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"Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos opens the book with his latest contribution to his comprehensive project of re-theorising spatial justice with a piece titled ‘Spatial Justice in a World of Violence’. Through a close reading of the... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographyVisual Studies
Offering a radical re-evaluation of current approaches to performer training, this is a text that equips readers with a set of new ways of thinking about and ultimately 'doing' training. Stemming from his extensive practice and... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesPosthumanismSituated Cognition
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) CAPACIOUS YORK UNIVERSITY Margaryta Golovchenko How can one simultaneously desire and fear a color? Moreover, how can this color function as an affect in a text that is completely devoid of... more
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      Contemporary ArtColour TheoryContemporary LiteratureAffect Theory
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      Affect TheoryAffect (Cultural Theory)Ottoman Book PaintingPersian and Indian Miniature Painting
This book was produced in a Book Sprint at the Senselab, Concordia's Distributing the Insensible event in December 2016. It's an attempt to explain the anarchive in a useful and practical way, for a lot of different contexts outside the... more
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      Open Access PublishingCultural TheoryArchivesAlternative Economies
One of Hasidism's most striking features is its centralization and intensification of emotional experiences within devotional life. The unruly ecstasy and enthusiasm characteristic of such a revivalist mystical movement, which often is... more
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      LawLegal TheoryPhilosophy of EmotionAffect Theory
A short essay on the intersection of affect theory and critical secularism studies.

Originally published as part of The Immanent Frame's "A Universe of Terms" project. (
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionModernity
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      Intellectual HistoryClassicsAristotleHistory of Medicine
In her review of my book, Weili Zhao sheds a new light on what it means to study like a communist, particularly by focusing on the concept of the encounter and the dao movement. In this response, I build on her insights by proposing that... more
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Gezellig in Dutch, hygge in Danish, gemütlich in German. A nice atmosphere. The general togetherness which gives people a warm feeling. “Said to make homes nicer and people happier.” “The feeling of comfort. A mood.” These words are... more
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      ArchitecturePopular CultureModern ArchitectureAffect Theory
This paper maps the intersection of affect theory with literature and art through the revision of the question of representation. I argue that affect theory reinvigor-ates the problematic of representation by turning it into a debate... more
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      OntologyLiteratureAffect TheoryAffect (Cultural Theory)
1 Security affects In this paper we explore the relations between affect and security through a case study of how events are governed through a specific apparatus of security,`UK civil contingencies' and through a specific technique for... more
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      BiopoliticsAffect TheoryAffect (Cultural Theory)Biopower and Biopolitics
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryPsychologyPhilosophy of Mind
The affective economy and its management has become an important site for the neoliberal subjects success. The management of affects ties directly in with understandings of health if we look at the concept of “stress.” Stress is both a... more
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      MindfulnessNeoliberalismAffect TheorySlow Death
Shame has typically been understood as a negative emotion, a view which is prevalent in individualist, psychologising discourses about human experience. Elspeth Probyn’s approach to shame departs significantly from these tropes. As... more
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      Shame TheoryAffect TheoryGuilt/shame (Psychology)Affect (Cultural Theory)
Arundhati Roy’s The Ministry of Utmost Happiness (2017) is set in India in the period spanning the 20th century to the first decade of the 21st century. It focuses on many instances of state-induced violence in these times like the... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesSouth Asian StudiesGender and SexualityAffect Theory
This article examines Teresa of Avila's understanding of the relationship between spiritual dryness, intellectual frustration, and shame. It argues that Teresa presents these experiences as interconnected, as well as spiritually and... more
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      Shame TheoryAffect TheoryTeresa of AvilaContemplative Prayer
Taking as starting point texts by poet and activist Patricia Heras, philosopher Marina Garcés, and artist Mireia Sallarès, this article will focus on the affective value of spaces in the public sphere. Heras, Garcés and Sallarès converge... more
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      Affect TheoryAffect (Cultural Theory)Marina GarcésCulture and Space Studies
Focusing on the moment when social unrest takes hold of a populace, Law and Disorder offers a new account of sovereignty with an affective theory of public order and protest. In a state of unrest, the affective architecture of the... more
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      Critical Legal TheoryLegal TheoryProtestSocial movements and revolution
Departing from Levinas, this paper will address the significance of shame in contemporary discourse in order to approach what could be called its ethical intrigue. Focusing on its political, social and phenomenological implications, I... more
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      EthicsPhenomenologyContinental PhilosophyLiterary Theory
Introductory essay to The Polish Journal of Aesthetics, special issue on 'The Affective Aesthetics of the Body in Pain', co-edited by Luz Mar González-Arias and Monika Glosowitz.
