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      Apotropaic DevicesMedieval EpigraphyEpigraphySan Zeno
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      Medieval ArtMedieval EpigraphyMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)Medieval Art History
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      HeraldryLatin EpigraphyGraffiti in historyGraffiti
The church of San Zeno in Bardolino maintains a basically intact early medieval setting: the mural decoration, very fragmentary and constituted by at least two execution phases, has so far been subject to partial analysis. This essay aims... more
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      Early Medieval ArtCarolingian ArtSan ZenoAlto Medioevo
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      Medieval ArchitectureMedieval ArtRomanesque architectureStoria delle tecniche costruttive
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      Medieval ArchitectureCarolingian ArtSan Zeno
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      Medieval ArtTombs (Medieval Studies)Medieval Wall PaintingsSan Zeno
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      Romanesque ArtCarolingian ArtRomanesque architectureRomanesque Sculpture
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      Medieval ArtItalian late medieval and Renaissance devotional art, ritual, and patronageMedieval Wall PaintingsSan Zeno
Vicende di una famiglia germanica nell’Italia medievale, Si è raccontato per secoli e fino a qualche decennio fa che dal castello superiore di Bassano partano della grandi gallerie, che si diramano sia sotto la città che per molti... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesPolitical HistoryGuerra
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      IconographyRomanesque architectureRomanesque SculptureSan Zeno
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      Medieval EpigraphyRomanesque architectureRomanesque SculptureSan Zeno
Già da qualche tempo si è ritenuto opportuno proporre per la scul-tura ad incrostazione di mastice, tecnica di decorazione basata su un consapevole e schietto approccio coloristico e polimaterico, l'adozione di un vocabolario che non... more
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      SculptureRomanesque ArtEarly Medieval Sculpture (Archaeology)Early Christian Art
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      Medieval ArtMedieval Wall PaintingsSan ZenoPittura del Duecento e Trecento
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      ArchitectureMedieval ArchitectureMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)Venice and the Veneto
Recensione del volume San Zeno in Verona, edito da Cierre Edizioni nel 2014. Il testo delinea la storia del comprensorio sanzenate e, al contempo, ne presenta le ricchezze artistiche attraverso un articolato percorso per immagini. I testi... more
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      History of ArtMedieval ArchitectureMonasticismMedieval Art
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      SculptureMedieval ArchitectureRomanesque ArtMasonry Buildings
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      San ZenoArchitettura MedievaleVeronaRaterio
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      Medieval HistoryStoria medievaleStoria della chiesaSan Zeno
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      Latin LiteraturePatristicsPaganismSan Zeno
Si analizzano le arcate settentrionali del fronte della cripta di San Zeno, decorate sulle ghiere da fregi rappresentanti animali e vegetali. Oltre alla definizione della loro datazione nel primo quarto del XIII secolo, ci si concentra... more
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      Medieval ArchitectureMedieval ArtAnimals in CultureSymbolism (Art History)
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      AstrologyLate AntiquityBaptismInculturation
PDF di 36 pagine con le immagini (descritte e commentate) mostrate durante il Caffè Araldico n° 2, incontro su piattaforma Internet fra studiosi e appassionati - versione italiana o inglese (rivolgersi a: more
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      HeraldryHeraldry and VexillologyScalaMilano
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      Medieval ArchitectureStructural AnalysisMedieval Building TechnologyMedieval buildings
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      ArchitectureRomanesque ArtRomanesqueHistory of architecture
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      Romanesque ArtMedieval ArtOttonian ArtNovgorod
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      Franciscan StudiesSigillographyMedieval EpigraphyRomanesque Sculpture
This article proposes some results for ornament obtained in a The larger research carried out on the carved facades of large sacred buildings erected in the 11th and 12th centuries in the urban context of the cities of northern Italy. In... more
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      Ornament (Archaeology)Medieval ArtMedieval IconographySan Zeno
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      Medieval EpigraphyMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)Medieval IconographyGothic Sculpture
The Author assesses two hypotheses concerning the mural paintings of the San Zeno abbey tower in Verona. F. Zuliani followed the previous hypothesis of G. Gerola and considered that the paintings represent the German emperor Frederick ii... more
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      Alexander the GreatOrientalism in artBibleMaccabees
Etudes réunies par Françoise Decroisette et Michel Plaisance Ouvrage publié avec l'aide des Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle et du Centre National du Livre Klincksieck, 1993, ISBN 2-252-02887-4 Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, ISBN... more
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      History of FlorenceLiterary studiesFestivalsCarnival
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesqueRomanesque architectureRomanesque Sculpture
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      Medieval ArtStructural AnalysisRomanesque SculptureSan Zeno
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      Medieval ArchitectureRomanesque ArtRomanesque architectureRomanesque Sculpture
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesEpigraphy (Archaeology)Late Antique Archaeology
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      SculptureNielloChristian EpigraphyMiddle Ages
The paper analyses the polemics against pagans in the homiletics by north-Italian bishops Zeno of Verona, Chromatius of Aquileia, Gaudentius of Brescia, Maximus of Turin. These bishops of the late 4th century often use biblical images,... more
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      PatristicsPaganismSan ZenoZeno of Verona