Advanced CostX
Advanced CostX
Advanced CostX
1.1 Introduction
2 Drawing Files
3 2D Drawing Files
3.5 X-Refs
3.8 Scaling
3D Drawings
BIM Models
5.5 Proxies
Model Maps
Worked Examples
Combining Properties
6.13 Assemblies
Review Dimensions
Additional Measurement
7 Measurement Approach
8 Templates
8.1 Templates
8.2 Based On
8.3 Merging
Initial Set Up
8.7 Phraseologies
9 Revisions
9.1 Revisions
Revise Mode
10 Zones
11 Coding
11.1 Coding
12 Workbook Tools
12.1 Reference
12.3 Locking
13 Reports
14 Rate Libraries
16 CostX Networking
Improved productivity
17 CostX Customisation
Spell Checking
18 System Administration
Units of Measure
Code Libraries
Rate Libraries
buildingSMART copyright images and documents reproduced with kind permission of
buildingSMART International.
Exactal gratefully acknowledges the contribution and assistance of the following individuals and
organisations in the preparation of this document:
Mr. Dana K. Deke Smith, National Institute of Building Sciences and buildingSMART Alliance
Washington DC
Matthew Johnson, Powe Architects Brisbane
David Shorter, Graphisoft Sydney
2 Drawing Files
A major advantage of all versions of CostX is that they support the widest possible range of 2D
and 3D drawing file types, including;
2D PDF Files both raster (pixel based) and vector (line based)
Various 2D raster image files - BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF
3D IFC Files
In fact, because CostX loads such a wide variety of drawing types very quickly, it is very useful as
a universal drawing viewer. For certain file types it is also possible to use Autodesk freeware
(DWG TrueViewTM for DWGTM files and Autodesk Design Review for DWFTM files). These allow
you to view, mark-up, convert, export and print drawing files. To view PDF files there is Adobe
Reader and for IFC files, DDS-CAD Viewer.
3 2D Drawing Files
3.1 Raster and Vector Files
Graphics files exist in either raster or vector format. A raster file is an image made up of a grid of
pixels (called a bitmap) eg. a photograph or a scanned copy of a drawing. Raster images are
resolution dependent, which means they cannot be enlarged on screen (ie. zoomed in) without loss
of image quality. Raster file sizes are dependent on the number of pixels involved. Because large
bitmaps require large file sizes, there are several compressed formats that have been developed
such as JPEG and GIF.
Vector graphics is the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves and shapes or
polygons, which are all based on mathematical equations, to create images. This means they can
contain various levels of embedded drawing intelligence, and can be scaled up (zoomed in) without
loss of resolution. Vector file sizes are dependent on the amount of data in the drawing.
Essentially, a vector file is a drawing, whereas a raster file is a picture of a drawing.
All CAD programs are based on vector graphics, however the drawings are often published and
issued in one of the raster image formats which means that the inherent resolution and intelligence
is lost. CostX can deal with both formats but uses different modes of measurement for each,
reflecting the nature of the image data available. Raster mode is basically a measurement overlay
on top of the drawing, whereas vector mode attaches to the vector lines within the drawing. In this
way, CostX utilizes vector data to improve the speed and accuracy of measurement, and is able
to exploit drawing intelligence. Hence vector files are preferred to raster files. If you have no choice
but to use raster files it is important to establish the scale either by entering it (if known) into the
Drawing Properties or by using the Calibrate function (see 3.8 Scaling below). This is relevant
because most raster images are scaled to an arbitrary size to fit onto a page and since they are
images, there is no useful geometry available to verify the scale. In the case of a fax or scan, the
scale may also have been distorted during transmission.
Some drawings contain a combination of raster and vector components. CostX will provide a
warning when such drawings are loaded.
CostX also provides an option to work in raster mode from a vector drawing to
enable measurements to be taken without attaching to drawing lines. Simply click the
Raster button to switch between modes.
Designers use layers to collate and categorise objects or entities within a
drawing, eg. walls on one layer, doors on another. The final drawing is
made up of all the layers stacked on top of each other. When designers
export a set of drawings for distribution they often do not enable the layers
which means downstream users can only view the complete drawing.
However, if the layers are enabled, CostX can filter the display to make
viewing and measurement much quicker and easier. Layers can also be
enabled in a vector PDF export from CAD, but are not available in raster
A block is a pre-defined grouping of lines, arcs and circles to depict a typical object, eg. a door, or
a collection of objects such as a typical furniture layout. Instead of having to re-draw the object
multiple times, the designer can simply select the relevant block. CostX makes use of blocks by
counting all instances of a typical block with a single keystroke. The designer needs to enable
block data when exporting CAD files. Block data is not available in PDF files.
CAD drawings are made up of lines and arcs. The polyline command allows designers to group a
series of lines or arcs into a single continuous entity. For example, four separate lines could be
drawn to depict four walls to enclose a room. However, if these lines were drawn as a polyline,
then the closed polyline would represent the room bounded by the four walls. Polylines can be
made up of any combination of lines and arcs to create highly complex shapes, and are used by
designers because it is quicker and easier to select and manipulate a whole complex shape in one
go rather than each of its component parts. If polylines have been used, CostX is able to read
them and automatically return the area and perimeter of the shape, no matter how complex, with a
single keystroke which is clearly a very powerful function.
Generally, when adding a DWGTM file into CostX which contains both Model Space and Paper
Space views, Model Space would be selected. This can however sometimes mean that useful
information which has only been added into the Paper Space view (title block, legends, etc) may
not appear.
If you decide to load the Paper Space
view, be aware that it may not always
contain a direct view port to the Model so
the view may not be at 1:1 but might
instead be scaled. Worse, some
viewports may be 1:1 whilst others on the
same sheet may be scaled even though
they may all look the same. When loading
a Paper Space view it is therefore
important to verify if it is scaled, and if so
either calibrate the scale, or ascertain the
scale from the Title block and adjust the
scale options in the Drawing Properties
dialogue. Crucially, in both cases be sure
to then verify the scale using the m key
check on several known X and Y
dimensions. If any are wrong, you need
to calculate the correct scale(s) and
update the drawing properties.
3.5 X-Refs
Another aspect of CAD workflow which needs to be understood is the use of External References
called X-Refs. An X-Ref is an external reference' to another AutoCAD drawing file. Basically
this means that one file can reference many other files and display them as if they were all one file.
X-Refs are used in larger projects for many reasons:
Every time an X-Ref is loaded, it is the most recent version of the drawing.
X-Ref's can be updated, added, or unattached from the main drawing at any time.
You can X-Ref drawings that they themselves X-Ref other drawings (nesting).
X-Refs enable project information which is relevant to multiple drawings to be held in a separate
single file from where it can be referenced by each of the multiple drawing files, rather than having
to replicate the information separately on each file. Typically, such information may include title
blocks and company logos, or building sections or site datum data.
If X-Refs have been used, then when the drawing file is
transmitted the X-Ref files need to accompany it or they
cannot be accessed and will not appear in the view.
Sometimes when loading a drawing into CostX a warning
message may appear if X-Ref files cannot be located.
This is not necessarily a problem if the missing data relates to logos or titles - or even, as in this
case, a site location reference and a Section reference which are not relevant to the measurement
to be taken from the subject drawing - so it is sometimes acceptable to proceed. However it is of
course highly advisable to determine the nature of the missing data and obtain any missing files.
A typical drawing file folder incorporating X-Ref files may look like this,
for the drawing SD 007 - J.
