Remote Sensing Approaches for Monitoring Mangrove Species, Structure, and Biomass: Opportunities and Challenges
"> Figure 1
<p>Major carbon flux pathways in mangrove forests. Modified from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Wavelength illustration of multi-frequency radar system through vegetation. Source: modified from the European Space Agency (ESA ).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Remote Sensing of Mangrove Species
2.1. Traditional Approaches to Discriminate Mangrove Species
2.2. Machine Learning Approaches for Mapping Mangrove Species
3. Modeling Mangrove Characteristics and Structure
3.1. Relationships between Biophysical Parameters of Mangroves and Spectral Remotely Sensed Data
3.2. Relationships between Biophysical Parameters of Mangroves and SAR and LiDAR Data
Wavelength and Polarization of SAR Data
4. Estimating Mangrove Biomass Using Remote Sensing
4.1. Mangrove Biomass Estimation Using Optical Data
4.2. Biomass Estimation for Mangrove Forests Using SAR Data
4.2.1. Backscatter Coefficient Extraction for Mangrove Biomass Estimation
4.2.2. Biomass Estimation using Interferometry (InSAR) and Pol-InSAR Techniques
4.3. Mangrove Biomass Estimation Using LiDAR and Data Fusion
4.4. Biomass Estimation Using Hyperspectral Data
5. Limitations and Uncertainties in Mangrove Remote Sensing
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Technique Used | Sensor | Location | Performance | Reference | Year |
Unsupervised ISODATA classifier | IKONOS | Guinea, West Africa | 78% | [33] | 2010 |
NDVI pixel-based methods | Landsat 8 OLI, SPOT-5, Sentinel-2, WorldView-2 | Mexican Pacific | 64% 75% 78% 93% | [32] | 2017 |
Pixel-based methods Linear spectral unmixing (LSU) | Hyperspectral CASI-2 | Southeast Queensland, Australia | 56% | [26] | 2011 |
K-means cluster analysis | Hyperspectral | Surdarbans, Indian | [34] | 2013 | |
Subpixel classification/ Constrained and unconstrained LSU | Hyperspectral Hyperion | Sundarbans Delta, India | 55–74% | [35] | 2013 |
Visual interpretation methods | Aerial photographs WorldView-2 | Darwin, Australia | 68% 42–58% | [24] | 2014 |
Object-based image classifier | Hyperspectral Hyperion Hyperspectral CASI-2 | Mai Po Hong Kong Southeast Queensland, Australia | 88% 69–76% | [27] [26] | 2014 2011 |
Object-based image classifier | Rapid Eye and LiDAR | South Sumatra Indonesia | N/A | [36] | 2016 |
Maximum likelihood classifier | Ikonos, Geoeye, QuickBird, and WorldView-2 | Bali, Indonesia | 66–80% | [25] | 2016 |
Hybrid methods | Landsat Landsat and Pléiades-1 | Lampi Island, Myanmar Guangzhou city, China | 88–92% Over 80% 94.2% | [37] [30] | 2016 2018 |
Pixel-based methods Maximum likelihood algorithm | ALOS AVNIR-2 | East Malaysia | 80% | [38] | 2018 |
Object-based logistics model tree (LMT) algorithm | ALOS PALSAR and ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 | Hai Phong city, Vietnam | 80.2–83.8% | [31] | 2018 |
Technique Used | Sensor | Location | Performance | Reference | Year |
Artificial neural network (ANN) | SPOT and Gaofen-1 EO-1 Hyperion and Envisat ASAR | Mai Po Ramsar Site, Hong Kong Mai Po Ramsar Site, Hong Kong | 63%–92% 72%–74% | [40] [42] | 2018 2014 |
Rotation forest (RoF) | WorldView-3 and Radarsat-2 | Mai Po Ramsar Site, Hong Kong | 85.2% | [39] | 2018 |
Random forest (RF) | Landsat Pléiades-1 WorldView-3 and Radarsat-2 | Darwin Australia Guangzhou city, China Mai Po Ramsar Site, Hong Kong | 82% 82.4% 84.1% | [43] [30] [39] | 2017 2018 2018 |
