Affect Studies
Recent papers in Affect Studies
"Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos opens the book with his latest contribution to his comprehensive project of re-theorising spatial justice with a piece titled ‘Spatial Justice in a World of Violence’. Through a close reading of the... more
This article addresses the recent attempts to integrate evolutionary history in the US national narrative. Focusing on the cultural, legal, and scientific controversy over Kennewick Man, the ancient human remains discovered in Washington... more
From sites like Hollaback! and Everyday Sexism, which document instances of street harassment and misogyny, to social media-organized movements and communities like #MeToo and #BeenRapedNeverReported, feminists are using participatory... more
Educational research shows a growing interest in "affect as pedagogy", a concept grounded in feminist studies, which focuses on the relationality and materiality of affect. This article addresses the becoming of affect as pedagogy,... more
"'Performance, the Body, the Home: Documentary Cinema in Israel-Palestine' is a major contribution to understanding 21st-century transnational film history. Looking at key documentary films by Arab and Mizrahi filmmakers living within the... more
From February 2020 to the end of 2021, China's state-controlled media focused on creating its "victorious" narrative of combating the COVID-19 pandemic. This article focuses on two high-profile and COVID-19-themed TV series that aim to... more
This paper suggests that the use of the concept " affective labour " in media and communication studies is a way to approach media as instances that do affective labour. On the one hand, affective labour addresses contemporary changes of... more
During the Government of the “Citizen Revolution,” innovative spaces of relationship between the State and civil society crossed by the affective were introduced to Ecuadorian politics. The affective atmospheres configured in these... more
Even if emotions and pathos were a major part of Aristotle, Cicero and Quintilian’s teachings on rhetoric, the twentieth-century professionalization of the field of argumentation as an academic discipline had the consequence of... more
One of the most prevalent ways in which power works in education is by separating out and segmenting knowledge areas so that their corresponding synergies and connective augmentations are nullified. This article takes secondary English... more
This chapter explores the emotional economies of police brutality, particularly the psychological and libidinal mechanisms involved in restoring white male police power that has been threatened.
When bodies and minds cease to function in silence, everyday lives get disrupted and self-understandings unsettled. We wonder whether we are ill, what ails us, and how it will affect the immediate or long-term future. Through the... more
This thesis reviews the ways in which female masculinity is defined, organized and ignored in dominant discourse. The objective is to demonstrate that female masculinity can be deemed a valuable category well beyond the borders of the... more
Studie pojednává o estetice absence a zárodečně postmoderních strategiích uplatňovaných v povídce Richarda Weinera „Prázdná židle“ (1916), a to jak z hlediska narativní analýzy, tak na základě východisek filozofie médií a vizuální... more
Fall 2018
University of Colorado Denver
University of Colorado Denver
This article emerges from one collaboration with Palestinian clinicians while presenting the work of Frantz Fanon to a group of training clinicians in the Maana Center of EMMS Nazareth Hospital in Nazareth (al‐Nasirah). Reading and... more
This paper presents a pilot study of the "feeling map", a tool for planning and urban design in neighborhood areas. It develops and makes operational Alexander's conception of feeling as a central criterion for well-adapted environments,... more
This edited volume maps the field between the history of emotions and capitalism. It asks how bodies and affects are formed in liberal market societies? And, conversely, what roles do affects and bodies play in the genesis, stabilization... more
This article traces the evolution of the affect of pudore (a sense of modesty, restraint, and privacy) in the literary production of Primo Levi, with references to the works of other Italian Holocaust survivor-writers. Beyond the... more
This paper examines uses of theatre for practice-based, collaborative, research. It brings a review of existing work and reflections on my own practice into dialogue with participatory geographies, studies of affect and geographies of... more
The concept of soft power occupies a prominent place in International Relations, foreign policy, and security studies. Primarily developed by Joseph S. Nye, the concept is typically drawn upon to emphasize the more intangible dimensions... more
This article engages with the activities of the alternative international media centre FC/MC which was established and operated during the 2017 G20-Summit in Hamburg. Rather than following established narratives on alternative media or... more
This talk starts from the presumption that the quantum challenge, as a set of philosophical questions, was a dialogue far beyond the discipline of physics. Quantum sociologist Gabriel Tarde, and philosophers Henri Bergson and Alfred North... more
In the mid-twentieth century, psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark conducted their famous "doll test" in which they asked African American children whether they preferred black or white dolls. Most children identified white dolls as... more
Pulitzer prize-winning playwright Suzan-Lori Parks's Venus (1990) presents versions of love that problematize its construct as a straightforward process of discovering a subject's stable, knowable interior. Drawing upon a range of... more
Sovereign Attachments rethinks sovereignty by moving it out of the exclusive domain of geopolitics and legality and into cultural, religious, and gender studies. Through a close reading of a stunning array of cultural texts produced by... more
_The Physiology of Love and Other Writings_ is the first English annotated collection of Mantegazza’s selected works. In my extensive introductory essay, Mantegazza’s hybrid contributions from fiction, travel-writing, and ethnography to... more
Die Zeitschrift wird von der Forschungsstelle Kultur-und Kollektivwissenschaft herausgegeben oder in ihrem Auftrag von wechselnden Gastherausgebern betreut. Die Forschungsstelle ist eine wissenschaftliche Einrichtung an der Fakultät für... more
This paper takes as its context widespread feelings of anxiety within neoliberal society caused by a combination of material and discursive factors including precarious access to work and resources. It is argued that the state uses... more
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the social problem of depression from a multi-theoretical perspective. It explores depression through the lens of two psychologically based theories of human behavior, existential theory and... more
In Moving Environments: Affect, Emotion, Ecology, and Film, international scholars investigate how films portray human emotional relationships with the more-than-human world and how such films act upon their viewers’ emotions. Emotion and... more
This paper is a critical reading of the affective and emotional geographies imagined in the "Islands" plot-line of Shubhangi Swarup's novel Latitudes of Longing (2018). The paper argues that Swarup presents the case of a rethinking... more
This subject involves the study of theory and empirical research in social and political relations, culture and ideology, and human subjectivity and action. Students who complete this subject should possess an awareness of the ways in... more
This essay is an attempt to do an intellectual history, one of affect theory both within and without biblical studies, as an ecology of thought. It is an “archive of feelings,” a series of thematic portraits, and a description of the... more
Wie verändert sich die herrschende Auffassung von Familie, wenn neuerdings auch Lesben, Schwule und Trans* vermehrt Kinder haben? Wie wird gesellschaftspolitisch debattiert, wer sich als Familie auszeichnet? In dieser ethnografischen... more
En ce début d'année 2016 nous disposons de trois ouvrages, issus des meilleurs spécialistes du sujet, dans l'inscription de trois écoles historiques sur l'histoire des émotions au Moyen Âge : l'école française (Damien Boquet et Piroska... more
Created in 1957, the well-known English children's book character Paddington Bear is the product of a dizzying number of displacements. Author Michael Bond (1926-2017) was inspired to make Paddington an undocumented migrant by World War... more