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      ForestryClimate ChangeMigrationSeed Dispersal
Sustainable livelihoods and human well-being depend on multiple anthropogenic and natural assets (stock of materials or information that exists in a point in time). However, the simultaneous and multiple impacts of land-use decisions on... more
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      ConservationPollinatorsSocio-Economic AnalysisCrop Yield
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      Social insectsPollinationInvasive SpeciesBiological invasions
We studied the diet of the Indian flying fox (Pteropus giganteus) in Pakistan from March 2008 to February 2009 and found that the bats fed on 20 species belonging to 11 plant families. Of these, four families (Anacardiaceae, Bignonaceae,... more
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      BiologySeed DispersalMammalogyPollination
An interdisciplinary study introduces primary students to the importance of bees
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      Science EducationPollinators
This research was carried out to evaluate the floral biology of Ipomoea acuminata, I. batata, I. cairica and I. quamoclit in Maringá, state of Paraná. Anthesis period, stigma receptivity, viability of the pollen grains and medium height... more
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      PollinationPollination ecologyBeekeepingPollination biology
The presence of pollinators, e.g. honey bees, on canola (cv. O.A.C Triton) increases the germinability of resulting seeds from 83% to 96%.
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      TechnologyPollinationSeed germinationBiological Sciences
Importance of honeybees as prime pollinators for continual maintenence of crop-diversity and need of their conservation for sustainable agriculture is highlighted based on literature review. Somatic, reproductive and adaptive heterosis or... more
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      Sustainable agriculturePollinatorsAgriculture and EnvironmentCross Pollination
The present experiment was carried out to study biodiversity, frequency and effect of pollinators in the production of pods and grains in soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill), var. ‘Mon Soy 3329’. Two treatments were used (covered with... more
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      PollinationPollination ecologyBeekeepingPollination biology
Nectar robbers are birds, insects, or other flower visitors that remove nectar from flowers through a hole pierced or bitten in the corolla. This paper is a review of the effects of nectar robbers on pollinators, pollination, and fitness... more
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      Landscape EcologyEarth SciencesSocial insectsPollination
RNA viruses, once considered specific to honey bees, are suspected of spilling over from managed bees into wild pollinators; however, transmission routes are largely unknown. A widely accepted yet untested hypothesis states that flowers... more
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      BumblebeesVirusPollinatorsHoney Bees
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      EngineeringPlant Reproductive EcologyEnvironmental SciencesGreen Roofs and Green Walls
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Estima-se um total de 2,9 milhões de colônias de A. mellifera nos EUA e dois milhões dessas colônias estão diretamente envolvidas em polinização de culturas, produção de mel e cera (MORSE E CALDERONE, 2000). Os mesmos autores relataram... more
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      PollinationPollination ecologyBeekeepingPollinators
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      BiodiversityBiodiversity ConservationPollinators
Insects are one of the most fascinating groups of organisms that evolved some 300 million years back in the Devonian period. With the remarkable body structure, shape, and flight adaptability, Insects have outnumbered every other organism... more
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      Ancient HistoryEntomologyHoly QuranHoneybees
Just as flowering plants depend on their pollinators, many birds, insects, and bats rely on plants for energy and nutrients. This plant-pollinator relationship is essential to the survival of natural and agricultural ecosystems.... more
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      BeesTropical Dry ForestsPollinators
While the presence of some phytophagous bats species in Neotropical cities is generally known, detailed information on their feeding habits in urban ecosystems is still limited. In some highly developed urban spaces, native plant species... more
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      Exotic SpeciesUrban StudiesEcologyPollination
One of the challenges of ecological intensification is to move agricultural research out of a focus on singular focal areas – e.g., improved seed, pest control, water management – to solutions that integrate all components of the farming... more
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      Climate ChangeEcosystem ServicesAgroecologyAgriculture
1. Medio Físico 1.1. CAPITULO 1. Historia y situación actual de la Reserva de la Biósfera Ría Lagartos Cristóbal E. Cáceres G. Cantón y Rafael Robles de Benito.........................................................................14... more
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      Soil ScienceWetlandsWater qualityFunctional Ecology
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      BotanySystematics (Taxonomy)PollinationPollinators
Wild and managed pollinators provide a wide range of benefits to society in terms of contributions to food security, farmer and beekeeper livelihoods, social and cultural values, as well as the maintenance of wider biodiversity and... more
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      Food SecurityPollinatorsEcosystem Stability
