to enhance safety of
aircraft operations. The organizations shall go through these materials and take action
wherever required.

3.14 The operator has to arrange or conduct training whenever a new aircraft type is
inducted or new AMEs are recruited. The organization must, therefore, have the training
programme approved and ensure its compliance.

3.15 The DGCA conducts AME license examination periodically. All

Organizations shall, therefore, train their maintenance personnel and have them appear in
the said examinations, so as to ensure sufficient qualified AMEs on their employment.


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The operators and maintenance organizations should also have their in-house
surveillance programme commensurate with the type and scale of their operations

Broadly, the surveillance programme may be conducted on the

Following lines:
4.1 The operators and maintenance organizations shall lay down their policies and
procedures for compliance of the airworthiness, safety, training and internal safety audit
programme in their engineering procedures and training manuals

4.2 The day-to-day safety regulation and in-house monitoring of the airworthiness
functions of the operator and the maintenance organizations shall be exercised by the
Quality Control Manager and by his inspectors and dedicated staff. Necessary check lists
should be devised for carrying out such monitoring. There shall be a proper system of
documentation and record keeping of the deficiencies observed and corrective measures

4.3 In addition to the day-to-day monitoring, periodic in-house safety audit shall be
carried out by the dedicated safety audit team of the operator and the maintenance
organizations to ensure that the airworthiness safety regulations are complied with.
Corrective action shall be taken immediately by the Chief of Flight Safety in consultation
with the Quality Control Manager on the deficiencies observed during the audit. Relevant
record and data in proper format shall be maintained in this regard.



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1. MEL (MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST) shall be prepared for all aircraft by the
operator, where as the manufacturer issues the MMEL
(MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST), irrespective of the nature of operations.

a).Defects are encountered during operation of an aircraft, for which repair facilities
may not exist at transit stations.

b). Modern aircraft of today have, however, inherent safeguards introduced into them at
the design stage in the form of duplicated systems and components and redundancy in
the system etc. so that safe operation of aircraft is possible even with the existence of
certain system defects.

c).Aircraft are, therefore, permitted to continue their flights from transit stations to
base stations where maintenance facilities are available. This practice not only reduces
unnecessary engineering costs but also avoids passenger discomforts
associated with delays to services.

d). Rectification of inoperative systems, items of equipment or defective components

shall be carried out at the first station where time and spares permit.


a) In general an operator will frame its MEL in consultation with their Engineering/
Operational department based on the MMEL duly approved by the Regulatory
Authority of the country of manufacture of the aircraft considering the type of
Operation he is engaged in.

b). His acceptable deficiency list may differ in the format from the MMEL but cannot be
less restrictive than the MMEL.

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c.)The operator should obtain the MMEL and refer to its latest revision and submit his
MEL to the regional airworthiness office for approval.

d). Deficiency list (MEL) need not include items like wings, flight controls, complete
engines, landing gears etc., the airworthiness and correct functioning of which is
absolutely necessary before any flight. It may also not include items like galley
equipment, entertainment systems, passenger convenience equipment, which do not
affect the airworthiness of an aircraft.

e).All items which affect the airworthiness of aircraft or safety of those carried on
board and are not included in MEL are automatically required to be operative


4.1) Operator shall mention in the Maintenance System Manual as to when or where an
inoperative item shall be required to be replaced.

4.2) Operator (Quality Control Manager) shall be responsible for exercising necessary
control to ensure that no aircraft is dispatched with multiple items inoperative which will
increase the crew workload. In such cases crew should be consulted.

4.3) Notwithstanding the MEL, an AME need not certify the aircraft for 'Flight' or a
Pilot need not accept the aircraft for flight if it is considered that it is unsafe to do so.

4.4 )The AME responsible for releasing the aircraft, after invoking the provisions of
MEL shall inform the Pilot of the aircraft of the same, and also make a mention of it in
the technical log and placard the inoperative system suitably. He should take
Maintenance action as prescribed in Dispatch Deviation Guide/Procedure Manual and
crew should take operation action as mentioned in the above guide. Dispatch Deviation
Guide should be on board.

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4.5) The Deficiency list (MEL) is normally applicable to all transit, terminal and
main stations. No aircraft should normally be operated from its parent base with defects
covered under MEL. However, under exceptional circumstances, defect encountered an
hour or so before departure of first flight of the day at parent base may be carried forward
if it is covered under the purview of the MEL. Such cases shall be reported to the
Regional Airworthiness Office in writing within 24 hours.

4.6) As a normal practice the defects carried forward under MEL shall be rectified and
deficiencies made good at the first available opportunity where facilities exist and in any
case such repairs/replacements must be carried out when the aircraft returns to the main

4.7)The MEL is not intended to provide for continued operation of the aircraft for an
indefinite period with inoperative items but to permit the operation of an aircraft with
inoperative equipment within the framework of a controlled and sound programme of
repairs and parts replacement. The operator shall, therefore, spell out his specific
programme of rectification action in the preamble of MEL in respect of each type of
aircraft consistent with safety, which will have the prior approval of DGCA.


5.1) Deficiency lists (MEL) will be compiled by operator and submitted to the
Regional Airworthiness Office at the station, where the aircraft is mainly based for
scrutiny / (verification).

5.2) The MEL will have a preamble attached to it. This preamble will indicate the
Procedure of release of aircraft with items of equipment unserviceable as per MEL, when
and where the defects/items will be rectified/replaced. It will also
define the main bases and transit stations. It should also indicate the method of
Informing the crew about the unserviceability of item/defect.

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5.3) Regional Airworthiness Offices shall verify the Deficiency list (MEL) or
Amendments to MEL received from the operators to ensure that safety of aircraft
Is not in any way jeopardized ( exposing to danger or risk) by the unserviceability of any
units or items included there in and forward the same with their recommendations to
Headquarters for approval.

5.3) It shall be the responsibility of the Quality Control manager to amend the MEL as
and when MMEL is amended and submit the same to Regional Airworthiness office for

5.4) In the interest of uniformity, the Regional Airworthiness Offices may have to
Consult each other when the same type of aircraft is operated by different
Operators in different regions so that the deficiency lists or amendments there to
do not materially differ.

5.5) A scheduled operator shall maintain a record, month wise, of all the defects carried
forward in terms of MEL and analyze the same to determine if servicing facilities require
strengthening at transit stations in an effort to rectify the reported/observed defects at the
earliest possible. Results of such analysis shall be notified to concerned Regional
Airworthiness Office every month.
All other operators shall however maintain a record of all release of aircraft under MEL
which shall be made available for scrutiny by Airworthiness offices on demand.

5.6) It is imperative (expressing of command) on the part of the operator that all defects
noticed be rectified and recourse to the use of MEL should only be taken to avoid
passenger inconvenience keeping in view their safety. They should also review their
procedures regularly of distributing the spares etc. at various bases to ensure that the
items carried forward in the MEL are attended to at the earliest. DGCA may put a
specific time limit in the operator's MEL for the rectification of the defects carried

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forward under the MEL considering the safety of the aircraft and also increased crew load
it may cause.

5.7) Operators are welcome to have meeting(s) with DGCA officials to discuss
difficulties experienced in implementing requirements and for inclusion of
additional item if so warranted.




(i) "COCKPIT CHECK LIST": means a list containing items of inspection/action to be

performed by the flight crew, in the order as listed, and in the circumstances as indicated,
for ensuring safe operation of aircraft.

(ii) "EMERGENCY CHECK LIST": means a list containing items of action to be

performed by the flight crew in the order as listed, whenever emergent Situations develop
in flight on account of failure/malfunction of aircraft
Systems/components and requiring extra alertness on the part of flight crew, for
ensuring safe operation of aircraft

2.SCOPE (point to be read 1,6,7) (Main points in bold)

1) Each operator of an aircraft including private aircraft operators, shall Establish a

system, for each type of aircraft operated by him, for visual Inspection of the aircraft
externally and internally before flight and for safe Manipulation of controls of aircraft
systems, during every flight by the

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Members of the flight crew.

2) The system shall entail listing of procedures, in brief, to be followed by the flight crew
during the various phases of operation of aircraft like before, during and after take off as
well as before and after landing and during emergent situations. Normal procedures
shall be listed and called "Cockpit Check List" and emergency procedures shall be
listed in the "Emergency Check List".

3) Such check lists in the laminated form shall be so carried in the cockpit of each
aircraft as to be readily accessible to the flight crew in flight.

4) Normally the cockpit check system and the emergency procedures to Be followed,
are given by the aircraft manufacturers in their Operations Manual/Crew
Operating Manual/Flight Manual. The operators shall use the Check lists provided by
the manufacturers, under intimation to the Regional Airworthiness Offices. Any
deviations from the manufacturer's procedures Shall be followed only after
obtaining approval of DGCA and such deviations with proper justification shall be
forwarded to the DGCA through the Regional Airworthiness Office. Such Check
Lists shall have the concurrence of Deputy Director of Flight Crew Standards and
concerned Flight Inspectors before acceptance and adoption.

5) Operators who do not have such information in respect of their aircraft Should
contact the aircraft manufacturers for the purpose. However, pending receipts of
such a list from the manufacturers, they should prepare their own list, which shall be
submitted to the Regional Airworthiness Office, who will Intimate to the operator the
acceptance of the same.

6) Aircraft requiring two or more crew members must follow the procedure of "challenge
and response while using the "Cockpit Check List" and the Check list shall also indicate
the function of each flight crew member vis-avis each item of the list, to avoid confusion.

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7) Alterations to the Check List on the basis of operator's own experience must
be carried out only after obtaining concurrence of the DGCA. DGCA may require
alterations to check lists, based on operational experience, which shall be carried out by
concerned operators.

Defect Recording, Reporting, Investigation, Rectification and Analysis.

This part of Civil Aviation Requirements specifies the manner in which defects in
Aircraft and aircraft components are to be recorded, reported, investigated and
Analyzed for the purpose of taking timely corrective/preventive action. This CAR also,
classifies major defects in to two groups, i.e. Group-I and Group-II.

1) AIRCRAFT COMPONENT: means any part, the soundness and correct functioning
of which, when fitted on an aircraft, is essential to the continued airworthiness or safety
of the aircraft, or its occupants.

2) DEFECT: means a condition existing in an aircraft (including its systems) or aircraft

component arising from any cause other than damage, which would preclude it or another
aircraft component from performing their intended functions or would reduce the
expected service life of the aircraft or aircraft component.


2.1) MAJOR DEFECT: means a defect of such nature that reduces the safety of the
Aircraft or its occupants and includes defects discovered as a result of the
Occurrence of any emergency or in the course of normal operation of maintenance.

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2.2) REPETITIVE DEFECT: means a defect in an aircraft (including its components

and systems) which recurs, in spite of rectification attempt, on the same aircraft.

3) MAINTENANCE: The performance of tasks required to ensure the continuing

Airworthiness of an aircraft including any one or combination of overhaul,
Inspection, replacement, defect rectification, and the embodiment of a
Modification or repair.

4) REPAIR: The restoration of an Aeronautical product to an airworthy condition to

ensure that the aircraft continues to comply with the design aspects of the
Appropriate airworthiness requirements used for the issuance of the Type Certificate for
the respective aircraft type, after it has been damaged or subjected
to wear.

4.1) MAJOR REPAIR: - means a design change that is intended to restore an

aeronautical product to an airworthy condition:-.

(i) When the damage or wear being repaired or restored to airworthiness

Condition might appreciably affect the weight, balance, structural strength, performance,
power plant operation, flight characteristics, or other qualities affecting airworthiness or
environmental characteristics
(ii) That will be embodied in the product using nonstandard practices.

4.2) MINOR REPAIR: - means a repair other than a major repair.

5) OPERATOR means a person, organization or enterprise engaged in or Offering to

engage in aircraft operation;

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Note: - All Scheduled, Non Scheduled, State Government / BSF aircraft, Private aircraft
operator and any other organization or person engaged in Aircraft operations fall under
the scope of this definition.

5.1) SCHEDULED OPERATOR:-means an aircraft operator which operates its fleet,

Whole or part of it, as per a published schedule.

6) APPROVED ORGANIZATION (AO):- means an organization approved by DGCA

Engaged in manufacture, maintenance, processing, testing, storage and Distribution of
civil aircraft, aircraft components, items of equipment, aircraft Goods and Training


approved by DGCA in Category C in accordance with CAR Section 2 Series E part I.

8) AIRCRAFT FLEET: - Minimum Three aircraft of a particular type / Model shall

constitute a fleet.


This CAR applies to all Operators /Organizations engaged in operation and

Approved Maintenance Organizations (AMOs).
Note: - All Scheduled, Non Scheduled, Aerial work aircraft, State Government /
BSF aircraft & private aircraft operators, flying clubs and Approved Maintenance
Organizations (AMOs) shall therefore be covered under the purview of this CAR.
For easy stipulation and understanding, the requirements in this part of the CAR
have been classified as applicable to Scheduled Operators and Operators
Other than Scheduled Operators.

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1) All organizations as stated in Para 3 above shall have a system in their

Organization to ensure that all defects, minor or others, whether reported by Flight Crew
or observed by Maintenance Crew (including those occurred due to
Improper maintenance practices) are recorded and investigated for taking
Appropriate rectification action.

2) The rectification action taken in respect of each defect shall be recorded

Alongside of the snag (defect) reported.

3) "Classification of Defects": All recorded defects shall be examined by experienced and

qualified personnel of the operator for the purpose of classification. A list of defects
classified as major defects in Group I & Group II is indicated as a guideline at Appendix

4) When an Operator / Organization has contracted the maintenance of its aircraft

to an Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO), it shall be the responsibility of the
operator to comply with this CAR and report such defects observed on its (Operators)
aircraft during maintenance at the AMO facilities. Further Operators / Organization and
the AMO shall evolve a system between themselves in such a manner so as to comply
with all the requirements of this CAR. The system so established shall be included in the
Quality Control Manual and / or Operations Manual (as the case may be) of both the
Organizations. The AMO shall however maintain record of all the defects observed on
the aircraft, of an operator, in respect of which the maintenance has been contracted to it
(AMO).The AMO will produce such records for scrutiny by DGCA officers when

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5) "INITIAL INFORMATION: - All defects classified as "major" or those requiring

"Major repair" or which are serious in nature and attracting public attention shall Be
intimated immediately on telephone by all Operators / Organizations to RAWO
(REGIONAL AIR WORTHINESS OFFICE) followed by written information The
written information containing complete details shall be forwarded , in
Case of;

5.1) SCHEDULED OPERATORS: within 24 hours of the occurrence.


of the
Occurrence of the defect. At least the following information will be indicated:-

a. Name of the Organization / Operator

b. Aircraft type and registration No.
c. Date and place of occurrence of the defect
d. Details of the defect(s) and the rectification action taken

{Note: - The complete details of defect(s) in case of defects reported on an

Aircraft at outstations may be sent on receipt of information by the "main
(Maintenance) base" of a Scheduled Operator with in a maximum period of three
Days unless otherwise required by the concerned RAWO. The format for reporting
defect(s) prescribed at Appendix II }.

6) All defects, whether major or not and including repetitive ones, shall be taken
Into account for computing statistics for determining components/systems
Reliability indices in case of scheduled operators , as called for in the CAR Series 'C' Part
V, and each repetition of the defect shall be considered as "a defect" for the purpose of
computation of reliability index provided rectification was attempted.


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All operators shall evolve a system for undertaking a prompt review, by

Experienced and qualified technical personnel, of the nature of defects
(Whether major or other) and the adequacy of rectification action taken in
Respect of each defect (including that of repetitive defects) Reported/observed on each
aircraft of its fleet, no sooner the aircraft returns to its "main base (including temporary
base)", from where it had departed last

1) SCHEDULED OPERATORS: Scheduled Operators shall carry out Daily Review

of the defects reported on the aircraft of the fleet.


review of the defects reported on the aircraft of the fleet of operators other than
scheduledOperators may be fixed by the operator in consultation with the RAWO
depending upon the type / quantum of operation and size of the fleet of aircraft.

3) The Regional Airworthiness Officers: may associate them selves with this Review
and ask for any additional information, or performance of such additional Work
considered necessary to rectify the defect and to render the aircraft Serviceable.


1) SCHEDULED OPERATORS Defects causing Mechanical delays on aircraft
Operated by Scheduled operators: Delay to a scheduled service of 15
Minutes' duration or more, on account of aircraft defect (whether major or not), shall be
reported to Regional Airworthiness Office within 24 hours (working hours of
Airworthiness Office) of receipt of information about the delay by the
"Main maintenance base" (for the type of aircraft involved) of an operator as per the
format given in Appendix III or giving at least the following information:-
(a) Service Number, date and place of delay

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(b) Type and Registration No. of the aircraft

(c) Duration of Delay
(d) Brief reason for the delay and the rectification action taken.

All defects, whether major or not and including repetitive ones, shall be taken
Into account for computing statistics for determining components/systems
Reliability indices in case of scheduled operators, as called for in the CAR Series' Part V
and each repetition of the defect shall be considered as "a defect for the purpose of
computation of reliability index provided rectification was attempted.


Quality Control Manager or his representative shall supervise the compliance of the
system for investigation of defects detailed in preceding paragraphs

The investigation of all defects and particularly of Major Defects and Mechanical
Delays shall be completed expeditiously, so as to take preventive/corrective action at the
earliest possible. In case the completion of investigation of a major defect is likely to take
longer than one month, then investigation progress reports must be rendered to concerned
Regional Airworthiness Office every month till the finalization of the report. All efforts
must be made by an operator to complete the investigation of every major defect
within 3 months of its occurrence.
The major defect, (including those requiring "major repair") will be investigated
By the operator in association with the concerned Regional or Sub-Regional
Airworthiness Offices. Airworthiness Officer(s) may require the operator or the
Owner of the organization, to submit components, work sheets, documents and
Information connected with the defect, for such investigation

The investigation reports on major defects / mechanical delays shall be sent by

The operator / organization, in duplicate, to concerned Regional Airworthiness
Office soon after finalization.

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The final report shall contain at least the following Information, in addition to these
forwarded vide Para 5 (above):-

(a) Identification of parts/systems involved.

(b) Apparent or actual cause of the defect.
(c) Life of affected component since new and since last inspection, in terms of flight
(d) Action taken by the operator to prevent recurrence.
(e) Any disciplinary action, taken by the operator, against any of its Employees.
(f) Whether the operator considers the investigation "closed" or "open" and If "open "the
time it would take to complete the investigation


5.1) The Regional Airworthiness Officers may require operators/maintenance

Organizations to furnish such additional information about the investigation of The defect
as considered necessary by them, either for "closing the case or for Conducting further
investigation on their own. The operator shall furnish such Additional information.

5.2) The Regional Airworthiness Offices shall ensure that Quality Control Department of
all operators/Aircraft maintenance Organizations (AMOs) are adequately staffed to
Discharge the duties and responsibilities prescribed in procedures for defect recording,
reporting, investigation, rectification and analysis the Regional Airworthiness offices
may also carry out spot checks on the records of operators to ascertain if the system spelt
out in preceding paragraphs, and particularly the classification of defects, as called for in
Para 3 procedures for defect recording, reporting, investigation, rectification and analysis
above, is being followed.

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5.3) The major defect, (including those requiring "major repair") will be investigated by
the operator in association with the concerned Regional or Sub-Regional Airworthiness
Offices. Airworthiness Officer(s) may require the operator or the Owner of the
organization, to submit components, work sheets, documents and Information connected
with the defect, for such investigation.

5.4) The operator shall intimate the corrective action(s) taken on the recommendation(s)
made in the investigation report (finalized in accordance with paragraph 3 above) along
with a copy of the investigation report to the Regional Airworthiness Office. A copy of
the report shall also be forwarded to DGCA (Headquarters - Attention DAW).

5.5) An operator/ AMO shall periodically, at least once in three months, analyze the
Investigation results of all the defects, whether major or not, collectively to Determine,
weakness, if any, in the basic design of a component or in the lay out Of a system or in
the maintenance technique adopted to perform the work Involved, exists. If weaknesses
are detected, then necessary corrective action
Shall be taken by the operator / AMO under intimation to Regional Airworthiness Office.
All faults, malfunctions, defects and other occurrences which cause or may Cause service
difficulties or any adverse effects on the continuing airworthiness Of the aircraft shall be
reported by all operators / approved maintenance Organizations, to the
manufacturers/designer of the aircraft/engine/propeller/system/ components at the earliest
but not later than seven days of the occurrence, for a continuous assessment of the design
features of the aircraft. The type of information which the operator should provide to the
manufacturer assessing the reported service difficulties and rendering advice is given at
Appendix IV to this CAR.

5.6) Operators / Organization shall ensure;

a) Continued Airworthiness of the aircraft during its service life

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b) Compliance with the appropriate airworthiness requirements after a modification,

repair or installation of replacement part;

c) That the aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition as per the maintenance

programme and is in compliance with the maintenance requirements specified in Aircraft
Rules, CAR and by the manufacturer of the aircraft.

5.7) The Regional or Sub-Regional Airworthiness Office, may require any operator,
Notwithstanding the requirements stipulated in this part of the CAR, in the
Interest of safety of aircraft, to submit:-

(a) Full details of any defect(s), or

(b) Any component associated with the defect or delay investigation. The said
components shall not be disposed off in any manner without the prior approval of the
concerned Regional / Sub-Regional Airworthiness Office.


6.1) SCHEDULED OPERATORS shall prepare a monthly report in respect of fleet

Performance and engineering statistics for determining the reliability of aircraft
Components and aircraft system, as required vide CAR Series 'C' Part V. The Monthly
statistics shall at least include the following:-
(a) Premature removal rate of all components.
(b) Brief information about individual "in-flight shut-down (including flame-out)
and In-flight shut-down rate of all types of engines in the fleet.
(c) Brief information about individual abortive "take-off"; and
(d) Number of "take-offs' per delay (of 15 minutes' duration or more, including the
( Cancelled flights).

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Shall forward the fleet performance report quarterly .A copy of the "Fleet performance
and engineering statistics" report shall be forwarded each to Regional Airworthiness
Office and to DGCA (Headquarters, attention DAW).


7.1) The records, associated with the defects and their rectification actions, shall be
preserved for a period of one year and may be required for consultation at the time
of renewal of( C of A) of an aircraft.

7.2) The components, associated with the major defects shall be preserved for a
period of two weeks from the date of intimation of the defect, unless required (in
writing), by the concerned Regional and Sub-Regional Airworthiness Office, to be
preserved longer.


Given below is a list of Major defects, classified into two Groups i.e. Group-I and
Group-II. The list is only a guideline and is not exhaustive. Each operator shall
Report the occurrence or detection of any one or more major defect so classified
Either in Group-I or Group-II.

A). Fires during flight;

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B). Fires during flight not protected by a related fire warning system;

C). An engine exhaust system that causes damage during flight to the engine, Adjacent
structure, equipment or components;

D). engine shutdown during flight with external damage to the engine or aircraft
Structure occurs;

E). Defect to an aircraft component that causes accumulation or circulation of Smoke,

vapour, or toxic or noxious fumes in the crew compartment or passenger cabin during

F). Any other major damage/ defect requiring extensive repair/ inspection/Modification
to the aircraft (or/and in cases as desired by local DAW office).

A). False fire warnings during flight;

B). Engine shutdown during flight because of flame-out;

C). Engine shutdown during flight due to foreign object ingestion or icing;

D). Shutdown during flight of more than one engine;

E). Defect of a propeller feathering system or ability of the system to control Over-speed
during flight;

F). Defect of a fuel or fuel-dumping system that affects fuel flow or causes
Hazardous leakage during flight;

G). Defect related to landing gear extension or retraction, or opening or closing of

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Landing gear doors, during flight;

H). Brake System components that result in loss of brake actuating force when
The aircraft is in motion on the ground;

I). Damage to aircraft structure that requires major repair;

J). Cracks, permanent deformation, or corrosion of aircraft structure, if more than

the maximum acceptable to the manufacturer or the DGCA;

K). Damage of aircraft components or systems that result in taking emergency

actions during flight (except action to shut down an engine);

L). Each interruption to a flight, unscheduled change of aircraft en route, or Unscheduled

stop or diversion from a route, caused by known or suspected
Mechanical difficulties or malfunctions;

Flight Report - Recording of In-Flight Instrument
Reading and Reporting of Flight Defect.

This part of CAR specifies the manner, in which the flight reports of a Public Transport
Aircraft are to be completed.

In order to enable effective monitoring of aircraft and engine systems functioning, and to
ensure proper rectification of defects observed by the crew, during preflight and post
flight periods, flight reports are to be
Completed as per the procedure given below:-

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3.1) Crew must record all parameter readings, as indicated by the respective instruments
under the appropriate columns of the approved flight reports including the AVM
(Airborne Vibration Monitoring) readings.

3.2) These recordings should be made at least once in each sector of the flight, under
stabilized cruise conditions, and also in the event of emergency conditions of flight,
however, on flight sectors of short duration, where the aircraft is unable to obtain the
stabilized cruise conditions of flight, recording of parameter readings may be omitted,
unless unusual parameters are observed during climbs or descent phases.

3.3) Defect observed by the crew, during preflight, in-flight and post-flight periods must
be entered in the relevant columns of the flight report, giving full details of their
observations, with relevance to parameter readings, where applicable.

3.4) Even if there are no defects, 'NIL' reports must be recorded and signed by the crew
for each sector of the flight.

3.5) Where, necessary special reports regarding incidents, accidents or other relevant
observations made during the course of the flight, shall be recorded with details of each
case to enable proper follow up action.

3.6) Before releasing the aircraft for service the AME's shall examine pilots defect
reports after each sector of the flight and take appropriate rectification action and record
the same item wise in the flight reports under their signatures.

4) AME's must ensure that the crew has signed the 'Pilot Defect Report' even if the
defect is 'NIL'. In case the crews have failed to make any entry in the "PDR" they shall

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not certify the aircraft till, the defect report for the previous flights is filled and signed by
the crew.

5) On arrival of the aircraft at the main base all parameter readings, must be checked and
analyzed to examine the satisfactory functioning of the various aircraft and engine
systems and to ensure that the rectification action taken
during the preceding flight sectors was appropriate by the Chief of Inspection of the area
concerned or his designated representative.


Reporting/rectification of defects observed on all aircraft,
Except public transport aircraft.

This part of CAR specifies the procedure to be adopted in reporting of defects and also in
the recording of the rectification work carried out, on all categories of aircraft other than
the Public Transport Aircraft.

It is intended to ensure a high standard of airworthiness through systematic reporting of
defects, prompt remedial measures and a methodical analysis.


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3.1 )All defects observed by the flight crew during preflight, in-flight and post-flight
periods, must be recorded soon after the flight signed (by the pilot) and dated, giving full
details of the nature of the defect experienced, in a register, having numbered pages. In
the case of training aircraft, making a series of flights on a single day, the defects may be
recorded after the last flight of the day unless a serious defect occurs, requiring
immediate attention. The columns of the register must indicate necessary details of the
defects and the rectification work carried out by the AME under his dated signature. The
register, one for each aircraft, must be maintained in a manner similar to any other
essential engineering document and will be required to be examined from time to time by
the concerned officers of this Department and also be submitted to the Regional
Airworthiness office for scrutiny during renewal of C of A inspection along with other
aircraft documents.

3.2) If no defects or abnormality during any phase of operation is observed throughout

the day's flying a NIL report must be endorsed on the register to indicate the aircraft
continuous serviceability status at the end of the day,
Countersigned by the concerned AME for having noted the same.

3.3) All abnormal occurrences like heavy landings, propellers hitting obstacles flight
through turbulence etc. must also be recorded by the flight crew, to enable the
maintenance crew to take necessary follow up action.

3.4) Prior to the first flight of the day, the AME certifying the safety of aircraft, must
ensure that all previous flight defects/incidents have been duly attended to and this must
be brough to the notice of the pilot and signature obtained in token of having seen the
nature of defect reported earlier.

3.5) If the entries are found to be incomplete or not recorded at all, the aircraft would not
be considered airworthy and should not be released for further flights until the register is
made up- to-date with necessary entries duly made.

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3.6) The Chief Engineer shall make periodic assessment of the nature of reported defects
and, wherever necessary, take appropriate remedial action

3.7) The aircraft defect register, mentioned above, shall be kept at the normal base of the
aircraft and need not be carried on board. However, when the defects are observed at
places away from the normal base they may be recorded in the appropriate column (Col.
XI) of the Journey Log Book for Ultimate transference of the same to the defects
registers on return of the aircraft to the base. Whenever the aircraft is temporarily based
away from its normal base, the defect register may also be located at the temporary base
for continuous recording of observed defects and the corresponding rectification action


Analytical Study Of In-Flight Instrument Readings/ Recordings Of Aircraft

This part of CAR specifies the manner in which the in-flight instrument
readings/recordings of a Public Transport Aircraft (Turbo Jet only) engaged in
scheduled services are to be analyzed for ensuring continued airworthiness of

(A)Modern Transport aircraft are fitted with a number of instruments which continuously
indicate the performance of aircraft, its components and systems during the flight.
Readings of such instruments, if intelligently monitored, give a clear and early indication
of in-service deterioration of engine or airframe performance for taking timely remedial
action to ensure continued airworthiness of an aircraft.

(B)It is therefore essential to lay down a procedure for evaluating the data so collected on
a regular basis. Such programmes are normally given by the airframe and engine
manufacturers who also give the method of evaluation and lay down tolerances as well as

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acceptable deviations from the standard value. Unacceptable deviations from these
standards would call for the maintenance action on the part of the operator. Alternatively
such programme can be developed by the airline operator themselves with the approval
of DGCA.


