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Signataires du manifeste des Economistes Atterrés en 2010, nous ne nous retrouvons absolument pas dans l’un des articles postés sur le site de l’association et portant sur le monopole bancaire de création monétaire. Ce n’est pas... more
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      Complementary CurrenciesAlternative CurrenciesMonedas ComplementariasCurrency
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      User InnovationTransition TownsStrategic Niche ManagementSustainability Transitions
A study on the nature of virtual currencies and the challenges for its regulation.
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      MoneyVirtual CurrenciesE-MoneyAlternative Currencies
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      Green EconomicsEcological EconomicsBankingMoney and Banking
Bitcoin is a decentralized system of digital authentication that facilitates the circulation of value on the Internet without the presence of any intermediaries, a characteristic that has often gained it the definition of “digital cash” or... more
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      AccountingBiopoliticsCryptographyVirtual Currencies
This research paper looks at a Local Exchange Trading Scheme (LETS) called ‘Puma’ that is being deployed within the Pumarejo neighbourhood in the Spanish city of Seville. The research that is presented focuses on analysing the scheme in... more
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      Local Economic DevelopmentMicropoliticsDeGrowthSteady-State Economy, Degrowth, Ecological Economics, Evolution of Economics, Sustainable Lifestyles, Behavioral Change, Human Development, Evolution of Consciousness, Intentional Communities, Grassroots Movements
This article provides a quality check of the degrowth movement’s proposal of local currencies as tools for advancing socially equitable and ecologically sustainable degrowth. The article draws comprehensively upon mainly English-language... more
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      Environmental ScienceGreen EconomicsEcological EconomicsLocalization
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      System Innovation For SustainabilityGlobal Environmental ChangeMultidisciplinaryAlternative Currencies
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      Gender StudiesSocial EconomyHeterodox EconomicsSolidarity Economy
As well as paying attention to adapting design to the various scales of ecological design for sustainability, members of the emerging natural design movement are addressing a number of diverse and interrelated scale-linking design... more
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      EducationSustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable TransportationRenewable Energy
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    • Alternative Currencies
RESUMEN A partir de nuestro proyecto de investigación, decidimos abordar el estudio de la sustentabilidad de la experiencia del "Banco de Horas Olga Cossettini" a partir de la Carta de la Tierra (2000), una declaración internacional de... more
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      Social EconomyComplementary CurrenciesAlternative CurrenciesSocial and Solidarity Economy and Development
Was bedeutet eigentlich Geldemission? Sie bezeichnet den Prozess der Erzeugung und des erstmaligen Einbringens des Geldes in den Wirtschaftsverkehr – eine Tätigkeit, deren Bedeutung für das Überleben der Gesellschaft kaum überschätzt... more
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      EconomicsFinancial EconomicsOpen Source SoftwarePeer-to-Peer
This paper builds on engagements in community economies thinking with the social and solidarity economy (SSE) by advancing a fourfold conceptualisation of the sector which draws distinctions between (1) social enterprise and social... more
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      Social EnterprisesAlternative CurrenciesWorker recovered enterprisesSocial and Solidarity Economy and Development
In this Commons Transition Special Report, George Dafermos documents the organizational model of one of the most interesting cooperative projects to have emerged in Europe in the age of crisis – the Catalan Integral Cooperative (CIC).... more
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      CommonsCooperativesCommons-Based Peer ProductionLos Bienes Comunes (the Commons)
The economic crisis that broke out in 2007–2008 and the ongoing crisis in the Eurozone has given a new urgency to discussions about alternatives to capitalism, and a new salience to proposals for monetary reform and for grassroots... more
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      Financial CrisisAlternative CurrenciesGreek Financial Crisis
My bachelor's thesis in Tartu University economics department studies Estonian and Brazilian complimentary currencies: motivations and context behind their issuance and their effects on sustainable development.
