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Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa NWC tidak berpengaruh dan negatif terhadap DPR, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai t-0,771 dan nilai signifikan 0,445. NWC tidak berpengaruh terhadap CR, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai t hitung hitung... more
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      PhysicsManajemen Keuangan
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    •   6  
      BiologyProduction economicsFertilizerGenus
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    • Sinta
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    • Sinta
Stakeholders and their networks play prominent roles in developing the agricultural sector. For instance, the economic, social, and environmental indicators of farms are sustained by the involvement of stakeholders and other relevant... more
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    •   19  
      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceChemistry
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    • Cash
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    •   5  
      Political SciencePoliticsCapitalismBourgeoisie
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Stakeholders and their networks play prominent roles in developing the agricultural sector. For instance, the economic, social, and environmental indicators of farms are sustained by the involvement of stakeholders and other relevant... more
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Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi deskriptif dan verifikatif. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder, dengan strategi pengumpulan data berupa dokumentasi. Pendekatan sampel yang digunakan adalah Purposive Sample. Hasil... more
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      FinanceFinancial management
This study aims to determine the effect of extracurricular activities on student character. This study was designed with a quantitative study with a sample size of 30 students with sampling using simple random sampling and simple linear... more
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      PsychologyMathematics EducationIslamic EducationIslam
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceMathematics EducationSma
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    • Physics
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    • Ekonomi Politik
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    • Ekonomi Politik
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    • Humanities
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    • Physics
An ideological debate against Frans-Magniz Suseno, the foremost "expert on Marxism" in Indonesia. This debate is centered around Suseno's work "Pemikiran Karl Marx: Dari Sosialisme Utopis ke Perselisihan Revisonis" (Kar Marx's Thoughts:... more
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      MarxismSocialismDialectical and Historical Materialism
Lanskap politik negara ini secara historis diwarnai oleh dominasi kelompok elit yang sudah lahir sejak era otoriter Orde Baru. Namun, saat ini terjadi perebutan kekuasaan antara para pialang kekuasaan yang telah menua dan presiden populer... more
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      Partai PolitikPolitik Dan Pemerintahan IndonesiaPemiluPolitik Dinasti
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      WelfareFocus GroupGuidance and Counseling Intervention ProgramsSustainability
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      BusinessProduction economicsBreedSinta
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    •   6  
Abstrak Sapi merupakan salah satu peternakan prioritas utama di Indonesia. Ternak sapi telah memainkan peran penting dalam aspek ekonomi dari total pendapatan. Sebagai peternakan prioritas karena berbagai keterlibatan dan peran pemangku... more
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      BusinessBusiness Administration
Aksi mogok sekolah Greta Thunberg seorang diri di depan kantor parlemen Swedia pada 2018 dikenal dengan “mogok sekolah untuk iklim” berubah menjadi kesadaran baru di kalangan pemuda, remaja, dan anak-anak di banyak negara. Akibat pengaruh... more
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    •   4  
      Postcolonial StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyYouth CultureEnvironmental Activism
Apa yang pertama kali terbayang di pikiran anda ketika mendengar kata mahasiswa. Para pemuda yang kritis, berani, tak kenal lelah memperjuangkan hak-hak kaum marginal yang terpinggirkan. Dengan aksi yang menggugah simpati masyarakat... more
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    • Independent Researcher
Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui potensi populasi, nilai Natural Increase (NI), Net Replacemen Rate (NRR), dan Output kambing Rambon di Desa Sungai Langka, Kecamatan Gedong Tataan, Kabupaten Pesawaran , Provinsi Lampung.... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationFunctional AnalysisInternational Economics
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    • Animal Science
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh arus kas, modal kerja bersih, hutang jangka pendek terhadap laba dan dampaknya terhadap pembagian dividen (studi pada perusahaan industri makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar di bursa efek... more
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    • Mathematics
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    •   6  
      BusinessManajemen JurnalJurnal Manajemen KeuanganProfit Margin
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      Higher EducationScholarly CommunicationIndonesiaIndonesian
Stakeholders and their networks play prominent roles in developing the agricultural sector. For instance, the economic, social, and environmental indicators of farms are sustained by the involvement of stakeholders and other relevant... more
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Stakeholders and their networks play prominent roles in developing the agricultural sector. For instance, the economic, social, and environmental indicators of farms are sustained by the involvement of stakeholders and other relevant... more
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Character education is one of the most important aspects of education. The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on the character of students. Through the 5S culture (Smile, Greet, Greet, Polite, Polite) can change the... more
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    • Teachers' professional development
Abstrak Sapi merupakan salah satu peternakan prioritas utama di Indonesia. Ternak sapi telah memainkan peran penting dalam aspek ekonomi dari total pendapatan. Sebagai peternakan prioritas karena berbagai keterlibatan dan peran pemangku... more
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      BusinessBusiness Administration
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh keputusan pendanaan dan kebijakan dividen terhadap nilai perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder dari website Bursa Efek... more
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    • Pendidikan Ekonomi
The ratio of Total Assets, Cash Ratio, Per Share Income and Asset Growth to Dividend Payment Ratios in consumer goods industry sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The number of samples taken in this study were 12... more
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      BusinessDebt RatioDividend Payout Ratio
The economic crisis which hit Greece was in 2008 helped to flow into a political crisis. The old political oligarchy that since 1974 up to 2010 alternately dominate the Greece that is PASOK party and the New Democracy party suffered... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical SciencePoliticsCapitalism
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari potensi ketersediaan dan kandungan zat makanan hijauan yang tumbuh di lahan kampus Universitas Andalas di luar lahan UPT Fakultas Peternakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei dan... more
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      Political SciencePoliticsDemocracy
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationStudent
Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel independen rasio likuiditas (current ratio, quick ratio, dan cash turn over ratio) terhadap variabel dependen profitabilitas (ROA). Desain penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan... more
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    • Mathematics
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji dan menganalisis apakah aktiva tetap, biaya operasional, dan hutang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap laba bersih pada Perusahaan Sektor Perdagangan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2018... more
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      BusinessBusiness Administration
Stakeholders and their networks play prominent roles in developing the agricultural sector. For instance, the economic, social, and environmental indicators of farms are sustained by the involvement of stakeholders and other relevant... more
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The aim of this research was to understand the effect of educational level of gender types on pig farming production, a special case in Manokwari West Papua-Indonesia. The field study was done in Manokwari regency involved six districts.... more
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      EducationCitizen JournalismGenderProduction economics
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Cash Position, Return on Asset (ROA), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Firm Size dan Growth terhadap Dividend Payout Ratio pada Perusahaan Rokok yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI)... more
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      BusinessFinacial ManagementDebt to Equity RatioDividend Payout Ratio
Laporan akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja keuangan pada PT Mustika Ratu Tbk jika diukur dengan menggunakan metode Economic Value Added (EVA). Penulis menggunakan data sekunder dalam penulisan laporan akhir ini berupa laporan... more
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Culture is the pattern of basic assumptions of a group of people or the way of life of many people or patterns of human activity that are systematically passed down from generation to generation through various learning processes to... more
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    • Sinta
Culture is the pattern of basic assumptions of a group of people or the way of life of many people or patterns of human activity that are systematically passed down from generation to generation through various learning processes to... more
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    • Sinta