3.1) For each aircraft various instruments readings or deviations from standard recordings
as required by the manufacturers/DGCA, available from mach meter, fuel flow meter, air
speed indicator, altitude indicator, out side air temperature gauge and engine parameters
from N1 and N2 (rpm)
Indicators, EPR, EGT, and AVM gauges etc., shall be regularly plotted on a graph or

3.2) The plotted/recorded data shall be evaluated every month against the Alert Values
suggested by an operator and as approved by DGCA, to determine that engine and
airframe performance, remain within acceptable limits. For determining the performance
of airframe, a relationship between Fuel Flow and TAS (True Air Speed) shall be
established. Required corrective action shall be taken for the deterioration observed. This
procedure shall be reflected in the Quality Control/Maintenance System Manual.


(i) OF ENGINE:-, Regional Airworthiness Office may require accomplishment of such

curative measures as considered necessary or may even require replacement of the
deteriorated engine;

(ii) OF AIRFRAME:-, Regional Airworthiness Office may require the carrying out of test
flights to determine the increase in drag.

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1.1) The Maintenance Control by Reliability Method will alert the organization in time
and help it in identifying the potential problems existing on its aircraft, engines and
accessories and will thus enable it to take preventive/curative measures

1.2) The method permits an organization having sizable fleet of aircraft to amend and
refine its existing system of maintenance with respect to each type of aircraft and its
major components, in its fleet, in consultation with Regional Airworthiness Office of
DGCA, so as to improve the service reliability of its fleet.


2.1) Every scheduled airline operator shall submit its Maintenance Reliability Control
Programme in the manner specified below for approval to the (DGCA), New Delhi,
through the Regional Airworthiness Office.

2.2) The programme, after its approval, shall become a part of Quality Control Manual of
the Operator.


3.1) The operator will describe in its programme :-

(1) Procedure of collection of information relating to observed/reported defects in aircraft

systems and/or components, investigation of defects

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(2) Analysis of the results and the manner of Computing 'Alert Values', spelling out the
responsibility within the organization for monitoring the actual performance trends vis--
vis Alert Values, and for initiating timely corrective/preventive measures.


4.1) All organizations will create a 'Reliability Monitoring Unit' (RMU) in the Quality
Control Division which will be entrusted with the responsibility of gathering information
from various sources for analysis in order to determine reliability trends of
systems/components/structure of the aircraft operated by them.

4.2) The Reliability Monitoring Unit will, in coordination with specialists, develop and
introduce remedial measures to restore normal established trends within acceptable limits
of performance.

5.1) The aircraft are maintained in continuous state of airworthiness by means of
Scheduled and Unscheduled maintenance. The Scheduled Maintenance consists of
servicing aircraft and its systems at designated time intervals, component changes at
predetermined periods, scheduled inspections and scheduled modifications. The
Unscheduled Maintenance consists of corrective maintenance brought about as a
result of pilot reported defects and other inspection "Finds".

5.2) The Reliability Monitoring Unit will gather information from both Scheduled
Maintenance and Un-scheduled Maintenance for Reliability control. The likely
primary sources of information will be:-

(i) Unscheduled removals.

(ii) Confirmed failures

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(iii)Deficiencies observed and corrected during scheduled services but otherwise not

(iv) Pilot reports.

(v) Sampling inspections.

(vi) Shop findings/Bench Check reports.



6.1) The operator will describe in the programme, its system of data analysis and its
application to Maintenance Control Programme. It will describe in detail types of action
which will be triggered by the persons whenever trends reveal
Abnormal level of reliability.

6.2) The aircraft system reliability will be measured by the number of pilot reported
defects applicable to the system per 1,000 flight hours.

6.3) If the system is over the alert, an 'Alert Notice' will be issued by Reliability
Monitoring Unit to all concerned persons in his organization and a report in duplicate will
be forwarded to the Regional Airworthiness Office on 25th of every month.

6.4) Where applicable, this information will also contain in summary form the measures
adopted by the operator in controlling the situation. The information will contain
pertinent comments/reports offered by specialists, manufacturers, etc., and will, if
possible, contain extent of progress achieved.

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6.5) Subsequent reports will continue to be sent to the Regional Airworthiness Office till
the performance returns below the Alert Value.

6.6) The Regional Airworthiness office will relay one copy of the report to DGCA
(Attention: Director of Airworthiness) within 72 hrs of receipt of the same

6.7) All aircraft systems will be recorded as per ATA-100 code.


7.1) Statistical techniques in arriving at Reliability Control figures (Alert Values) will be
used. The Alert Values will be numerically equal to the "Mean Value" plus "Two
Standard Deviations".

7.2) The figures/standards will be justified by an operator in the light of operator's own
experience supplemented by any other appropriate industry experience, if available.

7.3) The operator may at his discretion provide a Reliability band or range for measuring
its quality of maintenance and if accepted by the Airworthiness Authorities will form the
reference standard which shall be met by the operator.

** ("ALERT VALUE"):- means maximum deviation from the normal operating limit but
within the allowable operating range, which shall not cause malfunction to an extent
where aircraft safety is in jeopardy.

Explanation :-{ once the operator has to monitor the data regarding the performance of
his aircraft in a regular basis in the methods described below so that he can know wether

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the required performance is achieved with respect to maintenance aspects and also if
corrective actions are taken when a complaint is reported}

8.1). The operator shall develop monthly graphic displays covering the operating
experience for the previous period including details of corrective action taken or planned
when the established standard is not met, of major affected systems.

8.2).These displays should summarize operating experience at least for the last three

8.3) These displays and supporting data will be available for examination to the
representatives of DGCA. The operator, on request, shall furnish all data derived from its
displays to the representatives of DGCA.

8.4) All systems, components will be identified by a suitable system.

8.5) Displays should cover following details and will be forwarded to the Regional
Airworthiness Office by the 25th of each month:

(a) Aircraft system and/or component reliability numerically expressed as the number of
reported failures per 1000 aircraft hours or other appropriate denominator.

(b) Aircraft system and/or component reliability numerically expressed as the number of
non-routine removals per 1000 aircraft hours or other appropriate

(c) Aircraft system and/or component reliability numerically expressed as the number of
confirmed failure per 1000 aircraft hours or other appropriate denominator.

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(d) Graphic presentation of (c) operating experience in relation to the level of

performance established.

8.6) All above said displays will be preserved by the operator for at least two Years.


9.1) The programme furnished by the operator will include a procedure explaining in
detail any change in the system which needs prior approval of the Airworthiness

9.2) Following changes will require prior approval of DGCA:-

(a) Change in policy regarding method of computing performance number

(Alert Value).

(b) Any upward change in TBO or 'service-time-increase' in schedule.

(c) Change in displays that would alter the type of information or frequency of

(d) Transfer of system/component from one type of control to other method of control.

(f) Data collection system.

(g) Data analysis Method.



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10.1) Each Reliability Programme submitted by the operator to DGCA will contain
definitions of the significant terms used therein. The definitions should include,
but not limited to, "System Failure", "Component Failure", "Functional Check",
"Unscheduled Removals" and any other terms which are basic to the particular


This part of Series 'D' of the Civil Airworthiness Requirements specifies procedures
for governing reliability of aircraft engines operated by Scheduled Public Transport
The engine reliability programme recognizes in-flight shut down rate as a measure
of reliability and provides for immediate action should that rate become abnormally


3.1) The reliability of the engines fitted to aircraft shall be measured in terms of the
number and nature of all in-flight `shut down' (including flame outs) in relation to
the number of engine flight hours.

Note: Measuring the number of in-flight shut downs in relation to flight hours are straight
forward; however, measuring in terms of their nature is not. This point is
included to avoid misconception that pure numbers adequately measure reliability.
Certain shut downs tend to reduce margin of safety more than others and through exercise

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of good judgment, the nature of shut downs should be weighed accordingly in

programming corrective action.

3.2) In-flight shut downs are recognized in two categories, the sum of which will be
used in establishing the operators shut-down rate.

(a) Critical shut-downs are those which cause aircraft structural damage, generate
projections or fires, and adversely affect the controllability of the aircraft
And those which cannot be shut-down or feathered.
(b) Premeditated shut-downs: Shut-downs not falling under the definition of critical.
All in-flight shut-downs (except those for test or training) are used in computing an
operator's shut-down rate.

3.3) The operator will keep a current running record of the cause of all in-flight
shut-downs and engine in-flight hours and consolidate this data on a monthly basis.
By the 10th day of each month the operator will report to the Regional
Airworthiness Office, the shut-down rate, number of engines hours flown, number
of in-flight shut-downs and the reliability index.

3.4) By the 25th day of each month the above report will be supplemented by information
listing the in-flight shut-downs (classified as critical and not critical) for the previous
month showing causes and preventive action taken, and will
Also include part No., serial number, total time run, and time since overhaul, time since
inspection of the engine and units parts concerned. If information on the cause is not yet
available, the symptoms observed that led to the shutdown will be given. The cause may
be communicated later

3.5) The Regional Airworthiness Offices will analyze the reports submitted
(Vide 3.3 and 3.4) and forward them to the DGCA.

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3.6). If the operator's reliability index is above the alert value he will in addition to
the information mentioned in (paragraph 3.4) submit a corrective programme to the
Regional Airworthiness Office by the 25th day of the month.

3.7)These corrective programmes will outline the measures to be taken to improve the
reliability, the effective dates of the completion, projected reliability and any other
information relevant to the problem.

Examples of a corrective programme will be:

(i) Increased inspection frequency or amendment of inspection procedures.

(ii) Changes in operational procedures or limits.
(iii)Additional maintenance/flight training.
(iv) Modification to the existing parts.
(v) Reduction in overhaul times.

NOTE: Reliability is a function of many factors viz. basic design, operations, personnel
training, maintenance, overhaul and many others. It is important that all aspects be
considered while framing a corrective programme
3.8) .The operators corrective programme will be reviewed by the Regional
Airworthiness Office for completeness and acceptability and an analysis will be
made to determine the causes or factors causing the low reliability.

3.9). During the time the operator is in the 'Alert' area, the Regional office will:-
(a) Monitor this corrective programme closely to determine their effectiveness and
indicate the necessity of amendment.

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(b) Keep the Director General of Civil Aviation informed of the progress and
effectiveness of the corrective programmes, so that the Director General of Civil
Aviation may be in a better position to advise them to co-ordinate the problems with
the other regions.

{If it is observed by the DGCA by monitoring the reliability programme of the concerned
operator and if the operational values are always reaching the
alert values, the DGCA will suggest certain measures to get the values back to the
normal operating range.}

3.10). If(premeditated shut-downs the corrective programme fails to improve the

reliability, further analysis of the causes will be made and the Regional Airworthiness
Office may take action that is appropriate for the improvement for the same.

{NOTE: - For success of the programme, it is essential that both, the operator and the
Regional Airworthiness Office face the responsibility of the situation. As a
team they must be dedicated to the proposition that complete fairness in analysis is the
only means of approaching solutions to problems of complexities
expected in the application of this programme.}


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This series of CAR lays down detailed compliance standard of maintenance. The
requirements of CAR are applicable to airlines and non-scheduled operators as well as
private operators


1. AIRWORTHINESS: The continuing capability of the aircraft to perform in a

satisfactory manner the flight operations for which it was designed.

2. MAINTENANCE: The action or a set of actions including inspection, servicing and

determination of condition required to achieve a desired out-come which restores an
aircraft part, equipment in serviceable condition.

3. OVERHAUL: Overhaul means stripping a unit and restoring it to its original design
performance level after replacing/reworking parts to a given standard.

4. DAMAGE TOLERANT: An item is to be judged damage tolerant if it can sustain

damage and the remaining structure can withstand reasonable load without structural
failure or excessive structural deformation when the damage is detected. This includes
damage due to fatigue, accidental damage and damage due to environmental factors

5. STRUCTURAL SIGNIFICANT ITEM: A structural detail, structural element or

structural assembly is judged significant because of the reduction in aircraft residual
strength or loss of structural functions which are subsequent to its failures.

6. HARD TIME: This is a failure preventive process in which deterioration of an item is

limited to an acceptable level by the maintenance actions, which are carried out at
periods, related to time in service (e.g. calendar time, number of cycles, number of
landings). The prescribed actions normally include servicing and such other actions as
overhaul, partial overhaul, replacement in accordance with instructions in the relevant

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manuals, so that the item concerned (e.g. system, component, portions of structure) is
either replaced or restored to such a condition that it can be released for a further
specified period.

7. ON CONDITION: This is also a failure preventive process but one in which the item is
inspected or tested, at specific periods, to an appropriate standard in order to determine
whether it can continue in service (such an inspection or test may reveal a need for
servicing actions). The fundamental purpose of
On- Condition is to remove an item before its failure in service. It is not a philosophy of
'fit' until failure or 'fit and forget it'.

8. CONDITION MONITORING: This is not a preventive process, having neither Hard

Time nor On- Condition elements, but one in which information on items gained from
operational experience is collected, analyzed and interpreted on a
Continuing basis as a means of implementing corrective procedure.


It is essential for the continued airworthiness of aircraft/aircraft systems that there is
an efficient maintenance program applicable to each aircraft. With the change of
size, complexity and high performance of aircraft and also with improved design
techniques it is essential that a more knowledgeable approach is made to the control
of maintenance. The earlier concept of stripping and overhauling of all aircraft
components, items of equipment to ensure the airworthiness is no longer justified
considering improved design techniques, redundancy in the system, high degree of built-
in reliability and cost involved in carrying out overhaul as airlines have to fly aircraft not
only safely but also economically.

4. PRIMARY MAINTENANCE PROCESS: It has been recognized by the

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Various airworthiness authorities that the airworthiness of aircraft and safety of its
operation can be very well maintained by three following processes:-

(A) HARD TIME MAINTENANCE PROCESS: This process recognizes that the
component or the part has got direct relationship between reliability and the age
and also its failure on the aircraft may have direct effect on the safety. Failure rate
and premature removal could be very well analyzed to establish that the
components/parts have been failing after reaching particular hours of operation at
which it is most desirable and efficient to remove the component from the aircraft and
carry out overhaul rather than let it fail on the aircraft. The process is called the failure
preventive maintenance process. This process is suitable for operators with very
small fleet of aircraft, low utilization and smaller in size where system redundancy
and modern sophistication has not been built in the design stage and the operator may not
have a large support organization of Quality Control/record keeping.

(B) ON CONDITION MAINTENANCE :This concept was later on developed where

the components deterioration or determination in reliability could be measured or
properly assessed without stripping the component by physical measurement, bench
check, internal leak rate checks, and the operator has to justify and substantiate
necessary data and support either from the manufacturers or from his own operational
data analysis with the particular components performance that failure resistance could be
detected by in situation maintenance for functional check and establish a performance
standard after which the component will be removed and again brought to its original
performance level and released for service for specified period.

(C) CONDITION MONITORING: Condition Monitoring components have no

overall control and are operated to failure. No maintenance task is required to
evaluate condition, life expectancy or reliability degradation to replace the item
before it fails. Neither 'Hard Time' nor 'On Condition' standards can control the

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reliability or failure rate of CM items. Replacement of *CM items is an

UNSCHEDULED maintenance action.

*CM-Condition monitoring

Note : Notwithstanding the above, the definitions given by the manufacturer shall prevail
over those given in this CAR.


An operator depending on his capability, staff and other support organization
Should apply to the Regional Airworthiness Office for approval of his Maintenance
Program. He can select either of the above three maintenance Programs or a
combination of these processes as the primary means of controlling the maintenance
activities thereby leading to effective airworthiness Control. Manufacturer's
recommendation will be the main guiding factor. Multi Cell components can have all the
three processes applied to e.g. an engine having a number of components (cells) some of
which may be time limited (discs etc.), the others may be depending on the ON Condition
for example deterioration of engine power and checked by Condition Run and some on
'On Condition Monitoring' concept.


The maintenance process approved for an operator will have to be monitored
continuously for its result and changes implemented arising out of this monitoring.
Monitoring is basically based on statistical analysis of various
Performance parameters.

(1) PILOTS' REPORT: Occurrence of malfunction in flight are recorded in the

Technical Log by the Flight Crew for each flight. Pilots also record various instrument
data for monitoring the condition of the engine and airframe. The engine performance can
be very well monitored by the in flight crew monitoring of instruments. These monitoring
indicate long term trend and are very useful in recognizing impending

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failure/deterioration. The Pilots' report etc. is calculated as rate per 1000 hours of
operation or as a number of per 100 departures. The operator has to establish an Alert
level based on experience of initial operation and it can be continuously up-dated by
means of what is called Rolling average either quarterly or six monthly.

(2) ENGINE INFLIGHT SHUT-DOWN: Engine In flight Shut-Down may result in

removal of the engine for further overhaul or repair. Analysis of the causes and the failure
give lot of information on the method of operation and the standard of engine overhaul,
the basic design of the engine. Feed-back from strip report will be very much beneficial
for enhancing the reliability of Power Plant.


OF SERVICES: Performance of the operator or an airlines organization is
Very well judged by the mechanical delays to scheduled services and also by the
cancellations. All delays of more than 15 minutes. As per the present approved
practice are to be reported and the operator support system (Quality Control
System) has to assess cause and take corrective action. The delays are classified and
assessed *ATA system wise and dispatch reliability calculated.


This is another factor which would help the operator to assess the condition of the
component maintenance behavior. After proper investigation of confirmed failures. Such
components are to be investigated by the operators reliability control section and
necessary corrective action taken.

7. STATISTICAL RELIABILITY MEASUREMENT : The various data collected are

reduced to 1000 per hrs. Of operation or thousands of flight hours and numerical rate
derived. The pilots reports as well as the confirmed failures are to be taken as
complementary to each other as sometimes unscheduled removal of components may not
be a confirmed failure.

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8. RELIABILITY ALERT LEVEL: The Reliability Alert level for the purpose of
establishing the performance standard control level or an upper limit may
be established based on the operators experience initially over two to three years of
operation depending on fleet size and utilization and then to be continuously up-
dated on the experience gained and corrective action taken. There are several
methods of calculating an alert level and any of the established methods of statistical
analysis may be used.

9. THE PROGRAMME DOCUMENT: The operator will have to document the

programme for the guidance of all the personnel involved for satisfactory
Implementation. It will also include the method of establishing alert value, the method of
data collection, publishing various documents for the guidance of others bringing out the
various charts and graphs to indicate the Trend. The Airworthiness Officers would carry
out checks to ensure that the programme is implemented in the spirit. Any deviation
observed by them would be brought to the notice of Quality Control Manager for
corrective action. Regular evaluation and assessment by operator's higher authorities of
the reliability programme must be done at frequent intervals to detect the fault in the
system. The
Programme will have to be reflected in the Maintenance System Manual of the operator.
It will clearly indicate the alert values or upper control limit which requires a
maintenance action.
The operators reliability monitoring unit under the Quality Control Manager will
review the various Pilots Reports, premature removed components, investigation
reports, confirmed failures, defects noticed By the AMEs on ground and take
necessary corrective action after establishing the monthly rate in light of the alert
established for the components. After gaining experience and after demonstrating to the
Regional Airworthiness Offices the particular component or item is shifted from one type
of programme to the other.

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The criteria for fixing whether the component would be on Hard Time, On Condition or
Condition Monitoring concept will have to follow the logic decision tree given in the

(ii) To this CAR (MSG 2 Logics). When the operator wishes to change a component from
one type of maintenance to another he will produce necessary statistics to demonstrate
and justify the same. Manufacturers' recommendation would also be a guide in this
regard. The operator will also produce the failure rate removal etc. in graphical form for
the purpose of quick assessment. Whenever alert value exceeds, Q.C.M. would initiate
necessary corrective action
In this connection. However, wherever the failure rate remains below an approved
alert level the operator can adjust the life of component. Alert value will be
established for each operator by taking the mean failure/defect removal rates and
adding to it two or three standard deviations to have a realistic confidence level and


aircraft require regular assessment of their structure which degrades in strength
due to fatigue, corrosion and accidental damages received during the Maintenance.
The operator should have a regular programme for assessing the condition of the
aircraft structure. The operator has to identify the significant structural items
(SSIs) and devise a means of regular inspection of these items. Initially for older
aircraft, manufacturers would issue a document called 'Supplemental Structural
Inspection Documents'. This document contains significant structural terms,
method of inspection and required corrective action. The documents when issued
for an aircraft will be declared mandatory for continued airworthiness of the
aircraft. There should also be a regular corrosion prevention schedule included in the
operators' Maintenance System Manual in respect of the particular aircraft mentioning the
type of inspection and various prevention methods utilized for the purpose. It may be
mentioned that aircraft had been designed and their strength had been assessed without
considering impact of corrosion. Corrosion degrades strength considerably to the extent

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that catastrophic failure may occur. Particular areas such as wing tanks, lavatory galley,
bilge areas, require greater attention. Similarly aircraft used for insecticide spray requires
much greater attention in this regard. MSG 2 Decision logic given in Appendix (II)
equally applies to structure.

11. AIRCRAFT ENGINE ANALYSIS METHOD: The method of determining contents

of the power plants scheduled maintenance Programme is similar to the programme
of other components. The operator has to identify:

A). The system and their significant items.

B). Their functions, failure modes and failure effects.
C). Define Scheduled Maintenance task having potential
D). Maintenance leading to better reliability.
E). Assess the desirability of schedule of those tasks
F). having potential effectiveness.
G). Determine initial sampling threshold.


Premature removal rate and engine instrument monitoring by crew are the methods which
can easily give the condition of the engine operation. Mechanical parameters like engine
oil analysis programme, oil consumption etc. are also methods available for the purpose.


Once the maintenance programme is approved, the same shall be reflected in the
Operator's Quality Control manual. The details of the programme such as inspection
schedule, COSL, special inspection schedules, etc. should be reflected in the Operators
Maintenance System Manual. It shall be the duty of QC Manager to ensure that all
concerned personnel are made familiar with the contents of the manuals and ensure its

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This part of Series 'D' of CAR lays down the procedure which shall be followed by all
operators, including private aircraft operators (and engines overhauling agencies) of
piston engines to ensure continued airworthiness of such engines.

By following the procedure laid down hereunder (in paragraph 5), operators can operate
piston engines up to the 'lives' (*TBO) prescribed by the manufacturers straight away
(subject to such in-service inspection as may be specified by DGCA) and even beyond
provided the calendar period limits (reference
CAR Series 'S' Part II) are not exceeded. However for operating engines beyond
manufacturers laid down (TBOs), prior concurrence of Regional Airworthiness Office
shall be necessary. Policy and procedure of an individual operator
In this regard shall have to be spelt out in operator's Maintenance System Manual.


4.1) ON-CONDITION MAINTENANCE":- means accomplishment of repetitive

(i) Visual inspections or (ii) physical measurement or (iii) 'in situ'/bench/test, etc., to
determine the continued serviceability of the components, on which such maintenance is
performed, without having to dismantle them completely and before such components
fail or reach a critical stage in their operation.

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4.2) "ALERT VALUE":- means maximum deviation from the normal operating limit but
within the allowable operating range, which shall not cause malfunction to an extent
where aircraft safety is in jeopardy.



5.1). Every operator Shall Maintain A CONTINUOUS RECORD OF THE

FOLLOWING ENGINE PARAMETERS (as applicable), in graphical form
(preferable, if feasible) or tabulated form, in respect of each piston engine operated
by him:-

(a) Revolutions per minute (static)

(b) Manifold pressure
(c) Oil pressure
(d) Oil temperature
(e) Oil consumption (average figure computed over a period of operation).
(f) Cylinder head temperature
(g) Cylinder compression figure
(h) Condition of engine oil screen (pressure and suction) with regard to metal/sludge
(i) Condition of spark plug electrodes (for lead fouling, fuel fouling, oil fouling and
unusual wear)
(j) Such other parameters as may be decided by the DGCA

These parameters must be recorded under stabilized conditions during periodical ground
"run up".

5.2) The operators shall require engine overhauling agencies to provide a life record in
the engine log book of all such parts of engine which are having stipulated fatigue lives.
It shall be the responsibility of the overhauling agency to

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mention the fatigue lives of the components in the engine log book. And it shall be the
responsibility of an operator to ensure that an engine is not operated to an extent where
the fatigue lives of components fitted in it are exceeded. It shall also be the responsibility
of an engine overhauling agency to report to Regional/Sub-Regional Airworthiness
Office promptly, in writing, all "life limiting features" observed by it during the overhaul
of an engine/engine accessories.

5.3). The parameters shall be recorded/plotted after every 50 hours or so of engine

operation (the exact period will be decided by an operator in consultation with Regional
Airworthiness Office) and average figure obtained during this period shall be utilized for
the purpose of recording.

5.4). Every parameter shall have an alert value which will be fixed in consultation with
Regional Airworthiness Office. Alert values are for reference only to indicate that
corrective maintenance action is necessitated. Alert values are not acceptance limits.

5.5) Regional/Sub-Regional Airworthiness Offices shall be informed promptly, in writing

by operators whenever alert values are reached or abnormal conditions are observed
along with the corrective maintenance action proposed to be taken.

5.6) All mandatory modifications shall be embodied as stipulated.

5.7) Engine operating limits, as prescribed by the manufacturer/DGCA shall not be


5.8) Maintenance System Manual shall spell out the corrective maintenance action which
shall be taken when alert values are reached or an abnormal condition, is observed.

5.9) Engine accessories, including propellers, may follow maintenance programme

(including fixation of TBOs) independent of the engine. The maintenance programme in
this regard shall also be spelt out in Maintenance System Manual. The consolidated

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maintenance and operational records of such accessories (having lives independent of

engine life) shall be maintained separately in a register or in log cards.

5.10) Engine overhaul records in respect of all but particularly failed engines shall be
preserved at least for 5 years by overhauling agencies, for scrutiny and reference, if

5.11) Officers of Regional/Sub-Regional Airworthiness Offices may, during their spot

checks, inspect the parameter monitoring record of the operators. If operators do not
maintain monitoring records, as stipulated in paragraphs 5.1, or fail to observe
requirements (as applicable to them) of paragraphs 5.2 to 5.9, the In charge,
Regional/Sub-Regional Airworthiness office, may require immediate withdrawal of the
affected engine from service.

Once the life development programme is approved, any communication regarding
premature removal of engine, airframe or engine accessories should be intimated to the
Regional/Sub regional Airworthiness office as per applicable Performa 'A' and 'B'
enclosed herewith.

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1). APPLICABILITY: This part of Series 'D' of the CAR specifies procedure for
maintenance of records of fuel and oil uplift and consumption in respect of light aircraft

2). PROCEDURE: The records of fuel and oil uplift and consumption should be
maintained in a register as per Performa given on the reverse.


The average fuel and oil consumption of engines will be recorded in the engine log
books by an appropriately licensed Maintenance Engineer:-

(i) After the post overhaul test of the engine;

(ii) After the partial/top overhaul or repair of the engine followed by a test run/test
flight, as applicable;
(iii) At periods approved as per the approved maintenance schedules or at every 25
hours, whichever higher.


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1.1) .This part of CAR Series `D' specifies the procedure for -
i) Fixing initial periods of preventive "Maintenance Schedules" and overhaul of
components of aircraft (TBOs); and (ii) Revision of such periods.


2.1) MAINTENANCE: The action or a set of actions including inspection, servicing and
determination of condition required to achieve a desired out-come which restores an
aircraft part,
equipment in serviceable condition.

2.2) HARD TIME: This is a failure preventive process in which deterioration of an item
is limited to an level by the maintenance actions which are carried out at periods related

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to time in service (e.g. calendar time, number of cycles, number of landings). The
prescribed actions normally include servicing and such other actions as overhaul, partial
overhaul, replacement in accordance with instructions in the relevant manuals, so that the
item concerned (e.g. system, component, portions of structure) is either replaced or
restored to such a condition that it can be released for a further specified period.

2.3) ON CONDITION: This is also a failure preventive process but one in which the item
is inspected or tested, at specific periods, to an appropriate standard in order to determine
whether it can continue in service (such an inspection or test may reveal a need for
servicing actions). The fundamental purpose of On-Condition is to remove an item before
its failure in service. It is not a
Philosophy of 'fit' until failure or 'fit and forget it'.

2.4) CONDITION MONITORING: This is a failure preventive process having neither

Hard Time nor On-Condition elements but one in which information on items gained
from operational experience is collected, analyzed and interpreted on a continuing basis
as a means of implementing corrective procedure.

2.5) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE: means the work performed at pre-determined

to maintain an aircraft, aircraft components or aircraft systems in an airworthy condition.


3.1). The basic principle to be followed in fixing initial periods is that the inspection
checks or Maintenance or overhaul is performed at periods well within the proven

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3.2) In determining what the proven "service-life" of an aircraft or any of its

components might be, the following factors will be kept in view:-

1) Areas of operation (whether it is dusty/moist laden/corrosive etc).

2) Engine operating powers, procedures etc. (whether frequent full throttle/T.O.
power utilized for effecting take-offs from short fields).
3) Stage lengths (No. of landings effecting on flight sectors, i.e., short-haul or
4) Other operators service experience of similar equipment.
5) Applicant's own service experience on similar type of equipment.
6) Manufacturers recommendations.
7) Known operational history of the component.
8) Modification status of the component (incorporation of latest service
/modifications issued by manufacturers would mean higher reliability and would
normally deserve fixation of higher life.

