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This note introduces the concept of valuation of water resources and presents some common approaches to revealing and taking into account the value of water. It identifies opportunities for creating impact by incorporating valuation into... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesWater Resource EconomicsEconomic Valuation of WaterSustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The study encompassed computation of cost of milk production and analysis of milk production function of different species of milch animals under different levels of groundwater regimes (safe, semi-critical, critical and over... more
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      Dairy ScienceGroundwaterAgricultural EconomicsDairy Economics
By its natural structure and variety of uses, water resources are affect many sectors. Many different water management approaches formed as a result of these affects and “integrated water management” concept came out which foresees the... more
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      Integrated Water Resources ManagementWater Resource EconomicsWater governanceInstitutional Analysis and Integrated Watershed
Tarım sektörü tarih boyunca milli gelire katkısı, nüfus ve istihdam üzerindeki etkisi, sanayi, beslenme ve dış ticarete olan katkıları nedeniyle her zaman stratejik önemini koruyan bir sektör olmuştur. Tarım sektörü hem bitkisel üretimi... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsWater Resource Economics
The Challenge of Water Supply in African Growing Cities
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      Sustainable Water Resources ManagementWater Resource EconomicsWater, Sanitation, and Hygiene
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      Environmental EconomicsWater Resource EconomicsPublic Sector Economics and Agricultural EconomicsIntergenrational Mobility
The main objective of the furrow irrigation is appropriate selection of planning and managerial variables. These variables are: the furrow length, flow rate to the furrow and cut-off time. These variables are computed through optimization... more
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      IrrigationWater resourcesSustainable Water Resources ManagementWater Resources (Engineering)
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      Climate Change ImpactsSpainWater Resource Economics
The study comprised of computation of cost of milk production, cost of groundwater and water use efficiency (WUE) in milk production of different species of milch animals under different levels of groundwater regimes (safe, semi-critical,... more
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      Natural Resource EconomicsDairy EconomicsWater Resource Economics
There is a general feeling that water is a State subject and there are suggestions from time to time that the subject “water” must be brought under the Union list or Concurrent list for effectively addressing the challenges in water... more
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    • Water Resource Economics
This textbook presents a big picture of water management in France as it was set in 2003. Some reforms have occured since then but this gives an idea of the organization and the main stakes.It has been written to present the French... more
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      20th century FranceWater Resources ManagementWater Resource EconomicsWater Law
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      International Economic RelationsWater Resource EconomicsPoverty ReductionEconomia della Disuguaglianza
Despite an abundance of annual precipitation and the investment of several billions US dollars in Lebanon's water sector since 1990, water resources throughout the country are limited in terms of both quantity and quality due to... more
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      WaterWater Resource Economics
Ismail Seralgedin, wakil presiden Bank Dunia, pada tahun 1995 melakukan prediksi mengenai masa depan perang: "Jika perang-perang abad ini banyak diakibatkan oleh persengketaan minyak, perang masa depan akan dipicu oleh air". Prediksi... more
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      Water qualityWater and wastewater treatmentEcologySustainable Water Resources Management
Los recursos hídricos de un espacio determinado son aproximadamente constantes, pero su coeficiente de variación anual puede ser muy alto, sobre todo en regiones de clima irregular. Como consecuencia de ello, los recursos disponibles, que... more
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      IrrigationWater and wastewater treatmentAgricultureSustainable Water Resources Management
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      Environmental EconomicsWater resourcesSustainable Water Resources ManagementWater Resource Economics
This document is part of a compilation on the different concepts, definitions and theoretical frameworks that addresses solidarity economy. Within the concepts found we can observe that among the same authors there are different... more
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      Energy EconomicsWater Resource EconomicsCommon Pool Resources, institutions and natural resource managementRenewable Energy and Climate Change
Su; kıt ve stratejik öneme sahip doğal kaynaklardan biri olup canlıların yaşamı ve tarım sektörü için vazgeçilmezdir. Kullanım alanının (tarım, sanayi, evsel kullanım, enerji üretimi, balıkçılık, vb.) geniş olması ve nüfusun her yıl... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsSustainable Water Resources ManagementWater Resource Economics
From the mid-1990s to the recent international economic crisis, the European Union (EU27) experienced a significant economic growth and a flat population increase. During these years, the water resources directly used by the EU countries... more
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      Input Output EconomicsSustainable Water Resources ManagementWater Resource Economics
The water sector in Chile underwent major changes as a result of decentralization and market reforms. This chapter focuses on recent pricing experiences in the urban residential and rural sectors. Over the last thirty years, the Chilean... more
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    • Water Resource Economics
Predictions of national and global water use have been criticized for being inaccurate and for not taking into consideration economic development. Of the little research that does address water use as a function of economic development,... more
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      Water Resource EconomicsEnvironmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)
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    • Water Resource Economics
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      AgricultureIrrigation water ManagementIrrigation Water Management (Archaeology)Water Resource Economics
