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The Magellan Expedition

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The Magellan

• So in Sept 20 1519 Magellan began their voyage
• Then after two months of difficult voyage they reach Pernambuco
in Brazil
• Then continue their voyage in Rio De Janeiro and reached the Rio
De La Plata in February 1520
• Then in March they reach they reached the Port of St. Julian at
Southern America
• Then also the Mutiny occurs when they are in St. Julian, Magellan
severely punish the rebels
• Continuing Magellan voyage, Magellan cross a Strait in Pacific
Ocean, Then they called it The Strait of Magellan, By this time he
had only three ships left
With the determination of Magellan they
crossed the Pacific Ocean and reached The
Ladrones Island, In March 1521 they rest in
the Island of Ladrones but then they have
been rob by the native people in Ladrones,
That’s why Magellan called the island Islas
De Ladrones( Island of Thieves)
• On March 17, 1521 they sighted a mountains in Samar,
this is the event of the first Spaniards arrive in the
• The next day or March 18, 1521 they land in the islet of
Homonhon, so sick men can take care
• Then Magellan proceed to the Islet of Limasawa where he
met Rajah Kulambu, Magellan became friend with the
rajah and his beother Si Agu and sealed their friendship
with Blood Compact or Sanduguan. This is the First
Blood Compact of Spaniards and Filipino
• On March 31, they held a Mass on an islet accompanied
by Father Pedro De Valderrama near in the seashore.
This is the first Mass in the Philippines afterwards they
planted a large cross in the hills facing the sea
• Then Magellan took the possession of the island in the
honor of king Charles and called it The Archipelago of
Saint Lazarus because it is St. Lazarus day when he
found the Island
20, 1519 1520 1520 1521 17, 1521 18, 1521 30, 1521

Pernam the Rio Port of St. The Island They saw They land They held
buco in De La Julian at of Mountain in the Islet the first
Brazil Plata Southern Ladrones in Samar of mass and
America Homonhon name the
go of
• The islet of Limasawa, don’t have enough food so Magellan heard there is
a island not far away so they travel in the Island of Cebu guided by
Rajah Kulambu they enter the Harbor of Cebu in April 15, 1521
• Then another Mass celebrated in Cebu, then another Cross was planted in
Cebu then Magellan persuade the native to become Christian
• Some 800 natives became Christians, Among them is Rajah Humabon,
who was given Christian name Carlos in honor of King Charles of Spain
and his Wife who was given the name Juana, In honor of king Charles
Mother, then Magellan give an image of Infant Jesus to Juana, The
Infant Jesus became the Patron of Cebu
The Battle of Mactan
• Meanwhile there is a quarrel between two chieftains in the Island of Mactan,
Rajah Sula asked Magellan to help him defeat Rajah Si LapuLapu, That
according to Rajah Sula, Rajah Lapulapu did not honor the King of Spain,
• Then Magellan accepted the offer to show his might
• He and around sixty men travel in Mactan early in the morning of April 28
they prepare to battle, at the battle Magellan is wounded in the leg so the
brave people of Mactan saw that as a opportunity they rushed and killed
Magellan with their spears
Then the Spaniards fled the battle some of them go back in Spain but some go back in Cabu
in Cebu they eventually killed by Cebuanos because they Rob and Rape some natives in the
After they fled in Cebu there are three ships left
but one is burned down because it is useless so
the remaining ships is The Victoria and
The Trinidad, Those ships sail part ways, The
Victoria go to Africa and The Trinidad return to
Europe, The Trinidad is captured by the
Portuguese then The Victoria was successfully
go back in Spain by the help of their
commander Sebastian Del Cano
1. They found route how to go in the Philippines
2. It end the Venetian monopoly of the routes
3. The Spain became the supreme colonial empire before Great
4. They proved that the Earth was round
5. Magellan expedition led to another expedition
Other Expidition
• The return to Spain is make the king proud even though it is not totally
• In 1525-1526 ,The Loaysa have his own expedition commanded by
Father Juan Garcia Jofre De Loaysa
• In 1526-1530, The Cabot expedition commanded by Sebastian Cabot
• In 1527-1528, The Sayavedra Expidition commanded by Alvaro de
Sayavedra, They able to reach Mindanao but not success in settling it
The Treaty of Zaragoza
• There is a quarrel between Spain and Portugal over the possession of
the Moluccas
• They agreed to settle the ownership on April 22, 1529 Spain and
Portugal signed the Treaty of Zaragoza, which Portugal won the
possession of the Moluccas after paying Spain the sum of 350,000
gold ducats.
• In 1538-1541 King Charles agreed to the viceroys of Mexico and
Gautemala, that they will send an expedition to the East, They choose
the brother in law of the viceroy of Mexico, Ruy Lopez de Villalobos
The Villalobos Expidition
• With six ships Ruy Lopez Villalobos left Mexico on November 1,
1542 then reached Mindanao in February 1543. The natives of
Mindanao refuse to have any dealing with Spaniards
• They faced starvation and the plan of planting corn failed then
Villalobos ask Bernardo De La Torre to go in Tanday( now Samar)
to get some food, then he met the chieftain of the island, Makandala
who gave him enough food. Villalobos pleasured so he named the two
Islands of Samar and Leyte Felipinas for the honor of Prince Philip
later became King Philip
Leaving Philippines they continued there voyage in Moluccas but they captured by
Portuguese, later they set free, Villalobos tried to sail in Mexico but died in Amboina in
The Legazpi Expidition
• Many years pass, in 1556, King Philip want another expedition in
the East but he do not want his soldier to enter the Portugal territory.
The purpose is to find new route and have a survey about the trading of
spices and make a report on it
• So the king choose Father Andres De Urdaneta and Miguel Lopez
De Legazpi, with four ships and about 380 men , on the way in voyage
one ship was lost
• In November 21, 1564 they began their voyage, the lost ships
was found then ordered to head back. then in February 1565
they reach in Cebu then later in Cibabao (Leyte) then Samar
here he conducted a blood compact with the Datu of
Limasawa who’s Datu Bankaw.
• Then in March they sailed in Camiguin island then to
Butuan, then to Bohol where he have blood compact again
with Datu Si Katuna and Si Gala, scarcity of food they go
back to Cebu
The Discovery of New Route

