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Why Ask Why: A Collection of Poems
Why Ask Why: A Collection of Poems
Why Ask Why: A Collection of Poems
Ebook157 pages55 minutes

Why Ask Why: A Collection of Poems

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If all my thoughts can be captured, then I will be a photographer, if all that I see in this world is as straight forward, then I will live a simple life, if I understand all that I heard and all the thoughts coming in and out of my head, then I wont be a poet. This is a collection of poems that most people can relate to about everyday life events love, life, death, animals, family amongst others. These poems are as fictional and factual , and hence complex, a glimpse into my life and yours.
Release dateDec 16, 2014
Why Ask Why: A Collection of Poems

Adeolu Emmanuel Adesanya

An ardent poet and writer for the past 15 years, originally from Ijebu - Imusin, Ogun State of Nigeria, Adeolu Emmanuel Adesanya attended Ijebu-Ode Grammar School in Nigeria. He obtained the degree of Bachelor of Education from the prestigious University of Ibadan, Nigeria (B.Ed.; 2005) and obtained Master of Science in Business Management from the University of Wales in Cardiff (M.Sc.;2007) and currently a doctoral candidate of the University of Wales. An Economist and a Strategic Change Consultant over the years, but he would like to be known and seen foremost as a poet. Adeolu lives in Essex, United Kingdom with his family.

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    Why Ask Why - Adeolu Emmanuel Adesanya

    © 2014 Adeolu Emmanuel Adesanya. All rights reserved.

    Image credits for Christal-Dionee Reeves Da-Thong

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 12/10/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-9835-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-9836-1 (e)

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    Why Ask Why?

    Motherly Tree on Earth


    Road of Life

    Colour Me Blind

    My Pain, Your Gain

    Son of a Preacher

    I Love Dead People


    Not My Friend

    What if I Was?

    Our Flower

    Foolish Magician

    When God is in it

    God, Give Me an Amen

    Bring Back our Girls

    My Voice

    She’s One of a Kind

    Not by Fate, but by Faith

    The Man in the Bowler Hat

    I Did it My own Way

    Dark Clouds

    Aroma of Love and Lust

    Like a Flower

    Don’t Break My Heart

    Poetic Gospel

    Guilty Conscience

    God, Show Me You’re there with Me

    A Man Like that

    Cursed Blessing – Malachi 2:2

    God at Work

    My Love for You

    We Will Remember

    Figurine’s World

    Summer is so Beautiful

    Why I Write


    Needle’s Hole

    My Words

    I Pray

    The Only Woman I Truly Love

    Its All Over

    Fading Sage

    Human Mind

    Fair Trade

    7 Billion People

    Whisper a Noise


    She Likes to Play

    Deal or No Deal

    Opposite Ends


    Twisted Truth

    Being Alive

    Figure Eight

    Forget Me Not

    A Piece of Me

    Tick and Tuck

    Quarter to Nine

    Cursed Love

    One-Man Army

    Tunnel of Life

    Betrayed Eagle

    Girl of the World

    Celestial Girl

    A Fool

    My Useless Man

    In Utmost Reverence


    She Wants me Now

    Point of No Return

    Am I Bothered?

    Blame Game

    Ashes of a Giant


    It’s Not You, it is Me

    Her type of Love

    She’s My Second Chance

    Her Web of Desire

    Who is She?

    Love Letter

    Can’t Wait

    In Real Life

    What am I Feeling?

    My Son My Soul

    The Chase

    Brown Coat and Green Scarf

    She’s More than that

    Where are You?

    Midnight Daydreams

    Saw Akudaya in London

    Wasted Love

    Peaceful Chaos

    My Future Ambition

    To my son

    Ololade Gideon Adesanya

    And my daughter

    Ifeoluwa Praise Adesanya


    All glory, praise and adoration to God almighty - the giver of life, wisdom and inspiration.

    Special thank you to my parents Ven. Dr. Stephen A. Adesanya and Mrs Ololade O. Adesanya; to my wife Kehinde O. Adesanya; my children Ololade and Ifeoluwa Adesanya; and my brother Adedotun S. Adesanya, for their support, encouragement, prayer, patience and love.

    If only the world were full of the likes of Leah Godson, my efficacious editor for her selflessness, dedication, mentoring, and words of encouragement. You are a rare gem.

    To my friends and muses; Ayodele Alonge, Oluwaseun Liadi, Jessica Movilau, Emmanuel Ashiabor, Ayisat Hammed, Fatuma Mishi, Wale Ogunnowo, thank you for being there to share my laughter and tears. To Maj. Gen. T.B and Mrs. Ogundeko, Ms Nike Okunowo, Mrs Edith Eneaya-Bonito, Barr. Kunle Daodu, Engr. Babafemi Osoba DIG (Rtd), thank you for your consistent love and dedication.

    To poets near and far, Words Rhyme and Rhythm, London Poets Meet up, and various social media poetry groups, thank you for the learning experience.



    Why Ask Why?

    When heaven opens and won’t stop

    All washed away but our tears

    When life ends before it even begins

    When we ask, yet no response

    To why God stopped loving us

    When earth opens and all caves in

    All we hold dear now but a dream

    When the children look so old

    And they ask you for their family

    Do you say God hated them that much?

    When the ground vibrates and all crashes

    Hope fades before it even starts

    When air and wind churn

    And there’s nowhere to turn but inward

    To all prayers, did He stop listening?

    When loved ones passes on

    Leaving you clutching memories

    No one to face, as no one faces you

    Heart too heavy to carry

    As you ask God why me?

    Mountains melt, my mind freezes

    Rocks crash; ashes on my head

    Landslides, ghosts come visiting

    The walls come closing in

    And we ask why He made us

    His way so mysterious, not

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