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Homework 5

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Math 4318 - Spring 2011 Homework 5

Work all these problems and talk to me if you have any questions on them, but carefully write up and turn in only problems 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17. Due: In class on March 31 f (t) for 0 t 1 and f (0) = 1. Finding 1. Consider the dierential equation f (t) = 1 + 1 2 a solution to this is the same as nding a xed point for

(f ) = 1 +

1 (1 + f (s)) ds. 2

Let f0 (t) = 1 and dened fn (t) = (fn1 )(t) = n (f0 )(t). Explicitly write out the fn s. Show that this sequence converges uniformly to some function f . Show that f is a xed point of . Your expression for fn should give a series expression for f that you should recognize as a simple function. Show that this function satises the original dierential equation. (Notice that in this problem you are explicitly working out the solution to a dierential equation using the ideas we developed to show existence of solutions using the contraction mapping theorem.) 2. For b > 0 and any a dene

T (f )(x) = a +

f (y )exy dy.

Show that T : C 0 ([0, b]) C 0 ([0, b]) is a contraction. Hence show that there is a unique solution to x f (x) = a + f (y )exy dy

in C ([0, b]). 3. Let : [a, b] R R be a function that is C n (that is if you x either of the variables the function is C n dierentiable with respect to the other variable). Let

(f )(t) = c +

(s, f (s)) ds

(recall this is the integral operator used in the proof that ODEs have solutions). Show that if f is a xed point of then f is has n + 1 continuous derivatives on [a, b]. (You d (t, f (t)) = t (t, f (t)) + x (t, f (t))f (t).) may use the fact that dt Notice that this problem says that if f is a solution to the dierential equation y = (t, y ) y (t0 ) = x0 with a C n function then f C n+1 (where it is dened). 4. Continuing the previous problem consider the function (t, x) = t t1 2 t t 1.

Solve the dierential equation y = (t, y ) with y (0) = 1 and show that it is C 1 but not twice dierentiable. 1

n n 5. Suppose that the power series f (x) = n=0 an x and g (x) = n=0 bn x both converge uniformly on (a, b). Let {sn } be a sequence of distinct points in [a, b] that converge to s (a, b). If f (sn ) = g (sn ) for all n and f (s) = g (s) then show that f (x) = g (x) for all x [a, b]. (In particular, show that an = bn for all n). Hint: Consider h(x) = f (x) g (x) and try to prove that h is zero. Look at the set Z of points where h(x) = 0 and S the limit points of Z . Show that Z is both relatively open and relatively closed in (a, b). 6. Suppose that f and g are anaytic functions on (a, b) and there is some point c (a, b) such that f (k) (c) = g (k) (c) for all k . Prove that f (x) = g (x) for all x (a, b). Hint: Looking at the Taylor series around c does not immediately solve the problem. 7. Given a sequence of numbers {an } show there is a function f : R R that is innitely dierentiable and has f (k) (0) = ak for all k . (This is called Borels Lemma.) Hint: 1 k x . If you choose the functions k so that Consider a series of the form k (x)ak k ! they are, non-negative, 1 near 0 and zero outside the appropriate neighborhood of 0, then you can prove the series gives a smooth function. 8. Show that there are smooth functions whose Taylor series has radius of convergence 0. Hint: Use the last problem. 9. Let f and g be dierentiable functions from Rn to Rm , Show that for any constants a, b R we have D (af + bg ) = aDf + bDg.

10. Let f (x, y ) = 0 if (x, y ) = (0, 0) and if (x, y ) = (0, 0) then set f (x, y ) = x2 xy . + y2

Compute the partial derivatives of f at (0, 0). Compute the directional derivatives at (0, 0) (when they exists). Determine if f is continuous at (0, 0) and if it is dierentiable at (0, 0). 11. Let f : Rn Rm and suppose there is a constant M such that f (x) M x 2 for all x Rn . Prove that f is dierentiable at x = 0 and Df (0) = 0. 12. Let L : Rn Rm be a linear map. Show that L is dierentiable at all x Rn and compute DL(x). 13. Compute the derivative (that is Jacobian matrix) of (a) f (x, y ) = sin(x2 + y 3 ) (b) g (x, y, z ) = (z sin x, x sin y ) (c) h(x, y, z ) = (x2 , xy ) 14. Compute f and Df for f (x, y, z ) = xyz + x2 y 3 + z 4 . 15. Let f (x, y ) = (e2x+y , 2y cos x, x2 + y + 2) and g (x, y, z ) = (3x + 2y + z 2 , x2 z + 1). Compute D (f g )(0) and D (g f )(0). Hint: Do not compute the compositions explicitly. Use the chain rule. 16. Let f : R3 R2 satisfy the conditions that f (0) = (1, 2) and Df (0) = 1 2 3 . 0 0 1

If in addition g : R2 R2 is given by g (x, y ) = (x + 2y + 1, 3xy ) then nd D (g f )(0). 17. Let f : R3 R and g : R2 R. If h(x, y ) = f (x, y, g (x, y )) then compute Dh in terms g g of the partial derivatives of f and g . If h = 0, then write x and y in terms of the partial derivatives of f .

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