Sentinel-2, Landsat-8, Pléiades -1 | Hainan island, Dongzhaigang, China | 68.57%–78.57% | [44] | 2018 | |
k-nearest neighbor (NN) | Landsat TM, ALOS AVNIR-2, WorldView-2 & LiDAR UAV Hyperspectral | Queensland, Australia & Karimunjawa Central Java, Indonesia Zhuhai City, Guangdong, China | 53%–59% 76.1%–82.1% | [28] [46] | 2015 2018 |
Support Vector Machines (SVM) | Pan-sharpened WorldView-2 WorldView-3 Pléiades-1 SPOT and Gaofen-1 UAV hyperspectral and Pleiades-1B | Darwin, Australia Mai Po Hongkong Guangdong, China Mai Po Ramsar Site, Hong Kong Setiu Wetland, Malaysia | 87%–89% 83.8%–94.4% 79.6% 67%–92% 82.4%–88.7% 77.2%–94% | [24] [45] [30] [40] [47] | 2014 2016 2018 2018 2018 |
Sequential forward selection (SFS) using spectral angle mapper (SAM) | Hyperspectral EO-1 Hyperion | Thammarat Province, Thailand | 86–92% | [41] | 2013 |
Decision tree (DT) Pixel-based methods Object-based methods | EO-1 Hyperion and Envisat ASAR Landsat and Pléiades-1 | Mai Po Ramsar Site,Hong Kong Mai Po Ramsar Site, Hong Kong | 46%–71% 65.7% 75.9% | [42] [30] | 2014 2018 |
Sensor | Task | Location | Performance | Reference | Year |
Passive sensors | |||||
QuickBird, IKONOS | Tree height, diameter at breast height (DBH), leaf area index (LAI), basal area (BA) | Guinea, West Africa | N/A | [33] | 2010 |
Landsat TM | Tree height, DBH, LAI | Sinaloa, Mexico | N/A | [48] | 2011 |
Hyperspectral data | Leaf pigments: chlorophyll a, b, and carotenoid content | Mexican Pacific | R2 = 0.46–0.87 | [49] | 2012 |
Hyperspectral data | Leaf chlorophyll a | Mexican Pacific | R2 = 0.68–0.80 | [50] | 2013 |
Hyperspectral data | Leaf nitrogen concentration | Mexican Pacific | R2 = 0. 71–0.91 | [51] | 2013 |
Hyperspectral data HyMap | Foliar nitrogen concentration | Mahakam delta of East Kalimantan, Indonesia | R2 = 0. 48–0.74 | [52] | 2013 |
Hyperspectral data HyMap | Foliar nitrogen concentration | Berau Delta, Indonesia | R2 = 0. 67 RMSE = 0.17 | [53] | 2013 |
Worldview-2 | Tree canopies and crowns | Moreton Bay, Queensland Australia | N/A | [54] | 2014 |
Landsat-8 OLI | Leaf chlorophyll | Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico | R2 = 0.70 RMSE = 1.5 g m−2 | [55] | 2015 |
Worldview-2 | Leaf chlorophyll, LAI | Darwin, Australia | R2 = 0.44–0.50 RMSE = 0.6–0.8 g m−2 | [56] | 2015 |
WorldView-2 and Landsat TM | LAI | Florida, United States (USA) | R2 = 0.60–0.84 RMSE = 0.36–0.67 | [57] | 2015 |
High-resolution stereo-imagery from WorldView-1 | Canopy height | Southern Mozambique | R2 = 0.81 RMSE = 1.4 m | [58] | 2015 |
WorldView-2, ALOS AVNIR-2 and Landsat TM | LAI | Moreton Bay, Australia and Karimunjawa Island, Indonesia | R2 = 0.50–0.83 RMSE = 0.54–1.31 | [59] | 2016 |
WorldView-2 | LAI | Rapid Creek, Northern Territory, Australia | R2 = 0.49–0.64 RMSE = 0.75–0.78 | [60] | 2016 |
High-resolution stereo-imagery from WorldView-1 | Canopy height | Zambezi Delta, Mozambique | R2 = 0.73 RMSE = 3.9 m | [61] | 2016 |
MODIS Terra, Landsat and Sentinel-1 | Leaf chlorophyll, LAI | Coastal Odisha, India | R2 = 0.47–0.61 RMSE = 0.76–1.47 | [62] | 2017 |
WorldView-2 | LAI | Dawei Bay, Guangdong province, China | R2 = N/A RMSE = 0.45–0.51 | [63] | 2017 |
WorldView-2 | LAI, tree height | Guangxi province, China | R2 = 0.64–0.82 RMSE = 0.42–0.54 | [64] | 2017 |
Sentinel-2 | LAI | Philippines | R2 = 0.64 | [65] | 2017 |
RapidEye, PlanetScope, Sentinel-2 | LAI, Leaf chlorophyll | Masinloc, Zambales, Philippines | R2 = 0.80–0.92 | [66] | 2018 |
Hyperspectral data EO-1 HYPERION | Leaf chlorophyll | Quanzhou, China | R2 = 0.72–0.82 | [67] | 2018 |