In this case, the relevant drawing file is 1591_SD007.DWG. This is the
only one that needs to be loaded into CostX for measurement, but all
the accompanying files must be kept in the same file path so that they
can be accessed by CostX to link to the X-Refs and enable the X-Ref
data to be displayed in the drawing view. This creates a file storage
issue, can complicate the transfer process, and needs a level of
An alternative is to request that when the drawings files are exported from
CAD the binding of X-Refs option is used. The Binding option simply
means that all the files are consolidated (or bound) into the drawing files
with the result as shown here, which is obviously far simpler to manage.
However, be aware that binding can alter some CAD references within the
drawing files, so be wary of bound X-Refs if using the CostX revisioning
3.8 Scaling
Drawing scales should always be checked and verified, even when working in 1:1 Model space. To
do this, simply verify a known dimension by using the Measure Distance button or the m key.
For Paper Space and scaled images, if the scale is known, enter it into the drawing properties
when adding the drawing. Then when the drawing has been loaded verify the scale using a known
dimension (preferably a figured dimension but otherwise the width of a door opening or similar). If
an incorrect answer is returned, the correct scale needs to be calculated and the drawing
properties amended accordingly.
For PDF drawings or image files with an unknown scale, use the Calibrate function. Calibrate can
only be used prior to taking any dimensions, after which the button is disabled unless you delete all
the dimensions. The calibration will be calculated to numerous decimal points. You can use the
calibrated result, or use calibrate to identify the scale then click the Reset Calibration button
before opening Drawing Properties and inserting the scale, eg. rather than using a calibration of
199.8442 you could Reset Calibration and then insert a scale of 1:200.
The other benefit of inserting the scale is that the scale can later be amended in Drawing
Properties which will automatically adjust all dimensions measured from the drawing so far,
whereas a calibration factor cannot be reset once dimensions have been measured from the
When subsequent drawings are added, CostX uses the same Base UoM as was used previously
because generally they will be consistent.
PDFs are slightly different. PDF files are automatically calibrated to the UoM (mm or in) based on
the Measurement System setting (metric or imperial). Even if the PDF drawing has text with
measurements written in inches, if the Measurement System setting is metric then the UoM will be
set to mm. In this situation CostX automatically calibrates the drawing to reflect the UoM as mm,
and therefore the resulting metric measurements will be correct if the PDF has been scaled or
calibrated as described above.
As always, after the drawing has loaded, check a known dimension using the m key to verify the
(Not available in 2D versions)
3D Drawings
Traditional 2D and 3D CAD programs use vector graphics to replicate the human process of
drawing on paper. Vector graphics is the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves
and shapes or polygons, which are all based on mathematical equations, to represent images. This
is distinct from raster graphics, which is the representation of images as an array of pixels as is
typically used for the reproduction of photographic or scanned images.
Regardless of whether it is rendered in 2D or 3D, a vector based CAD drawing like the following
example of an AutoCAD DWGTM file is simply a collection of lines, arcs and text.
2D Plan View
3D View
Because they are based on geometric data, these graphical models cannot describe the physical
attributes of the entities they represent, nor the relationship of the entities to each other. To
overcome this limitation, design-related industries have developed object-based data model
applications, specific to their operating environment, that can represent the physical and
performance attributes of entities in addition to their graphical properties.
In the case of the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) industry this translates to a data
model built around building entities and their associated inter-relationships. The interface remains
graphic, but geometry is only one of the properties of the entities, which will also contain physical
and performance data such as spatial relationships, geographic information, quantities and
properties of the building components.
The objects within the model are termed intelligent because the database defines their properties
and their behavioral relationship with other objects. A door knows that it is a door, and when it is
placed into a wall the wall knows it has to have an opening to suit that particular door. The
parametric properties are inter-related. If the door size is changed, the wall opening will change to
suit. All of the physical and functional characteristics of the building model are held in the central
database. As the model develops, all of the objects within it parametrically adapt themselves to the
new design. These models are therefore rich in information that can be extracted and used for a
variety of analyses to assist in design, construction and operational optimization.
BIM Models
The process of optimising the design by interrogating and analyzing the data within the model is
referred to as Building Information Modelling (BIM). Consequently, the data model for a building is
often referred to as a BIM model.
Since the database holds all the information for each of the model objects, it will always represent
the latest iteration of the design and crucially, as a database, it is capable of being interrogated in
various ways to extract differing types of data. Hence, the more data that is added to it, the wider
the range of analyses such as building performance, schedules and costs that can be leveraged
from it to select the best options.
This means that if multi-disciplinary teams are using a common software platform, they can use the
model-based technology to share building data and collaborate on design, construction and
lifecycle management. Detailed design information can be quickly and easily created which
improves efficiency and saves time and money, and the design can be tested and proven before
work starts on site, saving time and money particularly in early clash detection.
Ultimately, the implementation of BIM has the potential to allow all team members to contribute to
the creation of better buildings, delivered faster and more reliably, with reduced environmental
impact over the entire building life cycle. This is why many industry authorities are actively
campaigning in support of BIM, and governments worldwide are starting to mandate the use of
DWFxTM files differ from CAD formats such as DWGTM because DWFxTM is a read-only secure file
format which enables Revit design data to be issued to non-Revit and non-CAD users. Similar to
Portable Document Format (PDF), the files can be viewed and printed but they cannot be edited.
They are also highly compressed and hence smaller and faster to transmit than their source design
files, but do not contain the complete model data.
Designers can publish individual sheets or multi-sheet 2D drawing sets from multiple 3D drawing
views, all within a single DWFxTM file and they can edit the data so that the content of the DWFxTM
is limited to only what they want the recipient to see.
Section 9 of the Exactal document Digital Drawing Files for Measurement Purposes contains
suggestions for how designers can improve the content of DWFxTM files for estimating purposes.
The image on the left below shows the family structure within the Revit browser for a typical
building. As an example, Structural Columns=Category, M_Concrete-Round-Column=Family
name, 450mm=Family Type.
When a DWF/DWFx TM file is opened in CostX, the properties of each model object can be viewed
(image on the right below) and used to extract data from the model using any combination of object
properties. Users have the option to either define Model Maps to customise the data extraction from
the model, or to generate automatic quantities using the standard CostX BIM templates.
CostX ships with a selection of BIM templates. The templates are XSLT files which have been
written specifically to automatically extract and sort data from 3D DWF/DWFx TM model files. The
default template is called Revit General and this
template extracts the data and categorises it in
accordance with the Revit family hierarchy to create a list
of dimension groups using the Revit category to name
the dimension group folder, and the Revit family name +
family type to name the dimension group. The quantity will
generally be drawn from the first dimension property.
Refer to Section 6.8 below for more detail.
Because this template relies on the model data being presented in standard Revit family categories,
it will generally only produce satisfactory results when used with a DWF/DWFx TM file exported from
The Quantity Take-off add-on view which adds the ability to transmit base quantities for
spatial, building, building service and structural elements.
The Space boundary add-on view - it supports the use of BIM in thermal and energy
analysis by adding building element to space relationships.
Hierarchy Chart of Building Elements (buildingSMART IFC 2X3 Model Implementation Guide v.2.0)
(ABS) = Abstract Entity
Each building entity (eg. IfcWall) is defined as a subtype of IfcBuildingElement, which in turn is a
subtype of IfcElement and so on, up to the root entity IfcRoot. Attributes are associated with each
entity, so that IfcWall inherits most of its attributes from its parent entities (termed supertypes).
All the upper level entities are abstract, which means they cannot of themselves exist as an
instance. The IfcWall entity, however is not abstract which means it can be instantiated to create
instances of the wall object within the building model.
