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      Visual StudiesArt TheoryHistory of Perspective in PaintingPhilosophy of Art
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      PerformativityVisual NarratologyRembrandtDiegesis
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      SociologyCultural StudiesVisual StudiesVirginia Woolf
La monographie Image et pouvoir. Entretiens avec les penseurs français pré- sente sept entretiens avec les personnalités françaises reconnues en phi- losophie, sociologie et anthropologie. Menée par le désir de comprendre les différents... more
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      Georges Didi-HubermanJacques RancièreJacques RancierePierre Lévy
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryVisual Culture and Media StudiesArt and image theory
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesArt Theory
V súčasnej filozofii, sociológii a antropológii sa obrazy stali častým predmetom úvah o možnosti zachovania slobody mys- lenia, jeho pohybu na hraniciach racionality. Jedným z predsta- viteľov tejto línie myslenia je i Marie-José... more
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      Visual StudiesPicture TheoryMarie-José Mondzain
The paper covers "Les Desastres de la Guerra" of Francisco Goya and shows, how these engravings not just represent, but expose the experience of death.
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      AestheticsAnthropology of DeathImage StudiesPicture Theory
The paper covers the question of iconoclasm in a historical (Byzanz, Reformation, Savonarola etc.) and in a systematic sense. Therefore it differs between the destruction of pictures and the destruction of art and it discusses the... more
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      AestheticsIconoclasmPicture Theory
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      Visual StudiesRomanticismVisual CultureGerman Romanticism
This paper follows the multilayered narrative structure of Kamāl al-Riyāḥī’s Novel Al-Ghurillā and traces its intertextual references that go from global pop culture through to religion, include TV commercials and movie screens. The paper... more
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      Arabic LiteraturePerformativityProtestLittérature engagée
هذا المقال مدخل لفلسفة فيتجنشتين الثانية والتي بسط الفيلسوف النمساوي مفاهيمها المركزية في كتابه العمدة البحوث الفلسفية والذي نشر بعد وفاته، كما يمكن اعتباره اقتفاءا للخطوات الأولى للحقل المعرفي الذي سيعرف بالتداوليات.
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePragmaticsPicture TheoryFamily Resemblance Concepts
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      AestheticsArtContemporary ArtTheodor Adorno
This book introduces two conceptual models for theorizing about photography: the Turin Shroud and the Universal Turing Machine. The former is utilized to articulate a discussion on photography's frequently acclaimed 'ontological... more
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      Generative ArtPhilosophy of PhotographyHistory of photographyAlgorithmic Art
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      AestheticsLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesBaptismAugustine of Hippo
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      IconoclasmIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)Artes liberalesMedieval Art
CONTENTS: __ 1. A hierarchical tree __ 2. Tree-reading basic evidences a) Wittgenstein's suggestions b) Fluency of the resulting text c) Coherence and completeness d) Logical pages and reading units e) Several telling... more
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      Analytic PhilosophyPhilosophy of LogicWittgensteinTractatus Logico-Philosophicus
...The subject - we want to say - does not here drop out of the experience but is so much involved in it that the experience cannot be described. – Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Grammar [1931–2], I:VII:§107. Wittgenstein gave... more
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      Later WittgensteinSubjectivityPhilosophy of Artificial IntelligencePicture Theory
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      AestheticsPolitical PhilosophyTeratologyCommunism
Der Begriff des Rahmens hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten in unterschiedlichsten Kontexten Konjunkturen erlebt: in der Anthropologie und der Soziologie als kontextsensibler Handlungsrahmen, in den Theaterwissenschaften als... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural TheoryIntertextualityJacques Derrida
Immer häufiger finden verschiedenste Formen von Infografiken Einzug in Comics aller Couleur. Mit Rückgriff auf bildwissenschaftliche Grundbegriffe wird anhand zweier aktueller Beispiele nach einem Minimalkriterium dafür gefragt, was den... more
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      Comic Book StudiesVisual CommunicationMedia TheoryVisual Narratology
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      AestheticsJewish StudiesArtAniconism
A dolgozat a kései Rembrandt egy főművének új szemléletű értelmezésére tesz kísérletet - Saját pozícióm kifejtéséhez két fontos értelmezési kísérlet kritikai ismertetésén át vezet az út, amelyek jól reprezentálják a... more
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      EkphrasisReligious ExperienceIconologyBildwissenschaft
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      AestheticsArt HistoryPicture Theory
Seit etwa der Jahrtausendwende wird Japan ein Aufstieg zur „Figuren-Supermacht“ nachgesagt. Dadurch werden kyaras zunehmend als kulturphilosophisches Problem betrachtet, das die japanische Bevölkerung in allen Gesellschaftsbereichen... more
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      Japanese Language And CultureJapanese Popular CulturePicture TheoryCharacters
This book is a collection of eighty-seven written statements. These thoughts continue from where "Tom Palin: Artist Statements 1992-2013" (Workshop Press: Leeds) left off. In them the author considers questions pertinent to his practice.... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageAestheticsArt HistoryArt Theory
