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      Health Services ResearchUrban SociologyUrban HealthSociology of health and medicine
In questo libro il legame fra salute, medicina e società viene dapprima analiz-zato in prospettiva microsociologica, osservando, cioè, come salute e malattia si radichino nei corpi degli individui e nelle loro relazioni sociali. Si passa... more
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      Disability StudiesHealth InequalitiesSociology of Mental Health & IllnessSociology of Organizations
• Krajic K, Dietscher C, Pelikan JM: Gesundheitsförderung und Krankheitsprävention – soziologisch betrachtet. In: Jungbauer-Gans M, Kriwy P: Handbuch Gesundheitssoziologie – online Publikation 2017, Print. Springer Verlag 2020
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      Health PromotionPublic HealthSociology of health and medicineHealth Promoting Settings
Why do some mental illnesses emerge in certain times and places and later disappear? Because it integrates a wide array of social processes and relies on a strong epistemological position, Hacking's theory of ecological niches constitutes... more
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      Medical SociologySociology Of DevianceMental HealthPhilosophy of Medicine
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Focus Group discussionsVaccinesHealthcare workersFocus Group
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      Health PsychologyHealth SciencesNutrition and DieteticsEducation
This chapter introduces the sociology of health and medicine as a field of study, its origins and contemporary development across the globe. It argues for a role for social theory in the understanding of health and medicine, discussing... more
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      SociologySocial TheorySociology of KnowledgeSociology of Health and Illness
1.1. Il triangolo della malattia: illness, sickness, disease secondo un approccio connessionista alla disabilità In questo capitolo intendo definire la disabilità come una poliedrica manifestazione fisica e/o psichica dell'essere umano... more
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      SociologyCommunicationSocial SciencesSociology of Health
Conventional approaches to the sociology of health and medicine sometimes mention the early writings of Frederich Engels on the poor health of the 19th century British working class, but rarely acknowledge the extent to which he, with... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial TheorySociology of Knowledge
Open access: This book is about the drastic change in the conceptualization of dementia and the impact this change has or may have on individuals and, more generally, on the... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyMedical AnthropologyPhilosophy of Science
Монография посвящена экономическим агентам, которые подменяют или дополняют собой официальную систему здравоохранения в современной России, обслуживая альтернативные практики поддержания здоровья. Детализированное описание их деятельности... more
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      Traditional, Complementary and Alternative MedicinePublic HealthInformal EconomySociology of health and medicine
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced a set of provisional guidelines concerning male circumcision, in which they suggest that the benefits of the surgery outweigh the risks. In this brief comment, I highlight... more
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      SociologyCriminal LawConstitutional LawHealth Sciences
Σε μεγάλο βαθμό η εργαλειακή αντιμετώπιση της φύσης σε συνάρτηση με μια πεπερασμένη αναπαράστασής της, εγγενή στην υφιστάμενη κοινωνική οργάνωση της παραγωγής, όπως εξωτερικεύεται στη μαζική ενεργοποίηση φυσικών και ανθρώπινων πόρων,... more
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      Historical SociologyCritical ThinkingBiopoliticsSociology of health and medicine
Les reconfigurations actuelles de la clinique de l’autisme, caractérisées par l’injonction au diagnostic précoce, la promotion des tests standardisés comme supports de la procédure diagnostique et l’apparition concomitante de centres... more
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      SociologyAutismAutism Spectrum DisordersSociology of Mental Health & Illness
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      Health PsychologyHealth SciencesNutrition and DieteticsEducation
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      Health PsychologyHealth SciencesNutrition and DieteticsHealth Promotion
Differing accounts are conventionally given of the origins of medical sociology and its parent discipline of sociology. These distinct ‘histories’ are justified on the basis that the sociological founders were disinterested in medicine,... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgeHistory of SociologySociology of HealthProfessionalisation
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      Medical SociologySociology of HealthPain ManagementSociology of Medicine
In 1992, Health Care of Australia, an international hospital corporation, was contracted by the NSW Government to construct and manage a new, hi-tech, privately owned, 161 bed 'public' hospital. (In other words, a private hospital... more
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      Health Services ResearchPrivatisationPublic Private PartnershipsSociology of Medicine
If sanity and insanity exist, how shall we know them? The question is neither capricious nor itself insane. However much we may be personally convinced that we can tell the normal from the abnormal, the evidence is simply not compelling.... more
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      SociologyPsychiatrySociology of Mental Health & IllnessHealth
This paper analyses the underlying principles and social consequences of the increasing detachment between human reproduction and sexuality via the process of technological intervention in the biological body, with a focus on current... more
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      Sociology of HealthSociology of ScienceSociology of TechnologySociology of Medicine
Introduction: Fruit and vegetable consumption is an important determinant of health and life expectancy. Past research shows that Slovenian adolescents do not consume sufficient amounts of fruit and vegetable. The aim of this study was to... more
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      Health PsychologyHealth SciencesNutrition and DieteticsHealth Promotion
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      Medical SociologySociology of HealthAbortionSociology of health and medicine
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthSocial and Cultural AnthropologyMigrationSexual and reproductive health and rights
In many contemporary healthcare systems, individuals are expected to be rational actors – weighing up available knowledge and making choices about their healthcare needs. In the policy context this has been most explicitly applied to the... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryCultural SociologySociology of Work
Frühe Version eines Buchkapitels erschienen in
Kelle, H. & Mierendorff, J. (2013):
Die Normierung und Normalisierung der Kindheit.
