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Hamlet's "to be or not to be" soliloquy is almost as varied and divergent as interpretations of the play itself.
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      ShakespeareShakespearean DramaHamletWilliam Shakespeare
Résumé. ― Ce qui s’y passe est un deuil décompensé qui déclenche un délire, lequel mène à brève échéance à un carnage. L’arrière-plan du « cas » est un Œdipe resté en suspend depuis l’enfance, n’ayant trouvé à l’âge d’homme, dans l’amour... more
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      Psychoanalysis And LiteratureShakespere's Hamlet
When viewed through the lens of Lutheran political polemic, as Luther attempted to reconcile Christianity with the politics of the reformed Christian state, the main action of Hamlet manifests as a work of thematic coherence. Rather than... more
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      Reformation StudiesShakespere's HamletHistory of Reception of Biblical Texts
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      LiteratureShakespeareDramaRenaissance drama
Hamlet is known as one of Shakespeare's most famous plays. It follows the story of the prince and his vendetta journey on his uncle Claudius, the murderer of his father. Many theories have been connected with the ambiguous message that... more
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      ShakespeareHamletShakespere's Hamlet
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      Theatre StudiesShakespearean performance historyShakespearean DramaTheatre
Questions of “habit” and “custom” recur throughout William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, as they do elsewhere in early modern culture, in theological, legal and moral philosophical debate as well as in popular literature of improvement. In this... more
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      Renaissance HumanismShakespeareShakespere's Hamlet
This study explores the revenge theme in Shakespeare's play Hamlet and Mahfouz's novel The Thief and the Dogs by discovering similarities and differences between the two works. First, this paper is examining the meaning of the word... more
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      Revenge TragedyNaguib MahfouzHamletRevenge
Inspired by Said's methodology of contrapuntal reading, this article examines Edward Said's reference to Shakespeare's Hamlet (1604) in his memoir, Out of Place (1999) to shed light on his experiences of exile and displacement. We contend... more
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      EducationIntertextualityEdward SaidAppropriation
Soviet Shakespeare. Ed. Tom Bishop, Alexa Alice Joubin, and Natalia Khomenko. Spec. Issue of The Shakespearean International Yearbook 18. London: Routledge, 2020. 203-16. Print.
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      Renaissance StudiesShakespeareRenaissanceShakespeare and film
This paper is a psychological analysis of Prince Hamlet the character's psychological disorder in Shakespeare's Hamlet. The paper focuses on Hamlet's mental and psychological condition, based on his behavior, acts, and reactions to the... more
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      Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Shakespearean DramaHamletShakespere's Hamlet
Al comenzar esbozaremos sucintamente el contexto en el que fue escrita La Gaviota y la popularidad de Hamlet en aquellos tiempos en el círculo de intelectuales rusos, para continuar con un análisis de las particularidades del texto. Luego... more
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      Russian LiteratureDramaturgyIntertextualityDramaturgy and Scriptwriting
HROUGHOUT most of written history the Earth was believed to lie at the center of creation, while the seven ancient planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) revolved about it. The entire arrangement was encased in a... more
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      AstronomyShakespere's Hamlet
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    • Shakespere's Hamlet
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      ShakespeareShakespearean DramaHamletTragedy
A basic exposition of 'Hamlet', from an Existentialist perspective.
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      HamletExistentialismShakespere's Hamlet
El presente ensayo busca explorar las principales tradiciones interpretativas con las que se ha entendido el final de Hamlet, especialmente, el arribo de Fortinbras. ¿Debería consolarnos en alguna medida la llegada de Fortinbras, al que... more
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      ShakespearePoliticsShakespearean performance historySocial and Political Philosophy
"Magda Romanska argues that with the rise of nationalism in late nineteenth-century Europe, the pattern of the patriarchal covenant in Hamlet paralleled the process of nation-building. Hamlet’s filial loyalty toward his Father’s ghost was... more
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      Gender StudiesTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryPerformance Studies
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      HamletShakespere's Hamlet
Este estudio surge a raíz de la puesta en escena de una de las últimas versiones de ​ Hamlet exhibidas en Buenos Aires, en que el director presentó al fantasma del Rey Hamlet suspendido en lo alto de unos rieles, con una actuación en... more
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      ShakespeareShakespearean performance historyTeaching ShakespeareShakespeare in Performance
Labor in Contemporary Shakespeare Performance. Ed. Amy Borsuk, Alessandro Simari, and Martin Young. Special issue of Shakespeare Bulletin 38.1 (2020): 160-64. Print.