Whilst the IFC is structured to accommodate these relationships, the responsibility for creating
them lies with the authoring application that exports the IFC. If the correct associations are not
explicitly made in the source file, they cannot proceed in the IFC and hence may not appear in a
downstream application. Thus, how a model file is prepared for export to IFC is extremely
important and is a critical factor in the ultimate success of the IFC exchange process.
5.5 Proxies
When BIM applications export to IFC, the data has to be mapped from the host schema into the
IFC schema. Many architectural object classifications have direct IFC counterparts and will be
mapped accordingly, eg. an object having a Wall-subtype in ArchiCAD will be classified as
IfcWall. If an object has no corresponding IFC element type it will be exported as a Proxy. The
default setting is to export the objects as a general solid object in a generic
IfcBuildingElementProxy element. It is possible to map objects to alternate IFC elements prior to
export, to reduce the number of proxies, or proxies can be defined with geometry and property sets
to behave like regular entities.
Quantity Properties Out of View (buildingSMART IFC 2X3 Coordination View Definition v.2.0)
Generally, this will mean that a standard IFC exported from architectural BIM software will have no
quantity data, unless the Quantity Take-Off add-on view extension has been used to include Base
Quantities in the export (see 5.7 below). Note that some IFC Viewer software such as Solibri
Model Viewer calculates quantities and displays them as entity properties. These quantities are not
an attribute of the IFC, and have been separately calculated by the Viewer program from the IFC
geometry. Consequently, the same IFC opened in CostX (or other IFC Viewers such as Data
Design System DDS-CAD) will not have those quantities. Because the quantities are not an
attribute of the IFC, which means they have not been derived from the host model, their accuracy
is entirely dependent upon the calculations undertaken by the Viewer program and the data it uses
as the basis of the calculations.
Currently, Base Quantities can generally be included in an IFC export as a tick-box export option.
They will however be an integral part of the forthcoming IFC 2X4 release.
Base Quantity definitions have only been written for selected elements, and Base Quantities are
only included in the export for those elements. The elements are:
Curtain Walls
No Base Quantities are provided in the IFC for excluded elements such as Footings, Roofs,
Casework and Plumbing.
Each type of IfcPhysicalQuantity has a value attribute that is defined according to the equivalent
defined data type within the IfcMeasureResource schema e.g. the value of an IfcQuantityLength is
given by an IfcLengthMeasure.
Each instance of IfcPhysicalQuantity must have a name that defines the context for its usage. For
example, a wall may have several area measures. These could have context names such as
footprint area, left wall face area, right wall face area etc. The areas would be given by three
instances of the area quantity subtype, with different Name string values. The Name attribute
defines the actual usage or kind of measure. The interpretation of the name label has to be
established within the actual exchange context.
Additionally, each quantity may have an associated informative description that can be used to
explain or further qualify the Name attribute. Each instance of IfcPhysicalQuantity may also have a
unit, subject to a separate set of rules.
If the unit is given, the value for unit overrides the global setting of the project-wide units within
IfcProject.UnitsInContext. If the value for unit is omitted, than the unit defined within UnitsInContext
is used. In order to find the applicable unit, a measure type is provided for each measure value.
Definition of Physical Quantity (buildingSMART IFC 2X3 Model Implementation Guide v.2.0)
IFC Viewer
Use Right click Custom filter to filter the CostX view by IfcBuildingStorey
IFC is purely an exchange format. The responsibility for populating the data model with the
appropriate parametric properties and relationships lies with the authoring application that
exports the IFC.
The IFC specification does not, and cannot, support certain proprietary data types that
support specific application functions, so the IFC model is not an exact representation of
the host model.
Proprietary data models need to be mapped to their correct IFC categories which may
involve use of translation routines, override settings, and creation of additional IFC-specific
Export of dimensions is not part of the IFC 2X3 Coordination View definition. Consequently,
a standard IFC export from most IFC-compliant applications in the AEC industry will not
include quantity data unless the Base Quantity add-on is used.
Base Quantity definitions have currently only been written for selected building elements
and spaces, and the quantities included in a Coordination View IFC with Quantity Take-Off
add-on will be limited to those elements.
The IFC standard is continually evolving and may fairly be regarded as a work in
The Add button in the Drawings section of the Home ribbon or the Drawing section of the
Drawings ribbon is the default import setting for all image, 2D and 3D drawing files.
It will also import a 3D view from a DWFTM, DWFxTM or IFC BIM model file. The DWFTM or
DWFxTM may be single view, or multi-view comprising multiple 3D and 2D views and
sheets. The 3D view can be used to generate dimensions from the BIM data and the 2D
views and sheets can be used to measure additional quantities in 2D mode.
Some 3D drawings can be switched between 2D and 3D in the Drawing Properties box.
Display control buttons on the Drawing ribbon and in the View section of
the Home ribbon. These icons can be selected simultaneously or
separately and provide different views. Transparent mode is useful for
identifying hidden measured objects. Wireframe views are not always
available in some drawing files;
Similarly to a 2D drawing you can zoom in and out via the mouse wheel. You can also click
and hold the wheel to pan around the drawing. It is also possible to rotate the drawing by
holding the left click on the mouse and moving the mouse;
Hold the E key (the eye function) and move the mouse forward or backward (ie. cursor
up and down on the screen) to move through the building;
A right mouse click menu provides more tools. Right click in a blank area of the drawing
view, and by clicking on the Area field, portions of the model can be isolated by dragging a
rectangle over a selected area to isolate the area for display and BIM import.
For individual objects hover the cursor over a drawing object to select (highlight) it then
right click to open menu options.
Show All Objects recovers all hidden objects. Reset View is useful to recover a view, eg.
after using the eye function.
The hierarchical structure of the drawing objects will be displayed in a tree format. Each section may
be expanded to reveal the object hierarchy.
Click on any item to filter the display. As you drill down through the tree hierarchy, the filtering
becomes successively more precise.
To see what data is available in a model, open the Model tab and
select the highest level of the Model tree (Drawing) to display all
Then open the Schedule pane. The parametric properties of all
objects in the model will be scheduled. It will be immediately apparent
that different objects have data assigned in different fields. For larger
models the Schedule can take some time to generate so it can be
preferable to filter the view as described next prior to opening the Schedule.
With the Schedule pane open, click on each of the Model categories (eg. Floors, Structural Columns,
etc). The Schedule data will update each time to display the properties of each category. Opening
the categories and selecting their sub-categories will filter the Schedule data still further, all the way
down to individual objects. By this means the user can determine what data is available to customise
the measurement of particular objects.
In this example, no UOM was defined in the model for length data so the right click menu was used
to assign mm. However mm had in fact already been automatically selected by CostX so the
quantity was correct because mm is the default standard for most metric drawings.
However, in the same model, Area data was scheduled in mm2 rather than m2 so it was necessary
to assign the correct UOM to the Area field, as below, to obtain the correct quantity.
To measure areas, hover the cursor over the plane of the object to be measured. A small
green selection point will appear at node points (angles or intersections) of object surfaces.
CostX can measure between all such points occurring in the same plane of the 3D object.
Click to start the measurement at the required selection point, then move to the next point,
click, and move on. In the final segment move the cursor towards the original starting point
and then press Enter to complete the area.
Negative measurements can be taken in the same way by clicking the negative button on the
Dimensions tab. Then click the Both button the display the complete measurement.
Lengths are measured by clicking on a selection node to start the length, then moving the
cursor to a selection node at the other end of the length to be measured. When a blue
connecting line appears, left click the mouse to capture the length. Hold the Ctrl key to
continue to another selection point and combine multiple segments into a single length. Be
careful to select points in the correct plane of measurement.
To measure counts, hover the cursor over a selection node, then when a green point appears
left click the mouse to register the count.
