Tense and Aspect Systems
Recent papers in Tense and Aspect Systems
Hebrew philologists disagree on how to describe the biblical Hebrew verbal system. We especially disagree about the difference in meaning between the main verb forms: yiqtol and qatal, wayyiqtol, weyiqtol, weqatal: is it tense, taxis,... more
This paper analyses a type of structurally complex time adjuncts in Portuguese, and focuses on aspects of linguistic variation - and sometimes anomaly -, witnessed by the coexistence of various forms to express the same temporal relation.... more
In this paper we present a semantic analysis of the imperfective paradox based on the Event Calculus (van Lambalgen & Hamm 2004), a planning formalism characterizing a class of models which can be computed by connectionist networks. We... more
The article is devoted to the aspectual semantics of simplex (non-prefixed) verbs in Old Russian. Traditionally, these verbs have been considered to be aspectually unspecified in the Old Russian period. However, our analysis shows that... more
This work analyzes the persistence of the model of the Spanish tenses proposed by Bello (1841), considering both the nuclear system and its extensions, specifically in the indicative mood. The model proposed by Bello is a landmark in the... more
В статье затрагивается проблема грамматического (системного) значения английского инфинитива, которое остается неопределенным как в теоретических, так и в практических грамматиках. Делается предположение, что когнитивный подход в рамках... more
The potential risks associated with the use of recycled water have become a matter of concern for many organisations which are recycling water. Out of the many reasons, the major ones are that they are not able to maintain the efficiency... more
В настоящей статье я хотел бы обратить внимание на, если можно так выразиться, "грамматические возможности" смысла 'быстро': основным объектом исследования будут (глагольные) грамматические показатели, так или иначе выражающие этот смысл.
A futurate is a sentence with no obvious means of future reference, which conveys that a future-oriented eventuality is planned or scheduled. I argue in this paper that the component of planning found in the meaning of futurates should be... more
Coorientadora: Fernanda de Carvalho Rodrigues Aspecto, segundo Comrie (1976), refere-se às diferentes maneiras de se visualizar a composição temporal interna de uma situação. O aspecto perfect, mais especificamente, é um intervalo de... more
The paper proposes a unified account of the systematic polysemy of French future (FUT) that does not uniquely rely on Aktionsart. It explains the predominant preference for the temporal interpretation of FUT, appealing to the 'future... more
This paper prooves there are no grammatical tenses in Sinhala Language and what have been understand as tenses in contemporary grammar should be interpreted as grammatical aspects nimitha and animitha (roughly perfective and... more
Using data from Matsigenka (Arawakan, Peru), this talk argues that the concept of 'path' used in the analysis of directionals and other path-denoting grammatical elements should be decomposed into two components: path geometry and path... more
with Nigel Duffield. INVESTIGATIONES LINGUISTICAE VOL. XL, 2018 © INSTITUTE OF LINGUISTICS – ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY AL. NIEPODLEGŁOŚCI 4, 60-874, POZNAŃ – POLAND. In this paper, we scrutinise the interpretation and distribution of a... more
Université du Littoral -Côte d'Opale
Among the seventeen languages spoken in the Banks and Torres groups of north Vanuatu, eleven share a TAM category whose functions include sequential, generic, subjunctive, prospective and imperfective. This aspect, labeled here “aorist”,... more
This collection of papers deals with the morphosyntax of verbal categories in a broad sample of languages spoken in the Eastern Caucasus. Most of these languages are genetically related and belong to the East Caucasian (alias... more
παρακέκλησθε οὖν µετ᾿ εὐνοίας καὶ προσοχῆς τὴν ἀνάγνωσιν ποιεῖσθαι καὶ συγγνώµην ἔχειν ἐφ᾿ οἷς ἂν δοκῶµεν τῶν κατὰ τὴν ἑρµηνείαν πεφιλοπονηµένων τισὶ τῶν λέξεων ἀδυναµεῖν· οὐ γὰρ ἰσοδυναµεῖ αὐτὰ ἐν ἑαυτοῖς ἑβραϊστὶ λεγόµενα καὶ ὅταν... more
This book provides the first comprehensive account of temporal deixis in English printed and online news texts. Linking the characteristic usage of tenses with the projection of deictic centres, it notes how conventional tenses,... more
Contrastive Analysis has to be understood as a micro-typology able to attain a degree of granularity which is far beyond any macro-typological research. In this regard, given its role as "global language", English will be made fruitful... more
I propose that dialectal differences in the use of the present perfect of the indicative mood (PP) in American Spanish could respond to a process of progressive subjectivization from a perfect meaning to an aorist one. This process would... more
The paper deals with the peculiarities of the usage of some forms of Perfective verbs (imperfect and present active participle) in negative contexts in the early East Slavonic written monuments. The research demonstrates that in Old... more
Ausgehend von der methodischen Frage, auf welche Weise kognitive Ansätze der Diskursforschung auf historische Texte Anwendung finden können, rekonstruiert der Vortrag grammatische Muster zur Etablierung von Textwelten im... more
Researchers have argued that the developmental sequence of tense-aspect morphology in second language (L2) acquisition follows a universal pattern (the Aspect
The Old Sicilian Confessionali are devotional texts of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries with a very simple textual structure. In particular, two of them, to a large extent, are lists of questions aimed at investigating the sinner... more
There are languages – e.g., German, Inuktitut, and Russian – in which the aspectual reference of clauses depends on the telicity of their event predicates. We argue that in such languages, clauses or verb phrases not overtly marked for... more
This paper examines the formal structure of the grammatical tense/aspect/mood system in Chontal, a Mayan language from Mexico. The verbal grammar is analyzed as a continuum of semantically and morphosyntactically interrelated phenomena of... more
Видообразуването в НГЕ е една от най-интересните от морфологична гледна точки проблематики, тъй като при образуването на видовите основи в НГЕ се забелязва голямо разнообразие в перфективиращите средства: суфикси, вътрешна флексия,... more
Indonesian has three morphemes that are commonly used to express futurity, namely 'akan', 'mau', and 'pasti'. I argue that for certain speakers, the meanings of these three morphemes all contain a future modal, and that two of the... more
In this paper, I claim that the so-called present perfect puzzle is, in reality, a puzzle about the simple past. It is the latter, I argue, that shows a puzzling behavior, given that it can be used not only in definite contexts but also... more
The aim of this book is to give the first large-scale typological investigation of pluractionality in the languages of the world. Pluractionality is defined as the morphological modification of the verb to express a plurality of... more
L'article est centré sur la notion de «contingence actionnelle» qui est conçue comme un raffinement des classifications actionnelles (ou des «types de procès») existantes. Il est proposé de distinguer entre les classes «primaires» (dont... more
The personal voice of Jim McCawley can often be heard in his academic prose, but his writings provide merely a hint of the living presence of the man, which survives now only in the memories of those who were fortunate enough to have... more
Russian version and abstract see pdfs below
Грамматическая деривация: Вид, пассив, компаратив, причастие и другие явления между флексиией и словообрзованием
Грамматическая деривация: Вид, пассив, компаратив, причастие и другие явления между флексиией и словообрзованием