Weinheim: Beltz /Juventa
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodSociology of health and medicine
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      SociologyCultural StudiesCritical Disability StudiesPerformance Art
This course provides an interdisciplinary sociological and anthropological exploration of medical systems, with a special emphasis on Canadian healthcare. By adopting critical social science approaches to explore healthcare services and... more
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      Medical AnthropologyCritical Medical AnthropologySociology of MedicineSociology of health and medicine
In toxic torts, if the defendants’ negligence is confirmed, the court’s ruling is a punishment translated into monetary amounts, which the plaintiffs are compelled to accept. However, past exposure to toxic substances might continue to... more
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      Social MovementsEpidemiologyEnvironmental ToxicologyLaw and Society
Con l'introduzione di dispositivi biomedici sempre più performanti e perso-nalizzati, come muta la relazione tra gli individui e la loro salute? Posto che nella società digitale la medicina si esercita oltre la clinica, muovendosi tra... more
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      Gender StudiesBiomedicinescience and technology studies (STS)eHealth
The promotion of choice is a common theme in both policy discourses and commercial marketing claims about healthcare. However, within the multiple potential pathways of the healthcare 'maze', how do healthcare 'consumers' or patients... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryCultural SociologySociology of Knowledge
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      TrustRegulation And GovernanceHopeSociology of Health and Illness
This article studies the traditional midwives living and working in Santana, the second largest city of Amapá state, Brazil. We present and discuss the midwives' worldviews, highlighting how the obligations associated with non-compulsory... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesLatin American StudiesAnthropology
Purpose: Past research indicates that blacks are less trusting of physicians than are whites; yet, researchers have not examined within group differences in physician trust by religious denomination – an effort that is complicated by the... more
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      ReligionSociologyMedical SociologyBlack Studies Or African American Studies
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      Health PsychologyHealth SciencesNutrition and DieteticsEducation
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      Health PsychologyHealth SciencesNutrition and DieteticsEducation
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      GeriatricsMusculoskeletal RehabilitationPublic HealthGerontology (Social Sciences)
Genomics is progressing from “bench to bedside,” especially in cancer care. Referred to as precision and personalized medicine, this article casts sociological scholarship on genomic medicine into three interconnected realms: laboratory,... more
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      GeneticsGenomicsSociology Of Technology (Science And Technology Studies)Personalized Medicine
Beyond the imaginary of science: the chronic disease between hospitalization and daily life. Modernity has produced the image of the disease like an organic disorder on which the medicine operates, by its scientific method, to lead the... more
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      SociologySociology of health and medicineSociology of BodySociology of Imaginary
El presente artículo propone un marco conceptual para describir la interacción como microsistemas sociales en losque se enmarcan las agresiones al personal de salud como tipos de interacciones... more
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      Social InteractionSocial Systems TheorySociology of health and medicineCoronavirus COVID-19
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    • Sociology of health and medicine
Patients et professionnels de la santé souhaitent-ils devenir des partenaires dans la relation de soins ? Il est dans l'air du temps de le croire. Mais rien n'assure que ce soit le cas. L'analyse de données collectées auprès de l'Espace... more
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    • Sociology of health and medicine
台灣的近視盛行率奇高,1990年代以來號稱「近視王國」,激發許多學術調查與政府介入。那麼相應的治理部署究竟何時和如何成形、有什麼結構性轉變、家長又是如何回應這些措施與訊息呢?我分析期刊、調查報告、政府檔案資料,進行多元行動者的深度訪談(28位),以釐清這些研究問題。本文的研究發現與貢獻如下:(1)近視在1960年代的問題化,附屬於政府與教育界對「升學主義」的一系列論述與介入,近視治理源於教育問題。醫療專家與官員配合同時代的教育改革,聚焦於國中小學生、以過度升學競爭解釋學生大量... more
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      Sociology of EducationSociology of health and medicine
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      Sociology of ReligionSociology of health and medicine
This article reports on a citation-context analysis of journal articles from Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Examining publications from the sociology of health and medicine, the study draws a number of... more
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      Higher EducationSociology of KnowledgeCitation context analysisAcademic Capitalism
Recopilación de los principales planteamientos teórico conceptuales que orientan la enseñanza de la medicina y disciplinas afines en sus aspectos prácticos con la comunidad y en su vinculación con los servicios asistenciales. Sr revisan... more
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      Medical EducationSociology of Mental Health & IllnessSociology of OrganizationsUniversity Governance, Management And Accounting
Modern medicine and conscious cuisine have become complex disciplines reflecting upon their own status and upon human condition in late modernity, raising hermeneutic, philosophical and ethical questions. Just like a complex religious... more
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      Sociology of ReligionDeath StudiesSociology of Food and EatingReligious Studies
Communication au séminaire "Santé, inégalités et rapports sociaux de domination", organisé par Jérôme Bas, Julia Legrand, Alice Romerio, Delphine Ruiz et Emma Tillich, CRESPPA, centre CNRS Pouchet, Paris, 16 mars 2022.
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      SociologyGender StudiesSociologieSociology of health and medicine
In its heyday, around the mid-twentieth century, psychosomatic medicine was promoted as heralding a new science of body/mind relations that held the promise of transforming medicine as a whole. Sixty years on, the field appears to have... more
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      BiopoliticsHistory of Medicine and the BodyPsychosomatic MedicinePsychosomatics
ENGLISH. The phenomenon of defensive medicine should be seen as a symptom of a “care scene”, like the current one, crossed by a growing conflictuality. This conflictuality is favored by a “vicious circle” between the growing desire to... more
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      Sociology of ConflictSocial SciencesMedical EducationSociology of Communication