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In the contemporary American urban renaissance, formerly fringe efforts to produce place, conducted by longtime residents and “urban pioneers” alike, now shape mainstream urbanism. Gardening and bicycling are constitutive of contemporary... more
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      GentrificationUrban AgricultureBicyclingMobilities
In this study passive air samplers (PAS) were deployed on a monthly basis at a number of sites along a south-north transect, extending 700 km north from Toronto, Ontario, characterizing an urban-agricultural-forested gradient, to... more
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      Environmental EngineeringUrban AgricultureSeasonalityAtmospheric sciences
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      Environmental AestheticsUrban AgricultureUrban DesignEcological Aesthetics
The growth of global urban population produces an increase in food demand. With the aim of facing this demand, mainly concentrated in large urban areas, urban agriculture should be fostered to integrate traditional agriculture production,... more
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      Urban AgricultureDeliberative Monetary ValuationMonetary Valuation Techniques
Les jardins collectifs sont des espaces multifonctionnels et profondément évolutifs qui s’inscrivent dans le quotidien des urbains et favorisent l’externalisation du sensible. Ces spécificités appellent une méthodologie particulière,... more
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      Qualitative methodologyGardensUrban AgricultureCommunity gardens
Objective: To examine the impacts on food and nutrition-related outcomes resulting from participation in urban gardens, especially on healthy food practices, healthy food access, and healthy food beliefs, knowledge and attitudes. Design:... more
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    • Urban Agriculture
Greater attention is being directed towards incorporating greenery into the built environment as increasing global urbanisation drives the search for sustainable urbanism. This research takes a parametric approach to studying living wall... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureSustainable ArchitectureUrban AgricultureLiving Walls
Urban agriculture with the aim of completing urban food needs, providing ecosystem and environmental services has multidimensional effects on increasing cultural and social values and even increasing economic resilience in any society.... more
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      Social CapitalSymbolic InteractionParticipationUrban Agriculture
How can agriculture contribute to the sustainable development of European cities? How can agriculture and horticulture create vital urban spaces that have new social and ecological qualities and are also economically viable? Urban... more
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      StakeholdersUrban AgricultureContinuum
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      Chinese Language and CultureJudaismUrban AgricultureIsrael
The debate on the role of urban agriculture in the sustainable city discourse remains unresolved in the conventional literature. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to review relevant literature to clarify the role of urban... more
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      Human GeographySustainable agriculturePolitical ScienceSustainable Development
The promotion and support of urban agriculture (UA) has the potential to contribute to efforts to address pressing challenges of poverty, under nutrition and sustainability among vulnerable populations in the growing cities of sub-Saharan... more
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      Self Help GroupUrban AgricultureFood SecurityAgricultural Sustainability
On-site wastewater treatment systems are common throughout Australia, with most systems located in the urban fringe and rural regions. The number of on-site treatment systems is increasing rapidly as these areas undergo more intensive... more
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      Environmental ScienceGroundwaterWastewater TreatmentPublic Health
Studies on peri urban farming in Zambia have not adequately tackled the issues pertaining to heavy metal contaminated wastewater irrigation farming. The study investigated heavy metal contamination of water, soils and crops at two peri... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceUrban AgricultureLegislation
In response to rapidly changing urban conditions and planning systems that cannot reconcile speculative development with social needs, other types of urban allotments are emerging which differ from the conventional forms of the past. A... more
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      Green urbanism (Architecture)Sustainable ArchitectureUrban AgricultureUrban Allotments
This report contains the findings of an evaluation of urban agriculture projects in four wards of Nelson Mandela Bay. The evaluation was conducted in May 2014 and covered 19 urban agriculture projects in Wards 25, 26, 28 and 32. The... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentUrban AgricultureFood SecurityParticipatory Development
Our body compulsory demands food, water and air to keep its vital functions and yet their economic nature is rather diverse with food mostly considered a private good, water suffering an accelerated privatization process and air so far... more
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      Political EconomySocial AnthropologyFood ScienceFood Safety
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      Urban AgricultureAnthropoceneAgriculture urbaine
Learning from nature may be the most important step towards improving cities in the context of environmental and climate issues. However, many of the current approaches to make cities greener or more sustainable are still linear and... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesGreen InfrastructureSustainable UrbanismInnovation In Built Environment
Este trabalho tem como foco o reconhecimento de elementos materiais e imateriais ligados à agricultura presente nas favelas e às eventuais ruralidades à ela associadas. O objetivo é identificar e analisar, através de um estudo de caso na... more
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      Environmental JusticeUrban AgricultureSlums, Favelas, and Shanty-townsJustica Ambiental
The urban agriculture movement has grown steadily in North American cities, particularly in the last two decades. While urban agriculture movements have the potential to be transformative, providing multiple important benefits to... more
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      Urban AgricultureFood JusticeCommunity Gardens, Urban Agriculture, Social Movements
This volume offers a new perspective to debates on local food and urban sustainability presenting the long silenced voices of the small-scale farmers from the productive green fringe of Sydney’s sprawling urban jungle. Providing fresh... more
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      Urban PlanningLocal foodMigration StudiesUrban Agriculture
Urban gardens are formed by an interrelation of natural, social, and economic dynamics over time. At the interface of the urban and rural, they provide important social and psychological benefits beyond their explicit environmental and... more
