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Grid reference SK9771

near to Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England


We have 5,038 images in grid square SK9771
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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from SK9771 [31] mentioning SK9771 [7] taken pre 2000 [92]
A sample of 12 photos from 5,038 for SK9771 - View this square in the Browser >>>
SK9771 : Morris People, Lincoln by Brian Robert Marshall Morris People, Lincoln
This group of traditional dancers comprised both men and women.
SK9771 : East Midlands Electricity shop, High Street by Keith Edkins East Midlands Electricity shop, High Street
SK9771 : A new Tesco Express, Brayford Wharf North, Lincoln by Oliver Mills A new Tesco Express, Brayford Wharf North, Lincoln
Located on the ground floor premises of One The Brayford, which had previously spent two years entirely disused, barricaded by unsightly advertisement hoarding. It is pleasing to see that change is in progress here.
SK9771 : Path along the south side of Brayford Pool, Lincoln by Humphrey Bolton Path along the south side of Brayford Pool, Lincoln
There is a little island on the left, and much pond weed or algae on the water.
SK9771 : Historic view by Richard Croft Historic view
A composite view of some historic Lincoln landmarks taken from the western ramparts of the castle. From foreground to background .... the castle shell keep, Lucy Tower on the right, the former county gaol on the left, The observatory tower... (more)
SK9771 : Some things don't change by Alan Murray-Rust Some things don't change
The Priory Gate is the same after 100s of years, but buses come and go! Lincoln no longer operates its own municipal bus services, but its successors will have the same tight squeeze through the arch! This is one of a series of views... (more)
SK9771 : Mint Street at High Street, Lincoln by Ian S Mint Street at High Street, Lincoln
SK9771 : Waterside Shopping Centre, Lincoln by Dave Hitchborne Waterside Shopping Centre, Lincoln
Woolworths has gone now from the shopping centre and in its place is Primark.
SK9771 : Roman East Gate ruin, Lincoln by Julian P Guffogg Roman East Gate ruin, Lincoln
This is the north tower of a Roman Gatehouse built around 200 A.D. It was excavated in the 1960's.
SK9771 : Steampunk festival in Lincoln 2014 - Photo 7 by Richard Humphrey Steampunk festival in Lincoln 2014 - Photo 7
SK9771 : The West Front of Lincoln Cathedral by David Purchase The West Front of Lincoln Cathedral
... The following description is by Julian P Guffogg.
SK9771 : Christ's Hospital Terrace by Ian Carrington Christ's Hospital Terrace
The largest of the red-brick buildings on the left was built in 1784 as the Bluecoat School, and is now used by Lincoln University. In the middle ages there was a fish market here.

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