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Диссертация кандидата исторических наук, защищена в мае 2017 года в совете по отечественной истории МГУ.07.01.
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      PropagandaIdeologySecond World WarCounter Intelligence
Much has been brought to light in recent decades regarding the oppressive excesses of Joseph Stalin's secret police, the NKVD. Despite the enormous oeuvre of 1 NKVD was an acronym for Narodnyy Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del or People's... more
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      Soviet HistorySoviet Union (History)Ukrainian HistoryStalinist purges
Artykuł został poświęcony jednemu z kresowych kapłanów aresztowanemu i więzionemu przez władze sowieckie w latach 1941-1942. Po zwolnieniu z więzienia wstąpił do Polskich Sił Zbrojnych w ZSRR, z którymi został ewakuowany na Bliski Wschód.... more
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      Soviet HistoryOccupation and Resistance in WW2Poles under the Soviet occupationNKVD
Tyurma-Lager Tost. The History of the NKVD Camp in Toszek in 1945. During the Second World War the Germans organised camps for prisoners of war (western and Soviet) and the so called Ilag - an internment camp for eastern European... more
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      CommunismGULAGHistory of Lower Silesia 1918-1989; History of Germany; History of PolandHistory of Communism
Статья вводит в научный оборот уникальные материалы дела о «крупной панисламистской повстанческой организации на
территории среднеазиатских республик» 1940 года, получившей название «Цепь Корана»
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      History of the USSRPan-IslamismIslam in Central AsiaStalin and Stalinism
Фёдоров А.Ю. НКВД в Гражданской войне в Испании. Часть 1// Латиноамериканский исторический альманах. 2018. №20. С.317-337 Аннотация: В истории испанской гражданской войны 1936-1939 гг. до сих остается немало плохо изученных проблем, а... more
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      Spanish Civil WarNKVDНКВДгражданская война в Испании
(Note: this is a paper from 2019 for an undergraduate research conference) In 1940 the Soviet Union occupied the nations of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, signaling the start of the "Forest Brother" insurgency that saw nationalist... more
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      Soviet HistoryCold WarPolitical History20th century (History)
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      Soviet HistorySoviet Union (History)Stalin and StalinismNKVD
«THEIR BROTHERS’ KEEPERS»: SOVIET INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES AGAINST THE UKRAINIAN GREEK-CATHOLIC CHURCH IN GALICIA IN 1939–1941. Unlike in 1944–1946, during the first Soviet occupation of Galicia the NKVD-NKDB agent-operational activities,... more
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      Soviet HistoryIntelligence StudiesUkrainian StudiesGreek-Catholic Churches
This article deals with the structure of the so called “special/checkup-fltration” NKVD camps during the Great Patriotic War. It contains data about the staff and sources of its recruitment in the camps, reveals conflicts between... more
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      Counter IntelligenceEconomyRepressionGreat Patriotic war
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      HistoryRussian StudiesSoviet HistoryPolish History
Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) pursues missions both domestic and foreign, chief of which are to maintain the power of the Islamic Republic of Iran and to expand Iran's prestige throughout the world. This article explores... more
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      Multiple IntelligencesIranian StudiesCommunismIslamic Studies
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      Soviet HistoryTurkish and Middle East StudiesSecond World WarModern Turkey
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      Internment CampsNKVDSoviet-Japanese RelationsUSAAF
Eric J. Schmaltz. “Preface” (in English) in Samuel D. Sinner, The Open Wound: The Genocide of German Ethnic Minorities in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1915-1949 and Beyond/Der Genozid an Russlanddeutschen 1915-1949. Additional preface... more
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      Genocide StudiesHistorical memoryGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Comparative genocide
Фёдоров А.Ю. НКВД в Гражданской войне в Испании. Часть 2 // Латиноамериканский исторический альманах. 2019. №21. С.207-233. Аннотация: История участия НКВД в испанской гражданской войне 1936-1939 годов до сих является политизированной... more
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      Spanish Civil WarNKVDНКВДгражданская война в Испании
Die KgU gehörte bis in die Mitte der fünfziger Jahre "zu den härtesten Widersachern der sowjetischen Besatzungsmacht und des SED-Regimes". Ihre angeblichen und tatsächlichen Angehörigen in der SBZ/DDR wurden mit großer Härte verfolgt. Der... more
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      Cold WarIntelligence and EspionageGDR HistorySpying and Intelligence
Публикувано в: Испанската гражданска война - историческа памет, поуки и съвременни реалности; Център за исторически и политологически изследвания, 2017
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      AnarchismAnarchist StudiesHistory of AnarchismSocial Democracy
Yuliya Yurchuk, Andreas Umland: Introduction: Studies in the Course and Commemoration of the OUN’s Anti-Soviet Resistance. Grzegorz Motyka: NKVD Internal Troops Operations against the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in 1944–45. Oksana... more
