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      Death & Dying (Thanatology)Orthodox TheologyProtestantismAnglicanism (Anglicanism)
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      Dante StudiesPainAnthropology of the BodyPurgatory
“Purgatory” and “Sorrow.” In Unsound: Undead. Ed. AUDINT (Steve Goodman, Toby Heys, Eleni Ikoniadou). Urbanomic. 2019. 193-7, 255-7.
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      ViolenceKinship (Anthropology)GhostsCultural History Of Ghosts
This paper presents a study and the first edition from a chapter of the "Anales de los carmelitas descalzos de la provincia de san José en el Principado de Cataluña", work copied by its own author, brother John of St. Joseph (1642-1718),... more
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      Iberian StudiesCultural History Of GhostsPurgatoryRevenants
La doctrine du purgatoire est souvent remise en question. L'article donne d'abord un aperçu des problèmes: représentations vulgarisées par la prédication populaire, histoire des doctrines, débats œcuméniques, anthropologie. La seconde... more
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      AnthropologyCatholic TheologyPurgatoryPurgatorio
An argument against the rationality of desiring to go to heaven might be put in the form of a trilemma: (1) any state of being that both lasts eternally and preserves me as the person I am would be hellish and therefore would not be a... more
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      PersonhoodPersonal IdentityEschatologyPurgatory
Монография посвящена opus magnum великого итальянского поэта Данте Алигьери. Исследование впервые ставит вопрос о возможном влиянии дантовской поэмы на процесс формирования догмата о чистилище в Римо-Католической Церкви. Оно строится по... more
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      Dante StudiesHistory of FlorenceDante AlighieriPurgatory
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      Television StudiesReligion and FilmEschatology and ApocalypticismAfterlife studies
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      Dante StudiesPurgatoryDante's Purgatory
This article examines the position of Joseph Ratzinger with regard to the classical question in the field of the theology of religions, the salvation of non-Christians. In criticism of a recent book by Ambrose Mong, it is argued that... more
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      SoteriologyPurgatoryTheology of ReligionsBenedict Xvi
«Божественная комедия» итальянского поэта Данте Алигьери по праву считается одним из величайших произведений мировой литературы. Вергилий в «Энеиде» в загробном мире поместил Катона Утического, или Младшего, среди праведников. У Данте... more
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      AeneidDante AlighieriPurgatoryVirgil
Análisis de las peculiaridades literarias de dos obras en prosa, El Purgatorio de San Patricio y la Historia del virtuoso caballero don Túngano, como ejemplo de la adaptación y traducción al castellano de dos relatos de viajes al Más Allá... more
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      Travel WritingHistory of ReligionEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In Literature
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      Cultural StudiesMedieval Catalan LiteratureCultural History Of GhostsPurgatory
This paper examines ways in which identity in the later Middle Ages could have been displayed through the means that paradoxically seemed to dissolve the very idea of identity – the image of the decomposed body. In the following pages it... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesMedieval Portraiture
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryDante StudiesMedieval Studies
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      PurgatorySpiritual DevelopmentC.S. LewisAfterlife
Гоголь создавал центральное произведение своего творчества главным образом в Риме. К Италии писатель испытывал особенную любовь. Гоголь прекрасно владел итальянским языком, писал на нем письма, переводил с него и на него. При создании... more
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      Dante StudiesDante AlighieriGogolPurgatory
Dante’s dependence on scholastic theologians can explain the seemingly peculiar presence of the beatitudes in Purgatorio. In this essay we will first address how the beatitudes are a structural element of Purgatorio, and which theological... more
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      Dante StudiesThomas AquinasPurgatoryBeatitudes
This paper compares modern Advaita (nonduality) Vedānta and Roman Catholic afterlife beliefs, with special attention to the dialogue of Swami Vivekananda, formal Roman Catholic teachings, and the thought of Edith Stein. It draws also on... more
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      Edith SteinEschatologyComparative TheologyPurgatory
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      Systematic TheologyOrthodox TheologyRussian Orthodox ChurchEschatology and Apocalypticism
In Roman Catholics and Evangelicals: Agreements and Disagreements, Norman Geisler and Ralph E. MacKenzie (G&M) have engaged in the concerted effort “to examine some of our common spiritual roots and see if we have any theological or moral... more
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      ProtestantismCatholic TheologyHistory of Roman CatholicismSacramentology
ENGLISH: The paper examines Dante’s canzone “Amor che nella mente mi ragiona”: a) within the corpus of Dante’s work; b) in the light of Cino da Pistoia’s canzone written for Dante as consolation for the death of Beatrice; c) in comparison... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureDante StudiesItalian Studies
Cuando el Maestro Mateo se hizo cargo de las obras de la catedral en el último tercio del siglo XII, éste era perfectamente consciente del cúmulo de significaciones que el monumento románico había adquirido desde sus orígenes. Su... more
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      Phenomenology of the bodyPhenomenology of Space and PlacePurgatoryHierotopy
