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This practice-based doctoral research explores the nature of the feral, as manifested in an object-based installation practice of contemporary art that scavenges - physically, socially and metaphorically - in the gap between defined... more
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      Installation ArtContemporary ArtPosthumanismGentrification
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      AutonomyPeter KropotkinMutual AidDavid Graeber
Der unauflösbaren Verknüpfung von Stadt und Migration widmen sich Sheri Avraham und Niki Kubaczek. Sie entwerfen die Stadt als Stätte der Vielen und zeigen, wie durch die Autonomie der Migration die „Festung Europa“ unaufhaltsam in Frage... more
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      Urban StudiesMicropoliticsMigration StudiesUndercommons
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      Creative CitiesRace and EthnicityCreative CommonsGentrification
Erik Bordeleau characterizes the political collective the Invisible Committee as a revolutionary and literary force entangled within a complex field of power relations. He asserts that the collective configures a politics of enunciation... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesSocial TheoryPolitical Philosophy
Propositions for Non-Fascist Living: Tentative and Urgent begins from an urgent need to outline the contours of what living in non-fascist ways could mean in uncertain times, when the resurgence of fascism violates the infrastructures and... more
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      Political PhilosophyArchitectureArt TheoryCommons
"Widespread perceptions of ‘crises’ of higher education call for the challenge of re-imagining and re-composing it. Recognizing that this is no easy task, I resist simplifying solutions that tend to suppress the complexity of the... more
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      Political TheoryHigher EducationCommonsAnarchism
in: Texte zur Kunst, Heft Nr. 113, Thema 'Diskriminierung', März, 2019, S. 75-90 Mit dem Einzug der AfD in den Bundestag sind Diskriminierung, Rassismus, Misogynie und Xenophobie wieder salonfähig geworden. Umso mehr gilt es, derlei... more
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      Philosophy Of RaceAffect TheoryAffect (Cultural Theory)Etienne Balibar
in: Art of the Working Class, Issue 10, February 2020
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      Affect TheoryEtienne BalibarKritische MigrationsforschungSara Ahmed
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      Dance StudiesMarxismCommonsPost-Marxism
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      RefugeesQuilombosVodouécologie Politique
Advocates of 'slow scholarship' have called for building relations of care and solidarity across the university. But, when academia is romanticized, the possibilities for these relations are limited. To de-romanticize academia, we frame... more
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      Higher EducationFeminismEquity and Social Justice in Higher EducationHigher Education Policy
Das spekulative Handbuch bietet vielfältige Techniken für ein radikales Lernen und Vermitteln. Es umfasst konkrete Anleitungen, Erfahrungen und theoretische Überlegungen. Die Texte beteiligen sich an der Konzeption einer Vermittlung, die... more
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      Teaching and LearningMedia StudiesPerforming ArtsDidactics
Duke University was founded on tobacco wealth, and now it has a tobacco-free campus. How should we understand this change? How can communities around this university, and higher education broadly, reckon with our historical and ongoing... more
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      Cultural StudiesPolitical TheoryHigher EducationTobacco
Finance is not primarily about monetary value but rather social-political design – a mode of coordinating emergent potentialities through the design of collective attractors. What type of futures can be called into being through a... more
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      Critical TheoryFinanceEconomicsPolitical Economy
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      CommonsAlternative EconomiesCooperativesUrban Political Economy
Dialogues and essays exploring collaboration in artist collective & self-organized cultural production During the industrial revolution artisans and craft workers sparked struggles against exploitation while the force of law drove unions... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial TheoryArt HistoryImprovisation
How can we deal with the apparent contradiction between the normative ideals of critical theory and the practice of the current university system? To answer this question, I consult three classical criticisms of the university system: At... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical PhilosophyJacques RancièreAcademia Research
This conversation was conducted on the occasion of the Spanish translation of The Undercommons done by Cristina Rivera Garza, Marta Malo and Juan Pablo Anaya and published by Cooperative Cráter Invertido and La Campechana Mental. The... more
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      UndercommonsStefano HarneyFred Moten
I theorize how the common sense of racialized violence, manifest in public discourse, is engendered by the rhetorical process of racial sedimentation. This meaning-making process fashions a seemingly legitimate text from a reservoir of... more
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      Cultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesRhetoricViolence
The unprecedented global intertwining of pandemic and revolt have disrupted the present and future of the social-economic order. This crisis of power opens new possibilities for non-sovereign life and action. This strange here and now is... more
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      Ethnic StudiesCritical Race TheoryContemporary French PhilosophyGiorgio Agamben
Das spekulative Handbuch bietet vielfältige Techniken für ein radikales Lernen und Vermitteln. Es umfasst konkrete Anleitungen, Erfahrungen und theoretische Überlegungen. Die Texte beteiligen sich an der Konzeption einer Vermittlung, die... more
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      Teaching and LearningMedia StudiesPerforming ArtsDidactics
Vor der Nationalisierung des Zusammenhalts. Urbane Undercommons und die Kämpf um die transversalen Verbindungen. Die Kritik am nationalisierten Zusammenhalt und eurozentrischen Diskurs darf damit nicht in die Falletappen, dessen... more
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      Political TheoryTransnationalismPostcolonial StudiesCommons
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      Black/African DiasporaScience FictionRefugeesSocial Cybernetics
2014 é o ano do centenario de Abdias do Nascimento e de Carolina Maria de Jesus. Com relação ao legado destes dois autores, centrais na construção de um imaginario “fugitive” para a experiencia politica e estetica da negritude na... more
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      AntiblacknessUndercommonsCarolina Maria de JesusAbdias do Nascimento
A proposal to the worlds regarding how to approach the concept, phenomenon, and institutions of education. I offer a brief history of education, locating its origins in the Inquisitions and Witch Hunts of Europe and detail its... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySocial MovementsGeography