• Legazpi ordered the ship San Pedro to go back in Mixico,

piloted by Father Urdaneta and by Legazpi grandson,
Felipe de Salcedo they sail in June 1, 1565, Urdaneta sailed
northeastward from the Philippines then they ended in Santa
Catalina in California. After that they sail again then reach
Mexico in October 1, Later on the route that Father Urdaneta
follow use by Manila galleons
First Settlement in Cebu
• Legazpi and his men stay in Cebu in April 27. but the Cebuanos
maltreated them because of the past, but Legazpi tried to explain it that
the white men maltreated the Filipinos are the Portuguese and also told
them he want to be friended with the Filipinos.
• But the Chieftain Tupas of Cebu do not believe him but they fled in
the mountain after they burn the houses in the City of Cebu.
• Even though Legazpi and his men is maltrested, Legazpi tried to
pursue Tupas to come down from the mountain and promised not harm
• Tupas was convince that Legazpi is sincere, So Tupas and his men
return in lowland and entered an agreement with Legazpi with the help
of Tupas brother Si Makayo at Si Katapan.

The Agreement
1. The Filipinos promised to be loyal to Spain
2. The Filipinos promised to help the Spain in any battle in return
Spaniards promised to protect Filipinos from all enemies
3. Filipinos who’s committed crime in Spaniards should turn over to
Spain vice versa
4. Goods to be sold in either Spaniards or Filipinos should be moderately
5. An armed Filipino not allowed to enter Spaniard camp
• Then a land donated by Tupas became the Spanish Settlement, A fort
was constructed and called it Fort San Pedro then they called there
settlement San Miguel but Legazpi renamed it because he
remembered the unharm image of Infant Jesus and named it “City of
the Most Holy Name of jesus”
The Settlement in Panay

After Legazpi faced many problem in Cebu they tried to sail again they
land in the Coast of Panay River in 1569 and there they founded the
second settlement of Spaniards, he win the Panay by convincing them of
peaceful intention. The Spaniard convert the natives to Christianity. The
friendliness of Filipino shown when they brought food to the hungry
• With Panay as Spaniards home base they decided to spread there rule
to other island like Visayas, Masbate, Burias and Ticao
• at the same time Legazpi youngest grandson Juan De Salcedo have
his voyage going back in the Philippines, going to the Philippines
they found an island and claim it naming it Talim Island then they
continue there voyage until they reached Lubang Island near in
Mindoro and fought Filipino failed to acknowledge them,
• He decided to go in Panay but he encounter the outer rim of Manila
he saw how prosperous the Manila so he reported it to his
Grandfather Legazpi,
• Legazpi was happy hearing the news of Salcedo so he sent a voyage
to Manila
• The Spanish Forces in Expedition is divided into two, First the
Martin De Goiti and Second is the Salcedo
• Before they reach Manila they stop in Batangas and explored it,
Salcedo explored Bonbon river (Taal) and Goiti explored Balayan,
Then Salcedo encounter armed Filipinos the Filipinos wounded
Salcedo but the superior of fire arm won in the end then rejoined with
the group and continue their voyage
• Then they reach Manila at that time Manila is ruled by Rajah
Sulayman, Goiti demanded to honor them but Sulayman refuse. On
May 24 Goiti fired a canon to call the errand boat but Sulayman
thought it is a sign for a war so they also fire there Cannons called
“Lantaka” they exchange shooting and at the end Spaniards win
because of the superior fire power, Goiti return in Panay to report
what happen
The Founding of Manila
• Legazpi heard the news, Legazpi appointed as Captain general by the
king of Spain so therefor he was the First Governor Genereal in the
• Scarcity in Panay led to settle in Luzon on April 20
• In Manila, Rajah Sulayman gathered his forces in different barangays
like Pampanga and Bulacan and fought a war they called it Battle of
Bangkusay in Tondo, Manila, Filipinos are defeated and what happen
to sulayman is not clear, Some say he died in battle some say he fled
• So Legazpi took over in Manila 1571, they rebuild Manila
build new houses and churches and also constructed a big
house house for Governor Officials, On June 24, 1571
Legazpi made Manila, The Capital of the Philippines and
King Phillip called Manila as Distinguished and Ever Loyal
City on the same day Legazpi appointed the officials
• It compose of : 2 Alkalde, a Mayor, 12 Regidores and one
escribano or court clerk
• This is the start of Spanish colonial era in the Philippines
• Miguel Lopez De Legazpi died on August 20, 1572

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