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      LiteratureMedical HumanitiesThe BodyAffect Theory
This article proposes an interdisciplinary framework designed to analyse discourse, affect and surveillance. By revisiting the "omniopticon" (the many watching the many) and proposing “civeillance” as an affective dynamic of surveillance... more
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesNew MediaCritical Discourse Studies
Breathing and politics are not usually considered relevant to one another. Is it therefore possible to engage with breathing as a force of social justice? What kinds of atmospheres can corpomaterial dynamics of breathing help envision for... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesFeminist TheoryCritical Disability Studies
Fall 2018
University of Colorado Denver
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      Queer TheoryGender and SexualityRace and EthnicityContinental Philosophy
In 1992, Gilles Deleuze established a frame to analyze new taxonomies of power, based less on disciplinary power than on “free-floating” control. Tech- nologically, this novel society of control breaks from disciplinary societies that... more
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      AlgorithmsMedia StudiesSecurityDeleuze
Why do many inequalities concerning gender and sexuality prevail, even in countries that rank highly in equality measurements and where demands for equality are widely supported? This book stems from the assumptions that intimate... more
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      Research MethodologyQualitative methodologyGender and SexualityGender Equality
Ethics and Affects in the Fiction of Alice Munro explores the representation of embodied ethics and affects in Alice Munro’s writing. The collection illustrates how Munro’s short stories powerfully intersect with important theoretical... more
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      EthicsDisability StudiesEmbodimentShame Theory
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      Film StudiesDigital CulturePostmodernismCritical Media Studies
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      Critical TheoryEuropean StudiesPerforming ArtsTheatre Studies
Throughout Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, the novel’s eponymous heroine spends much of her day reflecting on the formative experiences she had at Bourton one eventful summer, during which she fell in love with Sally Seton, ended her... more
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      Affect TheoryAffect/EmotionVirginia Woolf StudiesTeresa Brennan
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      Everyday AestheticsEveryday Life StudiesGilles DeleuzeAffect Theory
Drawing on the ongoing dialogue between current music video scholarship and a cultural turn to affect, this article argues for an approach to affective aesthetics that focuses on both the aesthetically and theoretically generative work of... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicAestheticsMedia Studies
Erschienen in: Versammlung und Teilhabe, Transcript 2014
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      Social MovementsPerformance StudiesSwarm IntelligenceSocial Media
An increasingly popular view in scholarly literature and public debate on implicit biases holds that there is progressive moral potential in the discomfort that liberals and egalitarians feel when they realize they harbor implicit biases.... more
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      DiscriminationAffective NeuroscienceAffect TheoryAffect/Emotion
This article traces the evolution of the affect of pudore (a sense of modesty, restraint, and privacy) in the literary production of Primo Levi, with references to the works of other Italian Holocaust survivor-writers. Beyond the... more
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      Modern HistoryItalian StudiesShame TheoryHistory Of Emotions
This paper examines uses of theatre for practice-based, collaborative, research. It brings a review of existing work and reflections on my own practice into dialogue with participatory geographies, studies of affect and geographies of... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyCultural GeographySocial Geography
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      Critical TheoryEmotionContemporary LiteratureAffect Theory
The concept of soft power occupies a prominent place in International Relations, foreign policy, and security studies. Primarily developed by Joseph S. Nye, the concept is typically drawn upon to emphasize the more intangible dimensions... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisAestheticsCritical Discourse Studies
“Den affektive vending" har en særlig historisk og filosofisk forbindelse til kønsforskning. Begreber som følelse og affekt skriver sig således ind i kønsforskningens diskussion om forholdet mellem essentialisme og konstruktivisme. Men... more
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      Affect TheoryAffect (Cultural Theory)
We are delighted to announce the publication of Mad Futures: Affect/Theory/Violence in American Quarterly, Volume 69, Number 2, June 2017, pp. 291-302 Edited by Tanja Aho, Liat Ben-Moshe, and Leon Hilton Table of contents: Mad Futures:... more
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      Disability StudiesCritical Race TheoryAffect TheoryAffect (Cultural Theory)
Absent-space: Areas unmarked by articulation or determination. The "absence" may be physical (existing on subterranean levels), historical (gaps or caesuras of archived narratives) or epistemological (the absent source from unexplained... more
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      Critical TheoryTheatre StudiesSelf and IdentityDesign (Theatre Studies)
This article takes James Baldwin’s only children’s book, Little Man, Little Man: A Story of Childhood, as a starting point to explore his theorizations of music, affect, and childhood. Based loosely on the lives of his nephew and niece as... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesPopular Music StudiesPopular MusicAffect Theory
Adelaide Central School of Art
Bachelor of Visual Art - Honours, 2015
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      Contemporary ArtAffect TheoryAbstract PaintingVisual Arts
This talk starts from the presumption that the quantum challenge, as a set of philosophical questions, was a dialogue far beyond the discipline of physics. Quantum sociologist Gabriel Tarde, and philosophers Henri Bergson and Alfred North... more
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      Future StudiesQuantum PhysicsInternational RelationsTerrorism
This thesis explores the potential of shame as intersubjective affect through three filmic representations of queer shyness in widely divergent cinematic texts: Tom Ford’s high-profile US film adaptation of Christopher Isherwood’s novel A... more
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      Film TheoryQueer TheoryAffect TheoryFilm-phenomenology