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The present study explores how translanguaging serves as vehicle to (help) re-con gure linguistic attitudinal and ideological structures in a university Spanish course for heritage speakers. Speci cally, it focuses on the links between... more
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      Language AttitudesLanguage IdeologiesBilingualismHeritage Language Speakers
The original discussion of Translanguaging as a pedagogical practice by Williams and Baker included modalities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. As it has been developed as a theoretical concept, Translanguaging embraces the... more
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      Science EducationTeacher education for CLILContent and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)Multimodalities
This 2-year case study is a phenomenology of belief-change resulting from a specific curricular re-configuration. It follows Álvaro, a Master of Arts in Teaching Spanish student, from the first week of classes until graduation, as he... more
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      SpanishTeaching Spanish as a heritage languageTranslanguagingTranslanguaging, Billingualism and language learning
Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is a rapidly growing area of both research and practice in all parts of the world, especially in Europe and Asia. As a young discipline, CLIL has a good potential of distinguishing itself... more
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      Bilingual EducationCLILContent and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)Classroom code-switching
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This study explores how three elementary teachers in the US South and Midwest leveraged translanguaging pedagogies – or instruction that makes use of bilingual students’ full linguistic repertoires – to support participation in literacy... more
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      Bilingual education (Education)Bilingual/Bicultural EducationEducación Bilingüe InterculturalTranslanguaging
Der folgende Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Rolle von Fachsprache (technicality) und des Gebrauchs von multilingualen und -modalen Diskurspraktiken (translanguaging) im immersiven Biologieunterricht. Dabei werden vier Episoden aus dem... more
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      Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)TranslanguagingTechnicality
Resumo. O presente trabalho parte de uma pesquisa de iniciação científica, inserida na Linguística Aplicada, e propõe a análise da translinguagem (GARCÍA; LI WEI, 2014) enquanto prática pedagógica, particularmente em produções textuais,... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageAcademic WritingTranslanguaging
Book chapter pre-print Most studies on motivation and translanguaging have focused on learning Global English. This has led to a call for more research into how this lingua franca influences attitudes to languages other than English. We... more
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      Teaching English to the Speaker of Other LanguagesStudy AbroadMulitlinguismL2 motivation self system
OPEN ACCESS: Teaching English has traditionally been associated with a monolingual bias and the exclusive use of English in the classroom is highly recommended in different countries. Nowadays English... more
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      MultilingualismBilingual EducationBilingualismTranslanguaging
For this final chapter of the hard copy text, we review the different research that has been presented in each chapter, and we draw common threads between themes that have arisen. We then reflect on how this volume builds upon our... more
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      MultilingualismBilingual EducationEducational LinguisticsMultilingual Education
This session presents research conducted in a Grade 5 English as a Second language This session presents research conducted in a Grade 5 English as a Second language classroom in Malaysia where despite the English-only policy, students... more
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      PlurilingualismEnglish Language LearningCollaborative LearningTESL/TEFL
La valorizzazione della lingua cinese nei contesti educativi plurilingui in Italia La diffusione dell'insegnamento formale della lingua cinese, sia a livello curriculare sia a livello extracurriculare, è sempre più capillare nelle scuole... more
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      MultilingualismInclusive EducationMultilingual EducationChinese
In this chapter, we present two case studies of a pre-service and in-service teacher as they make sense of translanguaging as theory and pedagogy with particular attention to their adoption of a translanguaging stance. Specifically, we... more
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      PraxisSecond Language Teacher EducationTranslanguaging
Helping recently arrived pupils learn the language of education in the countries they move to is a significant responsibility for schools in Sweden and other immigrant-receiving countries. Also important but often overlooked is the... more
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      MultilingualismBilingual education (mother tongue-based)Multilingual EducationTranslanguaging