3.3) Applications for fixation of initial periods shall be made by operators with
substantiating data to Regional/Sub regional Airworthiness Offices. Such periods shall be
approved by DGCA headquarters on receipt of comments from Regional/Sub-regional
Airworthiness officers in case of
Aircraft operated by Indian Airlines, Air India, Vayudoot and Pawan Hans Ltd. and for
all other operators the Regional Airworthiness Office shall approve the periods.

3.4) Once the proposal is approved, then the maintenance periods (including TBOs) must
be reflected in Maintenance System manual.

3.5) Wherever warranted "Hard Time Periods" (TBOs) and maintenance schedule periods
must be expressed in terms of calendar periods too, besides in terms of operational
hours/number of landings/number of cycles especially in cases of aircraft having low

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3.6) On Condition" maintenance concepts in respect of certain components may be

accepted provided the applicant spells out adequate Insitu/Bench tests, in routine
preventive\ maintenance schedules or separately, to determine continued serviceability of
the components.

3.7) Condition Monitoring components have neither Hard Time nor On Condition
Control standards and are operated to failure. No maintenance task is required to evaluate
life expectancy
Or reliability degradation to replace the item before it fails. Replacement of Condition
Monitored items is an unscheduled maintenance action.

4. REVISION OF INITIAL PERIODS (Planned life development):

4.1) On the consideration of operating economy, operators desire to vary the "service-
lives" of routine maintenance schedules or of components (Hard Time Periods/TBOs).
Mostly on
achieving satisfactory service performance the "revision" sought are upwards but there
are occasions when unsatisfactory performance must automatically prompt operators to
reduce the "service lives". Whereas upward revision (from "initial life" or from "revised
life" ) requires prior approval of DGCA but reducing the life may be effected by an
operator on its own under intimation to Regional/Sub-regional Airworthiness Offices.
Subsequent upward revision of "reduced-lives" must also be done with prior concurrence
of Regional Airworthiness Office.

4.2). A continued satisfactory performance of aircraft and aircraft components as

stated below:

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i) Two consecutive major maintenance schedules (on the same aircraft or on

different aircraft of the same type) reveal satisfactory condition of aircraft structure
and its system and/or

ii) The component premature removal rate is within 0.3/1000 hours continuously for
6 months. entitles an operator to submit proposals for upward revision of
"maintenance periods"/TBOs.

4.3) An operator may submit a programme of life development, comprising of various

stages at which the programme would be sampled, to Regional/Sub-regional
Airworthiness Office.
Considering the operational experience in general and commenting on seriousness of
defects encountered, premature removal rates experienced, and the remedial measures
initiated by the operator, Regional Airworthiness Office may forward such a programme
to DGCA with their recommendations, for acceptance. Sub-regional Airworthiness
Offices shall also send such programmes directly to DGCA with a copy to Regional
Airworthiness Office.

4.4) Once a programme is approved, then Regional Airworthiness Office (not a sub-
Regional Office, who will have to approach Regional Airworthiness Office for the
purpose) may approve,
(subject to satisfactory condition of "samples" and adequate remedial action having been
taken in respect of deficiencies observed, with no life limiting features having been seen
and manufacturers' recommendations having been taken note of) new "service lives" at
various stages (within the approved programme) on its own, under intimation to

4.5). An operator may operate remaining programmed aircraft/ aircraft components to the
next stage of the approved life development programme after submitting the satisfactory
samples" at the previous stage, with the concurrence of Regional Airworthiness Office.

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5). Advance intimation shall be given to the Regional/Sub regional Airworthiness Offices
of the inspection of the "sample" and they may associate with the "inspection" at various
stages of life development programme.

6). Regional/Sub-regional Airworthiness Offices may require an operator to submit

"samples" to bench checking and in case of engines even to flight tests (like climb
performance check) for determining the extent of deterioration, before approving revised
life at any stage.




a) Rule 133B of the Aircraft Rules 1937, lays down the requirements for grant of
to Organization engaged in manufacture, maintenance, modification, repair, inspection,
Processing, testing, Storage and distribution of civil aircraft, aircraft components, items
equipment, aircraft goods and Training School and specifies the standards to be
followed by these organization(s).

b) This CAR stipulates the general requirements, procedures and practices to be

to by organizations seeking DGCA approval for manufacture, maintenance,

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repair, inspection, processing, testing, storage and distribution of civil aircraft,

components, items of equipment, aircraft goods and Training School.

c) An organization, which is located within the territories of India, will be granted

when it is in compliance with this series of the CAR.

d) An organization that is located outside the territories of India will only be granted
approval if DGCA is satisfied that there is a need for such approval to maintain Indian
registered aircraft/ engine/ components for installation on an Indian registered aircraft
and when in compliance with this series of the CAR and AAC 4 of 1998.

The approval to organizations is based on the concept of Delegated system of

responsibility. The approved organization is primarily responsible for adhering to the
airworthiness/safety requirements laid down by DGCA and manufacturer of aircraft
engine and components and for carrying out day-to-day activities in accordance with the
scope of approval granted. The role of DGCA is to carry out airworthiness oversight of
organizations activity with a view to detect any deficiency in the system in adhering to
airworthiness standards and suggest appropriate corrective actions.

This CAR is applicable to all organizations engaged in manufacture, maintenance,
processing, testing, storage and distribution of civil aircraft, aircraft components, items of
equipment, aircraft goods and Training School and specifies the standards to be followed
by these organizations.



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Separate approval in category 'F' is not required for organization approved in any of
the categories of A, B, C and E as this will necessarily form a part of these
For seeking approval in any of the categories the applicant shall comply with the
General requirements of this part of the CAR and shall additionally comply with the
Specific part of this Series E for the category applied for.

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1. Accountable Manager is the manager who has corporate authority for ensuring that
all tasks as per the scope of approval of the approved organization can be financed
and carried out to the standard required by DGCA.

2. Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) means an organization approved by

DGCA in Category C.

3. Approved Organization (AO) means an organization approved by DGCA engaged in

manufacture, maintenance, processing, testing, storage and distribution of civil aircraft,
aircraft components, items of equipment, aircraft goods and Training School.

4. Aircraft Goods mean aircraft components or materials, including paints, dopes,

thinners, fuels lubricants and special petroleum products, intended for use in civil
aircraft and which are required to be produced and certified in conformity with
an approved specification, drawing or process.

5.Certificate of Approval means a document issued to an organization approved by

DGCA and defining the scope of approval granted.

6. Certificate of maintenance is a certificate issued in respect of an aircraft, aircraft

Component/item of equipment by appropriately licensed AME, approved person or
authorized person after carrying out servicing, modification, repairs, replacement,
overhaul, process, treatment, test, operation and inspection, certifying that the work
has been performed in accordance with the Airworthiness Requirements stipulated by

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7.Item of equipment means any self-contained unit which, when attached to or installed
in an aircraft, performs a function essential under certain operating conditions of
airworthiness or safety of the aircraft or its occupants.

8. Psychoactive substances: Alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, sedatives and hypnotic,

Cocaine, other stimulants, hallucinogens, and volatile solvents (coffee and tobacco are

9. Problematic use of substances: The use of one or more psychoactive substances by

aviation personnel in a way that:
a) Constitutes a direct hazard to the user or endangers the life, health or
welfare of others; and/or
b) Causes or worsens an occupational, social, mental or physical problem or

10. Quality control is a management system for programming and coordinating the
ongoing quality and improvement efforts of the various groups in an organization in
accordance with the requirements of DGCA and any specific requirement of the
organization or customer.

11. Quality Control Manual is a document, which describes the operators procedures
and practices in detail, the observance of which will ensure compliance with the
airworthiness and safety requirements of DGCA and the manufacturer of the aircraft,
aircraft component, item of equipment as per the scope of approval granted.

12. Quality assurance is an independent body with an overall authority for the
supervision of quality standards, enabling the standards set by the system of quality
control to be enforced.

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13. Quality assurance Manual is a document detailing the program and procedures to
monitor compliance with and adequacy of procedures as detailed in the Quality Control

14. Release note means a document accompanying the sale of aircraft components,
spares, materials and goods and certifying that the same were obtained from an
approved source, after manufacture/repair/overhaul and all the relevant
airworthiness requirements of the DGCA are satisfied.

15. Rejection note means a document issued by an approved organization for the
purpose of advising details of the rejection of certified aircraft goods, which fail to meet
applicable requirements.



1. SCOPE: This part of the CAR Series 'E' applies to all firms, seeking approval
in category 'A' i.e. to engage in design and/or manufacture of aircraft,
aircraft components or items of equipment


(a) MANUFACTURER: means an organization engaged in the manufacture of

airframes, engines, aircraft components or items of equipment to approved specifications
and drawings.

(b) CERTIFICATE OF MANUFACTURE: means a certificate, issued by duly

authorized person, confirming that the aircraft, aircraft component or item of equipment
mentioned therein has been manufactured according to approved specification and
drawings and is airworthy.

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(c) APPROVED: means drawings and specifications approved by DGCA or already

approved by airworthiness authorities of other countries and acceptable to DGCA.

(d) TYPE CERTIFICATE: means a certificate issued or validated by DGCA to signify

that the design of a type of aircraft, aircraft component or item of equipment, complies
with the applicable design standards specified or approved.

3.1). The firm may be required by DGCA to have a Type Certificate for the manufacture
of any aircraft, aircraft component or item of equipment. For the purpose of issue of Type
Certificate, the firm will be required to furnish to DGCA, such documents or other
evidence relating to the suitability of the aircraft, aircraft component or item of
equipment for aviation purposes as may be required in each case and which may include
the flight test requirements. The firm will provide all facilities for inspection and test as
may be required by DGCA in each case.

3.2) The detailed procedure for issue of Type Certificate will be laid down separately but
in the meantime manufacturer may approach DGCA in individual cases for guidance.


4.1) The firm shall conform to the requirements laid down in CAR Series 'E' Part I, as

4.2) The workshop shall be equipped with such calibration, testing and checking
apparatus as the DGCA may consider necessary, unless the firm arranges for calibration,
testing and checking at a laboratory approved by DGCA.

4.3)The condition of atmosphere is controlled in such a manner s may be necessary

having regard to the class of work performed.

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4.4) design office of the organization shall include specialists in all relevant branches of
aeronautics with experience so as to ensure good judgment. The number and type of
specialists will be consistent with the work load and the variety of work undertaken by
the organization.

4.5)A library shall be provided containing the latest issues of relevant technical
publications, technical data etc.


5.1)The QCM/Dy. QCM will be accorded approval according to the norms laid down in
CAR Series 'E' part I and the functioning of the Quality Control Organization will be on
the same
lines as stated in CAR Series 'E' Part I.

5.2)The approval of the "Approved Personnel" will be granted by regional Airworthiness

Offices. In some cases this authority may be delegated to the QCM, who will then
Personnel on behalf of DGCA.

5.3)A record keeping, acceptable to DGCA and pertaining to incoming Certificates for
raw materials/stocks, tests, calibrations and inspections during various stages of
manufacture and information about Batch numbers, processes, final test reports and
inspection before release shall be maintained by the organization.

5.5) Completed items shall be identified by affixing to the part serial number and/or such
other markings as are required by the approved specification of drawing. The inspection
Stamps of the person responsible for final inspection and acceptance shall also be affixed.
Where this is not practicable a label shall be attached to the item or to the container in
which the items are packed.

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5.6)All modifications/changes to approved drawing/specification will have prior

concurrence of DGCA before the same are implemented.

5.7) The firm will have an approved stores organization and will comply with the
requirements laid down in Part VII of CAR Series 'E'.

5.8) All records of inspections and certifications of completed work shall be retained for
a period of five years from the date of manufacture, unless permission for their
destruction at an earlier date is obtained from the Director General of Civil Aviation in


6.1 The firm will prepare Organisation and Quality Control manuals taking cue from the
CAR Series 'E' Part I. The contents of manuals will be consistent with the scope of
approval of the firm.

6.2 The manuals will also cover such subjects as (1) procedure for raising job cards (2)
chain of inspections during and after fabrication/processing aircraft parts, (3) systems of
sampling and listing such other matters as are applicable to ensure continued efficiency
of the process/methods
employed in manufacture of aircraft/aircraft components or item of equipment, and that
the end products always conforms to the approved specification. Any special precautions
necessary during storage of manufactured items shall be included in the manual and a
procedure for intimating the customers of the same should also be included.

6.3 A manufacturer shall evolve a procedure to obtain information, on regular basis, from
the users of their products, such as aircraft operators, maintenanceorganisations etc.
regarding the Major Defects/Deficiencies/Serious "in-service problems,
observed/experienced by them while using the product. The manufacturers in turn shall

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consolidate this data and investigate and analyze the cause of the defects/deficiencies,
with a view to improving upon the product. The result of their observations shall be
notified promptly to all the users of the product suggesting the corrective
action/improvement in the product, if any, for compliance. The defects and efforts made
to improve the product shall be notified to DGCA promptly. The above procedure shall
be duly stated in the Quality Control Manual of the manufacturer fixing the responsibility
of execution of the procedure.


7.1) After an aircraft/aircraft component/item of equipment has been manufactured the

QCM or an authorized person will issue a "CERTIFICATE of MANUFACTURE", the
Performa of which will
have prior approval of DGCA. Specimen copy of the certificate is given hereunder for

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This part of CAR Series 'E' applies to the firms seeking approval as process organization
and stipulates the special requirements to be complied with by such firms.


(a) PROCESS ORGANIZATION: means an organization engaged in specialized

processes or inspection, such as electro plating, anodic treatment, metal spraying, heat
welding etc. applied to airframe, engines, aircraft component or item of equipment
(b) MAINTENANCE: Maintenance means performance of all work necessary for the
purpose of ensuring that the aircraft is airworthy and safe including servicing of aircraft
and all
modifications, repairs, replacements, overhauls, processes, treatments, tests, operations
and inspections of aircraft, aircraft components and items of equipment required for that


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3.1 The approval of the firm will be governed in accordance with requirements laid down
in CAR Series 'E' Part I as are applicable. The firm shall have suitable workshop
building, such machines/equipments as are considered necessary for the
processes/inspections by the DGCA. Number of persons employed shall be
commensurate with the volume of work.

3.2 The QCM/Deputy. QCM will be accorded approval according to the norms laid down
in CAR Series 'E' Part I and functioning of the Quality Control Organization will be on
the same lines as stated in Series 'E' Part I.

3.3 The approval of the "Approved Personnel" will be done by Regional Airworthiness
Office. In some cases this authority may be delegated to the QCM, who will then approve
personnel on behalf of DGCA.

3.4 The QCM will be responsible to ensure that quality of processed parts is maintained
all along and till the final stage of the process.

3.5 A record keeping system acceptable to DGCA and pertaining to incoming certificates,
test calibrations, specifications and inspection performed during various stages of
processing, batch numbers for identification and inspection before release shall be
maintained by the organization.

3.6 The records shall be such that proper correlation of all work carried out is established
with relevant documents including the following as appropriate:
(i) Customer order
(ii) Material or parts
(iii)Relevant standards/specifications
(iv) Test and inspection record including a record of each identified (i.e. by special
number) component or item of equipment.
(v) Out going Release Note.

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(vi) Receipt of rejection notes from the customer and communication of the same to
Regional Airworthiness office.

3.7 All modifications/changes effecting airworthiness and/or safety of aircraft will have
concurrence of DGCA before the same is implemented. All other minor changes effected
Specifications shall be promptly notified to Regional Airworthiness Office.

3.8 The firm will have an approved stores organization and will comply with the
requirements laid down in Part VII of Series 'E'.

3.9 All records of inspection and certifications of completed work shall be retained for a
period of five years from the date of inspection/processing unless permission for their
destruction at an earlier date is obtained from the Director General of Civil Aviation, in


4.1 The firm will prepare Organization and Quality control Manual taking cue from the
CAR Series 'E' Part I. The contents of Manual will be consistent with the scope of
approval of the firm.

4.2 The firm will also indicate in the Quality Control Manual, the scope of processes,
facilities available together with information on essential inspection/tests required to
ensure the airworthiness of the parts/components after they have been processed.

4.3 The Manual/Manuals will also contain the procedure adopted for controlling all
matters directly affecting compliance with standards/specification and other technical
matters which may affect airworthiness from "receipt" to "dispatch" of processed

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parts/materials, and any further matters which DGCA may decide as a result of his
representative's initial visit/assessment or subsequent inspection reports.


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6.1 After aircraft component or item of equipment has been processed, the QCM or
approved person will issue a Certificate of Maintenance the contents of which will have
prior approval of DGCA. Specimen copy of the certificate is given here under for

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1. SCOPE :This part of CAR lays down requirements for seeking approval in
Category 'C' as referred to in CAR Series 'E' Part I, on maintenance of aircraft,
aircraft components and items of equipment.


(a) CERTIFICATE OF FLIGHT RELEASE : A certificate issued in respect of a

complete aircraft by appropriately licensed AME, approved or authorised persons
certifying that the aircraft has been inspected as per approved schedule and is airworthy
in all respects and is safe forflight for the period specified in the Certificate.

(b) CERTIFICATE OF MAINTENANCE : A certificate issued in respect of an

aircraft/aircraft component/item of equipment by appropriately licensed AME/approved
person or authorised person after carrying out servicing modification, repairs,
replacement, overhaul, process treatments, tests, operations, and inspections certifying
that the work has been performed in accordance with the airworthiness requirements
stipulated by DGCA
(c) MAINTENANCE: The performance of tasks required to ensure the continuing
airworthiness of an aircraft including any one or combination of overhaul, inspection,
replacement, defect rectification, and the embodiment of a modification or repair.


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All owners/operators/organizations engaged in Maintenance of Aircraft, Aircraft

Component or
Item of Equipment shall be approved in Category C before undertaking any maintenance

4. REQUIREMENT OF APPROVAL: All organizations while operating under approved

maintenance system shall comply with the requirements enunciated in Series 'E' Part I.

4.1 Any other organization seeking approval to operate under an approved maintenance
system or when so directed by DGCA will be granted approval, subject to the following:

(i) The principle of approval for the firm will be the same as given in Series 'E' Part I.
(ii) The organization will have suitable workshop buildings, both in layout and
(iii) The workshop shall have necessary machines, jigs, gauges, tools, etc. and other
equipment as the DGCA may direct, commensurate with the scope of approval.
(iv) The number of skilled staff employed shall be sufficient to ensure high standard of
workmanship at all times.
(v) The firm will have an approved stores system details of which are given in series
'E'Part VII.
(vi) The firm will have the latest copies of aircraft rules and relevant Civil Airworthiness
Requirements and such other manufacturers' manuals and other technical literature
as are applicable to their scope of work.


5.1 The organization shall be so constituted that the quality of work performed is
at a standard acceptable to DGCA.
5.2 The QCM approved by DGCA shall be responsible for efficient operation of the
approved organization.

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5.3 All work performed by the organization shall be supervised and certified by
Appropriately licensed AMEs approved or authorised persons. The inspectors, required to
be approved shall be approved by Regional Airworthiness Offices.

5.4 Log Book entry shall be made recording the details of work performed including
overhauls, modifications, repairs, inspections etc.

5.5 A record of work performed shall be maintained by the organization for a minimum
period of five years
5.6 All defects reported during operation or maintenance shall be investigated and
recorded. The defects will be reported to the Regional Airworthiness Offices, as
required by the relevant CAR.

5.7 The QCM responsible for operation of approval will report promptly to the
Regional Airworthiness Office of any change in licensed maintenance Engineering staff
or of authorised or approved personnel.


The firm will prepare manuals the guiding principles of which have been given in CAR
Series E Part I. The contents of the manuals would be consistent with the scope of


6.1 All work performed on an aircraft, aircraft component, item or equipment would be
certified in the relevant log book by the issue of Certificate of Maintenance.
Aircraft/aircraft component of equipment serviced/ inspected/ modified/ overhauled or
repaired by the firm and released to other operators/ persons shall be accompanied by a
Release Note duly certified by authorised person/release note signatory. The procedure
for release of parts has been detailed in CAR Series 'E' Part VII.

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All work performed shall be certified by appropriately licensed AME or
approved/authorised persons as stated in approved Quality Control Manual.


7.1 The Certificate of Maintenance: Form of certificate of Maintenance shall be

approved by DGCA, specimen copy of which is given below for guidance:

7.2 Type and manner of certification required for release of aircraft for operation
purposes (before flight) is covered under separate CAR Series 'F' Part III. All operators
shall have to comply with the requirements laid therein.


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DGCA representative will have, at all reasonable time, the right to check maintenance
schedule/inspection records, inspect aircraft, and item of Equipment undergoing
maintenance work to ensure that stipulated requirements as detailed in Quality Control
Manual/Civil Airworthiness Requirements are being complied with.



1. SCOPE: This part of the series 'E' of Civil Airworthiness Requirements is applicable
to organizations engaged in carrying out chemical analysis, physical tests and
metallurgical examinations, calibration of instruments of master gauges and of tools as
applied to the activities of Civil Aviation.

1.1 Approval of organization in this category authorizes the firm to provide reports and
certify that the tests/examination carried out have been made according to the
requirements of the DGCA.


APPROVED: means drawings and specifications approved by DGCA or already

approved by Airworthiness authorities of other countries and acceptable to DGCA.

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3.1 The firm will have to conform to requirements laid down in CAR Series 'E' Part I, as
applicable, regarding the workshop facility, tools/machinery, jigs, personnel, approval of
Quality Control Manager and the functioning of Quality Control Organization etc.

3.2 The laboratory section should be equipped with such test machines and apparatus as
the Director General of Civil Aviation may consider necessary. The laboratory equipment
should be periodically checked for accuracy to the satisfaction of the Director General of
Civil Aviation.

3.3 The testing, analysis and examination equipment should be housed in a satisfactory
manner. The meteorology section should have a controlled atmosphere.


4.1 The Quality Control Organization will be accorded approval according to the norms
laid down in CAR Series 'E' Part I and its functioning will be on the same lines as stated
this part
4.2 The persons, required to be approved, shall be approved by Regional Airworthiness
Offices. In some cases this authority may be delegated to QCM, who will then approve
such personal
on behalf of DGCA.

4.3 The QCM will be responsible for standard and quality of tests, analysis and will
ensure that at all times the product is tested to specifications.

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4.4 A record system acceptable to DGCA and pertaining to Incoming Certificate for raw
materials/store, tests, calibrations and inspection of specifications during various stages
processes/ final test and inspection before release shall be maintained by the organization.

4.5 All modifications or changes affecting airworthiness and/or safety of aircraft shall
have prior concurrence of DGCA before the same are implemented. All other changes
should be notified to the DGCA promptly.

4.6 All records of inspections and certifications of completed work shall be retained for a
period of five years unless permission for their destruction at an earlier date is obtained in
writing from Director General of Civil Aviation.

4.7 The firm will have an appropriate stores procedure which will ensure that only
materials of high quality are used during chemical analysis and test.


5.1 The firm will prepare organization and Quality Control Manual taking cue from the
CAR Series 'E' Part - I. The contents of the Manual will be consistent with the scope of
approval of the firm.

5.2 The manual will also cover such subjects as procedures for conducting

5.3 The firm may be directed by DGCA to incorporate any other material in their
manuals as may become necessary after the initial assessment of the firm or subsequent
to supervisory visits.


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6.1 After completion of Test/Analysis according to approved specifications/procedure

etc. the QCM will issue the Test reports the format of which shall have prior approval of
DGCA. Specimen copy of certificate is given hereunder for guidance.

6.2 The test report signed by the QCM will accompany the aircraft parts/item of
equipments, material for use by the outside party. In case at any time the outside party
returns parts which do not conform to specification/ requirements, the QCM will
immediately inform the Regional
Airworthiness Office of the full details.


7.1) DGCA representative will have, at all reasonable time, the right to check
drawings/documents, witness tests etc.



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1. SCOPE: This part of the CAR Series 'E' specifies the requirements for the
organizations engaged in blending, storage, distribution of fuel in bulk, lubricants
and special petroleum products.


2.1 BATCH NUMBER: means the identification number allotted to a quantity of aviation
fuel, lubricant or special petroleum product which is considered as one lot for sampling
and testing for compliance with the relevant specification.


organization approved to engage in the compounding, blending and distribution of
aviation fuels, lubricants or special petroleum products, including the
"fuelling/defuelling" of aircraft.

2.3 SPECIAL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS: means those fluids and compounds

manufactured/prepared to approve specification for use in aircraft.

2.4 PETROLEUM IN BULK: means petroleum contained in receptacle exceeding 900

liters in capacity.


3.1 The firm will comply generally with the requirements laid down in CAR Series 'E'
Part I as applicable.

3.2 The organization shall have adequate storage and distribution facilities, fuelling
installations and mobile fuelling equipment to maintain the quality, identification
and freedom from contamination of aviation fuels, lubricants and special petroleum

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3.3 The firm will get their bulk storage tanks or bulk mobile equipment approved
by Chief Inspector of Explosives.

3.4 The testing laboratory of the firm will be approved by DGCA for testing the
organizations products or products from any other source to approved
specification to ensure that the products when being issued for aviation industry
meets the relevant specifications. Proper records to the satisfaction of DGCA shall
be maintained in this regard.


4.1 A person nominated by organization and acceptable to DGCA shall be

responsible for administering and controlling the quality control activities
established by the organization.
The approval of the Quality Control Manager and Deputy Quality Control
Manager or any other person will be subject to the same conditions as are laid down
in CAR Series 'E' Part I.
The responsibility and functions of the Quality Control Organization headed by Quality
Control Manager will be in line with the general principles laid down in CAR Series 'E'
Part I.

4.2 Aviation fuels, water methanol mixture, special petroleum products and engine
lubricating oils consigned for storage prior to loading into the organizations
fuelling equipment shall be certified on approved Release Notes quoting the batch
number, test report number and specification.

4.3 The organization shall issue a voucher to the customer with each consignment of
aviation fuel, methanol mixture, special petroleum products and engine lubricating
oil delivered by it into an aircraft in order to certify the quality of the product.

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4.4 Formats of the proposed Release Note and sale vouchers shall be submitted by
the organization to the DGCA for approval.

4.5 Vouchers shall be serially numbered and shall quote the batch number,
specification details and quantity delivered. They shall be prepared in duplicate, the
original to be delivered to the consignee, and a copy to be retained by the supply

4.6 Vouchers shall be signed by the person authorized within the organization for
the satisfactory delivery of the goods.

4.7 Release Notes (Serially numbered) shall be signed by suitable persons nominated
by the organization and approved by the Director General of Civil Aviation.

4.8 Essential records will be maintained for a minimum period of two years unless
permission for their destruction at an earlier date is obtained from Director General
of Civil Aviation in writing.

5.1 The firm shall prepare Quality Control Manual taking cue from CAR Series 'E' Part-I.

5.2 The organization shall establish a system of quality control to ensure that the quality
of aviation fuels, lubricants and special petroleum products is maintained, right from the
stage it is taken over from the main supplier (like refinery) till it is delivered to the
customer, in conformity with the relevant specification. The system shall be documented
in the Quality Control Manual issued under the authority of the organization and will
require approval by Director General Civil Aviation.

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5.3 The Quality Control Manual shall also specify the organization system and
procedures covering the following points:

(1) Duties and responsibilities of various categories of quality control staff along with
their qualifications (key personnel will be stated by name).

(2) List of various aviation products which are intended to be stored and dispensed
together with their relevant specifications.

(3) List of stations which will be dispensing the aviation products together with the type
of products they are equipped to handle.

(4) Procedure for receipt and testing of the overseas shipment and the method of

(5) Procedure for receipt/storage and delivery of the products from their main source
which would also indicate the batch number and any other identification.

(6) Procedure for release of product from the main installation to the sub-installation and

(7) Inspection and cleaning procedures of the storage tanks, refueling equipment and
hydrant system, if in use. The procedure should specify the frequency and the detailed
procedure by which the cleanliness shall be ensured.

(8) Cleaning procedure in relation to tanks which deliver the goods to the depots and
those at the refueling stations.

(9) Procedure for dealing with products which have been found not conforming to the

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(10) Refueling and defuelling procedure at the main depot and on the aircraft and also the
procedure for handling "defueled" fuel, found "off" specification.

(11) Storage period of all products to be specified both when they are in bulk storage or
when they are in packed stocks along with their handling procedure.

(12) Safety precautions to be observed at various stages of handling aviation products.

(13) Records of the test carried out at various stages of the products shall be so
maintained so as to co-relate at all times with the batch numbers, the specifications to
which it has been tested, and the person who has certified the test.

(14) Requirements regarding the specification of the container in which the aviation
products are stored shall be spelt out in detail together with method of ensuring its
compliance with the specification.

(15) Details of various test that are required for ensuring the quality, both for bulk and
packed stocks, shall be spelt out along with the frequency at which tests are required.

(16) The procedure for issue and signing of test reports shall be spelt out in the manual
for the guidance of the personnel concerned.

(17) Procedure of batch numbering the products and code identification of the products.

(18) Procedure for issue and signing of the release note and the vouchers for delivery of
the products.

5.4 The system of batch numbering shall be such that the origin of each batch remains
identified at all times.

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6.1 The firm will provide all facilities to Director General of Civil Aviation
representative to carry out quality control check on their products. For this purpose the
DGCA representative will have the right to draw free samples and check its records in
relation to the products or to check generally the working of the quality control
organization to ensure that the products conform to the specifications laid down and the
procedures are being followed.



This part of the CAR Series 'E' is applicable to organizations engaged in storing and
distribution of aircraft components, items of equipment, spares and materials or goods
used in aircraft industry.


2.1 DISTRIBUTOR: means an organization approved to engage itself in the sale of

aircraft components, spares, materials or goods which have been obtained in bulk, from
the manufacturers or suppliers approved in the country of manufacture, under incoming
Release Notes or equivalent certification documents.