The Adirondack Park contains over 6 million acres and over 3,000 lakes. Approximately 43% of the Park is publically owned and protected to remain “forever wild”. Despite regulatory measures aimed at protecting the natural resources of... more
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      Environmental EconomicsWater Resource Economics
When speaking about facilitating normal conditions for living and working, in the modern world, water resources are significant. We need to maintain water safety according to the specific environment and particular territory demands.... more
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      Regional developmentSustainable Water Resources ManagementSustainable Rural DevelopmentWater Resource Economics
El artículo efectúa un análisis histórico de la política pública con incidencia en la gestión del agua subterránea en Mendoza. Para ello indaga las principales regulaciones hídricas e identifica distintas fases o etapas homogéneas que... more
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      Recursos HidricosWater Resource EconomicsWater LawWater Politics
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      Water resourcesSustainable Water Resources ManagementDesalinationWater Resource Economics
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable Water Resources ManagementWater Resource EconomicsWater Demand Management
The water stressed western United States has increasingly relied on water marketing, or the temporary or permanent transfer of water entitlements from one user to another, to manage shortage. While this has long been true for transfers... more
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      EconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsWater resourcesSustainable Water Resources Management
The work explores interventions to ensure environmental security and advance protection and economic activity from the devastating effects of the floods on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic. The purpose of the article is the study... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementWater resourcesSustainable Water Resources ManagementFlood Mitigation
In most countries, groundwater resource is a public good, and the entitlement of use rights by the public authority to final users differs according to a country-specific legislative framework. In Italy, groundwater extraction has been... more
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      Sustainable Water Resources ManagementWater Resource Economics
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      River Basin ManagementWater Resource EconomicsRepeated GamesWater Allocation
When speaking about facilitating normal conditions for living and working, in the modern world, water resources are significant. We need to maintain water safety according to the specific environment and particular territory demands.... more
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      Regional Planning/DevelopmentRegional developmentSustainable Water Resources ManagementSustainable Rural Development
This chapter briefly introduces the main policy developments from both France and Australia regarding groundwater management and their particular approach to setting caps, allocating rights and allowing reallocations. It then presents the... more
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      Groundwater ManagementWater Resource EconomicsWater LawWater Markets
The institutional reform of the State established in Ecuador during the last decade has aimed at regaining control of specific sectors such as the consumptive use of water. Since 2014, regulation, consumption, and use of water, especially... more
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    • Water Resource Economics
This book focuses on the current situation of water resources, water supply and sanitation, and population movement in Latin America. It identifies new phenomena and challenges that will put more pressure on water resources in the near... more
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      Water resourcesWater PolicyWater Resource EconomicsWater Supply and Sanitation
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      EconomicsWater Resource EconomicsEconomitricsWater Utility Management
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      Institutional EconomicsCommon PropertyEcological EconomicsQuality of Democracy
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      Water resourcesSustainable Water Resources ManagementDesalinationWater Resource Economics
Within organizations, quality tools are generally used in production to solve problems or to prevent them, but for human resources management these tools are used more rarely or avoided completely. This paper aims to present a study for... more
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      FinanceGeographyEconomicsFinancial Economics
Παρόλο που το νερό είναι πόρος ζωτικής σημασίας για την εύρυθμη λειτουργία της οικονομίας, συνεχίζει να μειώνεται και να υποβαθμίζεται με ρυθμούς μη βιώσιμους. Το πρόβλημα της λειψυδρίας παγκόσμια, όπως και στην Ελλάδα, εντείνεται με την... more
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    • Water Resource Economics
In response to the climate change, hydrologic and environmental changes and increased uncertainties, implication of water resilience in a context of water governance is essential for improved management. This study aims to answer the... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographySocial SciencesClimate ChangeHydrology
Thailand currently ranks third among the most water-intensive countries in the world. The percentage shares of water demand in the country’s agriculture, manufacturing, and service sectors, which are major economic sectors, are 75%, 3%,... more
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      Sustainable Water Resources ManagementWater Resources engineeringWater Resource Economics
The water demand in the upstream and downstream of a transboundary river basin varies based on the water use by the irrigation projects, dam, hydroelectricity, ecosystem, livelihood practices and household activities of the people. The... more
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      Game TheoryWater ConflictsEcosystems ServicesWater Resource Economics
Background: The persistent problem of poor agricultural practices and technology use leads to food insecurity for some farmers in Ghana. Studies show that the adoption of improved agricultural practices and technology may help stabilize... more
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      Energy EconomicsWater Resource Economics
As demands for limited natural resources increase, developing management institutions that ensure the sustainability of such resources is essential. Many natural resources are Common Pool Resources (CPRs), managed under different... more
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      Environmental EconomicsGame TheoryWater resourcesAgent Based Simulation
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    • Water Resource Economics