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      SociologyRussian StudiesAnthropologyEthnography
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      Research MethodologyInterpretive research methodologyPolitical ethnography (Research Methodology)Political Ethnography
In a compelling mix of literary narrative and ethnography, anthropologist Alma Gottlieb and writer Philip Graham continue the long journey of cultural engagement with the Beng people of Cote d'Ivoire that they first recounted in their... more
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      Creative WritingCreative NonfictionComparative LiteratureAnthropology
This short article seeks to explain the FMLN's electoral debacle in the February 2019 presidential elections. From the series "Ethnographic Explainers: Contemporary Latin American Politics."
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American politicsPolitical AnthropologyPolitical Science
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      Citizenship and IdentityTransnational migrationUS-Mexico BorderlandsPolitical Ethnography
This article takes anticorruption activism as a starting point for analyzing how young activists unequally experience the inequalities produced by corruption, as well as the bureaucratic and financial weight of anticorruption and audit... more
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      PoliticsCentral & South America (Anthropology)Political EthnographyAnti-Corruption
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsYouth StudiesSocial Movement
Voortvloeiend uit het veronderstelde belang van etniciteit in de Keniaanse politiek heb ik in dit werkstuk geprobeerd te onderzoeken hoe die verwevenheid in recente literatuur wordt beschreven.
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      Race and EthnicityEthnic ConflictKenyaEthnicity
Ces dernières années, dans le domaine de la participation citoyenne aux politiques de la ville, bon nombre de chercheurs en philosophie politique et en sciences sociales ont plaidé pour un décentrement du discours et de l’argumentation,... more
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      SemioticsSociologyPolitical SociologyPolitical Philosophy
This path-breaking book argues that practices of the sacred are consti- tutive of modern secular politics. Following a tradition of enquiry in anthropology and political theory, it examines how limit situations shape the political... more
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      ReligionCultural StudiesSocial TheoryHistorical Anthropology
This is my HD thesis in Polish. Short version of this book in English was published under the title "Social Bonds in the Political Culture in Kyrgyzstan". This pdf file includes: table of contents and summary in English and Russian,... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical BehaviorPolitical AnthropologyPolitical Science
Abstract: The developmentalist gaze of the Fair Trade movement is on Global South producers. In this article we turn our analytic gaze toward North American fair traders to explore the racialized, neocolonial power relations in which... more
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      Business EthicsSociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
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      SociologyCommunicationLanguage and Social InteractionEthnography
How do authoritarian regimes remain in power? Focusing on the case of Belarus where he lived for more than five years, the author highlights several mechanisms of assent to tyranny, beyond the regime’s ability to control and repress,... more
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      Belarusian StudiesPost-Soviet PoliticsPolitical ethnography (Research Methodology)Post-Soviet Studies
Derrière un unanimisme de façade, le moment révolutionnaire est vécu différemment et diverses dynamiques de radicalisation sont à l’œuvre. Si une majorité d’individus s’engagent sans être des opposants encartés, il faut éviter le piège de... more
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      Social MovementsSocial SciencesEthnographyPolitical Science
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      Political EthnographyAuthoritarianismBelarusDacha
Artykuł niniejszy powstał na podbudowie badań własnych przeprowadzonych w 2005 roku w sołectwie leżącym w jednym z północnych powiatów województwa mazowieckiego. Podstawą do analizy są 23 wywiady pogłębione, przeprowadzone ze wszystkimi... more
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      Political SociologyRural SociologyPolitical PsychologyPolitical Anthropology
Las tierras bajas bolivianas son parientes pobres de los estudios americanistas por partida doble. Tanto en el exterior como en la misma Bolivia existe una arraigada percepción andino-céntrica de la identidad nacional. Incluso la reciente... more
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      Cultural HistoryEthnohistoryCultural StudiesGeography
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      Ethnography (Research Methodology)Political Ethnography
This chapter reflects on the concept of 'theory' from a practice-theoretical perspective. What kind of practice is "theorizing'? What are the different styles through which practices are theorized? Starting out from a reflection of what... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryPolitical TheoryPractice theory
Liminality has the potential to be a leading paradigm for understanding transformation in a globalizing world. As a fundamental human experience, liminality transmits cultural practices, codes, rituals, and meanings in situations that... more
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      Political SociologySocial TheoryAnthropologyHistorical Anthropology
Versión resumida y en castellano de la Tesis Final del Máster de Antropología y Etnografía de la Universitat de Barcelona, presentada en febrero del 2013 con el título: “Autonomía Guaraní Charagua Iyambae. Una anàlisi etnogràfica dels... more
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      BoliviaIndigenous PeoplesPolitical EthnographyGuarani
Apenas un año después de la entrada en vigor de la Constitución que “refundó” la República de Bolivia en un Estado Plurinacional (febrero 2009), once municipios rurales de mayoría indígena se embarcaban en inéditos procesos de... more
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      Political AnthropologyBolivian studiesIndigenous MovementsIndigenous Peoples Rights
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPragmatismSocial Sciences
Schlaf family murder in Kisielów (March 1, 1945, 6-8 victims)
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)Polish StudiesPolitical EthnographyHolocaust and Genocide Studies
A partir de los materiales recogidos en un trabajo de campo en un barrio popular de Santiago del Estero, en el noroeste de Argentina, estudiamos los modos de participación política de las fracciones informales de las clases populares en... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical ParticipationSocial PoliciesPolitical Ethnography