2.2 RELEASE NOTE: means a document accompanying the sale of aircraft components,
spares, materials and goods and certifying that the same were obtained from an approved
source, after manufacture/repair/overhaul and all the relevant airworthiness requirements
of the Director General of Civil Aviation are satisfied.

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2.3 RELEASE NOTE SIGNATORIES: means persons approved by DGCA to issue

release note.

2.4 BONDED STORES: means stores where materials, bearing evidence of having been
received from approved sources, are stocked.

2.5 QUARANTINE STORES: means stores where airworthy and serviceable material,
awaiting evidence of having been received from approved sources, are stocked.


3.1 The firm shall have to conform to the requirements laid down in CAR Series 'E' Part-
I, as applicable, regarding space, accommodation, storage of goods, approval of Quality
Control Manager and other Release Note Signatories, production of Quality Control
Manual and the functioning of the Quality Control Organization under Quality Control

3.2 Separate stores will be maintained for inflammable goods.


4.1 The person nominated by the firm as Quality Control Manager and approved by
Director General of Civil Aviation will be responsible to ensure proper compliance of the
Airworthiness requirements.

4.2 In addition to Quality Control Manager the firm may also seek approval for persons
authorized to issue release notes who will be designated as 'Release Note Signatories'.
The approval of Quality Control manager and Release Note Signatories by Director

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General of Civil Aviation will be in accordance with the guidance provided in CAR
Series 'E' Part I.

4.3 Provision shall be made for segregating aircraft goods from all other goods and for
correctly identifying aircraft goods and protecting them against deterioration and
contamination, during storage, handling etc.

4.4 The Quality Control Manager/Release Note Signatory will personally ensure that
goods released to customers have not deteriorated during storage or are otherwise

4.5 Adequate quarantine and bonded stores shall be provided to store aircraft parts and
material satisfactorily.

4.6 No aircraft goods shall be held in the bonded store for distribution unless they are
received under cover of incoming Release Note or, in the case of imported goods, by an
equivalent certification document, issued with the approval of the Civil Aviation
authority of the country of
origin, certifying that the goods comply with the aircraft specifications, drawings or
process quoted therein and acceptable to Director General of Civil Aviation.

4.7 Different consignments of the same article, received under separate release
documents, shall be so stocked as to make it possible to identify them later with the
related release documents. This co- relation will be helpful in segregating the stocks,
pertaining to a particular batch, if found
unairworthy at any time.

4.8 Proper stock register shall be maintained in order to tally at all times the existing
stock and the sales effected against the procured quantity.

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4.9 Materials returned by the customer shall not be mixed with the stocks held in the
bonded stores, unless the reasons for the returning of the materials is known and further
more it is established that the materials are airworthy.

4.10 In case materials are returned by a customer on account of the same being
unairworthy then this fact must be made known to the Regional Airworthiness Office. It
shall be necessary to obtain the permission of the Regional Airworthiness Office for the
disposal of the material unless such material is promptly dispatched to the original
supplier under the terms of warranty etc.

4.11 Incoming Release Notes or other equivalent documents shall be preserved at least
for ten years from the date of the last item covered by it is distributed, and filed so that
they can readily be correlated with the aircraft parts and materials held in stock or
distributed to the customers.

4.12 Release Notes for outgoing aircraft parts and materials shall be issued in a serial
order and shall be preserved at least for ten years.


5.1 The firm will prepare Quality Control Manual taking cue from CAR Series 'E' Part I.
the contents of the manual will be consistent with the scope of approval and shall
stipulate requirements/ instructions right from the stage of receipt of materials from main
supplier, handling at the distributor's premises, till the supply of materials to the

5.2 The manual will also cover such subjects as storage of rubber goods, storage of
inflammable materials, precautions required for prevention of deterioration of aircraft
goods in storage. In case any item is required to be stored in controlled atmosphere
details regarding the same should also
be included in the Quality Control Manual.

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6.1 The aircraft goods when consigned by an approved distributor shall be accompanied
by a release note signed by a release note signatory.

6.2 Release Notes issued by an approved distributor in regard to aircraft goods procured
under cover of an incoming certification document shall contain:

(a) A cross reference to the incoming certification document;

(b) Details of mandatory modification and inspection requirements of the DGCA which
the incoming Release Note specifies that the goods comply; and
(c) Details from the incoming certification of any deviations from the approved design

7. RELEASE NOTE/REJECTION NOTE**: The format of release note/rejection note

issued by the firm shall have prior approval of Director General of Civil Aviation.

8. The procedure for issue of Release Note/Rejection note is given in paragraph 14 of

CAR Series 'E' Part I.

9. Director General of Civil Aviation representative shall have, at all reasonable time,
right to check documents, stores etc. to ensure compliance with the requirements.

**A specimen copy of release note/rejection note is given below for guidance.

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(1.1) This part of CAR applies to the approval of Training Schools/Establishments

which are engaged in imparting ab-initio training to individuals in the field of
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering for obtaining Basic license in Categories - Light
Airplanes (LA), Heavy Airplanes (HA), Rotary Wing Aircraft (RA), Piston Engine
(PE), Jet Engine (JE), Electrical System (ES), Instrument System (IS), Radio
Navigation System (RN) and Avionics System (AV).

(1.2) Rule 61 stipulates that for grant of AME license, applicants who have passed a
course from DGCA approved institute will be granted one year relaxation in the total
aeronautical maintenance experience registered. It is therefore necessary that the
approved institutes provide a high standard of training to their students. This part of the
CAR prescribes the minimum requirements required for grant of DGCA approval
for starting an AME training institute and the continuity of the approval.

(1.3) The period of training in the approved schools will be counted as maintenance
experience for the purpose of computing total aeronautical experience to become
eligible for appearing in the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) license
examination and endorsement of specific rating on the license.

The training course in the field of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering is designed to
give the students the following essentials: to enable to pass the AME license
examination conducted by DGCA.

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(i) Knowledge of Aircraft Manual (India), Civil Aviation Requirements,

Airworthiness Advisory Circulars etc.
(ii) Theoretical and practical technical knowledge of maintenance various
components aircraft materials used in construction of Airframe, engine and
(iii) Knowledge of workshop practices and skill in the use of various equipments and
tools used in Aircraft maintenance;
(iv) Familiarization with the design, construction maintenance and operation of
aircraft and associated equipments,
(v) Inspection ability - the necessary judgment and sense of responsibility required
to assess the airworthiness of aircraft and its equipment.


(3.1) The application on Form ** (CA-182) along with its enclosures as detailed in
Appendix I for approval of the institute should be submitted to local airworthiness
office. The application should include a Training Manual" and a certificate that
the institute meets all the requirements laid down by DGCA in this CAR.

(3.2) On receipt of application, the institute will be inspected by representatives of

concerned Regional Director of Airworthiness office and DGCA.


The institute shall comply with the following requirements before approval is granted.
Part approval, semester wise approval or provisional approval shall not be granted.

4.1) A report on the compliance of the CAR shall be submitted to the local airworthiness


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(A)The institute will nominate a suitable person as "Chief Instructor", who will be
examined for approval by a duly constituted board, the Chairman of which shall be
an officer not below the rank of Controller of Airworthiness.
(B)The Chief Instructor shall be assisted by adequate number of qualified and
experienced Instructors for imparting both theoretical and practical training to the
students. The Chief Instructor will approve these Instructors. The DGCA may also
require approval of other persons who are engaged in imparting workshop training.


The Chief Instructor shall have the following minimum qualifications:

(a) Basic license (BAMEC) in a Category related to the scope of the approval. An AME
license is desirable, or Degree in Engineering or equivalent qualification in the field of
Aeronautical/ Mechanical/Electrical/ Electronics/ Instruments engineering. He should
also have passed Paper I of AME license examination.
(b) Ten years practical experience in aviation industry out of which a minimum three
years in the actual maintenance of aircraft or instruction or equivalent. INSTRUCTORS
The Instructors should be duly qualified to undertake the instruction in the subjects
allotted to them. The organization should have balanced staff of persons suitably
qualified in all subjects listed in the syllabi. The instructors should have an aptitude for
teaching and should be patient, enthusiastic and be able to keep discipline. The
instructors should preferably be Aircraft Maintenance Engineers.
The instructors should have the following minimum qualifications:
(a) Degree in Engineering in Aeronautical/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/
Instruments engineering, or Diploma in any of the above disciplines, or Bachelor of
Science with Physics, Chemistry and Maths Or Basic license (BAMEC) in any category.

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(b) Five years practical/instructional experience in aviation industry or equivalent in the

appropriate field.

Note: Instructors assigned to teach rules and regulation should have passed Paper I
of AME license examination.
4.2.2 The overall ratio of whole-time instructors to students shall not be less than about 1
to 30 in school. In general, a training school requires at least two instructors for each
range of subjects to ensure continuity of program in the event one instructor being absent.
When circumstances permit the program can be made more interesting by having
additional guest lecturers.


(g)COMPUTER INSTRUCTOR - 1 (either part time or on regular basis or any of the
other instructors having adequate knowledge on computers)


4.3.1 The Chief Instructor shall be responsible to DGCA for the conduct of training in
accordance with the scope of training of the institute and to ensure that standards of
training are maintained and the conditions of approval are observed.

4.3.2 He shall ensure that appropriately qualified instructors are available in adequate
number to cover specific disciplines i.e. airframe, engines, electrical, instrument and
radio systems and for various workshops commensurate with the scope of approval of the

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4.3.3 He shall ensure that each student admitted for the course possesses minimum
qualifications and qualifies the criteria for admission as stipulated in the approved
training manual. The medical standards of the students as required by an AME shall be

4.3.4 He shall ensure that the aircraft, engines, items of equipment, mockups and other
training aids are kept in clean and serviceable condition for demonstration as part of the
practical training.

4.3.5 He shall ensure that adequate quantities of reference books are available in the
institute library. In addition, he shall ensure that each student is in possession of Aircraft
Manual (India), Civil Aviation Requirements and other instructions and amendments
thereof, issued by DGCA from time to time. The Chief Instructor shall also ensure that
class room notes are prepared and issued to all students on various subjects.

4.3.6 He shall ensure that a high standard of instruction and examination is maintained.

4.3.7 He shall be responsible for setting up question papers, conducting examinations,

checking of papers, etc. and to conduct examinations of various semesters in a fair

4.3.8 He shall ensure that records of proper attendance of each student are maintained.

4.3.9 He shall ensure that a system exists whereby the institute shall maintain a
permanent record of all students admitted to the course and their progression through the
various semesters of the course.

4.3.10 He shall be responsible for submitting reports on intakes and results of semester
examinations to the local airworthiness Office.

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4.3.11 He shall ensure that all eligible candidates appear in Paper I, II and III of DGCA
license examination, as applicable and shall forward their application to the CEO(Chief
examination Officer).

4.3.12 He shall maintain record of candidate's results of DGCA license examination and
submit reports to the local Airworthiness office after each session.

4.3.13 He shall take steps to monitor performance of students during their practical
training attachments with various organizations and ensure that the students maintain
daily logbooks during this period.

4.3.14 He shall ensure that security clearance of foreign students is duly obtained through
DGCA before admitting them for the course.

4.3.15 He shall ensure that due facilities are provided to DGCA officers for inspection of
facilities and records of the institute.


4.4.1 Adequate number of Class rooms for theoretical classes shall be available. The
Class rooms shall be properly lighted, well ventilated, furnished and free from noise. The
size of the rooms shall be appropriate for the number of students expected to be taught at
any time.

4.4.2 In the interest of maintaining high instructional standards and for the sake of
establishing proper rapport between the students and the teacher, the number of students
in a batch or class shall not exceed 30.

4.4.3 In one academic year, not more than two fresh batches of not more than 30 and not
less than 10 students shall be taken.

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4.4.4 Institutes preparing candidates for issue of Basic licenses in Light airplanes (LA)
and Piston engines (PE) should have at least one airplane complete with engine,
instruments, landing gear etc. The airplane need not have C of A but should be complete
and in running condition for imparting practical training. In addition, the institutes should
have system lay outs/mock ups with aircraft components (not necessarily serviceable),
sectioned components, components in disassembled conditions, functional diagrams, see
through models etc. and locally fabricated test rigs etc., as required.

4.4.5 For grant of approval to institutes preparing candidates for issue of Basic License in
categories other than LA and PE, the applicant may make arrangements with other
agencies for practical demonstration of the complete aircraft/engines/relevant systems.
The institute however should have system mock-ups, aircraft components (not
necessarily serviceable), sectioned components, disassembled components, functional
diagrams, see-through models etc. and
locally fabricated test rigs etc., as required.

4.4.6 The institute shall have a library having a stock of books commensurate (match)
with the number of students. Two sets of books should be procured by the institute: books
to be loaned to students as course text books and books to be held in the library for
reference and short term loans. The library should have the books recommended by CEO
for various papers of the AME license examination. The list of books recommended for
the training school is given in
Appendix 'IV'.

4.4.7 It is desirable that the institute should have computers and a microfilm reader for
use by the trainees.

4.4.8 Sufficient training aids, demonstration equipment and study material should be
available to facilitate complete comprehension of the instruction given. The detailed
requirements are giving in Appendix 'II'.

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For completion of the course, six months On the Job Training (OJT) shall be mandatory.
For imparting practical training on aircraft maintenance to the trainees, facilities
acceptable to DGCA must exist. The school shall make suitable arrangements with
DGCA approved maintenance organization having an airworthy aircraft/engine/relevant
system engaged in major maintenance for practical on the job training at the end of the
course. However, maintenance schedules carried out on the aircraft possessed by the
institutes, which may not have valid C of A but having all systems operational is also
acceptable for on job training.


The institute will prepare a Training Manual detailing the training policy and procedures
which shall be approved by DGCA. The Training Manual should contain the information
given in Appendix 'III' for reference.


5.1 For AME training course, the candidates shall have passed 10+2 class with aggregate
of 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or three years diploma with 50%
marks in any branch of engineering is also eligible for admission. However, institutes are
encouraged to lay
down their own higher standards for admission.

5.2 The trainees shall be subjected to a medical examination before they are admitted to
the training institute by a doctor possessing at least an MBBS degree.


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6.1 The period of training in the approved institute will be counted for the purpose of
computing total aeronautical engineering experience required for becoming eligible for
appearing in the AME Examination.

6.2 The duration of the training shall be 3 years divided into six semesters of 6 months
each. The initial 5 semesters shall contain both theoretical and practical classes in equal
proportion. The last
Semester shall be exclusively practical oriented and conducted in an approved
maintenance organization carrying out major maintenance of aircraft/engine etc. During
the entire period of training, each student shall maintain a log book indicating the
practical training he has undergone during training. The log book shall be signed by an
instructor of the institute or the QCM of the organization where he has undergone the
practical training.

6.3 The courses should preferably be started in the months of January and July.

6.4 During any semester the practical training shall not be normally less than 50% of total
training time. Any variation in period or scope of training will have prior approval of


7.1.1 After completing each semester the candidate shall be subjected to an examination.
Before a candidate is allowed to appear for the examination, he should have been present
for at least 80% of the training period. The examination shall be conducted semester-wise
every six months.

7.1.2 Examinations papers shall be set, invigilated and checked by competent examiners
designated by the Chief Instructor. Examinations shall be held at the end of each
course/phase or each section of the course.

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7.1.3 The examination papers shall be combination of quiz type and essay type questions.

7.1.4 Candidates who are successful in the semester examination shall be issued with a
mark sheet by the school giving details of the marks obtained in each subject. After
successful completion of the course, the school shall award a Certificate approved by

7.1.5 The DGCA representative may at his discretion associate with the examination to
ensure that the standard of questions and fair examination practices are followed.

7.1.6 To be declared successful in the course, the candidates must obtain a minimum 70%
in each paper.

7.1.7 Candidates failing in one semester may be allowed to reappear along with the next
semester examination. However, the candidate shall not be admitted to 3rd semester
without passing 1st semester. Similarly, he will not be admitted to the 4th and 5th
semester without passing the 2nd and 3rd semester respectively.
7.1.8 The syllabus for various semesters of the Basic license course is published in the
form of an Airworthiness Advisory Circular.




7.2.1 The students who have completed one year of approved training curriculum
shall be allowed to appear in Paper I (Rules and Regulations) of AME license
examination provided he has passed 1st and 2nd semester examinations.

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7.2.2 The students who have completed two years of approved training curriculum
shall be allowed to appear in Paper II (General Engineering Practices) of AME
license examination provided he has passed 4th semester examination.

7.2.3 The students will be allowed to appear in Paper III of AME license
examination after completing two and a half years of the course curriculum.

7.2.4 The applications of the students appearing in the DGCA license examinations
shall be forwarded by the Chief Instructor.


8.1 Facilities, training and examination standards shall be maintained at standards not
lower than those originally approved.

8.2 Official notices, technical circulars and literature and other requirements shall be
circulated by the training organization to the instructional staff as soon after receipt as
practicable, and all superseded publications shall be withdrawn by the organization.



(a) The name and address of all trainees attending courses.

(b) Progress records in respect of all students attending Basic license course or type

(c) The commencement and conclusion dates of all courses run and copies of the syllabus
approved at the time.

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(d) Examination results of all courses run.

8.4 Question and answer papers of each semester shall be preserved for a period of two
years from the date of final examination.

8.5 Prior written permission shall be obtained from the Director General of Civil Aviation
in respect of any material changes in the organization
8.6 Facilities shall be afforded to the representatives of DGCA to inspect the institute or
attend any course for the purpose of monitoring the standard of training. A minimum of
two weeks prior information shall be given to the Director General of Civil Aviation
whenever new courses are started or existing approved courses are modified. DGCA may
require any amendment to the content or duration of course.

8.7 The schools which consistently show poor results in terms of number of candidates
passing in the DGCA license examination shall not be allowed to intake fresh batches of
students until the percentage of their candidates passing the DGCA license examination


9.1 Upon satisfactory compliance with the requirements given in this CAR and any other
instructions issued by DGCA from time to time, a Certificate of Approval will be issued
to the institute. Normally the validity of approval granted to the institute will be for one
calendar year. The certificate should be displayed at prominent place and a copy kept in
the training manual.

9.2 The approval granted to an institute shall be deemed to be suspended if, at any time,
the institute does not meet the requirements stipulated above. In such case, the institute
should immediately intimate the local airworthiness office and submit an action plan to
ensure compliance

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with the requirements.

9.3 The certificate shall be surrendered when the institute is no longer approved.

9.4 The institute shall carry out an internal audit of their facilities and submit a report to
local airworthiness office at least two months before the expiry of the approval. The local
airworthiness office shall also conduct an inspection of the facilities of the institute to
ensure compliance with this CAR before effecting renewal of the approval.





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This series specifies the requirements to be complied for stations other than parent base
by operators engaged in Commercial Air Transport operations. Each Commercial Air
Transport Operator must show that competent personnel and adequate facilities and
equipment including spare parts are available at stations other than the parent base as are
necessary for the proper servicing and maintenance of aircraft and the equipment
installed thereon.

This CAR applies to Operators engaged in Commercial Air Transport operations and
approved in Category 'C' in accordance with CAR Section 2 Series 'E' Part I and Part IV,
for maintenance of aircraft.


3.1 PARENT BASE/ MAIN BASE: The station where the type aircraft is based and
which is equipped to undertake its maintenance including overhaul, repair and

3.2 TRANSIT/ LINE STATIONS: Any station other than the main base through which
the aircraft operates and which normally is equipped to undertake transit checks and
rectification of minor defects.

3.3 NIGHT HALT STATIONS: Any station other than the main base which is designated
by the operator as a base for originating flights and which normally is equipped to
undertake lay over checks/night halt checks and rectification of minor defects

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The Operators engaged in Commercial Air Transport operations while operating under
approved maintenance system shall comply with the requirements enunciated in CAR
Section 2 Series 'E' Part I and Part IV. Additionally, for setting up of station(s) other than
the parent base the operator must have competent personnel and the equipment and
materials necessary to efficiently perform
the checks/schedules at these stations.
As a guideline, the operator shall ensure at least the following requirements are
complied with, at stations other than parent/ main base:
4.1 Night Halt Stations
4.1.1 The station shall have suitable buildings/ hangar/ space.
4.1.2 Appropriately licensed AME with adequately skilled staff shall be available.
4.1.3 The station shall be equipped with :

(a) Necessary tools/ special tools to carry out appropriate checks/ schedules.
(b) Wheel change equipment including spare tyres, T.P. Gage, tyre changing facilities.
(c) Ground power unit/ jet starter/ battery cart including battery charger.
(d) Trestles (a braced beam for serving as a support)
(e) Appropriate aircraft spares commensurate with the checks/schedules to be undertaken.

4.1.4) The following updated documents shall be available for reference and use:

(a) Maintenance Manual

(b) Trouble Shooting Charts
(c) List of Circulars issued by Quality Control Department.
(d) Set of Schedules including Special inspection schedule.
(e) Working copies of log book.
(f) Copy of Minimum Equipment List (MEL).
(g) Updated copy of the Quality Control Manual.

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(h) Set of Civil Aviation Requirements


4.2.1 Appropriately qualified AME/ authorized person with adequately skilled staff to
carry out the inspection.

4.2.2 The station shall be equipped with general tools, special tools to carry out
appropriate checks/ schedules.

4.2.3 The following updated documents shall be available for reference and use:
(a) Trouble Shooting Charts
(b) Set of Schedules including Special inspection schedule.

5. The requirements as stipulated above shall form a part of the approved Quality Control
manual of the organization.




(A) Rule 5 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 requires that no person shall fly or assist in flying
any aircraft unless it has been registered and bears its nationality and registration marks
and the name and residence of the owner affixed or painted there on in accordance with
Rule 37.

(B). This part of Civil Aviation Requirements provides detailed requirements for
registration of aircraft, which are in compliance with the Aircraft Rules, 1937 and ICAO
Annex 7.

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(C)It may be noted that the registration by the DGCA is for the purpose of controlling the
safety of aviation in India and it in no way establishes the legal ownership of an aircraft.
Disputes with regard to the ownership and liabilities of the owners, if any, will have to be
decided in a Court of Law.


(a) NATIONALITY OR COMMON MARK: A group of characters affixed on aircraft

surface to identity the country to which the aircraft belongs.

(b) REGISTRATION MARKS: A group of characters affixed on aircraft surface

following nationality marks to identify a particular aircraft.

(c) FIREPROOF MATERIAL: A material capable of withstanding heat as well as or

better than steel when the dimensions in both cases are appropriate for the specific

(d) HEAVIER-THAN-AIR AIRCRAFT: Any aircraft deriving its lift in flight chiefly
from aerodynamic forces.

(e) LIGHTER-THAN-AIR AIRCRAFT: Any aircraft supported chiefly by its buoyancy

in the air.


3.1) An aircraft may be registered in either of the following two categories, namely
CATEGORY 'A' where the aircraft is wholly owned either

i) By citizens of India; or

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ii) By a company or corporation registered and having its principal place of business
within India and the Chairman and at least two-thirds of the Directors of which are
citizens of India; or

iii) By the Central Government or any State Government or any company or corporation
owned or controlled by either of the said Governments; or

iv) By a company or corporation registered elsewhere than in India, provided that such
company or corporation has given the said aircraft on lease to any person mentioned in
Para 3.1(i), (ii) and (iii) above; and CATEGORY 'B' where the aircraft is wholly owned

i) By persons resident in or carrying on business in India, who are not citizens of

ii) By a company or corporation registered elsewhere than in India and carrying on
business in India.

3.2) No aircraft in respect of which the conditions required in 3.1 are not satisfied,
or which is already validly registered in another country, shall be registered in

3.3) In a case where the usual station of an aircraft and its ordinary area of operation are
not situated in India, the DGCA may decline to accept an application for registration of
the aircraft in India, or, as the case may be, to permit the aircraft to remain registered in
India, if, in its opinion, the aircraft could more suitably be registered in some other

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3.4) In any particular case, the DGCA may decline to register an aircraft in India, if, in
the circumstances of the case, it appears to it to be inexpedient in the public interest that
the aircraft should be so registered.


The owner or his authorized representative may apply for registration of the aircraft in
the prescribed form CA-28 (Appendix 'A') with the following documents:

(i)Customs clearance certificate / bill of entry of the aircraft.

(ii)Certificate of deregistration from the previous registering authority.

iii) An evidence to the effect that the aircraft has been purchased or wholly owned by the
applicant. For this purpose, a copy of invoice shall be accepted
iv) For aircraft purchased from a previous owner, an affidavit as required.

v) In case the aircraft is taken on dry lease a copy of the lease agreement.

vi) In case the aircraft is owned by a company or corporation, a document of registration

of the company and the names, addresses and nationalities of the Directors.

vii) A copy of the import license issued by Director General Foreign Trade or permission
for import issued by the Ministry of Civil Aviation/DGCA. Where the aircraft is imported
for private use, it will be registered in the name of the person or company to whom the
import license has been issued.

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viii) In cases where the aircraft has been mortgaged/hypothecated, the owner/operator
shall submit his consent for the same and the papers to this effect. Such a
mortgage/hypothecation shall be endorsed on the Certificate of Registration.

ix) Fee for registration as prescribed in rule 35 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 shall be paid
by IPO/DD payable to Accounts Officer, Central Pay and Accounts Office, Civil
Aviation Department, Headquarters, New Delhi.


4.1) If an aircraft is sold to another person or company, or ceases to be owned by the

owner indicated on its Certificate of Registration, the registered owner shall forthwith
notify this fact to the DGCA in accordance with Rule 33 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937.

4.2) The new owner of the aircraft previously registered in India shall forthwith inform
the DGCA of the fact of this change of ownership and shall make an application on form
CA-28 (Appendix 'A') for registration of the aircraft in their name. In addition to that
prescribed in para 3.2, the application shall be accompanied by an affidavit duly
authenticated by a Notary Public/ Oath
Commissioner from the old owner confirming his ownership and also indicating that he
has sold it to the new owner and has received the sale proceeds in full.

4.3 )Until the Certificate of Registration is granted to the new owner, it shall not be
lawful for any person to fly or assist in flying such aircraft except in accordance with a
written permission of DGCA.


If an application is made for the registration of an aircraft before it is imported in India,
for the purpose of bringing the aircraft by air, a temporary Certificate of Registration may
be granted under the provision of Rules 30 and 31 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 and this
CAR to the new owner of the aircraft.

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5.1 The temporary Certificate of Registration will be valid only until the first at a customs
aerodrome in India.

5.2 The temporary Certificate of Registration may be surrendered by the owner or his
representative to the DGCA along with the application for registration of the aircraft.

5.3 For the operation of an aircraft with a temporary C of R, an aero mobile station
license shall be required for which an application may be made to the Wireless Advisor,
Ministry of Communications.



6.1 On registration, DGCA will assign nationality or common marks for the aircraft.

6.2 Registration markings shall not be allotted which might be confused with
International Code of Signals, especially:
a) Registration beginning with the letter Q
b) Registrations SOS, XXX, PAN and TTT

6.3 Upon registration a Certificate of Registration shall be issued to the owner, which will
be valid from the date of registration till the date indicated on the Certificate of
registration of the aircraft.

6.4 The Certificate of Registration shall be in Hindi and English languages. In accordance
with Article 29 of the Chicago Convention and CAR Section 2, Series X Part VII, the
Certificate of Registration shall be carried on board each aircraft engaged in air transport

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6.5 The registration of the aircraft will be deemed to have been expired after the date of
validity indicated on the C of R, rendering any operation of the aircraft invalid without
revalidating its registration.

6.6 In case of aircraft registered under paragraph 4.1(iv), the registration will be valid so
long as the lease is in force and therefore, the period of validity of Certificate of
Registration in such cases shall be restricted to the date of expiry of lease agreement.

6.7 The operator may apply to DGCA Headquarters for varying any particular(s)
including extension of validity in the Certificate of Registration.

6.8 When a new type of aircraft is registered, DGCA shall advise the State of design that
it has entered such aircraft on its register.

6.9 For removing the hypothecation / mortgages name from the Certificate of
Registration the owner may apply to DGCA with documents substantiating the same.


7.1 Where a certificate has been lost the owner may apply to DGCA for the issue of a
duplicate certificate with an affidavit, a copy of the FIR lodged with the police for the
loss and the prescribed fee.

7.2 Where a certificate has been mutilated, the owner may apply for issue of a duplicate
certificate to the DGCA with the mutilated certificate and the prescribed fee.


8.1 The registration of an aircraft registered in India may be cancelled at any time by the
DGCA, if it is satisfied that:

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i) Such registration is not in conformity with para 3.1 of this CAR; or

ii) The registration has been obtained by furnishing false information; or

iii) The aircraft could more suitably be registered in some other country; or

iv) The aircraft has been destroyed or permanently withdrawn from use; or

v) It is inexpedient in the public interest that the aircraft should remain registered in
India; or

vi) The lease in respect of the aircraft registered pursuant to paragraph 3.1(iv) has

a) expired, or
b) Has been terminated by mutual agreement between the lessor and the lessee, or

c) Has been otherwise terminated lawfully.

Note: In case of dispute regarding termination of the lease agreement

8.2 The registered owner or his authorized representatives may apply to DGCA, New
Delhi for cancellation of registration, enclosing original( C of R.) The applicant should
also specify the clause of Rule 30 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 or the relevant paragraph of
this CAR under which cancellation is sought.