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      Ukrainian NationalismUkraine (History)Ukrainian HistorySoviet Union, Ukraine, Holocaust
Вопреки утверждению А. И. Солженицына, лингвиста Эр. Хан-Пиры и авторов некоторых словарей, слово «зэк» (расшифровка графической косолинейной аббревиатуры «з/к») – производное не от существительного «заключённый», а от словосочетания... more
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      Russian StudiesJurisprudenceRussian LiteratureSoviet History
The analysis of new archival records from the "KGB archives" in Ukraine, made it possible to further study the deportation policy of the USSR in occupied Western Ukraine in 1940-1952. Along with campaigns and operations, there is a need... more
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      Forced MigrationUkrainian HistoryOUNhistory of OUN UPA
Nota de leitura publicada na revista LER, No. 98, Janeiro de 2011, p. 82
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Pierwszy obóz pracy Urząd Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego (resort bezpieczeństwa publicznego Polskiego Komitetu Wyzwolenia Narodowego) założył w podlubelskim Krzesimowie w październiku 1944 r. pod nazwą Obóz Pracy Przestępców Politycznych i... more
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      Ministerstwo Bezpieczeństwa PublicznegoHistory of Poland in twentieth centuryHistory of LublinKatyń
В статье рассматривается положение консульств Китайской Республики в СССР в 1937–1938 гг. В период «большого террора» китайские консульства оказались в двойственной положении. С одной стороны, они являлись представительствами... more
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      Soviet HistoryHistory of Republican Period ChinaChinese diasporaSino-Soviet Relations
In this article on the basis of archival materials the main directions, goals and methods of work of the political departments of filtration camps at different stages of the war are considered
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      Soviet HistoryIdeologyFiltrationSecond World War
Возможность войны с Японией рассматривалась руководством Советского Союза как одна из важнейших угроз безопасности страны. Предотвращение подобной угрозы стало предлогом для проведения массовой операции против китайцев на Дальнем Востоке... more
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      Soviet HistoryHistory of Overseas ChineseNKVDGreat Purge
Во второй половине XIX века в результате заключения Айгунского (Айгуньского) и Пекинского договоров к Российской империи отошли земли Приамурья и Приморья. Вскоре после присоединения новых территорий российская администрация столкнулась с... more
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      Soviet HistoryHistory of Secret SocietiesStalinismChinese diaspora
The article deals with the activity of a special sabotage–Intelligence group of the Soviet NKGB, working under the cryptonym „Arsenal” and dropped in Central Poland in the autumn of 1944. The group’s fundamental task consisted of... more
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      Second World WarSecret Serviceshistory of PolandNKVD
This short article deals with linguistic issues of designation of soviet former POWs. It reveals ideological and political basis for some designations, also different strategies of marking depending on situation. Observations connect with... more
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      CaptivityGreat Patriotic warNKVDFiltration Camps
Есть мнение, что знание вредно. Рецензия на книгу: Ирина Флиге. Сандормох. Драматургия смыслов. СПб., Нестор-история, 2019, 208 с. ISBN: 978-5-446-91564-4 Ирина Флиге объясняет, почему с таким трудом до населения и властей РФ доходят... more
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      History of Secret SocietiesNKVDПоэзия ГУЛАГаThe History of KGB
The article deals with the activity of a special sabotage–Intelligence group of the Soviet NKGB, working under the cryptonym „Arsenal” and dropped in Central Poland in the autumn of 1944. The group’s fundamental task consisted of... more
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      Second World WarSecret Serviceshistory of PolandNKVD
Abstract: The overarching task of this article is to directly present the main crucial venues – a prototype road map of Russia’s study of Persia in the context of foreign policy – to the students of Russia and its relations with Persia,... more
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      HistoryRussian StudiesArchival StudiesCensorship
Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie stanu badań nad komunistycznym aparatem represji w PRL, ze szczególnym skupieniem się nad aparatem bezpieczeństwa (Resort Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego PKWN, Ministerstwo Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego,... more
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      BibliographyStalinismBibliografiaContempory History
Between 1942 and 1991, law enforcement and security authorities in the Soviet Union employed an evolving set of edicts to prioritize their investigation and prosecution of citizens for individual activities during the German occupation.... more
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      CollaborationAction ReinhardtNKVDWar Crimes Trials
Mother's letter to General Stanislaw Poplawski. The letter concerns her son, who was arrested by the NKVD. Contribution to the biography of Mieczyslaw Tarchalski "Martin" (1903-1981) - Polish partisan commander.
