Lesson Plan in MAPEH-Grade 8
Lesson Plan in MAPEH-Grade 8
Lesson Plan in MAPEH-Grade 8
I. Objectives
Topic: Chess
Concepts: Chess is a game that has been played for centuries and was thought to
have originated in India in the 15th century. Long ago, it was considered a game
reserved only for kings and members of the upper classes.
The modern design of chess pieces bears the name Staunton, who was an
English master in the mid-1800s. These are the type of pieces that are now used in
all tournaments worldwide.
Values: It enabled you to understand the basic principles and concepts behind the
game, and gained knowledge on the essentials of chess and its deeper value as a
recreational activity to promote good family relationship
References: Physical Education and Health - Grade 8, Learner’s Module First
Edition, 2013, Publish by the Department of Education
Materials: chess board, chess pieces
III. Procedure
A. Classroom Routine
B. Review
1. What is chess?
2. What are the names of the chess pieces?
D. Lesson Proper
Where Do I Belong? Locate the following pieces in their initial positions on the
chess board.
1. Black Pawn 6. Black King
2. White King 7. White Rook
3. Black Knight 8. Black Queen
4. White knight 9. Black Bishop
5. White Bishop 10. Black Rook
E. Generalization
What is chess? How will you relate the moves of each piece into your life?
F. Reflection
1. Do you think playing chess can promote health, fitness, and wellness among
family members? How?
2. How will you relate chess game into the real world?
IV. Evaluation
1. King
2. Queen
3. Rook
4. Pawn
5. Bishop
6. Knight
V. Assignment
Relate every chess piece moves into the member of your family. Identify its importance
and functions.
Submitted by:
Margie S. Ypon