MODIS | Phenological parameters climatic variables, salinity, and litterfall | Yucatan peninsula, southeast Mexico | R2 = 0.49–0.77 | [68] | 2018 |
Active sensors | |||||
ICESat/GLAS and SRTM | Canopy height and (3D) structure | Africa | R2 = N/A RMSE = 3.55 m | [69] | 2013 |
ALOS PALSAR | LAI, tree height, BA, DBH, tree density | Isla La Palma, Pacific coast | R2 = 0.65–0.79 RMSE = 0.34–0.51 | [70] | 2013 |
Radarsat-2 | LAI, BA, DBH, tree density | Isla La Palma, Pacific coast | R2 = 0.53–0.70 | [71] | 2013 |
Hyperpectral and SAR data | LAI | Mai Po Ramsar Site of Hong Kong | R2 = 0.68–0.78 RMSE = 0.2 | [72] | 2013 |
LiDAR | Crown diameter and tree height | Samut-Prakan province, Thailand | R2 = 0.75–0.80 RMSE = 1.4–1.6 m | [73] | 2013 |
TanDEM-X Pol-InSAR data | Tree canopy height | Campeche, Mexico, and Zambezi Delta, Mozambique | R2 = 0.72– 0.84 RMSE = 1.1–1.7 m | [74] | 2015 |
Radarsat-2 (C band) | Tree height, DBH, and basal area (BA) | Amazon River, Brazil | R2 = 0.63–0.81 R2 = 0.52–0.79 R2 = 0.46–0.67 | [75] | 2015 |
ALOS PALSAR | Tree and canopy height, DBH, and BA | Southern coast of São Paulo, Brazi | R2 = 0.67–0.73 | [76] | 2016 |
Landsat OLI and ALOS PALSAR | Canopy height | Mimika district, Papua, Indonesia | R2 = 0.80 RMSE = 2.7 m | [77] | 2016 |
TanDEM-X, SRTM and airborne LiDAR | Canopy height | Zambezi Delta, Mozambique | R2 = 0.69–0.71 RMSE = 2.5–5.8 m | [61] | 2016 |
UAV borne LiDAR | Canopy height, canopy cover, and LAI | Guangdong province, China | R2 = 0.81 RMSE = 1.1 m | [78] | 2017 |
LiDAR and TanDEM-X | Canopy height | Everglades National Park, USA | R2 = 0.85 RMSE = 1.9 m | [79] | 2017 |
ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 | Tree height | Hai Phong city, Vietnam | R2 = 0.61 | [80] | 2018 |
TanDEM-X InSAR data | Tree height | Kanda and Pongara National Parks, Gabon | R2 = 0.98 RMSE = 2.7 m | [81] | 2018 |
ALOS PRISM | Canopy height | Mimika Papua and Mahakam Delta Indonesia, Sundarbans, Bangladesh | R2 = N/A RMSE = 3.6–4.1 m | [82] | 2018 |
SRTM and LiDAR | Canopy height | Globally | R2 = 0.73 RMSE < 3 m | [83] | 2019 |
Year | Research Study | Sensor/SAR Dataset | Study Site | Model | Performance /Range of Value |
2011 | [90] | ALOS PALSAR, TerraSAR-X band | Central Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia | Regression model | R2 = 0.43–0.53 AGB ~ 600 Mg ha−1 |
2012 | [136] | ALOS PALSAR | Mozambique, Africa | BagSGB model | R2 = 0.90 AGB = 4.0–91.1 Mg ha−1 |
2013 | [137] | ALOS PALSAR | Western Siberia | Backscatter water cloud model | R2 =0.35–0.49 AGB = 30–190 Mg ha−1 |
2014 | [107] | ALOS PALSAR | Matang Forest, Malaysia | Regression models | R2 = 0.43–0.62 AGB = 3.0–378.3 Mg ha−1 |
2014 | [138] | ALOS PALSAR | Quang Ninh, Ca Mau, Kien Giang of Vietnam | Regression models | R2: N/A AGB ~ 150 Mg ha−1 |
2015 | [75] | RADARSAR-2 | Amazon River, Brazil | Regression models | R2 = 0.52–0.79 AGB = 100–400 Mg ha−1 |
2017 | [5] | ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 | Hai Phong, Vietnam | Regression models | R2 = 0.51–0.64 AGB = 27.6–209.2 Mg ha−1 |
2017 | [79] | TanDEM-X band | Everglades NationalPark, South Florida, USA | Regression models | R2 = 0.85 AGB ~ 250 Mg ha−1 |
2017 | [122] | ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 | Coastal area, Hai Phong city, Vietnam | Multilayer perceptron neural networks (MLPNN) | R2 = 0.78 AGB = 2.8–298.9 Mg ha−1 |
