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      SociologyAgronomyInterdisciplinarityPeasant Studies
A Revista Piauiense de História Social e do Trabalho é um periódico científico de acesso livre e gratuito, de edição semestral, vinculado à plataforma Mundos do Trabalho Piauí, que tem como objetivo facilitar e difundir investigações... more
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      Peasant StudiesSocial HistoryHistoria SocialTerritório
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      Peasant StudiesCommodity ChainsAnthropology of FoodGlobal Value Chains
Mediante las voces y experiencias de campesinos quechuas de las comunidades de Ocros y Huancapi (Ayacucho), Los silencios de la guerra. Memoria y conflicto armado, hurga en los rastros de los años de violencia que enlutaron al Perú a... more
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      ViolencePolitical AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyPeasant Studies
This book aims to analyze the local meaning and practices of food sovereignty in Egypt. The study based on fieldwork in two villages in Upper Egypt. Using agrarian political economy and sociological approaches, we analyze How do local... more
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      Rural SociologyMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaPeasant Studies
The purpose of this special issue is to advance heterodox reconstructions of agrarian Marxism on the occasion of Marx’s 200th birth anniversary. Scholarship on the origins of agrarian capitalism and the contrasts between agrarian and... more
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      Critical TheoryRural SociologyHuman GeographyDevelopment Studies
Brazil has endured multiple political, economic, and environmental crises-and now the COVID-19 pandemic-which have drawn social inequalities into razor sharp relief. This contribution analyzes the resilience of rural families facing these... more
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      Social MovementsLatin American StudiesAnthropologyEthics
En este trabajo se realiza una síntesis de los antecedentes y la relevancia histórica de las poblaciones originarias que habitaron la región que incluye los actuales partidos de Azul, Tapalqué y Olavarría. Se presta particular atención a... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryLatin American StudiesArchaeology
Türkiye, her iki dünya savaşı ertesi köklü dönüşümler geçirdi. İlki 600 yıllık Osmanlı hanedanına son verdi. İkincisi ise Tek Parti döneminin sonu oldu; Türkiye’de siyasi demokrasinin yolunu açtı. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Türkiye tarafsız... more
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      Social MovementsSocial PolicyHistorical SociologyPoverty
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      Rural SociologyEthnographyInnovation statisticsPeasant Studies
Largely overlooked by historians and politicians, the unofficial delegation 1971 was a milestone in east-west relations. Occurring just months after Canada had recognized the PRC and (unbenounced to the delegates) at the same time as... more
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      Peasant StudiesContemporary ChinaEnglish Canada
In Colombia, political decisions related to the countryside preserve an unjust social order, maintaining inequities and obstacles to the well-being and life quality of farmers. In this scenario the Territorial Arrangement Planning of the... more
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      Social PsychologyPerceptionSocial SciencesPeasant Studies
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      French HistoryPeasant StudiesRural HistoryAgricultural History
In emphasizing equivalences with conceptions of evil eye, accounts of Ethiopian buda understate the capacity of these beings to transform into hyenas. The case study presented here highlights how this element of the buda belief reveals a... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreAfrican StudiesAnthropologyFolklore
The central contention of this article is that early nineteenth-century Irish landlords were constrained in their ability to control their estates by the prospect of peasant resistance. The apex of that resistance took the form of what... more
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      Social MovementsIrish StudiesHistorical SociologyAgrarian Studies
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      SociologyAsian StudiesPolitical EconomySinology
This work analyses the resistance of the subjugated on selected examples of Polish peasants' activity in the serfdom period. My assumption, which lies at the heart of the work, is that the resistance of the subjugated manifests itself on... more
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      Peasant StudiesResistance (Social)
It is a common belief in Poland that peasants were an ignorant, disorganized mass with no ability to fight for their rights. Apart from a few exceptions, little is written about peasant revolts in Poland. There is very little awareness... more
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      HistorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Sciences
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      CriminologySocial SciencesMiddle East StudiesMiddle East History
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      SociologySocial MovementsEconomicsAnthropology
Au XVIIIe siècle, les réussites sociales propres à l'élite des fermiers supposaient un enrichissement sans précédent. De fait, en dépit d'une hiérarchie interne qui accuse les inégalités économiques, l'heure est à la prospérité en... more
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      Cultural HistoryPeasant StudiesRural HistorySocial History
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      Peasant StudiesMigration StudiesSocial Control
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      AgroecologyPeasant StudiesPolitical ScienceAgroecologia
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      Ancient HistoryPeasant StudiesAncient economies (Archaeology)Ancient Greek History
This is the first comparative study of a highly unlikely group of authors: eighteenth-century women peasants in England, Scotland, and Germany, women who, as a rule, received little or no formal education and lived by manual labor, many... more