Depending on the properties of the drawing , a shortcut key (L key) will automatically takeoff
surface areas. Hover the cursor over the surface to be measured, hold the L key, and click
the mouse. The area value returned is the entire surface area (both sides and edges) of the
object, not just the face area.
Use the Add button to import a 3D DWFTM or DWFxTM view. For ease of measurement, the
right click menu may be used to filter the view to show only the required category of objects.
In the Dimensions ribbon click the Import button drop-down arrow and select Import
Dimensions Using BIM Template.
A dialogue box will open listing the available BIM Templates which map the Revit model
parameters, generate the dimensions, and sort them into Dimension Group folders and
Dimension Groups. Revit General will name the folders by Category, and the groups by
Family Name and Type. Select the required Template, click Open, and CostX will
automatically create the Dimension Groups populated with the dimensions of all objects
dispayed in the drawing view.
In addition to default properties, designers are able to add additional data to objects called
Shared Parameters. An example of a Shared Parameter may be an elemental coding which
may be named QSID or Element Code. If the designer has done this, the template by
QSID or ELEMENT CODE will sort the dimensions into QSID or Element folders instead of
by Category.
These templates are written around model data being presented in standard Revit family
categories and will generally only produce satisfactory results when used with DWFTM and
DWFx TM files exported from Revit. For IFC files, Model Maps or object-based Dimension
Groups should be used.
Model Maps
Owing to a current lack of industry standards for family structures, designers will generally utilize a
family hierarchy but will configure their object libraries in different ways. For this reason, the CostX
BIM templates typically utilize high level data interrogation, (eg. by Family Name and Type) to
broaden their application. The Model Maps allow users to determine what specific data will be
extracted from the object properties within the model to generate quantities, so they are not reliant
on the generic settings in the CostX BIM templates. By filtering down through the Model tree, the
data extraction can be at whole of drawing, category, sub-category, group or object level. At object
level, the definition will be unique to the selected object, whereas at the higher levels the data
extraction has to be more generic, to select fields which are common to several objects, groups or
Hence the Model Maps feature can be used to tailor data extraction to a specific object or group of
objects, or can be used at a higher level to replicate the BIM template approach and create unique
mapping templates specific to the way a particular designer has configured their object libraries.
Click the Model Maps button in the BIM section of the Dimensions ribbon.
The Model Map ribbon and view opens, which displays the Model Tree, the filtered Model
view, the Schedule, and the Mapping Definition tab.
To assign the Model Definition, the user filters to the Structural Columns branch of the
model tree, and then drags and drops the required data field from the Schedule into the
corresponding field in the tab. Use the + symbol to concatenate data. Free text in quotes
may also be entered, or a combination of both. In the example below, the Level1 and
Level3 data will be combined to name the dimension group folder, the Top Level data will
categorise the dimension group, and the Measurement Type will be volume, using the data
from the Volume field in the Schedule.
A new Model Map has been inserted, named Column Measure. The Model Map has been
configured as follows, to measure the columns by Volume, separated by building Top Level, and
also to show a Formwork area and rebar weight in Tonnes (using a factor of 190kg/m3).
Whilst still in the same Model Map view, the definition can be copied (right click menu), then the
tree filtered to the 457 x 457mm columns, the definition pasted, and the Model Map fields edited to
be configured in the same way as the 600 x 600 mm columns.
The Preview can then be filtered to the Structural Columns heading to view all columns in the
No actual measurement takes place whilst in the Model Map screen. After previewing, you can
return to the Mapping Definition tab and continue to amend and preview various measurement
configurations. Each change will overwrite the previous settings and be saved as it is entered.
It is important to observe the correct syntax when creating model definitions. Model properties
must be enclosed in square brackets eg. [Family Name]. Free text including spaces must be in
double quotes eg. Formwork. Separate pieces of text may each be joined with a + sign, eg.
[Level3] + - + [Top Level]. Mathematical formulas can be enclosed in round brackets eg.
[Length]*(0.5*4) and complex formulas including IF statements are supported. IF statements
support =, <, <=, >=, > and != (does not equal) for value comparisons. Example:
([Level]+[Stage])=([Floor]+Initial). Also refer to Section 6.12 below.
When you are satisfied with the Model Definition, exit Model Map mode by clicking the Close
button on the Model Map ribbon.
The drawing view does not need to be filtered because the Model Map will only import the data
applicable to the objects filtered in the Model Tree at the time the Model Map was created.
However, those objects must be displayed in the view in order for the Model Map to work.
The Dimension Groups and Folders will be automatically created, populated with the dimension
data as defined by the Model Map as shown in the preview.
Use the Add button to import a 3D DWFTM, DWFxTM or IFC view. For ease of measurement,
the right click menu may be used to filter the view to show only the required category of
Hover the cursor over an object to select (highlight) it, then right click and select Create
Dimension Group. Enter the Dimension Group properties in the top section of the dialogue
box, and, in a similar manner to mapping definitions, add any Custom Parameter names
and UOM in the lower section. Then open the Object Properties tab and select the data
source for the measurement parameters by using the drop down arrows and then clicking
on the relevant data field. Then click Insert.
A Dimension Group will be created which will be initially empty, but is ready to receive data
from objects in the model according to the configuration entered in the Object Properties
fields. With the Dimension Group selected, it is now possible to click on the objects to be
measured in the drawing view and CostX will retrieve the data from the object properties
and use it to populate the Dimension Group. Note that it will do this for any object, so be
careful to only click on the required objects. Also note that it may be necessary to open the
schedule and assign units (see section 6.5 above) such as mm to the length property to
ensure that quantities are correctly calculated.
As an alternative to clicking on the objects to be measured, one of the right click filter menu options
Import Objects In enables objects to be selected based on a set of filtering criteria.
With the Dimension group selected, select (highlight) an individual object by hovering the
cursor over it, then right click to open the menu and move the cursor over the Import
Objects In option.
Simply click on the required field (eg. Family Type 600 x 600mm to measure all 600 x
600mm columns).The Area selection tool is also available.
The Custom parameters are selected by clicking the Custom field, and then checking the
relevant boxes in the Object Properties box which opens. In this example, only the 600 x
600mm Columns at Level 5 will be measured.
To retrieve the value of a property from a BIM object, the property name must be enclosed in
square brackets. For example:
To use only a specified number of characters from the property, use the LEFT or RIGHT function.
The left function specifies the number of characters to use from the left side of the property, and
the right function specifies the number of characters to use from the right side, as shown below.
The first parameter is the property in square brackets and the second is the number of characters.
RIGHT([Family Name],20)
If the same property name exists with multiple categories, an exclamation mark can be used to
separate the category and name in the property specification:
[Profile!Identity Data]
[Start Date!Construciton]
On rare occasions, the same property name can exist under multiple paths in the BIM data.
Slashes can be used to specify the correct point in the BIM hierarchy for the desired property
Worked Examples
To retrieve the value of a property from a BIM object, the property name must be enclosed in
square brackets. For example:
[Type Name]
Extracted numerical quantities are always converted into the appropriate building units as they are
extracted from the BIM objects. For example, suppose the example object is being used in a
building that uses metres as its Base UOM:
If we were to extract the Height Offset from Level property, it would be converted from the
millimetre value stored in the object property, to a metre value, which matches the building unit.