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1. APPLICABILITY. Aircraft Rule 49 empowers the DGCA to issue type certificate to

aircraft and its engine/propellers manufactured in India and also revalidate the type
certificate issued to
Aircraft by foreign airworthiness authorities. Normally the Type Certificate is issued
revalidated to Aircraft/ Engine when the same is to be manufactured in India. This part
of the Civil Airworthiness Requirement lays down the procedure relating to the
issue/revalidation of type certificate. It also lays down the rules/requirements to be
followed by holders of the type certificate.


Application for issue/revalidation of type certificate is to be submitted in the forms as per
the following Annexure, in duplicate along with fees (as per Aircraft Rule 62), to the
DGCA (Directorate of Research & Development), Technical Centre, Opp. Safdarjung
New Delhi-110003 Annexure I Aircraft Annexure II - Helicopter/Rotorcraft


For issuance of type certificate of aircraft or its components, the DGCA should be
satisfied on the following points:
I. The design has been approved by the DGCA.
II. The design conforms to approved airworthiness requirements/specifications of foreign
airworthiness authorities and acceptable to DGCA.
III. The construction has been inspected and approved by the Airworthiness Directorate
of the
DGCA as required in CAR Series 'E'.

It is an essential condition of issue / revalidation of type certificate to an aircraft or its
components that there should be proof that it conforms with the relevant specifications
and the Airworthiness requirements to which it has been designed. The DGCA has the
responsibility to ensure that each aircraft, either manufactured in India or imported to

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India for which Certificate of Airworthiness is to be issued, conforms to the Type Design
and is in condition for Safe Operation. Therefore, for
issuance of Indian Certificate of Airworthiness, an aircraft must be Type Certificated by
DGCA in accordance with Rule 49 or the Type Certificate issued by Foreign
Airworthiness Authority be acceptable to DGCA. For this purpose, the DGCA has to be
satisfied that the aircraft manufactured or imported meet the approved airworthiness
standards, in respect of design, method of construction, equipment and performance. In
this connection, the design code followed by USA (FAR 23 & 25) and European
Airworthiness Consortium (BCAR23 & JAR 25) are generally acceptable for light and
transport aircraft. For Rotorcraft, Airworthiness Code followed by USA (FAR 27 & 29)
is acceptable for light and heavy category rotorcrafts. For Aero Engines Airworthiness
Code FAR 33 followed by USA is acceptable.


DGCA is empowered vide Rule 49B to revalidate the type certificate, in respect of any
aircraft or engine/propeller that may be imported, provided that

(a) The airworthiness authorities of the country in which it is manufactured has issued the
certificate of airworthiness, type certificate or similar document, in respect of that aircraft
or components;
(b) It meets the airworthiness requirements laid down by the DGCA
The applicant shall furnish the following documents:
(i) Type certificate,
(ii) Type - design data sheet,
(iii) Supplemental type data sheet, if applicable.
(iv) Noise standard to which it has been certified,
(v) The basis on ETOPS certification if applicable,
(vi) All applicable Airworthiness Directives,

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(vii) Copies of aircraft engine, propellers, specifications, special conditions and/or

exemption including the certification basis.
(viii) Engineering description of the aircraft with required illustrations.
(ix) Copies of flight tests report,
(x) Copies of maintenance review board report and MMEL for aircraft type certificated in
transport category,
(xi) Weight and balance report, flight manual, Structural Repair manual etc.
(xii) Any other documentation required by DGCA.

Note: See Annexure III.

If clarifications are to be sought about the complexities of design or any special
design feature warrant, representative of the manufacturer may be requested
to visit India to acquaint DGCA officers with the system and design of the aeroplane.
Alternately, representatives of DGCA may visit the manufacturing sites to discuss
specific design/ manufacturing issues with the representatives of the manufacturers,
Designer and/or Airworthiness Authority of the country of manufacture. Special
conditions may be imposed on foreign type certificate and type data sheet by the DGCA
in specific cases for safe operation of the aircraft in India. The special conditions so
imposed will be communicated to the manufacturer and his Airworthiness Authorities by
the DGCA. On being satisfied that the basis of Type Certification of Aircraft and its
engine/propeller is satisfactory, DGCA may revalidate the Type Certificate (with
such exception as he may permit) issued by Airworthiness Authority of the country in
which the aircraft was manufactured. Bilateral acceptance of Standards of India and other
country will be the main criteria for revalidation
It is essential that manufacturers of aircraft consult the DGCA prior to commencement of
manufacturing to ensure that the design of aircraft or its engine/propeller he intends to
manufacture conforms to approved airworthiness code of FAR or JAR code or to that
design code approved by the DGCA.For this purpose, the applicant shall furnish the type
design record, duly approved by the Chief Designer to prove that the design complies
with the relevant specifications and airworthiness requirements prescribed by the

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DGCA.information given in the type record shall be consistent with the evidence on
which compliance with the Airworthiness Requirement is claimed shall include the
following information and such additional information the DGCA may require in a
particular case.
(i) General arrangement and all design drawings of the aircraft or its components
(ii) Complete list of drawings
(iii) Reports of static strength, its fatigue test, vibration test etc. or any other test that may
be relevant to that aircraft component or part.
(iv) Details of materials of construction and process specification.
(v) Particulars of any deviation from the relevant airworthiness requirement.
(vi) Copies of such subsidiary type records as may have been prepared with respect to
aircraft and components.
(vii) Compliance certificate by the Chief Designer with each applicable airworthiness
requirement in respect of FAR/JAR having been complied with along with substantiation
of the same.

Prior to carrying out the test to substantiate the design, the constructor shall submit to
DGCA test schedule for scrutiny and approval. The DGCA may authorize his
representatives to witness any of the test if he so desires. Necessary facilities for the same
may be provided by the applicant. If the
DGCA is not satisfied with the test results, he may require any or all of the tests to be
Certificate of design signed by the Chief Designer may be submitted by the applicant in
respect of aircraft/component. The manufacture of aircraft/components shall be
undertaken and certified only by
approved/authorized persons in this behalf vide Aircraft Rule 53A
The inspection during construction is an essential requirement to ensure that the
airworthiness of the components is satisfactory in regard to the workmanship, materials
used. The DGCA may station his representatives at the constructors works to carry out

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checks in regard to construction and inspection matters. The procedure or duplicate

checks and inspection by the DGCA.representatives will be laid down as may be found
necessary from time to time.

i) All materials used in the construction are in accordance with the specifications
approved for the type design, and by suitable examination of sampling and testing by
approved methods, that every
batch of such materials complies with such specifications.

ii) Every detail and part of the component/equipment has been examined by the
applicants inspection staff to the relevant approved detailed drawings and that they
conform to the approved type design.

iii) Each detailed part approved by the applicant's inspection staff is identified or stamped
in such a way that the individual responsible for its inspection can subsequently be

iv) During the work of assembly, records of the progress of inspection for each
component are maintained and the inspection record is certified by the inspector

v) Operations and processes, such as heat treatment, corrosion protection, etc., are carried
out by approved methods, and that the finished articles conform to approved drawings.

vi) All components and items of equipments are given a serial number. This serial
number shall be displayed in a prominent position on the completed component or

vii) All components and parts obtained from sub-contractors or other firms have been
inspected and approved in accordance with the approved conditions.

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The policy regarding inspection of items made by sub- contractors must be laid down and
approved by DGCA in regard to such policy. Before submitting any
aircraft/component/item of equipment for inspection to the Inspectors authorized by the
Director General of Civil Aviation, the Inspector of the applicant shall satisfy himself that
the particular a/c has been constructed, inspected and where necessary, tested in
conformity with the specifications, drawings and instructions relating to the approved
design. All relevant inspection records shall be made available to the inspector, and
these shall be retained for a period of 10 years unless earlier disposal is authorized by the
director general of civil aviation. but in any case, no inspection records shall be destroyed
without prior authorization from the Director General of Civil Aviation. Any
modification considered necessary by the Director General of Civil Aviation as a result of
the inspection/ performance tests carried out by the
Officers of DRD/DAW of the Department shall be incorporated before clearance for use
on aircraft.

Upon satisfactory completion of inspection of the aircraft/component/item of equipment
and checking of the Type Record submitted by the applicant, the Director General of
Civil Aviation shall require the applicant to carry out trials of an aircraft to conform
compliance with the relevant airworthiness Requirements in respect of performance etc.
The tests shall be carried out in accordance with the flight test-schedules approved by the
Director General of Civil Aviation. Where considered necessary, the Director General of
Civil Aviation may nominate a pilot to carry out check test-flights. Results of flight tests
will be compiled into a report and submitted for inclusion in the Type Record.


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Except with the written consent of the Director General of Civil Aviation, the
following Manuals in respect of a Type Component/item of equipment must be
submitted for approval.
i) Type Service Manual.
ii) Flight Manual
iii) Maintenance Manual
iv) Structural Repair Manual
V) Weight & Balance Record.


If the Director General of Civil Aviation is satisfied that the Type A/c or item of
equipment conforms to the relevant acceptable standards in respect of design and
performance (with such exceptions as he may permit), he may issue to the applicant a
Type Certificate in respect of the aircraft. The type certificate shall refer only to the
aircraft/component or item of equipment conforming, in detail with the documents
specified on such approval.

The written approval of the Director General of Civil Aviation shall be obtained for a
modification which has not been previously investigated and approved. At an early stage
of the modification, brief particulars must be furnished to the Director General of Civil
Aviation. The proposed modification must be such that the design of the
aircraft/component/equipment, when modified, satisfies the requirements that were
enforced at the time the type approval was originally granted, or such other requirements
as the Director General of Civil Aviation may notify at that time.

Modifications should be classified as minor and major. A minor modification shall be one
which has no appreciable effect on the weight & balance, structural strength, reliability,
interchangeability, operational characteristics or other characteristics affecting the
airworthiness of the component/item of equipment. A major modification shall be one not

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classified as minor modification. Minor modification in the Type design may be

provisionally approved by the design organization of the constructor pending formal
approval from the Director General of Civil Aviation. For this purpose, the applicant
shall submit all necessary data, test reports etc. in support of the proposal for inclusion in
the Type record


Where the Director General of Civil Aviation finds, as a result of service experience or
otherwise that an unsafe condition exists with respect to a design feature or characteristic
of the type certificated aircraft, component/item of equipment, he may issue a directive
specifying conditions and limitations including inspections for continued operation in
aircraft or may altogether prohibit the use of the same till the unsafe condition has been
corrected. When design changes are considered necessary, the holder of the Type
Certificate shall submit appropriate design changes for approval of the Director General
of Civil Aviation.


The design organization of the applicant should be sufficiently competent technically to
undertake work on design of aircraft component/item of equipment, must be familiar with
the relevant requirements and procedures and must maintain the highest standard as it
may only be possible for the Director General of Civil Aviation to carry out percentage
checks on reports and calculations submitted. The qualifications and experience of the
senior staff of the design organization shall be adequate to conduct the work involved in
establishing the compliance with the requirements and ensure that good judgment is
exercised with full appreciation of current aeronautical practice in design matters,
whether specifically covered by the requirements or not. The design office shall be so
organized that all calculations and drawings on which the airworthiness of the aircraft
component/item of equipment depends are independently checked for numerical accuracy
and validity of assumptions. Each design drawing shall bear a description title, drawing

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number, issue number and date of issue. All alterations to the design drawings shall be
made in accordance with a drawing amendment system to ensure that the design records
are suitably amended. If an alteration is made to a drawing, a new issue number and date
shall immediately be allocated to the drawing irrespective of whether the alterations
permanent or experimental. The applicant shall provide facilities of access to approved
facilities or for making such tests as are necessary to establish compliance with the
requirements. Design records shall be such that the proper correlation of drawings and
maintenance with the design records is ensured. It is emphasized that the applicant is in a
large measure, responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements. The Director
General of Civil Aviation would, however, exercise the right to check some or all
technical reports including all points of doubt and to witness all important

14. DGCA when issuing an approval for the design of a modification, of a repair or of
replacement part shall do so on the basis of satisfactory evidence that the aircraft
continues to comply with the design aspects of the appropriate airworthiness
requirements used for the type certification of that aircraft type or amended Type
Note: The approval of the design of a modification to an aircraft, of a repair or of
replacement part which affects the Type Certificate conditions is indicated by issuance of
supplemental type certificate or amended type certificate or an equivalent document.

Notwithstanding what has been stated in the preceding paragraphs, the Director General
of Civil Aviation may waive/reject any of the requirements relating to design in respect
of aircraft component/item of equipment type certificate in a foreign country but built
under license in India. For this purpose, the applicant shall submit to the Director General
of Civil Aviation complete Type Record
Documents and Manuals specified in paragraphs 5and6.

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If at any time, the DGCA is satisfied that there is a reasonable doubt to indicate that the
safety of the aircraft is imperiled because of an unsafe condition in the aircraft, engine,
component or item of equipment of that aircraft, he may cancel, suspend or endorse the
certificate issued or validated for the aircraft, aircraft component or item of equipment or
may require the incorporation of any modification as a condition of the Type Certificate
remaining in force.

(Up to pg-8only remaining application



Rule 50 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 empowers the Director General of Civil Aviation
(DGCA) to
Issue/renew or revalidate the Certificate of Airworthiness. Further, Rule 15 requires that
aircraft registered in India possess a current and valid Certificate of Airworthiness (C of
A) before it is flown unless it is flown for the purpose of flight test for renewal of C of A
in the vicinity of the
departing Aerodrome. This CAR is issued under the provisions of Rule 133A of the
Aircraft Rules, 1937, for information, guidance and compliance by operators who
are importing the aircraft or acquiring aircraft manufactured in India.

2.SCOPE: This part of CAR lays down the procedure for issuing Indian Certificate
of Airworthiness.

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3. The DGCA has the responsibility of ensuring that each aircraft, either
manufactured in India or Imported into India for which a Certificate of
Airworthiness is to be issued, revalidated, conforms to the Design standards and is
in a condition for safe operation. Therefore, to be eligible for issuance of Certificate
of Airworthiness, an aircraft must be Type Certified by DGCA in accordance with
Rule 49. For this purpose, the DGCA has to satisfy that the Aircraft manufactured/
imported meets the approved Airworthiness Standards in respect of design, method of
construction, equipment and performance etc. In this regard the Design Standards
specified in JAR 23 and JAR 25 of Joint Airworthiness Authorities (JAA) of Europe and
FAR 23 and FAR 25 of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of USA is generally
acceptable for light and transport category Aircraft. For Helicopters, Design Standards
followed by FAA as specified in FAR 27 & 29 are acceptable for light and transport
category helicopters, respectively. Notwithstanding the above, DGCA may require
certain special conditions such as installation of equipment/ instruments, modification to
be complied with, before accepting/ revalidating the type certificate for ensuring safety of
Aircraft operation.

4. For issue/ revalidation of Certificate of Airworthiness of aircraft, which do not

fulfill the design standards mentioned above, the owners may consult the Director
General of Civil Aviation (Director of Airworthiness) before importing such
aircraft, so that acceptance or otherwise, of the design standards is conveyed to the
prospective importer before the import of the aircraft.

5. After the aircraft has been registered, the owner or his authorized representative may
apply to
DGCA on form CA 25 (Appendix 'A' & B) together with the requisite fees prescribed in
Rule 62
(Appendix 'E') for issuance of Certificate of Airworthiness. An application for issue of
Aircraft Noise

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Certificate shall also be made (Appendix G) along with the application for issue of
Certificate of

6. Certificate of Airworthiness of an aircraft may be issued/validated in any of the

categories mentioned in Appendix 'C' of this part of Civil Aviation Requirements.
However, before Certificate of Airworthiness in respect of an imported aircraft is
issued, the Director General will satisfy himself regarding the airworthiness and
design standards of the aircraft. For this purpose the importer shall submit along
with the application, an Export Certificate of Airworthiness from the Regulatory
Authority of the country of Export. For aircraft type imported into the country for
the first time, a copy of the Type Certificate & its Data Sheet should accompany the
Export C of A. These documents will certify that the Aircraft conforms to approved
design standards of Airworthiness Authority of country of manufacture. In addition,
special requirements of DGCA are spelt out in Appendix D. The operator shall ensure
that these special requirements are made available to the regulatory authority of the
exporting country for compliance prior to issue of Export (C of A).

Note: Aircraft with MTOW (Maximum Take Off Weight) greater than 5700 kg and
categorized as passenger/mail/goods shall have at least two engines.

7. If the type of aircraft is being introduced/ imported into the country for the first
time (new or used),the owner/ operator shall supply, free of cost, one set each of the
following updated technical literature, to DGCA Hdqrs and Regional/Sub-Regional
Office of DGCA for retention
(i) Type Certificate & Type Certificate Data Sheet.

(ii) Standard form of Certificate of Airworthiness issued by the country of Export.

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(iii) Export Certificate of Airworthiness

(iv) Maintenance Planning Document/Manufacturers recommended inspection


(v) MMEL.

(vi) Airplane Flight Manual / Pilots Operating Handbook

(vii) Crew Operations Manuals, (where applicable).

In addition, one set of the following documents shall be submitted to Regional/ Sub
Regional Office of DGCA where the aircraft is based with up-to-date amendments;

(i) Aircraft Maintenance Manual

(ii) Engine Maintenance Manual

(iii) Overhaul Manual

(iv) Structural Repair Manual

(v) Service Bulletins

(vi) SSID, CPCP document (where applicable)

Note: Micro films/Microfiche/ Floppy/ CD issued by the manufacturers in lieu of

hard copy is acceptable.

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7.1 The operator shall further ensure that any amendments to the above documents
are forwarded to DGCA Hdqrs and/ or to the respective Regional/Sub Regional
office promptly.

Note: In case an aircraft is based (main base where major maintenance is carried out) at
more than one station in India, then additional copies of the above mentioned technical
literature may be asked for, by the concerned Regional/Sub-Regional Airworthiness

7.2 In addition to the documents required under paragraph 7, following Log

Books/Certificates should also be submitted:

i) Duly filled Original Log Books along with record of modification with a certificate
Quality Control Manager that all applicable modification/ Airworthiness Directive/
Inspection have been complied with at the time of issue of Export C of A

ii) In case the aircraft was imported in a dismantled condition, an erection

certificate signed by an appropriately licensed/ Authorized/ approved person(s)
along with the flight test report by the pilot licensed/authorized for the purpose.

iii) Flight Test Report for the aircraft and the avionics systems.

iv) Customized Manufacturers weight and balance manual, and weight schedule
giving the
empty weight CG location.

v) List of component/ rotables giving details of the components and History Cards
for each major component as listed in COSL.

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7.3 In the event of import of aircraft (new or used), whose type is already in operation in
the country, the owner/ operator, shall supply documents listed in para 7.2 and Export C
of A.

8. In case of import of used aircraft, the Regional /Sub Regional office has to be
satisfied that the aircraft had been maintained in a continued airworthiness
condition in accordance with an approved maintenance programme given by the
Aircraft manufacturer and/or by the approved maintenance agency that had last
maintained the aircraft. For example, records of maintenance, modifications, overhaul,
repair and history of any accident may have to be reviewed before issuing Indian
Certificate of Airworthiness. On receipt of the application along with the necessary fees
in accordance with Rule 62 and requisite documents, partially filled Indian Certificate of
Airworthiness will be forwarded by DGCA Hdqrs to the concerned Regional/ Sub-
Regional Airworthiness Office. (Copy of the Certificate of Airworthiness issued by
DGCA in English and Hindi language is enclosed as Appendix F)

9. The Regional/ Sub-Regional Airworthiness Office on being satisfied that the aircraft
conforms to
the stipulated Design and Airworthiness standard, may issue/ validate the Certificate of
Airworthiness on the basis of Export Certificate of Airworthiness, physical inspection of
the aircraft and scrutiny of other related documents

10. The Airworthiness officer is required to inspect the aircraft to the extent
possible, to establish that all the instruments and equipment as per applicable CARs
have been installed and is in serviceable condition, the aircraft is airworthy, and
does not have any unsafe features which may jeopardize the airworthiness or safety
of aircraft. In case any deficiency is noticed during inspection by the Airworthiness
officer, the owner / operator will be advised to make up the deficiencies pointed out
before the issuance of Certificate of Airworthiness.


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Validity of Certificate of Airworthiness shall not exceed twelve months. In case of

imported aircraft the validity shall begin from the date of issue of Export Certificate
of Airworthiness and shall be restricted to the validity specified in the Standard
Certificate of Airworthiness issued by the country of Export.

12. Aircraft may be imported under Indian Registration Markings with Short Term
Certificate ofAirworthiness, which will have limited validity. For this, the owner /
operator should submit a duly completed application on CA25 along with the necessary
fees as prescribed in Rule 62. On a request made by DGCA, the regulatory authority of
the country of export may issue the Indian Short Term Certificate of Airworthiness. The
foreign regulatory authority while issuing Indian Short Term C of A will ensure that
the aircraft complies with

(i) The requirements of Para (3) of this Civil Aviation Requirements.

(ii) All applicable Ads

(iii) The special requirements as given in Appendix D.

(iv) The requirement that it has a current weight schedule which gives its empty weight

The Full term Certificate of Airworthiness will be issued on arrival of the aircraft in
India after the owner/ operator complies with Airworthiness requirements stated in
applicable Civil AviationRequirement. The aircraft may also be imported under
foreign Certificate of Registration and Certificate of Airworthiness. The Indian
Certificate of Registration and Certificate of Airworthiness shall be issued after the
aircraft arrives in India and the owner/ operator complies with the airworthiness
requirements stipulated in the applicable Civil Aviation Requirements.

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13. The Director General of Civil Aviation reserves the right to refuse Certificate of
Airworthiness to an aircraft where reasonable doubt exists regarding its
airworthiness or where required document(s) have not been made available or false
information has been furnished. The DGCA may withhold the issue of C of A, if the
aircraft is known or suspected to have features which may jeopardize safety or
airworthiness of the aircraft.

14. DGCA reserves the right to cancel Certificate of Airworthiness if it is observed

that the Certificate of Airworthiness has been obtained by false/fraudulent means.

15. Not withstanding the above, the DGCA may require the owner/ operator to comply
with additional requirements prior to issue/ revalidation of the C of A of the aircraft to
ensure its continued airworthiness and safe operations.

(remaining application form to be Added)


Rule 15 requires that all Indian registered aircraft possess a valid Certificate of
Airworthiness before undertaking a flight while Rule 50 empowers DGCA to issue
Certificate of Airworthiness. The conditions for initial issue of Certificate of
Airworthiness have been laid down in Civil Aviation Requirements Section 2, Series 'F'
Part III. This part of the CAR lays down the procedure for renewal of Certificate of
Airworthiness and is applicable to all Indian registered aircraft.


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2.1 Validity period of Certificate of Airworthiness is indicated on the Certificate itself

and shall be limited to a maximum period of one year. However, for aircraft over 20
years age, including private aircraft the validity of Certificate of Airworthiness shall be
restricted to six months.

2.2 No adhoc extension to the validity period of the Certificate shall be granted.

2.3 Regular and timely renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness of an aircraft ensuring its
continuity, will involve less effort and will cost less too to the owner/operator.

The operator/owner of an aircraft may apply for the renewal of Certificate of
Airworthiness giving the information as per the enclosed form at Appendix to this CAR,
along with the necessary fees as per Rule 62. The application should be made in advance
of the expiry date of the Certificate of Airworthiness (preferably 15 days in advance) to
enable the Airworthiness Officer to complete his
Inspection of the documents and of the aircraft before the C of A expires. This will also
enable the operator to undertake the test flight, while the Certificate of Airworthiness is
current. In case the C of A is not valid, the operator may undertake the test flight(s)
within the vicinity of departing airport subject to the conditions that all inspections
pertaining to C of A and flight release have been
Completed and Flight Release Certificate issued by appropriately licensed AME(s) for
the purpose of Flight Test only.
3.1 As the aircraft are required to be subjected to a continuous cycle of approved
maintenance schedules therefore, for the purpose of renewal of Certificate of
Airworthiness, the aircraft would simply be required to be inspected in accordance with
100 hours inspection schedule, unless a higher schedule is due, followed by a satisfactory
test flight, if applicable. However, operators of
those aircraft which are maintained as per equalized checks will subject the aircraft to an
approved C of A renewal programme included in their manual.

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Thereafter the Certificate of Airworthiness would be renewed provided no structural

inspection including Supplemental Structural Inspection is due, no mandatory
modification/inspection/SBs is outstanding and the "lives" of all the (major) components
are still within valid operational limits.
It is imperative that at the time of submitting an aircraft for inspection to officers of
Airworthiness Directorate, for the purpose of renewal of C of A, all equipment on board
the aircraft, as specified in the specification data sheet/manufacturers Maintenance
Manual, Flight Manual are in serviceable condition. If it is not so, the owner/operator of
aircraft shall notify the Airworthiness Officer in writing who shall consult DGCA
(Headquarters) prior to effecting the renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness.

3.2 In case the Certificate of Airworthiness of the aircraft has expired then the quantum
of work required for the purpose of renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness would be
decided by the officer in charge of the Regional/Sub Regional Airworthiness office, so as
to ensure that the airworthiness of aircraft and of its components and systems is
completely restored. He may require detail dismantling of aircraft including its
components and systems, replacement of metal or fabric skins if affected, replacement of
rubber parts of if required , thorough cleaning and inspection, thorough greasing of
components, internal inspection and/or bench checking/or overhaul of major
components/equipment and instruments, as warranted.

3.3 The operator should submit to the concerned Airworthiness Office all log books
including Journey Log Book, procedure sheets, major maintenance schedules for the past
one year, registers (of defects, fuel and oil consumption, performance), trend monitoring
charts/data, C of A, C of R, W/T license of the aircraft at the time of submitting
application for renewal of Certificate of

3.4 The officer effecting the renewal of( C of A) will carry out physical inspection of the
Aircraft and the operator/owner shall provide the necessary facilities to him in this

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3.5 In case major maintenance schedules are not due at the time of renewal of Certificate
of Airworthiness then the operator/owner shall intimate the concerned Regional/Sub-
Airworthiness office about the carrying out of such major schedules as and when these
are due, but atleast 15 days before these are due, to enable the Airworthiness officer to
carry out such physical inspection of the aircraft as considered necessary by him during
the year. This would entail less grounding of the aircraft during C of A renewal as the
Airworthiness Office will have complete history of the aircraft pertaining to all
inspections including SSIDs, CPCP etc.

3.6 In case all the items in a schedule of inspection do not fall within the purview of
single category of AME License (for functions and responsibilities of AMEs licensed in
various categories please see CAR Series 'L' Part V) then items of inspection should
individually indicate
the category of AME/approved person who would certify the item.



There may be a situation where Certificate of Airworthiness of Indian registered aircraft

may get lapsed while operating in foreign countries. In such cases the operator has to
request this department with full justification the reason of such exigencies. The C of A
will be renewed
after following the same procedure as prescribed above and inspection of the aircraft will
have to be carried out at airport where the aircraft's C of A has lapsed. Such a situation
should as far as possible be avoided so that C of A remains valid for all international

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(i) Approved inspection schedules are not completed when due;

(ii) "Lifed" components are not replaced on expiry of stipulated "Lives";

(iii)Mandatory modifications/inspections/SBs are not carried out as and when called for;

(iv) Unapproved repairs/Modifications are carried out;

(v) Unapproved materials/procedures/practices are used.

(vi) Aircraft has suffered major damage of defect.

6. Before starting the maintenance/overhaul work on the aircraft or its components

and systems the AME/approved firm undertaking the Certificate of Airworthiness
renewal work must ensure the availability of the following for the type of aircraft :-

(i) Up-to-date Technical literature required for maintenance and overhaul;

(ii) Special tools like rigging tools, spanners, jigs etc. apart from general engineering

(iii) Approved maintenance/ overhaul schedules including TBO list/ COSL.

(iv) List of applicable mandatory modifications/inspections

(v) SSID and CPCP, wherever applicable.

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7. Before the Certificate of Airworthiness is renewed the operator/owner has to satisfy the
Airworthiness office about the under mentioned aspects of aircraft since the Certificate of
Airworthiness of aircraft was last renewed.

(i) That the defects experienced during the preceding year have been recorded and
appropriate rectification action has been taken.

(ii) All mandatory modifications/inspections due have been complied with.

(iii)All Mandatory Service Bulletins have been complied with when due.

(iv) All major repairs and overhauls (of aircraft components) if any, have been properly
carried out and certified by appropriately licensed/approved persons.

(v) Work sheets have been completed and signed by appropriately licensed or approved

(vi) All materials/parts/components used are from approved sources.

(vii)All components installed on aircraft are within the stipulated life.

(viii)The Flight Manual (wherever applicable)is amended and is up-to-date.

(ix) All inspection/modifications/repairs enumerated in Supplemental Structural

Inspection Document (SSID) have been complied with when due. (if applicable)

(x) All inspection/modifications/repairs enumerated in the Corrosion Prevention and

Control Programme (CPCP) have been complied with when due. (if applicable)

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(xi) All maintenance requirements specified in the approved maintenance schedules have
been carried out at the stipulated periods.

7.1 At the time of Certificate of Airworthiness renewal, the operator/owner must

submit to Airworthiness Office the following :

(i) Certificate by the Quality Control Manager/Chief of Inspection/Engineer-in-

charge(who is in the regular employment of the employer) confirming all aspects listed in
para 7 above and any
additional item of inspection called for.

(ii) Approved test flight report duly completed and certified by appropriately qualified
pilot indicating aircraft's actual performance, evaluated in relation to the required

(iii)A certificate that all other requirements of applicable CARs have been complied with.