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      Scottish LiteratureGerman StudiesGerman LiteratureEnglish Literature
ชาวนากับความเปลี่ยนแปลง: สำรวจองค์ความรู้การเปลี่ยนแปลงเศรษฐกิจข้าวและการปรับตัวของชาวนาไทยในทศวรรษที่ 2549-2559 ท่ามกลางการเปลี่ยนแปลงทางการเมืองและเศรษฐกิจ ภายใต้บริบทโลกาภิวัตน์ในช่วงทศวรรษที่ 21... more
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      Peasant StudiesPolitics in ThailandRice Policy in Rice Exporting and Importing Countries
The author draws reader's attention to the peasant migration from the European Russia to Siberia between the emancipation of serfs and the fall of the Romanovs' dynasty. The peak of this process at 1906–1911 is known as Stolypin's... more
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      Peasant StudiesMigration StudiesRussian HistoryImperial Russia
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      Peasant StudiesCommunitarianismCollectivismPeasant History
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      Economic HistoryDemographyEarly Modern HistoryPeasant Studies
Marxism became less present in the recent debates on the kinds of social control acting in ancient Egypt, namely, as its society was massively agrarian, those pertaining to the control of peasants. In recent years, it is feasible to... more
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      EgyptologyPeasant StudiesAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egypt
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      World Systems AnalysisPeasant StudiesCooperativesSolidarity Economy
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      Film StudiesPeasant StudiesFilm HistoryFilm and History
Latin America has long been a hot bed for social movement organization and innovation, and for dialogue among different types of knowledge ('dialogo de saberes'). This has included dialog between academic knowledges framed by Western... more
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      Rural SociologySocial MovementsLatin American StudiesGlobalization
Peasants negotiating a global policy space - La Via Campesina in the Committee on World Food Security by Ingeborg Gaarde is an important contribution to research exploring how social movements launch into different levels of activism,... more
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      Social MovementsPeasant StudiesGlobal Governance
It has been almost two decades since conditional cash transfer programs first appeared on the agendas of multilateral agencies and politicians. Latin America has often been used as a testing ground for these programs, which consist of... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyLatin American StudiesDevelopment Studies
Cet article est paru dans : Philippe HAMMAN (éd.), Ruralité, nature et environnement. Entre savoirs et imaginaires, Eres poche, 2017, p. 275-302. L’ouvrage offre un état des lieux, à la fois large et synthétique, rétrospectif,... more
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      Social TheoryHistory of IdeasSpiritual EcologyEnvironmental Studies
Within the classicising mindset of many Late Antique Gallo-Roman writers, we witness examples of the learned minority appropriating the right to represent the alleged historical memories of the majority’s pagan past. Distrust towards... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgePeasant StudiesSocial RepresentationsHistory and Memory
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      Rural SociologyQualitative methodologyPeasant StudiesKurdish Studies
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    • Peasant Studies
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      Peasant StudiesEvangelicalismAndesPeasant History
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      Economic HistoryPeasant StudiesRural HistoryLand management
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      BusinessSociologySocial ChangeAnthropology
La relación entre gastronomía y turismo ha crecido a medida que se ha consolidado el turismo post-fordista y la segmentación del sector. Sin embargo, la relación entre turismo y alimentación tiene una recorrido más largo. A partir de... more
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      Tourism StudiesPeasant StudiesAnthropology of FoodAgriculture and Food Studies
Trajectoire sociale de quelques dynasties de fermiers-laboureurs du nord de l'Ile-de-France : les Béjot -  les Lucy - les Gibert - Cartes et généalogies.
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      Early Modern HistoryGenealogyContemporary HistoryPeasant Studies
This paper highlights the results of a case study about the occupational alternatives of the farmers in Pak Phanang District, specifically those at the Ban Wat Bote Village, Koh Tuad Subdistrict, Pak Phanang District, Nakhorn Si Thammarat... more
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      Community DevelopmentSocial and Cultural AnthropologyPeasant StudiesCommunity Studies
"Res utanför staden ett par milar. Du är en ryktbar författare sedan tio år i hufvudstaden. Tror du, att en bonde vet ditt namn? Icke alls! (...) O, vi författare, som tro att vi skriva för folket!” - August Strindberg, 1884.... more
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      Peasant StudiesLibrary and Information ScienceHistory of Reading and Writingparish library
"Because you are animals"
Authoritarian discourses, extractive industries, and protest in Cajamarca. The case of Conga Minning Company, the police agreements and the peasant resistence at Bambamarca and Celendin.
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural StudiesPeasant StudiesAuthoritarianism
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      GlobalizationRural-to-urban MigrationPeasant StudiesMigration
Hunting presents a paradox for biodiversity conservation. It is both a problem and a solution to species declines and poverty. Yet, conservation scientists hold different assumptions about the significance and sustainability of hunting... more
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      Peasant StudiesAnthropology of HuntingLatin AmericaCentral America
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      Cultural HistoryPeasant StudiesHistory of ElitesCollective Memory