If no unit is specified in the BIM property value, the values specified in the drawing properties are
used as the default units for the quantities. Suppose the drawing is configured as follows:
If we retrieve the value of the Volume property, which has no units included in the property value, it
will assume that the value is in Cubic Metres as set in the drawing properties (also see 6.5 above):
In the sample properties for the wall shown above, the Name property exists in both the Concrete
Precast 200 200 and IfcWallStandardCase categories. We can no longer just say [Name], as this
doesnt make it clear which of the two Name properties we want to use. To differentiate between
them, an exclamation mark can be used to separate the category and name in the property
Combining Properties
In many cases, none of the properties contain the required values, but a calculation using one or
more properties can be used to get the required value. CostX supports the four basic arithmetic
operators: +, -, *, and /, as well as brackets ().
Example 1
For example, suppose we want the area of the door with the properties as shown above. To
calculate the area of the door, we need get the product of the height and the width. To do this, we
need to use a formula that multiplies the properties together:
Each property will be evaluated, and then the resulting quantities multiplied together to give the
final answer (assuming the building is being worked in metres):
2.4m * 5.1m
The formula to be used for the area is therefore [Height]*[Width], which gives a resulting quantity of
Example 2
The properties for the duct above dont give a height for the duct. We can calculate this from the
object properties by subtracting the Bottom Elevation from the Top Elevation. To do this, we need
to use a formula:
[Top Elevation] - [Bottom Elevation]
Once again, each property will be evaluated, and the final value calculated. This will work as
follows, again assuming the building is using metres:
[Top Elevation] [Bottom Elevation]
3.6575m - 3.4075m
Example 3
Consider another duct. In this case, we want to know the external height of the duct. The object
properties do provide us with a height; however, this height is the interior height of the duct and the
thickness of the duct is not provided by any of the available object properties. The only way for us
to determine the exterior height is to divide the area by the length. This can be done using the
following formula:
[Area] / [Length]
The steps CostX uses to determine the value of this formula, working in metres, are:
[Area] / [Length]
1.399999999933 m
6.946210101268 m2 / 4.961578644 m
Example 4
Suppose we want to calculate the perimeter of the ceiling tile in use with the fire sprinkler whose
properties are shown above. To do this, we need to add twice the length to twice the width of the
tile. The formula for calculating this is as follows:
2*[NDY_Ceiling Tile Length]+2*[NDY_Ceiling Tile Width]
Or alternatively:
2*([NDY_Ceiling Tile Length]+[NDY_Ceiling Tile Width])
Each gives a resulting quantity of 2.4m in a building that uses metres as the building unit.
6.13 Assemblies
In Revit, multiple elements can be combined into a single assembly that can be independently
scheduled, tagged, and filtered. Most model elements can be included in assemblies, and layered
elements such as walls, floors, flat roofs, etc are invariably modeled as assemblies.
When exported to a DWF/DWFxTM an assembly such as the floor shown above appears as a
composite whole and its component parts, or layers, are not separately identified within the 3D
DWFxTM view and are not represented on 2D views and sheets.
It is important to obtain full details of the assembly components so that each can be individually
itemised. To assist in this the designer could be requested to provide additional information in the
form of details or schedules.
Alternatively they could use the Revit Parts function which will break the layered assembly into
its constituent layers. The layer data will be then available in the DWF/DFWxTM export. Typically
this might apply to elements such as:
The disassembled slab will now import with the Revit General BIM Template in separate
constituent Parts, as follows.
CostX screen shot of disassembled slab Parts dimensions imported with Revit General BIM Template
Each layer of the assembly is an individual Part with its own discrete Object Properties. The
Identity Data properties have been expanded to contain details of the individual layer and this data
is available for the BIM Template to create the separate Dimension Groups.
The Parts properties can also be viewed as branches of the Model Tree.
The Parts properties can readily be used to create mapping definitions for Model Maps.
CostX screen shot of disassembled slab Parts dimensions imported with Model Map
Review Dimensions
When Dimension Groups or Folders are selected either individually or cumulatively (by holding the
Ctrl key and clicking on them), the dimensions are highlighted in green on the drawing view and
may be reviewed.
The drawing view can also be filtered or set to Transparent to assist in identifying the location of
objects. There are also right click menu options to Isolate Dimension Group or the Dimensions tab
can be opened and individual dimensions may be isolated.
Additional Measurement
Instead of a single 3D view, a multi-view DWF/DWFxTM containing a 3D view and a set of 2D views
and sheets (plans and elevations) can be imported. The BIM dimensions are taken from the 3D
view, and then additional quantities can be added to the BIM dimensions by creating new
Dimension Groups and Folders and measuring from the various views and sheets either in Object
Mode or manually in 3D or 2D in Vector mode.
Additional DWF/DWFxTM, DWGTM, PDF or image files can also be added at any time to augment
the model data and to form a basis for additional measurement.
To bind together separate DWF/DWFxTM files from the same model into a Drawing Set, firstly Add
the new drawings. Then click the Drawing Sets button to open the Drawing Sets box, then click
Insert to open the Drawing Set Properties box. Enter a name for the new Drawing Set and select
the drawings to be included in the set.
BIM dimensions imported from the original drawing will now also display on all the associated
newly added drawings within the Drawing Set. Drawing sets can be created at any time, including
after the dimensions have been imported. This means that if additional drawings are obtained in
order to import some additional dimensions or measure some additional quantities, previously
imported BIM dimensions can be displayed on the new drawings.
The Check BIM Objects button on the Dimensions ribbon will also identify duplicate or unused
objects in Dimension groups.
7 Measurement Approach
7.1 Measurement Structure
The Dimension Group format is user-defined so dimensions can be measured in elemental, trade
or other format as desired. Typically high level cost planning is done elementally whereas
scheduling is done by trade. As a result it is possible to have differing or progressive Dimension
Group Folders to allow for a project to progress from elemental estimating through to trade
If alternative folder structures are to be used, naming or numbering protocols should be
established so that the Dimension Groups are easily located.
8 Templates
(Workbooks not available in CostX Takeoff)
8.1 Templates
Dimension Groups and Workbooks can always be created from scratch. However by creating
templates to follow, a lot of time can be saved plus a quality rigour is introduced by standardizing
the templates to company standards. By using templates the live links from Dimension Groups to
workbooks are already in place and as a result the tasks required are only the capturing of
quantities and costing of workbooks. The detail of an estimate or cost plan is determined by the
information available and the time available to undertake the work. The use of templates provides
a standard platform from which to complete the work and the template used should be best
matched to the level of detail required. For example sketch drawings and a brief scope of works
are likely to form the basis of a Unit Rate or Elemental Cost Plan, whereas detailed drawings and a
full specification can be used for scheduling. The templates should be retained in a discrete Project
folder and strict protocols introduced to ensure they are not overwritten.
8.2 Based On
For new buildings, create a Building name relevant to the subject project and use based on so
the new building will then have all the template details on it but the template remains unchanged.
8.3 Merging
Merging can be used when a building already exists, to bring in a template or previous project to
add to the work already undertaken, or to combine a number of separate buildings into a single
consolidated building. When merging, it is better to create copies of the files to be merged and
merge the copies so that the originals are retained. Either merge one copy into the other, or create
a new empty building and merge all the copies into it. Merging should only be done once because
if it is repeated, all the dimensions will also be repeated, ie. doubled. Hence it is better to merge
when work is complete and unlikely to be amended. When merging, Dimension Groups get
combined but workbooks do not the incoming file will create new workbooks. Like-named
Dimension Groups are combined unless there is a mismatch - eg the assigned height in Dimension
Group properties in which case the incoming Dimension Group is automatically re-named and
the workbook linkages in the incoming workbook updated to reflect the new name. To reinstate the
linkages to the original Dimension Groups, delete the re-named Dimension Groups, delete the new
workbook, and replicate the new workbook from the incoming template by using based on rather
than merge.
Initial Set Up
Load up drawings for general use by team into the CostX building. Users can load any
additional drawings required for individual trades. Use naming protocols and check scales.
