Recent papers in Self-monitoring
This doctoral dissertation used a research-based design approach to explore the opportunities and challenges of using monitoring tools in learning. Although the practice of monitoring is considered key in the acquisition of important... more
While leadership scholars increasingly acknowledge the influence of followers in the leadership process, less attention has been paid to their role in the destructive leadership process. Specifically, the current debate lacks a... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent of using metacognitive pronunciation learning strategies (self-monitoring and self-assessment), as a key factor in pronunciation learning, by Iranian EFL learners and to see whether... more
The purpose of this paper is to examine the usefulness of factor analysis in developing and evaluating personality scales that measure limited domain constructs The approach advocated follows from several assumptions that a single scale... more
ÖZET Bu çalışma, Otistik çocuklarda kendini izleme becerisinin kazandırılmasına yönelik bir derleme özelliği taşımaktadır. Türkiye'de ve dünyada otizm; sosyal ve iletişim becerilerinin oluşmasını etkileyen bir gelişim bozukluğu şeklinde... more
Littering is a long prevailing problem all over the world. It causes serious destruction on the environment and gives financial burden to the government, businesses, and communities. According to the study conducted by Jenna Jambeck... more
Many philosophers and psychologists have sought to explain experiences of auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs) and “inserted thoughts” in schizophrenia in terms of a failure on the part of patients to appropriately monitor their own... more
This exploratory study examines an online pronunciation course designed to (a) help university students develop metalinguistic knowledge about pronunciation, (b) gain familiarity with cognitive and metacognitive strategies (c) develop... more
Self-monitoring as a personality attribute is given particular attention by researchers in order to understand employee performance and productivity in the organizational context. Numerous studies focused on the impact of self-monitoring... more
This study investigated the design and delivery of MOOCs to facilitate student self-monitoring for self-directed learning (SDL) using mixed methods. The data sources of this study included an online survey with 198 complete respondents,... more
"Social Change in a Globalised World" Transatlantic Studies Conference presentation on April 25, 2013 in Krakow, Poland.
Passivity experiences in schizophrenia are thought to be due to a failure in a neurocognitive action self-monitoring system (NASS). Drawing on the assumption that inner speech is a form of action, a recent model of auditory verbal... more
The Dark Triad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy) is associated with interpersonal manipulation which requires skills in navigating through social situations. Thus, positive relationships between the Dark Triad and... more
This study examines the emotional labour performed by employees in customer service roles working in the hospitality industry.The research investigates one of the consequences of performing emotional labour, namely, emotional exhaustion,... more
Continues to press the case on the standard self-monitoring account of AVH in schizophrenia, particularly those that focus on inner speech. Focuses on the explanatory framework that guides work in this area including issues about... more
High self-monitors were more likely to be addicted to Facebook than were low self-monitors.Number of friends and Facebook activities were the major predictors of Facebook.High self-monitors, Facebook activities, and amount of time... more
To help people enhance their personal productivity by providing effective feedback, we designed and developed TimeAware, a self-monitoring system for capturing and reflecting on personal computer usage behaviors. TimeAware employs an... more
Purpose – Many people moving into a new culture for work or study do so without prior cross-cultural training, yet successful cultural adaptation has important ramifications. The purpose of this paper is to focus on cross-cultural... more
This study focused in determining relationship between independent learning strategies and speaking skills of students in English.This study utilized descriptive-correlational research. One hundred ten (110) Grade 11 Humanities and Social... more
Self-monitoring is used to point out that how people monitor and control their behaviors in social environments. Therefore, it is possible to attribute a functional role to self-monitoring. Accordingly, this study evaluates... more
This research paper explores the mediating role of attitude towards the advertisement and attitude towards the brand, and moderating role of self-monitoring in the relationships between perceived humor in the advertisement and purchase... more
Background: Diabetes is a major problem of public health through its personal and social dimensions. The treatment of diabetes associated with lifestyle modification and monitoring of laboratory parameters will lead to decrease diabetes... more
Individuals with disabilities need to learn to control their own behaviors to rank among in the community. Selfmanagement strategies are developed for this purpose. These strategies include antecedent cue regulation, self-instruction,... more
This study investigated the establishment of monitoring responses via video modeling of two children with autism spectrum disorder and whether those responses stimulate observational learning of tacts and textual behavior for these... more
have contributed equally to this work.
Research on monitoring learning and comprehension of study materials has mainly focused on word pairs and text. This study investigated whether children in grade 3 could differentiate in their Judgments of Learning (JOLs) between... more
We now see an increasing number of self-tracking apps and wearable devices. Despite the vast number of available tools, however, it is still challenging for self-trackers to find apps that suit their unique tracking needs, preferences,... more
Self-monitoring theory explains the individual differences in using interpersonal adjustment techniques like self-control, self-regulation, and self-presentation. Self-monitoring plays a key role for understanding the social life.... more
It is hard to deny that contemporary society is becoming increasingly medicalized. Mental health is likely the most medicalized sphere. The pathologization of emotions is entangled with the rise of a therapeutic culture. This article... more
This article refers to the main contributions emerged during the EASST conference, session T102. Everyday analytics: The politics and practices of self-monitoring. Through provoking and personal reflections, this short paper analyses... more
As people continue to adopt technology-based self-tracking devices and applications, questions arise about how personal informatics tools can better support self-tracker goals. This paper extends prior work on analyzing and summarizing... more
An approach to the structural health management (SHM) of future aerospace vehicles is presented. Such systems will need to operate robustly and intelligently in very adverse environments, and be capable of self-monitoring (and ultimately,... more
The within-word and within-utterance time course of internal and external self-monitoring is investigated in a four-word tongue twister experiment eliciting interactional word initial and word medial segmental errors and their repairs. It... more
The present research examined the influence of constructs representing social effectiveness on assessment center (AC) ratings in two samples. We expected different effects of self-monitoring (SM) on different dimension ratings, a positive... more
Self-monitoring theory explains the individual differences in using interpersonal adjustment techniques like self-control, self-regulation, and self-presentation. Self-monitoring plays a key role for understanding the social life.... more
"Representation" is one of those Janus-faced terms that seems blatantly obvious when used in a casual or pre-theoretic manner, but which reveals itself far more slippery when attentively studied. Any allusion to "metarepresentation," it... more