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Published in Historiografías. Revista de historia y teoría, 10 (2015)
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      HistorySoviet HistoryViolencePolish History
The paper is devoted to Ludwik Christians, a Polish lawyer, president of the Polish Red Cross, a deputy of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland (from 1934), and a member of the National Party. Ludwik Christians was committed to preserving... more
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      Polish Historyhistory of PolandRed CrossPCK
Argues that the crucial context of Stalin's decision to execute the Polish officers and officials was the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940 and fears of Anglo-Soviet intervention. This magnified the problem posed by the Polish POWs, who... more
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      Soviet HistoryPolish HistorySoviet Union (History)Stalin and Stalinism
Jan Bober należy do tych osób, których wspomnienia ocalają pamięć o polskich jeńcach przebywających w obozach sowieckich. W 1926 r. jako podkomisarz był komendantem powiatowym Policji Politycznej w Brzesku. Następnie pełnił funkcje... more
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      HistoryHistory and MemoryMemory StudiesSecond World War
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      Polish HistoryPolicePolice HistoryKatyń
The present study analyses an article of A. Yu. Plotnikov (Dr. Hist. Sc.) published in the peer-reviewed journal "Science. Society. Defense" (from the authoritative list of the Higher Attestation Commission), which denies the guilt of... more
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      KatyńKatyn MassacreKatynKatyn negationism
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      Soviet HistoryPolish HistoryPolish-Soviet RelationsKatyń
Chociaż sowieckie sprawstwo Zbrodni Katyńskiej nie ulegało wątpliwości od chwili jej ujawnienia w kwietniu 1943 r., trzeba było czekać niemal pół wieku, zanim z moskiewskich archiwów wydostały się na światło dzienne dokumenty pozwalające... more
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      Soviet HistoryForensic SciencePolish HistoryCrimes Against Humanity
By the kind permission from the Author
Polish translation of "The Mystery of the Katyn Massacre".
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      HistoryPolish HistorySecond World WarEast European History
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      GULAGDeportesKatyńGulag Writing
The history of the origin and the development of the word KATYN is an outstanding example of political propaganda and a PR-action. The history takes rise in the events of 1943 and is directly related to Nazi propaganda. But even after... more
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      Second World WarNazi PropagandaKatyńKatyn Massacre
This article explores the role played by the 1940 Katyń massacre in structuring foreign relations between post-communist Poland and Russia. In so doing, it offers a theoretical model through which to understand the combative politics over... more
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      International RelationsPolandRussiaUkraine
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      history of PolandPolish-Soviet RelationsKatyńKatyn Massacre
The paper examines representations of the Katyn massacre in Polish literature in the context of the wider cultural memory of the tragedy in Poland. The paper discusses a range of representations of Katyn, from Wajda's fi lm to the poetry... more
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      Cultural MemoryLiterature and TraumaKatyńAndrzej Wajda
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      KatyńHistoria ArcheologiiArcheologia WspółczesnościArcheologia Współczesnych konfliktów
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      Modern HistoryContemporary HistoryPolish HistoryPoland 1939-45
Artykuł biograficzny poświecony adwokatowi Stanisławowi Mikke (1947-2010) - społęcznikowmi, zaangażowanemu w odkrywaniu prawdy o zbrodni katyńskiej, cenionemu adwokatowi, redaktorowi naczelnemu "Palestry" , zastępczy przewodniczącego Rady... more
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      Katastrofa SmoleńskaKatyńKatyn MassacrePolish lawyers
Dr hab. Bogusław Kopka (Instytut De Republica):
Proust w Katyniu. Rzecz o „pamięci mimowolnej” i „czasie
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      LiteratureHistory and MemoryMarcel ProustKatyń
Review: Maria Kobielska, Polska kultura pamięci w XXI wieku: dominanty. Zbrodnia katyńska, powstanie warszawskie i stan wojenny [Polish Culture of Memory in the Twenty-First Century: Main Trends. The Katyn Massacre, the Warsaw Uprising... more
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      Cultural MemoryWarsaw UprisingMartial Law in PolandKatyń
This article examines the connection between mourning, memory, and national identity in Poland after World War II, with specific reference to the Katyn Massacre. In 1940, approximately 22,000 Polish citizens were executed by the Soviet... more
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      History and MemoryNational IdentityJacques DerridaDeath and Dying, Mourning and Remembrance
The execution of 22,000 Polish o cers and intellectuals in the forests of Katyn’ in 1940 constituted a stumbling block for the relations between the two coun- tries for several decades. Although the investigation conducted by the Russian... more
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      Parliamentary StudiesWar CrimesRussian LanguagePolish-russian relations
This book is a tribute to the memory of Victor Zaslavsky (1937–2009), sociologist, émigré from the Soviet Union, Canadian citizen, public intellectual, and keen observer of Eastern Europe. In seventeen essays leading European, American... more
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Article argues that Katyń massacre cannot be qualified as genocide in light of international law.