A Perícia Popular no Centro Histórico de Salvador foi um espaço de colaboração urbana desenvolvido, entre 2016 e 2019, na cidade de Salvador, Bahia (Brasil). Inspirada nas ideias de "estudo negro" e "planejamento fugitivo" de Harney &... more
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      Salvador - BahiaHousing StudiesEvictionsGeografia Urbana
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      Indigenous StudiesCuratorial Practice (Art)Land-Grant UniversitiesUndercommons
The CCC is the Research-based Master Program of the Visual Arts Department at HEAD. The academic year 2017/18 of CCC will embark on the plurality of " research practises " in the field of research-led processes in the arts. In that frame,... more
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      Critical TheoryArt TheoryMachine LearningResearch Methodology
A proposal to the worlds regarding how to approach the concept, phenomenon, and institutions of education. I offer a brief history of education, locating its origins in the Inquisitions and Witch Hunts of Europe and detail its... more
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      HistorySocial MovementsGeographyHuman Geography
This paper is a theoretical discussion of The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Study (Harney & Moten, 2013) as a contribution to critical education in public schools. The undercommons serves here as an epistemic device, or a way... more
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      EducationInclusionSocial Justice in EducationSocial Exclusion
It has been two years that Germany's and Austria's governments opened their borders following the pressure of migration movements. Since then, a lot has changed, and not much for the better. Did the demarcations and enclosures of the... more
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      Social SciencesBorder StudiesRefugee StudiesCommons
Constructive Thinking – Mikropolitiken experimenteller Praktiken Konzept: Julia Bee, Gerko Egert, Stefan Hölscher 28.-29.9.17; Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Berkaerstraße 1, R 003 Infos, Text und Anmeldung unter:... more
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      Research Methods and MethodologyCritical PedagogyCreative Research MethodsAffect (Cultural Theory)
in: Texte zur Kunst, Issue 113, Discrimination, March 2019, pp. 74-91 When the Alternative for Germany (AfD) won seats in the German parliament, discrimination, racism, misogyny, and xenophobia moved from the fringes to the center of... more
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      Race and RacismMigration StudiesAffect TheoryEtienne Balibar
In reflecting on new sociabilities and communities, Christoph Brunner and Gerald Raunig ask how individuals “enter into composition with one another in order to form a higher individual, ad infinitum,” and how a being “can take another... more
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      CommonsJean-Luc NancyGilbert SimondonIndividuation
Short paper in Inflexions Issue 8 "Radical Pedagogies" 2015
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      Process PhilosophyUndercommonsArt Theory; Practice of Painting
Migration scholars, and the universities and institutions who fund them, at times neglect to address the ways in which the traces of the imperial past, and references to the 'post' colonial serve to obfuscate and legitimize discriminatory... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyMigrationPost-ColonialismMigration Studies
Un spectre hante le ronronnement désormais gentiment consensuel de la théorisation des communs : le spectre des undercommons. Ce fantôme est encore diaphane en France, où il ne se montre qu'exceptionnellement. Dans le monde anglo-saxon,... more
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      Philosophie politiqueUndercommonsIncompletudes
The paper employs a logistical analytic to highlight convergences and conflicts between different processes of spatialisation, and the mechanisms of resistance and subtraction that invest them. The spaces with which the paper deals are... more
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      AgribusinessSpace and PlaceMigrationLogistics
Das spekulative Handbuch bietet vielfältige Techniken für ein radikales Lernen und Vermitteln. Es umfasst konkrete Anleitungen, Erfahrungen und theoretische Überlegungen. Die Texte beteiligen sich an der Konzeption einer Vermittlung, die... more
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      Teaching and LearningMedia StudiesPerforming ArtsDidactics
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      PataphysicsCapitalismUtopiaRene Daumal
A proposal to the worlds regarding how to approach the concept, phenomenon, and institutions of education. I offer a brief history of education, locating its origins in the Inquisitions and Witch Hunts of Europe and detail its... more
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      HistorySocial MovementsGeographyBlack Studies Or African American Studies
The following text has a couple of authors – some of them formulated these sentences which are a result of processing the propositions of others. It is the product of what might be called social cooperation, if the meaning of this term,... more
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      EducationCommonsArt and LabourUndercommons
Advocates of ‘slow scholarship’ have called for building relations of care and solidarity across the university. This requires tracing how academia’s unequal temporal architecture makes some people’s temporally privileged situations... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsHigher EducationFeminism
When thinking about how to 'decolonize' the classroom, and more specifically how we can embrace emotions and create open, transformative spaces, our point of departure must always be the realization that we, students and lecturers, are... more
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      EducationDiversityBlack Feminist Theory/ThoughtSolidarity
PhD Thesis – Abstract & Content
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      Critical design practiceMicropoliticsAffect TheoryAffect (Cultural Theory)
This paper proposes some reflections on the notions of “use” and “dispossession”, attempting to identify enabling points of convergence between the two. Dispossession carries within itself an aporia. While, on one hand, it connotes a mode... more
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      Giorgio AgambenMicropoliticsJudith ButlerAffect Theory
Students are 'universally' subjected to debt and financialisation; a subjectivation which has most recently defined the University of Auckland student movement. This movement currently consists of two intersecting groups: Reclaim... more
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      FinanceSociologyMarxismTransgender Studies
With the climate of Brexit, xenophobia and white supremacy on the rise, health and safety of Black and Global Majority people under threat during the spread of Covid in the UK and elsewhere, a discussion of colonialism, migration,... more
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      Feminist TheoryPerformance StudiesCritical PedagogyRacial and ethnic discrimination