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SJ8497 : Undercroft, Piccadilly Station by Adrian Taylor Undercroft, Piccadilly Station by Adrian Taylor
for square SJ8497
Below the platforms of Piccadilly Station, this gloomy passage is the main... (more)
SJ8497 : Metrolink, Piccadilly Undercroft by David Dixon Metrolink, Piccadilly Undercroft by David Dixon
for square SJ8497
Altrincham-bound Metrolink Bombardier tram number 3025 leaves the departure... (more)
TG0244 : Blakeney Guildhall by Sandy Gerrard Blakeney Guildhall by Sandy Gerrard
geograph for square TG0244
LinkExternal link... (more)
SP3378 : Site of a medieval undercroft by Philip Halling Site of a medieval undercroft by Philip Halling
geograph for square SP3378
The red sandstone in the pavement marks the position of a medieval undercroft.... (more)
SJ4066 : The Undercroft at Debenhams Department Store, Chester by Jeff Buck The Undercroft at Debenhams Department Store, Chester by Jeff Buck
for square SJ4066
The undercroft at Debenhams, now used as restaurant was described by... (more)
NT3366 : Undercroft at Newbattle Abbey by Tiger Undercroft at Newbattle Abbey by Tiger
for square NT3366
The vaulted undercroft is thought to date from the original buildings of the... (more)
SJ8497 : Arrivals Platform, Piccadilly Undercroft by David Dixon Arrivals Platform, Piccadilly Undercroft by David Dixon
for square SJ8497
Piccadilly Metrolink stop is located in the undercroft of Manchester Piccadilly... (more)
SJ8497 : Metrolink Terminus, Manchester Piccadilly by David Dixon Metrolink Terminus, Manchester Piccadilly by David Dixon
for square SJ8497
Metrolink Bombardier tram number 3025 at the arrivals platform at Piccadilly... (more)
TQ2982 : Euston Station Undercroft by Adrian Taylor Euston Station Undercroft by Adrian Taylor
for square TQ2982
The ramped entrance from Eversholt Street to the undercroft of Euston Station.
SJ8497 : Behind the doors by Adrian Taylor Behind the doors by Adrian Taylor
for square SJ8497
Below platforms 13 and 14, these wooden doors leading from Fairfield Street give... (more)
SJ4066 : Chester cathedral: undercroft by Stephen Craven Chester cathedral: undercroft by Stephen Craven
for square SJ4066
Medieval ribbed vaulting in the undercroft off the cloisters.
TQ8209 : Undercroft off All Saint's Street by Oast House Archive Undercroft off All Saint's Street by Oast House Archive
geograph for square TQ8209
Category: Undercroft
The two buildings are joined by this small room over the narrow passageway... (more)
TQ3179 : Waterloo station: undercroft  by Stephen Craven Waterloo station: undercroft by Stephen Craven
for square TQ3179
Category: Undercroft
This is probably one of the quietest publicly accessible corners of a very busy... (more)
TM4599 : St Olave's Priory - Undercroft - view westwards by Rob Farrow St Olave's Priory - Undercroft - view westwards by Rob Farrow
for square TM4599
Taken from inside the remarkably intact C14th undercroft of the former... (more)
TM4599 : St Olave's Priory - Undercroft - view eastwards by Rob Farrow St Olave's Priory - Undercroft - view eastwards by Rob Farrow
for square TM4599
This view of the undercroft of TM4599 : St Olave's Priory is through a glazed window at the... (more)
Tags: AugustinianX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   type:InsideX   subject:PrioryX   top:Religious SitesX   place:St OlavesX   Undercroft  
SO8318 : Undercroft below The Fleece by Philip Halling Undercroft below The Fleece by Philip Halling
for square SO8318
Part of the extensive undercroft below The Fleece in Westgate Street in... (more)
SJ5483 : The 12th Century Vaulted Undercroft at Norton Priory by Jeff Buck The 12th Century Vaulted Undercroft at Norton Priory by Jeff Buck
for square SJ5483
The site of Norton Priory now comprises of the remains of an abbey complex... (more)
TQ5509 : Michelham Priory - Undercroft by Rob Farrow Michelham Priory - Undercroft by Rob Farrow
for square TQ5509
The fine vaulted ceiling of the undercroft at Michelham Priory dates from c.1229... (more)
TF6119 : Undercroft at Clifton House by John M Undercroft at Clifton House by John M
for square TF6119
Early brick built undercroft from c1350 providing storage for wine barrels... (more)
SK9771 : Greyfriars Undercroft by Richard Croft Greyfriars Undercroft by Richard Croft
for square SK9771
Inside the grade 1 listed Greyfriars Link a... (more)
TQ3181 : Chapel undercroft, Lincoln's Inn by Patrick Mackie Chapel undercroft, Lincoln's Inn by Patrick Mackie
for square TQ3181
The undercroft of the chapel at Lincoln's Inn. The current chapel was built... (more)