Language matters in education. More precisely, languages matter – not just officially recognised ones, but, crucially, the multilingual repertoires and home language practices of students. One dimension garnering attention for some... more
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      EducationLanguages and LinguisticsMultilingualismSociolinguistics
Dieser Beitrag widmet sich einer soziokonstruktivistischen Perspektive im Rahmen mehrsprachiger Interaktion. Demnach geht es nicht darum, zu erkennen, was produktiv oder rezeptiv in der Kommunikation geschieht, sondern was die Teilnehmer... more
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      MultilingualismCross-Cultural CommunicaitonIntercomprehension in Romance LanguagesTranslanguaging
ABSTRACT: This paper addresses literacy from the perspective of deaf education studies 1, analyzing how this concept has reframed understandings about educational practices for deaf students, more specifically, the teaching of reading and... more
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      LiteracyLanguage EducationLanguages and LinguisticsDeaf studies
In speaking about newcomers who are identified as English language learners, teachers can at times be heard saying that these children come to school “with nothing.” What teachers mean by “nothing” can vary. The word can be used to... more
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      Social Justice in EducationEnglish Language LearnersTranslanguaging
ABSTRACT This paper aims to introduce pre-CLIL through the CLSL (content & languages [L1/L2] shared learning) model, which operates as a bridge for a full CLIL immersion. It analyses the characteristics of this new learning model that... more
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      CLILCode SwitchingContent and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)Translanguaging
The focus for this extended abstract is on how the integration of arts practices into teaching and learning for learners developing English as an Additional Language can be achieved, an area addressed previously by Cummins & Early (2011).... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationPerforming ArtsPosthumanismMigration
Unless you’ve been living in a galaxy far, far away, you’ll know that 4th May is celebrated by fans as Star Wars Day – playing on the catchphrase “may the force be with you”, where the change of a single sound segment – at the end of the... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsMultilingualismSyntaxLinguistics
Este livro reúne os trabalhos dos alunos-pesquisadores da pós-graduação em educação bilíngue do Instituto Ivoti (Ivoti-SP), em parceria com o Colégio Bonja, em Joinville (SC). O livro foi organizado em quatro partes. A primeira discorre... more
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      Bilingual EducationBilingualismBilinguismoInterculturalidade
Drawing on findings from an ethnographic study of the writing practices of three plurilingual writers in Toronto, Canada, this article focuses on the translingual practices that these writers engaged with and discusses how these practices... more
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      Intercultural EducationWritingPlurilingualismContrastive Rhetoric
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This PhD research study looks at meaning-making practices in interactions of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). In particular, two research questions are investigated: Which wordings and features of discourse are characteristic of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCommunicationIntercultural CommunicationLanguage Education
Translanguaging has gained prominence as a way to understand multilingual practices and draw on these in additional language teaching, but questions remain regarding its application in various educational contexts. This study investigates... more
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      MultilingualismEnglish language teachingNorwayTranslingualism
In this chapter, I will explore a cartography of intra-actions between deaf people, hearing people, animals, earth and machines presented in The Deaf Forest arts installation in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, September 29 - October 30,... more
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      Critical PedagogyLanguage and DeafnessArts-Based Educational ResearchEducation of the Deaf and hard of Hearing
This paper investigates family language policies which lead to multilingual HLEs, based on the example of Russian- and majority-language speaking families in Cyprus, Estonia and Sweden. The main aim of the investigation is to determine... more
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      Russian StudiesFamily studiesBilingualism and MultilingualismBilingualism
In this article, I argue that academic language is a raciolinguistic ideology that frames racialized students as linguistically deficient and in need of remediation. I propose language architecture as an alternative framing of language... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsRace and RacismColonialismApplied Linguistics
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    • Translanguaging
Teaching English Language Variation in the Global Classroom offers researchers and teachers methods for instructing students on the diversity of the English language on a global scale. A complement to Devereaux and Palmer's Teaching... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsDialects of EnglishTESOLCode-Switching
