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Issue 5 Autumn 2008

In this issue:
1 Welcome 7 ADR Diary

1 Challenges to Liquidated Damages 8 ADR Analysis: The Burden & Standard of Proof

4 Redress in an Inflationary Environment 8 ADR News

6 Evaluating Disruption

Welcome Challenges to
Patrick O’Neill, director of ADR Partnership, leads this edition
of the ADR Digest with a review of challenges that can be
made to the deduction of liquidated damages. The best
challenge is of course to extinguish any such right to deduct By Patrick J O’Neill BSc(Hons) LLB(Hons) DIPArb FRICS
liquidated damages by the submission of properly particularised MHKIS FCIArb FHKIArb MACostE HKIAC Accredited Mediator -
claims which give entitlement to full extensions of time. Director, ADR Partnership Ltd

We are delighted to have back construction law firm Lovells as

our guest writers with Timothy Hill, Partner, and Damon So, Introduction
Consultant, with the Projects (Engineering and Construction) In commercial contracts, it is usual for the parties to enter
Practice. Tim and Damon consider possible redress in into contract on the basis that the Works are to be
inflationary environments, an issue which is of particular completed by a particular date (or dates) that is (or are)
relevance given the current market conditions. agreed between them. This provides a degree of certainty
Kaymond Lam, consultant with ADR Partnership, provides of outcome for both of the parties, since the Employer
an overview of some of the different methodologies available knows in advance on what date, or dates, the project is to
for evaluating disruption claims. This is a difficult area. be delivered, and the contractor, likewise, knows how long
Construction sites are not laboratories where different he has in order to complete the Works and how long he is
events and their effects can easily be isolated and evaluated. required to commit his resources to the project. It is also
Nevertheless, Kaymond concludes that the risk of running and usual for the parties to agree to a liquidated damages
succeeding with such claims increases where contractors are clause that identifies the rate of liquidated damages that
able to adequately prove their case with proper records. should apply in the event of a breach of contract and which
results in the failure by the contractor to complete the
This article leads nicely into this months’ ADR Analysis, Works by the above agreed date(s), or any extensions to
which considers the burden and standard of proof that the those agreed dates.
courts or an arbitral tribunal require for a party to succeed
in an action. A liquidated damages clause reflects the agreement made
by the parties that damages should be assessed on a pre-
James B Longbottom determined basis. The essence of liquidated damages is
Managing Director
that it represents a genuine pre-estimate of damage
(notwithstanding the fact that it might, in certain instances,
be almost impossible to predict the consequences of a
breach, years in advance) and which is calculated at the
time of making the contract, not at the time of the actual
breach itself.

Liquidated damages are, in essence, beneficial to both

parties, since both know at the time of entering into the
contract exactly what rate at which damages will have to

ADR Digest 1
A liquidated damages clause The reason for the non-enforcement of penalties is plain:
if the courts were to guarantee a liquidated damages clause
reflects the agreement made irrespective of the amount, then that would provide a further
element of risk to the contract. The Employer, keen to exploit
by the parties that damages the situation and having spotted what might be a trivial
breach, would have the luxury of claiming liquidated damages
should be assessed on a far in excess of any actual damage incurred. The contractor
would consequently need to protect himself, presumably by
pre-determined basis. over performance of the contract, and with the end result
likely being both parties dispensing with the liquidated
damages concept altogether.