TQ3181 : Chapel undercroft, Lincoln's Inn by Patrick Mackie Chapel undercroft, Lincoln's Inn by Patrick Mackie
for square TQ3181
The undercroft of the chapel at Lincoln's Inn. The current chapel was built... (more)
SK6464 : Rufford Abbey, Rufford by Dave Hitchborne Rufford Abbey, Rufford by Dave Hitchborne
for square SK6464
Undercroft - The best-preserved remains of a Cistercian abbey west cloister... (more)
SK6464 : Rufford Abbey, Rufford by Dave Hitchborne Rufford Abbey, Rufford by Dave Hitchborne
for square SK6464
Undercroft - The best-preserved remains of a Cistercian abbey west cloister... (more)
NY5563 : Lanercost Priory, undercroft by Stephen Craven Lanercost Priory, undercroft by Stephen Craven
geograph for square NY5563
Category: Priory
SN0100 : Vaulted undercroft of Gower Hall by Eirian Evans Vaulted undercroft of Gower Hall by Eirian Evans
for square SN0100
At Lamphey Bishop's Palace. Extensive information at... (more)
ST5672 : The west end of Royal York Crescent by Neil Owen The west end of Royal York Crescent by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST5672
The long terrace of stately houses are classic Georgian architecture, but they... (more)
TQ5404 : The Undercroft at Wilmington Priory by PAUL FARMER The Undercroft at Wilmington Priory by PAUL FARMER
for square TQ5404
Tags: top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   Landmark TrustX   former:PrioryX   subject:PrioryX   PrioryX   top:Religious SitesX   place:SussexX   SussexX   Undercroft  
TF1444 : The Undercroft, St Andrew's church by Julian P Guffogg The Undercroft, St Andrew's church by Julian P Guffogg
for square TF1444
Now used as a store room, it is located under the vestry.
Tags: place:HeckingtonX   top:Religious SitesX   church:St AndrewsX   Undercroft  
SK9771 : Crating by Richard Croft Crating by Richard Croft
for square SK9771
Exhibit in Greyfriars undercroft, part of the exhibition called... (more)
SJ8497 : Doorway on Fairfield Street by Adrian Taylor Doorway on Fairfield Street by Adrian Taylor
for square SJ8497
This doorway on Fairfield Street under the concrete bridge supporting platforms... (more)
SJ8497 : Metrolink tracks, Piccadilly by Adrian Taylor Metrolink tracks, Piccadilly by Adrian Taylor
for square SJ8497
East of the Piccadilly tram stop the Manchester Metrolink runs through the brick... (more)
SE6052 : Roman column in the Undercroft, York Minster by Phil Champion Roman column in the Undercroft, York Minster by Phil Champion
for square SE6052
From the Roman Basilica that stood on the site of the Minster.
SE6052 : Displays in the Undercroft - York Minster by Phil Champion Displays in the Undercroft - York Minster by Phil Champion
for square SE6052
SU3226 : Gruffalo in the Cellarium by David Dixon Gruffalo in the Cellarium by David Dixon
for square SU3226
The thirteenth century cellarium, or undercroft, of the original Augustinian... (more)
SU3226 : Mottisfont Abbey Cellarium by David Dixon Mottisfont Abbey Cellarium by David Dixon
for square SU3226
The thirteenth century cellarium, or undercroft, of the original Augustinian... (more)
SK6464 : Rufford Abbey, Rufford by Dave Hitchborne Rufford Abbey, Rufford by Dave Hitchborne
for square SK6464
The best-preserved remains of a Cistercian abbey west cloister range in England,... (more)
SK6464 : Rufford Abbey, Rufford by Dave Hitchborne Rufford Abbey, Rufford by Dave Hitchborne
for square SK6464
The best-preserved remains of a Cistercian abbey west cloister range in England,... (more)
ST5773 : Pared back for redecorating by Neil Owen Pared back for redecorating by Neil Owen
for square ST5773
Some of the units under the pavement on Queen's Road are being cleaned out... (more)
TQ6174 : External paved area, The Hive, Northfleet by David Martin External paved area, The Hive, Northfleet by David Martin
for square TQ6174
SJ8498 : Red sandstone by Adrian Taylor Red sandstone by Adrian Taylor
for square SJ8498
The engineers who built Manchester Victoria Station were as cost conscious as... (more)
SE5478 : Lay brothers' range, Byland Abbey by Alan Murray-Rust Lay brothers' range, Byland Abbey by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SE5478
This represents the earliest phase of the abbey buildings, dated 1150-60, before... (more)
ST4126 : Passage through town hall, Langport by Derek Harper Passage through town hall, Langport by Derek Harper
geograph for square ST4126
Looking in the opposite direction along the path shown in ST4126 : Path, Langport, beneath... (more)
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