Use Based On Workbook to load a copy of the SMM template into a master workbook in
the CostX building.
Team members create a separate workbook for the trade to be measured and copy and
paste their measurement trade from the master workbook to the trade workbook.
Write job specific Preambles, General Items, Allowances and Measurement clauses in the
Create Dimension Groups to follow the bill items. When setting up a Dimension Group the
Folder will be the Trade name and the Name will be the measured item. The height option
for vertical members may be used, or instead put into the Dimension Group title with the
length measured from the drawing and the height to be added in the workbook. The latter
tends to make workbook review easier as the dimension trail is more apparent. Descriptions
in the Dimension Groups can be written in short.
When dragging and dropping the quantity to the workbook, the rounding can be set in the
Add Quantity box.
Area measurements can be placed in the D column and a 1.00 placed in column E, likewise
a cubic measurement will have a dimension in columns D, E & F.
Although the brief description comes with the quantity when you drag and drop, additional
annotation can be used to identify location if necessary.
8.7 Phraseologies
Standard phraseologies or model description libraries may be imported into CostX and accessed
via a Phraseologies tab. Click on the text to select it, and hold the Ctrl key to select multiple text
strings to build detailed descriptions. Release the Ctrl key, and drag and drop the text into the
workbook. Each string of a multiple selection will be placed on a separate line in the workbook. To
combine the strings into a single description, move the cursor to the destination cell, then hold the
Alt key, move the cursor slightly so that the blue highlighted workbook cells compress to a single
cell, then click.
Phraseologies are created in Excel and imported into CostX via CSV files.
9 Revisions
(Not available in 2D versions)
9.1 Revisions
The Building Revisions function in CostX enables the scope of a project to be managed and
tracked. During the course of a project, designs progressively change as design work proceeds or
in response to unforeseen circumstances. As revised drawings for a building are issued to reflect
the design changes, the building revision status in CostX is incremented and the drawings are
promoted from the previous to the new issue. The revision tool also allows for updating of
workbooks with new items or quantities whilst locking the previous estimate, even if the drawings
have not changed. This can be used to lock cost plans or estimates at milestone issue points so
that they can be referred to at a later date.
A new revision is created using the Add button on the Revisions
ribbon. This immediately locks the existing drawings, preventing
any further measurement, and will also lock the current workbooks.
Drawings, dimensions and workbooks from previous revisions may be viewed
at any time using the drop down selection list located in the Building Revision
section of the Revisions tab, creating a comprehensive audit trail. A
comparison can also be carried out between current and previous drawings or
More information can be found in the Revisions FAQ section of the Help files.
Revise Mode
A locked drawing is promoted to the next revision by use of the Promote button on the Drawings
ribbon or in the Drawing Revision section of the Revision ribbon. A dialogue box opens a browser
to bring in the revised drawing file.
After a drawing has been promoted, it can be useful to get an understanding of the
overall extent of changes before revising each Dimension Group. Click the Compare
button on the Drawings ribbon to compare the drawings using Match Objects, Match
Line, or Overlay modes. With each, the Layers tab can be used to highlight or isolate
aspects of the changes. Exit Layers mode by clicking back to the drawings view with the
Drawings tab and then click on the Stop Comparison button to return to Revise mode.
In order to revise the area dimension below, the previous measurement shown in yellow is
relocated to its new position on the revised drawing by a simple click and drag or click and
drop, and the quantity will automatically update.
If the re-attachment is successful the line will turn green highlighted. Then the new dimension can
be validated by right click Accept or by clicking the Accept All button on the ribbon. At this point
the green highlighting will fade, the caution tag will disappear and the revised dimension will
appear in the Dimension Group. Dimensions that are no longer required, (eg. if an item has been
deleted from the revised drawing) are removed by use of the Delete Invalid button or Delete
Dimension right click menu option.
Any dimensions that are not validated they will remain at zero, but can be validated or adjusted
later (until the revised drawing is again promoted, at which point they would be lost). In the
meantime you can continue to measure new items or dimensions as usual.
If the revisioning exercise appears to be particularly tricky, a judgement can be made that it may be
quicker to delete the dimension and simply remeasure the item in normal measurement mode from
the revised drawing.
A Revision Log button will list all the changes.
After the validation exercise is complete, the locked
workbook can now be promoted by use of the Promote
Workbook button and all linked quantities will be updated
to the revised figures.
The Revision Log will list all the changes, and each model revision can be compared with others by
use of the Compare Drawing button. The Match Objects option should be used.
The Check BIM Objects button on the Drawings ribbon will identify any
duplicate IDs or objects with no corresponding Dimension group.
The workbook can now be promoted and all existing linked quantities
will be updated. Use the References button to identify all new
Dimension Groups (ie. new objects added into the revised model).
Add the necessary new items into the workbook to incorporate the
new Dimension Groups.
10 Zones
10.1 Use of Zones
Zones allow the capturing of measurements against specific attributes eg. different departments,
basement, podium, tower, or Stage 1, Stage 2, etc. This eliminates the need to have a separate
building for each cost centre.
11 Coding
(Workbooks only not available in CostX Takeoff)
11.1 Coding
Coding allows sorting and creation of workbooks by code and printing of workbooks by code.
CostX allows coding on cost sheets, eg. to categorise estimate line items by element or trade; on
quantity sheets to differentiate quantities eg. by location; and on rate sheets or in rate libraries to
sort rate items eg. by labour, plant or material.
In addition, codes can also be combined with zones to add another parameter to the quantities
captured. This enables the workbooks to be further analysed.
Simple trade
coding in
Column J
12 Workbook Tools
(Not available in CostX Takeoff)
12.1 Reference
On the Workbook ribbon there is a tab called Reference, which shows if and
where a dimension group has been used.
This can be used to check what dimension groups have or have not been used and also provides a
useful unused dim groups report and a zero cost (unpriced items) report. When a workbook is
recalculated, an Invalid Links warning identifies which cells contain a link formula for which there is
no source data (eg. a dimension group with no quantities, or an empty rate library item).
12.3 Locking
Workbooks may be locked under the Properties button (or double click on Workbook name) tick
the locked box. This is good practice upon completion of the work and is an alternative to
promoting if there will be no further revisions. If files are to be exported for viewing it is good
practice to lock or promote them.
The named cell is then listed in the Workbook Values tab under the dimension groups from where
it can be dragged and dropped into any other workbook. Right click on the value to Show Named
13 Reports
(Not available in CostX Takeoff)
Note the ability to Preview or Update and to filter by code. Refer to CostX Help for details of how
to configure each of the Report Properties tabs.
14 Rate Libraries
(Not available in CostX Takeoff)
Different rate libraries can be selected in Workbook properties, eg. to enable pricing for alternate
Rate Libraries may be created from scratch by using the Insert button and manually creating the
individual rate items, or can be imported in a variety of formats. Under System Administration,
select Costing, Rate Libraries, Import.
Rates that contain letters or other illegal characters are imported as zero (0).
Once the excel sheet is correctly formatted it should be Saved As Other Formats and saved as
a .csv (Comma delimited) file, then you can import it into CostX.
Note that when in the Rate Calculation sheet it is possible to insert a rate (right click Insert Rate)
from another library to create a hierarchy for example, a rate calculation could include labour or
material rates from other libraries. If the labour item is updated in the labour library, the rate
calculation in this library is automatically updated when the rate library is recalculated.
Rate Calculations can also be coded for sorting purposes (also see Section 11 above).
Rate build-ups can be included in Excel CSV imports/exports, in which case an additional column
A is inserted with an item code L for line item, immediately followed by B for the associated BuildUp items.
