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Predostreté dielo predstavuje záverečný výstup z riešenia projektu VVGS-2019-1068 s názvom „Blockchain technológia ako činiteľ ovplyvňujúci súčasnú podobu práva“ a bolo vytvorené zároveň ako jeden z čiastkových výstupov z projektu... more
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      BusinessCryptocurrencyVirtual CurrencyDigital Law
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Acquiring and transacting Virtual Goods is now an established practice in online games, social networks and virtual worlds. These goods are in essence, digital code, and have no intrinsic value, yet their perceived value is such that the... more
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      Innovation statisticsVirtual WorldsDigital GoodsVirtual Currency
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      RegulationCurrencyBitcoinVirtual Currency
Bitcoin, also known as a decentralized virtual currency (DVC), is regulated differently in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Canada, and the United States, and represents a vastly underdeveloped area of the law. No country has... more
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      SociologyInformation TechnologyCriminal LawTechnology
A study on the nature of virtual currencies and the challenges for its regulation.
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      MoneyVirtual CurrenciesE-MoneyAlternative Currencies
Penelitian ini dilakukan keberadaan bitcoin sebagai alat pembayaran di Indonesia tidak didukung oleh Bank Indonesia dan menyebabkan kekosongan hukum. Namun dengan pemakaian bitcoin yang semakin mengingkat di Indonesia diperlukan adanya... more
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      ICT policy and regulationBitcoinVirtual Currency
What if one could build a virtual world with effective open borders, in a consensual and cooperative way? The Virternity project proposes a benign and positive outlook to the future of humanity’s adventure into the virtual realm and the... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Virtual CommunitiesTranshumanismVirtual Worlds
Digital currencies, virtual currencies, in-game currencies, etc., have gathered a lot of attention, despite the difficulties of definition, from all corners of society for many years. Cryptocurrency has gained unprecedented attention... more
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A la suite de l'adoption de la loi sur l'économie sociale et solidaire (loi ESS), nous présentons le nouveau cadre juridique des monnaies locales en droit français (p.63 et p.138 pour les Système d'échange locaux). Following the French... more
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      Money and BankingBanking LawVirtual CurrenciesE-Money
Autori v príspevku skúmajú veľmi aktuálnu problematiku zdaňovania virtuálnych mien ako jedného z nových javov, ktoré so sebou prináša oblasť zdaňovania digitálnej ekonomiky. Po klasifikácii nových javov v digitálnej ekonomike sa autori... more
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      LawTax LawTaxationDigital Economy
Central banks seek to meet the public's need for digital currencies, manifested in the increasing use of private virtual currencies, thereby avoiding the more damaging consequences of such private currencies. However, Commercial bank... more
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      Central BanksCentral BankingDigital MoneyDigital Currency
Ecommerce relies on financial institutions to serve as third party to process electronic payments. The traditional model is characterized by the disputable reversible transactions. In developing countries this feature has become a... more
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    • Virtual Currency
Виртуалните валути като икономическо явление са предмет на изследване и от счетоводната наука. Широкото разпространение и популяризиране на виртуалните валути, използвани като платежно средство от предприятията в глобален мащаб поставя... more
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      Financial AccountingManagement AccountingAccounting TheoryIFRS
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      BusinessComputer ScienceLawEconomics
MBA Dissertation During the financial crisis in 2008/2009 a virtual digital currency called Bitcoin was invented. Bitcoin is often named as an alternative to the common official currencies and has already a quite public history as it was... more
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      BitcoinDigital CurrencyVirtual Currency
Lately, there have been many questions from specialists regarding the accountability of cryptocurrency. The lack of a legislation has allowed them to be interpreted as either intangible assets or stocks, even though Romania owns the... more
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      BusinessCryptocurrencyVirtual Currency
The authors focus on identifying possible forms of expressing the legal nature of virtual (digital) currencies, respectively crypto-assets and want to determine the effects of different ways of expressing the legal nature of virtual... more
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      TaxationIncome Tax LawVirtual CurrenciesValue Added Tax
In previous articles I have presented arguments that despite being called a cryptocurrency, it is questionable whether bitcoin is or is not currency for the following reasons: Almost no governments consider bitcoin to be currency, with... more
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      Austrian EconomicsCompetitionCurrencyDigital Currency
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      The VirtualWorld-Game-Simulation-Reality Continuum--gradual steps of added reality/imaginationVirtual CommunitiesVirtual WorldsImmersion and Experience
Bitcoin is a form of a peer to peer digital currency which is created through computer based mining process and stored electronically. Bitcoin is not regulated by any central or monetary authority and is being in circulation since 2009... more
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      BitcoinsCryptocurrencyVirtual CurrencyBitcoin impact on Indian economy
This paper explores the current challenges posed by virtual currencies within the Group of 20 countries. The paper proposes a framework which seeks to balance individual rights of anonymity against state interest in eradicating money... more
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      Financial RegulationVirtual Currency
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      AppliedCryptocurrencyVirtual CurrencyMarket Capitalization
Predostreté dielo predstavuje záverečný výstup z riešenia projektu VVGS-2019-1068 s názvom „Blockchain technológia ako činiteľ ovplyvňujúci súčasnú podobu práva“ a bolo vytvorené zároveň ako jeden z čiastkových výstupov z projektu... more
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      CryptocurrencyVirtual CurrencyDigital LawBlockchain
Predostreté dielo predstavuje záverečný výstup z riešenia projektu VVGS-2019-1068 s názvom „Blockchain technológia ako činiteľ ovplyvňujúci súčasnú podobu práva“ a bolo vytvorené zároveň ako jeden z čiastkových výstupov z projektu... more
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      BusinessCryptocurrencyVirtual CurrencyDigital Law
Virtual currencies have recently emerged at the intersection of Internet and finance, bringing unprecedented innovations in payment systems, money and finance. In particular, Bitcoin is examined as the first example of virtual currency,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMonetary EconomicsGovernmentalityPolitical Science
This article includes personal commentary on the opportunities and challenges pertaining to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies (via email interview) after observing several Senate of Canada hearings on digital currencies in Winter 2015 in... more
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      Information TechnologyCriminal LawTerrorismSecurities Law
Purpose – To explain and draw conclusions from six recent bitcoin and virtual currency regulatory and law enforcement developments. Design/methodology/approach – Discusses and draws conclusions from six recent, important developments: two... more
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      Crypto CurrencyVirtual Currency
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      Crypto CurrencyVirtual Currency
An investment tip from the early days of Bitcoin that still applies today.
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      Forex InvestingInvestingVirtual CurrenciesVirtual Currency
Streszczenie: W ciągu ostatnich kilku lat w rozważaniach nad współczesną gospodarką coraz większą uwagę zaczęto zwracać na waluty wirtualne, a ich znaczenie rośnie ze względu na coraz szersze ich zastosowanie. Pieniądz wirtualny po części... more
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      FinanceEconomicsVirtual economiesVirtual Currency
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      Distributed ComputingSocial NetworksResource sharingVirtual Reality
تعتبر العملة الافتراضية والتسويق الشبكي من المواضيع الحديثة، التي شهدت رواجاً كبيراً في بعض الدول العربية ومنها العراق وعلى الاخص عند الذين يودون الحصول على اموال كثيرة بوقت قصير دون التفكر بالآثار السلبية، ومن هنا جاء الهدف الرئيس لهذا... more
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      MarketingVirtual Currency
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      EthicsPersonaCountermeasuresDigital Currency