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      Second World WarWar CrimesPrisoners of WarWorld War II
Artykuł popularnonaukowy / popular science article
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      Soviet HistoryPolish HistoryTotalitarianismSoviet Union (History)
Pierwszy obóz pracy Urząd Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego (resort bezpieczeństwa publicznego Polskiego Komitetu Wyzwolenia Narodowego) założył w podlubelskim Krzesimowie w październiku 1944 r. pod nazwą Obóz Pracy Przestępców Politycznych i... more
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      Ministerstwo Bezpieczeństwa PublicznegoHistory of Poland in twentieth centuryHistory of LublinKatyń
Jest to opowieść o moim stryju Antonim Małku, nauczycielu, który został zamordowany w Katyniu, o tym jak katom nie udało się zatrzeć śladów zbrodni. O tym, jak znalezione w katyńskich dołach śmierci jego szczątki zakwitły drzewkami... more
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    • Katyń
The history of the origin and development of the Katyn concept is an outstanding example of the information war that was waged against the Soviet Union. Its origin is directly related to the Nazi propaganda doctrine "Kraft durch Furcht"... more
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      HistorySoviet HistoryHistoriographyPost-Soviet Studies
Brutalne zabójstwo sędziwego kapłana z warszawskich Powązek, księdza Stefana Niedzielaka, dokonane późnym wieczorem 20 stycznia 1989 r., pokazuje, że aparat represji PRL do końca swojego istnienia nie rezygnował z drastycznych metod walki... more
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      Polish HistoryCold WarPolitical HistoryPolish Studies
This article examines Polish-Soviet, and subsequently Polish–Russian, relations through the lens of successive bilateral efforts to address “blank spots” in the shared history of these two neighbors. Considered are the different... more
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      International RelationsRussian Foreign PolicyPolandRussia
Text prepared for the school competition on the Katyn massacre.
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      Polish HistoryTwentieth Century History and Culturehistory of PolandMassacres in History
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      Contemporary ArtNationalismNational IdentityPolish Studies
Józef Mackiewicz: A katyńi tömeggyilkosság. Ez a könyv volt az első. Fordította Pálfalvi Lajos. Attraktor Könyvkiadó, Máriabesnyő, 2011. 282 oldal, 3200
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      Historyhistory of PolandKatyń
The article contains an analysis of the accounts of the Smoleńsk catastrophe of April 10, 2010 in Russian media. On account of a specific context of this tragedy (the 70th anniversary of the Katyń massacre) the article is also an attempt... more
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      Collective MemoryRussian HistoryPolish-russian relationsKatastrofa Smoleńska
RESUMEN Proponemos recordar en este artículo el descubrimiento, después de 85 años, de las fosas de Katyn a partir del testimonio de una serie de periodistas e intelectuales españoles que, a pesar de la incómoda coyuntura socio-política... more
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      SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIALCrónica y periodismo literarioNazismoJoseph Goebbels
The discovery of the mass killings of Katyn in Poland was received with sympathy and interest in Spain, where memories of the civil war and the killings of Paracuellos were still very fresh. The "martyrdom of Poland", for many a fellow... more
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      History and MemorySpanish Civil WarPoland 1939-45Contemporary History of Spain
"Bartmanski and Eyerman carefully detail and explain the tangled, distorted, and fraught history of the killing of 14,500 Polish military officers and over 7,000 other Polish citizens—representing a significant segment of the elite,... more
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      Political SociologySociology of CultureEastern European StudiesInternational Relations
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      Memory StudiesKatyń
Katyń refers to the execution of approximately 22,000 Polish citizens by the NKVD (the Soviet secret police) in 1940. Polish and Russian historians of the Katyń massacre maintain that Stalin ordered the executions because those taken... more
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      National IdentityMartyrdomMessianismBody politics
Siła przeciw prawdzie. Represje aparatu bezpieczeństwa PRL wobec osób kwestionujących oficjalną wersję Zbrodni Katyńskiej
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      Soviet HistoryPolish HistoryGenocide StudiesPolish Studies
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      HistoryEastern European StudiesRussian StudiesInternational Relations
This article examines the connection between mourning, memory, and national identity in Poland after World War II, with specific reference to the Katyn Massacre. In 1940, approximately 22,000 Polish citizens were executed by the Soviet... more
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      GeographyHistory and MemoryNational IdentityJacques Derrida
The article describes the life of Major Zygmunt Kunisz, one of the victims of the Soviet crime of 1940. He was an artillery officer of armoured trains during the Polish-Bolshevik war, and after the war he served in the 22nd and 28th Light... more
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      Polish HistoryKatyń
Przedmiotem artykułu jest odbiór zbrodni katyńskiej w prasie francuskiej w latach 1943-1946. Tekst, nawiązuje również do postrzegania zbrodni katyńskiej przez Francuzów współcześnie. Tekst pojawił się w dodatku do "Dziennika Polskiego"... more
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      history of PolandCharles de GaulleHistory of Contemporary FranceKatyń
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. Od dziecka uczono nas, że pięknie jest umierać za ojczyznę. Słowa: śmierć i ofiara to blizny naszej tożsamości narodowej. Otaczają nas pomniki i muzea śmierci. Celebrujemy wielokrotnie poniesioną... more
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      EssayPolskaKatastrofa SmoleńskaKatyń
Rafał (Raphael) Lemkin is currently the best–known Polish lawyer, whose name appears invariably as a point of departure for international discussions about genocide. He is the author of The German New Order in Poland and in 1944 published... more
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      HistoryGerman HistoryGenocide StudiesUkrainian History
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      Trauma StudiesCultural MemoryPolitics of MemoryKatyń
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      British Foreign PolicyWarsaw UprisingSecond World War (History)Katyń
Artykuł dowodzi, że zbrodni katyńskiej nie można klasyfikować jako zbrodni ludobójstwa.
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      War CrimesWorld War IICrimes Against HumanityGenocide