16 CostX Networking
16.1 Network Features
Improved productivity
Ability for multiple users to be working on the same job at the same time on the same set of
Single file ensures the server file is the latest version - eliminates version mismatch;
Concurrent licence agreement provides flexibility for any users to login at any one time (up
to the licence number limit), and no need to transfer licences when staff leave or join.
Most data processing takes place on the Client computer which reads and writes the data back to
the Server. It is possible to specify that certain data intensive tasks such as copying or exporting a
building, recalculating a workbook, and generating a report are run on the Server which can be
much faster as it avoids the potential constriction of the network connection. Conversely, caching
drawing files (excluding DGNTM files) on the Client instead of the Server can save time when
opening the drawing and means the drawing is available even if the Client is offline.
17 CostX Customisation
17.1 CostX Options
The CostX Options button is accessed under the Main
Graphics Drivers refers to the level of acceleration and
performance supplied by the computer's video card and
drivers. This is also referred to as Hardware Acceleration.
Normally hardware acceleration is useful in reducing CPU
utilization which increases overall system performance
especially for graphics intensive programs such as
CostX. In some circumstances however, the drivers may
not be 100% compatible with the video card or other
issues may occur, in which case the other drop-down
menu options can be used.
It is recommended that the Hardware option to enable hardware acceleration is used unless it
causes problems on your computer.
When drawings are loaded in CostX, the graphics may be cached to the video card memory to
speed up processing time. The preferred setting will be dependent upon the capacity of the video
card, with higher performance cards likely to perform best with the Cache Graphics box ticked.
Optimise Panning can assist with speed when panning large drawings.
The Show Hatching and Show Text options are used to specify whether drawings are loaded with
hatching and text turned on by default. This option is useful since disabling these is an effective
way to speed up the loading of the drawing. This option applies as a global default for all newly
added drawings.
Generally leave these ticked especially if you have a dedicated graphics card, but if you have
delays in loading drawings try un-ticking the boxes.
Dimensions may be listed alphanumerically by name, or chronologically by date (and time to the
second). The latter can assist in tracking dimensions.
The Properties on Add option will open the Dimension Properties dialogue
whenever a dimension is measured. This can be useful for inserting labels or
default heights specific to individual dimensions.
The Properties Hint displays dimension data when in the Dimension View.
Spell Checking
Select the language that you wish to use for the spell
checker. Possible selections include a choice of AU, US
or UK English as well as various other European
If the Ignore UPPERCASE box is ticked, the spell
checker will not check uppercase words (e.g. GFA).
If the Ignore Numbers checkbox is ticked, the spell
checker will not check words containing numbers (e.g.
It is also possible to add Custom Dictionaries to expand
the list of words that are known to the spell checker.
Resources provides help and support resources and
licencing information. The version and revision number
of the CostX can be found here.
18 System Administration
Location is set for each project. Prices from the rates library are organised
according to their location. Thus prices are being correctly sourced from the rate
library according to the location of the project. In a network scenario, these
locations are seen by all users.
Code Libraries are used as a lookup or mapping file when a workbook is re-sorted
according to codes. This is typically used when re-sorting from an elemental to a
trade format or vice versa.
If a workbook has been structured in an elemental format and needs to be resorted to a trade format (or vice versa), this can be accomplished by generating a
new workbook based on assigned codes. Of course it can be used to sort by any
other coding categories such as functional area, building level, building block,
options etc. as well.
Constants are fixed values or figures that can be referenced in workbooks. You
can think of it as a rate library but for a unit of measure or tonnage. Constants do
not change for each project (eg. steel weight in kg/m for typical members).
Rate Libraries are a collection of prices that can be referenced into a cost
worksheet. They can be flat prices for items or built-up composite rates
(assemblies) of items. Rates can be imported by CSV or entered manually. Rate
libraries are location sensitive.
Values can represent any numeric amount that you wish to reference in
workbooks. For example, Values may represent percentage factors, allowances,
GFA values, and even boolean values that are used in conditional 'If' functions in
workbooks (use 1 and 0 to represent true and false). Values are live linked so will update in
workbooks when they are adjusted. Values may also be set up on a per project basis.
Information Requirements for
Model-based Quantities
Definition of Base Quantities
Table of contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 4
General ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Space .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Floor Areas ................................................................................................................................. 6
GrossFloorArea .......................................................................................................................... 6
NetFloorArea .............................................................................................................................. 6
Areas of vertical construction units ............................................................................................. 7
GrossWallArea ........................................................................................................................... 7
NetWallArea ............................................................................................................................... 8
Ceiling areas ............................................................................................................................... 8
GrossCeilingArea ....................................................................................................................... 8
NetCeilingArea ........................................................................................................................... 8
Perimeter .................................................................................................................................... 8
GrossPerimeter .......................................................................................................................... 8
NetPerimeter .............................................................................................................................. 9
Volume ........................................................................................................................................ 9
GrossVolume .............................................................................................................................. 9
NetVolume .................................................................................................................................. 9
Heights ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Height ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Width......................................................................................................................................... 12
free form door .................................................................................................................. 12
Area .......................................................................................................................................... 12
4.5 Slab ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Slab with constant thickness............................................................................................ 12
Width......................................................................................................................................... 12
Perimeter .................................................................................................................................. 12
GrossArea ................................................................................................................................ 13
NetArea .................................................................................................................................... 13
GrossVolume ............................................................................................................................ 13
NetVolume ................................................................................................................................ 13
Any slab ........................................................................................................................... 13
GrossVolume ............................................................................................................................ 13
NetVolume ................................................................................................................................ 13
4.6 Beam......................................................................................................................................... 13
Length ....................................................................................................................................... 13
CrossSectionArea..................................................................................................................... 13
OuterSurfaceArea..................................................................................................................... 13
GrossVolume ............................................................................................................................ 13
NetVolume ................................................................................................................................ 13
4.7 Column...................................................................................................................................... 13
Length ....................................................................................................................................... 13
CrossSectionArea..................................................................................................................... 14
OuterSurfaceArea..................................................................................................................... 14
GrossVolume ............................................................................................................................ 14
NetVolume ................................................................................................................................ 14
4.8 Covering ................................................................................................................................... 14
Areas of floor covering ..................................................................................................... 14
GrossArea ................................................................................................................................ 14
NetArea .................................................................................................................................... 14
Areas of ceiling covering .................................................................................................. 14
GrossArea ................................................................................................................................ 14
NetArea .................................................................................................................................... 14
Areas of wall covering ...................................................................................................... 14
GrossArea ................................................................................................................................ 14
NetArea .................................................................................................................................... 14
4.9 Curtain wall ............................................................................................................................... 14
Width......................................................................................................................................... 14
GrossSideArea ......................................................................................................................... 15
NetSideArea ............................................................................................................................. 15
4.10 Ramp ........................................................................................................................................ 15
4.10.1 Ramp with constant thickness ......................................................................................... 15
GrossFloorArea ........................................................................................................................ 15
NetFloorArea ............................................................................................................................ 15
Width......................................................................................................................................... 15
4.10.2 Ramp with variable thickness .......................................................................................... 15
GrossVolume ............................................................................................................................ 15
NetVolume ................................................................................................................................ 15
4.11 Railing ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Length ....................................................................................................................................... 15
The table shows all currently defined base quantities for building elements and spaces as result of the
requirements defined at each space or building elements further below.
Further distinction
FinishCeilingHeight (new)
FinishFloorHeight (new)
Perimeter (new)
Perimeter (new)
Perimeter (new)
Further distinction
Width (new)
Depth (new)
Curtain wall
The individual base quantities are described. In general, there is a distinction between gross and net
values. A gross value determines the quantity of an element without taking into account any features
(like openings, cut-outs, etc.), whereas a new value is the quantity after adding/subtracting all features
of the element.