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      HistoryHistoriahistory of PolandHistory of Poland in twentieth century
Nota de leitura publicada na revista LER, No. 92, Junho de 2010, p. 81
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В статье на основе воспоминаний М.И. Вальберга рассматриваются обстоятельства визита эскадры Морских сил Балтийского моря в Польшу в сентябре 1934 г. Дается краткий анализ внешнеполитических причин заграничного плавания, приводится... more
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      Soviet HistoryPolandRepressionПольша
Book Review by Dr. Eric J. Schmaltz of Jon K. Chang. Burnt By the Sun: The Koreans of the Russian Far East. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2016. Pp. x + 273. ISBN#: 978-0-8248-5678-6. Hardcover. Appeared in: Civitas: The... more
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      Oral historyHistorical memoryForced MigrationSoviet Union (History)
This article is about creation and evolution of special NKVD camps network for former soviet POWs in 1942-1945. It summaries information about every camp in one table.
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      Second World WarCounter IntelligenceEconomyRepression
The articles uses previously unknown sources to analyze the issues of confrontation between the Special Office for Trade with Foreigners on the territory of the USSR (shortly – “Torgsin”) and the Unified State Political Directorate (later... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesHistory of the USSRSoviet Union (History)Ukrainian History
Eric J. Schmaltz. “Foreword: Stalinism Exported Abroad” in Ulrich Merten, The Gulag in East Germany: Soviet Special Camps, 1945-1950. Amherst, NY: Cambria/Teneo Press, 2018. Author Ulrich Merten's Website for the book:... more
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      Cold WarPolitical Violence and TerrorismTotalitarianismPolitical Prisoners
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      Holocaust StudiesSoviet Union (History)Nazi GermanyHolocaust and Genocide Studies
Much has been brought to light in recent decades regarding the oppressive excesses of Joseph Stalin's secret police, the NKVD. Despite the enormous oeuvre of 1 NKVD was an acronym for Narodnyy Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del or... more
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      Soviet HistoryPolitical ScienceSoviet Union (History)Ukrainian History
Created article about Ignace Reiss (06/2011):
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      CommunismIntelligence and EspionageHistory of CominternStalin and Stalinism
Created entry on Isaiah Oggins (08/2008):
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      CommunismHistory of CominternGULAGHistory of Communism
At the end of the Second World War, British Intelligence Struggled to enforce strict limits imposed on Jewish Immigration to Palestine. Holocaust Survivors and Jews wishing to escape communism in Eastern Europe flooded the western Zones... more
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligencePropagandaIsrael/Palestine
Na temat jednej z największych na Mazowszu akcji podziemia niepodległościowego - odbicia (nieudanego) obozu NKWD w Rembertowie w maju 1945 r.
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      MazowszeHome Army (Armia Krajowa)Armia KrajowaNKVD
Life of soviet spy
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      IntelligenceCharacter EducationHistory of the USSRHistory of the Jews
This short article briefly describes creation and evolution during the Second World war of complex of institution for former soviet POW, which is named here system of special check-up.
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      Second World WarCounterintelligenceNKVDFiltration Camps