Where the liquidated damages are held to be a penalty, the

be paid in the event of a breach. The non-defaulting party has Employer will only be able to recover the loss he can actually
the added advantage of being able to make a recovery without prove and this might be very much less than the equivalent
having to prove any actual damage. It is usual in large civil liquidated damages amount.
engineering projects for there to be an upper limit cap on the
amount of damages that can be levied and which in turn
provides the contractor with a degree of certainty as to the Condition Precedent
maximum amount of compensation that he may ultimately The Employer’s right to deduct liquidated damages from a
be liable for. contractor may, depending on the terms and conditions of the
particular contract adopted, be conditional on certain pre-
A well drafted liquidated damages clause can be an effective requisites having been undertaken by the Employer and/or the
risk management tool for the Employer. However, the rate of Architect or Engineer. The consequence of this is that if the
liquidated damages needs to be considered carefully. From a Employer has failed to comply with the requirements of the
practical perspective, if the liquidated damages rate is contract, and those requirements are deemed to be a condition
unreasonably high, then, notwithstanding the possibility of precedent to the deduction of liquidated damages, then the
a challenge that the damage constitutes a penalty and is Employer may forego his entitlement to levy liquidated damages
therefore likely to be unenforceable in any event, the tenderers against the contractor altogether. This scenario is an interesting
may inflate their tenders in order to account for the increased reversal of the more usual condition precedent issues which
financial risk that will be imposed on them in the event of a typically occur on construction contracts - these being the
breach. Conversely, if the liquidated damages rate is set too alleged failure of the contractor to comply with the time and
low, the contractor may discover that the cheaper option is cost notice provisions of the contract and, thereby, the potential
simply to overrun the project and incur the liquidated foregoing of any entitlement to additional payment. The onus
damages, rather than the more expensive acceleration costs on the Employer to comply with any condition precedent in
associated with bringing the project to completion on time. respect of liquidated damages is an almost identical obligation to
the above and should be viewed by the contractor, against the
Liquidated damages are one of the Employer’s best forms of
Employer, in a similar manner.
leverage against a contractor to ensure timely delivery of the
project. However, the Employer’s entitlement to deduct The contractual obligations imposed on the Employer prior to
liquidated damages from a contractor is not an automatic him being able to deduct liquidated damages could be stringent
one and can be considered to be conditional in many respects. and might demand that one or more of the following be carried
Notwithstanding the agreements reached between the out in advance of any deduction:
parties as regards the liquidated damages rate, legitimate
challenges can be brought by contractors so as to reduce the • the Architect or Engineer having performed their duties and
applicable rate of liquidated damages, or, indeed, to do away decided on the extensions of time, if any, that are due;
with them altogether, and contractors should be aware of this.
• the Architect or Engineer having issued the necessary
Certificates of Completion to the effect that they confirm
Penalties the Contractor having failed to complete by the due date(s);
A court will likely uphold a liquidated damages clause if it can
be satisfied that the pre-determined sum was a reasonable
estimate of the probable loss following the breach. However,
the clause will not be enforced if a contractor can demonstrate
that the liquidated damages amount was a penalty and not a
genuine pre-estimate of damage assessed by the Employer.

The term ‘penalty’ signifies that the damages are penal in

nature and are designed to punish the contractor rather than
compensate the Employer. There is much in the way of judicial
interpretation as to the extent to which the liquidated damages
amount should reflect the ‘genuine pre-estimate’ concept.
However, a clause is likely to constitute a penalty if the pre-
determined sum is extravagant in comparison with the loss
that could conceivably be proved to have flowed from the
breach, although each situation would have to be considered
on its own merits. ‘Extravagance’ and ‘oppressiveness’ in the
stipulated sum are among the decisive factors upon which
the decision would likely turn.

2 Autumn 2008
• the Employer having advised, in writing, before the date of complete. Completion is one thing but the Employer entering
the Final Certificate (or such other date as specified in the the Site and assuming possession of a part of the Works
contract) that he may deduct liquidated damages; might be something wholly different. The Employer may argue
that his entry on to the Site is under the auspices of access or
• any other express contractual requirements concerning limited occupation only and is in some way a lesser form of
the issue of withholding notices or any other condition physical presence and so does not equate to partial
precedent. possession, and therefore, does not stop liquidated damages
running. The Employer may further argue that the Employer’s
A failure by the Employer to comply with any condition presence has no effect on the contractor’s exclusive possession
precedent would result in the Employer being unable to deduct of the Works, nor as regards the contractor’s obligations with
liquidated damages and the Employer would again be forced respect to liquidated damages, retention, defects, liability and
into having to prove the damage rather than simply rely on insurance matters.
the agreed liquidated damages rate.
The basis on which the Employer takes possession of a part of
the Works needs to be clearly understood by the contractor,
Time at Large as does the matter of whether practical completion for that
The prevention principle acts as a defence to liquidated part of the Works has actually been achieved or not. For the
damages on the basis that a person cannot benefit from purposes of liquidated damages, contractors should argue
his own breach. Thus, where a contract has no provision to that the Employer has entered onto the premises on the basis
extend time, or, where the contractual provisions do not cover that that part of the Works has been substantially completed
the Employer’s default, then the right to liquidated damages is and, consequently, that a brake should therefore be applied to
lost. Standard forms of contract are drafted in such a way so the liquidated damages for that part of the Works.
as to include for the likely range of events for which the
Employer is likely to be responsible. However, gaps can and do In such instances, it would be appropriate for the rate of
often exist and these should be investigated by the contractor. liquidated damages to be reduced so as to reflect the value of
Time is said to be ‘at large’ when there is no specific date for the part that has achieved practical completion and which is
the completion of the Works or when the specified time is being used by the Employer, provided that the contractual
lost, or is rendered inoperable. In such situations, the machinery supports the concept of adjusting the liquidated
obligations on the contractor are to complete within a damages rate. In the absence of any machinery in the contract
reasonable time. Given that there is no specific date for to facilitate the reduction in the liquidated damages rate or to
completion in such situations, it follows that the Employer facilitate partial possession or staged completion, a claim for
forfeits any right to deduct liquidated damages and must liquidated damages for parts of the Works would likely fail.
therefore be content with general damages. The Employer would once again be faced with proving what
actual loss he has incurred as a result of the late completion
and would therefore be unable to solely rely on the liquidated
damages provisions in the contract.