This history of indulgences and purgatory has established itself as a standard summary of the history of the theological development in stages leading to the full orbed view of the 15th century and a praxis that led to split the church.... more
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      TheologyReformation StudiesCatholic TheologyChurch History
Rimatori e poetiche “da l’uno a l’altro stilo” (Purgatorio XXIV), in Cento canti per cento anni (Lectura Dantis Romana), II/2 (Purgatorio, XVIII-XXXIII), Roma, Salerno, 2014, pp. 712-744. An interpretation of the famous canto, based on... more
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      Dante StudiesPurgatoryPurgatorio
The purpose of this article is to present the biblical proof that purgatory exists, that is, to show the ways in which the Bible presents the reality that is hidden from the eyes of those who live on earth. The key research assumption... more
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      New TestamentOld Testament TheologyOld TestamentEschatology and Apocalypticism
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      TheologyDeconstructionEschatology and ApocalypticismSamuel Beckett
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesMedieval StudiesItalian Literature
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      Avignon PapacyPurgatoryMiddle Ages
This paper tries to approach one of the exegetically-hardest Cantos of Dante's Commedia through the hermeneutic perspectives already envisaged by Charles Singleton (the importance of the moral exegesis of the Edenic allegory), Peter... more
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      Dante StudiesNew TestamentBiblical StudiesBiblical Theology
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesItalian StudiesMedieval Studies
The Old Norse sagas that deal with the stories of medieval Norwegian royalty can make a valuable contribution to thanatology, i.e. the study of attitudes towards death, and to the history of medieval thought. The authors of the so-called... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Scandinavia
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      Cosmology (Physics)Jewish StudiesCosmology (Anthropology)Christian Mysticism
The Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church have many similar points in their teaching on the state of the dead. Both churches share faith in the immortality of the soul and the posthumous retribution in the form of the... more
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      PurgatoryCouncil of Ferrara-FlorenceEastern Orthodox TheologyRoman Catholic Theology
This paper explores the main functions of memorials and how they influenced iconographical aspects of late medieval tomb design, specifically English brasses and incised slabs. The secular aspects of medieval monuments, with... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval Church HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyCatholic Theology
The artefacts within our parish churches can add an important dimension to the archaeological study of the buildings themselves. Many categories of fixtures, fittings and ornaments have received detailed attention from art historians as... more
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      Catholic TheologyCultural MemoryChurch HistoryMedieval Art
Quando ci troviamo di fronte agli ex voto è quasi irresistibile la tentazione di considerarli un’espressione ingenua e spontanea di fede e devozione. Se ci fermassimo qualche istante in più a osservarli potremmo invece cogliere alcune... more
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      ReligionSociologySociology of ReligionAnthropology
Dalla fine dell’Ottocento, le ricerche e gli studi dedicati alla possibile influenza della cultura dell’India su Dante Alighieri e la sua opera, sono state sporadiche e occasionali. Per il passato, fra pochi altri si distinguono i... more
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      HinduismDante StudiesTibetan StudiesIndian studies
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      German LiteratureLatin LiteratureRhetoricMedieval Literature
This paper introduces the concept of PROXY PAIN™ in order to describe the relationship between purgatory and self-inflicted punishment in the 13th and 14th centuries. It analyses the dramatic tension between penitential practice and... more
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      ChristianityMedieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
This paper focuses on the doctrine of differences among the blessed in heaven: all enjoy the beatific vision of God, but "some more perfectly than others, according to the diversity of merits". The development of this idea is analyzed in... more
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      PurgatoryRewardCouncil of Ferrara-FlorenceHeaven
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      Dante StudiesManuscript StudiesMedieval IslamHistory of Astronomy
The television series “Lost” updates a logical characteristic of the primary phase of the funeral rites of passage, taking as its subject the role of personal responsibility in the final destination of the deceased. This determination... more
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      Hertz RobertEmanuel SwedenborgAnthropology of DeathSeries TV
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      Dante StudiesDanteDante AlighieriPurgatory
Na presente tese está proposta a reflexão sobre a crença no Purgatório por meio de suas práticas, a exemplo do recurso às indulgências e da requisição de missas pelas almas, entre os católicos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro setecentista.... more
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      PurgatoryBrasil ColonialPurgatorioIndulgences
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      Indigenous StudiesPurgatoryColonial Latin American History
Winston Black, "Animated Corpses and Bodies with Power in the Scholastic Age," in Death in Medieval Europe: Death Scripted and Death Choreographed, ed. Joëlle Rollo Koster (Routledge, 2016), 71-92.
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      History of MedicineMedieval TheologyThomas AquinasScholastic Philosophy