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Virtualisation techniques are growing in popularity and importance, given their application to server consolidation and to cloud computing. Remote Attestation is a well-known technique to assess the software integrity of a node. It works... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed Computing
This paper gives a survey of the infrastructure currently being developed in the MUSITECH project. The aim of this project is to conceptualize and implement a computational environment for navigation and interaction in internet-based... more
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      Distributed ComputingObject Oriented ProgrammingVisualizationProduction
In 2005, Oak Ridge National Laboratory received delivery of a 5,294 processor Cray XT3. The XT3 is Cray's third-generation massively parallel processing system. The ORNL system uses a singleprocessor node built around the AMD Opteron and... more
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      Distributed ComputingHigh Performance Computing Applications development for Atmosphere modelingOPERATING SYSTEMPerformance Evaluation
Increasingly users are seen as the weak link in the chain, when it comes to the security of corporate information. Should the users of computer systems act in any inappropriate or insecure manner, then they may put their employers in... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingInformation ManagementInformation
Computer vision algorithms are natural candidates for high performance computing systems. Algorithms in computer vision are characterized by complex and repetitive operations on large amounts of data involving a variety of data... more
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      Computer ArchitectureDistributed ComputingComputer VisionImage Processing
The availability of Smartphones has increased the possibility of self-monitoring to increase physical activity and behavior change to prevent obesity. However self-monitoring on a Smartphtone comes with some challenges such as... more
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    • Distributed Computing
Over the last few years, IEEE 802.16 has been established as one of the most promising solutions for broadband wireless metropolitan area networks. In 2007, the standard was included as one of the radio access technologies for IMT-2000.... more
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      Distributed ComputingNumerical AnalysisComputer CommunicationsBroadband Wireless Access
SIMAP is the abbreviated name for the Intelligent System for Predictive Maintenance. It is a software application addressed to the diagnosis in real-time of industrial processes. It takes into account the information coming in real-time... more
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      Distributed ComputingArtificial IntelligenceCondition MonitoringComputer Software
Information governance as an approach to better govern the use of information within and outside an organization is rapidly gaining popularity. A common and scientific ground for this approach has not yet been formulated. In this article... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingKnowledge ManagementInformation Management
Energy storage is a big problem today in the world for humanity depend on the challenges of conventional storage devices. So the researchers are studying to invent new energy storage devices and materials for many years. The... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingWireless networks
Introduction for second edition / Preface When in 1989 an anonymous reviewer commented on my short paper that “this classification should be extended to description of distributed systems,” (Yet another approach to classification of... more
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      AlgorithmsOperating SystemsFault Tolerant ComputingDistributed Computing
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      Distributed ComputingComputer SoftwareQuality of ServiceReal Time Systems
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      Distributed ComputingBiomedical OpticsOptical CommunicationsCommunications Systems
Basic similarities among the several service-registry standards that exist today suggest the potential for interoperability. Given that service registries are key components inWeb services architectures, interoperability will play an... more
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      Distributed ComputingWeb ServiceIEEE Internet ComputingBusiness to Business
Cloud computing offers an innovative business model to enterprise for IT services consumption and delivery. Software as a Service (SaaS) is one of the cloud offerings that attract organisations as a potential solution in reducing their IT... more
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      Distributed ComputingGrid ComputingInformation TechnologyCloud Computing
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      Distributed ComputingOntologySemantic WebWeb
Information governance as an approach to better govern the use of information within and outside an organization is rapidly gaining popularity. A common and scientific ground for this approach has not yet been formulated. In this article... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingKnowledge ManagementInformation Management
Blockchain is a novel technology that is rising a lot of interest in the industrial and re- search sectors because its properties of decentralisation, immutability and data integrity. Initially, the underlying consensus mechanism has been... more
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      Distributed ComputingInformation SecurityCAP TheoremBlockchains
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      Distributed ComputingMass CustomizationComputer SoftwareManufacturing Engineering
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingFault DetectionComputer Software
ÐEfficient and effective buffering of disk blocks in main memory is critical for better file system performance due to a wide speed gap between main memory and hard disks. In such a buffering system, one of the most important design... more
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      HistoryDistributed ComputingComputer HardwareDatabases
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      Distributed ComputingVisualizationComputational ModelingMultiscale Modeling
Dynamic decision problems constrained by time are of highly-interested in many aspects of real life. This paper proposes a new concept called the Dynamic Interval-valued Neutrosophic Set (DIVNS) for such the dynamic decision-making... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingComputer SoftwareManufacturing Engineering
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingInternet of ThingsWireless
Responsiveness, the ability to provide real time behavior eveninpresence of faults, is becoming one of the most sought after properties in distributed computing systems. We present a framework for ''High-Performance Responsive... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingSoftware EngineeringComputational Modeling
Nowadays, the problems of air pollution, and the non-optimal fuel consumption have become critical in cities. Using speed advisory systems can reduce the effects of those problems. In such systems, a certain speed is recommended to the... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingSensor networksSensor Networks
The purpose of this paper is creating a mobile app on a Smartphone device so that the user can control electronic devices; see the amount of flow that has been used in the amount of dollars, so the problem is the difficulty in saving... more
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      EngineeringDistributed ComputingSmart Home
We present the development and use of a novel distributed geohazard modeling environment for the analysis and interpretation of large scale earthquake data sets. Our work demonstrates, for the first time, how earthquake-related surface... more
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      Distributed ComputingGrid ComputingRemote SensingFinite Element
The ability to describe business processes as executable models has always been one of the fundamental premises of workflow management. Yet, the tacit nature of human knowledge is often an obstacle to eliciting accurate process models. On... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingWorkflowInductive Logic Programming
The containment of power consumption and the use of alternative green sources of energy are the new main goals of telecommunication operators, to cope with the rising energy costs, the increasingly rigid environmental standards, and the... more
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      Distributed ComputingTelecommunication Systems
Task intensive electronic control units (ECUs) in automotive domain, equipped with multicore processors , real time operating systems (RTOSs) and various application software, should perform efficiently and time deterministically. The... more
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      Vlsi DesignOperating SystemsDistributed ComputingParallel Computing
Please cite this article in press as: Gagnon, M. -P., et al. A learning organization in the service of knowledge management among nurses: A case study. International Journal of Information Management (2015), http://dx.
