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SO8001 : Woodchester Mansion - The cellars by Rob Farrow Woodchester Mansion - The cellars by Rob Farrow
for square SO8001
The cellars at Woodchester are accessed by wooden steps beneath the Grand Stair.... (more)
SX9292 : Quay cellars, the Quay, Exeter by A J Paxton Quay cellars, the Quay, Exeter by A J Paxton
geograph for square SX9292
The quay opened in 1830 and the cellars were excavated in the sandstone at... (more)
H1256 : Cellar, Tully Castle by Kenneth  Allen Cellar, Tully Castle by Kenneth Allen
for square H1256
This was the scene of a massacre in 1641 (information taken from the information... (more)
SP2429 : Cellar, Chastleton House by Derek Harper Cellar, Chastleton House by Derek Harper
for square SP2429
The beer cellar and the way outside.
SO4108 : One of the Cellars by Bill Nicholls One of the Cellars by Bill Nicholls
for square SO4108
Just off the hall you can find this cellar at Raglan Castle
SU1830 : Former royal wine cellar at Clarendon Palace by David Martin Former royal wine cellar at Clarendon Palace by David Martin
geograph for square SU1830
The wine cellar, known as "La Roche" was built in the mid-12th century... (more)
NT5183 : The cellars, Dirleston Castle by Richard Sutcliffe The cellars, Dirleston Castle by Richard Sutcliffe
for square NT5183
Built in the late 1300s, these vaults were used for storing the rents (paid in... (more)
Tags: subject:CastleX   Castle CellarsX   subject:CellarsX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   type:InsideX  
ST5872 : Avery's cellars (5/7) by Neil Owen Avery's cellars (5/7) by Neil Owen
for square ST5872
As part of Bristol Doors Open Weekend, long-established wine merchants... (more)
ST5872 : Avery's cellars (1/7) by Neil Owen Avery's cellars (1/7) by Neil Owen
for square ST5872
Some of the wine cellars at this famous Bristol merchants.
Tags: top:Business, Retail, ServicesX   Cellar   top:City, Town CentreX   type:InsideX   subject:VaultX  
TL4301 : Cellar, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Cellar, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
for square TL4301
Copped Hall during an evening photography session.
TL4301 : Cellar, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Cellar, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
for square TL4301
Copped Hall during an evening photography session.
TL4301 : Cellar, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Cellar, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
for square TL4301
Copped Hall during an evening photography session.
SD5292 : In the cellar of Kendal Castle by Karl and Ali In the cellar of Kendal Castle by Karl and Ali
for square SD5292
One of the cellars that once lay beneath a manor house within the castle walls.
TQ9017 : Medieval Cellar under house in Mill Road, Winchelsea by PAUL FARMER Medieval Cellar under house in Mill Road, Winchelsea by PAUL FARMER
for square TQ9017
Tags: Cellar   period:MedievalX   Medieval CellarX   place:SussexX   SussexX   top:Village, Rural SettlementX   place:WinchelseaX  
H3374 : Cellars, Drumquin by Kenneth  Allen Cellars, Drumquin by Kenneth Allen
geograph for square H3374
Pictured along Main Street here H3374 : Stone house, Drumquin
Tags: Cellar   top:Housing, DwellingsX   StreetX  
ST4828 : The glazed cellar by Neil Owen The glazed cellar by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST4828
A small set of steps in the Brunel Shopping Centre is protected from the... (more)
ST5362 : Outside cellar? by Neil Owen Outside cellar? by Neil Owen
for square ST5362
A little entrance outside and below the house. Maybe one for the little folk?
Tags: Cellar   type:Close LookX   subject:HouseX   top:Housing, DwellingsX   StepsX   top:Village, Rural SettlementX  
ST5872 : Avery's cellars (7/7) by Neil Owen Avery's cellars (7/7) by Neil Owen
for square ST5872
As part of Bristol Doors Open Weekend, long-established wine merchants... (more)
ST5872 : Avery's cellars (6/7) by Neil Owen Avery's cellars (6/7) by Neil Owen
for square ST5872
As part of Bristol Doors Open Weekend, long-established wine merchants... (more)
ST5872 : Avery's cellars (4/7) by Neil Owen Avery's cellars (4/7) by Neil Owen
for square ST5872
As part of Bristol Doors Open Weekend, long-established wine merchants... (more)
ST5872 : Avery's cellars (3/7) by Neil Owen Avery's cellars (3/7) by Neil Owen
for square ST5872
As part of Bristol Doors Open Weekend, long-established wine merchants... (more)
ST5872 : Avery's cellars (2/7) by Neil Owen Avery's cellars (2/7) by Neil Owen
for square ST5872
As part of Bristol Doors Open Weekend, long-established wine merchants... (more)
SX9292 : Cellars on The Quay, Exeter by Chris Allen Cellars on The Quay, Exeter by Chris Allen
geograph for square SX9292
Tags: subject:CaveX   Cellar   top:Docks, HarboursX   place:ExeterX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   QuaysideX  
SP2772 : Kenilworth Castle by Ian Taylor Kenilworth Castle by Ian Taylor
for square SP2772
The cellars in the Strong Tower, with vaulted ceilings, were used as larders.... (more)
NZ0284 : Cellar at Wallington Hall by Oliver Dixon Cellar at Wallington Hall by Oliver Dixon
for square NZ0284
Not visited as part of the usual tour of the big house!
SJ7481 : Tatton Hall Cellar by David Dixon Tatton Hall Cellar by David Dixon
for square SJ7481
TQ8209 : Undercroft off All Saint's Street by Oast House Archive Undercroft off All Saint's Street by Oast House Archive
geograph for square TQ8209
Category: Undercroft
The two buildings are joined by this small room over the narrow passageway... (more)
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