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Through the Grapevine I Heard
Through the Grapevine I Heard
Through the Grapevine I Heard
Ebook243 pages2 hours

Through the Grapevine I Heard

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About this ebook

A collection of short stories and

poems, fiction and non-fiction.

Gwendolyn was raised in the south. My mother was a cafeteria aid, and my father was a share cropper, construction worker.

My ninth-grade teacher. Mrs. Charlie encourages me to write. At the age of thirteen I wrote my first play called Slaves not for

Release dateJan 25, 2024
Through the Grapevine I Heard

G. Roscoe

Gwendolyn was raised in the south. My mother was a cafeteria aid, and my father was a share cropper, construction worker. My ninth-grade teacher. Mrs. Charlie encourages me to write. At the age of thirteen I wrote my first play called Slaves not for sale and a short story called our trip to China. I earn my associate in science degree from Roxbury Community College in Boston Ma. My passion for writing grew ten times stronger. The author mostly writes a combination of fiction and non-fiction stories. But wishes to reach a wide range of audience all over this world.

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    Book preview

    Through the Grapevine I Heard - G. Roscoe

    A Face without a Name

    A face without a name

    A smile to bare

    It erases all the pain

    A face without a name

    Childhood poverty

    Hard working slave labor

    Things don’t seem to change

    A face without a name

    A silent prayer a ray of hope

    Somebody please hear me

    For my cries is rapidly

    My pain is invisible

    A brighter and better tomorrow

    Drift slowly down the slope

    Bring mercury to me

    A face without a name

    God let me not

    Drown in my own sorrow

    A face without a name

    How long will life burden me?

    The shock of life pain

    Rich man money

    Poor man knowledge

    Walking between two worlds

    Is there anything to gain?

    An almost forgotten promise

    Shatter vision remain the same

    A face without a name

    A Walk on the Beach

    I’m going down to the beach

    I will look out across the sea

    I see an imaginary vaguer

    Coming toward me

    The water will renew my mind

    The water will cleanse my feet

    Seashells and seaweeds

    Clams and pearls I’m hoping

    I’ll find

    Build a castle out of sand

    Who knows who you will meet?

    A blonde girl a handsome man

    A walk on the beach

    I will stay until

    Calm falling moon go down

    The happy rising sun comes up

    High tides low waves

    A surfer dream

    On a hot sunny day

    The eastern stars all around

    A long walk on the beach

    A seagull baby like cry

    The watchful life guard

    They must have six eyes

    A walk down on the beach

    Picnics and volley ball

    Little boys walking their dogs

    A walk on the beach

    Enjoy your summer fun

    The season is rotating

    Shortly it will be fall again

    The hot days will be done

    A walk down on the beach

    Laugh and be happy

    Leave your prints

    In the wet sand of your feet

    A long walk on the beach

    A Home Garden of Love

    A home is where the heart is

    Full with love, and so much joy

    Memories of the moment

    A pair of caring arms to embrace

    A lasting touch

    The moment so special, it’ll never go to waste

    A home garden of love

    A very special place

    From the beginning to the ending

    It’ll leave a smile upon your face

    There are red and yellow roses

    Four o’clock that sing and rock

    Elephant ear plants spring up so high

    Tulips and Lilies

    Gardenias to smell with our noses

    Home is where our heart is

    A beautiful garden that grows

    To replenish and nourish our bodies

    With the minerals from the earth

    It makes our souls glow

    From our heads down to our toes

    A wooden bench perched

    Beneath the weeping willow tree

    Hummingbirds flying all around

    The canaries are singing, as sweet as can be

    There are vegetables of all kind

    Potatoes, squashes, and running beans

    Fruit trees a plenty

    We have cherry, apple, fig, and grape

    The children loves to pick them


    There are so many

    A home garden of love


    Dear God,

    I don’t remember choosing

    A stern mother

    I don’t remember choosing

    A farmer father

    I don’t recall

    All the family members

    That I was assigned to

    In this lifetime

    I accept all the things

    That I can’t change about them

    I will love them

    I can also choose to

    Walk away from them

    I devoted and rerouted

    My time, my energy

    In changing me

    African Heritage or Rumor

    Have you heard the myth?

    All Africans are dizzy. Africans don’t how to read or write.

    Yes, the Europeans taught Africans their skills. Africans has no expectations.

    Who labels history as this lie?

    From our motherland came kings and queens.

    Our motherland spit out the finest warriors. As history unfolds our kings and queens wouldn’t be happy.

    Down with the Dahome yes and other tribes.

    Africa would mean land of the slaves. Africa is the gateway of knowledge.

    Before paper or books, black man discovers skills.

    Who are they to label Africa as green.

    Yes, green only in the farm land.

    Chained and bonded we were robbed of our pride, stripped of dignity.

    No more chains, no whips only hands and hard work.

    As history is told Africa is the mother of self-confidence. If man can take away the African heritage then it’s him who is green.

    History should be known for its black sisters and brother about our motherland.

    Land where our past kings and queen slayed up on.

    Land where our mothers gave birth to her babies

    Land where no Europeans can ever claim they taught us.

    Africans yes Africa let your light shine.

