Martyrdom at Bagumbayan
Martyrdom at Bagumbayan
Martyrdom at Bagumbayan
December He requested that his old professors in the Ateneo to assist him in his last
29, 1896
(7:00 AM) Visitors: Mr. Miguel Saderra Mata (Rector of Ateneo Municipal) and Fr. Luis Viza.
7:15 AM Fr. Saderra left.
Fr. Viza got the image of Sacred Heart of Jesus from his pocket and gave it to Rizal.
8:00 AM Fr. Antonio Rosell - had a breakfast with him.
Lt. Taviel de Andrade came and Rizal thanked him for his gallant services.
9:00 AM Fr. Federico Faura arrived.
Prophecy of Rizal would lose his head for writing the Noli Me Tangere.
10:00 AM Fr. Jose Vilaclara (Rizals teacher in Ateneo) and Vicente Balaguer visited Rizal
Took his lunch and was busy writing until 3:30 PM
3:30 PM Rizal wrote his last poem Mi Ultimo Adios (he left it untitled)
4:30 PM Rizals mother arrived.
Trinidad who received the alcohol cooking stove (Mi Ultimo Adios)
Trinidad knew English.
Fr. Vilaclara and Estanislao March arrived.
Fr. Rosell followed.
6:00 PM Don Silvino Lopez Tuon (Dean of the Manila Cathedral)
Fr. Balaguer and March left.
Fr. Vilaclara stayed with Rizal.
8:00 PM Fr. Balaguer came with Fr. Viza. They conversed about religious matters.
Fiscal Gaspar Castao of the Royal Audiencia.
10:00 PM The draft of retraction from Archbishop Bernardino Nozaleda arrived.
He rejected it because it is too long.
Fr. Balaguer showed Rizal another draft prepared by Fr. Pio Pi (Superior of the
Jesuit Mission in the Philippines)
Rizal liked it but wanted certain changes made.
11:30 PM Rizal wrote and signed the retraction in which he absurd Masonry.
It was witnessed by Juan del Fresno (Chief of the Guard Detail) and Eloy Moure
(Adjutant of the Plaza)
After signing the retraction, Rizal confessed to Fr. Vilaclara and rested.
December Rizal rose up. He prayed and confessed again.
30, 1896 He read the Acts of Faith, Hope and Charity from the Spanish prayer book entitled
(1:30 AM)
Aceptacion de la Muerte, and signed page 49 at the end of the Act of Charity.
He confessed to Fr. Vilaclara for the 3rd time.
He read Tomas Kempis Imitacion de Cristo.
3:30 AM Fr. Balaguer said Mass.
Rizal again confessed (4th time)
Received communion
Heard mass on bended knees.
5:00 AM Rizal had his breakfast.
He autographed some religious pictures and books which were his last souvenirs
to his mother, his sisters Josefa and Trinidad.
Josephine, accompanied by Narcisa, arrived to be married canonically, as
requested by Rizal.
Fr. Balaguer married them.
Rizal gave his wife as wedding gift the religious book Imitacion de Cristo, which he
6:00 AM
6:30 AM
7:03 AM
Rizal retracted were his errors in religion and attacks against the Church, not his political