Basic Basketball Skills
Basic Basketball Skills
Basic Basketball Skills
Grade 8 Sampaguita
I. Objectives
a. Discuss the basic basketball skills.
b. Execute the different skills in playing basketball.
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory / Routinary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greeting the class
3. Classroom Management
4. Checking the attendance
5. Review
What is the history of Basketball?
What are the equipments used in playing basketball?
B. Priming
1. Divide the class into four groups.
2. 1 representative in each group.
3. Play the game Shoo it to win it.
2. Analysis:
Ask: What are the basic basketball skills?
Which basic basketball skill is the easiest one to execute in
playing basketball?
What do you think is the importance of knowing the basic
basketball skills?
3. Abstraction:
Let the students complete the unfinished statements.
- I learned that
- The basic basketball skills are
- I therefore conclude that
4. Application
Let the students execute at least 2 basic skills in playing
basketball. Their performance will be graded based on this criteria
or rubrics.
Performed the task properly 5
Performed the task with a little error 4
Performed the task with many errors 3
Not able to perform the task 2
Do not attempt to perform the task 1
5. Evaluation
Direction: Write EDI if the statement is True and SHING if the
statement is False.
_________1. The ball is handled firmly with the thumb and finger pads
and not with the arms of the hands.
_________2. Receiving the ball needs flexibility.
_________3. Feinting is a deceptive motion in one direction when the
intent is to move in another direction.
_________4. After releasing the ball, palms should be facing the floor.
_________5. The dribbler should look beyond the ball and see it in the
lower and see it in the upper part of the visual area.
IV. Assignment
Make a research about the famous international basketball players.