Hagen Pousille Eq Laminar Flow in Channels
Hagen Pousille Eq Laminar Flow in Channels
Hagen Pousille Eq Laminar Flow in Channels
Learning outcome:
1. Derive Hagen Poiseuille equation.
2. Calculate mean and maximum velocity.
Fluid distribution network involve
with fluid flow through channel (pipe,
duct etc.) .
Fluid may be forced to flow by a
fan/pump through flow section.
Flow section of a circular cross section
is known as pipe.
Flow section for non-circular cross
section is known as duct.
Small diameter of pipe tube.
Attached manometer
gives head /pressure lost
by the fluid overcoming
the shear stress.
The P1 >P2
P1 P2 = Pressure drop, P
At wall, u = 0
Lower plate, u = 0
Laminar flow through a parallel plates
P + P
is proportional to r
Thus shear stresses varies linearly along the radius
where y = R r thus dy = - dr
Known that
Substitute in A, gives
When r = R
When r = 0
u = umax
Q =uxA