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Grid reference ST5872

near to Bristol, England


We have 3,960 images in grid square ST5872
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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from ST5872 [102] taken pre 2000 [69]
A sample of 12 photos from 3,960 for ST5872 - View this square in the Browser >>>
ST5872 : Princes Wharf and M Shed by Christine Johnstone Princes Wharf and M Shed
Seen from the cab of a quayside crane, open for visits as a special museum event.
ST5872 : Bristol Cathedral: memorial (15) by Basher Eyre Bristol Cathedral: memorial (15)
ST5872 : Reliefs on Denmark Street by Thomas Nugent Reliefs on Denmark Street
On this building on Denmark Street ST5872 : Building on Denmark Street.
ST5872 : College Green, Bristol by Eirian Evans College Green, Bristol
Bristol Cathedral can be seen through the trees.
ST5872 : Kaskelot, Bristol by Derek Harper Kaskelot, Bristol
The barque, built in 1948 and one of the largest remaining wooden ships in commission, moored by the Floating Harbour beside the crane base shown more clearly in ST5872 : View from the amphitheatre, Bristol Harbour. The stone drum, described at... (more)
ST5872 : Architecture Ancient and Modern by John H Darch Architecture Ancient and Modern
Fifteenth century St Stephen's Church in perpendicular gothic and a modernist Twentieth Century office block make interesting neighbours in central Bristol.
ST5872 : Bristol: the south side of Queen Square by John Sutton Bristol: the south side of Queen Square
Grove Avenue is on the left. For the square’s remarkable history, see LinkExternal link .
ST5872 : College Green, Bristol by Colin Pyle College Green, Bristol
ST5872 : Bateau Mouche? by Anthony O'Neil Bateau Mouche?
The Avon, not the Seine: passing the Lloyd's Building, Bristol. This Dutch-built passenger vessel plied the waters of Lake Lucenre in the 1970s and was named 'Bagheera' (Black Panther). It was transported to Bristol twenty... (more)
ST5872 : Old Warehouses, Bristol by Nigel Mykura Old Warehouses, Bristol
These old building are at the rear of King St. W. J. Tolley and Hill still operate as surveyors from new premises to the south of Bristol town centre just off the A37.
ST5872 : Not going over the wall by Neil Owen Not going over the wall
A large granite perimeter wall is a small remnant of the notorious Bristol New Gaol. Built in 1820 for £60,000 it replaced the even more notorious Newgate Gaol near the old castle. It held 197 inmates of either gender in individual 6'... (more)
ST5872 : Bristol : Pero's Bridge by Lewis Clarke Bristol : Pero's Bridge
The bridge is composed of three spans; the two outer ones are fixed and the central section can be raised to provide a navigation channel in the harbour. The most distinctive features of the bridge are the pair of horn-shaped sculptures... (more)

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