As a general note: the quantity take-off from a building information model can only be as precise, as
the model. E.g. if no covering elements are created as elements in a building information model, then
a net floor area of a space object cannot consider them for determining the net area. In this case the
net area would be equal to the gross area.
The document only describes the instructions on how to measure a quantity, if does not determine,
when a certain quantity shall be included in an exchange data set. The provision of such information at
a given state in the design process might be determined by project handbooks, user guides, or
exchange requirements. This document does not provide any of such requirements.
Floor Areas
The GrossFloorArea is the entire floor area of a space (room), independently of the space
height. Openings at the floor are not subtracted. If only the row construction is drawn in the
building information model, this area is equivalent to the row area. If the walls are drawn
with covering, the floor area that is covered by the covering is not subtracted.
That means:
Areas of openings in the floor are not subtracted.
Foot print areas of construction elements, like columns, stanchions und pillars that are
located inside the space are not subtracted.
Areas, such as niches in walls, or thresholds of doors are not considered.
Areas, which are covered by fixed installations, are not subtracted.
Areas, which are covered by not fixed installations(furniture), are not subtracted.
Different and varying ceiling heights do not have influence on the floor area.
The NetFloorArea is the entire floor area of a space (room), independently of the space
height. All openings at the floor, independent of their size, are subtracted. If only the row
construction is created in the building information model, this area is equivalent to the row
area. If the walls are drawn with covering, the floor area that is covered by the covering is
subtracted the net floor area is then the area bounded by the vertical coverings.
That means:
Areas of openings in the floor are subtracted.
Foot print areas of construction units like columns, stanchions, and pillars that are located
inside the space are subtracted.
Areas, such as niches in walls, or thresholds of doors are not considered.
Areas, which are covered by fixed installations, are subtracted.
Areas, which are covered by not fixed installations(furniture), are not subtracted.
Different and varying ceiling heights do not have influence on the floor area.
Interior covering
Net wall areas are all perpendicular covering Areas in a space with subtraction of openings.
That means:
Areas from all visible perpendicular areas at a space are considered. It includes the areas
from walls, columns, stanchions, pillars, etc. belongs.
Areas that limit a space only virtually and that are not caused by a construction element
are not considered.
Areas from openings for windows, doors and other openings are subtracted. Embrasures
from windows and doors are not considered.
Areas, which are covered by fixed installations, are subtracted.
Areas, which are covered by not fixed installations(Furniture), are not subtracted.
Ceiling areas
Ceiling areas are the covering areas provided by the ceiling of a space. it includes horizontal
ceiling area, and sloped ceilings that are provided by sloped roofs. Also visible
(perpendicular and horizontal) area of beams and girders that are part of a ceiling are
considered as part of the ceiling area.
Gross ceiling area is the entire ceiling area of a space (room), independently of the space
height. Openings for example from roof windows or stairs are not subtracted.
That means:
Areas from openings at the ceiling are not subtracted.
Cross-sectional areas of construction elements in the space e.g. columns, stanchions,
pillars that touches the ceiling are not subtracted.
All areas from beams and girders which form part of the ceiling construction and are
visible from the space are considered, even if they are perpendicularly.
Net ceiling area is the entire ceiling area of a space (room), independently of the space
height. Openings for example from roof windows or stairs are subtracted.
If only the row construction is drawn, this area is equivalent to the row construction area. If
the vertical construction elements (mostly walls) are drawn with covering elements, then the
area that is covered by the coverings is subtracted.
That means:
Areas from openings at the ceiling are subtracted.
Cross-sectional areas of construction elements in the space e.g. columns, stanchions,
pillars that touches the ceiling are subtracted.
All areas from beams and girders which form part of the ceiling construction and are
visible from the space are considered, even if they are perpendicularly.
A line at the floor of a space is meant to limit the space.
Gross perimeter is the entire perimeter as provided by the row construction elements
bounding the space.
That means:
Perimeter lines that limit a space only virtually and that are not provided by a construction
element are considered.
Openings of doors are not subtracted from the perimeter.
Perimeters of stanchions and columns in the space are not considered.
Gross volume is the volume of a space without subtraction of construction elements or buildin parts located inside the space.
That means:
The volume of columns, stanchions, pillars in the space is not subtracted.
The volume of parts of beams and girders that extend into the space is not subtracted.
The volume of openings, windows and doors is not a part of the GrossVolume of the
The volume of fixed installations is not subtracted.
The volume of drawn not fixed installations(furniture) is not subtracted.
Net volume is the volume of a space with subtraction of construction elements or build-in
parts located inside the space. If no coverings are drawn in the BIM, the net volume is
determined by the row construction elements. If the coverings are drawn, the net volume is
determined by the coverings.
That means:
The height should only be provided as a base quantity, if the space has an constant ceiling
height. The height is the total height from the top of the slab (without covering) to the bottom
of the ceiling (without coverings, such as suspended ceilings).
Building element
Building element
Any Wall
Such a wall is characterized by a non constant thickness. Only base values are defined that
consider all layers of the wall as one unit. Base values that relates to individual layers are not
The length of the centre line of the wall. Centre line is at the middle of the whole wall
independent of individual wall material layers.
Building element
Only provided if the wall has an constant height.
Area of the wall as viewed by an elevation view of the middle plane of the wall. It does not
take into account any wall modifications (such as openings).
Area of the wall as viewed by an elevation view of the middle plane. It does take into account
all wall modifications (such as openings).
Volume of the wall, without taking into account the openings and the connection geometry.
Volume of the wall, after subtracting the openings and after considering the connection
Building element
A window is considered as an unit with constant thickness and one area. The area of the
windows is determined by the outer dimensions of the lining.
rectangular window
Total outer height of the window lining.
Total outer width of the window lining.
A door is considered as an unit with constant thickness and one area. The area of the door
is determined by the outer dimensions of the lining.
rectangular door
Total outer width of the door lining.
Total outer height of the door lining.
Building element
Total area of the extruded area of the slab. Openings, recesses and projections are not
taken into account.
Total area of the extruded area of the slab. Openings and recesses are taken into account
by subtraction, projections by addition.
Total gross volume of the slab. Openings, recesses, and projections are not taken into
Total net volume of the slab. Openings and recesses are taken into account by subtraction,
projections by addition.
Any slab
Total gross volume of the slab. Openings, recesses, and projections are not taken into
Total net volume of the slab. Openings and recesses are taken into account by subtraction,
projections by addition.
Total length of the beam, not taking into account any cut-out's or other processing features.
Total area of the cross section (or profile) of the beam.
Total area of the extruded surfaces of the beam (not taking into account the end cap areas),
normally generated as perimeter * length.
Total gross volume of the beam, not taking into account possible processing features (cutout's, etc.) or openings and recesses.
Total net volume of the beam, taking into account possible processing features (cut-out's,
etc.) or openings and recesses.
Total length of the column not taking into account any cut-out's or other processing features.
Building element
Total area of the cross section (or profile) of the column.
Total area of the extruded surfaces of the column (not taking into account the end cap
areas), normally generated as perimeter * length.
Total gross volume of the column, not taking into account possible processing features (cutout's, etc.) or openings and recesses.
Total net volume of the column, taking into account possible processing features (cut-out's,
etc.) or openings and recesses.
Curtain wall
Width of the curtain wall.
Building element
Area of the curtain wall. All openings are not considered.
Area of the curtain wall. All openings are taken off.
The length of the railing.