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Gender and Politics


Fall 2018 University of Colorado Denver

gender+politics ren hang, untitled GENDER AND POLITICS: AFFECT PSCI 4564/5008 Tuesdays 5-7.50 North 1313 Prof. Chad Shomura chad.shomura@ucdenver.edu Oice hours: 2p-3p on Tuesdays and Wednesdays or by appointment The past few decades have seen a multidisciplinary explosion of studies and theories of afect (along with family concepts such as emotion, feeling, mood, sensation, and intensity). Numerous genealogies of afect have emerged, each with diferent origins, stakes, and oversights. This course explores afect as it has been theorized from, with, and apart from gender in its intersections with race, class, sexuality, and coloniality. Rather than pinpointing a deinition of afect, we will trace its iterations, inlections, and transformations. We will discuss how the texts open space for feeling, thinking, and living otherwise. ambivalently yours, feeling out loud viii REQUIRED TEXTS Gloria Anzaldúa, BORDERLANDS/LA FRONTERA: THE NEW MESTIZA Lauren Berlant, CRUEL OPTIMISM Jack (Judith) Halberstam, THE QUEER ART OF FAILURE Audre Lorde, SISTER OUTSIDER: ESSAYS AND SPEECHES Claudia Rankine, CITIZEN: AN AMERICAN LYRIC Juana María Rodríguez, SEXUAL FUTURES, QUEER GESTURES, AND OTHER LATINA LONGINGS Christina Sharpe, IN THE WAKE: ON BLACKNESS AND BEING Kathleen Stewart, ORDINARY AFFECTS RECOMMENDED TEXT Jack Halberstam and Tavia Nyong’o (editors), WILDNESS, South Atlantic Quarterly Vol 117, No 3 (July 2018) All other texts will be available on Canvas barton, lord among wolves iii READING RESPONSES 30% Five responses to major readings (e.g. a journal article, a book chapter, a book) of your choice. You have two tasks: (1) accurately summarize the main argument, theme, or narrative; and (2) discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and potential of one of the ideas, preferably in connection with other readings in the class. Responses must be 1-2 pages long. Discuss important passages but do not quote at length. Email responses to me by 3pm on the day in which we discuss that text. PRESENTATION RESPONSES 30% Three responses to presentations of your choice. Your response should (1)identify at least one of the presenter’s ideas that has reshaped your understanding of the material (2)develop a substantial response to one of the presenter’s questions Presentation responses must be 2-3 pages long. Be sure to reference speciic passages from the texts. Email responses to me within 48 hours ater the presentation. I will forward your response to the presenter. FINAL PAPER 40% One 10-12 page inal paper that critically and/or experimentally engages a major theme in the course. REQUIREMENTS FOR PSCI 4564 PRESENTATION+DISCUSSION FACILITATION One 15-20 minute presentation that (1)briely summarizes the main argument, theme, or narrative of the readings (no more than 5 minutes) (2)critically engages a few rich points through close textual analysis (3)develops questions for discussion Ater presenting, you will facilitate discussion for roughly one hour. Please print copies of your presentation for everyone in the class. REQUIREMENTS FOR PSCI 5008 SEMINAR PAPER One 15-20 page paper that critically and/or experimentally engages a major theme in the course OR develops your graduate research through the lens of afect OR upon revision ater the semester, will be submitted to Capacious: Journal for Emerging Afect Inquiry for possible publication. MOOD WORK This class seeks to cultivate sensitivity to afect in our lives and dexterity in writing about and from feelings. We will begin each class with a 10-15 minute free-write session (please bring paper and a pencil or pen). Some examples of what you might write about: an emotion that has been gripping you; a mood that is circulating in the city, in the news, in your body; a strange yet forceful event or happening; or a particularly alluring detail. moonassi, across the universe AUGUST // 21 +Melissa Gregg and Gregory J Seigworth, “An Inventory of Shimmers” +Audre Lorde, SISTER OUTSIDER AUGUST // 28 +Gloria Anzaldúa, BORDERLANDS/LA FRONTERA SEPTEMBER // 4 +Sara Ahmed, “Happy Objects” +Sara Ahmed, “Feminist Killjoys” +Ann Cvetkovich, “Depression Is Ordinary: Public Feelings and Saidiya Hartman’s Lose Your Mother” +José Esteban Muñoz, “Feeling Brown, Feeling Down: Latina Afect, the Performativity of Race, and the Depressive Position” +Johanna Hedva, “Sick Woman Theory” SEPTEMBER // 11 +Lauren Berlant, “On Her Book Cruel Optimism” +Lauren Berlant, CRUEL OPTIMISM (1-120) Recommended +Gregory J Seigworth, “Reading Lauren Berlant Writing” +Kathleen Stewart, “Pockets” SEPTEMBER // 18 +Jack Halberstam, THE QUEER ART OF FAILURE tomoko kashiki, untitled SEPTEMBER // 25 +Lauren Berlant, CRUEL OPTIMISM (121-222) +Eve Sedgwick, “Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading, or, You’re So Paranoid You Probably Think This Essay is About You” OCTOBER // 2 +Lee Edelman, NO FUTURE (1-32) +José Esteban Muñoz, CRUISING UTOPIA (1-32) +Heather Love, FEELING BACKWARD (1-30) +Kara Keeling, “Looking for M—: Queer Temporality, Black Political Possibility, and Poetry from the Future” OCTOBER // 9 +Gilles Deleuze, “Spinoza and Us” +Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, “Becoming-Intense, BecomingAnimal, Becoming-Imperceptible…” from A THOUSAND PLATEAUS: CAPITALISM AND SCHIZOPHRENIA (237-265, 272-286, 291-294) +Gregory J Seigworth, “From Afection to Soul” OCTOBER // 16 +Brian Massumi, “The Autonomy of Afect” +Kathleen Stewart, ORDINARY AFFECTS OCTOBER // 23 +Claudia Rankine, CITIZEN: AN AMERICAN LYRIC +Lauren Berlant, “Claudia Rankine” wangechi mutu, one hundred lavish months of bushwhack OCTOBER // 30 +Kathleen Stewart, “Atmospheric Attunements” +Christina Sharpe, IN THE WAKE NOVEMBER // 6 +Billy-Ray Belcourt, “A Poltergeist Manifesto” +Billy-Ray Belcourt, “Meditations on Reserve Life, Biosociality, and the Taste of Non-Sovereignty” +Billy-Ray Belcourt, “Political Depression in a Time of Reconciliation” +Mark Rifkin, “Settler Common Sense” +Bianca Isaki, “Re-Archiving Asian Settler Colonialism, or, Two Walks along Kamehameha Highway” +Chad Shomura, “Decolonial Mood Work” NOVEMBER // 13 +Juana María Rodríguez, SEXUAL FUTURES, QUEER GESTURES, AND OTHER LATINA LONGINGS NOVEMBER // 20 NO CLASS NOVEMBER // 27 +Jack Halberstam and Tavia Nyong’o, WILDNESS DECEMBER // 4 +Jack Halberstam and Tavia Nyong’o, WILDNESS (continued) kent monkman, cree master