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      AestheticsVisual StudiesTheologyPicture Theory
O conceito de “fisiognómico” é, ainda hoje, marcado por uma grande ambiguidade semântica, ao ponto de, muitas vezes, ser excluído da reflexão sobre o estético. Uma das razões desta exclusão reside, sobretudo, na sua genealogia ideológica,... more
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      AestheticsCultural SemioticsSemiosisPicture Theory
An ontological definition of photography based on the technical processes used for producing the images falls short as there are images which are produced by photographic means such as cameras and emulsions which would not be recognized... more
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      PhotographyHistory of photographyIndexicalityReality Effect
Com este artigo são trazidas à reflexão duas temáticas que, desde longa data, animam o pensamento filosófico ocidental, a saber: a representação imagética do corpo e as suas potencialidades simbólicas discursivas. Tendo em vista a... more
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      AestheticsMedia StudiesNew MediaPhilosophy of Art
Beniamino Fortis ist Philosoph und Postdoktorand am Selma Stern Zentrum. Er hat in Venedig und Florenz studiert und wurde an der Universität Florenz mit einer Arbeit über "Das Ikonische und Anikonische als Paradigmen der zeitgenössischen... more
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      PhilosophyJewish PhilosophyPicture Theory
humanidades comunica tirant humanidades comunica La disrupción que-todavía hoy-supone la crisis fi nanciera de 2008 ha atravesado irremediablemente múltiples expresiones culturales contemporáneas dando lugar a determinados gestos que,... more
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      Mediated Discourse AnalysisImage AnalysisTextual analysisPicture Theory
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      AestheticsWilliam KentridgePicture Theory
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      Embodied CognitionEmbodimentWalter BenjaminEnactivism
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      Art HistoryImagesClose ReadingPhilosophy of Pictures
Through the concept of a visual apparatus, the attempt is to shed new light and thinking on pictures as material objects; how they act and feed into our subjectivities, experiences and realities and to account for their currency,... more
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      Visual CulturePicture TheoryImage theoryVisual Politics
The aim of the following article is to compare Plato and Wittgenstein’s doctrines of language as a picture, focusing on the Cratylus and the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Despite the fact that the Cratylus deals with the correctness of... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageComparative PhilosophyWittgenstein
Com este texto pretendemos colocar em evidência o processo de individuação estética da expressividade, que decorre da afirmação da autonomia sistémica da obra de arte. O objeto que nos serve de reflexão são as formas imagéticas... more
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      AestheticsArt TheoryPicture Theory
Este artículo examina críticamente la interpretación del Laocoonte como una obra cuyo principal aporte consiste en una teoría de los signos. Dos elementos del texto de Gotthold Ephraim Lessing son destacados: la especificidad de la... more
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      MimesisGotthold Ephraim LessingBildwissenschaftTeoría de la Imagen
Não há um objecto, único e último, a que possamos chamar “imagem”. A formação de cada médium obedece a processos de configuração – tanto materiais quanto cognitivos –, cuja essência abarca as relações que são geradas com os demais. A... more
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In "Actualité de Diderot. Pour une nouvelle esthétique", ed. by M. Mazzocut-Mis, R. Messori, Editions Mimésis, 2016, pp. 41-60.
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      French SalonsPicture TheoryDiderot, French Enlightenment, AestheticsArt Critique
RESUMO. Que conceito de 'imagem' emerge da evolução semântica dos principais princípios estéticos que se inscreveram no pensamento ocidental? Tal é a pergunta-chave que anima o corpo analítico deste texto. Para sustentar, teoricamente,... more
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      AestheticsVisual StudiesMedia StudiesArt Theory
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      Interior DesignJohann Wolfgang von GoetheGerman ClassicismsWeimar Classicism (Literature)
In: Kunst als symbolische Form. Ernst Cassirers ästhetische Theorie, Hrsg. von Birgit Recki, Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag, 2015.
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      AestheticsArt TheoryCultureErnst Cassirer
This introduction takes as its central armature Karen Barad’s agential realism to provide a framework for understanding the essays brought together in this Special Issue under the rubric of pictures of conflict. The intention is to move... more
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      HumanitiesVisual CulturePicture TheoryImage theory
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      Visual StudiesPicture TheoryMarie-José Mondzain
Was leisten Bilder? Was verspre­chen sie? Was zeigen und verber­gen sie? Welche Handlungs- oder Wissensformen erfordern und er­möglichen sie? Bilder besitzen einen doppelten Orts­bezug: Sie besetzen Orte und benöti­gen diese, um sichtbar... more
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      Art HistoryKunstgeschichtePicture TheoryVisual Culture / Bildwissenschaft
DOWNLOAD FULL ISSUE: Volume 2, Issue 1 (2016) Art as Concept and Institution: Semiotics of an Evolving Category Special issue editor: Lia Yoka The articles as well as the whole issue, can be... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtWord and Image StudiesCultural Semiotics