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      Conservation BiologyUrban PolicyUrban AgricultureIstanbul
Community garden research has focused on social aspects of gardens, neglecting systematic analysis of what food is grown. Yet agro-diversity within community gardens may provide health benefits. Diverse fruit and vegetables provide... more
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      Human EcologyEducationEnvironmental Planning and DesignUrban Planning
As fazendas verticais ou estufas metálicas de produção alimentar urbano, basearam-se nas perspectivas bioeconômicas da Agenda 21. Programa esse estabelecido em 1992 pela Conferência das Nações Unidas com o horizonte de discussões sobre... more
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      Food SafetyUrban AgricultureVertical FarmingUrban Farming
ii Acknowledgements iii
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      Urban AgricultureGuerrilla Gardening
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      Environmental JusticeUrban AgricultureSão Paulo (Brazil)
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      Organic agricultureAgricultural PolicyLand managementEnvironmental Change
While urban agriculture might be considered a passing fad, we argue that it is a vehicle to deal with many urgent topics of societal transformation towards a sustainable future. We discuss the potential of urban agriculture to change... more
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      Organic agricultureUrban PlanningUrban EcologyUrban Agriculture
This paper asks to what extent urban agriculture projects based on principles of Solidarity Economics are in a position to develop new economic forms based on solidarity—rather than competition—thereby posing an alternative model to... more
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      Economic GeographyZurichCritical Food GeographiesSolidarity Economy
The industrial food system has created a crisis in the United States that is characterized by abundant food for privileged citizens and “food deserts” for the historically marginalized. In response, food justice activists based in... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial ChangeSocial MovementsCommunication
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesDeindustrializationUrban AgricultureWork
This paper calls attention to the critical role of greenspaces in cities, while it overviews the many functions they provide. From a theoretical perspective, the utility function of urban greenspaces concerns multiple dimensions.... more
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      Regional EconomicsUrban AgricultureAgricultural SustainabilityTask Performance
Modern industrial systems of food production cause a wide range of detrimental impacts to the environment, human health and society. Integrating community gardens into local food systems is one way to counteract some of those impacts.... more
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      Geography of foodUrban AgricultureCommunity gardensLocal food systems
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      GeographySpatial AnalysisClimate ChangeLandscape Architecture
As the population of South African cities rapidly increases, evidence of food insecurity of urban populations is also on the increase. Urban agriculture provides an opportunity to improve urban food security whilst reducing poverty,... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationIndustrial DesignAppropriate TechnologyUrban Agriculture
Controlled environment agriculture (CEA) is an emerging form of farming increasingly found in cities worldwide. Advocates promote CEA as the future of food production, arguing for its potential to address challenges ranging from climate... more
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      BusinessUrban PlanningAgricultureChildren and Youth
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      SociologyEnvironmental EducationRecreation & Leisure StudiesEnvironmental Sustainability
Hortes Municipals de Santa Eugenia, Girona’da bulunan müşterek bahçelerden (common garden) biri. Bu tür alanlar Katalonya’da hemen her belediyede en az bir tane olmakla birlikte, İspanya’nın genelinde yaygın. Bir kent sakini olan Ferran... more
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      Urban AgricultureGironaUrban Gardening
stәĺĵxwáli (Place-of-Medicine) Ethnobotanical Garden at Gold Park is a product of an educational partnership between the Snohomish Tribe of Indians, Edmonds Community College, and the City of Lynnwood. Following the recommendation of... more
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      EthnobotanyAgroecologyEnvironmental AnthropologyAnthropology of Food
The peri-urban area of fast growing Chinese cities is under great pressure from the land demands of urban expansion, resulting in the loss of arable land, environmental deterioration and social exclusion of village communities. The recent... more
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      Human GeographyRural DevelopmentSocial ExclusionUrban And Regional Planning
L’agriculture urbaine a le vent en poupe, souvent au nom d’une participation au reverdissement de la ville, de la recréation de liens, entre les urbains et la productiona gricole et alimentaire, voire entre lesurbains eux-mêmes. Mais... more
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    • Urban Agriculture
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      Urban StudiesUrban AgricultureRust BeltFood Justice
With increasing urbanization and environmental degradation, urban landscapes are increasingly expected to provide a wide range of ecosystem services typically associated with rural areas, including biodiversity conservation and food... more
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      SociologyEcosystem ServicesAgrobiodiversitySocial-Ecological Systems
Urban green spaces have been researched extensively for their contribution toward livable, sustainable and resilient cities. Studies illustrate increasing awareness of the multi-functional roles such spaces can fulfill in addressing... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentUrban AgricultureUrban greening
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      Urban GeographyUrban StudiesNeoliberalismUrban Sociology
original title: "Ernährungssicherung durch Urban Gardening? – Erfahrungen aus Toronto" Angesichts des Aufschwungs urbaner Gartenformen in der Bundesrepublik, die sich explizit dem Nahrungsmittelanbau widmen, stellt sich die Frage nach... more
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      Critical Food GeographiesUrban AgricultureToronto
Always a part of city life, urban agriculture has recently attracted increased attention from diverse groups in the United States, which promote it as a strategy for stimulating economic development, increasing food security and access,... more
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      Remote SensingUrban PlanningUrban AgricultureHome gardens
In the past decade, policy in favour of strengthening the role of urban agriculture implemented by Milanese institutions and the numerous initiatives that have been promoted has also brought benefits to the maintenance of agricultural... more
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      Political ScienceUrban Agriculture