Four states contain over 401 species of bees, about which little is known except for a few common species. Forests of Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont were largely cleared in colonial times, then trees grew back as of the... more
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      Pollination ecologyPlant-pollinator interactionsPollinatorsNative Plants
In order to reverse declines in pollinator populations, numerous agri-environment schemes have been implemented across Europe, predominantly focused on increasing the availability of floral resources. Whilst several studies have... more
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      AgroecologySustainable agriculturePollinators
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      GeneticsZoologyPlant EcologyConservation
Insect pollination constitutes an ecosystem service of global importance, providing significant economic and aesthetic benefits as well as cultural value to human society, alongside vital ecological processes in terrestrial ecosystems. It... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesPollinationPollinators
For a diverse pollinator fauna it is important that pollen and nectar are available over the entire summer at spatially relevant scales. Semi-natural hay meadows are among the most important sources of flower resources for pollinators,... more
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      Traditional Ecological KnowledgePollinatorsSemi-natural grasslandsMowing
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      EcologyBiodiversityApis melliferaPollinators
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      Sustainable agricultureEcologyPollinationCrops
Muchas veces en el campo escuchamos el incesante zumbido de abejas que visitan flores de cultivos.
Quizá no sepamos que son importantes para nuestra supervivencia.
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Agri-environment scheme habitats can support declining pollinators, but optimum approaches for deployment remain uncertain. The impact of three management treatments (project-, farm-managed and organic farming) alongside habitat type,... more
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The European honey bee, Apis mellifera, is well-known for its role in honey production, its ecological importance in plant reproduction and biodiversity, and more importantly, the pollination of many economically significant crops in the... more
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      Landscape EcologyZoologyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Economics
Hedgerows, flowering strips, and natural areas that are adjacent to agricultural land have been shown to benefit crop production, via the provision of insect pollinators that pollinate crops. However, we do not yet know the extent to... more
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      Urban AgricultureEcosystems ServicesPollinators
Commonwealth Human Ecology Council and Friends of the Earth report to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Malta -CHOGM 2015 Pollination is natural resilience at its best. Action for bees and pollinators underpins... more
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      Human EcologyClimate ChangeUrban PlanningAgriculture
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      Ecological EconomicsApplied EconomicsLand UsePollinators
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      TaxonomyMorphologyDNA BarcodingHymenoptera
Planted meadows are increasingly used to improve the biodiversity and aesthetic amenity value of urban areas. Although many 'pollinator-friendly' seed mixes are available, the floral resources these provide to flower-visiting insects, and... more
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      Urban EcologyPollination ecologyPollinatorsflower resources
Agri-environment schemes have been implemented across the European Union in order to reverse declines in farmland biodiversity. To assess the impact of these schemes for bumblebees, accurate measures of their populations are required.... more
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      EntomologySustainable agriculturePollinationBees
Pollinator-dependent agriculture heavily relies upon a single pollinator-the honey bee. To diversify pollination strategies, growers are turning to alternatives. Densely planted reservoirs of pollen- and nectar-rich flowers (pollination... more
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      PollinationPollination ecologyPollinatorsNative Bees
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1. Changes in agricultural practice across Europe and North America have been associated with range contractions and a decline in the abundance of wild bees. Concerns at these declines have led to the development of flower-rich... more
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      AgroecologyBeesPollinatorsEcology and Conservation of Bees
Agricultural intensification is a leading cause of global biodiversity loss, which can reduce the provisioning of ecosystem services in managed ecosystems. Organic farming and plant diversification are farm management schemes that may... more
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      AgroecologyOrganic agricultureBiodiversitySustainable Agriculture (Environment)
We investigated the pollination of Habenaria tridactylites, an endemic orchid of the Canary Islands. The entirely green, widely open flowers have a long spur containing nectar. We carried out fieldwork, a molecular clock analysis,... more
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      PollinationPollination biologyCanary IslandsEndemics
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      ProductionEcological EconomicsRiskAgriculture
I examine recent policymaking efforts in the United States (US) that seek to improve how risks posed by pesticides to insect pollinators are assessed and managed. Utilizing the case of ongoing honey bee die-offs, I argue for a... more
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      Science PolicyPesticidesPollinatorsHoney Bees
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