The prevention principle acts Conclusion

as a defence to liquidated The above challenges are not exhaustive by any means and it
is always open to a contractor to advance legal challenges to
damages on the basis that a liquidated damages on the basis of waiver, estoppel, void
provisions on the grounds of uncertainty, as well as clauses
person cannot benefit from his which may be deemed to be contrary to the law itself and in
breach of the Control of Exemption Clauses Ordinance Cap 71.
own breach. Liquidated damages only become payable as a consequence of
late completion, and, since the contractor is very likely to have
submitted extensions of time claims in support of its alleged
entitlement, those submissions must all be reviewed by the
Architect/Engineer in order that all justifiable delays are
The reason for forfeiting liquidated damages is simply that in
recognised (or not, as the case may be) prior to any damages
the absence of an identifiable completion date, there is no
being levied. However, notwithstanding the contractor’s late
fixed date from when liquidated damages can be calculated.
completion, the contractor still retains some rights to
Any failure of the contract to permit extensions of time to be
challenge the liquidated damages. Albeit there are inevitable
granted for Employer’s acts of prevention or interferences by
hurdles to jump, it is not impossible for a contractor to
the Employer and/or the Architect/ Engineer will therefore
successfully argue that the liquidated damages should be
result in the Employer losing his entitlement to deduct
reduced in amount, or in extreme situations, to argue that the
liquidated damages altogether.
contractual machinery has itself broken down and that the
liquidated damages clause should no longer apply. In either
scenario, contractors do not have to accept that the deduction
Partial Completion / Handover
of liquidated damages is an Employer’s automatic right, even
In large scale building projects or civil engineering projects
in the event of late completion.
which often comprise multiple individual structures, rooms or
floors, it is realistic to assume that the Employer might take
For further information contact:
possession of certain parts of the Works despite the Works as
a whole remaining incomplete. Forms of contract often
provide for this facility. However, in such instances, the fact
that the Employer has gained access to the Site does not
necessarily signify that that part of the Works is substantially

