Practice Notes FOR Quantity Surveyors: Tendering
Practice Notes FOR Quantity Surveyors: Tendering
Practice Notes FOR Quantity Surveyors: Tendering
A Working Committee with representatives of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors,
the Association of Consultant Quantity Surveyors and the Hong Kong Construction
Association was set up in October 2010 to establish a set of Practice Notes for the benefit
of Quantity Surveying professionals in Hong Kong.
The Practice Notes are not intended to promulgate a standard of practice, but rather to
produce some basic guidelines for the following core practices:
Name of Practice Notes
Latest Version
Nov 2014
Nov 2014
Nov 2014
Nov 2014
Nov 2014
Valuation of Variations
Nov 2014
Nov 2014
Nov 2014
As different client organisations will have their own procedures and requirements, the
Practice Notes, which are prepared mainly for private sector projects using the HKIA/HKIS
Standard Forms of Building Contract, should be adapted as appropriate.
The members of the Working Committee are: Current Members from 2013
Representing the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Sr Honby CHAN (Chairman)
Sr Joe WU
Sr Sandy TANG
Sr Amelia FOK
Representing the Association of Consultant Quantity Surveyors
Sr CHAN Choi Hing
Sr Ringo LUI
Sr Rachel LEE
Representing the Hong Kong Construction Association
Sr FUNG Chi Yiu
Previous Members from 2010 to 2012
Representing the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Sr Raymond KONG (Chairman)
Sr SO Chee Sing
Sr Sandy TANG
Sr Amelia FOK
Representing the Association of Consultant Quantity Surveyors
Sr Kenneth POON
Sr CHAN Choi Hing
Sr Amen HOR
Representing the Hong Kong Construction Association
Sr FUNG Chi Yiu
Sr Patrick LO
Sr YU Lap Chu
The Working Committee expresses its gratitude to the following HKIS members in the
Architectural Services Department and the Housing Authority for sharing their experience
in and knowledge of Quantity Surveying practice in the public sector for the improvement
of the document.
Professional Quantity Surveyor from the Architectural Services Department
Sr Alvin CHAN
Professional Quantity Surveyor from the Housing Authority
Sr James FUNG
Geotechnical Report
Site Survey
Condition Survey
Services Survey
Asbestos Survey
Sample of Warranties
Sample of Performance Bond / Parent Company Guarantees
It is recommended that the Quantity Surveyor should:Agree and confirm in writing an information release schedule with the
designers and the Client identifying the particulars of the information
and the dates for receiving the information. Sufficient time should be
allowed for the preparation of the Bills of Quantities or Schedules of
Check completeness of information received and ensure that the
drawings are coherent with the specification clauses. Monitor the
timely release of the required information. Notify the originator, in
writing, of any deficiencies and agree corrective actions required.
Produce a labour resource allocation plan for various sections of the
measurement works. Review, revise and take corrective action as
Convene regular BQ Briefing Meetings with all the measurers who are
to be involved in the BQ production to: -
(a) discuss the production programme to ensure that everyone fully
understands their scope of work, the BQ format, and their time
(b) confirm the Standard Method of Measurement and Standard
Phraseology Library to be used;
(c) delineate the various sections of the bills;
(d) clearly set out the format and procedures for issuing BQ queries;
(e) advise any special features of the project that the measurers
should be aware of.
Convene a Measurement Closing Meeting with all measurers to
go over the drawings and ensure all parts of work have been lined
through/marked and measured and no part has been double counted.
Carry out a bulk check on the quantities immediately after the Bills of
Quantities have been completed.
Prepare Preliminaries
It is recommended that the Quantity Surveyor should:Identify the appropriate Preliminaries template to be used based upon
the form of contract and nature of project.
Check with the publishers what revisions/supplements apply to the
form of contract.
Issue a Preliminaries Query list to the project team to obtain necessary
advice or decisions such as site provisions / restrictions, contract
particulars, etc.
It is prudent for the Quantity Surveyor to:Check if the Client has any standard Preliminaries or specific standard
clauses for use on their projects.
Issue draft Preliminaries to the Client and obtain approval for use.
Check if the Client has any requirements regarding obtaining
authorisation or advice from Legal or Insurance Advisors.
Where specifications are issued by other Consultants for inclusion in
the tender documents, check that there is no duplication or conflict
with the Preliminaries.
The following measures may be considered where appropriate:Provide tender labels which:
Check the Clients requirements in respect of:
Tender Addenda
When issuing a tender addendum, the covering letter of the tender
addendum should set out details of the supplementary pages and the
pages to be replaced or discarded.
Tender addenda should be issued not later than one week before the
closing date for return of tender so as to allow sufficient time for the
tenderers to take the addenda into account in their offers.
Tenderers should be requested to sign, chop and return an
acknowledgement slip to signify their receipt and incorporation of the
tender addenda.
Opening Tenders
The Quantity Surveyor should check with the Client for any particular
requirements relating to tender opening (e.g. two-envelope tenders)
and agree with the Project Team and Client as to who should be
present at the opening of the tenders.
A form should be completed as tenders are opened, noting the name
of each tenderer, amount of tender (including alternatives), contract
period (if not specified), amount of bond, and whether the tender is
subject to any qualifications.
Checking Tenders
Carry out the following checks on tenders received.
Tender Report
The objective of the tender report is to convey to the Client and other
consultants in a concise fashion the results of the tendering process
and to make a recommendation concerning the appointment of a
Contractor (or Sub-contractor) to carry out the work. To this end, the
Quantity Surveyor must be satisfied that the tender documentation
submitted will form a satisfactory and unambiguous basis upon which
the contract can be executed.
The tender report should provide a clear and concise record of actions
taken and a recommendation on the acceptability of the examined
tenderers from contractual and financial points of view. The content of
the tender report may vary according to the size and complexity of the
project and the preference of the Client, but it may include some or all
of the following headings:
Nov. 2014