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      ShakespeareAdaptationFilm AdaptationShakespeare and film
Cervantes, Calderón, and Shakespeare (With Some Remarks on René Descartes and Francis Bacon) 0. Great minds have judged the oeuvre of Miguel de Cervantes to be equal in quality to that of William Shakespeare. However, the former falls... more
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      ShakespeareFrancis BaconDescartes, RenéCervantes
// Людина. Екзистенція. Культура. Підхід філософської антропології як метаантропології : збірник наукових праць [III та IV Всеукраїнських науково-практичних конференцій, що проводять кафедра культурології та філософської антропології,... more
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      BuddhismHamletShakespere's HamletBudda religion
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      DramaShakespearean DramaHamletTragedy
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      Gender StudiesShakespeareRace and RacismCritical Pedagogy
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      Philosophy Of ReligionShakespeareReformation HistoryReformation Studies
This brief review posits that Hamlet’s hesitancy to take action could be rooted in his profound rational and intellectual disposition. The essay explores Hamlet’s apparent struggle with indecision within the axis of his inclination... more
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      HamletWilliam ShakespeareShakespere's HamletEnglish Renaissance Drama
The purpose of this paper is to show how recent research on the nature of dramatic language can further our understanding of the problematic nature of exporting Shakespearean texts on to the medium of film. This paper is written in three... more
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      SemioticsShakespeareFilm AdaptationHamlet
Hamlet es un personaje con el que uno se identifica desde el principio, al que uno justifica y con el que se compenetra, pues desde mi punto de vista personal, tal vez todos quisiéramos ser así de auténticos y leales con nosotros mismos,... more
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisSocial PsychologyTheatre Studies
O livro se divide em duas partes que discutem, em abordagens distintas, as relações de Hamlet com a filosofia. Na primeira , "A filosofia em Hamlet", trata-se das fontes e referências filosóficas de que Shakespeare se apropriou para... more
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      ShakespeareWalter BenjaminJohann Wolfgang von GoetheDeleuze
The paper focuses on the most recent translation of Hamlet into Ukrainian. The author questions the typical perception of Yuri Andrukhovych as a postmodern experiment, providing examples of the translator's decisions which illustrate a... more
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      Translation StudiesLiterary translationShakespere's HamletShakespeare In Translation
This essay is designed to be an example for high school and undergraduate students of a close reading.
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      ShakespeareTeaching ShakespeareHamletShakespere's Hamlet
"Shakespeare, the Goddess, and Modernity" was conceived as a companion-piece to John O'Meara's other big collection, "On Nature and the Goddess." A measure of the close symbiosis between the two works is that the latter collection could... more
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      ShakespeareRudolf SteinerVisionary LiteratureModernity
Ce texte est à présent disponible au "format papier", en suivant ce lien : Le texte qui fournit le premier chapitre de ma thèse intitulée... more
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      Walter BenjaminMelancholyCarl SchmittSkepticism
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      Jacques LacanLacanian theoryShakespere's HamletPsychoanalysis (Freud and Lacan)
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      LiminalityShakespearean DramaHamletWilliam Shakespeare
Histórias sobre vinganças têm sido recorrentes em diversas culturas ao longo da História. Existe um elemento comum a elas que possivelmente explica essa longevidade: a incapacidade da sociedade representada na obra de aplicar suas leis e... more
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      Old Norse LiteratureRevenge TragedyHamletOld Norse literature and culture
IN Shakespeare's Hamlet, Polonius, the chief minister of the Court of King Claudius, reads a love letter to the royal couple that Hamlet wrote to Ophelia. Polonius presents it as evidence for the correctness of his conclusion that love... more
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      AstronomyShakespere's HamletHamlet's love letter
Studies in the Transmission and Reception of Old Norse Literature: The Hyperborean Muse in European Culture, J. Quinn and A. Cipolla (eds), Acta Scandinavica 6 (Brepols, 2016), 101–22
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      ShakespeareOld Norse LiteratureShakespere's HamletSaxo Grammaticus
This essay argues that in Hamlet, Shakespeare extends the conventional logic of Senecan revenge—the revenger's quest to redress crimes against kin through a course of retributive blood justice—to the matter of Old Hamlet's unsacramental... more
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      ShakespeareReformation StudiesRevenge TragedySacramental Theology
Offering a close-reading of T. S. Eliot's 1920 essay, "Hamlet and His Problems", this paper endeavors to scrutinize T.S. Eliot's use of the "text and text alone" approach of New Criticism, a school of literary criticism that Eliot... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureComparative LiteratureEnglish Literature
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      Critical TheoryTheatre StudiesPerformance StudiesShakespeare
This draft chapter for a book concerns the Shakespeare authorship problem. We have ample clues in coded passages from the plays and Sonnets that Francis Bacon and Edward de Vere both had a hand in the plays. Many have acknowledged that... more
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      English LiteratureShakespearean DramaElizabethan LiteratureTeaching Shakespeare
Comparative Study
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      HamletHamlet Studies; Poetry; Interdisciplinary StudiesShakespere's HamletDilemma of Shakespeare's Hamlet
‘ওফেলিয়া’ বিষ্ণু দে’র দ্বিতীয় কাব্যগ্রন্থ ‘চোরাবালি’ গ্রন্থভুক্ত দ্বিতীয় কবিতা। রচনাকাল ১৯৩৩, দিনতারিখ উল্লেখ করেননি। কাব্যগ্রন্থটির কবিতাগুলোকে বিষয়ানুসারে শ্রেণীবিন্যস্ত করলে, সেগুলো মূলত তিনটি শ্রেণীতে বিন্যস্ত হয়ে পড়ে- প্রেমবিষয়ক,... more
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      PoetryHamletPoemsShakespere's Hamlet
It is not an easy task to understand the nature of carnival as it is shown by the many failures of the last century after Mikhail Bakhtin’s work became generally known. My book is an attempt to define carnival in relation to another... more
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      ShakespeareBakhtinGiorgio AgambenShakespearean Drama
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      ShakespeareShakespearean DramaHamletWilliam Shakespeare
... Title: Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human (review) ... mous (or infamous) for deidealizing the imaginations of canonical European, British, and American writers as ... almost unprecedented fash-ion, his precursor in this matter... more
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      LiteratureShakespeareLiterary CriticismNihilism
First, I examine the aspects of the political sovereignty on the Shakespearean stage. In the light of Walter Benjamin’s Origin of the German baroque drama (1928) and of Carl Schmitt’s answer to Benjamin in Hamlet or Hecuba (1956), I show... more
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      HobbesRenaissance PhilosophyCalvinismCastoriadis