ADR Digest 3
Redress in example the copper price, is unlikely to be adequately reflected.
This problem is compounded by the fact that any index is likely
an Inflationary to contain a limited number of items, for example in the case
of the Government’s Index a composite figure for wages for
Environment civil engineering projects, and as a result will fail to reflect or
fully reflect fluctuation of elements within the composite item.
Where there is no price fluctuation mechanism or the
mechanism provided is inadequate, a contractor seeking to
By Timothy Hill, Partner and Damon So, Consultant, Lovells
retrieve the situation must explore other approaches. If the
impact is caused or contributed to by a variation, resort may
be had to the valuation mechanisms. It may be suggested that
Construction projects are often of extended duration, but bid work undertaken at a different time is not executed under the
on fixed prices. In an increasingly inflationary environment, same or similar circumstances to the items of work priced in
this leaves contractors exposed to the vagaries of international the contract (under Clause 61(c) of the Government Form).
markets. This was recently felt with the very substantial
increases in copper and steel prices around the world. Of course In Henry Boot Construction Ltd v Alstom Combined Cycles Ltd
such pressures are not confined to material costs; labour can be [2000] BLR 247 LLoyd L.J. observed that the equivalent
similarly affected by the consequences of demand fluctuation. provision under the ICE 6th Edition applied;
Traditionally, construction contracts have sought to provide
“when the work covered by the variation order is a of a
some risks-sharing mechanism in respect of this risk. These
different character from the work priced in the Bill of
mechanisms have taken a number of forms but the most
Quantities, or is executed under different conditions.
obvious is price fluctuation provision. A typical price fluctuation
If the differences are relatively small, the Engineer is obliged
or cost adjustment provision uses an index or basket of items
to use the rates set out in the Bill of Quantities as the basis
for the purpose of price comparison. Clause 89 of the Hong
for his valuation, making such adjustment as may be
Kong Government’s Standard Form provides for the use of the
necessary to take account of the differences”.
Index Numbers of the Costs of Labour and Materials used in
Public Sector Construction Projects, which is an index
maintained by the Census and Statistics Department. This is
operated together with a Schedule of Proportions which
allocates a weighting to different elements of the Index.
The contractor’s ability to weigh different elements of the
Index is normally circumscribed.

Construction projects are

often of extended duration,
but bid on fixed prices.
In an increasingly inflationary
environment, this leaves
contractors exposed to the The learned judge continued to support the observation made
vagaries of international by HH Humphrey LLoyd QC that the bill rates were
“sacrosanct”. On the facts of the Alstom decision the Court
markets. This was recently felt was required to consider whether a rate inserted in a Bill of
Quantities in error should be applied to a much larger quantity
with the very substantial of work instructed by variation. The Court remitted the
question of fact to the arbitrator to consider whether work
increases in copper and steel was of a different character, observing that the arbitrator was
entitled to further information. It was suggested this would
prices around the world. include a breakdown of the price including provision for plant,
materials, labour and overheads. In the event that such
information was not available it was observed that the
arbitrator might consider that he was unable to conclude that
it was reasonable to apply the rate to dissimilar work. The
Inevitably, such an approach will protect neither party reasoning in this case would suggest that the availability of a
to the contract from the real effects of price fluctuation. re-assessment of a rate through Clause 61(c) will depend upon
The weighting requires a prospective assessment of where whether as a matter of fact it can be established that the
fluctuation may occur, which judged in hindsight is unlikely to “conditions and circumstances” are changed.
be correct. Parties are likely to resort to historical experience in
seeking to assess areas where fluctuation will occur, but rapid Where there is no applicable rate Clause 61(c) requires the
inflationary pressure impacting on specific elements, for Engineer to determine a rate, which should be a fair and

4 Autumn 2008
reasonable rate. The judgement of HH Humphrey LLoyd QC in
Weldon Plant v Commission for the New Towns [2000] BLR 496
suggests that such rate should include cost, overhead and
profit. A consequence of this is that the employer loses the
benefit of any competitive bidding process and the contractor
avoids any error in its original pricing.

An alternative approach might be to seek to recover the

additional cost as a disruption or delay cost under any relevant
contractual provision, in the case of the Government Form
Clause 63. This provision is widely drafted, relating as it does
to “expenditure”. Expenditure has been widely interpreted to
mean the spending or payment of money: the act of
expending, disbursing, or laying out of money. There would
seem no reason why the increased costs of labour or materials
on the basis that these costs were incurred at a later and
more expensive time because of the employer’s delay should
not be claimed as expenditure which would not be reimbursed
as payment under any other provision. Certainly this is a view
supported by the authors of Keating (8-055), although they
state no authority for the proposition. In pursuing such a In many instances reliance on these contractual remedies
claim a contractor would still be faced with the need to will be of limited assistance to the contractor, who at best
establish that progress of the Works or the relevant part had will only be able to recover an element of the additional cost
been materially affected by one of the grounds giving rise to to complete. A contractor faced with this difficulty will need
an entitlement. The authors of Keating suggest that such to consider alternative, more radical approaches. These
claim might be based upon the use of a published index. approaches are likely to involve an attack on the contract
However, as we have already noted, such indices represent itself; for example, arguments regarding frustration or
a broad and inaccurate assessment of the position. impossibility, or reliance on non-contractual doctrines
A contractor’s ability to present a more exact assessment such as misrepresentation. In the majority of cases these
of such claim is likely to require the maintenance of detailed approaches will be difficult to advance, particularly in the
records demonstrating the impact of inflationary pressures light of a desire to give effect to the parties’ bargain rather
on specific items. than to strike it down.