(iv) A certificate that the Radio, Communication, Navigation and Radar equipment on
board have been checked for performance by a representative of the Director General of
Civil Aviation and that a valid Aero mobile Station license is available.

(v) A certificate from the Operations Department/ Quality Control Department of the
operator that the Flight Manual (wherever is applicable) is current and up to date.

(vi) All documents relating to log book entries, list of components with remaining life,
Mandatory modification/Inspection list etc.


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8.1 Aircraft with all up weight of 15,000 Kg. and above, are required to be maintained by
approved organizations. Therefore, certificates called for in item 7.1 above in respect of
such aircraft, shall be signed by the Quality Control Manager/Chief Inspector.

8.2 Aircraft with all up weight below 15,000 Kg. may be maintained/overhauled by
individual AMEs and therefore certificates called for in item 7.1 above, in respect of such
aircraft, shall be ordinarily signed by AMEs having their licenses endorsed in Category
"B" to cover the type of aircraft involved. However, in exceptional cases, DGCA may
agree to such certificates being signed by individual AMEs having his license endorsed in
categories 'A' and 'C' to cover the type of aircraft provided the work sheets/inspection
schedules clearly reflect that such of the items of inspections, which were beyond the
purview of the AME (A & C Categories) were inspected and certified by appropriately
licensed AME/approved individual.

9. In case the Airworthiness Officer completes his final inspection of the aircraft and its
documents, after the expiry of the Certificate of Airworthiness, then the validity of the
next currency of C of A would start from the date of inspection. Otherwise, the validity
would remain continuous provided the inspection is not carried out more than one month
in advance of the expiry date. In case it is carried out more than one month in advance,
then the 12 month/6 month (as may be applicable) period of currency of C of A would
start from the date of inspection.

10. The C of A will be revalidated indicating the expiry date. However, the revalidating
officer shall append the date of inspection beneath his signature.

11. In case the C of A of aircraft is suspended on account of a major accident or due to

any other reason, the same will be revalidated, subject to the completion of the required
repair/modification/maintenance action, from the date of inspection by Airworthiness
Officer and will be valid only up to the date the previous currency of the C of A had
remained valid, if it had

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not been suspended. However if an operator desires to revalidate the C of A for complete
one year, he has to fulfill the requirements of this CAR also.

(note completed only application to be attached)



This part of the CARs details the experience requirements for the
issue/addition/extension of license in the various categories. It may be noted that
the applicant may gain experience concurrently in the allied streams i.e.,
Mechanical or Avionics streams and such experience will be acceptable provided
the applicant is able to establish that during the period he was actively engaged in
the maintenance activities related to the category of the license applied. The
syllabus for the examinations has been published separately and is available as a priced
publication from the Central Examination Organization of the DGCA.


(i) LIGHT AIRCRAFT: means an aircraft with **AUW below 5700 Kg.

(ii) HEAVY AIRCRAFT: means an aircraft with AUW of 5700 Kg and above.

(iii)MECHANICAL STREAM: means the trades of airframe and engines.

(iv) AVIONICS STREAM: means the trades of electrical, instrument, including

autopilots, radio communication, navigation and radar systems.

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(v) CONCURRENT EXPERIENCE: means experience acquired simultaneously in

two or more allied categories of the same stream.

(vi) RECENT EXPERIENCE: means experience acquired in the preceding 12 months.

(vii) ICAO TYPE II LICENSE: means a license with the scope limited to minor
maintenance, minor repairs, minor modification, snag rectification and issue of flight

viii) ICAO TYPE I LICENSE : means a license with a scope covering overhaul,
major modification, major repairs, testing and issue of certificate of maintenance
after performance of the above tasks.

** (AUW-ALL UP WEIGHT: meaning the total weight of the aircraft including all
payloads like fuel, luggage, passengers etc)

The examination will normally consist of 4 written papers and an oral-cum-practical test.
The questions in the written examinations will consist of multiple choice and essay types.

3.1 Paper I (General) will be related to the aircraft rules, regulations, Civil
Airworthiness Requirements and duties and privileges of AME license.

3.2 Paper II (General Engineering) will be related to general engineering, workshop

practices, knowledge of drawings, elementary knowledge of electricity, theory of

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flight, power plants, instruments, computer terminologies and various hardware used
in aircraft construction, aircraft materials and processes as detailed in the syllabus.

3.3 Paper III (Airframe) will be related to general knowledge of airframe structures
and their construction and related systems, theory of flight, methods of repair,
rectification of defects, weight and balance etc. as detailed in the syllabus.

Separate papers will be conducted for light and heavy airplane categories. For all
helicopter irrespective of their AUW, Paper III (Airframe) shall be common.

3.4 Paper III (Engines) will be related to the theory of internal combustion
engines and related systems, laws of thermodynamics, functions of various
components of the engines, procedures of assessment of power of the engines, ground
run procedures etc. as detailed in the syllabus.

NOTE: - Separate papers will be conducted for piston engines and jet engines.

3.5 Paper III (Electrical Systems) will be related to basic theory of AC and DC,
logic circuits, principles of power generation, batteries etc. as detailed in the syllabus.

3.6 Paper III (Instrument Systems) will be related to basic theory, principles and
functioning of instruments and instrument systems including autopilot as
detailed in the syllabus.

3.7 Paper III (Radio Systems) will be related to theory, principles and
functioning of radio communication, navigation and radar systems used in aircraft as
detailed in the syllabus.

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3.8 Paper III (Overhaul of VP Propellers) will be related to general theory of

propellers, construction and function of pitch change mechanism etc. and the knowledge
of inspection, overhaul and testing of VP Propellers as detailed in the syllabus.

3.9 Paper III (Overhaul of Autopilots) will be related to general theory, principle
and functions of autopilots and the knowledge of overhaul, inspection and testing
of autopilots as detailed in the syllabus.

3.10 Paper III (Overhaul of Instruments) will be related to general theory, principles
and functioning of instruments and knowledge of inspection, overhaul and testing
of instruments used in aircraft as detailed in the syllabus.

3.11 Paper III (Overhaul of Electrical Equipment including Ignition Apparatus)

will be related to general theory, principle and functioning of electrical
equipment, electrical system, overhaul procedures, inspection during major overhaul,
repair and testing of electrical systems including ignition apparatus as detailed in the

3.12 Paper III (Overhaul of radio equipment) will be related to general theory,
principle and functioning of radio communication, navigation and radar system,
overhaul procedures, inspection during major overhaul, repair and testing of
communication, navigation and radar system as detailed in the syllabus.

3.13 Paper III (Installation and Compensation of DR Compass) will be related to basic
theory of electricity and magnetism, various types of compasses and procedures of
and compensation as detailed in the syllabus.

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3.14 Paper III (Installation and Compensation of RR Compass) will be related to

theory of electricity and magnetism, principles of construction of RR compass,
procedures for installation and compensation of various types of RR compasses as
detailed in the syllabus.

3.15 Paper IV will be related to specific type of aircraft, engine, electrical

equipment, instruments and radio equipment fitted on a particular type of aircraft
and engine. An applicant who has undergone approved training course may be exempted
from this paper. Paper IV will not be conducted for aircraft notified separately depending
upon their complexity and sophistication. At present, Boeing aircraft (all models),
Airbus aircraft (all models) and
their engines, electrical systems, instruments systems and Radio systems installed
thereon. Applicants for endorsement of these aircraft and their engines and systems shall
be required to pass approved training course.



The applicant will have to show a total aeronautical engineering experience of four
years out of which 12 months must be on the type of aircraft for which type rating is
desired and out of this experience, 3 months must be the recent experience.

EXTENSION: For extension in category 'A' to cover additional aircraft an

applicant will have to gain additional experience of 6 months out of which, 3
months should be the recent experience. If the aircraft on which extension is
desired is of similar construction, only three months total experience on the type
will be required.

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The applicant will have to show total aeronautical engineering experience of 4
years including the repair, overhaul, maintenance of aircraft. Out of this period he
should have 12 months maintenance including major maintenance on airframes of
similar construction and out of which six months must have been on the particular type
of aircraft for which he is applying out of which three months must be the recent

EXTENSION: For extension in category 'B' to cover additional aircraft an applicant

will have to gain additional 6 months of which 3 months must be recent experience.


Total aeronautical engineering experience of 4 years on the general
maintenance/inspection and repair on the airframe and out of which 12 months must be
practical maintenance and
Inspection on particular type of aircraft for which he has applied and three months must
be recent.

EXTENSION: For extension in the category to include additional aircraft, an

additional experience of 12 months will be required out of which 3 months shall
be the recent experience.


4.4.1 An applicant applying for license on helicopters of AUW below 3,000 kg. will
have to show a total aeronautical engineering experience of four years both on airframe
and engine simultaneously and out of which 12 months must be on a particular type of
helicopter for which
the applicant is applying and out of which six months must be the recent.

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EXTENSION: For extension the applicant should show six months experience on
the additional type of helicopter for which the extension is desired of which three
must be recent experience

4.4.2 The applicant applying for helicopter of AUW more than 3,000 kg. can apply
separately for category A & C and the total aeronautical engineering experience
required for one particular category will be four years general aeronautical engineering
experience out of which 12 months must be on the particular type of
helicopter/engine and out of which six months must be recent on the airframe or the
engines. This experience can be gained concurrently and an applicant can apply for both
Category A & C after gaining four years experience.

For extension in Cat. A or C to cover additional type of helicopter with AUW exceeding
5700 kg., an applicant shall possess a minimum of three months maintenance
experience in appropriate Category on type of Helicopter or six months
maintenance experience on the
type helicopter and its engine in case the extension of the license is desired to include
both categories A andC.


The applicant should have a total of 4 years aeronautical engineering experience in
maintenance, repair, overhaul of helicopter/light aircraft out of which 18 months must
be on the repair, overhaul, major modification of helicopters for which the applicant is
applying out of which 6 months should be on specific type.

EXTENSION: For extension additional experience of six months on helicopter

applied for shall be required out of which three months must be recent experience.

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The applicant will have to show general aeronautical engineering experience of
two years in maintenance, minor repair, snag rectification of gliders including
wooden/metal gliders out of which six months must be on the particular type of the

EXTENSION: For extension in license to cover additional type of glider the applicant
should have at least six months experience on the type out of which at least three months
must be recent experience.

NOTE:- Persons having valid AME license covering aircraft below 5,700 Kg. may
have three months recent experience on type of glider on which extension is desired.


To obtain category B license the applicant will have to show a total aeronautical
engineering experience of 3 years including maintenance, overhaul, repair,
modification of wooden gliders/metal gliders, fabrication of cables, rigging of controls
etc. out of which 12 months must be on major maintenance/overhaul of glider of
similar construction out of which 6 months must be on the particular type applied for of
which 3 months must be recent experience. If an applicant has 'B' license on light
aircraft, the applicant may be required to take an oral-cum-practical examination
after 6 months experience on the Type. For repair of fiberglass/composite material
structure, special training will be required with the prior approval of DGCA.

EXTENSION: For extension in category 'B' on gliders the applicant will have 6 months
experience on the type out of which at least 3 months will be the recent experience.

NOTE:- Persons having valid AME licenses in category 'B' may have 3 months recent
experience on the type of glider on which extension is desired.


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Total aeronautical engineering experience required will be 4 years out of which 12

months experience must be in the maintenance of piston engines out of which six
months must be on the type of engine applied for and out of which three months must
be the recent experience.

EXTENSION: For extension of license to cover additional piston engines the applicant
must have six months experience on the type of engine applied for. If the license is
already valid in category C for a similar type of engine of similar construction,
then only three months experience will be required.


Total aeronautical engineering experience required is 4 years which must include 24
months experience on general maintenance and inspection of Gas Turbine Engines
out of which 12 months must be on the type of engine applied for out of which 3
months must be the recent experience.

EXTENSION: For extension of license to cover category 'C' (Turbine engine), the
candidate should have 12 months experience on type of which 3 months should be recent

For overhaul of Piston engine below 500 BHP the applicant must have general
aeronautical engineering experience of 4 years including overhaul/repair/maintenance of
piston engine out of which 24 months must be on the major
maintenance/repair/modification of engine of similar construction out of which 12
months must be on the particular type of engine out of which 6 months must be the
recent experience.

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EXTENSION: For extension in Cat. D, 12 months experience on Type of engine will be

required out of which 6 months will be recent experience.


The applicant for Category E to cover electrical systems installed on heavy aircraft
will be required to have 4 years general avionics engineering experience out of which
12 months experience must be on the maintenance, snag rectification and
carrying out replacement of electrical equipment and minor servicing on the specific
type aircraft out of which three months must be recent experience.

EXTENSION : For extension in category 'E', applicant will be required to have 6

months experience on the type of aircraft out of which 3 months must be recent


The applicant for instrument system of heavy aircraft will have 4 years experience of
general avionics engineering including a minimum of 12 months experience on
maintenance,snag rectification, replacement of instruments on specific type of aircraft
out of which 3 months must be recent experience.

EXTENSION: For extension in category 'I', applicant will be required to have 6

months experience on the type of aircraft out of which 3 months must be recent


The applicant must have a total of 4 years avionics engineering experience on
maintenance and repair out of which 12 months must be on the maintenance, minor
repair, testing, snag rectification, installation and removal of radio communication,

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navigational and radar equipment installed on the specific type aircraft applied for,
out of which 3 months must be the recent experience.

EXTENSION For extension in category 'R', applicant will be required to have 6 months
experience on the type of aircraft out of which 3 months must be recent experience.

Note: For issue of AME license in Category 'R', the candidate must possesses RTR
(Aero) license issued by Ministry of Communication at the time of oral cum practical


Persons having acquired license in any one of the categories of E, I and R will require
additional experience of one year to qualify for additional category and a person
having 2 categories will require 6 months to qualify for the third.


This category of license will cover avionics system of highly sophisticated aircraft
with fly-by- wire technology and where there cannot be a clear demarcation between
instrument, electrical and radio systems. The applicant should have license in
Category E, I and R OR possess BAMEC in Category of Electrical System (ES),
Instrument System (IS) and Radio Navigation System (RN) and should have successfully
undergone an approved training course on Integrated Avionics Systems. Thereafter
the candidate will be subjected to oral cum practical test for issue of the license. At
present such licenses will be issued to cover A320 aircraft. However request for issue of
such license to cover the other sophisticated aircraft incorporating comparable
technology may also is considered.

Note: For issue of AME license in Category 'V', the candidate must possesses RTR
(Aero) license issued by Ministry of Communication at the time of oral cum practical

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The applicant for Category X license to certify autopilots will be required to have the
general avionics engineering experience of 4 years out of which 12 months must have
been on the maintenance, overhaul, repair of instruments, autopilots and other
allied components and out of which six months must be recent on the overhaul of
particular type of autopilot, its testing, modification, installation and operational test.

EXTENSION For extension of license to cover additional type of autopilot the

applicant must have experience in overhaul, testing, modification, repair for six months
on the type of autopilot out of which 3 months shall be recent experience.


The applicant should have general avionics engineering experience of 4 years in
respect of overhaul/repair, modification, testing of electrical components and system as
installed on aircraft out of which 12 months must be on the overhaul/repair and testing
of electrical equipment fitted on light aircraft out of which six months must be the recent
experience. This license will be open and will cover all light aircraft unless mentioned


The applicant will have general avionics engineering experience of 4 years in the
maintenance, repair overhaul, testing, modification of instruments installed on light
aircraft and engines installed thereon out of which 12 months experience must be on

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maintenance, repair, overhaul, testing, snag rectification on light aircraft and of which
three months must be recent experience. This license will be open and will cover
instruments installed on all light aircraft unless mentioned otherwise.


The applicant must have a total of 4 years avionics engineering experience on the
maintenance, overhaul/repair out of which 12 months must be on the overhaul,
testing, bench test, snag rectification & major modification etc. Of radio
communication, navigation and radar equipment installed on the type aircraft applied
for, out of which six months must be recent experience.

EXTENSION: For extension in category 'X', applicant will be required to have 6

months experience on the type of aircraft out of which 3 months must be recent


The applicant should have general aeronautical engineering experience of 4 years in
respect of overhaul/repair, modification of VP propellers and at least 12 months must be
on the maintenance/repair of propellers and out of which either 6 months must be on
the overhaul/repair of the type of propellers applied for or overhaul of 3 propellers.

4.21 Note : An applicant may be allowed to appear for Paper I & II of AME license
examination after he/she has acquired at least 2 years of Aeronautical Engineering
Experience. He/She may appear for Paper III after acquiring 3 years of aeronautical
engineering experience on the relevant category. The applicant will be permitted
to appear for Paper IV (specific)/ approved course only after he/she has passed Paper
I, II and III and has acquired 4 years of aeronautical engineering experience.

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After passing Paper I, II, III, IV and oral cum practical test, the candidate will be
issued with an AME license in the relevant category. For issuance of the same the
applicant is required to submit an application in the enclosed Performa (Appendix
'A') to Director General of Civil Aviation Attn. Director of Airworthiness,
Headquarters together with the requisite fee, Medical fitness/colour vision Certificate
(Appendix 'B').


6.1 CATEGORY 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', AND 'I':-

AME license in the above Category will be endorsed according to the type of aircraft/


6.2.1 The license in Category R pertaining to heavy aircraft will be endorsed as


"Valid for Communication/ Navigation/ Radar system installed on the under mentioned
aircraft." -- Beneath this title the type of aircraft, the radio equipment of which the holder
is authorized to certify will be listed. Licenses so endorsed will deem to cover all the
communication/ navigation/ radar equipment as mentioned in the relevant maintenance
manual/ type certification data sheet of the aircraft.

6.2.2 The license in Category R pertaining to light aircraft will be endorsed as


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HF, VHF, ADF, VOR, ILS, VLF/Omega, DME, Weather Radar, etc. on particular type
of aircraft.

6.2.3 In case AME in Cat. R seeks extension on his license to cover additional type
of aircraft having radio equipment identical to that installed on a type of aircraft
already endorsed on his license, such extension will be endorsed by the
Airworthiness Office without subjecting the candidate to any test, On receiving the
application from the candidate furnishing the information that the type of aircraft
asked for has radio equipment identical to that installed on the type of aircraft already
endorsed on the license, the extension will be endorsed by the Regional Airworthiness
Office only after verifying the information furnished in the application and duly
intimate to DGCA about such endorsement. Such endorsement will not involve any

6.2.4 In case applicant seeks extension on his license in Cat. R and/or Cat X (Radio
Equipment) to cover additional type of aircraft would be considered for exemption
from oral cum practical test depending on the similarity of radio equipment installed on
the type of aircraft for which application is made vis a vis the radio equipment
installed on the type of aircraft already endorsed in the relevant category.

1. Airborne Communication System includes VHF, HF, Voice Recorder and Audio

2. Airborne Navigation System includes ADF, VOR, ILS, VLF/Omega and CW

Hyperbolic equipment.

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3. Airborne Radar System includes Weather Radar, DME, and Radio Altimeter and
ATC Transponder equipment.


The licence at present will be endorsed to cover A320 aircraft. However request for
issue of such licence to cover the other sophisticated aircraft incorporating comparable
technology may also be considered.



The license will be endorsed according to the type of system installed on a particular
type of aircraft.


The license will be endorsed mentioning the main equipment like HF, VHF, ADF,
VOR, ILS, VLF/Omega, DME, Weather Radar, etc. on particular type of aircraft.

Note: As and when an item of equipment is replaced by a type/ model of equipment (as
approved by the manufacturer or by DGCA) different from the one mentioned in the
Manual/ type certification data sheet on particular type of aircraft, the AME having
endorsement in the license for the type of aircraft shall have to pass examination covering
the new equipment before he exercises his certification privileges. In case the new
equipment is already covered by him on different type of aircraft, the new equipment
could be endorsed on the type of aircraft on which the equipment is being replaced.

7. So far as certification of ignition apparatus of light aircraft is concerned, the

installation etc. can be done by either the 'C' license engineers or 'X' license engineer
holding electrical license. No separate category of license for ignition apparatus will be

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issued. However, the overhaul of ignition equipment will be certified by the X

license engineers holding electrical license.

Note: For AME license holders in Category 'X' to cover Ignition Apparatus issued
prior to the revised Aircraft Rule 61 published vide GSR No. 196 (E) dated 1st April
'1991, will be endorsed in the new format with a note :- "Also valid for Ignition


8.1 The Remote reading Compass(RR COMPASS) for which so far separate
license was issued will be certified by persons having category 'I' or 'R' covering
instruments systems or radio equipment and having passed Paper III to cover the
RR compass system and an oral-cum-practical check. For this the candidate should
acquire the following experience:
4 compensations and installations of RR compass on aircraft.

8.2 The Direct Reading Compass,(DR COMPASS) for which so far separate
licenses were issued, may be certified by persons holding any category of AME
license provided the candidate passes the Paper III on DR compass system and an oral
cum practical check. For this the candidate should acquire the following
experience : 6 checks on synthetic aids and 4 installations and compensations of
DR compass on aircraft, or; total 6 installations and compensations of DR compass on

Note: For AME license holders in Category 'X' to cover RR/DR Compass issued prior
to the revised Aircraft Rule 61 published vide GSR No. 196 (E) dated 1st April '1991,
will be endorsed in the new format with a note :- "Also valid for RR/DR Compass."

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Note 1 : The licenses in categories 'A', 'C', 'E', 'I' and 'R' conform to ICAO Type II
licenses and licenses in categories 'B', 'D' and 'X' conform to ICAO Type I license.
This licensing system conforms to revised rule 61 published vide GSR No. 196(E) dated

Note 2: Where evidence of approved training, guided practical training and full time
on the job training is produced, the experience requirements for issue/extension can be
relaxed for individual operator and such procedure shall be included in operator's
Quality Control
Manual/Training Manual.

Note 3: DGCA may also grant AME licenses in Category 'E' and 'I' for certification
of electrical and instrument systems installed on light aircraft if the complexity and
sophistication of these systems so requires. The experience requirement will be the same
as that applicable to heavy aircraft.

Note 4: Depending on the sophistication of aircraft and its systems, candidates

appearing for Category 'A' on pressurized aircraft even though not exceeding 5700 kg
AUW will be given Heavy Aircraft (HA) paper.

(application form only remaining notes completed)


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1. APPLICABILITY: This part of CAR prescribes the requirements for compliance with
Mandatory Modifications/Inspections.

The purpose of a mandatory modification/inspection is to notify aircraft owners of unsafe
and other conditions affecting the airworthiness of their aircraft and/or accessories. The
Mandatory Modification/Inspection will prescribe the mandatory actions required for the
continued safe operation of the aircraft.


For the purpose of this part:

3.1 MANDATORY MODIFICATION: Mandatory Modification means the modification

incorporated in an aircraft, aircraft component and items of equipment after type
certification to maintain it in an airworthy condition.

3.2 AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE: Airworthiness Directive means an instruction

issued by an Airworthiness Authority that amends an approved document or requires a
modification, restriction, replacement or special inspection of an aircraft, aircraft
component or item of equipment necessary to maintain it in an airworthy condition.

3.3 FOREIGN AIRWORTHINESS AUTHORITY: Foreign Airworthiness Authority

means the airworthiness authority of the country responsible for the issue of type design
certification for the aircraft including their accessories.


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4.1 Mandatory Modifications and inspections are promulgated by the airworthiness

authority of the country of manufacture of an aircraft, aircraft component and item of
equipment to maintain the continued airworthiness of the product. These are issued after
some service defects are noticed and also after continued testing of the product which
may reveal any deficiency. The concerned manufacturers bring the defects as well as the
deficiencies in an aircraft, aircraft component or item of equipment to the notice of the
Airworthiness Authority. The Airworthiness Authorities in turn issue the mandatory
modifications/inspections, which are to be complied with within the stipulated period to
maintain product in airworthy condition.



4.2.1 Manufacturers generally issue changes to their products in the form of Service
Bulletins, Service Instructions, Service Letters or other literature to the operators.
However, these Service Bulletins/Instructions do not automatically become mandatory.
Each operator is expected to review all such information received from the manufacturers
and based on their experience incorporate the same. These may be for better performance
of the product, to prevent recurrence of minor defects, improvement in the material or life
development etc.

4.2.2 It is imperative that all operators/Aircraft Maintenance Organizations (AMO)

shall be in possession of updated Service Bulletins, Service Instructions, Service
Letters and any other document relating to continued airworthiness of aircraft.
Operators/ AMOs shall be on the mailing list for receipt of amendments to the above
documents from the manufacturers/design authorities.

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4.3 At the time of issue of C of A to a new type of aircraft imported into the country,
the operator shall ensure that all Airworthiness Directives issued by the Regulatory
Authority of the State of Manufacture are complied with. A statement in this regard
shall be submitted to DGCA. All repeat inspections mentioned in the Airworthiness
Directives may form part of the maintenance inspection schedule.

4.4 DGCA will declare only those Airworthiness Directives/Alert service Bulletins/
Service Bulletins/Instructions /Letters as mandatory which affect the safety of
aircraft operation. These will be notified to the operator in the form of Mandatory
Modifications/Inspections. The operator will comply with the DGCA mandatory
modification /inspection within the period specified by DGCA failing which the C of
A is deemed to be suspended. Further, it shall be the responsibility of the operator to
comply with any revisions issued by regulatory Authority of the state of the manufacture
to the AD or by the manufacturer to the ASB/SB/SL/SI. etc.

4.5 DGCA upon receipt of Mandatory Modifications from the state of design will
declare them mandatory after assessing the information contained therein. Operators
are advised to get copies of such Airworthiness Directives, Mandatory Modifications/
Inspections from the manufacturers or through the Foreign Airworthiness Authorities
where these are normally available for sale.

4.5.1 For aircraft designed in India, DGCA shall transmit information, which it
finds necessary, relating to continuing airworthiness of aircraft and safe operation
of aircraft to every State who have advised DGCA that they have entered such
aircraft on their register and to any other State upon request.

4.5.2 DGCA shall intimate the State of design any information relating to continuing
airworthiness of aircraft or operation of aircraft which it originates and declares

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4.6 All operators are required to evolve and implement a foolproof and timely
system to ensure that any modification carried out on their aircraft is duly
intimated to the manufacturer. The Quality Control Manual should include the
procedure for intimating the compliance of modifications to the manufacturer.

4.7 It shall be the responsibility of owner/operator/maintenance agency to include

such modifications, which require repeat inspections at specified intervals in the
appropriate inspection schedule.

4.8 Owner/Operators are required to submit to the Regional Airworthiness office a

list of Service Bulletins complied with during the preceding one year at the time of
renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness. They are also required to submit a
consolidated list of mandatory modifications/ inspections item wise indicating their
compliance status. False statement in regard to the compliance status of a
mandatory modification/ inspection will be viewed seriously and necessary action
will be taken by this office against the erring QCM/Engineers who have certified its
compliance. Officers of this Department may ask for dismantling of a part to ensure the
compliance of any modifications declared mandatory in case of any doubt.

4.9 The Certificate of Airworthiness will not be renewed if it is observed that any
mandatory modification/ inspection due on the aircraft, aircraft component or item
of equipment installed on the aircraft has not been complied with.

4.10 Normally a type certified product should not be altered or modified by the
operator unless prior approval is obtained from DGCA. However, products can be
modified in accordance with the manufacturers Service Bulletins or Instructions,
provided the recommended material, spare parts and procedure as suggested
therein are used and incorporation of said SB/Modification is certified By
licensed/approved person or organization. Any deviation from the above will
require prior approval of DGCA. In case of experiencing any difficulty in complying
with the modification, the operator may apply for a concession with proper justification

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to the Regional Airworthiness office. Incorporation of an unapproved modification/

inspection to a type certified product would render the C of An invalid. This office will
compile a consolidated list of all modifications/inspections aircraft; engine and
equipment wise declared mandatory and will distribute the same to the concerned
operator through Regional Airworthiness Office. Notwithstanding the above, the
owners/operators are expected to comply with the modifications/inspections intimated
through Cablegrams/ Alert Service Bulletins unless notified otherwise.
*********************** ***********************************



This part of Civil Airworthiness Requirements Series T specifies the conditions
for the flight testing of series aircraft for the issue of Certificate of Airworthiness.


(a)SERIES AIRCRAFT :- means an aircraft in respect of which an application has

been made for Certificate of Airworthiness and the design of which is similar in

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every essential respect to the design of an aircraft for which a Certificate of

Airworthiness has previously been issued.

(b) FLIGHT TESTS for the purpose of this part means the flying of an aircraft
exclusively for the purpose of ensuring that the Flight performance and characteristics
of the aircraft and functioning in flight of the aircraft parts do not differ
significantly in adverse sense from those of its prototype.

3. CIRCUMSTANCES OF FLIGHT TEST : The aircraft will be flight tested in

accordance with the flight test schedule approved by the Director General :

(i) To establish compliance with the airworthiness requirements;

(ii) To provide information for inclusion in the documents associated with the
Certificate of Airworthiness.


Before the flight test is made, the Chief Inspector shall release the aircraft for flight test
after ensuring that all requirements of Aircraft Rules and those laid down by the
Director General have been complied with.


The aircraft shall be flight tested by applicants/constructor's pilot under
approved arrangements.

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This part of Civil Aviation Requirements (Section 2-Airworthiness) specifies the
conditions for
the flight testing of aircraft for which a Certificate of Airworthiness has previously been


(a) "APPROVED" :-means approved by Director General of Civil Aviation.

(b) "FLIGHT TEST" means the flying of an aircraft, without any passenger on board, for
the purpose of ensuring that: -

(i) The aircraft handling characteristics have not deteriorated with time;

(ii) The aircraft performance remains as scheduled; and

(iii) Aircraft and its equipment function properly.