    From this mother land which I came.

    From this land one day I shall return.

    Full of pride

    Full of skills.

    Ain’t No Gold

    Ain’t no gold in them cotton fields

    No gold

    In them cotton fields

    Only tears of yester years

    Trails of blood of my ancestors

    In prints

    Trying to walk for freedom

    Bleeding of the past

    As they kneeled

    Ain’t no gold

    In them cotton fields

    The bloody




    Tearful truth

    Slicing the future heels

    No gold

    No gold

    In them cotton fields

    All Dogs Don’t Have Tales


    All dogs don’t have tales

    If it walks like a dog

    If it barks like a dog

    Then dog gone it

    It is a dog

    They don’t discriminate

    Some are females

    They come in all colors and sizes.

    If a dog says I love you

    Should you believe it?

    Rest assure a dog

    Always have a second house

    That is right

    Don’t blame me

    For your mistrust

    Don’t blame me

    For your insecurity

    Your lies and devilish ways

    Will catch you

    And pile that nasty

    Puppy food on your plate

    The plate in which you

    Push on someone else table

    Some of the old dogs

    Are worse than the young one

    A dog wags it’s tail

    Shiver below the knees

    And lie like a dog

    I was told every dog has their day

    Well rest assure

    Every puppy has their night.

    It makes me laugh

    When some people

    Think they are larger than life

    The same God that created you

    Also made me to

    Yes, assure you will

    Get just what is coming to you

    Trust me all dogs don’t have tales

    Aint Nobody Crying Over You

    Who do you think you are

    I guess you must be

    That special star that fell from the sky

    I guess you must be

    That wet teardrop

    From a crying lady eye

    I guess you must be

    The twinkle in a star

    That ray from the sun

    You must be

    That finally yes when everything is said and done

    But baby

    Ain’t nobody crying over you

    An Overdose of God

    The bible said, treat people the way you want to be treated

    The bible also said you got to reap what you sowed

    It’s called karma

    When you stop lying

    Stop plotting

    Stop scheming

    Stop trying to hurt other people

    Stop all your evil ways

    Stop trying to destroy other good blessing

    Stop trying to block someone else progress

    God got your name

    God got your number

    Your phone is on speed dial

    God know where you live at

    You will harvest what you planted

    So deal with it

    Antsy Pants

    Slow down

    You’re moving too fast

    There are roses outside

    Stop to smell them

    There are birds

    Chirping in the trees

    Insects that sting

    Flies that light up

    At night

    Rushing into the unknown

    Who know what it will bring


    Count to ten


    Push the stale air out


    There’s a whole big

    Wide world

    Waiting for you

    Too explore

    You can’t get

    From London

    Or France

    By missing all

    The important details

    The road map

    Shows step by steps

    All of the green lights

    The red lights

    The flashing caution lights






    Just slow down

    Then follow

    The instructions

    Antsy pants

    At the Crack of Dawn

    At the crack of dawn

    The sun hasn’t rose

    A blue orange paint

    The peeking poking

    Of a shadow of light

    It looks very faint

    The beautiful sky

    Will bring light to us all

    As the sun

    Highlight the sky

    Just before

    The crack of dawn

    Dear B.T.

    You can never talk about me. The side hustles I learned it here. From you.

    The Peter Pan fly out of your body experiences, I learned them from you right here.

    How to walk with a swagger, how to talk like butter. Smooth but sweet, with a side of grade A honey

    I spy, fly, up on the walls.

    The chants, the rhythms, the dances. I learned it from you.

    You can never call me a liar.

    You can never call me a pimp

    You can never call me whore

    A bitch

    A witch

    A Itch

    Someone unfit

    A trifling heifer

    A Thief

    None of that bad stuff

    I was just as green as grass

    I learned it all from you

    Bama Girl

    Hee haw

    How y’all doing

    Bama girl

    All the way


    Tic tac toe



    Catching lightning bugs


    Apple trees

    Pear trees

    Fig trees

    Yellow jacks


    Big black bumble bees

    I am a Bama girl


    Square dance



    Band practice



    Flute blowing

    Tumble flips

    Cheerleaders getting a swirl and lift

    The bulldog mascot

    We can’t be beat

    Our school fundraiser

    Sell that candy

    Get the pot going

    A quick fish fry

    We all stand together

    United by colors

    Sticking together

    Sailing very high too

    That old white and blue

    Until we die.

    Being Bad

    How much fun can it be

    I never got a chance

    You see




    Was what I had to be

    I would love to be in a movie

    To express

    The trap up energy

    Bottled up inside

    The bad role

    That is the bitch

    I want to take

    Her out for a drive

    I know I can channel her

    Very well

    Cruella Devil

    Cinderella stepmother

    Cybill Shepherd

    Watch out now

    Some hot attitude

    Turning like a ferry wheel

    I want a role

    Utilize this for one

    Being Bad

    I see the good side

    So much fun

    I can have

    Bitter husband ex-wife

    Bitter husband

    Unhappy ex-wife

    When I met you

    You had so many hidden secrets

    You had a closet full of demons

    A graveyard of skeletons

    You had a hidden

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