For further information contact:

Where there is no price
fluctuation mechanism
or the mechanism provided
is inadequate, a contractor
seeking to retrieve the
situation must explore
other approaches.

In some instances a widely drafted force majeure provision

might provide a contractor with some relief in these
circumstances. For example under Clause 60.1 of the NEC Form
compensation events include an event which stops the
contractor completing the works, where the effect of price
increases is to place a contractor in a position where it is
unable to complete the relevant works. In extreme
circumstances contractors may place reliance on this provision
to argue that increased costs amount to a compensation
event. In these circumstances a factual question may arise as
to whether the relevant cost increase placed the contractor in
a position where the works are stopped. Clearly this will be
confined to extreme situations. By contrast the Government
Form (Clause 84) defines “special risks” under its form in a
more confined manner.

ADR Digest 5
Evaluating The author considers below the following possible methods that
are available for the purposes of assessing loss of productivity:
Disruption • Measured mile approach;
• Global approach;
• Comparison of actual productivity with allowances in the
By Kaymond H C Lam BEng(Hons) LLB(Hons) MSc DIC MHKIE
MICE CEng PCLL - Consultant, ADR Partnership Ltd • Comparison of actual productivity with other similar
projects; and
• Industry studies.

Anyone involved in the construction industry will be aware Measured Mile Approach
of the effect of disruption and delay on a contract. The The most appropriate way to establish disruption is to apply
consequence is that substantial inefficiency is introduced to a technique known as ‘the Measured Mile’ (Whittal Builders
the performance of the work resulting in increases in the Company Ltd. v Chester-le-Street District Council). This technique
contractor’s labour and plant costs. Notwithstanding this, involves a comparison of the productivity in terms of man-
most standard forms of contract give no detailed guidance hours expended on an un-impacted part of the contract with
for the evaluation of disruption. This article reviews and that achieved on an impacted part (see Figure 1). However, care
comments on the widely adopted methodologies by which must be exercised to compare like with like. For example, it
contractors can claim additional payment for loss of would be incorrect to compare work carried out in the learning
productivity resulting from disruption. curve part of an operation with work executed after that period.

Loss of

Where a disruption claim can productivity

during period of
be apportioned to individual Productivity
during period of
normal working

disrupted working
events and good records are
kept, every attempt should be Figure 1: The Measured Mile Approach

made to establish a causal ‘The measured mile’ approach is nothing new to Hong Kong
and has been used by the author in the preparation of a
relationship between the number of disruption claims for clients. It is an effective
approach that can be used where the work is repetitive and
disruptive event and the isolated areas of disrupted and non-disrupted work can be
identified, e.g. reclamation works, multi-storey offices and
resultant additional cost. residential blocks or other similar projects that involve
repetitive working arrangements.

Global Approach
There may be instances where competing causes of disruption
to the works all occur at the same time, some of which are
Disruption compensable and some of which are not compensable,
The term ‘disruption’ essentially means that the contractor’s thereby rendering it difficult, if not impossible, to link the
intended sequence, or method, or efficiency of performance cause and effect due to the complex interaction of events.
as envisaged at the time of tender has been prevented, wholly The issue of a ‘global claim’ therefore arises within the context
or in part, from actual performance on site. Disruption can of a disruption claim. By the global method of calculation, a
result as a consequence of a variety of factors including out- contractor may simply subtract the total estimated cost of
of-sequence working, late receipt of information, piecemeal performance from the actual cost of performance. In the case
access, unforeseen conditions, extra work and the adverse of John Doyle Construction Limited v Laing Management
effects of trade stacking. (Scotland) Limited, their lordships accepted in principle the use
of a ‘global claim’ approach in order to evaluate a disruption
In terms of analysing disruption claims, it is essential for the claim on the basis that any material contribution to the
contractor to establish that the planned orderly timing and causation of the global loss was not made by factors for
sequence of events has been affected by compensable events which the innocent party had a legal liability.
under the contract. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out
a labour reconciliation in order to isolate those causes This method is appropriate where the evidence of delay and
unrelated to the employer’s liability such as inclement disruption is overwhelming and where there is no significant
weather, plant breakdown and the like. In order to establish default on the part of the contractor. However, if it can be
a nexus between the disruptive events and resultant loss shown that the contractor was partly culpable for any
suffered, record keeping, with respect to what and when the additional cost, the ‘global claim’ approach would likely fail
work was carried out and what resources were actually used, entirely and in such situations it is recommended that other
is vital in order to undertake any form of disruption analysis. methods be adopted in order to quantify the disruption.