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      Alternative CurrenciesMonedas ComplementariasMoedas SociaisComplimentary currencies
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      Heterodox EconomicsGreeceLocal CurrenciesAlternative Currencies
Money has gone above and beyond any right, any privilege, any sense of self preservation. It has become stronger than religion, a universal axiom untouchable by defiance and finally, it has become more than stealth. In our present times... more
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      Human RightsAlternative CurrenciesAlternative Economic SystemsEnvironmental preservation
The euro crisis forces us to completely rethink European monetary policy. The European Central Bank’s policy of buying back sovereign debt does not address the real problem: it is only a way of propping up a system that has already... more
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      European StudiesMonetary EconomicsEuropean PoliticsEuropean Union
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      Green EconomicsEcological EconomicsMoneyDeGrowth
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      Social EconomyModern GreeceHeterodox EconomicsSolidarity Economy
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      DeGrowthMonetary ReformComplementary CurrenciesAlternative Currencies
The potential of time currencies to serve as a tool of social change remains relatively unexplored, and yet these alternative currencies make it possible to combine into a single mechanism several different social and environmental goals:... more
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      Democratic TheoryDemocratizationDeliberative DemocracyDemocracy
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      Social EconomyModern GreeceSolidarity EconomyGreece
Rachel O'Dwyer and Stefan Heidenreich in Conversation at Transmediale 2018 Even mainstream economists now seem to maintain that our monetary systems, coupled with global finance, are in crisis as well as in urgent need of innovation. The... more
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      Money and BankingMoneySocial Studies of FinanceBarter
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    • Alternative Currencies
Explores a variety of non-standard moneys, in speculative fiction and in the real world: biological currency, including the leaf currency of Douglas Adams’s The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (1980) and Adam Roberts’s Stone (2002);... more
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      FinanceEconomic SociologyEconomicsEconomic Anthropology
Many books deal with the topic of how to get rich. However, all too often the most important question is left unanswered: Why are so many people poor? Personal circumstances certainly play a part in this, but the way in which modern... more
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      CryptographyMoneyOpen SourceFinancial Crisis
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      ArgentinaSociology of MoneyMoneyAnthropology of Money
Las cuasimonedas argentinas pueden contribuir a evitar problemas para la moneda común europea, plantea el investigador francés que vino a Tucumán para establecer cómo hizo el bono tucumano para sobrevivir a las crisis durante más de 18... more
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      Money and BankingSociology of MoneyComplementary CurrenciesAlternative Currencies
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      Social EconomyValue TheoryModern GreeceHeterodox Economics
The 2015 Special Issue of The International journal of Community Currency Research is available online! The format does not permit me to announce the full issue, which can be found here... more
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      Local Economic DevelopmentHeterodox EconomicsLocal Exchange Trading SystemsFood Prices
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      Gift ExchangeAlternative CurrenciesSmall change, Cowries, Almondscowrie shell
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      NumismaticsBiographyEthnologyAlternative Currencies
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      Alternative CurrenciesFinancing Alternatives
This is the presentation of the paper for the Conference "Intersections of Finance & Society" that was held in London on 3-4.11.2016.
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      Feminist EconomicsMonetary EconomicsFeminist TheoryCommons
Since its creation in 2009, Bitcoin1 has risen to be the first and most popular cryptocurrency in the world and has led to the development of many other alternative cryptocurrencies (or Altcoins) looking to stake their claim in a new and... more
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      International EconomicsInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational Studies
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      Social EconomyModern GreeceHeterodox EconomicsSolidarity Economy
Chapter 7 of A New Social Question (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2016).
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      Political TheoryBiopoliticsHeterodox EconomicsAlternative Currencies
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      TerminologyModern GreeceHeterodox EconomicsGreece
The sustainability transitions literature seeks to explain the conditions under which technological innovations can diffuse and disrupt existing socio-technical systems through the successful scaling up of experimental ‘niches’; but... more
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      System Innovation For SustainabilityAlternative CurrenciesCommunity CurrenciesLocal Currency
Paper published at Organisation Studies, 2018 - Online first. Abstract This article discusses solidarity economy initiatives as instances of grassroots... more
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      Feminist EconomicsFeminist TheoryValuesCritical Management Studies
In this brief monograph, I weigh the advantages and difficulties of the world adopting a universal currency. I do this bearing in mind three key economic factors 1. The function of reserve currencies and their history 2. Historical... more
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      HistoryEconomicsMonetary EconomicsInternational Relations
To what extent will social topics like health, housing and family help people to become aware of their pension? This study investigates the use of a social currency as a source for complementary pension provision, measuring and saving the... more
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      Pensions and retirement incomeComplementary CurrenciesAlternative CurrenciesSocial Security and Pension Policies
... 12 . Gesell's purpose was to help workers face a monetary system which was allocating wealth away from its poor producers, but as Dillard states, his theory does not explain its practical proposition 13 . Keynes had almost the... more
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      Economic TheorySocial EconomyModern GreeceHeterodox Economics