Quali sono i possibili benefici del bi/plurilinguismo per chi apprende e per chi insegna una lingua? Perché e come è possibile valorizzarlo in contesto educativo? Quali politiche linguistiche ne costituiscono le premesse e ne orientano... more
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      PlurilingualismDidactique du plurilinguismeDidactique des languesDidactics of plurilingualism
This chapter draws from an interview with Fabian Severo, a Uruguayan poet who writes in Portuñol, a translingual recombination of Portuguese and Spanish used in his hometown Artigas, located in the northern Uruguayan border with Brazil.... more
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      SociolinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyOrdinary Language PhilosophyTranslanguaging
ABSTRACT In the past decade, researchers have argued for translanguaging as an instructional approach that radically re-conceptualizes educators’ views on multilingualism as an asset. Teacher education programs play a pivotal role in... more
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      Teacher EducationMultilingualismQualitative ResearchLinguistics
Translanguaging has been largely implemented in bilingual classrooms, but there is a paucity of research investigating this approach in classrooms where more than two languages co-exist. Moreover, it is still unclear what particular... more
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      Teacher EducationMixed MethodsTESOLApplied Linguistics
In this special edited volume, the Editors and invited English Medium Instruction (EMI) researchers, from different parts of the world, outline the latest research methods in EMI. Providing academic instruction using English is rapidly... more
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      AssessmentEthnographyCorpus LinguisticsTurkey
In this new Era of continuous migration and mobility, due to wars or industrial and air development, cultures are mixed and so do languages. In an effort to help the migratory wave, to be able to adapt to new situations, culture, and... more
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      Self Access, Bilingualism, TranslanguagingTranslanguagingTranslanguaging, Billingualism and language learning
While translanguaging pedagogies have demonstrated promises to counteract monolingual subjectivities and practices in TESOL education, we have yet to find sustainable ways to make them norms in our classroom spaces. To bridge the gap... more
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      TESOLClassroom Action ResearchBilingualism and MultilingualismTranslanguaging
This chapter explores the concept of translanguaging in a mostly monolingual Japanese university embracing more English-medium instruction (EMI). EMI provision in Japan has become increasingly promoted by the government, yet language... more
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      English as a medium of instructionTranslanguaging
The creative and dynamic practices that multilinguals perform with linguistic and non-linguistic features such as the body, movement, senses, and space have been documented as integral to their repertoire. Drawing on interdisciplinary... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionMultilingualismDrama In Education
Περίληψη Σημαντική θέση στην καθημερινή επικοινωνία καταλαμβάνει η διαγλωσσική διαμεσολάβηση (cross-language mediation) –μια λειτουργία που απαιτεί την παράλληλη χρήση δύο ή περισσοτέρων γλωσσών, η επιτυχία της οποίας εξασφαλίζει την... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTeaching of Foreign LanguagesMediationTeaching English As A Foreign Language
This chapter focuses upon the learning experience of five MA TESOL students in a World Englishes module entitled “English as a Global Language” at the largest Sino-UK international collaborative university in China. Interviews with the MA... more
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      TESOLCode-SwitchingWorld EnglishesTeacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)
In: Heltai János Imre – Oszkó Beatrix (szerk.): Nyelvi repertoárok a Kárpát-medencén belül és azon kívül: Válogatás a 20. Élőnyelvi Konferencia (Budapest, 2018. augusztus 30. – szeptember 1.) előadásaiból. Budapest: Nyelvtudományi... more
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      SociolinguisticsHeteroglossiaNationalism and languageHeritage Languages
Children’s multimodal composing represents an important aspect of their oracy practices that are foundational to their later literacy development. Utilizing multimodal discourse perspectives, this study explored the range of multimodal... more
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      Multimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodalityPreschool EducationPreschool Education Curriculum
The many benefits of using picturebooks in the primary classroom include language development as well as an introduction to real-world issues through storytelling and fictitious characters that children can relate to. However, the... more
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      Self and IdentityMultilingualismIntercultural EducationPicturebooks
Dans le présent article nous cherchons à étudier les effets de la didactique intégrée chez des apprenants croates du FLE. Plus précisément, nous examinons la perception des apprenants de l'approche qui intègre trois langues qu'ils... more
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      Language and IdentityPlurilingualismTranslanguaging
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      Interlinguistic MediationTranslanguaging