3.1 An aircraft shall be flight tested under the circumstances mentioned below:

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(a) At the time of renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness of aircraft (including six

monthly renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness) of aircraft operated by operators and
subsequent to a major inspection schedule/as specified by the manufacturer in the case of
scheduled airlines.

Note: - The scheduled airlines, which have a system (vide Para 7 of this part of the CAR)
meticulous flight monitoring of each revenue flight, for the guidance of their operating
crew and also have a flight performance evaluation cell in their engineering Organization,
acceptable to DGCA, need not subject individual aircraft to test flight for the purpose of
renewal of C of A, except under the circumstances detailed below in sub-paras (b) to (e).

The performance cell should furnish a certificate during every C of A renewal certifying
that the aircraft performance has been continuously monitored and the performance is

(b) Subsequent to maintenance, repair, or, modification which affect operational or flight
Characteristics of the aircraft.

(c) For the purpose of evaluation in respect of fuel consumption engine power and
performance of radio/ radar/ navigational equipment or instruments whenever these are
doubted and cannot be satisfactorily checked on ground.

(d) (i) Subsequent to change of an engine.

(ii) On a twin engined aircraft a test flight after an engine change may not be carried
out provided satisfactory engine ground testing procedure subsequent to an engine
change and acceptable to Director General of Civil Aviation is evolved prior to availing
of this relaxation. However, if two engines are changed a test flight is necessary.

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(iii) On three engined aircraft, after a single engine change a test flight may not be
carried out provided satisfactory engine ground testing procedure subsequent to an engine
change and acceptable to Director General of Civil Aviation is evolved prior to availing
of this relaxation. however more than one engine change will require a Test Flight.

(iv) On a four engine aircraft, after one or two engine changes, a test flight may not be
carried out provided satisfactory engine ground testing procedure subsequent to engine
change and acceptable to Director General of Civil Aviation is evolved prior to availing
of this relaxation. However if more than two engines are changed, a test flight is

Note: - Engine change would mean removal of any engine and its replacement by:

(i)An overhauled engine

(ii) An engine removed from any other position of the same aircraft or any other aircraft.

(Reinstallation of the same engine on the same aircraft in its original position would not
constitute an engine change for this purpose, provided the engine has already been flight
proven and the entire installation of the engine is double-checked and certified.)

(e) To satisfactorily determine the cause of a defect so as to assess the maintenance

required to rectify the defect.

3.2 Notwithstanding the circumstances mentioned in para 3.1 above, DGCA may require
any aircraft or any type of aircraft to undergo such flight-testing and at such frequency as
considered necessary.

3.3 Operator of an aircraft shall, for each type of aircraft operated by it, specify in its
approved Quality Control and/or Maintenance System Manual, the circumstances under
which a flight test is to be performed. This shall not only include the circumstances laid

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down in Para 3.1 above, but also any other currently known. Further procedures to be
observed by maintenance personnel for the flight testing shall also be included in the

3.4 Whenever the performance of an aircraft during the test flight or at other occasions, is
adversely commented upon by the flight crew, the same shall be reported to Regional
Airworthiness Office promptly, along with the remedial measures envisaged to rectify the

3.5 A person appropriately licensed/approved to certify the "Flight release (vide CAR
Section 2 Series 'F') of an aircraft, shall prior to certifying, determine whether or not the
circumstances are such that a flight test is necessary.

4.1 Before a flight test is made, the documents covering the maintenance repair,
modification and inspection shall be completed in all respects and certified in accordance
with the approved procedures listed in Quality Control Manual/ Maintenance System
Manual, and shall be produced before the pilot of the aircraft, if required.

4.2 When the requirements of( para 4.1 )have been met, and before the test flight, a
certificate, to the effect that the aircraft is fit for the flight, shall be issued in duplicate on
a proforma, by a licensed/approved individual who is permitted to issue Flight Release
(vide CAR Section 2 Series 'F'). One copy shall be delivered to the pilot test flying the
aircraft and the other copy shall be retained by the operator.

4.3 The licensed individual who signs the pretest flight certification documents shall also
ensure that the document shows the purpose of test flight and the information required to
be observed/recorded during the test flight by the flight crew. The pilot test flying the
aircraft shall also be briefed on these aspects.

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5.1 Operators shall, for each type of aircraft operated by them, provide in an approved
routine test flight schedule, the detailed procedure to be followed/observed while
performing the flight test.

5.2 It shall be the responsibility of the operator to keep the test flight schedule, vis--vis
manufacturer's/ DGCA's requirements, up-to-date.

5.3 As far as practicable, the routine test flight will be conducted at maximum all-up
weight, authorized for the type of aircraft, keeping in view the limitation imposed by the
factors like aerodrome altitude/temperature, runway length etc.


(i)That "all-engine-operating climb performance is within acceptable limits, specified by
the manufacturer/DGCA, while effecting climb at the "best climbing speed".

(ii) That the cruise speed at the cruising engine power, is within the range specified;

(iii) That the stalling speed has not increased beyond the figure specified by the
manufacturer/ DGCA.

(iv) That through normal operating range of the aircraft no abnormal vibrations exist;

(v) That flight controls operate and respond normally and satisfactorily.

Note: - The stalling characteristics of the aircraft if required to be checked, must be

checked at a safe altitude.

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(vi) The radio/ radar equipment functions correctly as installed in the aircraft and the
operating range is satisfactory.


6.1 A flight test report appropriate to the flight test performed shall be completed by the
pilot- in- command or by any other flight crewmember of the aircraft, authorized by the
operator. The report shall detail the result of the flight test and record all defects
experienced and adjustments made during the flight, besides recording of instruments
readings as called for in the report (schedule).

6.2 The pilot-in-command shall be responsible for recording the result of the test flight
and for making such comments in writing as considered necessary for a further test flight.

6.3 A flight test report and record of defects and adjustments shall be made in the flight
logbook of the aircraft or other equivalent document approved by the Director General.



7.1 The scheduled airlines may evolve a system within there "Operations Section"
preparing flight plans, for the convenience of operating crew, for conducting each
revenue flight, based on the performance data documented by the manufacturers. Under
this system, operating crew should be expected to report back on the actual performance
of aircraft during flight vis--vis the prepared plan. Significant variations in aircraft's
performance shall be investigated by the
operator so that corrective measures are initiated promptly.

7.2 Additionally, scheduled airlines will have aircraft performance monitoring cell in
their "Engineering Section" for keeping the performance of each aircraft under
continuous surveillance by regularly analyzing the flight data like ROC, cruising speed,

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fuel consumption, range of Radio/ Radar equipment etc., collected from revenue flight
reports for detecting any persisting shortfall in the performance of any aircraft.

7.3 In consultation with the manufacturers of aircraft/ DGCA, scheduled airlines shall
specify in their Quality Control/ Maintenance System Manual the acceptable "shortfall
for the guidance of their maintenance staff.

7.4 On learning of the "shortfall" DGCA may order such further flight test or such other
corrective action as considered necessary.


8.1 The "Rate of Climb" figure read off the aircraft instrument, during the climbing phase
of the test flight, is related to test conditions, viz., mean altitude, mean temperature and
mean weight. This will be termed as "observed actual climb performance" figure.

8.2 The "expected climb performance" figure corresponding to test conditions (mean
altitude, mean temperature and mean weight) shall be obtained from the relevant manual
of the aircraft, like Flight Manual, Operations Manual, Pilot's notes
8.3 The "observed actual climb performance" figure (para 8.1) shall in no case be lower
by more than 3% (in terms of ft. per minute) of the "expected climb performance" figure
(para 8.2) for the purpose of acceptance of test flight report.

8.4 In case necessary graphs for deriving "expected climb performance" figure
corresponding to test conditions are not readily available, then appropriate "ROC
correction factor" graph (Appendix to this CAR) be used---either graph meant for
constant speed propellers or for fixed pitch propellers, as applicable for determining the

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correction factor corresponding to mean altitude and mean temperature test conditions,
stipulated in Flight Manual/Operations Manual/Pilots' notes, before ROC, thus corrected
partly, is further corrected for test conditions of mean weight as
described in the following para 8.5.

8.5 As the mean weight of the aircraft at the test conditions is invariably different from
the maximum authorized all-up-weight for which ROC is specified in Flight Manual/
Operations Manual/ Pilots' notes, the following expression may be used for applying
weight correction to obtain the finally corrected 'expected climb performance' figure:

8.6 The finally corrected "expected climb performance" figure shall then be compared
with "observed actual climb performance" figure as described in para 8.3 above, for the
purpose of acceptance of test flight report.


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9.1 When a satisfactory flight test has been performed and subsequent defects, if any, are
rectified and certified an endorsement to this effect shall be made in the Pilot's Defect
Report/ Maintenance documents/aircraft log book by licensed/approved person
responsible for issuing "Flight Release" (vide CAR Series 'F').

9.2 Thereafter the usual "Flight Release" may be issued.


For the purpose of flight tests, the number of flight crew to be carried on board shall be as
specified in the flight manual.




The pilot carrying out the flight test shall be in possession of:-


(i) A valid Commercial Pilot's License/Senior Commercial Pilot License/ Airline

Transport Pilot License endorsed for the type of aircraft; with

(ii) At least 500 hours total flying time as Pilot-in-Command (PIC) which shall include:

(a) At least 100 hours as PIC on type; of which

(b) At least 10 hours shall be as PIC on type or similar aircraft types within a period of
six months immediately preceding the date of flight test.


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(i) A valid Commercial Pilot's License/Senior Commercial Pilot License/ Airline

Transport Pilot License endorsed for the type of aircraft; with

(ii) At least 1000 hours total flying time which shall include:

(a) At least 500 hours flying time as PIC on twin engined aircraft; of which

(b) At Least 100 hours shall be as PIC on type; and

(c) At least 10 hours as PIC on type or similar aircraft types within a period of six months
immediately preceding the date of flight test.


10.2.1 The pilot carrying out flight test of aircraft fitted with Piston engine with
Maximum Take-off Weight (MTOW) not exceeding 3000 kgs. And categorized as
private aircraft in the C of A, shall be in possession of:-

(a) At least a valid Private Pilot's license (PPL) endorsed for the type of aircraft with:-

(b) At Least 500 hours total flying experience which shall include:-

(i) At least 200 hours as PIC, of which

(ii) At Least 100 hours shall be on type; and

(iii) At least 10 hours as PIC on type or similar aircraft types within a period of six
months immediately preceding the date of flight test.

10.2.2 ) Test flight of aircraft other than piston engined aircraft having maximum
take-off weight exceeding 3000 kgs shall be carried out as per the para 10.1.

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Notwithstanding what has been specified, here in -before, DGCA may consider
permitting private owners to carry out the flight test on their own aircraft, after
considering their total flying experience and type, thereof.

10.3) GLIDERS: Test flight of gliders including powered gliders shall be conducted by
Glider Pilot license (GPL) holders with current Flight Instructor Rating on the relevant

10.4) Notwithstanding the above, any other suitable person may be permitted to carry out
test flights with the prior approval of DGCA.

Note: No pilot shall carry out test flight after 1st May 1997 unless he meets the
requirements of Para 10 through 10.2.2, as applicable.


The Quality Control Manager/Chief Instructor of an approved organization or Chief
Engineer/ Engineer in charge of other organizations shall submit a certificate to the
Regional Airworthiness
Office at the time of renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness of the aircraft, stating that
Test Flight/ Evaluations of revenue flights were carried out as and when required vide
this part of CAR Series 'T' and the flight results did not reveal any deterioration in
aircraft's performance/revealed deterioration in aircraft's performance which was within
acceptable limits.




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This CAR lays down the frequency of weighment and preparation of weight schedule and
also the requirement about displaying the weight schedule besides the manner of
distribution and securing the load in the aircraft.


(2.1) EMPTY WEIGHT: Means the measured or computed weight of an aircraft,

excluding the
weight of all removable equipment and other items of disposable load, but including the
weight of all items of fixed operating equipment or other equipment which are mandatory
for all operations like fixed ballast, engine coolant, hydraulic fluid and fuel and oil
quantities (both trapped and unusable) in the aircraft and engine system.

(2.2) LIMITS OF CENTRE OF GRAVITY : Means the most forward and most rearward
Centre of Gravity position within which an aircraft may be operated safely. These limits
are specified in Certificate of Airworthiness/Flight Manual of an aircraft.

(2.3) MAXIMUM TAKE-OFF WEIGHT : Means the maximum weight, according to its
Certificate of Airworthiness or Flight Manual, at which an aircraft is permitted to take-

(2.4) REMOVABLE EQUIPMENT: Means items of equipment which are carried on

some of or on all flights, but which are not included in Empty weight and which are not
mandatory for the type
of operation being conducted.


(3.1) Every aircraft shall be weighed before the issue of Certificate of Airworthiness. In
case a new aircraft is imported from outside the country, weight schedules issued by the

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manufacturer or the previous operator weight schedule based on the manufacturer's

certificated weight and balance documents would be acceptable.



4.1 Aircraft weighing less than 2000 kgs,need not be reweighed on routine basis, unless it
is required to be reweighed in accordance with para 4.3 of this CAR.


2000 KG.:-
Aircraft having AUW more than 2000 kg shall be re-weighed every five years unless it is
required to be re-weighed in accordance with para 4.3 of this CAR. However operators
may approach Regional Airworthiness Offices (through the Sub-Regional Airworthiness
Offices, as applicable) for an adhoc extension of the weighment period of an aircraft by a
maximum of 3 months to tide over the operational exigencies. Such requests for
extension may be agreed upon by Regional Airworthiness Office, if satisfied with the
reasons advanced by the operator for his request. Extension of weighment beyond 3
months may be granted by Director of Airworthiness of the concerned region under
intimation to Headquarters promptly.



An aircraft shall be required to be reweighed if it has undergone major repair or major

alteration or there has been major change in the interior arrangement of pilot/pax/cargo
compartments which affect already determined weight and balance data and which
cannot be accurately computed without fresh weighment. Decision of the DGCA whether

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the aircraft requires reweighing after major repair/ alteration, or change in interior
arrangement, shall be final.

4.4 The renewal of the Certificate of Airworthiness of an aircraft shall be subjected to

following of the requirements of para 4.

5. Director General of Civil Aviation may require the re weighment of an aircraft at any
time if he considers it necessary.


After the aircraft has been weighed as required, an appropriately licensed AME in
Category "B" or a person approved for the purpose shall prepare a Weight Schedule
which will contain at least the following information :-

(i) Type of Aircraft.

(ii) Registration marking and Serial No. of aircraft.

(iii) Empty weight including weight of unusable quantity of fuel and oil (Kg.).

(iv) Item wise Weight and details of removable equipment (Kg.) (Including wireless

(v) Maximum fuel capacity (Usable) in liters and Kg.

(vi) Maximum oil capacity (Usable) in liters and Kg.

(vii) Maximum commercial weight with fuel and oil tanks full.

(viii) Maximum AUW (as per Certificate of Airworthiness/ Flight Manual) (Kg.).

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(xi) Empty weight Centre of Gravity.

(xii) Centre of Gravity Range and datum

(xiii)Maximum number of passengers.

(xiv)Signature of appropriately licensed AME/ Approved person

(xv) Date of weighment.


The weight schedule after being prepared and duly signed shall be submitted to Regional
Airworthiness Office who would approve the same by affixing signature and stamp after
satisfying himself of the procedure followed and correctness of the figures of the weight
schedule. The aircraft should be weighed in the presence of representative of Regional
Airworthiness Office.


A copy of the approved weight schedule must be displayed in the aircraft at a suitable and
prominent place. All persons concerned directly with the loading of the aircraft shall be
duly informed of the various weight figures for exercising proper weight and balance
control of the aircraft. A copy of the weight schedule must be retained along with other
documents of the aircraft or in the aircraft log book, till it is replaced by a fresh schedule.


9.1 For all flights, it shall be the responsibility of the Pilot-in-Command to ensure that the
aircraft is satisfactorily loaded with respect to the total load, the distribution of the load
and proper securing of the load in aircraft (lashing of the load). The distribution of the
load shall be such that the C.G. position will remain within the specified limits at the time
of take off, during the progress of the flight and at the time of landing.

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9.2 In the case of scheduled operator, the responsibility for loading, lashing and
computing C.G. position, for take-off and landing phases of flight as stated in the
previous paragraph may be delegated to a person nominated by the operator, who is
specifically trained and authorized
(by the operator) for the purpose. However, Centre of Gravity position computed by the
nominated person shall be signed and dated by him and the same shall be submitted to the
Pilot-in-Command of the aircraft for his scrutiny and acceptance; the acceptance would
be denoted by the pilot by affixing the dated signature.

9.3 In case a method other than the "direct calculating method" for the purpose of
computing C.G. is employed, the same shall be submitted to the Regional Airworthiness
Office for approval
before adoption.

9.4 Every operator including scheduled, non-scheduled, State Government and private
aircraft operator shall prepare load and trim sheet for aircraft where the manufacturer has
necessary documentation for the purpose. The load and trim sheet shall indicate the
composition and the distribution of the total load carried on board the aircraft as well as
the calculated C.G. position for "take-off and landing" configurations before the
commencement of the flight. Such load sheets shall be prepared and signed by the Pilot-
in- Command or persons duly trained in accordance with CAR Section 2 Series 'F' Part
XXII and responsible for supervising the loading of aircraft. In case the load and trim
sheet is prepared by a person other than the Pilot-in-Command, the same shall be
submitted to the Pilot for his scrutiny and signatures before the commencement of the
flight. One copy of the load sheet shall be carried on board the aircraft and one copy shall
be retained by the operator for record purposes for a period of at least four months from
the date of issue.


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10.1 For preparation of load sheet and calculation of Centre of Gravity as

mentioned in para 9.4 above, the minimum standard weight (including handbag) as given
below, shall be applied in all civil registered aircraft:

1. Crew 85 (75+10) kgs.

2. Adult passenger (both Male & Female) 75 kgs.

3. Child (Between 2 years and 12 years age) 35 kgs.

4. Infant (Less than two years) 10 kgs.

Note: For training flights the actual weight of the crew may be taken for computation of


(11.1)The weighing scales used for the purpose of weighment of passenger baggage,
goods etc. shall be calibrated at specified intervals to the satisfaction of the QCM/
DGCA. The QCM is required to bring this requirement to the notice of the concerned
persons for compliance.

(11.2)The weighing scales used for the purpose of weighment of aircraft shall be
calibrated at specified intervals to the satisfaction of DGCA. This requirement may be
reflected in the Quality Control Manual.


12.1 Specific seats shall be allotted to all passengers boarding at originating stations of
flights so

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that centre of gravity of the aircraft can be calculated accurately and the C.G. is kept
within the permissible limits.

12.2 During loading, it must be ensured that aircraft cabin floor loading limitations are
not exceeded.
12.3 The load must be securely tied so that there is no possibility of the load shifting in
flight and disturbing the calculated C.G. position.

12.4 The load must be tied at the specified places provided in the aircraft and the tying
ropes must be of sufficient strength to withstand the loads imposed on it in flight.

12.5 While placing cargo in the passenger cabin during mixed version (passenger cum
freight) operation, the load must be placed ahead of the passengers in the cabin, the load
must not block "emergency exit" meant to be used by the passengers during
emergencies ".


The safety instructions required to be observed, as detailed in para 9, 10 and 12 above,
shall be observed by Pilot-in-Command of non-scheduled operators, aerial work aircraft
operators and private aircraft operators. In the case of scheduled operators, a
comprehensive manual ( weight and balance) shall be prepared which may detail the
safety requirements of paras 9, 10 and 12 for compliance by the concerned staff.




1.1 This part of Civil Aviation Requirements lays down the requirement for placement
and use of First Aid Kit(s) and Physician's Kit on aircraft registered in India.

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(2.1) All Indian Registered aircraft before every flight shall be equipped with approved
First-Aid Kits for treatment of injuries, which may occur in flight or as a result of minor

(2.2)Large public transport aircraft, capable of carrying more than 20 passengers

including crew when engaged in commercial flights, shall in addition to the First Aid Kit
be equipped with Physician's Kit which shall contain the life saving drugs.


(3.1) FIRST AID KIT: A kit containing such items which can be used for the purpose of
first aid treatment of injuries which may occur in flight or as a result of minor accidents.

(3.2)PHYSICIAN'S KIT: A kit containing such life saving drugs intended to be

administered only by a qualified medical practitioner if and when available.

The number of First Aid Kit and Physician's Kit to be carried on board shall be as


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5.1 First Aid Kit(s) shall be carried on all aircraft.

5.2 The First Aid Kit container must be moisture and dust-proof and readily accessible to
cabin attendants/flight crew, in flight, except in the case of gliders, where it can be
located at any practically convenient place.

5.3 The First Aid Kit container shall be of green background with a white cross of size at
least 2 inches into 2 inches and the words "FIRST AID KIT" in prominent letters shall
appear on the front surface of the container.

5.4 First Aid Kit(s) shall be sealed and the contents duly certified by a Registered
Medical Practitioner/ Medical Officer holding at least an MBBS degree as per proforma
in Appendix 'A'.

5.5 The First Aid Kit must remain sealed till the time of its use. After use it must be
replenished and certified by a medical practitioner and resealed. If the seal is broken
during bomb threat inspection or due security reasons or due to usage of the kit and

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cannot be recertified due to non availability of qualified doctor, the First Aid kit may be
carried on board in unsealed condition provided it is recertified at the first available
opportunity or arrival at base, which ever is earlier.

5.6 The First Aid Kit containers must bear a Serial Number, given by the Operator for the
purpose of identification.

5.7 The First Aid Kit when more than one, must be distributed in the passenger cabin as
evenly as practicable.

5.8 The stowage locations shall be similarly (as in para 5.3) and conspicuously marked
for easy identification.


5.9.1 For First Aid Kits installed in aircraft having seating capacity of more than
five persons (including crew), the quantity of contents shall be as per paragraph
5.9.3 below, and shall constitute a Standard First Aid Kit.

5.9.2 For aircraft with seating capacity less than 5 including crew, the actual quantity
of the Contents of the First Aid Kit shall be commensurate with the seating capacity for
the aircraft, and shall be certified as adequate by a Registered Medical Practitioner/
Medical Officer holding at least an MBBS degree.

(5.9.3) Each Standard First Aid Kit shall contain at least the following or other
approved contents:


1. Adhesive bandage compresses (Band Aid). 16
2. Antiseptic swabs (Anti germ) 20

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3. Triangular Bandage.. 5
4. Burn compound (Burnol). 20 gm x 6
5. Arm splint .. 1
6. Leg splint .. 1
7. Roller bandage 100 mm . 4
8. Adhesive tape, 25 mm standard roll. 2
9. Bandage scissors ... 1
10. Absorbent gauge 50 gm . 2
11. Absorbent lint ... 2
12. Tablet Avomine (Air-sickness) 10
13. Tablet Baralgan/Spasmindon 10
14. Oral Rehydrationsolution (Electral or substitutes using WHO Formula)
Powder 4 packs
15. Crocin (Tab.) 10
16. Tab. Antacid (Digene) 10
17. Antiseptic Cream (Neosporin/Soframycin)... 1
18. Nose Drop (Nasivion/ Otrivin) 1
19. .Safety Pins . 20
20. Tourniquet 1
21. Brooke Airway Tube 1
22. LA-1F Ambu-Resusciator.. 1
23. Choloromycetin/ Soframycin eye drops 1

24. Aid Instructions Booklet... 1

25. List of content along with Certificate as per Appendix 'A' to the CAR.


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6.1 Large public transport aircraft, capable of carrying more than 20 passengers including
crew when engaged in commercial flights, shall in addition to the First Aid Kit be
equipped with
Physician's Kit which shall contain the life saving drugs.

6.2. All Scheduled Airlines operating transport category aircraft capable of carrying more
than 30 passengers including crew when engaged in commercial flights, shall carry one
approved Automated External Defibrillators to provide the option to treat any serious
medical events
during flight time. This will become effective from 12th April 2004.

a) The approved Automated External Defibrillators:

i. Must be stored in the passenger cabin

ii. Shall meet FAA Technical Standard Order or equivalent requirements for power
sources for electronic devices used in aviation.

iii. Be maintained in accordance with the manufacturers specifications

6.3 The Physician's Kit container must be moisture and dust proof and free from
temperature and readily accessible to cabin attendants/flight crew, in flight.

6.4 The Physician's Kit container shall be of green background with a white cross of size
at least 2
inches into 2 inches and the words "PHYSICIAN'S KIT" in prominent letters shall appear
on the front surface of the container.

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6.5 Physician's Kit shall be sealed and the contents duly certified by a Registered Medical
Practitioner/ Medical Officer holding at least an MBBS degree as per proforma in
Appendix 'A'.

6.6 The Physician's Kit must remain sealed till the time of its use. After use it must be
replenished and certified by a medical practitioner and resealed. If the seal is broken
during bomb threat inspection or due security reasons or due to usage of the kit and
cannot be recertified due to non availability of qualified doctor, the Physician' kit may be
carried on board in unsealed condition provided it is recertified at the first available
opportunity or arrival at base, which ever is earlier.

6.7 Cabin Crew shall ensure filling up of Form A (Appendix 'B') after usage of drugs
contained in the Physician's Kit.
6.8 The Physician's Kit containers must bear a Sl. No. given by the Operator for the
purpose of identification.

6.9 The stowage locations shall be similarly (as in para 4.3) and conspicuously marked
for easy identification.

6.10 The drugs contained in the Physician's Kit are intended to be administered only by a
qualified medical practitioner if and when available.

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1:1000 Stabilized with Sodium Meta bisulphate

2. INJ. AVIL 1 ml x 4
Pheniramine Maleate 22.75 mg.


Atropine Sulphate 0.65 mg

4. INJ. CALMPOSE 2 ml x 6
Diazepam 10 mg.

5. INJ. DECADRON 2 ml x 3 vials

Dexamethasone 4 mg.

6. INJ. DERIPHYLLIN 2 ml x 4 vials

Etophylline 169.4 mg.
Theophylline 50.6 mg.

7. INJ. DEXTROSE 50% 10 ml x 2

Dextrose 50%

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8. INJ. FORTWIN 1 ml x 4 Amps

Pentazocine 30 mg.

9. INJ. LANOXIN 2 ml x 2
Digoxin 0.5 mg.

10. INJ. LASIX 2 ml x 4 Amps

Frusemide 10 mg.

11. INJ. MEPHENTINE 1 ml x 2 Amps

Methyl Ergometrine
Maleate 0.2 mg.
Metoclopramide HCL 5 mg./ml

13. INJ. XYLOCARD 5 ml x

1 Vial
Lignocaine HCL 21.3 mg./ml.

14. CAP. NIFEDIPINE 10 mg. 30


Note:- For Medicine/ equipment that are not available, substitutes may be used,
provided the same are certified by Registered Medical Practitioner/ Medical

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Officer as alternate to those medicines and equipment as mentioned in the CAR.


7.1 The stowage and the intact condition of the seal of the First Aid Kit(s) and Physician's
Kit, as applicable, shall be ensured prior to every flight by a person designated by the
organization. The responsibility of the designated person with regard to this check shall
be included in the Operations Manual.

7.2 The contents of such Kits shall be examined and certified by Registered Medical
Practitioners/ Medical Officers holding atleast MBBS degree once in six months in the
case of transport type of aircraft engaged in scheduled/non-scheduled operations as well
as aerial work, and once a year in the case of other aircraft like training aircraft, private
aircraft etc.


8.1 In the case of transport aircraft engaged in scheduled and non-scheduled services, it
will be the responsibility of the owner/ operator to ensure those cabin crews are
adequately and properly trained in the proper use of equipment listed in the First Aid Kit.



This part of Series 'X' of Civil Airworthiness Requirements prescribes detailed
requirements related to use of furnishing materials in aircraft in its each
compartment, occupied by crew or passengers or cargo or baggage.


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(A) "SELF-EXTINGUISHING" means that when a flame is applied for a limited

period and removed, the material shall self-extinguish within a specified time.

(B) "FLAME RESISTANT" means not susceptible to combustion to the point of

propagating a flame after ignition source is removed

The requirements are applicable to normal and acrobatic category aircraft,
excepting those aircraft which have fuselages either covered with wood or fabric.


4.1) It is required that no furnishing material be used in any compartment (crew,

passenger, cargo or baggage) of normal or aerobatic category aircraft in a form in
which it burns readily. The materials of all fittings, furnishings, upholstery,
loose covers, the wall, floor and ceiling linings or acoustic lagging, must be such
as to preclude the possibility of propagation of fire beyond the immediate
vicinity of ignition sources, like lighted cigarettes/matches or electrical
short circuits. It is further emphasized that even passenger baggage
restraining/securing equipment like straps, seat belts must not contribute
significantly to the propagation of fire.

4.2 For the above stated purpose, the aircraft are divided in the following categories:

(I) Normal category aircraft used for carrying passengers, goods or mails and having all
up weight as 15000 Kg. or above. Furnishing materials used in each compartment must
be "self-extinguishing"
In addition there must be:-
(a) Adequate number of self contained ash trays.
(b) An illuminated "No Smoking" sign (or signs) controllable from a flight crew
station and Readable from each passenger seat, to indicate when smoking is prohibited.

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(ii) Normal category aircraft other than those mentioned in preceding sub-para &
aerobatic category aircraft. For each compartment of such aircraft:-

(a) The materials used for interior panels, partitions, carpets and upholstery must
be at least "Flame Resistant".
(b) If smoking is allowed

(i) There must be adequate number of self contained ash trays; and

(ii) There must be an illuminated "No Smoking" sign (or signs) controllable from a
flight crew station and readable from each passenger seat to indicate when
smoking is prohibited.
(c) If smoking is totally prohibited then instead of (b) above, there must be a placard to
that effect.