2018 | [6] | ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 | Mangrove plantation, Vietnam | Support vector regression (SVR) | R2 = 0.60 AGB = 36.2–230.1 Mg ha−1 |
2018 | [65] | Sentinel-1 C-band SAR | Honda Bay, Philippines | Support vector regression (SVR) | R2 = 0.67 AGB ~ 180 Mg ha−1 |
2019 | [139] | Sentinel-1 C-band | Sine Saloum and Casamance Deltas, Senegal | Support vector regression (SVR) | R2 = 0.90 AGB = 2.51–37.4 Mg ha−1 |
Year | Research Study | Multisensor | Study Site | Model | Performance /Range of Value |
2016 | [80] | Landsat 8 OLI and ALOS PALSAR | Papua, Indonesia | Regression models | R2 = 0.46 AGB = 237.52–353.52 Mg ha−1 |
2017 | [79] | LiDAR and TanDEM-X | South Florida peninsula, USA | Regression models | R2 = 0.82 AGB ~ 250 Mg ha−1 |
2018 | [6] | ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 and Sentinel-2 MSI | Mangrove plantation, North Vietnam | Support vector regression (SVR) | R2 = 0.60 AGB = 36.2–230.1 Mg ha−1 |
2018 | [65] | Sentinel-1 C-band SAR and Sentinel-2 MSI | Honda Bay, Philippines | Support vector regression (SVR) | R2 = 0.69 AGB ~ 346 Mg ha−1 |
2018 | [99] | Landsat 8 OLI and LiDAR | Northwest Australia | Regression models | R2= 0.78 AGB ~ 70 Mg ha−1 |
2019 | [83] | Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and ICESat/GLAS LiDAR | Global scale | Regression models | R2= 0.73 RMSE = 84.2 Mg ha−1 |
2019 | [139] | Sentinel-1 C-band and Sentinel-2 MSI | Sine Saloum and Casamance Deltas, Senegal | Support vector regression (SVR) | R2 = 0.89RMSE = 2.35 Mg ha−1 |
Task | Remote Sensing Data | Method | Recommendation |
LAI estimation | Sentinel-2, WorldView-2, Pléiades-1 | Machine learning techniques | Optical high spectral and spatial resolutions |
Canopy height estimation | WorldView-2, Pléiades-1 | Stereophotogrammetric techniques | Optical high spatial resolutions |
Tree height, canopy height estimation | COSMO-SkyMed, TerraSAR, TanDEM, LiDAR | InSAR and Pol-InSAR techniques Machine learning techniques | SAR data, data fusion, and integration |
Leaf pigments | Sentinel-2, WorldView-2, Pléiades-1 | Machine learning techniques | Optical high spectral and spatial resolutions |
Tree species classification | WorldView-2, RapidEye -1,Pléiades-1 | Deep learning techniques | Very high spatial resolution |
Sentinel-2, ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 | Machine learning techniques | Data fusion and integration | |
Biomass and carbon stocks | Sentine-2, ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 LiDAR | Machine learning techniques | Data fusion: optical and SAR fusion |
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Pham, T.D.; Yokoya, N.; Bui, D.T.; Yoshino, K.; Friess, D.A. Remote Sensing Approaches for Monitoring Mangrove Species, Structure, and Biomass: Opportunities and Challenges. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 230.
Pham TD, Yokoya N, Bui DT, Yoshino K, Friess DA. Remote Sensing Approaches for Monitoring Mangrove Species, Structure, and Biomass: Opportunities and Challenges. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(3):230.
Chicago/Turabian StylePham, Tien Dat, Naoto Yokoya, Dieu Tien Bui, Kunihiko Yoshino, and Daniel A. Friess. 2019. "Remote Sensing Approaches for Monitoring Mangrove Species, Structure, and Biomass: Opportunities and Challenges" Remote Sensing 11, no. 3: 230.
APA StylePham, T. D., Yokoya, N., Bui, D. T., Yoshino, K., & Friess, D. A. (2019). Remote Sensing Approaches for Monitoring Mangrove Species, Structure, and Biomass: Opportunities and Challenges. Remote Sensing, 11(3), 230.