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingNursingKnowledge Management
Matching data distribution to workload distribution is important to improve the performance of distributedmemory multiprocessors. While data and workload distribution can be tailored to fit a particular problem to a particular... more
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      Distributed ComputingDistributed Shared Memory SystemParallel & Distributed ComputingMatrix Multiplication
Network diagnosis, an essential research topic for traditional networking systems, has not received much attention for wireless sensor networks. Existing sensor debugging tools like sympathy or EmStar rely heavily on an add-in protocol... more
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    • Distributed Computing
To exploit a heterogeneous computing (HC) environment, an application task may be decomposed into subtasks that have data dependencies. Subtask matching and scheduling consists of assigning subtasks to machines, ordering subtask execution... more
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      Distributed ComputingGenetic AlgorithmParallel & Distributed ComputingData Dependence
Emerging pervasive information and computational environments require a content-based middleware infrastructure that is scalable, self-managing, and asynchronous. In this paper, we propose associative rendezvous (AR) as a paradigm for... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer Software
A resource allocation framework is presented for spectrum underlay in cognitive radio networks. We consider both interference constraints for primary users and quality of service (QoS) constraints for secondary users. Specifically,... more
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      Distributed ComputingResource AllocationCognitive radioOptimization Problem
This paper provides a complete framework for thread migration using JPDA. In our framework neither we lose portability nor do we insert any artificial code. The system developed based on our framework needs no extra involvement of... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingSoftware ArchitectureVirtual Machines
The frenetic development of the current architectures places a strain on the current state-of-the-art programming environments. Harnessing the full potential of such architectures has been a tremendous task for the whole scientific... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDistributed ComputingParallel ComputingLinear Algebra
E-collaboration and collaborative systems bring geographically dispersed teams together, supporting communication, coordination and cooperation. The paper presents a review of research in the area of creating collaborative application... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingInformation ManagementTaxonomy
We propose a steganalytic algorithm for triangle meshes, based on the supervised training of a classifier by discriminative feature vectors. After a normalization step, the triangle mesh is calibrated by one step of Laplacian smoothing... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceDistributed ComputingComputer Software
The popularity of business process re-engineering (BPR) and its international diffusion from the United States make it important to understand the influence of cultural factors on this concept. The global economic prominence of the... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingInformation TechnologyOrganizational Change
The growing design complexity of today's embedded real-time systems requires new techniques aiming the raising of the abstraction level since earlier stages of design in order to deal with such complexity in a suitable way. This paper... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingSoftware EngineeringObject Oriented Programming
This paper presents a framework that enables the development of Java applications that execute on CPUs, graphics processing units (GPUs) and clusters of CPUs/GPUs. Applications are specified in an OpenMPlike fashion, accessing data... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingComputer Software
Even though listening comprehension is an important language skill in second language learning, it is considered to be the most difficult skill to learn. Besides, the teaching of listening comprehension among primary pupils is often... more
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      PsychologyDistributed ComputingActive Listening
In a (t, n)-threshold multi-secret sharing scheme, several secrets are shared among n participants in such a way that any t (or more) of them can reconstruct the secrets while a group of (t -1) can not obtain any information. Therefore,... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingPublic InformationSecret Sharing
In this paper we discuss the development of a valuation system of asset-liability management of portfolios of life insurance policies on advanced architectures. According to the new rules of the Solvency II project, numerical simulations... more
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      Cognitive ScienceStochastic ProcessComputer ScienceDistributed Computing
The concept of energy-efficient networking has begun to spread in the past few years, gaining increasing popularity. Besides the widespread sensitivity to ecological issues, such interest also stems from economic needs, since both energy... more
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      Distributed ComputingNext Generation NetworksFuture InternetCarbon Footprint
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) is a recently proposed standard that offers different versions of the same media content to adapt the delivery process over the Internet to dynamic bandwidth fluctuations and different user... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceDistributed ComputingComputer Software
The next industrial revolution is said to be paved by the use of novel Internet of Things (IoT) technology. One important aspect of the modern IoT infrastructures is decentralised communication, often called Peer-to-Peer (P2P). In the... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceDistributed Computing