(i) APPLICABILITY : This requirement is applicable to all seats except seats

located within the flight deck, installed in Indian registered aircraft (airplanes and
rotorcraft) over 5700 Kg. MTOW, certificated in the Transport Category (Passenger)
of a type for which a Type Certificate was issued on or after 1 January '1958.

(ii) For those aircraft defined in paragraph 1 already in service or to be introduced

into service, it is required that such aircraft shall be equipped with seats (except
seats located in the flight deck) .


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Transport Category aircraft are those aircraft which are type certificated to FAR 25/ JAR

(a) With effect from 1st November '1987 all affected seats fitted to aircraft defined in
paragraph 1 above shall comply with this requirement.

(b) With effect from 1st July '1986 all aircraft seats newly manufactured and which
are intended for use on aircraft defined in paragraph 1 above shall also comply with this

(c) Each seat cushion (squab and back support), except those fitted to seats located
within the flight deck shall meet the requirements of FAR fire test criteria agreed with


The continuance of the flame resisting properties of the furnishing material would
depend upon their use in service and the method used for their cleaning. Incorrect
dry cleaning, laundering or proprietary finishing processes which enhance durability
and minimize soiling may seriously destroy or impair the flame resistant properties.
Also application of one flame retardant process on top of another, of a different
type may have the effect of inhibiting the properties of both processes. During service,
seat covers become contaminated with perspiration which leaves a deposit of body
salts, etc., which may accumulate impairing the flame resistance properties of the
furnishing material. Disinfectants etc., sprayed from aerosol cans in aircraft cabins may
effect the long term flame resistant properties of the furnishing materials. The operators
and maintenance organizations must have an adequate control over
the cleaning of the aircraft furnishing materials. Knowledge of the material type, the
recommended cleaning or proprietary finishing processes methods, the effect of time
in service on the flame resistance properties, the flame retardant processes applied, if

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any, and the method of re-application of such process, where this is necessary are

All the operators/maintenance organizations are advised to carry out sample test of
each batch of furnishing materials for flame resistance in accordance with FAR 25.853
after every dry cleaning. The procedure for cleaning and subsequent testing shall
be detailed in the Quality Control Manual.


(i) Each receptacle for towels, paper or waste in toilets of such aircraft shall be
constructed of materials resistant to fire. The receptacles shall incorporate covers or
other provisions for containing possible fire, if started in the receptacle.

(ii) Placards shall be displayed in all toilets compartments at all times, stating that
"Smoking is prohibited".

(iii) There must be a prescribed number of hand fire extinguishers, conveniently

located in each compartment, as required under the Requirements (See CAR Series
"I" Part II).



1. BACKGROUND : An operator or overhauling/repair organization is

sometimes faced with a problem of procuring replacement
parts/materials, meeting specifications stipulated in approved type
design documents or of effecting major repairs/major modifications in
the manner as approved by the manufacturers, in respect of

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aircraft/aircraft component/item of equipment. Under such

circumstances marginal deviations from approved specifications not
affecting the safety of aircraft may be approved by DGCA. THIS MAY BE


(a) "CONCESSION" is defined as permission by the DGCA to use a limited

quantity of material/parts not manufactured exactly in accordance with the
manufacturer's approved design specifications or to effect major modification/repair
not completely in conformity with that approved by manufacturers, but are
acceptable to DGCA, keeping the safety of aircraft
in view.

(b)"MAJOR MODIFICATIONS" are those alterations to the primary

structure/parts/equipment/systems that are likely to jeopardize the safety of aircraft
and those on board if not carried out at all or if carried out improperly and affect its
weight, centre of gravity, structural integrity or cause change in design or material
or flight characteristics.

(b)"MAJOR REPAIR" is a repair, which if not or improperly (using unapproved

procedures/methods) accomplished, would adversely affect the aircraft structural
strength, performance, flight characteristics and consequently its safety as well as the
safety of those on board.

(i) Aircraft operators or overhauling/repair organizations finding difficulty in procuring
approved replacement material/parts, may approach Regional Airworthiness Office
with a request furnishing details (in triplicate) for using substitute material/parts in
the assembly of aircraft, aircraft components, equipment and systems, provided such

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substitutes are procured from sources acceptable to DGCA and are able to meet type
specification requirements.

(ii) Requests for grant of "Concessions" relating to use of material/parts in, or effecting
minor modifications or carrying out minor repairs to aircraft secondary (not primary)
structure, aircraft systems other than primary systems like flight control system,
landing gear system, pressurization system, navigational system, Auto flight,
Electrical Power Generation and Distribution, Fire Extinguishing, Hydraulic
Power, engine control system, fuel system, emergency evacuation system etc.,
will be disposed of by the Regional Airworthiness Offices. However, such approved
firms, whose scope of approval specifically includes such delegation may use
substitute material/parts in aircraft systems other than those mentioned in this
paragraph, under the authority of Quality Control Manage provided proper records
are maintained and Regional Airworthiness Offices are informed of such actions,
soon after accomplishment of work.

(iii)Requests for grant of "Concessions" relating to use of material/parts or

effecting major modification or carrying out major repairs to aircraft
primary structure or to aircraft systems mentioned in paragraph (ii)above must
be referred to DGCA, via Regional Airworthiness Offices for prior approval.

4. Repairs, major or minor, carried out strictly in conformity with the standard
aeronautical practice, spelt out in well recognized documents, like Federal Aviation
Administration - 'Aircraft Inspection and Repair - AC 43.13 Manual' of USA and 'Civil
Aircraft Inspection Procedures' of Civil Aviation Authority of UK need not have prior
approval of DGCA.

5. The approval will be indicated on the format (appendix) itself, one copy of
which will be returned to the applicant. Such approved formats shall be
carefully preserved by the applicant for future reference for as long a period as the log
books are kept.

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6. Whenever such materials/parts (covered under Concession) are used, the related
documents like log books, procedure sheets etc., must make a mention of the same.


1. INTRODUCTION: - Rule 67 of the Aircraft Rules 1937, stipulates that following

Log books shall be kept and maintained in respect of all aircraft registered in India.

i. Journey Log Book or an equivalent document acceptable to DGCA.

ii. Aircraft Log Book
iii. Engine Log Book for each engine installed in the aircraft.
iv. A propeller Log Book for every variable pitch propeller installed in the aircraft.
v. A Radio Apparatus Log Book, for aircraft fitted with radio apparatus.
vi. A Flight Log Book as notified in CAR Series 'C' Part II
vii. Any other logbook required by the Director General.

The committee of enquiry, which investigated the fatal accident to a light aircraft,
recommended maintaining a standardized Flight report Book on board all categories of
small aircraft. The Government has accepted this recommendation To comply with the

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above recommendations the format of JLB has been modified in order to record flight
time, various aircraft and engine parameters, pilot defect report and technical and
rectification action taken, the fuel and
oil quantity uplifted, transit inspection etc., for each sector, of flight for all categories of
aircraft. A standard format is attached as Appendix A to this CAR. This CAR stipulates
the contents of Journey Log Book besides maintenance of other logbooks mentioned
above. This Civil Aviation Requirement is issued under the provision of Rule 133A.

2. APPLICABILITY: - This CAR is applicable to all aircraft operators engaged in

Scheduled, Non Scheduled, State Government, Aerial Work, Private, flying club
operations and other operators engaged in the aircraft operations and maintenance.



Scheduled Operators may maintain FLIGHT REPORT BOOK (FRB) or Tech Log as
an equivalent document to Journey Log Book. The Regional Airworthiness Office shall
approve the contents of each page of FRB or Tech Log. This document shall be carried
on board the aircraft for all flights. The QC Manual shall include the content and the
manner of maintaining this document, its scrutiny by the Quality Control Department and
its preservation depending upon the type of aircraft operated by them. The FRB/Tech
Log besides giving other information shall have the following information.
i. Aircraft nationality and registration
ii. Date of flight (s)
iii. Names of crewmembers.
iv. Duty assignments of crewmembers.
v. Place of departure.
vi. Place of arrival.
vii. Time of departure.
viii. Time of arrival.
ix. Hours of flight.

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x. Incidents, observations, if any.

xi. Signature of pilot in command.



Non-Scheduled, State Government, Private, Aerial work, Flying Clubs and other
Operators are required to carry JLB. This can be called as JLB or FRB or Tech log,
which is henceforth referred to as Document. Each operator may print his own
document. This document shall contain pages as given in the annex depending upon the
type of aircraft operated by them.The Regional Airworthiness Office shall approve the
contents of each page of the document. This document shall be carried on board the
aircraft for all flights. The QC Manual shall contain the content and the manner of
maintaining this document depending upon the type of aircraft operated by them, its
scrutiny by the Quality Control Department and its preservation. Any change in the
format of the document requires approval of the Regional Airworthiness Office /Sub
Regional Airworthiness Office. The document besides recording various information
shall contain the minimum information given below: -
i. Aircraft nationality and registration
ii. Date of flight (s)
iii. Names of crewmembers.
iv. Duty assignments of crewmembers.
v. Place of departure.
vi. Place of arrival.
vii. Time of departure.
viii. Time of arrival.
ix. Hours of flight.
x. Incidents, observations, if any.
xi. Signature of pilot in command.

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NOTE:-Appendix A of the Journey log Book shall be in duplicate. The second copy each
of the filled pages shall be retained on ground along with engineering documents and first
copy be carried on board as part of the document.


A manufacturer, in respect of each newly manufactured aircraft; engine or
propeller may issue a logbook along with the release documents. If he does not, then
the owner/ operator may raise a logbook on his own. Each logbook shall be in three
sections: -
The first section will contain records of:-
a) Hours flown date wise,
b) All routine inspection/maintenance, including "Flight Release" inspection and
higher checks carried.
c) Test flight
d) Minor repairs and certification thereof,
e) The information required in the vertical columns,:-
i) The date of flight,
ii) Total flight time since manufacture,
iii) Time since last overhaul/major inspection, number of landings/cycles, etc.

NOTE: The routine inspections, mentioned in the Log Book may be identified by an
identification number mentioned on the routine inspection sheet. The second section will
consist of differently colored sheets, ruled horizontally. Each page will bear the caption,
namely, "Replacement, Major Repairs & Overhaul". A detailed report of the
Replacement, Major Repairs & Overhaul done under these headings shall be certified in
this section.

NOTE: - Major repair signifies a repair to a damage, which would affect the safety of the
aircraft or the safety of persons aboard

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The third section will consist of a set of still differently colored pages also horizontally
ruled, and each page will bear the heading, namely, 'Modification Record'. Details of the
modifications/service bulletins including mandatory modification (s) complied with and
certified should be recorded along with date and time of compliance in this section. A
total DGCA mandatory modifications status of the aircraft, engine and its components
shall be reflected even though they are not applicable.


5.1 All the Pages of a Log Book shall be serially numbered. Also each logbook should be
serially numbered.
5.2 A Log Book shall contain a detailed engineering record of the life of the aircraft,
engine, propeller, radio apparatus including full particulars of all accidents, overhauls,
replacements, repairs and modifications.

5.3 The entries in the Log Book shall be completed within 48 hours of the completion of
the work. In case the aircraft is away from the main base, the "entry" containing the work
details and certification thereof shall be completed in duplicate, and one copy shall be
mailed to main base for placing in the Log Book and the other copy shall be kept along
with Journey Log Book.

5.4 The Quality Control Manager, in the case of approved firms and the operator of the
aircraft in the case of private aircraft, shall be responsible for the proper maintenance of
Log Book. Omission to make Log Book entries shall render the aircraft, engine,
propeller, radio apparatus as un airworthy and the authorized officer of the Regional
Airworthiness Office may require such inspection as considered necessary by him to
restore the airworthiness.

5.5 Entries in the Log Book shall be made in ink or indelible pencil and signed and dated
by appropriately licensed AME/Approved individual carrying out the work or by a

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person, specially authorized by DGCA for the same, quoting, beneath the signature, the
License/Approval/ Authorization number.




i) In respect of an aero plane, means the total time from the moment the aero plane
first moves for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at
the end of the flight

ii) In respect of a helicopter, means the total time from the moment the helicopters
rotor blade start turning until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the
flight, and the rotor blades are stopped

Note:- Flight time as herein defined is synonymous with the term block to block
time, or chock to chock time in general usage which is calculated from the time an
airplane first moves for the purpose of taking off until it finally stops at the end of
the flight.

Flight time for the aircraft, engine, VP propellers and radio apparatus shall be recorded in
the appropriate Log Books.

Note: Where the manufacturer has defined maintenance periodicity on the basis of actual
Flight Time i.e. Chocks OFF to Chocks ON or any other consideration like power etc.,
operator may follow the same with approval of Regional Airworthiness Office. The
approved Quality Control Manual should detail the procedure followed for
calculating the flight time for the purpose of maintenance of aircraft and

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7.1 All work involving repair, overhaul, replacement, modification, special inspection
performed on the aircraft, is required to be covered with the issuance of
"CERTIFICATE OF MAINTENANCE" signed by appropriately licensed
AME/Approved or authorized individuals
Signatures appearing in the appropriate column of Log Book against the relevant entry
shall be taken as issuance of certificate, signifying that the work has been performed in
accordance with approved procedures, using approved equipment and material and in
accordance with the directives issued by DGCA

Details of overhaul work, including any test data, should be entered in the
appropriate Log Book. A Certificate of Maintenance must be appended to the entry
for all overhaul work recorded in log books. Test data should be preserved with
cross-reference in the logbooks for trace ability.

A summary of the repair should be entered in the appropriate log book, together
with an indication of the reason for the repair. Details of repair work should be
preserved with cross-reference in the logbooks for trace ability.


1). When a component having its own log book (i.e. an engine or a variable-pitch
propeller) is removed from an aircraft, the reason for removal should be entered in
that log book, e.g. 'metal in oil filter', 'time expired'. In addition, an entry should be

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made in the aircraft log book stating the serial number of the component removed
the serial number of the replacement component and the position the component
occupies on the aircraft. When an engine is changed, the hours flown and the serial
numbers and part numbers, as appropriate, of lifed parts, which are not changed
with the engine, should be entered in the log book of the replacement engine and in
the aircraft log book.

2).When a component, not having an individual log book, is removed, the reason for
removal and its serial number, and in some cases the part number, of the item
should be entered in Aircraft Log Book and also, with the exception of standard
parts such as split pins, nuts and washers, the origin and numbers of release note.

3).When a serviceable part is removed from one aircraft and fitted on to another,
the number of flying hours logged for the part should be entered in the appropriate
log book together with identification (i.e. registration letters) of the aircraft/engine
from which it was removed.

4).Where a replacement involves disturbing a flying or engine control system, or any

system associated therewith, a duplicate inspection must be made, in accordance
with CAR Series F Part XI and a certified entry to that effect included in the log

After embodiment of a modification, an entry must be made in the appropriate Log Book
quoting the number and title of the modification and, as applicable. Whenever a major
component is changed, the modification standard, particularly in regard to mandatory
modification of the replacement component should be entered in the appropriate log

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Journey Log Book/FRB or any other equivalent document acceptable to DGCA shall be
carried on board during flight unless the aircraft is engaged in local flights i.e. making a
series of flights over the same airport, on any day Other Log Books shall not be carried
during flight and shall be maintained at the main base. However, if an aircraft is likely to
remain away from its main base, where Log Books are maintained, "working copies of
Log Books giving necessary information as required for effecting due maintenance shall
be carried on board. On return to main base, entries shall be transferred from the
"working copies" to the regular Log Book, within 48 hours of the return to main base.



1. The aircraft log books shall be preserved until such time as the aircraft is
permanently withdrawn from use and its Certificate of Registration is cancelled by
the Director General.

2. Provided that in the case of an aircraft meeting with an accident resulting in

damage beyond economical repairs the aircraft log book shall be preserved for a
period of two years after the date of the accident.

a) The engine and propeller log books shall be preserved for a period of one year
after the engine propellers are permanently withdrawn from use.

b) Other log books shall be preserved for two years from the date of the last entry
therein. Where log books in respect of aircraft, engines or variable pitch propellers
or radio apparatus are not kept in the manner and form prescribed in this rule, the
aircraft shall be deemed as not being maintained in an airworthy condition.

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i) Certificate of Registration;
ii) Certificate of Airworthiness;
iii) A document attesting Noise Certification of the airplane/ helicopter;
iv) Air Operators Permit;
v) Appropriate Licenses for each member of the flight crew;
vi) Aero mobile Radio operation License for Radio Communication apparatus;
vii) Journey Log Book or equivalent documents approved by the DGCA;
viii) Operations Manual;
ix) Minimum Equipment List;

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x) Flight Manual;
xi) Cabin Crew Manual;
xii) Cockpit and Emergency Check List unless these form part of Flight Manual, carried
on board;
Note: Checklists for take off, cruise and landing phases shall be displayed in the cockpit
unless the lists form a part of the Flight Manual, carried on board.
xiii) Airplane/Helicopter search procedure checklist;
xiv) Certificate of Flight Release/ Maintenance Release/Certificate to release to service;
xv) Route guides;
xvi) Current and suitable navigation charts/maps for the planned flight route and
all other routes along which it is reasonable to expect that the flight may be diverted;
xvii) Weight Schedule;
xviii) Load and Trim Sheet;
xix) If carrying passengers, a list of their names and places of embarkation and
xx) If carrying cargo, a manifest and detailed declarations of the cargo; and
xxi) If carrying dangerous goods, a list of such goods. This list must be
specifically brought to the notice of Pilot-in-Command, before the flight.

3. All operators of passenger aircraft shall provide passenger safety information

briefing card at every passenger seat location. Such card shall make use of
symbology to convey the instructions in a clear and concise manner and shall at
least cover the following instructions:

a. When seat belts are to be fastened. Illustration showing the fastening, tightening
and unfastening of seat belts.
b. When and how Oxygen equipment is to be used.
c. Restrictions on Smoking.
d. Location and method of opening emergency exits.
e. Use of evacuation slides.

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f. How to brace one while experiencing impact loads for all seat orientations.
g. Location and Use of Life Saving Rafts/Jackets for over water flights.
h. Routes from passenger area to emergency exits.
i. Restrictions on use of mobile phone, laptops, electronic devices, etc.

4. In case a document has been submitted to a competent authority for renewal or for any
other action, that fact shall be deemed as valid excuse for its not being carried on board
an aircraft. In such a case a document issued by the operator shall be carried stating that
the required document has been submitted to the authority.



It is possible that aircraft during taxiing operations which involve starting of aircraft
engine and maneuvering of aircraft on ground, can sustain damage if this operation is
undertaken by unqualified and inexperienced individuals. If such damages remain
undetected, then the aircrafts airworthiness and safety can be in jeopardy. Therefore, it
is essential that such operations are undertaken by Qualified and experienced
individuals who are approved for the purpose. This CAR details the procedure for
issue of taxiing permit to engineering personnel.

This CAR is applicable to all operators desirous of issuing taxi permit to their
engineering personnel.


Following procedure shall be adopted for issuing taxi permit by the QCM to
facilitate taxiing of the aircraft.

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a).The person should hold a valid AME license in category 'C' covering the engine
installed on the type of aircraft, provided he has been trained on taxiing of the
aircraft and his taxiing ability has been assessed by a pilot of the operator,
qualified on the type of aircraft.

(b) He should be qualified to use the radio telephone if radio communications are
required or a person holding RT license should be available in the cockpit

(c).He should be conversant with the aerodrome layout, ATC signals and
instructions, signs, run way markings, lighting, etc. appropriate for the safe
movement of aircraft.

Note: The pilot certifying the capability of such engineering personnel should clearly
state that the individual is fully conversant with the details mentioned above and is
capable of taxiing the aircraft in the airport to be specified in the permit.


The QCM of the operator shall issue taxi permit after ensuring that the above
requirements have been met with by the individual satisfactorily. The permit will be valid
for one year. The privileges of the taxi permit shall be restricted to the airport specified in
the permit. The QCM shall maintain records of such permit holders.


The QCM shall renew the taxi permit subject to following conditions:-

(a)The AME license is current.

(b)Holds a valid RT license (if RT license is held by the Permit holder.
(c)Has taxied the aircraft covered by the permit at least once during the preceding
one year. In case if this experience is not met with the permit may be renewed

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provided he taxies the aircraft under the supervision of other person holding a valid
taxi permit and a satisfactory certificate is issued by him.


The individuals authorized to taxi the aircraft shall intimate promptly to

owner/operator of the aircraft, any damage caused to the aircraft during taxiing
operations, so that aircraft is properly inspected before further flight.

Such damage shall also be intimated by the owner/operator of the aircraft to the
concerned Regional/Sub-Regional Airworthiness Office of the Civil Aviation
Department promptly. The taxi permit already issued may be renewed provided the
procedure stipulated in paragraph 3 is adhered to.



1. This part of Civil Airworthiness Requirements outlines the procedure relating to the
issue of Type Approval, as defined in Rule 49 of Indian Aircraft Rules for aircraft
components or items of equipment including instruments designed and/or manufactured
in India.


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Application for issue of Type Approval is to be submitted in Form as per Annexure I,

in duplicate, to the Director General of Civil Aviation (Attn: Director of


For issue of type approval for an aircraft component or items of equipment, the Director
General of Civil Aviation should be satisfied on the following points:-

(i) The design has been approved by the Director General of Civil Aviation.

(ii) The construction has been inspected and approved by the Airworthiness Directorate
of the Director General as required in CAR Series 'E'.


3.1.1 It is an essential condition for issue of Type approval to an aircraft

component or item of equipment that there should be some proof that it conforms to the
relevant specifications and the airworthiness requirements to which it has been
designed. For this purpose the applicant shall furnish a Type Record, duly approved
by the Chief Designer, to prove that the design complies with the relevant
specifications and airworthiness requirements. The information given in the Type
Record shall be consistent with the evidence on which compliance with the
airworthiness requirements is claimed and shall include the following information and
such additional information as the Director General of Civil Aviation may require in any
particular case :-

i. General arrangement and drawings of the aircraft components or the items of


ii. A complete list of drawings.

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iii. Reports on static strength tests, fatigue tests, vibration tests, etc.

iv. Details of materials of construction and process specifications.

v. Particulars of any deviations from the relevant Airworthiness Requirements.

vi. Copies of such subsidiary type records as may have been prepared with respect to
components or equipment of the aircraft.

3.1.2 Prior to carrying out the tests to substantiate the design, the applicant shall
submit to the Director General of Civil Aviation, test schedules for scrutiny and
approval. The Director General of Civil Aviation may authorize his representatives to
witness any of the tests, if he so desires. Necessary facilities for this will be provided by
the applicant. Require any of the tests to be repeated.

3.1.3 A certificate of Design in the form as per Annexure II signed by the Chief
Designer, shall be submitted by the applicant in respect of the component or item of
equipments. The manufacture of all aircraft components shall be undertaken and
certified only by approved organizations, by licensed Engineers or by authorized persons
in this behalf vide Rule 53A of Aircraft Rules.


3.2.1 The inspection of the Type Aircraft component or the item of equipment
during construction is an essential requirement to ensure that the airworthiness of the
component or the item of equipment is satisfactory in regard to workmanship and
materials used. The Director General of Civil Aviation may station his Inspectors at the
constructor's work to carry out check in regard to construction and inspection matters.
The procedure for duplicate checks and inspections by the DGCA will be laid down as
may be found necessary from time to time.

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i. All materials used in the construction are in accordance with the specifications
approved for the type design, and by suitable examination of sampling and testing
by approved methods, that every batch of such materials complies with such

ii. Every detail and part of the component/equipment has been examined by the
applicant's inspection staff to the relevant approved detailed drawings and that they
conform to the approved type design.

iii. Each detailed part approved by the applicant's inspection staff is identified or
stamped in such a way that the individual responsible for its inspection can
subsequently be identified.

iv. During the work of assembly, records of the progress of inspection for each
component are maintained and the inspection record is certified by the inspector

V.Operations and processes such as heat treatment, corrosion protection, etc., are carried
out by approved methods, and that the finished articles conform to the approved

Vi.All components and items of equipments are given a serial number.This serial
number shall be displayed in a prominent position on the completed component or

vii. Detailed parts are suitably identified to show the drawing or part number from
which they have been made.

viii. All components and parts obtained from sub-contractors or other firms have been
inspected and approved in accordance with the approved conditions.

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3.2.2 Before submitting any part of the aircraft component/item of

equipment for inspection to the Inspectors stationed by the Director General of Civil
Aviation, the Inspector of the applicant shall satisfy himself that the particular part has
been constructed, inspected, and where necessary, tested in conformity with the
specifications, drawings and instructions relating to the approved design. All
relevant inspection records shall be made available to the Inspector, and these shall
be retained for a period of 10 years unless earlier disposal is authorized by the Director
General of Civil Aviation, but in any case, no inspection records shall be destroyed
without prior authorization from the Director General of Civil Aviation.

3.2.3 Any modification considered necessary by the Director General of Civil

Aviation as a result of the inspection/performance tests carried out by the
Inspectors of the Department, shall be incorporated before clearance for use on aircraft.

3.3 FLIGHT TRIAL : Upon satisfactory completion of inspection of the aircraft

component/item of equipment and checking of the Type Record submitted by the
applicant, the Director General of Civil Aviation may require the applicant to carry
out trials of the equipment on an aircraft to confirm compliance with the relevant
Airworthiness Requirements in respect of performance etc. The tests shall be carried
out in accordance with the flight test-schedules approved by the Director General of
Civil Aviation. Where considered necessary, the Director General of Civil Aviation
may nominate a pilot to carry out check test-flights. Results of flight tests will be
compiled into a report and submitted for inclusion in the Type Record.


3.4.1 Except with the written consent of the Director General of Civil Aviation,
the following Manuals in respect of a Type Component/item of equipment must be
submitted for approval.
i. Type Instruction Manual.

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ii. Type Service Manual.


If the Director General of Civil Aviation is satisfied that the Type component or item
of equipment conforms to the relevant acceptable standards in respect of design and
performance (with such exceptions as he may permit), he may issue to the applicant a
Type Approval in respect of the Type. The Type Approval shall refer only to the
aircraft component or item of equipment conforming in detail with the documents
specified on such approval.


3.6.1 The written approval of the Director General of Civil Aviation shall be obtained
for a modification which has not been previously investigated and approved. At an early
stage of the modification, brief particulars must be furnished to the Director General
of Civil Aviation. The proposed modification must be such that the design of the
aircraft component/equipment, when modified, satisfies the requirements that were
enforced at the time the type approval was originally granted, or such other
requirements as the Director General of Civil Aviation may notify at that time.
3.6.2 Modifications should be classified as minor and major. A minor modification
shall be one which has not appreciable effect on the weight, balance, structural
strength, reliability, operational characteristics or other characteristics affecting the
airworthiness of the component/item of equipment. A major modification shall be one
not classified as a minor modification. Minor modification in the Type design may
be provisionally approved by the design organization of the constructor pending
formal approval from the Director General of Civil Aviation. Major
modifications in a Type design shall however, not be incorporated without the prior
approval of the Director General of Civil Aviation. For this purpose, the applicant

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shall submit all necessary data, test reports etc., in support of the proposal, for inclusion
in the Type Record.


Where the Director General of Civil Aviation finds, as a result of service experience
or otherwise, that an unsafe condition exists with respect to a design feature or
characteristic of the type approved component/item of equipment, he may issue a
directive specifying conditions and limitations including inspections for continued
operation in aircraft or may altogether prohibit the use of the same till the unsafe
condition has been corrected. When design changes are considered necessary, the
holder of the Type Approval shall submit appropriate design changes for approval of the
Director General of Civil Aviation.


The design organization of the applicant should be sufficiently competent
technically to undertake work on design of aircraft component/item of equipment,
must be familiar with the relevant requirements and procedures and must maintain the
highest standard as it may only be possible for the Director General of Civil Aviation
to carry out percentage checks on reports and calculations submitted. The
qualifications and experience of the senior staff of the design organization shall be
adequate to conduct the work involved in establishing the compliance with the
requirements and ensure that good judgment is exercised with full appreciation of
current aeronautical practices in design matters, whether specifically covered by the
requirements or not. The design office shall be so organized that all calculations and
drawings on which the airworthiness of the aircraft component/item of equipment
depends are independently checked for numerical accuracy and validity of assumptions.
Each design drawing shall bear a description title, drawing number, issue number and
date of issue. All alterations to the design drawings shall be made in accordance with a
drawing amendment system to ensure that the design records are suitably amended. If an
alteration is made to a drawing, a new issue number and date shall immediately be
allocated to the drawing irrespective of whether the alteration is permanent or

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experimental. The applicant shall provide facilities or access to approved facilities or

for making such tests as are necessary to establish compliance with the requirements.
Design records shall be such that the proper correlation of drawings and maintenance
with the design records is ensured. It is emphasized that the applicant is in a larger
measure, responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements. The Director
General of Civil Aviation would however exercise the right to check some or all
technical reports including all points of doubt and to witness all important tests.

Notwithstanding what has been stated in the preceding paragraphs, the Director
General of Civil Aviation may waive/reject any of the requirements relating to design
in respect of aircraft component/item of equipment type approved in a foreign
country but built under license in
India. For this purpose, the applicant shall submit to the Director General of Civil
Aviation complete Type Record Documents and Manuals specified in paragraphs 3.1.1
a and 3.4.1

*****************ALL THE BEST********************

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