Citizens who support populist leaders are often portrayed in negative terms. They are disparaged for their prejudice and naiveté, some even earning the label “basket of deplorables” from Hillary Clinton. Rodrigo Duterte’s supporters were... more
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      PopulismPhilippinesPolitical Ethnography
""This article is an ethnographic study of a 29-kilometer stretch of cross-border highway located in South Albania and linking the city of Gjirokaster with the main checkpoint on the Albanian–Greek border. The road, its politics, and its... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryEuropean History
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      EthnographySocial InteractionParticipatory DemocracyPolitical Ethnography
This essay considers the case of uneven humanitarian aid distribution along the Thai-Myanmar border, where forcibly displaced migrants from Myanmar have been abandoned by the UNHCR and international humanitarian organizations. Based upon... more
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      Thai StudiesHumanitarianismRefugee StudiesNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Przedmiotem niniejszego studium była weryfikacja hipotezy badawczej, zgodnie z którą polityka w Azji Centralnej była i jest zdominowana przez mechanizmy trybalne. Praca obejmuje także kwestie więzi ziomkowskich (lokalnych), a także... more
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      Political AnthropologyCentral Asian StudiesCentral Asia (History)Central Asian Politics
Bu çalışma, Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi'nde milletvekili adaylarının belirlenmesi sürecinde ortaya çıkan tahakküm ve meşruiyet ilişkileri üzerinedir. CHP'nin, 2007, 2011 ve 2015 seçimlerinde farklı aday belirleme yöntemleri kullanmasına... more
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      Pierre BourdieuPolitical EthnographyCandidate SelectionTürk siyasal hayatı, siyaset bilimi, siyaset sosyolojisi
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      SociologyCommunicationLanguage and Social InteractionPragmatics
Adivasis are typically viewed by scholars, activists, and policymakers alike as primitive subjects trapped within modern state imaginaries. Adivasi politics, therefore, is understood vis-a-vis the dramaturgy of postcolonial tragedy. Such... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsSocial TheorySociology of Culture
Across Europe, new welfare programs exemplify attempts to govern through community. This article asks how such governing through community is done in practice. Drawing on comparative insights from fieldwork with parenting support... more
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      Welfare StateDemocratizationEmpowermentEquality and Diversity
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      Central Asian StudiesHistory of the USSRPolitical EthnographyKirghizistan
Le porte-à-porte a connu un développement important au cours de la dernière décennie, d’abord aux États-Unis puis en France, ayant été présenté, et légitimé scientifiquement, comme la technique de mobilisation électorale la plus efficace.... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PartiesEthnographyPolitical Campaigns
Despite a considerable amount of anthropological research into the phenomena of blood revenge and blood feud, very little is known about the role of blood revenge in political violence and armed conflict. This article aims to fill this... more
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      AnthropologyInternational RelationsSocial AnthropologyTerrorism
In her book, Gendered Citizenship: Understanding Gendered Violence in Democratic India, Natasha Behl explores the gap between the promise of gender equality enshrined in the Indian Constitution and contemporary patterns of sexual and... more
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      Social MovementsGender StudiesFeminist TheoryFeminist Geography
La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre... more
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      EmotionComparative PoliticsFeminist TheoryEthnography
When a presidential contender makes a joke about lusting over a dead Australian missionary, calls the Pope the son of a whore, and confesses to killing criminals during his tenure as city mayor, one could expect that this candidate would... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyMedia StudiesSoutheast Asian Studies
How can ethnography and principles of "slow research" help make sense of fast-moving battles for truth, attention, and control in digital environments? What are emerging crises of representation and intervention that researchers face when... more
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      Political EconomyEthicsJournalismSoutheast Asian Studies
Roads and Anthropology is the first collection of road ethnographies, edited by two pioneers in the anthropological explorations of infrastructures, the essays published in this book aim to pave the way for that rising field of... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryLandscape EcologyCultural Studies
David Lewis and Willem van Schendel, 'Rethinking the Bangladesh State,' Contributions to Indian Sociology, 54:2 (2020), 306–323. The study of the Bangladesh state continues to be a path less travelled for scholars of South Asia. The... more
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      Political SociologyDevelopment StudiesSouth Asian StudiesPolitical Science
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyCommunicationPolitical Participation
In this paper, we explore possibilities for reconceptualising cosmopolitics by focusing on sites and situations where the problem of un/commonness plays a central role. Stemming from ethnographic research carried out as part of an ongoing... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesActor Network TheoryIndigenous PoliticsCosmopolitanism
"In mid-December 2008, a teacher from Athens narrated the following incident: a few days before, her nine-year-old son had come home from school and asked her if she knew how to make a Molotov cocktail. The woman was surprised, but wanted... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryModern HistoryCultural History
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      Political AnthropologyAmazoniaPolitical EthnographyJivaroan Peoples
Focusing on the motivations of ethnic Abkhazians travelling 'to Georgia', this article examines the changing dynamics of enemy relations and state belonging in the contest of contested, de facto statehood. Drawing on ethnographic data... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesBorder StudiesSecessionPost-Soviet Studies
The constant barrage of falsehoods, untruths and misinformation Trump is producing, is a way of attempting to ensure that his words are taken fully literally when it comes to actually exercising his executive power. Perhaps, this is the... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsEnglish languagePolitics