6 Autumn 2008
Comparison of Actual Productivity
With Allowance in the Tender
In some cases, the use of ‘the Measured Mile’ approach may
not be possible where, for example, an undisrupted ‘test’
ADR Diary
section of work simply does not occur. For instance, the various EVgicZgh^c6aiZgcVi^kZ9^hejiZGZhdaji^dc
trades and activities may be substantially different during the
period of disruption when compared with the period of no
disruption and/or the impact of the causes of disruption may
affect all the relevant activities throughout the project duration;
i.e. there may be no periods of normal working. In these
circumstances, an alternative method of evaluating disruption
is to compare the actual resources deployed on site with the
manpower allowance in the tender. The disruption element
being the difference between the two. However, this method is
highly dependent on the adequacies of the provisions made in the
tender and the question of reasonableness of the contractor’s
programme and original estimate also come into play.

Comparison of Actual Productivity

With Other Similar Projects
Similar to the previous method, it may sometimes be difficult
or impossible to identify a part or period of undisrupted working
on some contracts. If this is the case, disruption can be evaluated
by comparing the actual productivity with the productivity
executed by the contractor on other similar projects. However,
this method may not take into account the different (and
Forthcoming Events
sometimes unique) circumstances of an individual project or the
difference in managerial, supervisory or organisational skills
employed on the affected and unaffected projects. Nevertheless,
it may be used in addition to the other methods described 3 Nov Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors - Annual Dinner
above in order to support other calculations or assessments. 2008, Grand Hyatt

5 Nov Lighthouse Club - Annual Dinner 2008, HKCEC

Industry Studies
If the contractor fails to keep contemporary records to establish
6 Nov Society of Construction Law – PRC Construction
the causal connections, it might be acceptable to use model Law Issues, John Bishop
productivity curves and factors developed by a number of
organisations from data collected on a range of projects 7 Nov Lighthouse Club – November Get Together,
(e.g. by the US Army Corps of Engineers, International Labour Delaney’s 1st Floor, Wanchai
Organisation, or the Chartered Institute of Building etc).`
These studies typically indicate, in graphical form, the loss 17 Nov Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors – Extensions of
of productivity that can be expected when a contractor Time, Delay Analysis & Global Claims, Mr Nicholas
encounters disruption such as out-of-sequence work, trade Longley
stacking, overtime working and the like.
17 Nov Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre –
The Kaplan Lecture, HKIAC
The evaluation of loss of productivity claims is one of the most 20 Nov Chartered Institute of Arbitrators – Importance of
difficult subjects in the construction industry. Where a disruption Mediation in Arbitration in the Pursuit of Justice,
claim can be apportioned to individual events and good records Lord Woolf, Hong Kong Club
are kept, every attempt should be made to establish a causal
relationship between the disruptive event and the resultant 27 Nov Conference on Construction Law & Dispute
additional cost. The use of ‘the Measured Mile’ approach is the Resolution for Construction Contracts (HKIAC, CIArb
best method of assessment and is a technique favoured by the & SCLHK), Shangri La
courts. If this cannot be done, a ‘global claim’ approach prepared
in the manner of the John Doyle case and a comparison of actual 5 Dec Lighthouse Club – December Get Together,
productivity with allowances in the tender or other similar Delaney’s 1st Floor, Wanchai
projects might also be permissible in quantifying disruption
15 Dec Society of Construction Law – Christmas Lawyers
claims, but run a greater risk of failure. If all else fails, an
assertion of some percentage of the total affected labour or
plant costs based on industry studies may be possible. In such 19 Dec Chartered Institute of Arbitrators – Part 6 of the
circumstances, the weight of such evidence is likely to be less than ‘Nuts and Bolts’ series: “The Perfect Arbitration:
that associated with a method which supports the analysis of An Encore”
actual records and the contractor’s failure to keep detailed
contemporary records could prove to be very expensive. 2009

For further information contact: 9 Jan Lighthouse Club – January Get Together, Delaney’s
kaymond.lam@adrpartnership.com 1st Floor, Wanchai

ADR Digest 7
ADR Analysis
The Burden & Standard of Proof If a party (or the prosecution) does not adduce sufficient
evidence to support their case, then they will lose the issue.
Success, therefore, depends on evidence or proof. What then,
is an appropriate standard of proof that a party has to satisfy?
Burden of Adducing Evidence
The first hurdle in any contested claim is to adduce sufficient Standard of Proof
evidence to persuade either the court or arbitral tribunal that In criminal cases, the prosecution is required to satisfy the
there is a case to answer. If there is insufficient evidence, then jury that the defendant’s guilt is “beyond reasonable doubt”.
there is no case to answer and the court or tribunal would However, in civil cases, the standard of proof is much lower
likely dismiss the case. In a typical construction dispute and a court or tribunal makes its decision on a “balance of
sufficient evidence might include: probabilities”. If the evidence is such that the tribunal can say,
• oral evidence of statements made by the parties and their “we think it more probable than not”, then the burden is
witnesses, including technical experts in quantum, discharged, but if the probabilities are equal, it is not.
programming and the like;
Construction Disputes
• documentary evidence produced for inspection by the court Applying these principles to construction disputes, a court or
or arbitral tribunal such as correspondence, minutes of arbitral tribunal is left with having heard the evidence presented
meetings, photographs, drawings, plans, instructions, labour before them to weigh up, on a balance of probabilities, the rival
returns, invoices and other contemporaneous records; and arguments on the facts, or law, and decide which argument
• real evidence such as samples and other material objects carries more weight. This is essentially a case of finding one
produced for inspection by the court or arbitral tribunal. version of the facts more likely than the other versions.

The burden of adducing such evidence in a civil case is generally When deciding issues of fact, the outcome will likely be
borne by the party making a statement or bearing the burden influenced by the probate value or weight attached by the
of proof. court or arbitral tribunal to the evidence adduced by the
parties. Some types of evidence will bear more weight than
others, an obvious example being that first hand oral
Burden of Proof testimony is of higher weight than hearsay or second hand
The burden of proof in a civil case will normally lie with the party evidence.
making the claim or defence to adduce sufficient evidence for
the court or tribunal to find in their favour. Conversely, in a For further information contact:
criminal trial, the burden of proof is borne by the prosecution. info@adrpartnership.com

ADR News
End of Summer Sail Designed by: www.ichicoodesign.com Tel: +44 (0) 1274 560220

It has been the season of junk trips and ADR have participated
in a number of very enjoyable jaunts to the far-flung reaches of
Hong Kong with the site teams of Stonecutter’s Bridge, Kowloon
Southern Link and Eagle’s Nest Tunnel. We trust that next year’s
junk season will be as action-packed!

Based in Hong Kong, ADR Partnership Limited is a dynamic practice

of construction professionals providing specialist commercial and
contractual services to the construction industry. EVgicZgh^c6aiZgcVi^kZ9^hejiZGZhdaji^dc

If you would like to discuss any of the articles published in this Digest ADR Partnership Limited
or your project requirements, please contact James Longbottom, 17A Seabright Plaza 9-23 Shell Street North Point Hong Kong
Patrick O’Neill or David Longbottom at ADR Partnership Limited on t: (852) 2234 5228 f: (852) 2234 6228
(852) 2234 5228 or e-mail us at info@adrpartnership.com e: info@adrpartnership.com www.adrpartnership.com

ADR Partnership Limited and the contributors to ADR Digest do not accept any liability for any views, opinions or advice given in this publication.
Readers are strongly recommended to take legal and/or technical specialist advice for their own particular circumstances.

8 Autumn 2008

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